Showing 63 results for Input
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
Tense plays an important and determining role in human verbal communication; therefore, one of the things that should be addressed in language teaching is the discussion of time and ways to recognize it. Considering the role and importance of grammatical tense recognition in language learning and the lack of related research regarding Persian language learning, the purpose of the present research is to investigate the role of available cues in sentences to recognize grammatical tense by Chinese Persian learners of beginner and advanced levels; For this purpose, 49 Persian learners of Chinese language were selected by available sampling method and divided into two groups of Chinese language beginner (26) and advanced (23) based on the level determination test. The instruments used in this research were two tests in two stages; In the first stage, by using the sentence recognition test, the subjects marked the time of the sentences they heard in the answer sheet, and in the second stage, the same test was performed; with the difference that in this test, the sentences did not have time adverbs. The results of this research showed that the subjects of the beginner Chinese language meaningfully used lexical clues when recognizing the time of the sentence, and the subjects of the advanced level simultaneously used two lexical clues and present tense. Regarding the role of gender, the results showed that there is no significant relationship between gender and the ability to understand sentence time. The results of this research can be useful for language learners, teachers, and producers of educational content and also for test designers.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The current research aims to investigate the universality of the language by examining the perception of Persian learners in recognition of subject position according to the theory of input processing and the principle of the first noun from this theory. The first noun principle indicates that language learners consider the noun or pronoun that comes at the beginning of the sentence as the subject of the sentence.The participants in this research are 70 Persian language learners at elementary (23 participants), intermediate (23 participants) and advanced (24 participants) levels in the Persian language learning center of Al-Zahra University. Using Friedman et al.'s (2004) executive method, this study has examined the principle of the first noun as a predictable path in the education of Persian learners. In this direction, a test has been designed on Google Forms, and Persian learners have participated in two different implementations of this test in a time interval of 5 months. In both of its implementations, this test included 15 sentences that the language learners had to connect to the related pictures after hearing the sentences. In order to characterize the perception of the participants from the position of the subject, 8 sentences in the second sentence were put into the passive form. The results of this study have shown that the change of sentences in the second implementation of the test caused an increase in errors in the response rate of language learners and this was reported higher in elementary language learners than in other groups.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (12-2024)
Aim and Introduction
Today, the environment is considered as one of the most important pillars of sustainable development, and the development of other economic and social sectors depends on its sustainability and proper functioning. Environmental pollution has become one of the main challenges of countries. Environmental health is currently one of the most critical concerns of people and officials round the world. Almost all managers and decision makers believe that this national wealth should be protected not only for the current generation but also for future generations, since the pollutants caused by industries are highly costly and detrimental to health.
Active industries are one of the main sources of environmental pollution. One of the necessary conditions for economic progress and the introduction of extensive structural changes in economic and technological fields is industrialization and industrial development. In the production process, using production inputs whose main source is the environment, in addition to desirable outputs such as consumer goods, undesirable outputs such as environmental pollutants are also produced. If the number of outputs is not controlled and disproportionate, the losses from undesirable outputs will be greater than the benefits of desirable products in such a way that damages to the environment would be irreparable and sustainable development less likely to be achieved.
One of the most important concerns related to industrialization is the effects and environmental consequences of industrial activities. Therefore, achieving the necessary solutions to control such consequences is vitally important. Minerals are essential for human survival, but their extraction and processing are not environmentally friendly practices which contribute to problems such as soil erosion, air and water pollution. On the other hand, mineral sector is one of the largest energy consumers which has active contribution to air pollution and global warming. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the economic effects of Gol Gohar mine in Sirjan. For this purpose, it is intended to determine the type and amount of pollutants released from this complex, and also to determine the amount of the green tax of the complex as a solution to reduce pollution and examine the social welfare resulting from reducing pollution.
In this study, the economic effects of environmental pollutants of Gol Gohar Iron Mine in Sirjan (Southeastern Iran), is investigated using the input distance function model from 2001 to 2022. Through calculating the shadow price of pollutants, a criterion for determining the green tax is determined, and then the amount of social cost resulting from the emission of pollutants is calculated.
The shadow price of the undesirable output is the cost that the producer must bear if they plan to reduce the production of the undesirable output. In fact, it can be interpreted as the marginal cost of reducing pollution for each producer. Therefore, the shadow price of the desirable output is considered positive and equal to the market price of that output, but the shadow price of the undesirable output must be estimated to be less than zero.
