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Showing 59 results for Transformation

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Ideological discourse has always challenged individuals as subjects and has always tried to use the polysemous character of language to predominate other discourses and subjects.­­This study attempts to answer the question of how the ideological discourse is able to carry out a semantic transformation on the discourse’s level and therefore on the conveyed message’s level, and that how the political authorities utilize linguistic structures and the means that language and the connotative modification of the language provide them to legitimize their supremacy in a schematic and schematized perspective.
To achieve this objective, this article’s authors have attempted to show the relationship between linguistic elements with power and domination by analyzing discourse of subjects in the Cannibale novel written by contemporary French writer Didier Daeninckx by relying on Pierre Zima’s sociological theories.­Advocating the fight against denialism, racism, colonialism, corruption in political societies, he wrote Cannibale in 1998 in memory of the "human zoos" under the French Third Republic.­It tells the story of indigenous Kanaks who were exhibited as animals at the 1931 Colonial Exhibition.­Accordingly, this article examines how ideological discourse and semantic transformation are created through narratives and dialogues that occur throughout the book and lead to transforming ideological implications.­Also, by describing and interpreting the nature of native Kanaks from the perspective of dominant ideological discourse, it is shown that dominant discourse uses the polysemous and multidimensional nature of language by holding the power to organize linguistic structures and defines a nature other than the original nature of the native Kanaks.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2018)

Aims: Today, due to a large change in economic, political, and other relations, the spatial structure of cities, especially metropolises, is subject to rapid changes. Regarding the influence of structural components, especially the component of politics (power), on space, on
one hand, and the existence of oil revenues and structural features of Iran on the other hand, consideration of the spatial transformations of metropolises is necessary in terms of politics and power. The aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of spatial transformations of Tehran and Tabriz metropolises in the context of Iranian oil economy.
Instruments and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive study, the required data, information, and concepts related to the indices explaining the spatial transformations of Tehran and Tabriz metropolises were collected directly with access to some information sources, including the Central Bank site and the Statistical Center. In the theoretical foundation, the most part of the study was done in library. Pearson correlation coefficient and Simultaneous regression test were used to determine the relationship between oil revenues of the country and building approval certificates issued by the municipality of Tehran and Tabriz.
Findings: The oil revenues had a direct correlation with the number of building approval certificates issued in Tabriz (r=0.5663; p=0.0025) and Tehran (r=0.7440; p=0.0005). The oil revenues could explain 56.63% of the building approval certificates issued in Tabriz and 74.44% of the building approval certificates issued in Tehran.
Conclusion: Production, spatial transformations, and construction activities in Tehran and Tabriz metropolises are directly affected by oil revenues.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2017)

This article examines the changes that have occurred in Arabic loanwords after entering the Persian language. These changes are described and categorized on the phonetic and semantic levels. The results of the research show that some Arabic phonemes have become some of the closest phonemes in terms of the place of production (without second generation) in the Persian phonemic system due to their absence in Persian language or their dual articulation in Arabic.
At the level of semantic, although the loan words has entered the Persian language with the same form as in Arabic, they have meanings other than hgose in the Arabic language. On the other hand, many of these loan words in the post-Safavid period have received new meanings in new contexts in accordance with the Persian and Shiite culture, which has not been used in Arabic; so far as we have to translate these words from Persian to Arabic into different words. These semantic transformations can be categorized under several groups including: semantic changes, semantic narrowing, semantic widening, semantic elevation, and semantic pejoration.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

