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Showing 81 results for Perception

Volume 0, Issue 0 (12-2024)

Aim and Introduction
The central bank operates by setting an inflation target and implementing monetary policies to achieve its economic goals. The accurate estimation and calculation of actual inflation in society are crucial for establishing the correct inflation target. Any discrepancy between the set inflation target and real inflation can disrupt the central bank's policy-making. If the actual inflation differs from the inflation perceived by society, it can further complicate the central bank's decision-making process.
Society's perception of inflation, as reflected in inflation expectations, refers to consumers' personal feelings and assessments of the rate at which market prices are rising. This perception is often associated with an increase in the cost of living, products, and services, as well as a decrease in the standard of living. Criticisms have been raised regarding the rationality of individuals when estimating inflation rates. Carroll's epidemiological model (2001) posits that individuals form their expectations of future inflation based on the information they receive, such as expert forecasts published in articles. Those who do not encounter such articles may rely on previous inflation statistics and forecasts they have come across.
Initially, the influence of the media on society's perception of inflation was considered. Subsequent developments in this theory led to the identification of various experimental factors from different societal studies that can impact this perception. It is crucially important to note that factors other than those involved in the calculation of the inflation rate can also influence this index.
This study investigates inflation perception through both qualitative and quantitative approaches and explores its relationship with potential influencing factors. The Consumer Inflation Expectations Index quantifies the percentage by which consumers anticipate prices of goods and services to fluctuate over the next 12 months. The index is constructed by developing a questionnaire that reflects the socio-economic conditions of the countries under study. The questionnaire encompasses various inquiries pertaining to past experiences of price changes, personal financial circumstances, business conditions, purchasing power, expectations regarding interest rates and inflation, and significant purchasing and saving intentions. Understanding the determinants of perceived inflation is vital for the efficacious implementation of policies within a society. This research was conducted within a comprehensive framework, evaluating a sample of 384 consumers in the city of Tabriz. Participants were selected randomly in November 2023 and consisted of either household heads or family members responsible for a substantial proportion of household expenditures, all aged 15 and older. The causal-comparative method was utilized to analyze the collected data, acknowledging that individual perceptions of inflation may be influenced by variables such as geographical location, gender, level of knowledge and education, performance, attitude, and subjective norms. Some of these variables may be inherent traits that are unchangeable, while others may be external factors beyond the control of the researcher or unethical to manipulate. Furthermore, this method was employed to identify factors associated with unsuccessful policy implementation to prevent their recurrence, as well as to pinpoint and cultivate beneficial factors.
The survey results from this study indicate that the perceived inflation rate in Tabriz in November 2023 was 70.54%, compared to 50.40% as reported by the Iranian Statistics Center for the same period, showing a discrepancy of approximately 20.14% between the community's perceived inflation rate and the official inflation rate. Additionally, the perceived inflation rate for October 2023 was estimated at 59.80%, which is higher than the official inflation rate of 51.20%. The forecasted perceived inflation rate for December 2023 was also examined, estimated at 57.83%, showing a decreasing trend compared to November's perceived inflation rate. This rate was compared with the official rate of 70.49% reported by the Statistics Center. The significant gap between perceived and official inflation rates confirms the high bias in the perceived inflation rate relative to the official rate and indicates a concurrent movement between the actual inflation rate and the perceived inflation rate. As a result, the impact of expected inflation, derived from perceived inflation, on the official inflation rate is validated. The results also revealed that perceived inflation rates are higher among women, part-time employees, manufacturing workers, unemployed educated individuals, and married people. Factors such as very low knowledge of the concept of inflation and related statistics, incorrect recollection of past prices, the disproportionate effect of frequent purchases, asymmetric perception of price increases and decreases, and household income levels play a significant role in explaining the highest perceptions of inflation rates. Furthermore, individual behaviors in purchasing and consuming goods have led to increased perceptions of inflation. The role of media and social networks in shaping inflation perceptions has been very prominent, with the highest perceived inflation rates attributed to the influence of reports from foreign media. Changes in the gold and currency markets also had the greatest impact on consumers' inflation rate estimates.
Discussion and Conclusion
The achievement of objectives stemming from policy implementation relies heavily on the accurate estimation of the said policies and the factors influencing their execution. This study has revealed that the perceived inflation rate and its influencing factors may deviate from the official inflation rate and its contributing factors. Inaccurate estimations heighten the risk of policy misalignments with predetermined goals. It is therefore imperative that estimating the perceived inflation rate and its influencing factors falls within the purview of executing centers and is factored into the planning of societal policies as a whole

