Showing 59 results for Justice
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
This study investigated the relationships between self-esteem, empowerment attitudes, and perceptions of classroom justice among EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. Relative stratified sampling was used to choose the 329 participants that make up the research sample. Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. This study used path analysis within the framework of structural equations, using a descriptive-correlational methodology, to analyze data and test research hypotheses. Software such as AMOS22 and SPSS22 were used to analyze the collected data. The results showed a significant correlation between students' perceptions of classroom justice dimensions and their feelings of empowerment and self-worth. The implications extend beyond the confines of the classroom, pointing towards a holistic approach to education that considers both the interpersonal dynamics within the learning environment and the individual empowerment of students.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2011)
One of the most important issues that organizations face is how to motivate employee to perform their roles well, thus ensuring that organization to retain its effectiveness. Indeed, specific set of employees' behaviors, discretionary ones that employees perform for organization that can significantly affect on organization’s success specifically. These behaviors are called organizational citizenship behaviors, defined as discretionary work behaviors that that have not been recognized directly or explicitly by the formal reward system, and in the aggregate, they promote the functioning of the organization.
In this study has tried to investigate relationships between organization ethical values, organizational justice, organizational commitment, ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behaviors in Staff part employees of Payam Nour University (Tehran branch). In respect to purpose, this study is applied and in respect to doing method and data collection, is descriptive-analytic. LISREL and structural equation model were used for testing the hypotheses. The results of this study indicated that organization ethical values positively affects on procedural and distributive justice. Procedural and distributive justice positively affects on organizational commitment. Also organizational commitment positively affects on ethical behavior. Ethical behavior positively affect on sportsmanship and altruism dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviors.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2018)
Introduction: Nowadays, Tehran is the most important challenge of political management of space in Iran due to the accumulation of problems in natural and human dimensions. The most important dimensions of this challenge are population density and the lack of coordinated management to overcome this problem and its consequences. Since one cannot consider Tehran separated from far and near hinterland, the first issue is the lack of spatial/geographical justice in these hinterlands. Tehran's problems can be analyzed in three levels: physical-residential, regional, and national. This descriptive-analytical research was carried out based on library resources with the aim of analyzing spatial justice in Iran and organizing political space in Tehran.
Conclusion: The lack of spatial planning and sustainable development approach on the national, regional, and local scale in the Iranian planning system has, above all, resulted in intense centralization, institutionalized, and has led to the formation of the center of the periphery pattern in the country. The performance of development programs, before and after the revolution, has led to the imbalance of the governing pattern of the spatial structure of the country. Also, the spatial/geographical injustice in the country and consequently in Tehran province, as well as the lack of integrated management in Tehran's urban management have caused Tehran's current problems. In order to solve the problems of Tehran and its optimal administration, it should be planned based on the available resources with the fair spatial planning approach to space and in the framework of the spatial planning strategy, using the space justice in three short, medium, and long periods, in order to provide the optimal administration of Tehran.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2021)
PPrior to approving the Islamic Penal Code Act 2013, the concept of repentance was accepted to some extent in the context of provisions related to Hudud (fixed religious penalties). In the latest efforts to revise the Islamic Penal Code, the lawmakers dedicated some articles to repentance which stipulated specific rules on the framework and other detailed provisions on applying this concept. This initiative of the legislators can be challenged on the one hand through the criminological analysis of the subject, and on the other hand, in the context of its implementation within the framework of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Due to its ignorance of modern criminological theories, particularly on victimology, the deviation of attention from offender’s personality to the criminal act, and the impossibility of realization of all repentance conditions, it appears that approving legislative provisions on repentance in the Islamic Penal Code will result in a serious crisis. Therefore, in order to reach an effective criminal policy, it is necessary that all aspects of the concept be duly scrutinized. Taking into account the substantive and procedural limits surrounding this topic, the gap between the bases of repentance in the Islamic Penal Code with the recent developments in criminal policy and also the absence of practical approaches to materialize this concept, it seems that its implementation will face challenges, thereby making the criminal policy far away from being effective.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2011)
Introduction of modern technologies such as internet has had some downsides as well. The aim of the present study is to investigate some disadvantages of the integration of modern technology in organizations. The main body of the investigation will concentrate on the effect of different influential factors on cyber-loafing among the members of an organization. Regarding the literature on the subject matter, one of the leading factors that causes cyber-loafing is organizational justice. First, the influence of organizational justice, as the independent variable, on the distributional justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice is be discussed in details. Later on, the moderating role of perception of the organizational control in relation to organizational justice and cyber-loafing will be talked over. For testing the first hypothesis of the study, which focuses on the negative influence of organizational justice on cyber-loafing, the Lisrel software was used in through path analysis and structural equation modeling. The results obtained from 152 questionnaires distributed, among the employees of an automobile company, confirmed the credibility of the first hypothesis. Also the findings did not confirm the idea that the perception of organizational control plays a moderating role with regard to organizational justice and cyber-loafing.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)
Introduction: The main purpose of organizing space in each country is, firstly, providing an optimal service to the maximum of citizens and, secondly, managing the people who live in a country. Despite numerous attempts, geographical space of Iran is away from the spatial justice and the center-periphery pattern is the dominant pattern of its spatial relationships. The aim of this study was to investigate the foundations of spatial injustice in Iran. This paper with analytical–descriptive method and relying on the library resources tried to identify and classify the factors affecting the spatial injustice in Iran.
