Showing 150 results for Pattern
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
This study applies artificial neural networks (ANNs) to assess the impact of climate factors on the collaborative development of agriculture and logistics in Zhejiang, China. The ANN model investigates how average temperature and rainfall from 2017-2022 influence crop yield, water usage, energy demand, logistics efficiency, and economic growth at yearly and seasonal scales. By training the neural network using temperature and rainfall data obtained from ten weather stations, alongside output indicators sourced from statistical yearbooks, the ANN demonstrates exceptional precision, yielding an average R2 value of 0.9725 when compared to real-world outputs through linear regression analysis. Notably, the study reveals climate-induced variations in outputs, with peaks observed in crop yield, water consumption, energy usage, and economic growth during warmer summers that surpass historical norms by 1-2°C. Furthermore, the presence of subpar rainfall ranging from 20-30 mm also exerts an influence on these patterns. Seasonal forecasts underscore discernible reactions to climatic factors, especially during the spring and summer seasons. The findings underscore the intricate relationship between environmental and economic factors, indicating progress in agricultural practices but vulnerability to short-term climate fluctuations. The study emphasizes the necessity of adapting supply management to address increased water demands and transitioning to clean energy sources due to rising energy consumption. Moreover, optimizing logistics requires strategic seasonal infrastructure planning.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2011)
Contextualism refers to an approach to urban planning, which considers the city in its totality. It also emphasizes on the role of social, cultural, geographical and historical influences on individual development, because of the increasing interest in understanding environment in post-modernist architecture. It is also the degree to which new architecture is sensitive to its site and location. It farther varies from building to building and place to place. Moreover, architecture in context is neither a brief attention nor a radical innovation; rather it is a strong and expressive visual relationship to the surroundings. Individual building is always seen first as a part of the whole. Creating places and spaces that enrich the lives of the people who use them is the foundation of architect’s work. Every building can and should engage in a dialogue with the history, beliefs and needs of a particular place and time. In fact, current architecture in metropolitans of Iran including Tehran has an attitude based on ignoring the environment and the context of projects, including climate, history, geography, culture, etc. This attitude leads contemporary architecture to a sort of chaos and disorder. It also brings about contemporary architecture to lose its distinctiveness, besides increasing tendency and willingness of young generation of architects to imitate foreign works and projects without any attempt to adjust them to the context and environment of local projects. It means that this attitude can face contemporary architecture with a serious danger and threat, which enjoys no identity and character. The aim of this paper is to elaborate how correct and effective designing approaches in contextual architectural design can be obtained in architectural studios in order to provide designing with a dialogue to their context and environment, to have more successful designing, and also to illustrate a clear vision for contemporary architecture. Design studios in Iran, where architectural design lessons are being taught, are the main and fundamental part of architectural education. Considering that most of undergraduate students in Iranian architectural departments are ignoring the context without paying attention to its influences in their designing, we are going to figure out how context can be reflected and used in architectural designs in this paper. For this purpose, architectural designs in 4 different studios including Educational space, Cinema, Hospital, and Residential Space in Sooreh University in two semesters during a year (2009-2010); were evaluated among 20 groups, which were divided into two controlled and uncontrolled units. The evaluation was based on 9 examinations, which the authors had already extracted from the architectural designing principles. It is worth mentioning that the only difference between those two units (controlled and uncontrolled) was the constructed site model that the controlled units could adjust and adapt their designing to. Final evaluation, which was the average score of each designing group in each examination, showed that controlled unit’s designing gathered higher score; consequently, their approach in designing was more successful and effective. It means that contextualized approaches in studios can improve architectural designing and result with architecture in context. In addition, professors at architectural departments should pay more attention to the context and environment and their role in designing process. They further should integrate their teaching with contextualism. To this end, they may utilize many innovative solutions including a model of the project site.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (2-2009)
Keywords: Revolutionary Situation, Power-oriented explanation, General pattern, Theoretical perspectives, Types of explanation .