The products of Gol Gohar Iron Ore Complex in Sirjan, include granulated iron ore, iron ore concentrate and pelletized in the production process. The most greenhouse gases and air pollutants are related to carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur oxides (Sox), nitrogen oxides (Nox) and particulate matter (SPM). According to the obtained results, the average shadow price for air pollutants in Gol Gohar complex for CO2, Sox Nox, and SPM was calculated as 11.15, 3,074.5, 5,529.62, and 1,875.62 rials per kilogram respectively. Moreover, the average total social costs resulting from the production of Gol Gohar Sirjan Complex was calculated as 92,710 billion Rials according to the amount of pollution produced over the period.
Discussion and Conclusion
The estimation of environmental costs is actually an introduction to providing solutions for internalizing and reducing environmental costs, using the input distance function model and the shadow price of environmental pollutants in the industrial and mineral complex of Gol Gohar, Sirjan. The title of the largest producer of iron ore in the country was calculated, and the social cost resulting from the emission of pollutants was also evaluated. Finally, in this study, solutions and mechanisms for reducing environmental costs have been proposed.
Considering that the ability to absorb pollutants by the environment is limited, the shadow price of pollutants, which represents their real social cost, should be taken into consideration. The damages should also be determined based on the shadow price of the pollutants. In other words, the amounts of pollutant emission should be calculated and while taking into account the allowed limit of pollutant emission and shadow prices, based on a legal plan, the environmental costs should be reimbursed. Taking such measures would surely require more studies and capable executive management system
Volume 5, Issue 5 (3-2014)
In recent years, extensive efforts have been done in developing new educational methods for teaching foreign language in order to increase the language learners' proficiency. This study aims to assess the role of the combined approach of the notional functional syllabus approach and the task-based approach for the purpose of "Arabic for the general aims" and "Arabic for the general academic aims". This assessment has been applied by investigating the required capabilities in learning two skills of speaking and listening in Arabic language by using the descriptive-analytical method. The most important result obtained from this study is that for having an effective communication with the speakers of foreign languages, the issue of linguistic knowledge and even full language input are not so much effective. The factors, which play a significant role in mastering the second languages, include: providing a conversational environment similar to the culture and community of its native speakers, making the process of learning functional and applicable, planning for the creative usage of language ability, and lastly, practical and continuous reproducing of language by the learners.
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2009)
Considering multifaceted nature of "information", it has been introduced into different terminologies by the different researchers during the last three decades. In this article, we attempt to examine empirically the measurement of a sub-set of "information", namely “Primary information sectors (PIS)”, which requires the following factors: definition and conceptualization, methodology, Process of estimation, and data requirements. Based on the 99 sectors of input-output table derived from a 2002 version as well as the availability of the results from the 2002 manufacturing Census of the country; the size, importance, and scope of the PIS of Iran have been worked out.
The results indicate that the shares of PIS in gross output, value added and final demand are 8, 10.2, and 8.6 percent respectively. However, these percents are relatively less than those shares found in the selected developed and developing countries over the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2009)
The 2006 census reveals that more than 50% of employed population in Iran is not involved in the production of food, clothing, housing and other tangible goods. Apart from the serious reservation of industrialization in Iran, this can be considered as one of the indications of a new phase shift known as “service economy”. To analyze such a post-industrialization economy, it requires new concepts and classifications which, to our knowledge, have been ignored by researchers mainly in Iran. The main objective of this paper is to measure and identify the domain of the fourth sector and its structural analysis in the framework of input-output and semi-social accounting matrix models.
Using 2001 input-output data, the overall results show that the fourth sector appears to be oriented as a consumption goods sector compared to the other sectors. Consequently, the consumption-induced effect ploys a significant role in rising production, income and employment.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
According to the neoclassical approach, input prices as a measure of resources scarcity induce firms to cost-minimizing and efficient allocation of recourses. But when the prices are distorted, the effective competitive inputs are used inefficiently and have resulted in under- or over-utilization of production factors relative to their endowments or allocative inefficiency.
In this paper, the shadow cost approach and system of equations are used to estimate allocative inefficiency using the Iran's manufacturing data over the period 1976-2006. The results show that there is strong allocative inefficiency and increasing cost of production of firms in Iran's Manufacturing Sector.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
The lack of statistics has hampered attempts to estimate fixed capital for the agricultural sub-sectors of Iran. Giving a non anonymous agreement on the depreciation rate of capital in machineries and constructions, an indirect method of estimation is employed using capital consumption statistics in different sub-sectors of input-output tables. In this study, capital stock is estimated in agricultural sub-sectors of Iran using the perpetual inventory method.