Conclusion: Spatial injustice in Iran comes from two main areas, including the natural, cultural, social, and economic conditions of any geographic location (the inherent characteristics of the regions), and the political economy of space, decisions of policy makers, and economic planners. The peripheral areas with 16 provinces and central areas with 14 provinces (including Alborz province) form the political space of Iran. Peripheral areas of the country include about 50% of area and 50.7% of the population, showing that 50% of development of the country should be concentrated in border areas so that regional balances are established in the spatial pattern of Iran. The focus of facilities and services in the center causes the remoteness of some provinces and their exclusion from these benefits.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)
In recent years the importance of social capital as an intangible organizational asset has been of interest to those concerned with organizational and management issues. Positive levels of social capital are referred to, as a product of positive internal organizational social relations. The goal of this paper is the study of the relationship between the Iran Insurance employees’ understanding of organizational justice and social capital in the branches of the state of Gillan. Research method used is descriptive and of the Pyrson Correlative type. The statistical populationincludes all employees of Iran Insurance in the state of Gillan (altogether 492 people). Considering Cohen, Morgan and Krisay’s table, the sample size chosen was 220 people. The data collection tool used was a questioner which was field conducted. In order to asses levels of social capital the questioner designed by Gyshal and Nahpyt (1998), with 16 buoy was used; and to asses social justice levels a standard questioner with 19 buoys using the Leickert scale was employed. Validity of the research tool was based on the expert opinion of a group of experts. The social capital questioner’s stability, and the verification of the reported levels of organizational justice were approved by the use of Cron Bach’s 0/896 and 0/916 levels respectively. For data analysis the Pearson correlation test was used. Test results and the single-sample T-test showed that between the dependent research variable (social capital), and the independent research variable (organizational justice), and its’ different dimensions(Distributional, procedural, relational, and informational justice), a 99% positive correlation exists.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (12-2020)
Iran has long borders with politically, security,defense and even territorially unstable neighbors,and with 8573.7 km of border and having 16 border provinces(more than half of the country) and 15 neighboring countries after Russia and China has the most borders.The special situation in the Middle East and the instability and tension in the neighboring countries,some divergent movements in the border areas in the past and now,etc.have caused a kind of pessimism and threatening view of the border areas by the government and border areas have been affected by the security approach.The approach of Iran's spatial structure is unbalanced,which despite many efforts is far from spatial justice and the center-structure is around the dominant pattern of its spatial relations and Iran's border areas do not have the desired level of development compared to the core and center of the country. Shannon and the TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making model classify the cities of East and West Azerbaijan provinces from the perspective of spatial justice in order to highlight the effects of the security approach on spatial justice in these cities, especially border cities.The results of this study show that although the security approach in border management has improved security in its hard dimension, but the restrictions imposed on the intensification of backwardness and unbalanced distribution of spatial justice in the border cities of East and West Azerbaijan, especially Jolfa, Poldasht and Mako Implicitly, this can have consequences such as migration,land use change,environmental change,lack of employment and negative population growth rates in border areas.
