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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present mixed-methods study aimed to provide the preliminary profile of Iranian EFL teachers’ Psychological Distress, Foreign Language Teaching Enjoyment, and wellbeing. In this vein, 243 Iranian EFL teachers aged between 20 to 51 were recruited from four provinces and were asked to reflect and respond the questionnaires. The results of the Pearson Correlation signaled a significant negative relatedness of Psychological Distress with the other two variables which were significantly and positively associated. Building upon the quantitative results, we further explored the coping strategies with which the teachers would alter and allay the negativity of Psychological Distress in their daily life and teaching experience. The qualitative results of the interview obtained from 40 teachers showed that they use self-related, and others-related strategies to cope with their distressful feelings. The findings of the present study would be useful for teachers and teacher educators by giving them an eagle eye towards teachers’ negative feelings and the ways by which they can handle unpleasant feelings and move toward wellbeing.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Salt stress is a serious environmental threat reducing crop yield. Hence, developing any breeding plan requires an understanding of the basic physiology and cell molecular genetic regulation under salinity stress. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of gene expression changes on ion homeostasis comprising salt overly sensitive (SOS1) and vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter (NHX1) along with ion content measurement and proline content in the rice mutants at Rice Research Institute of Iran in 2018-2019. To survey these realities, tolerant mutant genotypes (em4hs290 and em4hs84) along with Hashemi parent cultivar, IR28 (sensitive), and FL478 (tolerant) seedlings were treated with 100 mM NaCl. Based on the results of growth indices, the seedling length of Hashemi cultivar and IR28 decreased considerably about 44.7%, and 44.2% reduction to that of the control, and the leaves progressively yellowed. Results showed that proline content and K+ and K+/Na+ ratio increased about ~2–3-fold higher in the tolerant genotypes than in the susceptible ones. Also, the overall amount of the OsNHX1 and SOS1 expression increased in tolerant genotypes compared to the susceptible ones. Accordingly, the compatible solute accumulation significantly advanced resulting in improvement of ionic homeostasis and probably suppresses the stress. Moreover, the variable pattern of gene expression in the two salt-tolerant mutants (em4hs290 and em4hs84) and Hashemi parent showed that the induced mutation could increase the salt-tolerant in mutant genotypes through ionic and osmotic homeostasis. Generally, these tolerant mutant genotypes could be applied to develop salt-tolerant varieties in rice breeding programs which can bring on production sustainability.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a class of organic pollutants, have been observed to exert deleterious effects on plant growth and various physiological processes. In this study, the effect of different concentrations of phenanthrene (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 ppm) on growth parameters, photosynthetic pigments, some antioxidant enzymes, and some biochemical compounds of the maize plant were investigated. The experiments were conducted as pot cultures of plants under controlled conditions using a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications for each treatment. Increasing phenanthrene concentration reduced all studied growth parameters and significantly increased photosynthetic pigment contents. Phenanthrene led to the increase in catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase activities in the roots but in shoots, only the peroxidase activity was increased. Moreover, higher phenanthrene concentrations were associated with elevated levels of malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide, coupled with a marked reduction in soluble sugar content in both shoot and root tissues (p<0.05). Also, increase in phenanthrene concentration in the shoots decreased the total phenol and flavonoid contents compared to anthocyanin. Phenanthrene treatment led to a significant reduction in the concentrations of lauric acid, meric acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid in maize shoots. In conclusion, it seems that high concentrations of phenanthrene induce oxidative stress in the maize, and plants improve their enzymatic antioxidant system to moderate the stress condition. In addition, damage of cell membranes by phenanthrene leads to weakening of plants root system as well as disordering in water and nutrient uptake and finally reduction in the plant growth.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)

The main concern in fish transportation is minimizing stress during transportation. In this study, the effect of zeolite and clove essence in terms of transportation on survival and stress rainbow trout was investigated. 4 treatments (each treatment included 3 replicate) including control treatment, clove essence (25 mg/l), zeolite (14g/l) and clove essence (25mg/l) + (14g/l) were considered. 156 fish (with average weight 80 ± 4.4 g) were randomly distributed with a 130 kg/m3 density. At time zero, 6, 12 and 18 hours after starting transportation, survival rates, cortisol and glucose levels (as indicators of stress) were measured and analyzed. In the end, results showed a significant difference in the survival rates that control treatment had the lowest survival rates (P

Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2010)

Oxidative Stress is fast becoming the nutritional and medical buzzword for the 21st century, and imPlicated in a growing list of diseases, from cataract to cancer. Oxidative stress occurs when the amount of free radicals in the body exceeds its pool of available antioxidants. Some researches indicate that margarine contain Trans fatty acids as major sources of dietrary free radicals and oxidative Stress. But other researches has been shown that because of supplementation of mairganie with some antioxidant such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, vitamin C and specially vitamin E, significantly decreased free radicals and oxidative stress and increased the levels of the supplied antioxidants in plasma. In this study, we examined the effect of The use fortified margarine on oxidative stress markers in young male, rats. To evaluate the margarine effect, 20 wistar rats were divided into 2 groups and selected as control and marganine groups. In second groups margarine were added to their chow as 15% (w/w). After 4 months blood samples were obtained, Then plasma levels of antioxidant, lipid peroxidation and thiol group of its, has been measured. This experiment showed that margarine intake has a positive effect on markers of oxidative stress, and consumption of antioxidant supplied in a full-fat margarine and consumed as a part of normal diet, effectively increases the blood levels of antioxidant and eliminats of free radicals.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2012)

To identify the fungi associated with foot and root rot of wheat in the Khuzestan province, diseased samples were collected at all growth stages in three growing seasons of 2004-2007. Pieces of infected parts of the root and foot were surface sterilized and cultured on acidic and non acidic PDA media. One hundred and fifteen isolates were obtained and on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic characters and valid keys were identified as Fusarium solani, F. equiseti, F. moniliforme, F. subglutinans, F. sambucinum, F. culmorum, F. proliferatum, F. pseudograminearum, F. longipes, F. avenacium, F. nygamai, F. semitectum, F. lateritium, Rhizoctonia solani, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Pythium sp. F. equiseti, F. solani and F. culmorum with occurrence frequencies of 16.07, 16.07 and 12.5 % respectively were more frequent than all other species. Results of Pathogenicity tests indicated that F. pseudograminearum and F.culmorum were the main fungi associated with wheat root and crown rot disease in khuzestan while other Fusarium spp. such as F. equiseti are probably aggravated by moisture stress at different growth stages of crop due to poor irrigation management. Rhizoctonia solani with occurrence frequency of 8.03 % in some regions such as Ahvaz, Shoush, Shoushtar and Baghmalek was important agent of crown and root rot of wheat second to Fusarium species. Bipolaris sorokiniana and Pythium sp also caused crown and root rot but with less frequency percent.  

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2013)

The aims of this study were to assess the effects of drought stress on peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities as well as free proline content and growth parameters of Pistacia khinjuk seedlings under drought stress. Therefore, the one-year seedlings of Pistacia khinjuk subjected to water stress (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% field capacity) for 8 months in greenhouse condition. Results showed that drought stress decreased height, collar diameter, shoot dry weight and root dry weight of P. khinjuk seedlings. But it had different effects onantioxidant enzyme activities in root and shoot of P. khinjuk seedlings. Drought stress increased CAT activity in shoot and root of seedlings and its activity was higher in 25% field capacity (FC) than other treatments. Also, the POD enzyme activity increased in root and shoot of seedlings subjected to drought stress. The SOD activity was at the lowest level in 100% FC than other treatments. The results also showed that free proline accumulation was lower in well watered seedlings and increased under drought stress.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