This study aimed to investigate the impact transformational leadership on knowledge workers' organizational behavior citizenship in Iran’s National Oil Company. The research method was descriptive-correlative. 97 experts working at staff Units of Iran’s oil Company were selected, using census method. In order to collect data, two questionnaires were used.1- Bass and Avalio’s transformational leadership questionnaire (a=. /78), 2- Podsakoff’s OCB questionnaire (a=. /89). To analyze data, Pearson’s correlation and structural equation model were used. The finding showed that there was a positive relationship between organizational behavior citizenship with transformational leadership and its components: Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, and Individualized Consideration. The findings also showed that there was a positive relationship between all components of transformational leadership (i.e., Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, and Individualized Consideration) and components of organizational citizenship behavior (i.e., conscientiousness, courtesy, sportsmanship and altruism). The finding structural equation model showed that transformational leadership impact on organizational behavior citizenship in Iran’s National Oil Company. key word: transformational leadership , organizational behavior citizenship, Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration, Iran’s National Oil Company key word: transformational leadership , organizational behavior citizenship, Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration, Iran’s National Oil Company key word: transformational leadership , organizational behavior citizenship, Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration, Iran’s National Oil Company

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2013)

One of the important technical obstacles in the study of many filamentous fungi is the development of efficient transformation system. Transformation of filamentous fungi is difficult because they have a cell wall and for most frequently used approaches preparing of protoplast is necessary. Protoplast preparation is batch-dependent and often frustrating work. In this study, a modified method was introduced for gene transfer to the plant pathogenic fungus, Fusarium graminearum, the major causal agent of Fusarium Head Blight disease in small grains. This protocol was based on protoplast-PEG method. Age of mycelia, enzymes exposure time and mycelium/enzyme ratio were optimized for the purpose of protoplast preparation. The outcome showed that the best result for protoplast preparation was obtained when 1.5 × 105 spores were let germinate for 6 h then exposed to 10 ml of enzyme solution for 3 h. The effect of other parameters that might enhance transformation yields including PEG concentration, DNA quantity and number of protoplasts was also examined. The most efficient condition for transformation involved the use of 106 protoplasts, 20 µg DNA and 30% PEG (w/v). In the course of this study, a simple and appropriate modified protocol for transformation of F. graminearum was established. The method introduced is also more economical and faster than other current methods.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (6-2010)

In this work, the conceptual evolution of the term of "revolution"is discussed as a narrative history and historical method. Revolution is a complicated and, multidimensional concept and has a long history in literature, philosophy and other sciences such as astronomy (Yoder, 1926: 433). The aim of this paper is historical – conceptual searching about the term "revolution" that was started with this supposition that, it refers to social, political and economic transformation. In other words, the term of "revolution" in pre-modern literature has a retrogressive meaning, or referring back to the starting point. It has found its way philosophy, literature and the humanities into from astronomy

Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2015)

One of the language changes that occur at the level of words is the semantic change. The purpose of semantic transformation is transforming the first meaning while maintaining the appearance of the words. Loanwords are one of the breeding grounds in semantic transformation. What is discussed in the article is the semantic transformation of Arabic loanwords of KALILA WA DEMNA. For this purpose, initially we raised the linguists view of how semantic changes are happen. Then the semantic changes of Arabic loanwords of KALILA WA DEMNA based on these principles have been studied. This study is a longitudinal study that compares the semantic transformation of Arabic loanwords in Persian language in the sixth century (A.H.) with the previous centuries. Because this study examined the Arabic loanwords in Persian language, we can place it in the field of comparative literature. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the evolution of Persian language happens under Arabic influence over time.   

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2012)

In this study, first using documentary research method, the nature of language in the web-based electronic communication, besides different methods of improving communicative and linguistics competence in teaching languages online, were investigated. Then considering the importance of language faculties' familiarity with the role of computer-based teaching in the development of linguistic competence and communicative skills necessary for translating or teaching all foreign languages (esp. Persian to non-natives), a descriptive survey method was used to investigate the familiarity of foreign language faculties with the strategies and technologies used in e-teaching-learning process applied in teaching languages online. The results of the 68 questionnaires filled in by English, French, German and Persian faculties of seven universities offering classical and virtual programs indicated that most of language faculties are not familiar with web-based strategies and techniques in teaching or learning foreign languages. Considering the need of our country for the experts who are able to communicate with the scientific scholarly networks in the world to obtain or transfer related knowledge and those who are able to use at least one international language of their fields thoroughly, planning an online faculty training program can be an essential measure to improve teaching or translating foreign languages at the academic level and also lead Persian language to find its proper position in the cultural, educational and scientific world networks.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