Volume 1, Issue 2 (4-2021)

In philosophical explanation, Descartes knows the reason for our errors to be limited to the limits of our will and to rule our minds based on his free and unlimited will on matters that the perception has not clearly and distinctly understood. He intends to present some philosophical demonstrations for his explanations. In this paper, I introduce some of his errors in his demonstrations. The most important drawback is that Descartes' argument that will is unlimited, i.e., simplicity of will, can in some ways apply to unlimitedness of perceptions. And his argument for the limitation of perceptions because it belongs to objects of perceptions can also imply the objects of will, and as a result, the will is also limited. Another drawback is the inference of the infiniteness of the will because of its simplicity, whereas the pure actuality of will (or perceptions) results in it being immateriality, not its indefiniteness. Consequently, Descartes' explanation of the error and its origin does not seem to be justified in the difference between the scope of will and perceptions.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Introduction: Place is the center of geography and identity is the manifestation of culture in place. Regarding the belonging to different places, people have different actions, approaches, and tendencies. As a political event, parliamentary election plays an important role in the representation of voters’ place identities. Affected by its location, Iran, throughout history, has had a wide variety of place identities; parliament election plays a key role in revealing the diversity of identities and, consequently, the diversity of spatial pattern of voting. The present research, which has a descriptive-analytical nature, relies on the hypothesis that place identities, resulted from the diversity of dialect and the feeling of rejection due to the distance dimension, have affected the spatial pattern of voting in the form of heterogeneity of votes, dissipation of votes, and spatial conflicting relationships in Meymand district and Firoozabad constituency. To collect the data, library research method (using books and journals) and field study (questionnaire) were used.
Copnclusion: Spatial conflicts and distances from the central core of the Meymand district led to the heterogeneity of votes, the dissipation of votes, and the dispersion of votes; this spatial pattern of voting is accompanied by reducing the Maymand's influence on the overall results of the constituency.


Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Today, with the increase of population and the uncontrolled growth of cities and the advancement of technology and the consequent destruction of the environment, the living conditions of many living beings have become difficult, which has caused man to move away from nature and lack comfort and tranquility; Biophilic design by facilitating and improving the quality of human communication with nature around it, using global sustainable design strategies tries to control environmental degradation to environments with improved social and cultural conditions, along with creating the ability to understand and process and benefit from past experiences. Create to ultimately improve the quality of urban life. In his extensive research, Professor Beatle has identified Oslo as an ideal city for biophilic urban planning. For this purpose, in this research, by considering this city as a model and adapting this city with Moallem Boulevard in Ramsar city in order to improve the condition of the boulevard in terms of biophilic urban planning, the present article tries based on descriptive-analytical method and To evaluate the measurements qualitatively and by describing, analyzing and interpreting the contents, to provide effective solutions on improving the quality of the environment with the approach of environmental perception in biophilic urban design.The results show that Moallem Boulevard in Ramsar has the potential to achieve biophilic urban design based on a comparative study with the city of Oslo, and by using the components of environmental perception and biophilic design, proposes plans to improve the quality of citizenschr('39') environment And created visitors.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2021)