The results of this study show that although the security approach in border management has improved security in its hard dimension, but the restrictions imposed on the intensification of backwardness and unbalanced distribution of spatial justice in the border cities of East and West Azerbaijan, especially Jolfa, Poldasht and Mako Implicitly, this issue can have adverse consequences such as migration, land-use change, environmental change, lack of employment and negative population growth rates in border area
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2018)
This article seeks to use the descriptive-analytical method and relying on the definitions of social modernism to address the issue of social innovation in the poetry of the two poets and what are the similarities and differences in each of the topics? The analysis of Baroudi's poetry suggests that he is taking advantage of the sophisticated taste as well as following the critics of the West to the affairs of the people and to correct the defects in society. Like Farrokhi Yazdi, he addresses issues such as central justice, homeland, despondency, attention to poverty, opposition to oppression and oppression, and invitation to studying science as one of the most important subjects of his poetry. The most important aspect of Baroudi's and Farrokhi's poetry's differences is that Farrokhi, as a responsible critic, deals more with the community and related issues, but in Baroudi's poetry, he makes imitation of modernization. However, with the advent of the Arab movement and the issue of exile, it is twisted within it and pursues a sharp eye and a sharp sensitivity to the social problems of its country.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2012)
Language as a social phenomenon is associated with the construction of social and community values; an interactive and two-way communication, so that either language has an impact on the social construction, and social context and environment have influences on language. In some cases, language differences may lead to differences in perception of the world. The main goal of this paper is Comparative investigating the function of language in justice development (called: Linguistic Justice). The results showed that in lingual justice approach, justice is built based on the language constructs, and it develops and strengthens the linguistic capabilities of every society. Therefore, to achieve a just society, using of just words, and just language as well as understanding the concepts of justice are more emphasized. Use of degrading words for highlighting of humane defects or showing the influence and power are forbidden and enrichment of language by justice words is very important as a main agenda. In other words, stigmatizing language, which is based on detecting of rebuke differences of people and setting a hierarchy of power, will be against the requirements of lingual justice.
Volume 3, Issue 10 (9-2022)
This article aimed to develop a model of the effect of dimensions of organizational justice and innovative behavior among physical education teachers: investigating the mediating role of knowledge sharing and organizational trust. The current research method is descriptive correlation based on the purpose of applied studies. The sampling method was also non-probability, voluntary, and accessible, consisting of physical education teachers in Tehran city, and the estimation of the sample size was done using Sample Power software based on research variables (359). People were considered to answer the questionnaires on organizational justice dimensions, trust, and innovative behavior. In order to analyze the data, the structural equation model with the ordinary least squares approach was used. The findings showed that distributive and interactional justice affected knowledge sharing and organizational trust. Such procedural justice affected knowledge sharing but did not significantly affect organizational trust. Such knowledge sharing and organizational trust were predictors of innovative behavior. Therefore, if physical education teachers witness fair and justice-oriented behavior in their organization, their motivation and desire to share knowledge and innovation will also increase. Thus, motivating and innovative behavior should be properly identified and managed in the educational environment, and appropriate actions should be taken with justice-oriented and equal behavior in line with its development and promotion.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)
According to researches, lack of commitment to change is one of the important factors making changes ineffective. Commitment to change is a force involving individuals in necessary processes of successful change. In current research, commitment to change path analysis model was designed according to the roles of organizational support, supervisor support, trust to supervisor, justice, and positive affection. This is a descriptive study and is based on correlations. The research sample contained 463 individuals of Isfahan Oil Refining & DistributionCompany that selected by stratifiedsampling and responded to research instruments. Bootstrapping analysis showed that supervisor support, procedural justice and interactional justice are mediator variables between trust, organizational support and normative commitment to change. According to results, managers and organizations are recommended to establish commitment to change by increasing trust, support, positive affection and justice.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2022)