We investigated the response of Sea Buckthorn to drought in a nursery experiment that has been studied for the first time in the world for Iranian Sea Buckthorn. Biomass and physiological differences in response to drought were compared between four Elaeagnus rhamnoides seedlings inhabited in Qazvin Province origin seeds of Iran. The experimental design included four water regimes including 2, 4, 8 and 12 days irrigation and three blocks. Water Use Efficiency (WUE), Relative Water Content (RWC), Water Potential (WP), Water Saturation Deficit (WSD), Root and shoot weight of fresh leaves were determined at the end of the watering treatment (four months). We found that drought tolerance was highly related to the plant physiology in E. rhamnoides. With the extension of drought stress from 2 to 12 days, E. rhamnoides seedlings WUE was increased; between one and second treatment, also between third and fourth treatments we observed significant difference. RWC gradually was declined with decreasing water supplies. WP was decreased, while drought was increased from first to last treatment. WSD gradually was increased by accelerating drought in all treatments. WSD values did not differ significantly between treatments three and four. Significant differences at 0.05 levels were not observed between 8 and 12 days-irrigated in both of R and S weight, but in all treatments was decreased toward drought. Our results provided new clue and new insight to study the drought-tolerant mechanism for the study species.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Aim: It has been shown that workers who had previously been involved in a work accident had significantly lower situation awareness scores than those who had not had an accident in the workplace. In this study, we examined the role of stress, sleep loss and fatigue in predicting situation awareness among workers. Methods: The current study was a cross-sectional study. The sample consisting of 180 employees in National Petrochemical Company in 2014 was selected according to the stratified random sampling method. They responded to questionnaires about work situation awareness, work stress, sleep loss and fatigue. The data were analyzed by correlation techniques and stepwise regression. Findings: The results showed a significant internal correlation among work stress, sleep loss and fatigue, and work situation awareness. Also the results of stepwise regression analysis showed that sleep loss, fatigue and stress predicted, respectively, almost 25%, 23% and 21% of variances of work situation awareness among workers. Conclusion: The variables of stress, sleep loss and fatigue could predict work situation awareness. Therefore, these variables can be important to promoting the awareness of work situation among workers

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2012)

This article studies the perceptual correlates of lexical stress in Persian. The minimal stress pair // was used as the stimulus token, and the values of duration, overall intensity, spectral balance and F0 were varied in several steps both in the accented and de-accented conditions. 20 native Persian speakers were asked to identify the stressed tokens in a force-choice perception experiment. The results showed that in the accented condition, F0 is the most reliable perceptual correlate of stress. Other correlates are in additive interaction with F0. In de-accented condition, stress is strongly cued by duration, while among the other correlates, spectral balance provides stronger stress cues than overall intensity.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2014)

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of enriched Artemia with fish and soybean oils supplemented with vitamin E on growth performance, stress resistance, antioxidant enzymes activity and lipid peroxidation of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae. Five experimental diets including non-enriched  Artemia (control diet), Artemia enriched with soybean oil supplemented with 15 or 30% vitamin E (S15 and S30 diets) and fish oil supplemented with 15 or 30% vitamin E (F15 and F30 diets) were used. The larvae were fed to apparent satiation for 17 days. The results indicated that fish fed enriched Artemia had no significant differences compared with control group in terms of growth and survival, but increase in vitamin E levels from 15 to 30 % improved growth performance and resistance to salinity stress. Vitamin E content in fish fed S15 and S30 diets was significantly higher compared with the other treatments. Antioxidant enzymes activity in fish fed non-enriched Artemia, F15 and F30 diets were higher. The highest TBA value was observed in fish fed non-enriched Artemia. The results demonstrated that the addition of vitamin E to the fish and soybean oils for Artemia enrichment could reduce oxidation of oils and beneficial for the health and quality of larvae. In conclusion, enrichment of Artemia with soybean oil supplemented with 30 % vitamin E (S30 diet) is recommended for feeding Persian sturgeon larvae.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (7-2001)