Problem statement: Bazaars are considered one of the most important spaces that can be a source of emotional arousal by stimulating the audience's senses and can be effective in the formation of the sense of belonging to a place as the identity center of the cities. In this regard, the historical Bazaar of Tehran with its unique features has great importance. It has long been a dynamic and lively center with spatial qualities and has almost met the needs and different senses of people.
Aims: This article aims to identify the features that examine the existence of identity and sense of place in the Tehran Bazaar.
Methods: This article analyzes the initial passive observations through behavioral mapping in the first step. The second step measures the dependence of variables through interviewing on a 7-point Likert scale.
Results: The visual landscape played the greatest role in the perception of the environment and along with the tactility landscape, it is almost constant during the day. On the other hand, acoustic and chemical landscapes are two effective stimuli in the sensory richness of the environment that have more changes during the day than other environmental stimuli. Also, the existence of historical buildings, despite the interest of individuals, does not per se strengthen the sense of place and paying attention to the components of spatial identity and the impact of each sense of place in the bazaar improves market quality and leads to continuity of life and permanence of this valuable architectural heritage.

Volume 2, Issue 5 (3-2021)

This study investigated the structural model of the effect of perception and attitude on social responsibility, organizational identity, and organizational citizenship behavior in sports and youth departments. The methodology was a descriptive survey that was conducted in the field. The statistical population was all employees of sports and youth departments of Khorasan Razavi province (180 people). The sampling method was counting. The research tool was Barrantes's‎ (2012) research questionnaire. Twelve professors of sports management confirmed the face and content validity of the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole questionnaire was 0.83, which indicates the appropriate reliability of the measurement tool. A structural equation modeling approach with PLS 2 software was used to analyze the data. Based on the results, the perception of social responsibilities has a positive and significant effect on social responsibility, organizational identity, and organizational citizenship behavior. Also, the attitude towards social responsibilities positively affects organizational identity, which has a positive and significant effect on employee citizenship behavior. According to the results, performing social responsibility and creating a positive perception and attitude towards it in employees can effectively strengthen the organizational identity of employees and their organizational citizenship behavior.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (7-2022)

Problem statement: Due to the increase in population and lack of land to provide services to city dwellers, high-rise architecture became popular, but most of these high-rise buildings were built without regard to citizens' perceptions, which created problems in this regard.
Aim: The purpose of this study is assess the impact of tall buildings on residents' perceptions in the central context Tabriz from a physical-semantic perspective.                                                                   Methods: The present study is descriptive-analytical survey. The statistical population included the population of the central part of Tabriz equal to 29384 people and the sample size was obtained through Cochran's formula equal to 379 people. Structural equation method through Smart PLS and Amos software was used to analyze the data.                                                                                                                                                 Results: The results showed that among the components of the impact of tall buildings on the perception of residents of the central part of Tabriz, the component of desirability of using high-rise buildings for residential use with a factor load of 0.951 has the greatest impact on residents' perception (physical-semantic) It has the central texture Tabriz and its lowest is related to the component of feeling happy in the face of high-rise buildings with a factor load of 0.615.                                                                                                Conclusion: The design of tall buildings should be designed with full knowledge of the needs and desires of the residents of the central part Tabriz, because they are real consumers and their understanding of their living environment and facilities provided a very important role in their satisfaction and comfort. It has a living environment.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (7-2022)

Problem statement: Sense of place means people's mental perception of the environment and their more or less conscious feelings of their environment, which puts a person in an internal relationship with the environment, so that the understanding and feeling of the person is linked to the semantic context of the environment. Will be integrated. This sense is the factor that turns a space into a place with special sensory and behavioral characteristics for special people. The environment is made up of both physical and social aspects. Humans create places around them, and a place independent of humans has no meaning.
Aim: To analyze human interaction with the environment in terms of the effects of perception and behavior on the sense of belonging to a place in Mehr housing complexes.
Methods: The present study is descriptive-analytical in nature and the statistical population of the study is the residents of Mehr Mokrian Housing Complex in Mahabad. For data analysis, structural equations were used by second-order factor analysis with Amos software.
Results: The results showed that human needs have the greatest effect on creating a sense of place with 0.946 with the effect of perception and behavior in human interaction with the environment and the least effect is related to the interpretive dimension with a collective effect of 0.531 Be.
Conclusion: All the dimensions studied in the present study have an effect on creating a sense of place in human interaction with their environment.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Aims: The historical context of cities plays a significant role in understanding the complexities and structure of a city, which can lead to the recognition and perception of people. Traditional bazaars are also considered as the most important historical element of cities, despite the studies that provide a model for measuring and evaluating spatial perception in the context of the bazaar, this research is investigated the perceptions of the traditional bazaar of Tehran by applying space layout indicators and cognitive maps.
Methods: In this research, a combined method was used, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data and their analysis. In this regard, first, the map of Tehran bazaar has been compared and analyzed in the space layout software, and the axial map indicators have been compared and analyzed with sketches drawn by the statistical community, including businesses, buyers or passers-by.
Findings: The theory of space arrangement alone cannot clarify the various objective and subjective dimensions of the environment for us, because this theory only deals with the objective dimensions of the observer, therefore, to understand the cognitive characteristics of the space which is affected by the type and manner of people's perception, There is a need to use cognitive maps based on the presence of people and focus on users (here, Tehran's Grand Bazaar) who know and experience the environment.
Conclusion: The results of the research indicate that multiple objective and subjective factors together and sometimes with prioritization over each other are effective in determining the correct wayfinding of the space.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2012)

