Volume 28, Issue 1 (2021)                   EIJH 2021, 28(1): 60-68 | Back to browse issues page

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Akbari R. Mulla Sadra on Beauty and Art. EIJH 2021; 28 (1) :60-68
URL: http://eijh.modares.ac.ir/article-27-43618-en.html
Professor of Islamic philosophy and theology, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran , r.akbari@isu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2295 Views)
Using light as a conceptual metaphor for his main philosophical framework, Mulla Sadra introduces some mystical-philosophical principles such as principality of existence, its gradation, unity, and substantial movement. By applying these principles on aesthetics, Mulla Sadra achieved some aesthetical principles such as the principality of beauty, its gradation, and unity. Having these principles in ontology, aesthetics, and regarding some anthropological principle to confront the complicated problems of art, it is reasonable to construct notions such as angelic art and satanic, wrathful, and carnal pseudo-art. The first is the result of a person's emanation who reached high levels of existence; others are due to existential emanations of those who have existential deficiencies. This paper shows that similar to art, love is also of four kinds.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2020/06/12 | Accepted: 2020/10/7 | Published: 2021/01/2

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