Limited water for irrigation and the coincidence of early growth of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) with the late growth of winter cereals in the Northeast (NE) of Iran, force farmers, to allocate their limited irrigation water to the cereal crops and thus their sugar beet crop is subjected to an early water stress. Finding cultivars which are able to withstand early water stress without a significant yield reduction is critical to the farmers’ economy. This study was conducted over a two-year period (1998 and 1999) to evaluate the response of nine sugar beet genotypes to drought stress and to determine the crop traits associated with drought resistance. The results showed that stomatal conductance, leaf-air temperature difference and proline accumulation were associated with levels of water stress in sugar beet genotypes. Among these indices, leaf-air temperature difference was a more precise parameter to measure. A negative correlation between Δ T (leaf -air temperature) and stomatal conductance was found. The correlation coefficients for 1998 and 1999 were -0.87 and -0.58, respectively. There was a positive correlation between Δ T and proline accumulation in sugar beet genotypes. The correlation coefficients for the 1998 and 1999 experiments were 0.61 and 0.49, respectively. The shoot: root ratio (S:R) measured at the end of the stress period showed that genotypes with a lower S:R often had a greater stomatal conductance. In general, genotypes with a lower S:R at the end of the stress period usually had a greater root dry weight. The correlation coefficients of S:R with root dry weight at the end of the stress period were -0.96 and -0.65 for 1998 and 1999, respectively.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The effect of a probiotic containing five species of bacilli at four levels of 0 (control), 1×106CFU/ml (T1), 1×107 CFU/ml (T 2) and 1×108CFU/ml (T 3) per 100g of feed on the growth performances, resistance and survival of rainbow trout fry, Oncorhynchus mykiss (463±32 mg) were compared in a  60-days feeding trial. Growth parameters, such as ADG, SGR, RGR and TGC, were significantly enhanced (p<0.05) by the probiotic at all levels, and the performance in T2 was significantly better than T1. The fish under the probiotic treatments also showed higher resistance (p<0.05) to such Environmental stresses as alkaline pH, heat and ammonia (p<0.05). No significant difference in tolerance to acidic pH stress was observed between the control and treatments. In conclusion, the probiotic bacillus highly increased the growth performances, feeding efficiency, resistance and survival in rainbow trout fry.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Aim: Sexual function is influenced by different individual and environmental factors. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) can lead to serious conditions for women and their family. The present study aimed to identify the prevalence and risk factors for FSD, in Kashan, Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a convenience sample of 200 women refering to educational gynecology clinics and meeting the inclusion criteria was selected in Kashan, Iran, 2014. Three anonymous self-administered questionnaires were completed by the participants: Demographic, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). Chi-square, T-test, Mann Whitney's and Pearson's correlation coefficients were performed for the determination of factors associated with FSD. A score less than 28 out of a possible score of 36 suggests the presence of FSD based on FSFI.
Findings: Of total participants, 119 (59.5%) had FSD. Thirty-nine percent reported desire disorders, 37% arousal disorders, 28.5% lubricant disorders, 24%5 orgasmic disorders, 19.5% pain disorders, and 22.5% satisfaction disorders. Sexual dysfunction was more common in depressed, anxious and stressed and low educated women with older age and longer duration of marriage.
Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction is common among women and some demographic and emotional problems likely contribute to the experience of sexual dysfunction. This finding may have implications on the clinical evaluation of sexual function and identifying the effect of demographic and psychological factors on FSD in women.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2015)

The effects of stress on body cortisol and reproductive performance of guppy, Poeciliar eticulata, was evaluated on  90 immature female fish (0.29 ± 0.03g body weight). The experiment, carried for 30 days in three replications, included: the control (without any manipulation), handling stress (daily holding in a net for 2 minutes) and feeding with the cortisol-treated diet (500 mg per kg food). After this period, reproduction was induced by adding male fish to the remaining females in each tank. No significant difference was observed in growth rate among the treatments (p=0.001). The mortality rate and body cortisol content in both handling and cortisol-fed treatments were significantly higher than that in the control group (p=0.000). The minimum and maximum number of embryos was observed in the control and cortisol-fed  groups, respectively. Our results indicated that such manipulations have negative effects on survival and reproductive efficiency and change whole-body cortisol content. Therefore, the measurement of whole-body cortisol content could be a suitable criterion for determining physiological condition in small laboratory fishes.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Aims: How to design spaces in cities can have different effects on citizens. The objectives of this study can be to examine the impact of biophilic urban space on the stress of people.
Methods: The research method is quasi-experimental. The statistical population of the study consists of 20 bachelor and master students in the field of architecture and urban planning at Tabriz University of Islamic Arts in the academic year 1400. First, students' health was identified using a call announcement and a demographic questionnaire, and these individuals were quantified for stress with the help of a smart wristband while viewing images of biophilic and non-biophilic urban spaces with the help of virtual reality glasses.
Findings: Analysis of the results shows that the average change in stress of individuals while viewing non-biophilic images was approximately 5/2 units higher than biophilic ones in the second minute. p-Value is significant between individuals with education in biophilic state and rest in 1 minute and non-biophilic in 2 minutes. The difference between stress number in non-biophilic state and biophilic in 2 minutes is significant (p-value = 023/0) and shows the positive effect of biophilic approach on reducing stress that this efficiency can be considered in the design of future urban spaces.
Conclusion: Special attention of urban designers on the structure of spaces and the use of extraction measures from the biophilic model in different scales cause the design or organization of spaces that significantly reduce the stress of people living in cities

