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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The study attempted to investigate the association between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy among English teachers. It also attempted to examine the role of experience in predicting this relationship. The present study was pioneering in investigating the role of experience in moderating the association between English teachers’ EI and their self-efficacy beliefs in private English school context. The participants in the present study included 120 English teachers from seven private language schools in Urmia, Iran. Two questionnaires of Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence Scale and Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale were utilized in order to collect data. Bivariate correlations, linear and multiple regressions were run to analyze the data. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence, its subscales, and self-efficacy among English teachers. It was found that emotional intelligence can predict some of the variation in the teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs. It was also found that experience does not moderate this relationship. The study concluded that pre-service and in-service teachers can benefit from training programs that can assist them in blossoming their emotional latencies. The implications of the findings of the present study for teacher educators are that they can benefit from enhancing pre-service and in-service teachers’ EI, which will concomitantly ameliorate their self-efficacy. Future research studies are recommended to concentrate on flourishing teachers’ EI by developing pertinent activities and training courses.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Since learning theories have been often ignored in translation education, the present study aimed to explore the impact of implementing principles of connectivism learning theory in translation training using an AI-powered translation tool, Matecat. Participants were thirty third-year students who enrolled in a course on the translation of Islamic texts from English. Before the commencement of the course, a pretest was given to the students to assess their translation skills. Then, on the basis of the results, two groups of experimental and control were formed. The homogeneity of the two groups was further checked by using independent samples t-test in SPSS. Unlike the control group, the experimental group was trained on the basis of the principles of connectivism and the tailored model designed for the present study. At the end of the program a posttest was administered, and the scores were subjected to statistical analysis using independent samples t-test. The results showed although both groups had started at more or less the same level, the quality of translations produced by the experimental group improved significantly more than that of the control group. Furthermore, the experimental group outperformed the control group in cohesion and coherence, structure, style and cultural aspects. In fact, the findings indicated that employing AI-powered translation tools per se will not lead to a significant improvement in learners' translation quality unless the training is integrated with pedagogical application of a digital age learning theory, such as connectivism.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

This study applies artificial neural networks (ANNs) to assess the impact of climate factors on the collaborative development of agriculture and logistics in Zhejiang, China. The ANN model investigates how average temperature and rainfall from 2017-2022 influence crop yield, water usage, energy demand, logistics efficiency, and economic growth at yearly and seasonal scales. By training the neural network using temperature and rainfall data obtained from ten weather stations, alongside output indicators sourced from statistical yearbooks, the ANN demonstrates exceptional precision, yielding an average R2 value of 0.9725 when compared to real-world outputs through linear regression analysis. Notably, the study reveals climate-induced variations in outputs, with peaks observed in crop yield, water consumption, energy usage, and economic growth during warmer summers that surpass historical norms by 1-2°C. Furthermore, the presence of subpar rainfall ranging from 20-30 mm also exerts an influence on these patterns. Seasonal forecasts underscore discernible reactions to climatic factors, especially during the spring and summer seasons. The findings underscore the intricate relationship between environmental and economic factors, indicating progress in agricultural practices but vulnerability to short-term climate fluctuations. The study emphasizes the necessity of adapting supply management to address increased water demands and transitioning to clean energy sources due to rising energy consumption. Moreover, optimizing logistics requires strategic seasonal infrastructure planning.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

  In the new economy, knowledge plays a key role in the society and knowledge creation is the key to growth. There are many different organizational factors that affect knowledge creation. In this study, the authors have studied the role of organizational intelligence in knowledge creation through organizational learning.  Data for this descriptive study was collected from 140 employees of Saipa Yadak trading Co. to evaluate 3 original hypotheses. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between organizational intelligence and organizational learning and between organizational intelligence and knowledge creation. The findings show a positive and meaningful relationship between organizational learning and knowledge creation.  

Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2011)

In the new economy, knowledge plays a key role in the society and knowledge creation is the key of growth. There are many different organizational factors that affect on knowledge creation. In this study, the authors have studied the role of organizational intelligence in knowledge creation through organizational learning. Research methodology includes both descriptive and correlation analysis based on Structural Equation Modeling. Data for this descriptive study was collected from 140 employees of Saipa Yadak trading co. to evaluate 3 original hypotheses. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between organizational intelligence and organizational learning and also between organizational intelligence and knowledge creation. The findings showed a positive and meaningful relationship between organizational learning and knowledge creation too.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