The purpose of this quantitative correlation study was to determine the extent to which the role of leadership style preferences correlate with employee satisfaction with supervision among employees and leaders of an Iranian oil company. This study measured preferences for each of five common leadership styles and examined correlations with measures of employee satisfaction. The styles studied were transactional leadership, transformational leadership, autocratic leadership, charismatic leadership, and situational leadership. Results indicated that each of the five leadership styles has a positive correlation with employee satisfaction, suggesting that the situational leadership style may be the most appropriate style for leaders in an Iranian oil company.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Description: Integrity of urban facades greatly influences the order of urban view and landscape. Facades themselves have various components and aspects. The structural quality and layout of said aspects and components requires integrity, whether in a single façade, in conjunction with neighboring facades or in the total urban scale. This integrity requires regulations and principles the effectiveness of which is the focus of this study.
Objective: Evaluating the effectiveness of façade construction regulations enforced by municipalities and other competent authorities in the 1968-2021 period, concerning the integrity of urban facades and their components.
Method: This is a qualitative study with an exploratory-descriptive approach and a critical attitude. Initially the most effective urban façade integrity parameters were determined. Next, the façade construction regulations of the research period were analyzed. After that, every provision of the regulations was analyzed in comparison versus each integrity parameter.
Findings: The most effective and comprehensive set of regulations was the spring 2014 Façade Design regulations in Tehran. Among the integrity parameters, visual appeal and after that, content communications, materials and meaning were most affected by regulations. On the other hand, the least affected parameters were the harmony between façade and context, body silhouettes, and the transverse proportions of pieces.
Conclusion: The façade construction regulations are increasingly inclusive and expressive toward the integrity of urban facades; however, they still require further additions and improvements.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (7-2002)

CaMV 35S promoter activity has not been analysed in different stages of growth in oil-seed (B. napus). Higher plants lack intrinsic β-glucuronidase activity, thus enhancing the sensitivity with which measurements can be made. The binary transformation vector pVW432 (Buchanan-Wollaston, unpublished), carrying the GUS gene fused to the CaMV 35S promoter, was used to test transformation efficiencies and promoter activity in B. napus. The effect of different components of culture media was tested. Having studied different antibiotics, two selectable markers, and Agrobacterium strains, the combination of 500 mg/l carbenicillin with 25 mg/l kanamycin was the optimum level for inhibition of Agrobacterium strain C58pGV3101 and the selection of transformants, respectively. Dif-ferent developmental stages of plants were analysed by protein assay. DNA extraction and PCR amplification confirmed the presence of the gene. High level of β-glucuronidase activity, hence CaMV 35S promoter activity, was observed for one of the transgenic plants. The β-glucuronidase activity altered from maturity to senescence indicating that the CaMV 35S promoter has different activity at different developmental stages in B. napus. Therefore, the growth stage of B. napus may influence the CaMV 35S promoter activity.

Volume 4, Issue 8 (3-2018)

Over time, the words change meaning. According to linguistic studies, the most important types of this semantic change are: semantic generalization, semantic appropriation, metaphor and semantic degradation or promotion. This rule also applies to the vocabulary of Arabic; and some of the terms used in the Quran have undergone a semantic transformation. Unfortunately, a number of contemporary Persian translators have neglected this and translated some of the terms in the common and contemporary meaning. This function can seriously damage the Quranic concepts. Since the main religious teachings of the Muslims are taken from the Quran, the slightest error should not occur in the transfer of Quranic concepts to another language. Since some Quran translators have failed to do so in some cases, we have reviewed the errors found in some translations. With the search method in the sources of the vocabulary and the interpretation of the old period, and contemporary dictionaries, we will show the semantic change brought to some Quranic words. Twelve words that have undergone a semantic change have been investigated in 29 Persian translations of the Qur'an and it has been concluded that some translators mistakenly translated those words into contemporary sense.