In this Article, in order to offer a pattern of political (power-oriented) explanation of revolutions, after clarifying its central concept- namely "revolutionary situation"- through cross-cutting of three main theoretical standpoints and two principal types of explanations, we attempted to introduce six important explanation perspectives of such explanations. Then, after remarking the three levels of analysis, we separately introduced the main variables of each explanation. Finally, we mapped their schema in detail and synoptically.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)
Aims: Nowadays, referred to as clean industry, tourism is one of the important issues that cannot be ignored due to its huge impact on economy of societies. In order to develop tourism areas, such areas should first be identified. The aim of this study was to present an optimal spatial development pattern of tourism areas in Tehran province, using TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method.
Instruments and Methods: The present study is applied developmental in terms of aim and descriptive-analytical in terms of research method. The research population consisted of 30 scholars, experts, tourism planners, and experts of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Organization. The data were collected from library and organizational studies and field surveys, such as questionnaires, interviews, and observations. In 2016, the TOPSIS method was utilized and 10 indices in Tehran province were used in order to group the areas. ArcGIS10.2 was used for clustering.
Findings: For the spatial development of tourism industry, Tehran province was divided into 3 clusters, in which the eastern and northern parts of the province were assigned to cluster 1, the western, central, and southeastern parts of the province were assigned to cluster 2, and southwestern parts of the province were assigned to cluster 3.
Conclusion: In ordre to present an optimal spatial development pattern of tourism areas in Tehran province using the TOPSIS method, 3 clusters of Tehran province are divided into cluster 1 (Eastern and northern parts), cluster 2 (western, central, and southeastern parts), and cluster 3 (southwestern parts).
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)
By the establishment of local semi-independent governments in the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, Iranian north provinces were cover of conflicts between the local governors with Omayyad and Abbasids Caliphates. Supplying political security in Tabaristan and creating suitable conditions for economic development led to formation of multiple garrisons in the vast geography of the region.
These buildings, by the historical and geographical sources, have been nominated as Maslah-i-, Sakhlou and Zeynistan. The Garrisons in Abbasids period. Were built by Abol-Abbas-i- Tousi.
The geographical coverage of these garisons included in Plain, jungles and Mountainous areas. Starting from Tammish-i- city in the east of Tabaristan to the Chalous city in the west.
The quantity of garrisons has differed between 31, 45 to 50 numbers.
In this research, we recognized 31 garrisons. Also we tried determine the distribution of garrisons according to historical and geographical sources.
Volume 2, Issue 8 (3-2022)
One of the projects in the department of physical education at the ministry of Education is the school sport Olympiads, which will require the development of government funds and other sectors to achieve the project's further benefits and goals. Therefore, this research aims to provide a model for the development of financial resources for the school sports Olympiad. The present study has applied exploratory purposes. In terms of data presentation, the type of research is theoretical, and in terms of data search, it is qualitative research. The grounded theory approach was used in this research, and Strauss and Corbin's methods were used. Statistical samples were from managers, deputies, physical education teachers, physical education experts in the departments, and executive officials of the Olympiad. We chose the samples purposefully and proceeded with the snowball method until we reached theoretical saturation. Data gathering tool in the field method: Semi-structured interviews and in the library method: phishing, a compilation of literature and theoretical framework. For data analysis, open coding, axial coding and selective coding were used to reach concepts, categories and final theorems. In this study, 218 concepts and 21 categories of interviews were extracted. Five categories and 39 concepts in the Causal conditions, seven categories and 30 concepts in the Context conditions, six categories and 33 concepts in the Intervening conditions, six categories and 33 concepts in the Strategies, and six categories and 36 concepts in the Consequences. Expected outcomes of the final model: increased moral and financial attention of authorities, increased funding for the project, greater private sector participation, strengthened management and planning, quantitative and qualitative improvement of space and equipment and more realization of the objectives of the school sports Olympiads.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2001)
Pollen grains of five olive cultivars (Olea europaea L .) were examined, using Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM) for identification purposes. Four measurments, polar axis
(P), equatorial diameter (E), P/E ratio and exine patterns were made. Forty pollen grains
of each cultivar were viewed before finally selecting a representative pollen grain. Polar
diameter ranged between 22.76 μm for the ‘Mary’ and 28.58 μm for the ‘Shengeh’ ‘Zard’
and ‘Roghani’ cultivars exhibited incomplete closure of the meshes. ‘Zard’ and ‘Shengeh’
cultivars had thick muri but ‘Roghani’, ‘Mary’ and ‘Fishomi’ possessed thinner muri.