In recent years, the continuous changes of business environment have demanded the organizations to control their internal and external environments and to analyze the information obtained from these changes. Due to this, the organizations are able to seize the opportunities and to deal with the threats. In this regard, providing required information of each department of the organizations, the organization strategic intelligence systems, as new tools, assist the managers to do their best regarding the opportunities and threats. Thus, identifying the different kinds of intelligence based on each department of the organization's information needs to make proper decisions; this study aims at designing an innovative model for measuring organization strategic intelligence from both perspectives of internal and external environments. For the purpose of this study, the required data was collected through delivering a questionnaire to the organizations which used the business intelligence systems. The validity of the provided model was evaluated through using discriminant validity, convergent validity and structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that organization strategic intelligence is measured through internal intelligence and external intelligence. Moreover, the Iranian organizations have reported an average level of strategic intelligence which indicates the necessity of better understanding and optimized implementation of these systems.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2012)

One of the new subjects in the domain of organizational behavior is the concept of spiritual intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior .In fact, this intelligence is the one which enables a person to make his activities and works meaningful and by dint of that, he becomes aware of his effectiveness. Spiritual intelligence, due to its connection with meaning and value, can cause a change in human beings. On the other hand, organizational citizenship behavior defines extra- role behavior which will be appeared in terms of altruism, working conscientiousness, courtesy, sportsmanship and civic virtue. Hence, in this research the concept of spiritual intelligence and its relationship with organizational citizenship behavior has been investigated. Pursuing this relationship is a brand new subject which has not been under investigation in Iran up to now. In this research 70 questionnaires were distributed to statistical community and were collected and then the results were analyzed by SPSS program. The result obtained from the Spearman Correlation Test reveals that, there is a meaningful positive relationship between spiritual intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. In fact, there is a meaningful positive relationship between spiritual intelligence variable and aspects of altruism, working conscientiousness, sportsmanship and civic virtue. Also in order to ranking the components of organizational citizenship behavior was used the Friedman Test that the results indicate consciousness have the highest and courtesy have the lowest rank among the components of citizenship behavior.  

Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Aim: Effective communication has a key role in nursing profession. Furthermore, controlling emotions as a part of communication skills has an important role in initiating and maintaining healthy social communications. The meaning of emotional intelligence is also effected considerably by the importance of this aspect of social communications. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence training on the communication skills of final-year nursing students of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan) in 2014. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was done with semester 7 and 8 undergraduate (nursing) 77 students. Data were collected by Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Test and Queen-Dom Communication Skills Test. Initially, the questionnaires were completed by the students; then the emotional intelligence workshop was held in 6 sessions’ each took 45 minutes. After a month, again both questionnaires were completed by the students. Analysis of results was performed by descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, middle and standard deviation) and analytic statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation coefficient) in the SPSS software (version 19). Findings: Difference of communication skills’ scores before and after the intervention had a significant level (p=0.001), and the scores increased after the intervention significantly. Conclusion: Emotional intelligence training has a positive impact on communication skills of nursing students. So holding emotional intelligence workshops in one of the university alternatively annually for nursing students is recommended.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Abstract The insurance industry of Iran has a low level of maturity in utilizing the capabilities of Internet for improving its business processes, especially when it comes to effective interaction with customers. On the other hand, Web 2.0 as one of most modern approaches in electronic business, incorporating tools such as weblogs, wikis, online social networks, mashups and R.S.S, creates a great opportunity for insurance companies to deepen their communications with their customers, gain extensive feedback and harness collective intelligence. Accordingly, the goal of this research is to design a conceptual model for the effective adoption of Web 2.0 in insurance industry by identifying the relevant components in this context. In order to do this, after designing the model, by distributing a questionnaire, we ask the opinions of academic experts about the validity and importance of the components of the model. Consequently, the gathered data are analyzed by the Binomial test and then, using TOPSIS technique, the components are ranked in terms of importance. According to the results, reaching for a huge volume of information is the most important driver for Web 2.0 adoption and gaining immediate feedback for the stakeholders is the most important capability of Web 2.0 in the insurance industry.    Keywords: Web 2.0, Insurance Industry, Electronic Insurance, Social Networks, Collective Intelligence.

Volume 2, Issue 5 (3-2021)

This study aimed to classify sport managers according to communication skills on cultural intelligence, managerial skills. A descriptive study was conducted through a survey. The study population consisted of Isfahan’s Sport Managers. In this research 600, sport managers as a Statistical society were considered. 207 as the statistical sample was selected from Statistical society. Measuring instruments consisted of demographic questions, Barton G. The reliability of communication skills, cultural intelligence questionnaire, and classifying sport managers questioner was. Statistical methods included analysis of both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and LISREL, and structural equation modeling was performed to assess the relationships between variables. The results show that the communication skills and cultural intelligence and class of sport managers, there is a significant relationship, the output shows the application of structural equation model is appropriate. Hence the required proper planning to improve their communication skills and cultural intelligence organizations for sports managers in these organizations is effective. Because of the significant aims of the athletic directors, managers tend to imitate and ambassadors. Therefore, the authorities have the right people in the suitable management strategy because it seems intuitive managers and analysts can better brighter prospects for the exercise of the imagination.

