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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Transfer of learning from English course to other contexts is one of the most fundamental objectives of EAP instruction. Providing opportunities to transfer the acquired knowledge from the ESAP writing course to writing tasks of specialized disciplines as well as analyzing students’ perceptions of transfer catalysts and barriers might suggest a foundation for future educational planning. This study examines how engineering graduates learning ESAP assessed the four constructs of learning transfer inventory that might facilitate or inhibit the transfer of learning in discipline-specific academic writing programs. 60 engineering graduate students participated in this study. During the ESAP course, collaboratively designed discipline-specific writing tasks were presented and practiced through multimodal input. The catalysts and the barriers to the learning transfer act were identified by administering the Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI). Results indicated that the students could obtain significant levels of academic writing skills and finally transfer their acquired instruction to authentic discipline practices. Furthermore, data analysis demonstrated that transfer of writing outcomes will be increased if more consideration of work-related factors is considered in higher education. All participants reported personal capacity as the main impediment induced by the work-related construct. Students’ positive attitudes toward three ability factors and all motivational factors suggested that an auspicious foundation for future educational planning exists if disciplinary and institutional considerations are embraced.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2018)

Aims: Today, due to a large change in economic, political, and other relations, the spatial structure of cities, especially metropolises, is subject to rapid changes. Regarding the influence of structural components, especially the component of politics (power), on space, on
one hand, and the existence of oil revenues and structural features of Iran on the other hand, consideration of the spatial transformations of metropolises is necessary in terms of politics and power. The aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of spatial transformations of Tehran and Tabriz metropolises in the context of Iranian oil economy.
Instruments and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive study, the required data, information, and concepts related to the indices explaining the spatial transformations of Tehran and Tabriz metropolises were collected directly with access to some information sources, including the Central Bank site and the Statistical Center. In the theoretical foundation, the most part of the study was done in library. Pearson correlation coefficient and Simultaneous regression test were used to determine the relationship between oil revenues of the country and building approval certificates issued by the municipality of Tehran and Tabriz.
Findings: The oil revenues had a direct correlation with the number of building approval certificates issued in Tabriz (r=0.5663; p=0.0025) and Tehran (r=0.7440; p=0.0005). The oil revenues could explain 56.63% of the building approval certificates issued in Tabriz and 74.44% of the building approval certificates issued in Tehran.
Conclusion: Production, spatial transformations, and construction activities in Tehran and Tabriz metropolises are directly affected by oil revenues.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2018)

Introduction: Nowadays, Tehran is the most important challenge of political management of space in Iran due to the accumulation of problems in natural and human dimensions. The most important dimensions of this challenge are population density and the lack of coordinated management to overcome this problem and its consequences. Since one cannot consider Tehran separated from far and near hinterland, the first issue is the lack of spatial/geographical justice in these hinterlands. Tehran's problems can be analyzed in three levels: physical-residential, regional, and national. This descriptive-analytical research was carried out based on library resources with the aim of analyzing spatial justice in Iran and organizing political space in Tehran.
Conclusion: The lack of spatial planning and sustainable development approach on the national, regional, and local scale in the Iranian planning system has, above all, resulted in intense centralization, institutionalized, and has led to the formation of the center of the periphery pattern in the country. The performance of development programs, before and after the revolution, has led to the imbalance of the governing pattern of the spatial structure of the country. Also, the spatial/geographical injustice in the country and consequently in Tehran province, as well as the lack of integrated management in Tehran's urban management have caused Tehran's current problems. In order to solve the problems of Tehran and its optimal administration, it should be planned based on the available resources with the fair spatial planning approach to space and in the framework of the spatial planning strategy, using the space justice in three short, medium, and long periods, in order to provide the optimal administration of Tehran.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Aims: The border areas are the most deprived ones due to their remoteness from the capital and marginality. Therefore, border development is essential. This development can be realized through establishment of custom and border marketplaces, which will provide convenient shopping and leisure facilities, along with other infrastructures for importing and exporting goods, as well as entrance and departure of passengers. The goal of the present study was to develop a conceptual model for designing customs and border marketplaces.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study has been conducted in two steps. In the first step, the design qualities of border marketplaces were extracted based on theoretical literature and were evaluated by a semi-structured interview with 10 participants by using snowball methods. In the next step, the theoretical model was developed by a questionnaire, based on the principles of the Delphi method with the help of 10 experts in the field of design sciences.
Findings: The results indicate that some approaches such as urban tourism, passive defense, city branding, and urban design are effective in developing the border areas.
Conclusion: A conceptual model including economic, social, legal and physical dimensions with an emphasize on some principles such as passive defense, accessibility, variety, inclusiveness, vitality, infrastructures, legibility, identity and local architecture, context-museum, sustainability, visual character, continuity and coherence, compatibility with nature and environmental cleanliness, can be used by urban planners and designers in the development of border areas.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)