Division of territorial and demographic area of country into electoral districts is the first step to facilitate elections and provide a suitable background for a fair proportion between the number of lawmakers and the population of the country. Drawing electoral districts must be in such a way that guarantees the justice and equality among citizens and leads to the formation of democratic parliament that represents different groups of the people. The present study has assessed trend of approval of the bill to reform the table of electoral districts of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the number of lawmakers in 2000. This research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive in terms of nature and general method. The findings show that demographic indicators, adaption to administrative divisions, extent, place competition, deprivation, locating in border areas, and finally economical and industrial situation were the most important effective indicators in increasing lawmakers and reforming electoral districts in 20 cases. Lack of definition of indicators for criteria of Article 64 of the Constitution (human, political, geographical and alike) and failure to calculate their weight and share in redistricting due to the lack of a redistricting part in ministry of interior have led to spatial injustice in increasing the number of lawmakers, separating and annexation some electoral districts in government bill.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2022)
The political organization of any country is done in the form of civil divisions. Civil divisions of the country are a process in which the land is limited by borders and every government needs political division of space to better manage the land and facilitate services, create development and create a spatial justice in the country. Spatial justice through the mechanism of spatial organization or spatial planning leads to the balanced development of place and geographical space and provides citizens with satisfaction and trust in the management structure and the relevant political system, thus preventing the formation of mentality of being secondary citizenship among people. In this research, which is of a fundamental type, the required information is collected using the library method, and then this issue will be investigated using a descriptive-analytic method. The research question is that: “what relation do exist between the political organization of space and spatial justice?” The findings show that the main principles and criteria of political organization of space can be categorized into issues such as increasing the sense of satisfaction, ease of access to services and creating equal opportunities for citizens and regions. Since spatial justice as an output seeks the relative equality of power, opportunity and wealth in order to gain maximum benefits commensurate with the capacity to enhance the dignity of citizens, and also the principles and approaches of political organization of space and spatial justice show this issue, it can be claimed that interactive relation is between political organization of space and spatial justice.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2015)
No doubt, the performance of any plan and design for some of citizens is good and for other citizens who have less social and economic power is bad. From this viewpoint, urban development plans and designs are one of key tools for reduce economic-social discrimination and inequity in distribution of public resources in cities. This important, first was considered by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and David Harvey and John Rawls in 60th and 70th centuries. Spatial justice Concept is a debatable and variable concept. The issues of spatial justice have proliferated during the past two decades. Researchers of spatial justice dimensions have spanned the social sciences, and their definitions and ambitions have varied, as do the indicators with which they tried to measure the postulated goal. For some, spatial justice is just equal access for the basic public facilities, measured in distance, such as accessibility to school, health facilities or culture events. For others, spatial equity is more ambitious and would include a choice of jobs and a choice of accessible educational institutions. Also, it would include a choice of cultural events, not just a local or regional amateur theatre, for different target groups and different age groups. Liberal thinkers in the definition of justice rather are focusing individual liberty and Eligibility (the difference between individuals), and Socialism Thinkers on need and equity in the distribution and production. In Islam school, justice is defined based on the right. The justice in Islam, with clear rules and mechanisms, right Deliver to its original owners, and preserve from human dignity (understanding of right-oriented from justice). Spatial justice concept in city has moved from social aspect to distributive justice and finally to spatial concept. Justice-oriented city helps to normative dimension of urban planning. However, the demand for distributive justice is necessary, but it is not sufficient alone. The Because of distributive justice neglect from structural injustice that root in power relationship in society. This theme and viewpoint from spatial justice suggests good city pattern, a city that it not only has distributive equally in resource but it supports from the development of human capabilities for all. Therefore, it is necessary to define a framework for just city. According to the dominant comprehensive-rational paradigm, urban planning in Iran has become in to a tool for domination of the powerful landlords to the city. Urban planners in spite of having of good intentions and the ideal have been taken in position of city enemies and People also turned into illegality anti. In general we can say that urban planning thought in Iran has taken slave of capitalism system and has retreated to functionalism and personal interests. Despite of urban planning retreat, we want to return to a city from normative viewpoint and move to the city-based justice. Thus, explaining a conceptual framework from spatial justice and its application can abundant help to urban planning in Iran. In this way, help to take the Islam teachings can be very useful. For achieving to this framework, we require to determine the criteria of spatial justice. The criteria of spatial justice are different and those depend on time, place, and political and social condition of society. However, accepting criteria of spatial justice in this study that those were extracted with the logical analysis method and based on Islam academy tenets are: (1) liberty: The active participation of citizens in decision-making, decision-making in urban planning, and also having right of citizens in everyday activities in city, (2) needing: Distribution of city resources and services tailored to the needs