Volume 18, Issue 2 (2011)                   EIJH 2011, 18(2): 133-150 | Back to browse issues page

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khalili shojaei V, khodadad hoseinie S H, ahmadi P. Conceptualization of Integrated Brand Engagement (IBE) Grounded Theory Strategy: A Case Study of Iran Automobile Industry. EIJH 2011; 18 (2) :133-150
URL: http://eijh.modares.ac.ir/article-27-1143-en.html
1- دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
2- tarbiat modares university
Abstract:   (8752 Views)
The purpose of this study is to conceptualize the Integrated Brand Engagement (IBE) with inductive approach based on data collected through interviews at Iran Khodro, Saipa, Bahman Group, Kerman Motor and Pars Khodro (during 2008-2010). The interviewees are Iranian automobile brand experts. Applying the grounded theory (GT), we could theorize the process in shaping IBE with the aim of proposing an integrated picture of brand engagement as a third paradigm. Bearing in mind the strategic role of the proposed topic in companies’ survival, we got into introducing brand for recognizing the engagement factors and then created the integrated brand engagement which let automobile industries’ owners foresee and determine better. In this theory, "Brand Equity" is the central phenomenon whereas “Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) " is the causal condition. The central phenomenon is expressed in a set of actions and interactions, which is referred as “Customer Engagement". On the other hand, the Integrated Brand Communication (IBC) (as context conditions) and Shareholders Engagement elements (as intervening conditions) stabilize and expand the concept of engagement in the proposed model. The main consequence of this phenomenon is “Brand Engagement” leading to increase the long-term loyalty of customers, staffs and shareholders. These conditions lead all people who directly and/or indirectly involve with brand to advocate the brand because they have sense of belongingness and engagement to the brand even if they do not buy that product.
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Received: 2011/01/10 | Accepted: 2011/06/12 | Published: 2011/08/16

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