Introduction: Spatial planning is a set of measures to organize the distribution of human and activities carried out in the geographical space. Each area should enjoy a range of economic and social activities based on its capabilities, needs, and situation. Spatial planning is the basis of organizing regional development and it is the main instrument for regional and national planning and policy making; it provides the basis for the preparation of socio-economic development plans for each area or country. Since for the fulfillment of development objectives all social resources, including human, economic, spatial, and environmental resources should be used and making use of all these elements needs planning, spatial planning is the basis of comprehensive development plans and projects and connects spatial, social, and economic planning, or as a whole in the form of comprehensive planning, in regional and national scale. Border areas have special characteristics due to their contacts with the external environments. The cross-border exchanges and spatial connections between the adjacent countries as well as the various vulnerabilities and threats posed by this issue necessitate special care to the process of development planning in these areas. The aim of the present research was to investigate the employed strategies for spatial plannig in brder areas in Five-Year economic, social, and cultural development plans of Islamic Republic of Iran (1st to 5th Plan).
Conclusion: In general, and especially in the 3rd and 4th plans, the economic strategy is more important. Also, spatial differences have not been considered in 5-year development plans; strategies ignored the differences in the various border areas of the country and looked at all areas in the same way. In addition, a special type of strategy is focused in each plan.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)

Introduction: With its special geographical and topographical conditions, springs, waterfalls, variety of herbals, wildlife, and historical buildings, Khur va Biabanak has a high capacity to attract tourists. Strategic planning can be a way to exploit these opportunities. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify strategic priorities of economic development with an emphasis on ecotourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.
Instrument and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical research, the data were collected, using library and field method and two groups, including 150 tourists and 30 tourism experts were selected, using available sampling method. To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as to complete the information, the specialists were referred and a list of strategies was prepared. The SWOT model was used to select economic development strategies and the data were analyzed by GIS software.
Findings: In External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), the "diversification of ecotourism attractions" with a weight of 0.069 was the first opportunity and "environmental degradation and damage to historical monuments" with a weight of 0.053 was considered as the most important threat. In the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix, the most important strength was "the variation of ecotourism attractions in the region" with a weight of 0.069 and the most important weaknesses was "physical and environmental infrastructure shortage" with a weight of 0.063. The directional strategy of this city was a competitive strategy (ST).
Conclusion: "The development of cooperation between organizations involved in managing tourist attractions, paying attention to the participation of people, increasing the advertising for the introduction of tourist attractions, and tourist attraction during the year by presenting various types of ecotourism" are the most important strategies for the economic development of tourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)

Aims: Urban spatial planning may be defined as the spatial planning in the geographical location of the city, based on the approach of providing the needs of inhabitants within the geographic spaces, following the recreation of the roles and functions of urban elements. By planning identity signs in urban spaces, it is meant to make the safety and security of the city sustainable. By identifying the emotional, psychological, and educational needs of citizens, visual discipline is created; by planning the identity signs of city’s index and planning the signs, vitality is created for citizens; and in completion, with city architecture, facade and urban landscape will be managed in such a way that the citizens' mental and objective needs are met. Given the role of signs in the city, the question of this study is in what situations, will signs meet the need for security and self-awareness of the inhabitants? In what situations, are vitality and beauty transmitted to the citizens and affect the city's atmosphere? Applying a descriptive-analytical method and using library studies as well as available documents, this study examined the planning of urban signs to achieve the main function of the sign.
Conclusion: Signs in urban spaces with appropriate planning can have positive effects and meet citizens' needs for self-awareness, security, education, etc. In this regard, convergence should be created among decision makers, urban managers, and culture, community, economics, politics, and geography of the urban space of citizens.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)