of the urban neighborhoods and areas, and any deviation from this distribution is supported by the deprived people of this deviation, (3) the difference: The defending differences in society, (4) eligibility: The criteria referees in the social theme to individuals ability and the geographical environment theme to and the references and potentials of environmental, social, economic and cultural-, (5) public benefit: The criteria focuses on individuals access to services based on their participation level and The main purpose of this criteria is to allow freedom of expression to group differences in cities- and (6) equality of opportunity: the providing equal opportunities for all people in access to city resources and utilities. These criteria show that justice-oriented urban planning refer to issues such as the equitable distribution of services, the right to the city, analysis of power relations, participatory and collaborative planning and so on. Thefindings of the research show that justice-oriented urban planning away from slogan state, it needs to attend to difference in society, to strong noise of low class of society in power relationships, to attend to participatory planning and citizens rights. In according to said literature on above, the present research proposals for explaining the concept of spatial justice in Iran urban planning are: expressly authors state that the present proposals in this research aren’t complete. It is hoped that with efforts of urban thinkers and experts, these proposals are completed. It is Necessary to achieve justice in the city, we away from the urban policies of authoritarian and single lecture and we approach to collaborative politics in urban planning. Whereas, dominant paradigm of Urban Planning in Iran is comprehensive- rational planning paradigm, it can’t gain to spatial justice in cities. Therefore, we need to achieve spatial equity and justice in our cities to change our urban planning paradigm from comprehensive rational to justice-oriented urban Planning. Also it is necessary that we attend to values such as right and justice which are not merely given from up to citizens. Those ( at least in structural state ) aren’t giving, but those are getting. Urban planning theories in Iran neglect from the spatial and social structures in cities and those more focus to the planning process. This approach has been led to urban planning theories in Iran casual. Thus, attention to the urban planning content is important in justice oriented city planning.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Problem: Justice in urban health means the absence of systematic differences in one or more aspects of the health status of citizens or population groups in terms of social, economic and physical environment. In the present study, the city of Urmia has been investigated and analyzed as a focus of studies on the level of realization of the right to health approach to the city and the distribution of health-therapeutic services and functions.
Aims: In terms of its purpose, the current research is in the category of semi-basic, semi-applied research, which is carried out with descriptive and analytical method.
Methods: The methods of collecting information are based on documentary-library methods, observation and field verification (Swara and Cocoso tests).
Findings: Based on the results, the city of Urmia has not acted in a fair manner in terms of the distribution of health-treatment functions and services in accordance with the approach of the right to the city, in spatial planning and allocation.
Conclusion: Regions 4 in the central context and the commercial pole of the city and 2 in the peripheral part of Urmia city have respectively the most favorable and unfavorable environmental conditions and conditions in the matter of enjoying the right to health policies of the city. In the end, based on the findings and the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the study area in the field of urban development, some targeted and sustainable proposals and actions have been taken to improve the environmental conditions.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (10-2015)
One of the most important aspects of presence of citizens in urban spaces, that enhances their vitality and their effective social roles, is “moving on foot”. Nowadays, in many urban spaces, motion of a large number of citizens, who like to walk here and there in the cities, is affected by various factors. Dissatisfaction of pedestrians due to the limitation of urban spaces has a relationship with the violation of their rights. Citizenship rights, is one of the issues to be considered in Islam and is highly encouraged in respecting human values. A citizen, is an official member of a city, state or country and because of that, there are rights and responsibilities for him/her that have been assigned in law. In fact, citizenship right is a combination of duties and responsibilities of citizens in relation to each other, to the local and to the national government. In Islam, the rights and responsibilities that are known as the citizens’ rights are indigenous with the laws and regulations that have been known and assigned as Islamic human rights. These rights that must be strongly respected by Muslims, include civil, human, social, political, cultural and judicial rights. By studying some samples of justice in the Holy Qur’an, one can notice that “justice” involves all the issues which related to human beings. Some of the meanings of justice in Qur›an which have connection with citizenship rights in Muslim community include: placing everything in their right places, proper and accurate application of everything, respect for individual rights and the prevention of injury and trespassing, saving and prevention extremes, equality with other people and prevention and prohibition of superiority. Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) also mentioned justice as a factor for protecting and defending human beings’ right. He emphasized justice as the main criterion for all individual, social, moral, material, physical, spiritual, political and non-political rights. In this article, citizenship right is discussed from the perspective of justice in Islam. Justice is an important factor in the formation of the Islamic city. City is a complex structure that in every moment is influenced by three factors, «body or the built form», «population» and «social relations». So, establishment of justice in Islamic city is the function of (1) establishment of justice in the physical framework of a city, (2)fairly citizens use of urban facilities, (3) establishment of justice regarding to the citizens’ cultural aspects and issues (4) establishment of justice in the behavior of citizens with the physical framework of the city. The balance of the city framework, justice in the rational provision and distribution of municipal facilities, with access to the city authorities, fighting against oppression, good placement of urban facilities and their proximity and accessibility are all the signs of justice in urban scale. But in small-scale there are principles that following them, shows the importance of respecting pedestrians› rights and social justice, such as respect for human worth and dignity, good proportionality between dimensions of space and the characteristics of mental and physical organism of the human body, making the relationship between nature and human, and respect for other people, “La zarar va La zerar rule in Islam”, individual privacy, creating visual beauty and many other issue of these kinds. This study sought to evaluate the impact of these factors in violation of the rights of pedestrians, in the study area (intersection of Jalal Ale Ahmad and Chamran Highway to Kargar-e-shomali Street and Fatemi Intersection) as one of the areas with high pedestrian traffic. The statistical population of this study are the pedestrians who use these paths (the study area) at different times of the day and night. Research methodology is analytical-explanatory and based on field study. So on the basis of pedestrians and authorities views that was found through the researchand the principles of justice in Islam in relation to citizenship rights, six sets of criteria for the analysis citizenship rights of pedestrianscan be defined: Continuity, short distances, beauty, security, safety and comfort.A hierarchical model which intends to determine and analyze the factors that affect the rights of pedestrians in the study area has been used as well as “Expert Choice” software to evaluate the model. The results were obtained for the measures, on the basis of priority including security, safety, short distances, comfort, continuity and beauty. This means that in the study area, security had the greater role on the rights of pedestrians, and beauty has the least importance than others. On the basis of the principles of justice in Islam in relation to rights of citizens and with the issues which obtained in technical studies and expert opinions, the criteria which can affect pedestrian rights were found. For analysis of data, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique, and for the importance of options, a questionnaire have been used. “Delphi Method” was also used to evaluate the importance of the criteria and sub criteria. AHP, according to its special features in the issues related to urban planning is a useful and desirable application. It is useful because it prepared a context for analysis and conversion of complex issues to a logical and simple hierarchy, thus planners can evaluate options with criteria and sub criteria. In addition, it also helps in analyzing the compatibility review in judgments. Given that most issues in urban planning and design can be studied through qualitative and quantitative indicators, the possibility of simultaneous use of both qualitative and quantitative criteria in AHP method made it a powerful tool for analyzing urban issues. Flexibility, ease of calculation and the possibility of final rankings also are other advantages of AHP method which can help in the investigation of Issues in urban planning. So, citizenship rights as a manifestation of the principle of justice in the Muslim community should be considered in Islamic cities. The results of the research show that urban management is the most important factor in relation with violation and defense of pedestrians’ rights. Other factors are: the way people behave in adjacent spaces, the behavior of the owners of vehicles and the behavior of other users at the urban spaces. Security is also the most important factor for pedestrians, the lack of it, is a type of violation of their rights. The current problematic situation of pedestrians’ rights is the result of years’ lack of planning and implementing the rights of individuals to neglect issues of implementation of the management system, but the planners and designers can enhance the present situation through a integrated comprehensive and coordinated planning. This program should be associated with all aspects of planning, design and management of the system. Thus, the crucial role of urban management in connection with the rights of pedestrians in designing new cities, in regularization of towns, in allocating of funds for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of urban road networks and the regulation of urban laws (like appropriate legislation and ordinances to bring about the changes in the culture of citizens who are either walking or riding in urban spaces), as the main tools for managing short and average trips within the city, and the most appropriate manner, must have the highest priority.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2023)
Spatial court in the city, management, distribution and distribution of space services and urban possibilities, special attention e-mail. In the discussion of equality and equality, none of the urban groups and classes of residents have a tendency to oppose each other and they provide equal treatment for everyone, regardless of social and economic status, for access to general urban services. For this reason, this topic, as it prevents the accumulation of possibilities and urban services in one area, the polarization of the city space and social inequalities, it makes access to the possibilities in the city for everyone. In accordance with this, the present research is aimed at assessing the spatial justice in the distribution of services and urban possibilities in the palaces of eight Shahr, Tehran.
