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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Teacher reflection and self-efficacy beliefs are two important teacher characteristics that influence different aspects of teaching jobs. The relationship between these two constructs is important, but the previous research has focused on the effect of reflection on self-efficacy. This mixed-methods study aimed at assessing the interrelationships between reflection and self-efficacy through surveying 330 Iranian English language teachers in the quantitative phase and interviewing 15 teachers in the qualitative phase. The quantitative data were analyzed through a Partial Least Square approach and the qualitative data through a conventional content analysis. Results show the two variables are closely interwoven, but reflection components were better predictors of self-efficacy. Metacognitive, cognitive, and affective reflection were significant predictors of self-efficacy and its components, but critical reflection did not predict any aspect of reflection. Efficacy for classroom management could predict practical and cognitive reflection, and efficacy for student engagement could predict practical, affective, and critical reflection. These findings imply that metacognitive, affective, and cognitive reflections need to be encouraged in English Language Teaching preservice and inservice teacher education programs, and workshops need to be enriched and focus on practical teaching issues and classroom management strategies, and learner engagement techniques.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Drastically concerned about no longer continuation of instructors to use the computerized learning management system (CLMS) in the post COVID-19, the ministerial and academic authorities in Iran are inclined to figure out about the determinants of instructors’ continuation of making use of the CLMS and how to incorporate the CLMS into the face-to-face education. Therefore, the research aimed to analyze drivers of agricultural instructors’ continuation of Using CLMS. Called instructors’ learning patterns as a knowledge gap, the present causal study surveyed 102 faculty members of two universities in Northwest Iran. To establish a theoretical framework, theory of planned behavior (TPB), technology acceptance model (TAM), and the Vermunt’s theory of learning model (VTLS) were used, the items of the questionnaire were designed accordingly. The results make known that the model has a good fit with the data set, the perceived usefulness (PU) of the CLMS has an impact on the attitude towards the CLMS and intention to continue using the CLMS (BI). The application-oriented learning pattern (AOLP) affects PBC positively. Other predictor variables that directly impinge upon instructors’ behavioral intention (BI) to continue applying the CLMS include attitude, PU, AOLP, and perceived student readiness (PSR). The estimated multiple correlation coefficients for the PBC, attitude, and BI were 0.17, 0.51, and 0.46, respectively. The results of the research can be useful and effective for agricultural higher education decision makers in using and replacing CLMS in specific situations instead of face-to-face education.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)


Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

 Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. is a medicinal plant used in various industries due to its high health benefits, antioxidant activity, attractive flavor and aroma. Commercial yield and phytochemicals can be enhanced by cultivation management like suitable plant density. This study investigates the impact of planting density (50×40, 25×40, 12.5×40 cm caused to 5, 10, and 20 plants m-2) on the morpho-physiological traits, yield, trichomes, and phytochemicals profiles of D. kotschyi, based on a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in the Saravarsu region, Guilan province, Iran (2021-2022). The findings reveal a notable fourfold increase in various traits in 20 plants m-2 (12.5×40 cm). The highest values for parameters such as plant height (34.66 cm), branch number (14), branch length (9.34 cm), leaf number (138.33), leaf area index (105 mm2), fresh weights of leaves, and stems, as well as total fresh weight (105.1, 98.5, and 203.6 g m-2 respectively), dry weights of leaves, stems, total dry yield (26.1, 24.675, and 50.775 g m-2 respectively), chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoid content (1.038, 0.653, 1.691, and 0.898 mg g-1 FW, respectively), secretory trichomes density (14 mm-2), essential oil content and yield (0.633% and 0.322 g m-2, respectively), PAL activity (10.221 nmol g-1 FW min-1), antioxidant activity (82.85%), total phenol (1.253 mg g-1 DW), and total flavonoid (2.781 mg g-1 DW) were observed in 20 plants m-2. In conclusion, a planting density of 20 plants m-2 (with spacing 12.5×40 cm) is recommended for achieving optimal commercial yield, and phytochemical production of D. kotschyi in the Saravarsu region.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Climate change is one of the challenges of today to affect the agriculture sector. Climate change in Iran in recent years has caused a decrease in rainfall and an increase in temperature and continuous droughts. Agricultural production in Iran has been affected by climate change and has faced a decrease in the production of various products. The purpose of this research was to identify social, economic and environmental consequences of climate change in Iran's agricultural sector and designing a model of Planned Management Behavior (PMB). A mixed qualitative and quantitative method was used in this research. The study sample of this research in the qualitative phase included 15 key experts who have knowledge of the consequences of climate change and in the quantitative section, there were 100 experts of the agricultural Jihad of Khuzestan province. Based on the qualitative results, the consequences of climate change were identified. In the quantitative phase, it was determined that 69.3% of attitude towards the consequences of climate changes are explained by the independent variables of concerns about social, economic and environmental consequences, feeling the need for risk management, and perceived value. Also, 71.2% of changes in planned management intention to control the consequences of climate changes are affected by the attitude towards the consequences, tendency to control behavior, personal and mental norms. Finally, 69.8% of changes in PMB for control the consequences of climate changes are caused by the use of planned management intention to control the consequences, action planning and coping planning.


Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)

Urmia Lake and its surroundng wetlands have been severely affected by recent droughts (1998–2003) and a considerable decrease in inflow has affected lake ecosystem components. Integrated ecosystem-based management is a useful managing tool for the wise use and biodiversity conservation of wetlands. In the process of developing an integrated ecosystem-based management model for Urmia Lake, the identification of key stakeholders is of primary importance. In this research, stakeholder analysis is used as an effective tool for establishing collaborative management in the Urmia Lake catchment in terms of the following parameters and objectives: almost all stakeholders receive multiple benefits from Urmia Lake, either directly or indirectly; almost all stakeholders also cause impacts on the lake ecosystem, many of which result from activities that take place in areas located within in the Urmia catchment but far from the lake. In general, the stakeholders who receive the most benefits seem to cause the lowest impact (for example, Environmental groups), while those who receive fewer benefits may have larger impacts (for example, water resource managers). Recognizing that all stakeholders affect the lake in one way or another is an important concept that promotes the ethic that future management of the Lake should regarded as a shared responsibility between all stakeholders.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)

The effect of soil and phanerogam characteristics on bryophytes composition, richness, abundance and functional groups were investigated in order to understand the factors responsible for bryophytes distribution patterns. Three different sand dunes were selected: untouched, artificial sod-covered and planted by Ammophila. Along 10 transects perpendicular to the shore, a total of 142 permanent relevés, located in three sand dunes, were sampled. In each plot, total cover of vascular herbaceous and bryophytes, and the percentage of litter were estimated. The average of vascular herbaceous height was measured. In each plot, EC, pH, CaCo3, texture and organic matter content of the upper 5 cm layer were also measured. Analyses using DCA and GLM showed that bryophytes abundance was decreased by EC and phanerogam abundance, while pH increased the species richness of bryophytes. EC increased the relative abundance of sexual species while decreased the relative abundance of asexual bryophytes species. The relative abundance of colonists increased in planted Ammophila sand dune while the relative abundance of perennial stayers was the highest in untouched sand dune. The successional stage should also be important in distribution pattern of bryophytes.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Background: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a major public health problem leading to chronic pain and increased years lived with disability This study aimed to assess lifestyle behavioral management in patients with Knee osteoarthritis among Iranian patients up to 6 months.
Methods and Materials: This study conducted at the Rheumatology Research Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) in Tehran, Iran. In this educational controlled trial study, 130 eligible participants took part in control group (n = 66) and received just prescribed medications, or intervention group (n = 64) who received the lifestyle behavioral management plus medication. The program involved three two-hour and two one-hour group sessions over a one-week period. Data based on demographic characteristics and risky behaviors questionnaire as well as Functional Knee Assessment Test (FKAT) were collected at initial, 3-, and 6-month follow ups and analyzed by using SPSS18.
Results: Of 130 participants, five individuals from intervention and eight individuals from control group were excluded over 6 months. Totally, 117 eligible participants in two groups of intervention (n = 59), and control (n = 58) completed the study. The mean age of participants in intervention and control group at base line was 59. 03 ± 6. 13 and 57. 85 ± 9. 31 years respectively. Despite being the same at initial time (P > 0. 05), Repeated Measure ANOVA test showed Significantly better improved disability in intervention group over time (P < 0. 001). Compared with control group, preventive behaviors were improved significantly in intervention group (P < 0. 05)
Conclusions: This study revealed that the multidisciplinary program could significantly reduce risky behaviors and disability up to six months in intervention group. Thus, due to lack of lifestyle behavioral management in health care system of Iran, to embedding this program into clinical practice for managing knee OA pain is recommended.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2012)

The citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is a major invasive pest of citrus in Tunisia. In order to help the implementation of an efficient integrated management strategy, it was essential to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of the pest. For this purpose, random-amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) was applied, using eight oligo-nucleotide primers, to reveal genetic variability among eight populations of P. citrella, originating from the north, center and south of Tunisia. A total of 66 RAPD markers and 33 phenotypes were generated. Inter-population polymorphism was revealed, using the percentage of polymorphic markers (62.12 %), mean number of phenotypes generated per primer (4.125) and mean genetic distance (0.199). Hierarchical analysis, using the UPGMA method, indicated that the genetic variability was influenced by the regional distribution. This pattern of population clustering was supported by Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO). Yet, a weak correlation (0.69) was revealed between genetic and geographic distances, suggesting that climatic contrariety between the north and south of Tunisia plays a major role in the differentiation of P. citrella, leading to a restriction of gene flow between populations. Results obtained in this work show clear genetic differences, which should be considered in the development of control strategies.  

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Aims: In cities, limit is used to meet the needs of the city as a tool to restrict unauthorized construction, and limit is a good place to set up different and annoying industries that cannot function in cities. The aim of this study was to present a strategic analysis of the status of political management system of the limit of urban area of Tehran.
Instruments and Methods: The current applied documentary-analytical research was carried out in Tehran, using a strategic approach. In order to collect the data, library and survey studies were used and to evaluate in-system and out-system terms, the combined model, Analytic Hierarchy Process- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (AHP-SOWT) was used. Therefore, a list of effective variables was prepared and, then, by means of a survey of experts, each of the variables was weighted and internal and external factors and strategies were obtained.
Findings: The total final scores for implementation of integrated management of limit of Tehran metropolis were 3.48 for external factors and 3.6 for internal factors, and acceptable strategies for integrated management of limit of Tehran were aggressive strategy.
Conclusion: The most important aggressive strategies include preparing the Hadi project for villages without project, compiling a comprehensive plan for the effective participation of organizations and stakeholders, identifying and locating appropriate spaces for the deployment of activities that are consistent with the limit of the city, seriously monitoring the reduction of pollution, planning, designing and creating urban green infrastructure, creating an atmosphere for effective participation of citizens, holding national, and international congresses and tours for identifying limit.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)

The purpose of this research is to present a model for evaluating knowledge management empowerment based on Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). First, the initial model was compiled based on the review of the literature. After presenting the initial model to the experts, empowerment factors and their indexes were chosen by the Delphi Fuzzy Technique according to experts’ revisions and inputs. Culture, Structure, Information Technology and Leadership were confirmed as dimensions involved in empowerment. In order to gather information and extract FIS’ rules according to experts’ knowledge and experiences, interviews were conducted. With FIS outputs, knowledge management empowerments’ status would be determined. This evaluation helps managers perform the gap analysis between the existent knowledge management empowerment levels and the desired ones and helps them in decision making. After system design and evaluating its’ credibility, a questionnaire was used for measuring knowledge management empowerment factors and their indexes (FIS inputs) at Pasargad Bank.  FIS outputs show that the knowledge management empowerment situation at Pasargad Bank is at medium levels. Finally, in order to improve the firm’s current situation, certain solutions were provided. According to the literature review, evaluating knowledge management empowerment factors in the banking sector and using the Fuzzy Inference System for the evaluation of the knowledge management empowerment factors were innovations of this research.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)