Introduction: The main purpose of organizing space in each country is, firstly, providing an optimal service to the maximum of citizens and, secondly, managing the people who live in a country. Despite numerous attempts, geographical space of Iran is away from the spatial justice and the center-periphery pattern is the dominant pattern of its spatial relationships. The aim of this study was to investigate the foundations of spatial injustice in Iran. This paper with analytical–descriptive method and relying on the library resources tried to identify and classify the factors affecting the spatial injustice in Iran.
Conclusion: Spatial injustice in Iran comes from two main areas, including the natural, cultural, social, and economic conditions of any geographic location (the inherent characteristics of the regions), and the political economy of space, decisions of policy makers, and economic planners. The peripheral areas with 16 provinces and central areas with 14 provinces (including Alborz province) form the political space of Iran. Peripheral areas of the country include about 50% of area and 50.7% of the population, showing that 50% of development of the country should be concentrated in border areas so that regional balances are established in the spatial pattern of Iran. The focus of facilities and services in the center causes the remoteness of some provinces and their exclusion from these benefits.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Aim: Level of physical activity as key determinant of healthy lifestyle is less than what is required in individuals particularly women. Applying theories of behavioral change about complex behaviors such as physical activity leads to identify effective factors and their relations. The aim of this study was to determine predictors of exercise behavior based on developed Theory of Planned Behavior with planning constructs in military personnel’s wives. Methods: We performed this cross-sectional study on 150 military personnel’s spouses residing in organizational houses, in Tehran, Iran in 2013. The participants were randomly selected with multi-stage cluster sampling. The validity and reliability of developed scale were evaluated before conducting the path analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS.16 and LISREL8.8. Finding: The developed model predicted 48, 11, 12 and 35 percent of the variance in intention, action planning, coping planning and behavior, respectively. Subjective norms (Beta=0.35, p<0.01) and perceived behavioral control (Beta=0.28, p<0.01) were the predictors of intention. Determinants of behavior included action planning (Beta=0.40, p<0.01), coping planning (Beta=0.39, p<0.01), intention (Beta=0.23, p<0.01) and subjective norms (Beta=0.08, p<0.01). Instrumental and affective attitude had no significant path coefficient to dependent variables. The path of perceived behavioral control to behavior was non-significant. The developed theory fitted to data better than the original theory. Conclusion: This research demonstrated relative weights and relationships of Theory of Planned Behavior constructs with action and coping planning in physical activity behavior of military staffs' spouses. It is essential to consider these effective factors in designing of health education programs.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Introduction: Considering the settlement of more than 60% of the world's population in cities by 2030, producing over 70% of the world's carbon there, and 50% of the damage to the ozone layer by cities, as well as less experience in organizing environmental issues in cities, studying the successful experience of countries, especially global metropolises in planning environmental issues may be essential. Accordingly, this research is theoretical in terms of nature, applied in terms of conclusion, and descriptive-analytical and documentary in terms of method. The data were collected and analyzed from library resources, field observations from some metropolises, and Internet resources related to the world capitals and global metropolises perspective (15 items).
Conclusion: At least since 2000, in all the perspectives for the studied capitals and metropolises, urban environmental issues have been one of their main goals and basic themes. The land of "no burial" and "no waste" is the motto of most of them. The completion of the cycle of reduction of consumption, recycling, and reuse is considered the main objective of sustainable development. The integrated urban environmental management model was emphasized; flexibility and effective strategic resilience are considered to reach the UN's 2030s sustainable development goals. Therefore, it is proposed that the 17-item UN's 2030s sustainable development goal, particularly item 11 that is related to urban sustainable development, as well as the United Nations environment program, be the basis for urban sustainable environmental programs, especially in Iranian metropolises.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)