Volume 5, Issue 0 (0-2005)

In a voice conversion system speech signal of A speaker (i.e. source speaker) is modified so that it sounds as if it had been pronounced by B speaker (i.e. target speaker). This process, sometimes, is called speaker conversion (changing speaker identity). Achieved signal from speaker conversion system is desired to have high quality and very natural. To satisfy this, three major methods are proposed as follows: VQ_based, LMR_based and GMM_based voice conversion methods. DTW is the most popular way to warp corresponded words in two sentences. In this paper, DTW is used to design corresponding transfer function. To decrease the distance between two speakers, DTW warps the couple phonemes of two speakers, instead of two words or couple sentences while a linear temporal transform which depends on phonemes is used for error decreasing. By using other appropriate corrections that are used in learning and designing of the linear transforms, a high quality voice conversion system is achieved.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Today organizations increasingly are faced with dynamic and changing environments and In order to survive and have their own dynamics, they have to be reponsive to environmental changes. Since scholars and intellectuals know the human resources as one of the most important element of change in the organization, leadership would be a key element. The importance of leadership is because of leaders achieve goals through their influence on followers. Also skilled and empowered employees are important to achieve the organization's goals and aspirations. On the other hand, today more than ever, an organization's competitive advantage depends on the organization knowledge, knowledge using method, speed of adaptation to changing environments and pace of access to new knowledge. Organizations that are oriented towards learning and more effective use of taught, are achieved opportunities to gain greater efficiency, speed and profitability. According to importance of this topic, in this study a conceptual framework to assess the impact of transformational leadership on empowerment in Semnan University has been developed. This research from the aspect of aim is an applied research and from the aspect of the manner of data collection is a descriptive research and of the correlation type. 133 questionnaires has been collected from the personnel of the Semnan University. Data analysed useing lisrel software. Finally, the results indicated that there is a significant and positive effect of transformational leadership on learning orientation and employee empowerment .Learning orientation has no impact on the empowerment and also the results showed that transformational leadership and learning orientation account for 61% of empowerment.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

The general aim of this research is to determine the relationship between transactional-transformational leadership style of principals and organizational silence of teachers at Junior High Schools in Rey City in academic year of 2012-2013. In this study descriptive and correlation methods were applied. Statistical universe consisted of all teachers (1374people) of guidance schools in Rey City including 468 men and 906 women. 312 teachers including198women and114men, were selected by Stratified Random Sampling. Data gathered using two questionnaires including multifactor questionnaire of leadership by Bass and Avilio (2000) and the researcher-made questionnaire for organizational silence. Both questionnaire were reliable considering Cronbach's Alpha. The research data was studied and analyzed using enter and stepwise regression and T-test (2variables and 1variable). The results showed that transformational and transactional leadership styles of managers is able to predict 0/10 of teachers’ organizational silence. Among transformational leadership style dimensions, intellectul stimulation dimension has a negative and significant relation with organizational silence. Among transactional leadership style dimensions, management-by-exception passive dimension is a positively and significantly related to organizational silence.

Volume 5, Issue 12 (3-2017)

Figure turning is the change in the appearance of nature or the ability of Mythological heroes and legendary creatures that sometimes is demonstrated with apparent changes such as: turning inanimate objects to animals, human to animal or vice versa, human to angel and etc. It is sometimes without apparent change. For example, the Hero achieves a numinous power or maybe goes beyond his intrinsic abilities. However, it is important that these changes or figure turnings be considered as the most important factor to wonder in myths, legends and folk stories. The purpose of this study is to examine the written native legends in Sistan and Baluchistan province from the figure turning point of view. According to the diversity of types of tangible figure turning and the Breadth of the subject, the present article is assigned to the types of human transmutation in which human has been transformed in to animal, inanimate, plant, numinous creatures, nature, and human, or gains extraordinary abilities without a change in his nature. The results shows, there is human transmutation in 23 out of 157 myths in the province. The most human figure turnings are "transformation of human to animal" and "amazing trips", "transformation of human to human" and "human to numinous creatures" from the first kind of human transmutation which are not seen in any kind of these myths. The researchers try to demonstrate the obvious reasons of different figure turnings by interpreting mentioned legends and also, to show the role and function of these figure turnings in native legends.