Scanning electron analysis of pollen grain revealed that specific differences including
variation in size and form of the meshes are exist among cultivars. The differences in the
exine pattern may help for the identification of some cultivars.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2014)
The early morphological development and allometric growth pattern of Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) during early development (from 0-35 days post hatch=dph) was studied. Morphological data were obtained using ImageJ software from 2D pictures and allometric growth patterns were computed based on Log10 y = Log10 α + βLog x function. Based on inflexion point of morphological traits and body shape changes, the early developmental of kutum were divided into Eleuthero-embryo, Propterygio-larval, Pterygio-larval” and younger juvenile phases, each of which included vital developmental events. Rapid and intense changes occurred during Eleuthero-embryo and Propterygio-larvae stages such as development of gills, depletion of yolk-sac and exogenous feeding, development of feeding apparatus, sense organs and organs related to swimming performance. The results also revealed that developmental changes occurred in agreement with the inflexion points of morphological characters and their developmental priority imply on functional importance of feeding, respiration and swimming related structures.
Volume 3, Issue 12 (12-2010)
Abstract Structural researches and considering the fundamental patterns of different narrative forms, is one of the common methods to categorize them. In this manner the oral tales have a great chance to pay attention to. This article is written according to a new version of Propp’s theory about the morphology of fairy tales, and also with a glance to “The Narrative World of Finnish Fairy Tales” by Satu Apo. So the structural patterns of Persian fairy tales can be summarize as below: 1. Hero is looking forward something 2. Something dangerous is threatened hero
Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Targeting followed by pattern making and planning to reach to goals is a necessity in all societies. Urban planning, as a subject expressing interactions between mankind, culture, living style and environment, plays an important role in reaching to the Islamic society goals along with keeping the original identity and promoting the culture and ethics, and consequently is very important in preparing a local model based on the Islamic teachings appropriate to the Islamic-Iranian context. Islam has paid special attention to social issues; just do not discuss individual aspects only. Way to achieve prosperity has been the establishment of an Islamic community and Change and growth, resulting in a society where people of all decisions and activities have been. In the Quran, Allah does not change the destiny of any nation unless they themselves. Issues such as community participation, social justice and components - such as these are placed on the social dimension of the Quran and hadiths emphasize. On the other hand Iran has long ago been important social issues and it has Construction of public buildings in the city and had a significant role. In this paper, after reviewing the literature about the social aspects of urban planning, we explained the social components of Islamic-Iranian urban planning pattern of progress. Accordingly, factors like security, social justice, health, neighborhood etc. were introduced as the important elements in social considerations of Islamic-Iranian urban planning pattern, based on Islamic teachings and Islamic-Iranian urban planning history and background .Each of the components of the urban social Iran - Islamic has a different degree of importance,some components may all components in its place and Or even creator them to be. The components and their corresponding degree of importance based on Islamic perspectives are examined. The social concepts such as privacy, health, social justice, security, peace and tranquility and also emphasized the teachings of Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran has been in the planning And can serve as guides and tips for Islamic and Iranian urban spaces, enhanced quality of life, increased social interaction, participation of residents in the neighborhood, social justice and economic prosperity can be used. Create a semantic framework that is based on the principles expressed in the social body based on the ideas of God and to lead. Therefore, the physical space of architecture and urbanism in shaping the framework and components manufacturer must identify and examine their relationships and to build on the structure of the physical space of cities. Urban planning, urban design, architecture and industrial design matters and social climate will affect the Iranian Islamic cities. These components are not only social prosperity,social equity,increase physical qualities, enhancing the sense of belonging to the environment, but also contribute to the increased value of land, recreating the old quarters of cities and economic issues influence is remarkable.Urban pattern recognition component of Islamic and Iranian decision-makers and decision-makers, the public,and what to get rid of the confusion of spiritual and material life of man,it is important to define it.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)
The optimal cropping pattern for Sistan water resources management was determined through a goal programming technique within the GAMS programming environment. Results showed that the optimum cultivation area and net profit of the agricultural sector in the Sistan region could increase up to 18.1 and 39.8%, respectively, compared to the current status. An increase in the farm irrigation efficiency from the current 35 to 55% would increase the net profit of the agricultural sector by 49.7% despite 6.4% reduction in water consumption. At the same time, 20% increase in the efficiency of water delivery system to farmlands would lead to 8.2 and 17.2% increases in the cultivation area and net profit, respectively. The results of combining these two management scenarios indicated that farming net profit would increase by 64.3%, while total water consumption in agricultural sector would decrease by 2.3%. Under wet condition, cultivated area and net profit would respectively increase about 32 and 44%. However, upon drought years, the cultivated area and net profit would experience 86.9 and 87.3% loss, respectively.