It is notable that the legal and geopolitical aspects are considered as critical dimensions of spatial planning because they are the political aspects of spatial planning. The width the Persian Gulf and human structures as artificial islands, legal and geopolitical dimension and political nature. In this paper, we analyze the legal and geopolitical consequences of the UAE's artificial islands. This research is objective, fundamental and in terms of nature and method, descriptive-analytical and content analysis. To this end, the maritime laws of the UAE and other international documents have been investigated. In this way, we categorize the consequences of the construction of UAE artificial islands into three sub-topics: Environmental legal issues, borderline delineation, and coastal advancement toward the sea. There are no legal prohibitions on the construction of artificial islands by the UAE. Therefore, the erosion and sedimentation of the UAE’s coastal environment may make the country a displacement of maritime boundary lines. However, it is not acceptable due to several reasons, e.g., multilateralism of the international treaties, confliction with international laws such as the Convention of 1969, incompatibility with international norms, special conditions of the Gulf, the UAE's destructive and unilateral performance, and the impact of human factors. Therefore, the UAE needs to assess the environmental impact of the construction of artificial islands and bring awareness to the countries of the region. Additionally, they need to cooperate with neighboring countries to protect the sea environment. It should be mentioned that the construction of artificial islands has several geopolitical consequences such as possibility of military usage of these structures by third countries, destabilizing regional security due to the presence of foreign troops, promotion of Iran phobia, the intensification of the territorial and territorial divisions of Iran with the UAE, and the involvement of third countries.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)

In this paper we present a new method for tool-path generation and adaptive interpolation for a three-axis CNC milling machine. This method satisfied the force and / or the error conditions by using a variable-direction variable-feedrate strategy based on Maximum Feedrate Map. The proposed adaptive interpolator modifies the cutting path and the moving direction according to the actual instantaneous position error in real time. It also adaptively slows down the speed of the cutting tool if the position error exceeds a permissible threshold so as to decrease the error. As the cutting points on the spline at each cycle are not calculated beforehand, memory requirement for the interpolator drastically reduces. The significance of the proposed method on the reduction of the cutting error in the presence of disturbance is demonstrated via computer simulations.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Today, with the increase of population and the uncontrolled growth of cities and the advancement of technology and the consequent destruction of the environment, the living conditions of many living beings have become difficult, which has caused man to move away from nature and lack comfort and tranquility; Biophilic design by facilitating and improving the quality of human communication with nature around it, using global sustainable design strategies tries to control environmental degradation to environments with improved social and cultural conditions, along with creating the ability to understand and process and benefit from past experiences. Create to ultimately improve the quality of urban life. In his extensive research, Professor Beatle has identified Oslo as an ideal city for biophilic urban planning. For this purpose, in this research, by considering this city as a model and adapting this city with Moallem Boulevard in Ramsar city in order to improve the condition of the boulevard in terms of biophilic urban planning, the present article tries based on descriptive-analytical method and To evaluate the measurements qualitatively and by describing, analyzing and interpreting the contents, to provide effective solutions on improving the quality of the environment with the approach of environmental perception in biophilic urban design.The results show that Moallem Boulevard in Ramsar has the potential to achieve biophilic urban design based on a comparative study with the city of Oslo, and by using the components of environmental perception and biophilic design, proposes plans to improve the quality of citizenschr('39') environment And created visitors.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Aim: Physical inactivity, as the leading risk factor for death, is more common among women than men. Despite the effective role of extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) with planning to promote exercise behavior, there is no Iranian standard scale in this regard. This research evaluated psychometric characteristics of the expanded TPB-based questionnaire regarding to the physical activity of military staff’s spouses in Tehran. Methods: Content, face, construct validity and reliability (internal consistency and stability) of this scale was assessed. