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Showing 3 results for Socio-Semantic Features

Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2013)

Critical discourse analysis deals with power and ideology. This approach makes connection between ideology and the manner of expression by the use of discursive features. This article was carried out in discreptive-analytic method to study discursive features in the expressions, sentences and texts of the narration “Miyan-e diruz va farad” from “Azar Mah-e Akhar-e Payiz” (Azar, The Last Month of Autumn) written by Ebrahim Golestan. Therefore, the present article studies socio-semantic features on the basis of Van Leeuwen (1996) in the story of “Miyan-e diruz va farad” for clarifying the ideology beyond the text. This article aims to answer these questions: 1- How are socio-semantic features used in this story? 2- Have social situations been affected in the style of narration? and 3-What kind of functions has the author considered for ideology? The results indicated that this story has used all kinds of socio-semantic features with the exception of symbolization. The author has used implicit features due to political and social situations, and explicit features have been used because of the importance of actors and their actions. The author has also used ideology for transferring group believes. This article makes an attempt to express why the author has used these features and expressed them implicity.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (5-2015)

The goal of this article is to demystify the press texts and discover their hidden layers of meaning in the framework of critical discourse analysis. To do so, using socio-semantic features of Van Leeuwen's model (1996), 40 numbers of four Iranian Persian publications of a two–month period, from July 22 to September 21, 2011 were studied qualitatively. The data analysis results indicated that the ideology dominating the minds of writers and groups is reflected in the text using discursive features as personalization, impersonalization, activation, backgrounding, etc., and the linguistic realization of discursive structures is performed using linguistic structures as nominalization, pre-modifiers, active versus passive structures, coordination, etc. in the texts. Also there is a dialectic relationship between discursive structures and ideology, which can be determined by studying these structures in the texts and social institutions.
Masoud Asadi, Arsalan Golfam, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (1-2015)

Through uncovering the underlying elements of language, this research aims to reveal the hidden layers of meaning in press texts in the framework of a critical discourse analysis. Having used socio-semantic features of Van Leeuwen's model (1996), this paper has studied, qualitatively, 40 issues of four Iranian Persian publications for a period of two months, from July 22 to September 21, 2011. These publications were 'E'temad', 'Sharq', Resalat' and Keyhan. The analyses included recognizing discursive structures in the texts, determining the linguistic realizations of structures, and explaining along with uncovering the hidden layers of meaning and the ideology behind the texts. The research results out of the data analysis indicate that the ideology dominating the minds of writers and groups is reflected in the texts using discursive features as exclusion, activation, passivation, personalization and impersonalization. Exclusion has been the most frequently used feature in 'E'temad and 'Sharq', whereas activation has had the highest frequency of occurrences in 'Resalat' and 'Keyhan'. The discursive structures take place using linguistic instruments like pre-modifiers, active vs. passive structures, coordination and circumstantials, in the texts. Besides, the relationship between discursive structures and ideology is dialectal, which can be determined by studying these structures in the texts and social institutions.

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