Volume 2, Issue 8 (12-2009)

This study is an analysis of the narrative prose of Aviny in his narrative Ravāyate Moharram1with regard to the features of narrative intelligence and the narratological features of his prose based on Randall’s (1999) framework for the Narrative Intelligence Theory. Although many claims have been made about the unique qualities of Aviny’s narratives, none of his works have been academically analyzed to show the narratological features in his prose. The researchers believe that scientific analysis of Aviny’s works based on reliable narratological theories can substantially contribute to a better understanding of the special qualities of his style, and using them in new forms and contexts. In the present study, narrative intelligence promoting mechanisms and their realization in Ravāyate Moharram are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed using Labov’s (2001) narratological model as a structural instrument. The linguistic manifestation of some narratological features of Aviny’s prose are discussed from a stylistic perspective.

Volume 2, Issue 8 (12-2009)

This study is a stylistic narratological analysis of Ravāyat-e Moharram (The Narrative of Moharram) by Seyyed Morteza Aviny based on a framework adopted from Randall’s (1999) Narrative Intelligence Theory. Although many claims have been made about the unique qualities of Aviny’s narratives, none of his works have been academically analyzed to confirm the narratological features of his works. The researchers believe that scientific analysis of Aviny’s works based on reliable theories of narratology can substantially contribute to a better understanding of special qualities of his style, and using them in new forms and contexts. In the present study, mechanisms contributing to the promotion of narrative intelligence and their realization in Ravāyate Moharram are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed using Labov’s (2001) narratological model as a structural instrument. The linguistic manifestation of some narratological features of Aviny’s prose are discussed from a stylistic perspective.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Aim: The center of family around the mother and her presence or absence can effect on the emotional intelligence and mental health of students. In other words, working mothers inside or outside home have different effects on both the boy and girl students. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health of students with working and non-working mothers. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on a population consisting of all high school girls and boys in the city (total n=140). Data were gathered by a questionnaire. After verifying the validity and reliability, the data were collected, and analyzed using SPSS18 and descriptive statistics. Findings: The findings indicate that mothers’ employment brings no negative and positive consequences for emotional intelligence and mental health, though it positively affects students’ educational performance. Results also revealed that the adolescent children of employed mothers had high emotional intelligence. The female children of employed mothers showed more emotional intelligence, while there were no gender differences in the emotional intelligence of adolescent children of homemakers. Conclusion: The research finding revealed that boys and girls with working mothers have low mental health, this results approves that presence of mother at home is necessary.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Aim: Happiness is a very important issue in the life of every human, which is influenced by many closely-related variables. The purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship of quality of life, emotional intelligence and life satisfaction among the students of Zahedan University, Iran. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was done on 204 students (101 males & 103 females) by using census method. Research tools were quality of life, emotional intelligence and life satisfaction scales. These are valid and reliable scales for use in psychological studies. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation and T-tests in SPSS software. Findings: The research findings showed that emotional intelligence had a significant positive correlation with quality of life (r=.454, p<.001) but emotional intelligence was not associated with life satisfaction. Also quality of life had a significant correlation with life satisfaction (r=.402, p<.001). The results of t-test revealed that female students showed higher mean scores in quality of life and life satisfaction in comparison to their male student counterparts; however, there was no significant difference between the two groups in emotional intelligence scores. Conclusion: The results indicated that the higher scores of students’ emotional intelligence show the better quality of life they will have. Also quality of life is a variable that increasing students’ satisfaction of life. In order to raise the level of mental health, it is necessary to pay attention to the mentioned variables and educating people.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2015)

The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between job burnout and spiritual intelligence. In terms of purpose the study is practical and in terms of data collection methods is survey and it is a descriptive research. The statistical population is consist of all employees at Tehran's Imam Khomeini Relief Committee who are 260 persons and number of sample is 80. The tool of data collection is questionnaire of spiritual intelligence and questionnaire of job. For analyzing the collected data following test were used: one sample T-test, tests of two sample means, analysis of variance and Pearson correlation test. Research findings showed, which indicates that there are a significant negative relationship between job burnout and spiritual intelligence. In other words, if the spiritual intelligence of employees increase, job burnout will be reduced.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2024)