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 200 women, who were living in organizational houses, in Tehran, Iran in 2014, in order to do exploratory factor analysis (EFA).The participants were chosen with multi-stage cluster random sampling. EFA was performed applying the principal component analysis and Varimax rotation. Data were analyzed using SPSS. v16. Findings: Content validity index, content validity ratio and impact score of the extended TPB scale were 0.8-0.97, 0.78-0.98 and 4.5-4.8, respectively. An eight-factor structure was extracted as a result of the EFA and accounted for 76.33% of the variance. The calculated KMO was 0.72 and the Bartlett’s test of sphericity was significant (P<0.001). Eight constructs consisted of behavior, affective attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, coping planning, instrumental attitude, intention and action planning. Cronbach’s alpha value (0.83-0.97) and the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.63-0.91) demonstrated satisfying reliability for the subscales. Conclusion: Validity and reliability of the first developed TPB-directed scale with planning about women's exercise perceptions and behavior in Iran was appraised and approved in this study. This instrument can be utilized by other health researchers.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Method and Materials: after epistemological collapse of rational-technocratic planning which resulted in professional collapse, urban planning theory have got new capacity to study the sociological urban changes and analyze the influence of different discourses on constructing urban spaces. Based on this postmodern understanding of urban planning as a main product of historical challenges in “theology-gender” field of contemporary Iran, urban space seems to be the ground of conflicts between two forces: feminine social force VS theology of gender governance.
Goal: after literature review of planning theory evolution in past decades, this paper is going to study Ne’matollah Fazeli’s theory of “feminization of city” in the context of theological discourses of governing gender urban spaces, after Islamic revolution 1979.  
Findings: from the perspective of theology of urban planning, it looks that we should segregate between two different discourses in revolution: Veiling and Piety; the former traditional discourse willing to hold women at home out of masculine public sphere while the latter, revolutionary discourse advocates of women political participation in a respectful, cleaned from sexual harassments. Conclusion: Iranian urban space from a gender sensitive view is construction of contestation between these two discourses of veiling VS piety, embedded by two different forces of feminization of urban spaces and patriarchal reaction. A prominent example is the Holy Shrine in Mashhad which includes two opposite spaces: in the new build hall of “Imam Khomeini Ravaagh” we confront an unsegregated space of male and female attendance, while the old part of Holy Shrine is the chambers assigned for men, making walls to veil women from the main part.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Problem Statement: Islamic city and urban planning is an interesting, challenging, and audience-oriented topic. What prioritizes Islamic research and urban planning is an Islamic government and the current Islamic laws in that government. The development of the earth must be in the service of the rational life of man, and the eternal life of man is superior to mere development.
Purposes: The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the existing approaches in Islamic urban planning studies and to introduce the integrated studies approach in Islamic urban planning.
Aims: The present study is about the subject in terms of developmental purpose, descriptive implementation in terms of implementation, and qualitative content analysis of resources in terms of research method. The required data has been collected by the documentary method.
Findings: This article tries to study the basic principles of the Islamic city by re-reading the opinions and works and the views of experts. For this purpose, he examines their opinions according to the proposed categories in a theoretical framework and sees differences in views and expressions of different concepts about the Islamic city.
Conclusion: The results show that the city and Islamic urban planning should refer to the general principles of Islam and not go into details and follow the intellect to form the city. And this principle will lead to the victory of the general principles of Islam over the city. As a forthcoming solution in Islamic urban planning studies, we can refer to the comprehensive plan of Islamic management called Najma, which as an upstream and comprehensive document can enter the field of Islamic studies in various fields and complement interdisciplinary studies.