Human resources are the most important assets in health care institutions. They directly affect the lives of patients and the health of the society. The present study assessed the effects of human resource management tasks on the employees in the health care field. Here psychological contracts are considered as the mediating variable and employees’ organizational commitment as the dependent variable. A survey-analytical research strategy has been used to conduct this research. The Ghaem Hospital Medical Personnel of Mashhad was the statistical population and a sample size of 268 was chosen using random sampling. Method of data collection used a standard questionnaire. In this study, structural equation and partial least squares method were used for analyzing data and testing hypotheses using smart PLS.The research results indicate that the model used in this research, is a strong theoretical model for predicting employees’ organizational commitment, furthermore all the direct relationships between the variables were significant. Additionally the study emphasizes that the human resources management tasks, paying particular attention to psychological contracts implementation, have significant effects on organizational commitment. Thus, its successful implementation will coincide with the promotion of organizational commitment

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)

The main purpose of this research is to present a model for evaluating knowledge management enablers based on Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to examine Pasargad bank situation. First of all, initial model compiled based on literature review. After presenting compiled model to experts, enablers and their indexes were concluded by Delphi Fuzzy Technique according to experts’ revisions and new ideas. In this model, Culture, Structure, Information Technology and Leadership were confirmed as enablers’ dimensions. For gathering information and extracting FIS rules according experts’ knowledge and experiences, semi structured interviews have been done. After system designing and crediting, a questionnaire was used for gathering data to measure knowledge management enablers and their indexes (FIS inputs) at Pasargad Bank. FIS output shows that knowledge management enablers situation at Pasargad Bank is at medium level. Evaluating knowledge management enablers at banking domain and using Fuzzy Inference System for evaluating knowledge management enablers were innovations of this research.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (2-2021)

Sports tourism and destination management

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Medicinal plant powders have traditionally been used as grain protectants against stored-product insect pests. In this study, insecticidal activity of Carum copticum L. and Cuminum cyminum L. powders was assessed on adults of Sitophilus granarius L. and Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val. Experiments were carried out on wheat at 27 ± 1 ºCand 55 ± 5% r. h. The mortality increased with increasing concentration level and time exposed to each concentration. For S. granarius, 7 days and in case of T. confusum 14 days exposure time was sufficient to obtain considerable mortality. For example, 3500 mg/kg of C. copticum 7 days after treatment caused 80% mortality in S. granarius; while for T. confusum 29% mortality was achieved and increased to 100% after 14 days. Therefore, it can be concluded that adults of S. granarius were more susceptible than T. confusum to plant powders. Also, according to the findings, C. cyminum powder had more insecticidal efficacy than C. copticum on both insects’ species. For S. granarius, 950 and 2700 mg/kg powders of C. cyminum and C. copticum was enough to cause ca. 50% mortality after 5 days, respectively. In case for T. confusum, 3200 and 4400 mg/kg of the plant powders caused the same mortality after 7 days. Findings of the present study show that the plant powders could be applied for grain protection in small-scale storage facilities.  

Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Abstract The present Research as” Design Business Agility Dynamic Model in manufacturing organization with dynamic systems approach”was performed . Initially the literature review discussed. The data gathered in this stage provided us with the possibility to present a conceptual framework for the study. Subsequently, through interviewing with experts, some indices for evaluating the variables in the model were identified. On the following stage, a questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire included 116 items, based on a 7-point Likert scale. After determining the validity and reliability of the results of the research revealed that agility capability, agility outcomes, and the internal supply chain of the organizations were less affected by environmental factors than agility enablers. The environmental drives by means of agility enablers, supply chain processes, agility capabilities and agility outcomes influence organizations Then, design Agility Dynamic Model and evaluated effect of changes in environmental drives and Policy of executives on organizational agility results The environmental drives by means of agility enablers, supply chain processes, agility capabilities and agility outcomes influence organizations Then, design Agility Dynamic Model and evaluated effect of changes in environmental drives and Policy of executives on organizational agility resultsوThen, design Agility Dynamic Model and evaluated effect of changes in environmental drives and Policy of executives on organizational agility results

