Showing 48 results for Output
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
The aim of this study is to provide a model for improving the quality of statistical services based on the areas of Statistical system, organizational environment, and statistical processes and statistical outputs national framework statistical quality assurance. Research has functional purpose, and descriptive and analytical method. The population consisted of two community Statistical Center of Iran experts and users that simple random sampling method was determined. Data collected by two different questionnaires and conceptual research model based on relations of factors affecting the quality of statistical services was defined. After drawing model the two communities convergent and divergent validity of tests and questions and Hypothesis of two models was conducted. Results showed that both models have good quality and visible variables affect factor loadings on Structures with different intensity. Finally, the researcher using the results, decided to present model as "analytical model quality statistical service (Adel azar, Abbasi 1394) based on severe impact on the gap between the quality of service provided by the manufacturer and the quality of service received by the data user and proposals to improve the performance of statistics manufacturer and data users according to the type and severity of factors affecting the quality of statistics were presented.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2009)
Considering multifaceted nature of "information", it has been introduced into different terminologies by the different researchers during the last three decades. In this article, we attempt to examine empirically the measurement of a sub-set of "information", namely “Primary information sectors (PIS)”, which requires the following factors: definition and conceptualization, methodology, Process of estimation, and data requirements. Based on the 99 sectors of input-output table derived from a 2002 version as well as the availability of the results from the 2002 manufacturing Census of the country; the size, importance, and scope of the PIS of Iran have been worked out.
The results indicate that the shares of PIS in gross output, value added and final demand are 8, 10.2, and 8.6 percent respectively. However, these percents are relatively less than those shares found in the selected developed and developing countries over the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2009)
The 2006 census reveals that more than 50% of employed population in Iran is not involved in the production of food, clothing, housing and other tangible goods. Apart from the serious reservation of industrialization in Iran, this can be considered as one of the indications of a new phase shift known as “service economy”. To analyze such a post-industrialization economy, it requires new concepts and classifications which, to our knowledge, have been ignored by researchers mainly in Iran. The main objective of this paper is to measure and identify the domain of the fourth sector and its structural analysis in the framework of input-output and semi-social accounting matrix models.
Using 2001 input-output data, the overall results show that the fourth sector appears to be oriented as a consumption goods sector compared to the other sectors. Consequently, the consumption-induced effect ploys a significant role in rising production, income and employment.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
The lack of statistics has hampered attempts to estimate fixed capital for the agricultural sub-sectors of Iran. Giving a non anonymous agreement on the depreciation rate of capital in machineries and constructions, an indirect method of estimation is employed using capital consumption statistics in different sub-sectors of input-output tables. In this study, capital stock is estimated in agricultural sub-sectors of Iran using the perpetual inventory method.
According to the results of this paper, the capital stock in 2006 is estimated to be 53374.9 billion rials in cropping and horticulture, 24334.6 billion rials in animal husbandry, 4982 billion rials in forestry and rangelands and 16374.2 billion rials in fishery sub-sectors at constant 1997 prices, respectively.
The findings based on the five year development plans of the country revealed that over the third development plan, the total agricultural capital stock, both in machinery and equipment and constructions, experienced the highest growth while during the second development plan, the machinery and equipment capital stock experienced the lowest growth. Moreover, during the first development plan and over the eight year war, the construction capital stock experienced the lowest growth.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2019)
With the approval of the law for supporting knowledge-based firms in 2010, a new wave in Iran's science, technology and innovation system began with a focus on the knowledge based economy and innovation-based. Currently, there are more than 4,000 knowledge-based firms in Iran that nearly 5% of them are active in biotechnology. The aim of the present study is to design an empirical model of the relationship between financial and tax incentives of this law on some of the performance indicators of biotechnology knowledge-based firms. For this purpose, after analyzing the content of related documents and designing the study model, for evaluating the direct and interacting effects between policy tools, identifying the important empirical factors and their level, "23 factorial design" was used. Study target community includes 113 manufacturing knowledge-based firms in the field of biotechnology. The findings of this study on input additionality indicators show the positive effect of the threefold interaction of factors on the R&D expenditure and the positive effects of commercialization financing and technology financing and their interactions on R&D employee. In the present study, there was no relationship between the effectiveness of policy tools on output additionality indicators.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2011)