Kitab al-Alal explains the principles and first causes of things and discusses God. The issue of this article is the ontological position of intelligence in Kitab al-Alal. The question is, what is the ontological position of intelligence in Kitab al-Alal, and how can it be explained? Is it possible to assign the position of teleology to the perfection and happiness of man in the Book of Causes? In terms of existence, intelligence is the first creature and the closest being to the first cause, and it is in the second place after the first cause. The ontological effectiveness of intelligence is measured in two ways: planning, ruling, and creating. The act of intellection is the act of creation. In this article, to explain this issue and answer the questions descriptively and analytically, we will explain and analyze the chapters related to intelligence.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

The Competitive Intelligence is the energy resulting from the systematic process of collection, review, and analysis of the information of environment, competitors, customers, suppliers, and market trends. It should be mentioned that Iran includes multiple subcultures. Now the major question that arises is whether we can try to promote competitive intelligence in an environment consisting of subcultures, without benefiting from cultural intelligence and compatibility with different cultures, or not? This research seeks to design a developed & organized framework in regards to the concepts of “Cultural Intelligence” and “Competitive Intelligence” in connection with each other and in Iranian knowledge based corporations; It also tries to take action towards development of borders of the knowledge available in this area. This research is of an applied type, with surveying nature. The required data has been collected through a premeditated sampling, from Iranian knowledge-based corporations, being active in Information Technology. Structural Equation method and SmartPLS software were used for data analysis. The results indicate that the Cultural Intelligence affect the Competitive Intelligence of Iranian Knowledge-Based Corporations.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Aims: Today, the use of artificial intelligence has grown significantly, and is developing as a new field. The main goal of this research is to know the capabilities of artificial intelligence in advancing the design and implementation process in the artificial environment. The practical goal of research is the development and application of the most important achievements of machine learning in the field of design.
Methods: The main research method is "meta-analysis" research in the paradigm of "free research" with a critical approach and basic design, which examines the general knowledge field of this field using broad techniques. Then, to consolidate the literature on the topic, through searching three reliable knowledge bases of this field, we collected articles related to machine learning in the fields of unsupervised learning methods, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning; The most important capacities and shortcomings, and strengths and weaknesses are reviewed.
Findings: Quantitative findings from the combined data indicate that supervised machine learning and directed deep learning can be the best option to recommend in the future of design. While the learning process in deep learning is gradual and slower, supervised machine learning works faster in the testing phase.
Conclusion: The research emphasizes that supervised machine learning is the best option for predicting answers in the design process. But if, in addition to prediction, the issue of creativity in design is desired, deep learning is more efficient.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Over the centuries, cities have always employed human societies to achieve their goals; to be more precise, they are part of the infrastructure and tools that are made by human to deal with nature threats and of life management within communities. Of course, it should be considered that cities, as opposed to tools and machines that formed based on the presiced design, are the means which their emergence are not based on detailed planning and a lot of their features simply and arbitrarily have manifested.
The increasing growth of technologies are as emerging phenomenon in cities that follow a future of uncertainty in societies. Political, economic and social factors that are shaping urban applications will be beyond the grasp and control, and will be associated with a set of unknowns and the uncertainties. So the planning and management of cities in its current form, can not respond to this complexity. Integrated management of this uncertainty, requires planning to make smart cities and communities and configuration of these cities should be based on the creation of environments aimed at improving cognitive skills and learning abilities and innovation. This necessitates the creation of digital, physical and organizational spaces that are organized via innovation and creativity through a combination of individual cognitive skills and information systems.
Smart cities are emerging around the world, but still deep differences can be seen with amazing smart environments that open minds and transmit skills and the abilities from the base. Integrated studies in this area can be somewhat overcome the raised shortcomings.
Therefore, this article seeks to explore various aspects of urban intelligence and key components of smart city based on an integrated conceptual model. Method of this research is descriptive and based on gathering documents related to this field. In the first step smart city and its related concepts are presented, in the next step, key factors of smart city based on summing up the views of experts in the field are revealed; catagorized in the framwork of basic smart city factors and componenets (public, institutional factors and infrastructure). Three important factors (intelligence, integrity and innovation) considered as essential requirements for the creation of smart communities that the combination of these factors and preconditions depicted in the form of a model. Ultimately in the final stage of research, how to smart cities explained based on the dimensions and components of the considered model.
One hundred years ago, only about one out of every seven people lived in the city. Today, half of the population live in cities and the percentage of that is growing steadily each year. Because more people migrate to the big cities, town’s credit, technology, trade, formation of governments, resource consumption, quality of life, and many other things considerably grows.
Personal talent or professional opportunities of people, creativity, economic exploitation and accumulation of large numbers of people can have a positive impact on society. Of course, the big urban communities are always big risks for Earth in the form of overcrowding, excessive carbon emissions and waste and high levels of non-renewable energy consumption, so cities - municipal governments, along with businesses and city dwellers that launch the economic growth have a major responsibility for the effective monitoring of people and the environment.
The need to manage resources in terms of sustainability associated with a more important purpose: to create an attractive social and economic environment in which citizens, companies and governments can work and live interactively. In fact, The Cities compete more for their citizens and investments than the merchants for their customers.
The issue that is subsequently increased its importance; the overall attractiveness of a particular city, is the experience that the city provide to its citizens and businesses and it becomes manifested in a wide rangeof important features: Value and sustainability of the city government, the economy and employment opportunities, its schools, the quality of the physical environments, culture and artistic resources, higher educational institutions and other educational opportunities for adults, housing, security, social participation, freedom and its variations.
Smart cities and towns have been created via the connection of innovation and digital cities and with the aim of promoting knowledge and innovation. This connection is based on two objective criteria: (1) innovation and digital cities are both community-based processes, and (2) innovation and digital cities are both knowledge-based processes. «Connection» is on the basis of shared knowledge networks and online provision of knowledge and innovation processes. Intelligent Community Indicators depict a global framework for understanding the different communities and regions that can create a competitive
advantage in today›s economy. Indicators show that an intelligent city has a more life span than a traditional form:
•Significant deployment of broadband communications and government facilities; government that has a role of catalyst via provision of regulations and incentives
•Education; training and workforce development to create a workforce, capable of implementing knowledge effectively.
•Government programs and private sectors that promote digital democracy, benefit from all sectors of society, including the expansion of citizen participation in government and their decision-making.
•Innovation in the public and private sectors, including e-government initiatives and efforts to create economic and business development to finance new job opportunities; Effective marketing as a lever for economic development, attract workforce and other community assets to new employers.
•Smart cities, lifeless spaces, complex structures, physical infrastructures, and electronics applicable programs are not digital, In contrast, they are such living communities that use from skills of individuals and institutions for collective learning and innovation, and use from physical and digital infrastructure to communicate and online collaboration.
This research is based on descriptive approaches, for which our goals were to collect data on surviving geometrical patterns and classify them on the basis of time scale and regionalism. Such approaches provide dialectic answers to a wide range of philosophical and architectural questions, such as when or where a particular pattern was extensively used. Smart City, due to the outstanding characteristics of sustainability and attraction, is divided from other cities. Environmental projects are flowed with more than a moral obligation. Sustainability is important for its positive Social consequences and the main factor is creation of habitable environment by the health and welfare of citizens and their businesses. Today, there is no smart city. However, one of the most common ways to get started is creation of a starting point that is based on the geographic, political, economic of the city, then, that city can determine different states based on the costs and effects of different projects and their anticipated transactions, and begin to design various forms of technology, strategy, processes, training, supervision and management of a developed program.
With regard to the impact of the cities on the health of the planet, the agenda of smart city, regardless of where they live, is important for all citizens. If cities are focused on affordable measures to embed intelligence in their services, they have to carry out fundamental right activities, Open and intelligent architecture that is enabled of delivering smart services now and in the future due to the growing needs of a city.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2022)

