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Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Nowadays the issue is that most Islamic traditions have been neglected in the society. The influence of theological and religious values on the construction and development of urban spaces are much more important. In the present study an attempt was made in order to define the Islamic city and its requirements and investigate the role of spaces related to rituals and religious ceremonies held in commemoration of Muharram through a case study of Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar. In investigating the theoretical way of study is a descriptive-analytical method and for the sample survey-analysis was applied. Data collection was done through interviewing the experts and scholars in religion, library study of the theories and definitions on the subject and field study (questionnaire). In the studied case (Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar) it was also observed that many people from most of the groups (people participating in ceremonies, businessmen in downstairs of Timcheh, businessmen in upstairs of Timcheh, heads of mourning groups, Islamic Development Staff and police) agree upon holding the five-day mourning ceremony in Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar despite of some problems, since it has been held there for about a century and transferring it to another place will damage its glory. The reason we have observed in the obtained results and findings is the sense of belonging and attachment to this place after years of holding many ceremonies in this place and the memories people have of it in their minds which are part of their lives. Another reason is the identity that holding Muharram ceremonies have given to this place through all these years. Therefore, identity along with memorable and repeatable events reinforces the potential of this place. According to the obtained results, most of people in 5 groups (people participating in ceremonies, businessmen in downstairs of Timcheh, businessmen in upstairs of Timcheh, heads of mourning groups, Islamic Development Staff and police) have agreed upon holding Ashura and Tasua mourning ceremonies in Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Bazar which gives a special identity and fame to this place, and provides a sense of belonging to it. However, there are some problems in holding these ceremonies and an attempt was made to solve them by studying the problems and suggesting some solutions and also try to maintain the originality and durability of this precious place, which is due to holding special rituals and mourning ceremonies in Muharram, by inviting participants in these ceremonies, heads of mourning groups and businessmen in Timcheh to help.
Nowadays the issue is that most Islamic traditions have been neglected in the society. The influence of theological and religious values on the construction and development of urban spaces are much more important. In the present study an attempt was made in order to define the Islamic city and its requirements and investigate the role of spaces related to rituals and religious ceremonies held in commemoration of Muharram through a case study of Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar. In investigating the theoretical way of study is a descriptive-analytical method and for the sample survey-analysis was applied. Data collection was done through interviewing the experts and scholars in religion, library study of the theories and definitions on the subject and field study (questionnaire). In the studied case (Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar) it was also observed that many people from most of the groups (people participating in ceremonies, businessmen in downstairs of Timcheh, businessmen in upstairs of Timcheh, heads of mourning groups, Islamic Development Staff and police) agree upon holding the five-day mourning ceremony in Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Baazar despite of some problems, since it has been held there for about a century and transferring it to another place will damage its glory. The reason we have observed in the obtained results and findings is the sense of belonging and attachment to this place after years of holding many ceremonies in this place and the memories people have of it in their minds which are part of their lives. Another reason is the identity that holding Muharram ceremonies have given to this place through all these years. Therefore, identity along with memorable and repeatable events reinforces the potential of this place. According to the obtained results, most of people in 5 groups (people participating in ceremonies, businessmen in downstairs of Timcheh, businessmen in upstairs of Timcheh, heads of mourning groups, Islamic Development Staff and police) have agreed upon holding Ashura and Tasua mourning ceremonies in Timcheh Mozaffarieh in Tabriz Bazar which gives a special identity and fame to this place, and provides a sense of belonging to it. However, there are some problems in holding these ceremonies and an attempt was made to solve them by studying the problems and suggesting some solutions and also try to maintain the originality and durability of this precious place, which is due to holding special rituals and mourning ceremonies in Muharram, by inviting participants in these ceremonies, heads of mourning groups and businessmen in Timcheh to help.

Mostafa Mokhtabad-Amrei,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (2-2007)

-The term “Ta’ziyeh” refers to an Iranian dramatic genre which might be compared to the Western Passion Play and is the only indigenous drama of the entire Islamic world. This ritual drama has both an Islamic and a Persian heritage, the central theme of which is the tragic and heroic martyrdom of Imam Husayn, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed and the third Imam of Shi’ite in the desert of Karbala in 680 A.D. Shiites believe that Imam Husayn sacrificed his life to be their Intercessor on the Day of Judgment. The history of Ta’ziyeh did not begin with the events at Karbala rather it dates back to pre-Islamic culture as well as the dramatic expressions of both the Memorial of Zarer, a religious epic from the Sassanid era, (226-652 A.D.), and the Tragedy of Siyavush, a work from ancient Iran, which precedes the Ta’ziyeh play by 1,200 years. The tradition continued from an early processional form to the Magtal-Khani (a recital of martyrdom stories), until it took a dramatic shape. Further, both the playwrights and the structure of the Takiyeh performance building, its performance site, contributed to the evolution of Ta’ziyeh. In this paper, the emphasis is to demonstrate the character of Ta’ziyeh, its foundation and, the development of its various elements. It also attempts to reveal, from an objective stance, its value to a people who embrace it as a kind of ritual, both a holy and national art form. Ta’ziyeh is a kind of ritual drama which has fascinated some of the world’s most famous theatre historians, critics, and performers, who view in it some elements of the postmodern theatre.

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