Volume 3, Issue 10 (9-2022)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors affecting the achievement of world-class production in the economic development of the sport industry by mediating production planning from the viewpoint of employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province. The statistical population consisted of experts from the Tehran Sports and Youth Department, totaling 210 people. One hundred thirty-two persons were selected based on Morgan's table and by simple random sampling. Of these, 120 questionnaires were returned. For data analysis, 24 SPSS and 24 AMOS software were used. Global production in terms of factors influencing production planning, 58% of the variance of the factors influencing production planning and production paths in the world-class, and factors affecting production planning to develop the economy of the sports industry, explains 96% of the variance in the development of the economy of the sports industry. Production of products in a World class, which is competitive in international markets, inevitably necessitates strategic planning, so sports products can have dramatic effects on the countries' economies, evident in their transitional stages to economic development or emergence.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Targeting followed by pattern making and planning to reach to goals is a necessity in all societies. Urban planning, as a subject expressing interactions between mankind, culture, living style and environment, plays an important role in reaching to the Islamic society goals along with keeping the original identity and promoting the culture and ethics, and consequently is very important in preparing a local model based on the Islamic teachings appropriate to the Islamic-Iranian context. Islam has paid special attention to social issues; just do not discuss individual aspects only. Way to achieve prosperity has been the establishment of an Islamic community and Change and growth, resulting in a society where people of all decisions and activities have been. In the Quran, Allah does not change the destiny of any nation unless they themselves. Issues such as community participation, social justice and components - such as these are placed on the social dimension of the Quran and hadiths emphasize. On the other hand Iran has long ago been important social issues and it has Construction of public buildings in the city and had a significant role. In this paper, after reviewing the literature about the social aspects of urban planning, we explained the social components of Islamic-Iranian urban planning pattern of progress. Accordingly, factors like security, social justice, health, neighborhood etc. were introduced as the important elements in social considerations of Islamic-Iranian urban planning pattern, based on Islamic teachings and Islamic-Iranian urban planning history and background .Each of the components of the urban social Iran - Islamic has a different degree of importance,some components may all components in its place and Or even creator them to be. The components and their corresponding degree of importance based on Islamic perspectives are examined. The social concepts such as privacy, health, social justice, security, peace and tranquility and also emphasized the teachings of Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran has been in the planning And can serve as guides and tips for Islamic and Iranian urban spaces, enhanced quality of life, increased social interaction, participation of residents in the neighborhood, social justice and economic prosperity can be used. Create a semantic framework that is based on the principles expressed in the social body based on the ideas of God and to lead. Therefore, the physical space of architecture and urbanism in shaping the framework and components manufacturer must identify and examine their relationships and to build on the structure of the physical space of cities. Urban planning, urban design, architecture and industrial design matters and social climate will affect the Iranian Islamic cities. These components are not only social prosperity,social equity,increase physical qualities, enhancing the sense of belonging to the environment, but also contribute to the increased value of land, recreating the old quarters of cities and economic issues influence is remarkable.Urban pattern recognition component of Islamic and Iranian decision-makers and decision-makers, the public,and what to get rid of the confusion of spiritual and material life of man,it is important to define it.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Land use planning, classification of human activity in geographical space, is a thinking that considers all aspects of a country's development, and is a strategic planning and a purely geographical solution for the sustainable development of countries. This issue is more important for Kermanshah province which is neighboring with Iraq, because the existence of a wide range of potential and actual threats in both Iraq and the Kurdistan region have led the implementation of any plan to be corresponded with the analysis of the security situation around the border. Achieving this requires recognizing geostrategic features, analyzing the environment, categorizing the types of threats and identifying their source and origin. This article also serves this purpose, namely presentation of indicators of military centers and bases in Kermanshah province using descriptive-analytic method. The data collection tool is based on documentary and library findings. For this purpose, the required data were collected from documents and written sources and content analysis method is used to analyze the data. The results showed that the arrangement of military centers and bases in Kermanshah province is not very comprehensive and efficient, and it has a traditional approach and has been done regardless of natural and human indicators and threat points, so it has little effect on the effectiveness of projects, decrease in vulnerabilities and increase in defensive capabilities. Also, it is faced with ignoring internal and external threats, unbalanced spatial organization in the manner of establishing and locating military centers, excessive concentration of political, administrative, demographic places and centers, important industries and facilities in the center of Kermanshah province, etc

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Aims: Cities and their surrounding areas provide the ground for creating opportunities. Moreover, these places reveal systematic socio-economic fault lines, gaps, inequalities, and structural poverty. Cities are centers where ecosystems cross their functional thresholds and reinforce inequalities and vulnerabilities with increasing demands and pressures on limited natural resources. Therefore, it is time to move quickly from the extraction-based model in the last century to a renewable, flexible, and nature-based model which accepts the limitations of our world. 
Methods: Therefore, this study aims to identify the concept of productive city as a novel concept in the theoretical field of urban planning using the systematic review method based on a four-stage model via formulating the search strategy of papers and search process considering terms of productive city, productive urban planning, urban productivity and nature city in the top citation databases. In total, 214 papers were identified from 2013 to 2022 in the initial search, 68 of which were selected as eligible for deeper investigation and response to the research questions. 
Findings: This research indicate since adapting to the effects of climate change and resilience against environmental hazards requires a long-term perspective based on understanding nature. 
Conclusion: applying the concept of the productive city as a nature-based approach, guaranteeing social regeneration, economic and ecological sustainability, and functional-spatial continuity of cities in facing the upcoming challenges and environmental hazards, and reduce the pressures on natural resources. Furthermore, this seems necessary in contemporary urban development plans.

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