In this study, the steam reforming of the methanol process was analyzed based on three different inputs including temperature, pressure, and H2O/CH3OH ratio with the use of different Artificial Intelligence methods.
In the first step, Cu-Zn/ZrO2 catalysts were synthesized via the co-precipitation method, and then experimental tests of steam reforming of methanol were performed at a temperature range of 180 –500 °C, the pressure of 1-11 bar, and the H2O/CH3OH ratio of 0.75-3.75 on the Cu-Zn/ZrO2 catalyst in a fixed bed reactor. Afterward, three different methods of Mamdani fuzzy type-1, Mamdani fuzzy type-2, and Sugeno fuzzy were applied in order to develop the models. Using these methods, the developed models only required the heuristics derived from the expert’s knowledge and some experimental data, without needing the calculation of complex kinetic as well as thermodynamic parameters related to the corresponding process. In addition, the structures of the developed fuzzy models were optimized to improve the model performance according to the analysis of the initial results. The model developments didn’t require a high number of experimental data, and this feature is especially interesting when dealing with the process conditions in which data gathering is expensive or the accuracy of data is low.
The main results
The overall accuracy as well as the properties of the developed models were compared. The type-2 Mamdani fuzzy model proved to be the best model, using which, the methanol conversion, H2 yield, and CO yield were predicted with accuracies of 67%, 91%, and 83%, respectively.

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