Studying the perception of time in everyday life of Iranian actors is the purpose of this article. Sociological studying makes the basis of our analysis of time. Thus, we believe that the perception of time and the way the actors face it in their everyday life are formed socially and take different patterns in social interactions. The main purpose of this paper is to present a sociological analysis about one of the everyday life realities, “the perception of time” or more precisely “the awareness” that exists around the time in everyday life and conducts their actions.The grounded theory was used for this research and the research samples were chosen from among urban and rural men and women.  The research findingd indicated the “fluidity of time perception” and that the perception of time like other knowledge categories has horizon or background by which individuals confirm it.The findings confirm that benefiting of such fields as urban or rural, or living in society with special stage of development makes special kind of awareness about time acceptable for individuals who expose to it.The gender creates different cognition over time and leads men and women to have more coexistence with specific dimentions of time. Also the actors see such variations different with respect to the specific way of living, life cycle social roles and social disorders. Under these conditions, they choose special strategies for controlling and managing the time; delaying and scrutinizing strategies are the most important of them.  

Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2013)

Propositional characteristics can be expressed by infinitives in Russian language. So the sentence is one-word. Infinitives can express potential acts; so that they can express virtual or indirect meanings.  In a one-word sentence or a single-capacity structure, infinitive can have meanings like: mandatory agreement of speaker with audience and inevitability of an act with быть infinitive, disagreeability, a state or act done directly by a physical or mental perception, logical subject evaluating an action or a state, indispensability, etc. This article explains the mentioned meanings in the structure of infinitive one-word sentences and discusses the methods of expressing them in Persian language.        

Volume 4, Issue 4 (2-2024)

Problem: More knowledge about the aspects affecting outdoor thermal comfort can help urban designers to enhance the experience of urban places. explaining human responses to thermal stimuli requires more detailed knowledge about the factors and processes affecting thermal comfort. In this regard, beside the impact of objective factors, it is necessary to consider the effect of mental processes. In the last two decades, many researches have been focused on the psychological aspects of thermal comfort. The diversity of influencing psychological factors and the breadth of case study data requires comprehensive reviews to make theoretical inferences and transform them into more structured conceptualizations. On the other hand, review of studies on psychological aspects of outdoor thermal comfort shows a weak link with the basic theories of environmental psychology in the relevant field.
Target: The goal of this study was to comprehensively review research findings in the field of psychological aspects of thermal comfort influenced by the experience of urban places, and to create a link between the evidences about psychological influences on outdoor thermal comfort and theoretical concepts of environmental psychology.
Method: The proposed conceptual framework guides and organizes this review. studies were searched based on keywords extracted from theoretical bases, and 28 articles were reviewed in detail. The extracted research outputs were divided based on thematic categorization of the conceptual model, including long-term experience, short-term experience, restorative environments, and momentary person-thermal environment interaction.
Result: Review of studies demonstrates the effect of cognitive factors resulting from long-term experience (association between thermal conditions and spatial characteristics in memory, preferences and attitudes toward thermal experience in urban spaces, and sense of places for the person), short-term experience (short term thermal history, short-term affects and mental fatigue), restorative environments (physical and functional restorative properties, and personal connection to place) and situational interaction between person and thermal environment (congruence with needs/goals and expectations, and coping potential) on outdoor thermal comfort.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Aim: Pain in addicts is a physiological and psychological variable that can affect Quality of Life (QOL). The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between pain perception and (QOL) in addicts.
Method and Instrument: This study has a descriptive – correlational method. In this cross-sectional study 100 addicts who were referred to addiction treatment centers and aged between 20 and 55 years old were studied. The sample was selected by purposive sampling method. They completed the WHO-QOL scale and McGill pain questionnaire. To test the hypotheses, Pearson correlation & multiple regression tests were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS-22.
Findings: The results of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between pain and QOL in addicts. According to the results of this study, 18.1% of the variance in QOL variables were explained by pain.
Conclusion: To conclude, it seems that addicts who percept more severe pain percept lower QOL. Therefore, it is possible to predict the QOL of addicts through their pain severity perception.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2021)