According to the results of this paper, the capital stock in 2006 is estimated to be 53374.9 billion rials in cropping and horticulture, 24334.6 billion rials in animal husbandry, 4982 billion rials in forestry and rangelands and 16374.2 billion rials in fishery sub-sectors at constant 1997 prices, respectively.
The findings based on the five year development plans of the country revealed that over the third development plan, the total agricultural capital stock, both in machinery and equipment and constructions, experienced the highest growth while during the second development plan, the machinery and equipment capital stock experienced the lowest growth. Moreover, during the first development plan and over the eight year war, the construction capital stock experienced the lowest growth.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2011)
Regarding environmental importance and the lack of analytical methods for environmental policies, in this paper, shadow price for NOx and SOx emissions has been estimated for the Iranian electric industry. Input distance function is used for estimating shadow prices. The estimated shadow prices have revealed that the cost of Iranian electric industry for reducing one KG of NOx and Sox is 14991 and 17687 Rials, respectively. Estimated shadow prices in this study are greater than the amount offered by EPO (Environment Protection Organization) and World Bank. So it is recommended that any fine should be taken according to the emission shadow price.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2019)
With the approval of the law for supporting knowledge-based firms in 2010, a new wave in Iran's science, technology and innovation system began with a focus on the knowledge based economy and innovation-based. Currently, there are more than 4,000 knowledge-based firms in Iran that nearly 5% of them are active in biotechnology. The aim of the present study is to design an empirical model of the relationship between financial and tax incentives of this law on some of the performance indicators of biotechnology knowledge-based firms. For this purpose, after analyzing the content of related documents and designing the study model, for evaluating the direct and interacting effects between policy tools, identifying the important empirical factors and their level, "23 factorial design" was used. Study target community includes 113 manufacturing knowledge-based firms in the field of biotechnology. The findings of this study on input additionality indicators show the positive effect of the threefold interaction of factors on the R&D expenditure and the positive effects of commercialization financing and technology financing and their interactions on R&D employee. In the present study, there was no relationship between the effectiveness of policy tools on output additionality indicators.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2011)
Manufacturing sector has an outstanding potential in production, employment, value added and income. This sector also procures machinery and equipment for other sectors .Since a large part of the government investments are allocated to the manufacturing sector; it needs special consideration for the optimum allocation of the limited resources. In this study we have surveyed various strategies covering import substitution, export promotion, basic export and balanced and unbalanced growth. With regard to Iran’s situation and characteristics such as resources, specialties, infrastructure, the unbalanced growth pattern is recommended. The input-output backward and forward linkages have been investigated via the input-output table. Different techniques have been used such as principal component, factor analysis and numerical taxonomy.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2011)
In this paper, a novel directional super wide band micro strip antenna based on a simple and new geometry has been proposed. The antenna exhibits the widest bandwidth ever reported to the authors’ knowledge from 50 GHz to 200 GHz. Its radiation pattern is approximately steady in the frequency ranges of 50 GHz to 200 GHz. The antenna consists of a club-like radiating patch, a combination of three circular patches, and a partial ground structure. Moreover, the proposed antenna has a compact volume of 24 mm × 18 mm × 0.787 mm on a RT Duroid substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 2.2. RT Duroid has very low loss characteristic and therefore the loss of the antenna will be very little. The simulation is performed by CST Microwave Studio simulator. Antenna design and the simulation results of radiation pattern and gain are presented and discussed in detail. Results show that the performance is very excellent in full band.
Volume 11, Issue 6 (3-2020)
The present article focuses on the role of mental cognitive processes in creating novel imaginative characters in stories. To do this we apply the basic concepts of Conceptual Blending Theory (CBT) i. e. Input Spaces and Blending Networks. CBT accounts can provide a methodological tool for cognitive analysis of literal texts. Fauconnier and Turner (2002) provide an overview of how blending affects the course of a human life, and more specifically, how young children are engaged in building complex blends in very early stages of their life. In the present article we determine to show the cognitive bases for creation of "emergent characters" in stories of elementary students' textbooks (Farsi Khandari). Our main question is what are novel/emergent characters in stories introduced in each grade and what are the available cognitive tools for the writers of each grade to make theirs characters creatively different from other writers. The result can provide a methodological cognitive framework for cognitive analysis of the process of novel character creation in children literature.