Manufacturing sector has an outstanding potential in production, employment, value added and income. This sector also procures machinery and equipment for other sectors .Since a large part of the government investments are allocated to the manufacturing sector; it needs special consideration for the optimum allocation of the limited resources. In this study we have surveyed various strategies covering import substitution, export promotion, basic export and balanced and unbalanced growth. With regard to Iran’s situation and characteristics such as resources, specialties, infrastructure, the unbalanced growth pattern is recommended. The input-output backward and forward linkages have been investigated via the input-output table. Different techniques have been used such as principal component, factor analysis and numerical taxonomy.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2021)
The present study is a meta-analysis of research implemented in the field of human resource management. The purpose of this study is to quantify the results of research conducted in the field of the impact of human resource management functions using the ability-motivation-opportunity (A-M-O) model on the organizational outputs. Using the effect size calculation method and CMA2 software, 145 articles in the period of 2008 – 2019 taken from management research journals in Iran have been reviewed. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between the HRM functions and the organizational outputs. Findings of this study for managers of organizations indicate that investing in ability-enhancing, motivation-enhancing, and the opportunity-enhancing functions in human resource management will have a significant and positive effect on increasing financial and operational output of organizations.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2012)
The purpose of this paper is estimating output gap as one of the variables that affect inflation in the Iranian economy. Therefore, using seasonal data from spring 1989 to winter 2006 and through Hodrick-Prescott filtering techniques the potential output and output gap are estimated and then ordinary least squares approach has been used to find out the relationship between inflation and output gap. Variables such as exchange rates, price index of imported goods, and the adjusted output gap as real variables and expected future inflation have been used for estimating the model considering the facts and theories in the Iranian economy. This test has been done through the rational expectation hypothesis of an enterprise and using a new Keynesian Phillips curve. The research findings verify the new Keynesian opinion. Thus, in Iran where the average rate of inflation in the period, is 19.6% and therefore considered among the countries with galloping rate of inflation, Phillips curve has been estimated with a relatively steep slope. In the long run, the steep Phillips curve according to Keynesians implies that in case of demand shock, the production will increase and compared with the new classic models it has less impact on inflation.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2013)
The purpose of this study is to find the key Iranian sectors in terms of output and employment. This research is done based on the Input-Output table of the year 2001 and Extraction Method. In this regard the economic activities are aggregated into 36 sectors. The results show that Forward and Backward output linkages were significant in five sectors namely agriculture, construction, wholesale and retail services, transport and other services. Forward linkages were strong in six sectors including oil and natural gas, mines and chemicals and petrochemicals, nonmetallic minerals, basic metals, water, gas and electricity as a group. On the other hand, backward linkages were very strong in four sectors such as food industries, transport equipment and machinery, education and health services and public services. Estimating the direct and indirect employment generation shows that agriculture, construction, wholesale and retail services, food industry, transport, education and health services and transport equipment are the main employment generating sectors. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is also used to find out if there is any correlation between high ranking activities in output and employment. The results also indicate that there is a high rank correlation between backward output linkages and employment generation but week forward output linkages and employment generations. This shows that those activities which serve other activities in domestic market through its backward linkages are more important in output and employment generation. The weak rank correlation between output and employment generation indicate that these activities are highly depending on domestic demand but do not have much linkage with other sectors in the domestic economy, perhaps due to their dependence on imports for their inputs. Total average rank correlation between key sectors in output and employment generation shows a very weak correlation between the two, indicating that the sectors generating high linkages in output are also the same activities creating linkage in employment. The research findings reveal that how an oil producing country, using its oil revenues for imports and leading the expansion of wholesale and retail activities, transport services and public services in education health and other bureaucratic administration services, undermines the development of its manufacturing industries which are labeled as “engine of development”.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2013)
The statistical data of Tehran Province shows that the ratios of output and employment of service sector to total provincial output and employment are 57 and 63 percent in 2001, respectively. The aim of this article is to quantitatively explain the structure of service –based economy of province, using Input-Output Model and intersectional linkages by Eigen Vector method. So, the main question in this research is that can the usage of Eigen vector method rather than traditional methods like Chenery-Watanabe and Rasmussen methods evaluate more precisely the importance of provincial economic sectors on the basis of intermediate viability in the production process?
For this purpose, first the Input-Output Table of “Tehran Province” for 2001 was estimated by AFLQ method, and then the importance of provincial economic sectors was measured in terms of forward and backward linkages by Chenery-Watanabe, Rasmussen and Eigen vector methods.