Volume 2, Issue 1 (12-2019)

One of the most controversial issues in political geography is the role of local government and governance in the urban space. Governance deals with individuals and organizations that are involved in the decision-making and enforcement process. Today, by recognizing the patterns of governance, the city must be managed by them. The transition from idea to action, along with the structural and functional changes of government, require more than just a government, and other actors have an impact on improving the quality of life and well-being of different stakeholder groups. The present study, using a descriptive-analytical method, after examining the concept and different angles of the governance model, proves that in today's cities, the management of the urban system is governed by the governance of local organizations.
The results show that governance at the micro-macro-spatial level is a step towards self-organization of urban communities and fragmentation of government power that requires the involvement of citizens and social groups in addition to government actors. In fact, there are different ways in which local authorities are elected to govern in the world.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (12-2020)

One of most important requirements for every state in the political management of the national space is development of national and international transportation networks as one of criteria of development. National transportation is in connection with information, thoughts and human movements throughout different regions of the country and also with global system. The main question of the research is that “what is the situation and ranking of the states in the national and international transportation network and which strategies should Iran take regarding its position in this system?” The research method adopted here is descriptive-analytic and data gathering procedure is based on library findings. EXCEL is used to measure the states performance in national transportation network using Matrix and SAR methods. In national transportation, four modes of railroad, road, sea and air are selected, and 6 variants are selected for each of the modes, totally 24 variants. The data are collected for 180 states and then are analyzed. Based on the findings, in national transportation the states are categorized into five categories. Iran is ranked in third category (with global rank 53) and has a middle performance and is ranked 4th in regional level.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (12-2020)

Iran has long borders with politically, security,defense and even territorially unstable neighbors,and with 8573.7 km of border and having 16 border provinces(more than half of the country) and 15 neighboring countries after Russia and China has the most borders.The special situation in the Middle East and the instability and tension in the neighboring countries,some divergent movements in the border areas in the past and now,etc.have caused a kind of pessimism and threatening view of the border areas by the government and border areas have been affected by the security approach.The approach of Iran's spatial structure is unbalanced,which despite many efforts is far from spatial justice and the center-structure is around the dominant pattern of its spatial relations and Iran's border areas do not have the desired level of development compared to the core and center of the country. Shannon and the TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making model classify the cities of East and West Azerbaijan provinces from the perspective of spatial justice in order to highlight the effects of the security approach on spatial justice in these cities, especially border cities.The results of this study show that although the security approach in border management has improved security in its hard dimension, but the restrictions imposed on the intensification of backwardness and unbalanced distribution of spatial justice in the border cities of East and West Azerbaijan, especially Jolfa, Poldasht and Mako Implicitly, this can have consequences such as migration,land use change,environmental change,lack of employment and negative population growth rates in border areas.
The results of this study show that although the security approach in border management has improved security in its hard dimension, but the restrictions imposed on the intensification of backwardness and unbalanced distribution of spatial justice in the border cities of East and West Azerbaijan, especially Jolfa, Poldasht and Mako Implicitly, this issue can have adverse consequences such as migration, land-use change, environmental change, lack of employment and negative population growth rates in border area

Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

The extend and complexity of urban issues and the increasing growth and development of cities have made managing city affairs a difficult task. To find the answer to this question, after studying the theorical texts and a brief overview at the research related to the subjects of urban management in combined and multi_stage analysis, in the first stage from of the collection of urban managers, people and professionals, a semi_structured interview was conducted. Due to fundamental nature of the Granheim content analysis method, the data were analyzed using the content analysis approach by the Granheim and Landman method. Then in the second stage, using a questionnaire, the themes discovered from the first part of the study were prioritzed by experienced experts in the field of urban planning and urban management, based on security factor and with the help of Friedman test in SPSS software. The results of the research show that the most important and fundamental challenges in the field of urban management in the metropolis of Ahvaz from the perspective of experts are related to laws, structure and professional ethics

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