Volume 5, Issue 18 (12-2017)

Folk tales reporter's stories and adventures of people from different social classes and generally low reputation who accidentally faced with incidents, exemplary events, wisdom and wonderful the stories portray the culture of each nation and stems from people's dreams and fantasies. Actually, beliefs and practices of early humans is the source of these stories the emergence of supernatural forces
such as palaces, mysterious, magical gardens, wells and dark spaces, demons, fairies, dragons, magic, lightning, Happiness and unlucky, various sleep, anesthesia and geomancy and astrolabe and etc are the most important elements of creating an Iranian story and all the stories which was written by the novelist in the East territories such as India. Amir Arsalaan e naamdaar story is familiar among folk tales which is the last Persian folk tale features an ancient story
The story mentioned the main features of Persian folk tale, especially magic the magic tricks that some people did in stories and can change the laws of nature through tricks and do extraordinary things. In these stories, wizards can they spell people neutralize other spells change the appearance of people and objects or predict future events. The authors plan to study magic and witchcraft in this book as a folk tale features

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

The objective of study was designing a structural model for organizational mindfulness: A mixed research. This study was an explanatory sequential design and ​​an applied research. In qualitative part, population were experts of management schools of public universities of Tehran, and sample were 14. In quantitative part, population were the management faculty members of management schools of public universities of Tehran (351 members), sample were 226 using two-stage cluster sampling and targeted available were implemented. Organizational mindfulness, professional learning community and transformational leadership questionnaires were distributed and gathered in 2014-2015. Analyses showed accepted reliability and validity. In qualitative part for collecting mindfulness indicators, content analysis and open coding were used. The quantitative statistical methods were exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The structural equation modeling contained one exogenous construct of transformational leadership; two endogenous constructs of professional learning community and organizational mindfulness. Results demonstrated transformational leadership had significant and direct effects on professional learning community and on organizational mindfulness. There is direct and significant effect of professional learning community on organizational mindfulness. Results also showed transformational leadership (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individualized consideration) had direct effect on professional learning community (collective responsibility for learning, collaboration focused on professional learning). Transformational leadership also has direct and meaningful effect on organizational mindfulness (rapidity and agility, flexibility, accountability, conditional learning and development of recognition, trust and openness). Also professional learning community has direct effect on creation of organizational mindfulness.  

Volume 7, Issue 2 (4-2015)

The present paper investigates the relations between the states' discourse and operation in political-social transformations in the first three decades of the Islamic Republic Iran. The main problem in this study is the divese transformations of the IRI states, and The Question is how can it be explaned. To answer this question, histirical analyses were collected and refered a three interrelated level pattern.  In external level, state transformations through Bashiriyeh's idea were followed. In mediate level, Kowsari's interpretation of Parsons' theory about the pathology of subsystems domination were used. In internal level (interaction level, we utilized Tanhayi and Abdi's interpretations) of Herbert Mead's Social Evolution Theory. Finally, we found state ideological transformations, in the context of political subsystem domination, as the most important factor for social transformations, and social interactions were evaluated as ungeneralized. By this view point, decreasing the role of state in transformations, by depoliticizing of other subsystems and making social actions free from ideological considerations, is a solution for preventing divergent transformations.  

Volume 8, Issue 29 (3-2015)

Adonis’ poem“Tahavolat al-‘asheq” borrows from multiple theological and mystical texts and focuses on the encounter between tradition and modernity. This encounter formulatesa new concept of “surrealistic mysticism.” This paper studies different conceptual aspects of surreal mysticism in Adonis’ poem. The study shows that the embedded confrontation of different texts in this poem represents the formation of a modern thinking that transforms the lover from a spiritual essence to the embodiment of carnalinstincts in the modern world and reduces human to a sensual being by depriving him from the divine elements of nature and mysterious qualities.    

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