Showing 7 results for Stratification
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2011)
The present study is the analysis of the drama “Death of a Salesman” and its interlingual and intersemiotic translations into Persian. The drama has been interlingually translated into Persian and it became the basis for an intersemiotic translation, a tele-theatre. For this reason, the researcher compared the Persian translation with the English text and the tele-theatre to the Persian text to define and analyze the translation of significant ideological concepts in both translations. Then, using critical semiotics theory and extending it to translation criticism, the researcher criticized the tele-theatre from a critical semiotics viewpoint to identify which types of signs have been changed in the tele-theatre and how. Therefore, changes of ideologically significant concepts were analyzed and criticized. The results showed that there were no changes in ideologically significant concepts of the Persian text. But, in the tele-theatre, almost all of these concepts were omitted or completely transformed. In fact, the tele-theatre contains so many censorships in a way that, in some parts, it has lost its cohesion and sometimes even its meanings. In fact, the translator/director has tried to do his best to change the text according to the viewpoints of dominant culture of receiving society. Moreover, maintaining and adding their accepted ideological concepts and omitting or transforming their unaccepted ones, he has tried to represent their values and ideological positions to the receivers. As a result, he has created a text, which lacks cohesion in comparison to the original text and infers meanings, which are sometimes completely opposite to those of the original text.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)
This paper tries to assess the strata structure of Iran urban society by using We berian approach in Islamic republic of Iran during the two decades of 1970s-1980s. Based on this approach, the strata structure is assessed in three dimensions: economic activity instrument, expert and capacity, and life opportunities. The historical methodology was used and data sources were 1986 and 1996 by Iran Statistics Centre.
Investigation results showed, in spite of implementing the development programs after the revolution, traditional rapport has been dominated between the employers, and the independent personnel of this traditional rapport has been increased after the revolution. Medial strata has been increased as a result of medial expansion politics of the government, especially in the governmental section. But in the private section has come down because of underling staff and employee activities.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Germination is a critical stage in the life cycle of plants and often controls population dynamics, with major practical implications. Salsola arbusculiformis is one of the most important plants used to prevent soil erosion and a good fodder resource for sheep and goat in the rangelands of Iran. However, the species seems to have low seed germination, so the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different treatments to improve its seed germination. Three concentrations of gibberellic acid (100, 500 and 1000 ppm), mechanical scarification with sandpaper, concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4 (98%)), potassium nitrate (KNO3 (0.2%)), thiourea one Molar, four prechilling periods (10, 20, 30 and 150 days at 2 °C) were used as study treatments and distilled water as control. The results showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) among and within the treatments in their effects on seed germination. The effective treatments to stimulate seed germination were prechilling for 150 and 30 days; sulphuric acid and sandpaper scarification. Prechilling for 150 and 30 days increased germination by 88.4% and 85.65%, respectively, while sulphuric acid and sandpaper scarification both increased germination by 76.1% compared to the control. The results also showed that gibberellic acid, potassium nitrate and thiourea did not promote seed germination. It was inferred that the most effective treatments among the methods used for breaking seed dormancy of Salsola arbusculiformis were prechilling for 150 days and mechanical scarification by hand with sandpaper.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (2-2021)
Social class is one of the concepts that is very important for social scientists and at the same time this concept has been very controversial. Scholars in this field do not agree much on the definition of class, field and its application, structure and related theories, and have analyzed it from different perspectives, sometimes only from an economic, sometimes political and sometimes in addition, the economic and political dimensions of the social and cultural dimensions have been studied, and others discuss the disappearance of class. The kind of view of thinkers on this concept can create different procedures in the field of issues and concepts of stratification, social class and middle class. This article examines and compares the views of social and middle class thinkers in Iran with meta-analysis method and compares their views in the fields of social class concept, social class structure, typological features structure and middle class function. The study courses of the observers on the social class are before Qajar, Qajar, Pahlavi and the Islamic Revolution of Iran. The results show that the most agreement on the concept of class is related to the criteria: 1. Occupational, 2. Economic and common opportunities Life is equal 3. Power and ownership and 4. Understanding historical conditions. These theorists also have commonalities and differences in the fields of class structure, characteristics, typology and functions of social and middle class.