1. Introduction
Cognitive semantics is the study of the relations among experience, conceptual system, and the encoded semantic structure throughout the language; thus utilizes the language as a methodological means of studying cognitive phenomena. Cognitive semantics conveys a methodological means to answer the question that 'how do we use our mind to generate meaning in stories. Conceptual blending theory is regarded as a useful way for semanticization, in the case of the emergence of cognition in literary texts as well as their creative aspects.
Here, we investigate the blending of main characters in the elementary school textbooks (Farsi Khandari); we try to find the blending network representation for each character as well as finding the 'creativity' in 'new-appearing characters' of each school level to get to a cognitive analysis of characterization process in elementary school textbooks and, as a result, to answer the following questions: Based on the blending principles, which kind of characters have been created in comparison with the previous and proceeding levels; and, what different choices have the authors taken to have novelty in creating new-appearing characters.
To choose samples, we used purposeful sampling, a kind of a sampling to achieve representativeness or comparability. This kind of sampling has six ways that survey maximum variation sampling, the maximum variation in qualities, and the characteristics of the studied sample as well. The importance of the present study is both theoretical and applied aspects: in the theoretical aspect, it shows the role of mental space and the blending in semanticization procedures; in applied aspect, on the other hand, it reveals the importance of the blending roles.
This study is based on Fauconnier's (1997) blending theory, followed by Grady (1999), Coulson and Oakley (2000), and Alonso (2003). The main question of this theory is that the emergence of meaning contains a blending structure that creates a meaning much farther than its components. The blending network has inputs which are connected by mappings. The mechanisms of these mappings are as follows: selective projection, composition, completion, elaboration, backward projection, human scale, and vital relations. Depending on what type of blending space we face, we have simplex, mirror, single-scope, double-space, and multiple blending networks.
Results show that textbook writers have chosen different input spaces to create new characters. Input spaces turn more abstract, and the blending networks become more complicated as the level increases. The results of this paper give us a framework of cognitive analysis of the creation process in children's stories.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2012)
In this paper, the problem of decentralized model reference adaptive control (MRAC) for a class of large scale systems with time varying delay in interconnected term and input and state delays is studied. To compensate the effect of input delay indirectly, a Smith predictor built on. To handle the effects of the time delays in input, the adaptive controller part includes two auxiliary dynamic filters with time varying gains. Under a usual assumption that the interconnections are assumed to be Lipschitz in its variables and uniformly in time with unknown Lipschitz gains, the difficulties from unknown interconnections are dealt. A generalized error is defined and by a suitable Lyapunov function, an adaptive controller is designed to stabilize it. Decentralized adaptive feedback controller can render the generalized error system uniformly ultimately bounded stable is designed. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed design techniques.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2013)
The purpose of this study is to find the key Iranian sectors in terms of output and employment. This research is done based on the Input-Output table of the year 2001 and Extraction Method. In this regard the economic activities are aggregated into 36 sectors. The results show that Forward and Backward output linkages were significant in five sectors namely agriculture, construction, wholesale and retail services, transport and other services. Forward linkages were strong in six sectors including oil and natural gas, mines and chemicals and petrochemicals, nonmetallic minerals, basic metals, water, gas and electricity as a group. On the other hand, backward linkages were very strong in four sectors such as food industries, transport equipment and machinery, education and health services and public services. Estimating the direct and indirect employment generation shows that agriculture, construction, wholesale and retail services, food industry, transport, education and health services and transport equipment are the main employment generating sectors. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is also used to find out if there is any correlation between high ranking activities in output and employment. The results also indicate that there is a high rank correlation between backward output linkages and employment generation but week forward output linkages and employment generations. This shows that those activities which serve other activities in domestic market through its backward linkages are more important in output and employment generation. The weak rank correlation between output and employment generation indicate that these activities are highly depending on domestic demand but do not have much linkage with other sectors in the domestic economy, perhaps due to their dependence on imports for their inputs. Total average rank correlation between key sectors in output and employment generation shows a very weak correlation between the two, indicating that the sectors generating high linkages in output are also the same activities creating linkage in employment. The research findings reveal that how an oil producing country, using its oil revenues for imports and leading the expansion of wholesale and retail activities, transport services and public services in education health and other bureaucratic administration services, undermines the development of its manufacturing industries which are labeled as “engine of development”.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2013)
The statistical data of Tehran Province shows that the ratios of output and employment of service sector to total provincial output and employment are 57 and 63 percent in 2001, respectively. The aim of this article is to quantitatively explain the structure of service –based economy of province, using Input-Output Model and intersectional linkages by Eigen Vector method. So, the main question in this research is that can the usage of Eigen vector method rather than traditional methods like Chenery-Watanabe and Rasmussen methods evaluate more precisely the importance of provincial economic sectors on the basis of intermediate viability in the production process?