Volume 4, Issue 10 (12-2016)
So far several models have been proposed in order to systematically classify hero`s replicable life in heroic narratives around the world. These models, except for some few cases of difference, are very similar to each other. After the introduction and criticism of Hero patterns available, this study compares and contrasts the most famous and comprehensive ones as examples for Rustam`s life events. It shows that many parts of these patterns do not match with the most prominent representative of the idea of "world champion" and beyond that with the life structure of heroes Sam`s Clan and it is needed to design a native pattern to classify overall life structure of Iranian heroes. Therefore, the authors have determined the life structure of five first Iranian champions i.e. Garshasp, Nariman, Sam, Zal and Rustam and have shown their replicable parts. Accordingly, they have suggested a new pattern of Iranian heroes' life that consists of five distinct sections of characteristics of hero`s parents, amazing properties of the hero from birth and childhood, departure for battle, love and marriage, and finally guilt and death.
Volume 4, Issue 16 (9-2007)
This paper deals with the influence of Koranic tales on Molavi as witnessed in his story titled the Villager and the Citizen which comes in Part III of the Masnavi. It addresses Molavi’s pattern-based approach in adopting basic intellectual models from the holy Koran as well as his use of these “ideal patterns” and “paradigms” in developing the said story and decoding its constituent elements while presenting moral, social and epistemological propositions. This is viewed as a unique approach in research on Molavi.
The conclusion is that Molavi has widely exploited the Koranic tales as paradigms to develop his stories and parables and achieve his main aim, that is to teach moral lessons. This influence is so great that it may not be reduced to “association of ideas” or “system of allusions”.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)
Using the Correct Pattern of Consumption to achieve stable and optimal patterns of consumption and use of resources, not only can increase productivity but also can increasing possibility of a successful crossing of probable future economic downturns. Productivity means using least resources most effectively to achieve growth and prosperity in all concerning aspects.
The Main Objective of This Study was to investigate factors influencing the productivity of employees with regard to the mediator role of Correct Pattern of Consumption variable. The statistical population includes all government employees in Kermanshah that among them a sample of 371 individuals was selected by The Stratified approach using the Cochran formula. For Collecting Data, questionnaire was used. Based on the research literature, a model showing influence of selected variables has been tested using LISREL software. The results showed that all factors have significant and positive effects on the productivity. Considering this relationship, and taking indirect correct pattern of consumption Mediator variable into account there are significant and substantial effects. Amount of the model fit indexes (GFI=1, AGFI=0/98) demonstrate suitability of the research model.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2014)
Khaveh plain in the township of Delfan is considered as one of the important plains in the Central Zagros Mountain situated in Eastern Pusht-i Kuh and located between Garin and Sefid-e Kooh Mountains. In general, 36 archeological sites have so far been identified in this plain: the oldest of which relates to aceramic Neolithic Age, and the newest one belongs to the Late-Islamic Age. Among them, 20 sites contain relics related to the Parthian Period. The noteworthy discussions in the present study are mainly based on the activities performed at this plain during 2009-2010 in order to register and determine the boarders of archeological sites, and those carried out in 2011 aiming to identify and analyze the settlement patterns of the Parthian reign in this region. General perception and understanding of the settlement pattern in this region during the Parthian period is the results of this research, which represents demographic or settlement dispersion changes compared with the previous eras. Also it became clear that most of the settlements in the region were small villages or temporary settlements and no evidence of urban centers was recognized. Finally, the present study deals with the investigation and interpretation of the settlement patterns of the Parthian period in this plain.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Teaching every language has got its own special hindrances and features. Undoubtedly, teaching Arabic Language in Iranian schools is not excluded from this fact. Some of the hindrances of learning Arabic language are refered to the content order of the school books. Especially teaching Arabic high language in grade one seems to be a difficult job for some reasons such as the students' enterance to a new stage. If the different components of the books' content get realized and catagorized, the understanding and explication would be easier. Thus analizing the content of Arabic high school book in grade one can be an important step towards identification of its weaknesses. This article aims to evaluate the Arabaic high school book in grade one on the basis of content analysis patterns and arrangement criteria relying on Content Analysis Approach, which is a resaerch method for objective, quantitative and organized discription of superficial contents in communications. The research was descriptive-analytic. The results showed that considering These patterns and criteria, this school book has been highly successful in accurately performing the principles of edunation planning and content arrangement.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2023)