Aim: Pain is the most common mental pressure facing humans and one of the most common  complaints among fibromyalgia patients. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Positive Mindfulness Therapy (PMT) and Emotion-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral  Therapy (EFCBT) in improving pain perception and sleep quality in patients with fibromy-algia.
Method and Instruments: This study is a quasi-experimental research in which 60 referees  who visiting Red Cross affiliated physiotherapy clinics in Tehran in 2020 were selected by  convenience sampling and randomly divided into two experimental groups (positive mind- fulness therapy and emotion-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy) and a control group (N=  20 individuals per each group). . The research instruments included the Pittsburgh Sleep quality Index (PSQI) and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ). Data were analyzed using  SPSS software version 20.
Findings: The results showed that PMT produced significant improvements in pain perception (P< 0.001) and sleep quality (P= 0.013) in the patients compared to the control group. Furthermore, EFCBT was effective in improving pain perception (P< 0.001) and sleep quality (P = 0.015) in fibromyalgia patients. The results did not imply a significant difference be-tween the two treatment interventions.
Conclusions: Using PMT and EFCBT are effective in attenuating pain perception and improv-ing sleep quality in fibromyalgia patients.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (4-2022)

Aims: The purpose of this study is to investigate the prediction of pain anxiety symptoms based on pain perception with the mediating role of mental pain in in patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders.
Method and Materials: This research is a cross-sectional study in which descriptive– correlational method was applied. The study population was all musculoskeletal patients in Tehran, Iran in 2021. In present study, 300 musculoskeletal patients were selected via candidate sampling method. They completed the Orbach & Mikulincer Mental Pain Scale (2018), Melzack McGill Pain Questionnaire (1975) and Paknejad et al. Pain Anxiety Symptoms (2014). Pearson correlation & bootstrap test were used to analyze data through SPSS-22.
Findings: There was significant negative relationship between pain perception and mental pain and conversely and significant direct positive relationship between pain perception and pain anxiety symptoms (P0.01>). Moreover, itwas shown the mediating role of mental pain in the relationship between pain perception and pain anxiety symptoms in patients with musculoskeletal pain. 
Conclusion: To conclude, based on the results, it could be argued that pain is affected by mental components and if the psychological reasons are relieved, the pain will be perceived 


less severe. 

Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2018)