Volume 3, Issue 11 (12-2006)

Quasi-static compressive tests to determine the mechanical properties of individual brown rice kernels were conducted on whole kernel rice of Hashemi and core specimens of Khazar varieties. The magnitudes of the failure force, failure deformation, breakage energy and apparent elasticity modulus for Hashemi kernels were determined at two moisture content levels, namly, %11 and %17 (w.b.) at four levels of loading rates ranging from 1 mm/min to 5.5 mm/min. For the Khazar variety, the magnitudes of failure stress and strain, as well as toughness and elasticity modulus were determined at moisture content of %14 (w.b.) for five levels of loading rates ranging from 0.5 mm/min to 1.5 mm/min. Statistical analysis of the test results showed that deformation rates had no significant effect on the mechanical properties. Moisture content had a significant effect on all grain mechanical properties. Decreasing moisture content caused significant increases in all these properties. The failure force and the breaking energy for Hashemi kernels increased more than double, when the moisture content decreased from 17% to 11%. The magnitudes of failure force and breaking energy varied from 56 N to 115.7 N, and from 2.01 mJ to 5.23 mJ, respectively. The means of apparent elasticity modulus for compressive test on the core specimens was calculated to be 1.762 GPa at 17% moisture content and 2.835 GPa at 11% moisture content. Compressive strength and apparent elasticity modulus for Khazar variety were determined to be 36 MPa and 973.4 MPa, respectively. Some of the mechanical properties compared well with the published data.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2015)

A 27 day study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of aqueous extracts of Hypericumperforatum on hemato-serological parameters and survival of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmikiss) under thermal stress (20 ± 2 ◦C). A total of 360 rainbow trout (97.2 ± 1.6g) were divided randomly into four groups and  immersed in different concentrations (0, 250, 500 and 750 ppm) (T0, T25, T50 and T75) of aqueous extracts of H. perforatum. The blood samples were collected on day 12 and 27 and hemato-serological parameters were determined. In stage 1, the total red blood cell, hemoglobin and hematocrit didn’t show a significant difference among controls and treatments but in stage 2, those parameters were significantly increased in T50 and T75 compared to T0 and T25.  The total white blood cell, lymphocytes, total protein, albumin, and total IgM showed a significant increase in treatments compared to control but the results in the neutrophils was opposit. The MCV and MCH didn’t significantly change in two stages but the MCHC of T75 were significantly higher than T0 and T25. The glucose of T50 and T75 were significantly lower than T0 and T25. The hepatic enzymes, ALT and AST of T75 significantly increased compared to other groups in stage2. The highest and lowest survival rates were observed in T50 and T0, respectively. Based on the results, it seems that Hypericumperforatum could control the effectsof stress and increase the survival rate of rainbow trout when exposed to chronic heat stress.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2015)

The effect of different levels of betaine and tryptophan on growth and resistance to salinities in the Caspian roach was investigated. Fish (1.90 ± 0.04 g body weight) were divided into 9 groups (4 treatments groups containing betaine (0.5 and 1), tryptophan (0.25 and 0.5), betaine and tryptophan mixtures (0.25- 0.5, 0.25, -1, 0.5-0.5 and 0.5- 1), and control group). After recording the growth factors, the fish were exposed to salinities (12, 16 and 20 ppt) and clinical symptoms and mortality rate were recorded. No mortality occurred in 12 ppt salinity. At 16 ppt, the lowest mortality (16.66%) was recorded in the treatment containing 1% betaine and 0.5% tryptophan, while the highest mortalty (59.98%) occurred in the control group. At 20 ppt salinity, 100% mortality occurred within 6 hours in the control, while in the other treatments 100%-mortality occurred after 24 hours. Behavioral symptoms, such as jerky movements, ataxia, increased respiratory rate, were more prominent in higher salinities. Tryptophan did not reduce food consumption meaningfully. Increaesd food consumption as the result of betaine did not show significant  effect on the fish growth rate.

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