The results show that Eigen Vector Method can explain the importance of economic sectors of province on the basis of intermediate viability in the production process, in such a way that four key sectors are of dominant shares in industrial activities which their average share of demand out of total output is 45.5 percent, but ratios for 71 economic and service sectors are 76 percent and 84 percent, respectively. In general, results show that the nature of service sector in Tehran province is different from the services in modern economies. The main reason is that the service sector in Tehran is the consuming rather than producing sector.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2013)
In this study, we survey the effect of increase in energy carrier prices on Iran’s economic sectors using input - output (I-O) table of energy in 2006. This investigation is done in two stages including direct and indirect effects and two scenarios. These scenarios consist of a) the price of energy carriers adopted in 2010, and b) prices based on forecasts of the International Institute of Energy. Calculations of the first scenario and the first stage (direct effects) indicated that the brick and cement industries and transportation, warehousing and telecommunications services have been affected by 138, 86 and 65 percent in price increases, respectively. Also, the highest growth in product prices in the second scenario obtained in brick, cement and ceramic and tile industries by 473.68, 347.74 and 199.81 percent respectively. Furthermore, with defining maximum prices of energy carriers in the second scenario, the highest increase in marginal cost according to direct and indirect effects devoted to the brick, cement and ceramic and tile industries equivalent to772.54, 599.9 and 431.52 percent respectively. These industries ranked in the first to third places due to increase in product prices.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2012)
In the light of the 2008 World Development Report, this paper revisits the impact of
agriculture on overall economic growth, in the case of an oil producing country, using
indices of intersectoral linkages. To this end, four input-output tables of Iran’s economy
are utilized. The results support the importance of the agricultural sector in stimulating
the economic growth of Iran, but also show that the manufacturing sector has a higher
potential to increase domestic production through its intersectoral linkage effects.
Consequently, the results provide a caveat to the recommended general policy of the
World Bank that the agricultural sector can be considered a key sector for the economic
development in developing countries, at least in an oil producing country like Iran.
Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2014)
This paper tests monetary view of inflation in Iranian economy by a monetary approach within P* model using OLS and ARDL techniques during 1358-1387 (1979-2008). It should be noted that only the standard P* model (domestic price gap) is tested in this study. Regarding that domestic price gap consists of output and velocity gaps, the Hedrick – Prescott filter method is used to estimate the potential production level and the velocity of balanced money. Estimation results of various models show that the standard P* model (domestic price gap), is not able to explain and forecast inflation in Iranian economy and implies that the quantity theory of money is not correct in Iranian economy. Therefore, we investigated monetary theory of inflation using alternative variables including volume of liquidity, real gross domestic product (GDP), informal exchange rate, import price index with using ARDL method. Results show that a 10% growth of liquidity leads to increase general prices by 4.6%. Thus, the monetary hypothesis of inflation is partially confirmed, however concerning that relationship between inflation and liquidity volume is not unique, and other factors affect inflation in Iran, therefore to curb Iranian inflation we cannot adopt only monetary policy as an effective tool.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2014)
The value-added tax (VAT) system has been implemented in more than half of countries in the globe during recent decades. This tax, which is collected from firms’ value-added in various phases of production and distribution, has several advantages such as low tax rate, reduced tax evasion, neutrality against economic variables, and it is a reliable source of earning for government. Those countries that have not pursued VAT or those who implement it with delay are of concerns including after-tax inflationary effects. The main goal of current research is to investigate the inflationary effects of VAT implementation in Iran’s economy. In this regard, a price model was used to analyze the inflationary effects of a VAT -with 3% tax rate and special rates for particular goods- on different economic sectors in 2010. In addition, VAT effects on tax performance evaluation indicators were considered and the amount of increases in government sustainable revenue was determined by an Input-Output (I-O) Table.
Volume 14, Issue 4 (1-2015)
Single-walled carbon nano tube (SWCNT) is used as a buffer layer to improve the performance of polymer solar cells. The buffer layer is located between the active layer and the cathode electrode in the solar cell structure such as PET/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MEH-PPV:C60 (1:2)/SWCNT/Al. SWCNTs act as tunnels to help electron collection by cathode electrode, prevent the randomly movement of electrons, leading to the reduction of recombination at the interfaces after dissociation. By implementing this method, the short circuit current (Jsc) of fabricated solar cells increases from 20% to 40% depending on the solvent and the open circuit voltage (Voc) reduces slightly. Since the type of solvent has an important effect on the properties of fabricated solar cells, the active layer was spin coated using three different solvents which were Chlorobenzene, 1, 2-Dichlorobenzene and Toluene. The best performance was achieved for the device fabricated using Chlorobenzene. The resulted output powers using Chlorobenzene, 1, 2-Dichlorobenzene and Toluene were 10.04 µW/cm2, 7.59 µW/cm2 and 1.74 µW/cm2 respectively.