The Islamic parliament election, as the mid-level of elections in the Country, have always been the focus of experts and the public minds. It is worth noting that the presence of people to participate in elections and the extent of their participation varies from constituency to constituency and from one period to another. This difference in participation has led to the emergence of different constituencies, according to this, the electoral behavior of people in different constituencies toward each other can be examined.
The data of this article show that the electoral behavior of people in Arak, Komijan and Khondab constituencies has not been influenced by local factors. The present study is based on the theory that the political orientation of the elected president and the large scale-National currents affect the electoral behavior of Arak, Komijan and Khondab constituencies.
The data which is required for this study is collected by the Library-method and analyzed by Descriptive-Analytical method. The result of the research shows that political parties which are affected by the large scale-National currents will influence the outcome of the election and the political tendency of the chosen Parliament members in constituencies of Arak, Komijan and Khondab.
Result and discussion
From the third to eleventh term of the Islamic parliament, 18 people entered the parliament, of which 7 were reformists and 11 others were from the United Front of Fundamentalists and Conservatives. In other words, 38.9% of the representatives were reformists and 61.1% were conservatives. It is considerable that in these 9 elections, none of the elected representatives was independent, each of them was a member of the two prominent parties in the country. This statistic indicates that ethnic and local factors have not had an effect on the electoral behavior of the people in this constituency.
It is considerable that in these 9 elections, none of the elected representatives was independent, each of them was a member of the two prominent parties in the country. Generally, this study states that the political orientation of the elected president and the large scale-National currents affect the electoral behavior of the mentioned constituencies. The next point is that the impact of the metropolis of Arak as the center of the province on the other two cities in this area is significant and the other two have not nominated a candidate for the parliament due to the small population or have not been able to enter the Islamic Parliament. Another important point is that the parties have been able to return the spatial pattern of voting by eliminating the local identity factor in their favor. Factors such as political and economic development, literacy level, common language and religion of the people of the metropolis of Arak have caused their electoral behavior to be influenced by national factors instead of ethnic attitudes and local factors. On the other hand, the strategic location of the metropolis of Arak due to its location on the expressway from the North to the South of the Country and the existence of many access roads has caused this city to become an economic and cultural center and this factor brings opinion and orientation of people of Arak closer to the people of the capital. Finally, the article hypothesis is confirmed.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Description: City as a text and urban design as the language of text creation, the constructive dimensions of the city are categorized into two levels: superstructure and deep structure. The superstructure of the city is the result of mental and internal deep constructions. Superstructure has no meaning without regard to deep structure.
Purpose: The current research aims to extract the components that influence the language of the city pattern, and seeks to find out what are the deep structural components of the language of the urban design pattern?
Method: The research has been done by descriptive analytical method and library studies.
Findings: The superstructure patterns identified in the research are mass-space pattern, usage and function pattern, and view pattern. Also, the identified dimensions of deep structures were studied in this research and the independent variables of each dimension that affect the superstructure patterns were identified. In total, 24 independent variables were discovered from urban deep structures and 45 dependent variables were discovered from the set of superstructures.