The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library and documentation methods. The data used in this research are the data that have been extracted from urban areas. In order to analyze the information, in the first stage, using the entropy scale, balance (equality) or disequilibrium (inequality), each of the uses has been analyzed and then proceeded to rank the 13 palaces, regions. And the level of utilization of urban services and possibilities using the Cocoso model has been used for ranking the regions
Result and discussion
Since the globalization of cities and the urbanization of the world is the most prominent feature of the twenty-first century. Especially fortunately, the growth of urbanization in the majority of cities in the developing countries is more rapid. Various (housing, traffic, pollution, urban identity, commercial land, unsustainable land use, etc.) have been faced.
Land, as a limited, scarce and non-renewable commodity, in the face of rapid urban development and increasing collective demand, is transformed into an expensive and profitable commodity, as a result of which it is considered as a means of commerce for the purpose of securing profit and general welfare and improving the standard of living. Special groups are declared and cause many social, economic and environmental problems.
Based on these problems and difficulties of the current urbanization in this research with a radical and critical approach based on theories related to justice and spatial equality, after identifying and analyzing urban land use conditions, types and programs derived from them, the percentage of their realization. Reasons and forces influencing their realization or non-realization, as well as the space produced, the positive or negative spatial-spatial effects resulting from them. Perhaps the most important concern that prompted me to address this matter is the chaotic and confused situation in the suburbs of the three districts and the palaces of the third district of the eight city of Tehran in recent years.
The conditions are not improving, they are getting worse day by day. The situation of overcrowding and non-distribution of inappropriate uses, which have arisen due to major reasons, have led this region to a state of chaos. The urban land has been transformed into a bubble with the expansion of the stock market, the dimensions of which are getting bigger and bigger every day. Since the use of urban land is the core of urban planning, based on this assumption, it is possible to understand the root problems and spatial problems of the current urban area.
The results obtained indicate the imbalance in the distribution of spatial services and urban possibilities. Based on the results of the entropy method, cultural quality with a weight of 0.463 has won the first rank. Sports quality with a weight of 0.255 has won the second rank and green space quality with a weight of 0.153 has won the third rank. According to the Cocoso model and according to the results, Kerman district has won the first rank, Fadak has won the second rank and Wahidiya has won the third rank. Therefore, the eastern region and its palaces, which are located in District 1 and part of District Two, are in a better condition than the western region, where the palaces of District Three are located.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2018)
Aims: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Organizational Justice (OJ) improve the effectiveness of work groups, in which they are exhibited. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational justice among Textile Industries’ Employees of Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Instrument and Methods: The population of the present descriptive-survey study, which was conducted in 2015, comprised 180 employees of Textile’ Industries in Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, using simple random sampling method. The employees who participated in this study were asked to complete 3 questionnaires, containing demographic questions, OCB (Mark´oczy and Xin,), and OJ (Fernandes and Awamleh,). The data were analyzed by SPSS 19 and LISREL 8.54 software, using Pearson Correlation Test (PCT) and Goodness-of-Fit indices.
Findings: There was a positive and significant correlation between OJ and its dimensions and employee’s OCB (r=0.560; p<0.01) and its dimensions, indicating that the employees, who perceived their organization, managers, and supervisor’s gestures fairly, represented high levels of organizational citizenship behaviors. Given the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) normal χ2 and indices of GFI, CFI (comparative fit index), NFI (normed fit index), and IFI (incremental fit indices) showed high fitness of model and that the associations between variables were logical according to theoretical of the study.
Conclusion: Organizational justice has a direct and positive effect on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
Today, Human resources are known as the most important and valuable resource for organizations’ successes. Social loafing leads directly to reduction of staff performance and their productivity. Therefore this research is investigating effect of colleague's perceived social loafing, negative affectivity and perceived organizational justice on the social loafing of tax administration’s staff in west of Tehran. This research investigate its six theories throughout organizational commitment in the early six month of the year 1394. This research is a practical research in terms of purpose and is a descriptive-survey research in terms of collecting data and a casual type. In order to calculate the sample volume Morgan and Kerjesey table were used. Since in each research some of questionnaires won’t return, 300 individuals were chosen as the sample using random sampling method and 270 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Results showed that the colleague's perceived social loafing, negative affectivity and each dimensions of the perceived organizational justice has a positive and meaningful effect on organizational commitment and similarly the organizational commitment on the staff’s social loafing. Therefore, all of the theories have been approved.