Volume 14, Issue 15 (3-2015)
In this paper, a novel method for solving consensus problem in a multi agent system consisting of single link manipulators with flexible joint is presented. This method is based on linear matrix inequalities and the objective is to design a dynamic fixed order controller that can fulfill consensus by using output feedback information and Laplacian Matrix of the network of manipulators. The exact model of a single Link manipulator is assumed thus a nonlinear Lipchitz term emerges. Each manipulator as an agent in the corresponding network obtains only its neighbors output information therefore the controller is decentralized. To guarantee consensus in this method, first the multi agent system should become one augmented system. Then, based on considered conditions on nonlinear terms, using appropriate structure conversion is necessary. The unknown controller state space matrices of the closed loop system can be achieved by using Lyapunov stability theorem. Applying special conditions on symmetric positive definite matrix in Lyapunov quadratic function, results in an LMI form, thus iterative methods of solving nonlinear matrix inequalities with less accuracy is prevented. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of this algorithm and compare with similar earlier researches, a numerical example on a multi agent system consisting of three single link flexible manipulators is investigated.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)
Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel is one of the ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.2) that produced 8.5 percent of industry value-added in Iran in 2007. Isfahan, Tehran, Khuzestan, Hormozgan, and Markazi provinces accounted for 90 percent of the value added in this sector. To determine competitive advantage in this sector, the regional input- output technique is used and AFLQ (Adjusted Flegg Location Quotient) is employed for making regional input- output tables. But this method is misleading, because it defines weak provinces as key sectors. This article presents new method (MFLQ) that provides better result than AFLQ. Isfahan (as a developed province) is not key sector in AFLQ method but it is key sector by MFLQ method.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)
The aim of the present study is to compare the regional differences of the intermediate factors productivity in production of various economic sectors. For this purpose, first the regional input-output tables of all provinces of Iran have been extracted based on the Adjusted Flegg Location Quotient (AFLQ). Then, the intermediate factors productivity of all provinces has been calculated and compared with those of Tehran province. According to the results, “manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products”, “constructions”, and “manufacture of textiles, wearing, and leather” sectors have the lowest regional differences in the intermediate factors productivity, respectively. Also, “mining”, “activities of real estate agents, brokers, and renting and business”, and “electricity, gas, and water” sectors have the highest regional differences of the intermediate factors productivity, respectively.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2015)
Inflation is the main problem which should be overcome both by the government and economic agents. The existence of inflation in an economy causes distortion and disequilibrium in the macroeconomic variables in the forms of decreasing growth rate, rising unemployment rate and uneven income distribution and so on. In addition, the uncertainties caused by the high inflation rates, raise the inflation expectations. This paper tries to found out which type of inflation expectations gives the better explanation of current inflation: backward-looking, forward-looking or some combination of the two? Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and annual data over the period 1976-2008, the results of hybrid Philips model show that inflation in Iran is significantly determined by backward-looking inflation expectations, forward-looking inflation expectations, the output gap, exchange rate, and liquidity growth. However, backward-looking inflation expectations are more important than forward-looking expectations. The findings imply that managing inflation expectations, liquidity growth, and exchange rate can complement each other to achieve overall price stability.
Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)
In this paper, modeling and design of a trajectory tracking control system for a novel multi-rotor UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is developed. The UAV is similar to a quadrotor with an extra no feedback propeller which is added to center of vehicle. The additional rotor improves the ability of lifting heavier payloads, and anti-crosswind capability for quadrotor. For validation, the dynamic model is obtained via both Newton Euler and Lagrange approaches. The dynamical model is under actuated, nonlinear, and has strongly coupled terms. Therefore, an appropriate control system is necessary to achieve desired performance. The proposed nonlinear controller of this paper is an input-output feedback linearization companioned with an optimal LQR controller for the linearized system. The controller involves high-order derivative terms and turns out to be quite sensitive to un-modeled dynamics. Therefore, precise model of UAV is derived by considering actuator’s dynamics. To compensate the actuator’s dynamic and moreover, to avoid complexity in the controller, a second control loop is utilized. The obtained simulation results confirm that the proposed control system has a promising performance in terms of stabilization and position tracking even in presence of external disturbances.