Volume 31, Issue 4 (2024)                   EIJH 2024, 31(4): 48-69 | Back to browse issues page

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Zurvani M, zarei S. Examining Clifford Geertz's Cultural Approach to Semiotics of Religion. EIJH 2024; 31 (4) :48-69
URL: http://eijh.modares.ac.ir/article-27-73823-en.html
1- Professor, Department of Religions and Comparative Mysticism, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- MA Student of Religions and Comparative Mysticism, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. , zarei.somayeh@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1056 Views)
Clifford Geertz, one of the most prominent ideologues of the interpretative approach to religion and culture, is recognized as one of the most influential cultural anthropologists of the twentieth century in America. Geertz's approach is considered one of the most significant in the postmodern era. This paper, utilizing a descriptive-analytical method and, in some cases, content analysis, provides a brief overview of the meaning of culture from Geertz's perspective and its characteristics. It also offers a comprehensive and accurate portrayal of his views on religion, demonstrating that, from Geertz's standpoint, religion is akin to a cultural system and is closely associated with culture in its meaning, features, and anthropological significance. In Geertz's thought, culture and religion are intertwined. He believes that to understand culture, one must delve into symbols; rituals and religious activities are considered symbols. He sees religion as an ancient aspect of the larger culture of society, where the presence of rituals and numerous beliefs renders it symbolic. One of the essential concepts in Geertz's thought is "meaning," primarily because meanings form a closely related system, which is culture itself. One of the most important effects of the cultural approach to religion is the understanding of religion from the perspective of the modern subject and the transition from it. As this methodology reveals the understanding of religion in the modern period, it serves as a starting point for postmodern methodology in the study of religions, positioning itself as a vanguard in the future of religious studies.
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Article Type: Descriptive & Survey | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2024/02/12 | Accepted: 2024/11/24 | Published: 2024/11/30

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