For this purpose, first the Input-Output Table of “Tehran Province” for 2001 was estimated by AFLQ method, and then the importance of provincial economic sectors was measured in terms of forward and backward linkages by Chenery-Watanabe, Rasmussen and Eigen vector methods.
The results show that Eigen Vector Method can explain the importance of economic sectors of province on the basis of intermediate viability in the production process, in such a way that four key sectors are of dominant shares in industrial activities which their average share of demand out of total output is 45.5 percent, but ratios for 71 economic and service sectors are 76 percent and 84 percent, respectively. In general, results show that the nature of service sector in Tehran province is different from the services in modern economies. The main reason is that the service sector in Tehran is the consuming rather than producing sector.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2013)
In this study, we survey the effect of increase in energy carrier prices on Iran’s economic sectors using input - output (I-O) table of energy in 2006. This investigation is done in two stages including direct and indirect effects and two scenarios. These scenarios consist of a) the price of energy carriers adopted in 2010, and b) prices based on forecasts of the International Institute of Energy. Calculations of the first scenario and the first stage (direct effects) indicated that the brick and cement industries and transportation, warehousing and telecommunications services have been affected by 138, 86 and 65 percent in price increases, respectively. Also, the highest growth in product prices in the second scenario obtained in brick, cement and ceramic and tile industries by 473.68, 347.74 and 199.81 percent respectively. Furthermore, with defining maximum prices of energy carriers in the second scenario, the highest increase in marginal cost according to direct and indirect effects devoted to the brick, cement and ceramic and tile industries equivalent to772.54, 599.9 and 431.52 percent respectively. These industries ranked in the first to third places due to increase in product prices.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2022)
The importance of noticing, attending to linguistic features, and focusing on linguistic input like focus-on-form and focus-on-forms have always been a contentious issue in language teaching. Consistent with this line of research, the present study aimed to investigate the impact of typographical input enhancement, gloss, and advance organizes on EFL learners' reading comprehension ability. Eighty EFL learners were chosen from Safir Language Institute in Ahvaz and were assigned to four equal groups of typographical input enhancement, gloss, advance organizer and simple-text. A Preliminary English Test (PET) of reading was utilized as pretest. Control group and the three experimental groups were instructed for eight weeks through the aforementioned techniques. Finally, an equal version of PET was used as posttest. ANCOVA was run to analyze the data. Results indicated that the advance organizer group significantly outperformed the other groups regarding their reading comprehension performances. The study has important implications for reading comprehension task analysis, task design, and task instruction and the way such information could be utilized to activate schemata and retrieve information from long-term memory.
1. Introduction
The importance of noticing, attending to linguistic features, and focusing on linguistic input like focus-on-form and focus-on-forms have always been a contentious issue in language teaching. The role of input enhancement in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has undergone many developments and the studies done in this domain have generated various outcomes. Some researchers support the positive role of input enhancement in SLA and believe that paying attention to form is necessary for L2 learning to transpire, but some other researchers adopt the opposite stance (Ellis, 2008). Consistent with this line of research, the study aimed at delving into the impact typographical input enhancement, gloss, and advance organizers techniques on the reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners.
Research Questions:
1. Does typographical input enhancement technique have any significant impact on the reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners?
2. Does gloss technique have any significant impact on the reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners?
3. Does advance organizers technique have any significant impact on the reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners?
2. Literature Review
To increase the perceptual saliency of the language structures, different techniques can be utilized. Focus-on-form and focus–on-forms are regarded as two kinds of approaches which can be applied in grammar instruction (Long, 1991). Long (1991) made the distinction between focus-on-form and focus-on-forms. In his view, the latter refers to decontextualized, highly meta-pragmatic, teacher-oriented instruction in which the primary goal is to scaffold learners to amass individual linguistic features. The former, however, refers to meaning-oriented activities in which learners' attention is focused on target features as they arise incidentally in the input. In fact, focus-on-forms employs explicit awareness-raising activities, whereas focus-on-form techniques such as input enhancement indirectly draw learners’ attention to target forms.