The importance of aesthetics in perceiving urban landscape seems to be essential. Usually, the subject of aesthetics holds a position in ideas and viewpoints of philosophers. In Islamic perspective all the creatures are beautiful due to their connection to the creator of all the beauties. In this research, the subjects such as landscape perception, landscape aesthetics, perception in viewpoints of Iranian Islamic philosophers, and aesthetics in both Holly Quran and ideas of Iranian Islamic philosophers are surveyed and analyzed.
The purpose of this paper is to obtain some answers for these two questions: what are aesthetics indicators in Islamic view? How is landscape perception explained by these indicators? This is descriptive-analytic research. The findings are that Islamic philosophers consider absolute beauty, God, as origin of all the beauties. On the other hand, Islamic philosophers are believed to be holistic, using atomistic approaches. In addition, consideration to both subjective and objective axes in landscape aesthetics is thought to be necessary. Finally, indicators and components of Islamic aesthetics are introduced and landscape perception is provided based on these indicators in two fields of sensory-visual and social perceptions according to three perceptual fields of sensory, imaginary, and rational.
The importance of aesthetics in perceiving urban landscape seems to be essential. Usually, the subject of aesthetics holds a position in ideas and viewpoints of philosophers. In Islamic perspective all the creatures are beautiful due to their connection to the creator of all the beauties. In this research, the subjects such as landscape perception, landscape aesthetics, perception in viewpoints of Iranian Islamic philosophers, and aesthetics in both Holly Quran and ideas of Iranian Islamic philosophers are surveyed and analyzed.
The purpose of this paper is to obtain some answers for these two questions: what are aesthetics indicators in Islamic view? How is landscape perception explained by these indicators? This is descriptive-analytic research. The findings are that Islamic philosophers consider absolute beauty, God, as origin of all the beauties. On the other hand, Islamic philosophers are believed to be holistic, using atomistic approaches. In addition, consideration to both subjective and objective axes in landscape aesthetics is thought to be necessary. Finally, indicators and components of Islamic aesthetics are introduced and landscape perception is provided based on these indicators in two fields of sensory-visual and social perceptions according to three perceptual fields of sensory, imaginary, and rational.
The importance of aesthetics in perceiving urban landscape seems to be essential. Usually, the subject of aesthetics holds a position in ideas and viewpoints of philosophers. In Islamic perspective all the creatures are beautiful due to their connection to the creator of all the beauties. In this research, the subjects such as landscape perception, landscape aesthetics, perception in viewpoints of Iranian Islamic philosophers, and aesthetics in both Holly Quran and ideas of Iranian Islamic philosophers are surveyed and analyzed.
The purpose of this paper is to obtain some answers for these two questions: what are aesthetics indicators in Islamic view? How is landscape perception explained by these indicators? This is descriptive-analytic research. The findings are that Islamic philosophers consider absolute beauty, God, as origin of all the beauties. On the other hand, Islamic philosophers are believed to be holistic, using atomistic approaches. In addition, consideration to both subjective and objective axes in landscape aesthetics is thought to be necessary. Finally, indicators and components of Islamic aesthetics are introduced and landscape perception is provided based on these indicators in two fields of sensory-visual and social perceptions according to three perceptual fields of sensory, imaginary, and rational.

Volume 7, Issue 7 (3-2016)

This paper examines English loan words adaptation in Persian within the framework of Silverman (1992)́s phonological-perceptual approach. This article explores whether vowel epenthesis as a repair strategy in loan word adaptation is phonological or a perceptual illusion and based on what kind of loan word adaptation approaches, English loanword adaptation in Persian can be examined. In an answer to the first question, two experiments were conducted with twelve participants who had very little knowledge of English language. The results indicated that vowel epenthesis in consonant clusters of English loanwords is a perceptual illusion and happens at the perceptual level. In an answer to the second question, the results indicated that loan words adaptation is better to be examined based on phonological-perceptual approaches in that Silverman (1992)́s two level model of loanword adaptation can be an appropriate choice.

Volume 7, Issue 29 (3-2011)

Fareshteh Rostami
This paper tries to find out textual methodology of perception theory in the novel “Del-e-Fulad (1369) of Maniro Ravanipour.
 Presumably, the aim is to know the significant difference between reading this text in its year of publication comparison to reading the same, years later. In the course of its assessment, the research found that apart from purport “war” that prevailed in 1990, an imprint of other meanings could be seen in this novel in 2010. Purports such as woman writer, individual and temporal dictatorships, society, power history etc and comprehensive “anticipated horizon” can be examined in the folds of this novel during the time span of about two decades.
The proposed paper is based on descriptive-analytical method as well as library studies. Since, this method was not applied for “Del-e-Fulad” so far, it is believed that the proposed report could prove effective in the way of making it “creative” and “reading-centric”.

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