Conclusion: The most important dimension shaping the settlement is the cultural dimension, followed by the environmental dimension. Also, some superstructure patterns are affected by several deep structure dimensions. The independent variables found in this research were presented in the form of a diagram as influencing components on the language of the urban design pattern. As a strategy, it is recommended that the components found in this research be given special attention as a framework for the final design as a guide for the steps from cognitive studies to the presentation of the plan.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2023)
Place is the center of geography and identity; it is the manifestation of culture in place. Parliamentary elections, as a political event, play an effective role in representing the voters' spatial identities. The interests of individuals play a decisive role in directing their work. The performance and action of humans are subject to the understanding and perception they have of the surrounding geographical environment, which gives meaning to their interests. The geographical environment is a concept mixed with social, political, economic, and natural factors whose intertwining has played a fundamental role in giving direction and meaning to human character, effort and spatial identity. Elections are the highest level of representation of local identities in heterogeneous constituencies in which local identities are reflected. Due to its geographical location throughout history, Iran has had a wide variety of local identities, among which the elections of the Islamic Council played a role in revealing this diversity of identity and, accordingly, the diversity of spatial voting patterns. In North Khorasan, it is one of those culturally diverse areas from a linguistic point of view, and the identities arising from this diversity have played an effective role in pushing and pulling the votes of the candidates for the election of the Islamic Council. Identities and cultural contexts have sometimes led to the neglect of worthy candidates and competent representatives at the center of national decision-making.
Esfarayen Constituency includes the cities of Bam, Safi Abad and Markazi, which is the third constituency in the province in terms of population. In terms of language, the residents of this area speak the Kurdish dialect of Kurmanji, Tati, Farsi, and Turkish, and religiously, they follow the Shiite religion. This constituency was a part of the constituencies of Khorasan province until the sixth term of the Islamic Council elections, and from the seventh term, with the separation of Khorasan province, this constituency was assigned to North Khorasan province. Esfarayen Constituency has a representative in the Islamic Council. The current research aims to investigate and analyze the impact of spatial identities arising from linguistic diversity on the orientation of the spatial pattern of voting in the Esfarayen constituency. The methodology governing the text has a descriptive-analytical nature, and the statistics and information needed for the research were collected by the library and field method (questionnaire) and then analyzed using spss software.
The result of the research showed that the elements of place identity such as the number of co-citizens and co-speakers of the candidate, ethnicity, co-lingualism, ethnic population and co-speakers of the candidate being co-citizens with the election candidate, respectively, had the greatest impact in creating the voter base for the candidate representing the Islamic Council at the constituency level. On the contrary, the parliament candidate's belonging to a particular party, the opinion of religious elders and clan elders, the candidate's experience and education, and the correctness of the candidate were, respectively, less important in getting the votes of the candidates.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (11-2024)
Aims: Recent advances in landscape ecology and satellite data have provided an opportunity to change approaches in sustainable urban planning and have created a high potential for enhancing resilience in the interactions of social-ecological systems. In this research, by using the concept of spatial resilience and measuring the critical components and relationships of the socio-ecological landscape over time, the thresholds related to identity were quantitatively extracted to provide a solution for linking concrete management objectives and the theory of resilience.
Methods: By evaluating the ecological landscape of Qom city using PLAND, CA, NP, AREA-MN metrics and satellite data, the changes in landscape resilience of this city during thirty years based on the theory of spatial resilience were analyzed.
Findings: By defining and extracting identity thresholds, identity changes in the city landscape were predicted concerning resilience in the coming years. Then, by identifying the spatial-identity patterns of the city in different periods and measuring them based on resilience dimensions, measurable suggestions were presented to policymakers and planners to place the urban landscape in a new, resilient, and sustainable balance.
Conclusion: The landscape of the city of Qom in 2009 and 2019 has crossed the first and second thresholds of identity, and with the continuation of the current trend, in the next 20 years, traveling the third threshold (complete transformation of landscape identity) will happen, and if the process of reducing the green area structures continues, the landscape will reach an irreparable stage in terms of resilience.