Hamid Khatib-Shahidi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (5-2006)
With the publication of one complete edition of the journal Expedition in 1989 on Hasanlu project by American archaeologists, engaged there during pre-revolutionary period, the present study highlights some of the accepted mistakes in the explanation and interpretation of the facts in the articles of that journal on one hand, and the beginning of the activities by Iranian archaeologists in 2000 which necessitated the changes in chronology and stratification, on the other. Dyson also implied tracing the relics found at Hasanlu IV with the Mannaean state despite the opposition by some of the investigators. However, the accepted errors with regards to the lineage of 2nd defensive wall to Mannaean, although formally declared to that of Urartian and the continuation of Urartian in Hasanlu up to later 7th and early 6th century B.C. and attributing of rooms inside the fort to them, is not verifying the findings of Iranian team. Further, going through the part of the Urartian mud brick defensive wall and the way the layer was stratified need more study and consultation. With regards to the above –mentioned changes, writer, being the head of Iranian team at Hasanlu present a new chronological chart against the one presented by Dyson in 1989.
Volume 13, Issue 51 (8-2020)
Karbala has been a multiple and dynamic space and so the writers’ perspective on it was multiple and dynamic as well. Geocriticism is one of the new interdisciplinary approaches that focuses on space in postmodern era. Geocriticism investigates the relation between subject and space and studies the geographical space and the imaginary space of literary texts. The current study was aimed at investigating the effect of space stratification on readers in a selected number of poems. Such stratification was influenced by time as well, creating different layers of texts in space. The researchers tried to unfold the space-time layers in these poems that shaped the space of Karbala, based on the spatiotemporality principle of Westphal theory. The results indicated that poets would identify themselves with these layers of space, as they unveil the dialectic between the self and the other. Moreover, in this study the viewpoint of the Christian poet (exogenous) was studied against the Muslim poet (endogenous), by applying multifocalization principle of Westphalian theory. The principle focuses on different points of views being endogenous, exogenous and allogenous. The study reveals the convergence of selected poets’ perspectives
Volume 21, Issue 2 (5-2021)
The Dez dam, with a volume of 3.3 billion cubic meters and 203 meters height, was built with the aim of generating hydropower, flood control and meeting agricultural demands. With the loss of about 700 million cubic meters of dam reservoir capacity due to sedimentation and approaching the level of sediments to the power plant intake, as well as increasing downstream water demand and reducing the reservoir inflow due to the upstream development projects, the optimal operation of the Dez Dam has faced problems. In order to overcome these problems, a plan to increase the height of the dam has been proposed. On the other hand, the Ghadir water supply project with design discharge of 24 cms for transferring water from the dam reservoir to some cities of Khuzestan province is underway. So far, the effects of these projects on the water level variations and thermal regime changes in the dam reservoir have not been studied.
In this paper, first by using the two-dimensional CE-QUAL-W2 hydrodynamics and water quality model, the sensitivity analysis, model calibration and confirmation for simulation of water level, thermal profile and total dissolved solids was performed. Then, the effect of Ghadir project in water level changes in the wet and dry conditions, before and after dam heightening while reducing and not reducing the reservoir inflow has been studied.
By performing model sensitivity analysis, it was found that the model showed the highest sensitivity respectively to the shading parameter and empirical coefficients a, c and b with the sensitivity index values of 3.25, 2.58, 2.34 and 1.23, respectively. After the sensitivity analysis, the model was calibrated for water level, temperature and total dissolved solids. The results showed that the calibration mean absolute error of water level, temperature and TDS was 9 cm, 0.79 °C and 15 mg/l, respectively. On the other hand, by examining the effect of power plant and Ghadir project on thermal stratification, it was observed that the thermal profiles do not experience a significant change due to the inability of the shear forces to overcome the buoyant forces. Also, by evaluating the effect of Ghadir project while reducing the reservoir inflow on the water level in different hydrological conditions, the positive effect of implementing the Dez Dam heightening plan to reduce the effects of water transfer and the possibility of continuous operation of the dam reservoir, Appeared. In this regard, in the hydrological conditions of 2014, which is an average of the hydrological conditions, the decrease in reservoir inflow and operation of the Ghadir project, leads to decrease in the water level of 10.68 meters and 7.8 meters, respectively. By comparing the water level in the conditions of increasing and not increasing the height of Dez Dam in dry and wet periods, improvement of about 50% and maximum improvement, respectively, in maintaining the minimum operational water level in the conditions of increasing the dam height can be seen. Therefore, in case of non-implementation of the Dez Dam heightening project, operation of Ghadir project to supply drinking water to parts of Khuzestan province will face a serious challenge.