3. Methodolgy
Based on the results obtained from the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT), 80 intermediate EFL learners were chosen from Safir Language Institute in Ahvaz, Iran and were assigned to four equal groups of typographical input enhancement, gloss, advance organizer and simple-text. Next, a Preliminary English Test (PET) of reading was utilized as pretest. Control group and the three experimental groups were instructed for eight weeks through the aforementioned techniques. Then, an equal version of PET was used as posttest. Covariances (ANCOVA) was run to analyze the data..
4. Results
The results indicated that advance organizer group significantly outperformed the other groups in terms of their reading comprehension performences. In other words, the findings revealed that the advance organizer technique was much more effective than typographical input enhancement and gloss. The study also found that typographical input enhancement and gloss did not have a significant impact on the reading comprehension abilityof EFL learners. This finding reveals that mere exposure to new forms through input enhancement alone might only trigger the maintenance rehearsal process, during which the recently-retrieved input is stored in the long-term memory as an unanalyzed chunk. Therefore, input enhancement may not independently improve conceptually-driven learning processes.
5. Discussion
The findings for the first research question do not confirm the previous studies conducted on learners' reading comprehension concerning input enhancement and gloss (Abbasian & Yekani, 2014; Aghajani & Rahimy, 2013; Ayiewbey, 2013; Goudarzi & Raouf Moini, 2012; Hazrativand, 2012; Nahavandi & Mukundan, 2013; Simard, 2009). In the present research, typographical input enhancement and gloss aimed at indirectly drawing learners' attention to the highlighted forms and L2 marginal glosses, but the highlighted forms and l2 marginal glosses might not be well-noticed by the students. It can be said that students' not paying sufficient attention to the typographical input enhancement and gloss could be a likely reason for their insignificant impact. Furthermore, advance organizer unlike the other two techniques had a significant impact on the reading comprehension of EFL students. Advance organizers' group outperformed those in typographical input enhancement and gloss groups. Schema knowledge could have influenced the results as it can display a class of things, events and situations. However, a learner's understanding can be enhanced when a schema sets a type of framework, which is understandable and helps learners comprehend data, retrieve information from long-term memory, and specify their purposes. Thus, the probable cause for the significant impact of the advance organizers on the reading comprehension of EFL learners can be attributed to the fact that the learners possess the right schemata, and are able to glean the best and adequate clues from within the text. Contrary to Gorjian et al. (2015) and Tajeddin (2013) which pointed to an insignificant effect of advance organizers, the results of the present study, in line with Davaei and Talebinezhad (2012) suggests that advance organizers can be viewed as an effective and facilitative means in boosting the overall reading comprehension ability of EFL learners.
6. Conclusion
The findings of the study may be helpful to the English teachers, EFL learners, and curriculum developers. Teachers might benefit from the results of the study in teaching the aforementioned techniques. It seems that not only do EFL learners need to be familiarized with such techniques and the way they work in classroom settings, but also the circumtances under which such reading techniques can be more effectively and appropriately utilized to improve their overall comprehension ability. Finally, the findings might have useful implications for curriculum developers because such outcomes can be readily incorporated into the curriculum or classroom syllabus in reading comprehension classes. Accordingly, a specific part of the reading comprehension classes can be devoted to instructing students through these techniques to discern how effective and useful they can be in promoting students reading comprehension abilities.
Volume 13, Issue 15 (3-2014)
A robust delayed plant-input mapping methodology is proposed to control of industrial plants through wireless communication networks. In this way, firstly a robust classic controller is designed for original continuous-time system according to a predefined uncertainty bound. Then compensation of the destabilizing effects of a constant delay is then concerned. For this purpose, a digital controller is designed using D-K iteration method. Finally this algorithm is modified to overcome the wireless network effects, e.g. random network delay, packet loss and packet disordering. Simulation studies on two benchmark industrial problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for uncertain plants.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Vibration control of large flexible structures in new dynamic systems has significantly encountered with many challenges. In this area, there are several approaches of vibration control implemented on complicated dynamic systems in which the change of vibrational characteristics with the time of process leads to performance violation. In this paper, regarding the estimation of undesired vibration frequency of a flexible structure, input control of the dynamic system is reconstructed. In this regards, the input of the dynamic system is made to minimize the magnitude of the vibration. This strategy in which the control input is constructed by means of undesired vibration frequencies is similar to use of anti-viruses in medicinal approaches. The proposed control strategy is implemented on yaw channel of a flexible sounding rocket in order to reduce the destructive effects of bending vibration. The system responses show the effects of the vibration on the yaw channel of the system are significantly decreased.