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Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)


Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2020)

The Karabakh crisis, which flared again with the Azerbaijani army's attacks on Armenian forces in the region on 20th of November in 2020, is rooted in the crises and differences between the Armenian and Azerbaijani people since the formation of the Soviet Union. The second Karabakh war ended 44 days after the victory of the Azerbaijani army and the signing of a tripartite ceasefire agreement by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on the 20th of November. These wars and conflicts, which after a period of intense conflict eventually led to a temporary ceasefire between the two countries, with the intervention of Russia, took place while ambiguities and important questions remained unanswered about the past, present and future of the Caucasus geopolitical region and the implications of current developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis for neighboring countries. In recent decades, the Islamic Republic of Iran has not been able to take advantage of the geopolitical opportunities in Central Asia and the Caucasus as it should. Now, the issue that rapid and serious developments have taken place in the Caucasus, especially in the relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia, has paved the way for new dual conditions for Iranian politicians and has created opportunities and reciprocal threats that, if not dealt with intelligently, will not only have no benefits for Iran, but it will inflict heavy losses on our country. The issues addressed in this article as the geopolitical implications of the 2020 Karabakh war are considerations and concerns which might may create problems for Iran in the future. It goes without saying that the active presence and strong diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this region, especially in the current sensitive situation, can turn many of the existing threats into opportunities and eliminate the existing concerns. It should be noted that the Karabakh crisis and its developments so far show a deeper and broader policy for the entire Greater Caucasus and even Southwest Asia, a deep policy whose geopolitical implications can be very influential for some regional actors such as Iran.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (12-2021)

Iran is geographically located in the arid climate zone of the earth, which has caused a natural shortage of water in the country. In the past, Iranians have taken some measures such as constructing qanat, dams and reservoirs in most parts of the country to cope with water shortages. Over time, population growth and the expansion of agricultural, industrial and service activities have increased the need for water use. In addition to these issues, the unbalanced distribution of activities and population in the country has often turned the natural phenomenon of water scarcity into a human and managerial phenomenon of the water crisis, as a result of which double pressure is placed on water resources. In this situation, it can be imagined that the environment and natural ecosystems are the first victims of human interventions that have led to water cuts or severe reductions in their right to water and the water crisis brings all kinds of environmental crises. The present study using a descriptive-analytic method investigates the effects and consequences of the water crisis on the country's environment. The research shows examples of this situation in different parts of the country. In a way that the water crisis in various dimensions has destroyed the environment and natural ecosystems in the country and has left irreparable consequences.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

In Economic crisis conditions, it is expected that human resource managers play a rational role to change these conditions to opportunities. According to studies, HR managers utilize a set of different measures to confront crisis, which mainly has a short-term glance. These measures are instead of achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage and turning the crisis into an opportunity, so it just supports the implementation of retrenchment strategy and will have negative effects on staff motivation. Considering literature and aimed to identifying the efficient and prioritized measures with respect to strategic HRM, efficient measures were identified. After interviewing 36 executives, the measures were revised by an eight-person decision-taking group. As a result 14 measures were classified in 5 main groups. Since making decisions to utilize one action will also affect the effectiveness of other actions, and in order to specify priorities of suggestive measures to meet SHRM, the use of DEMATEL and ANP approach was adopted. As a result, “Communications and Information Disclosure” was identified as first measures and “Empowerment of Managers for Crisis” and “Human Resource Development” ranked second and third. Thus both short and long term strategy cloud be supported. measures as “Work Force Reduction” and “Personnel Cost Management”, which have been identified as the most prevalent measures of HR managers, were specified as the last suggestive measures in this study.    

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s, and continued to be studied until the mid-1980s. The virus is naturally prevalent in mammals and birds, yet seven human-transmitted coronaviruses have been discovered so far; the most important of these, SARS Acute Respiratory Syndrome or acute respiratory syndrome, was a dangerous viral respiratory disease of genetic origin caused by coronavirus and from November 2002 to July 2003, the outbreak in Southern China caused 8098 cases. Possible disease and death of 774 people in 17 countries, and now since December 2019, another and more dangerous type called COVID-19 has spread with the human epidemic in Wuhan, China and in a short time has spread all over the world. China was the source of the virus, as well as the first country to stop it's spread to a large extent, but other countries failed to contain the virus despite their ability to contain it. Why? The answer is simple: "It is a matter of policy and approach, not power"! Another issue is "change"; as cities begin to recede and move toward recovery, the consequences of the epidemic will lead to new norms. In this article, we have tried to study the process of crisis management in several countries of the world is facing this virus and the extent of damages to the citizens of these countries until April 30, 2021.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2012)

 “Crisis of comparative literature” has not desisted after six decades: David Damrosch substitutes world literature for comparative literature, Tötösy de Zepetnek proposes the idea of a “new comparative literature,” Djelal Kadir promotes “a negotiated comparative literature,” Susan Bassnett is skeptical about the essence of comparative literature, and Gayatri Spivak has already declared the discipline’s death. Comparative literature has long allied its fate with that of critical theory. Today, subaltern, postcolonial and gender studies are among the advocated approaches in comparative literature. However, they all originate in critical theory. Besides, the two tracks of comparative literature-inter-literary and inter-disciplinary-are also similar to critical theory. In fact, comparative literature and literary theory and criticism are so intertwined that some scholars go as far as identifying them with each other. However, some comparatists are skeptical about theory. Legitimate doubts are expressed about the application of foreign theories to native cultural products. Yet, certain texts from certain cultures and literatures smoothly allow a rich application of one or more of foreign approaches or their modified and localized versions. Reading a certain cultural product within a foreign theoretical framework-as far as it is feasible-can offer rich and exciting possibilities in the study of world literature. This is actually a way to understand a literature or culture through the eyes of others.  The fate of comparative literature, thus, is bound with that of critical theory. Developments in critical theory, especially recent ones, offer suggestions for new perspectives in comparative literature. Surely, the intelligent employment of theoretical prospects can prove to open new vistas in comparative literature.  

Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

Land Reforms Program and abolishing feudalism as a part of Modernization in Iran and Russia are considered as one the most influent passages in social and political changes. Anton Chekhov in “The Cherry Orchard” and Akbar Radi in “The Magnificent Smile of Mr. Gill” are using the Land reforms and the fall of aristocracy in Iran and Russia as background and reveal the influences on characters of different social classes. These two dramas are based on authoritarian modernization in Era of Pahlavi II in Iran and Nicholas II in Russia which was done very quickly. Therefore these works can be used as appropriate references for comparative history studies about fall of landlords. Both works have a critical point of view to modernization. Both works create characters with identity crisis giving new dimension and revealing untold results of Authoritarian modernization what was ignored in history analyses. Analyzing the characters of both works prepares a process to follow the results of Identity crisis coming from modernization. This article, by comparative inquiring between plays and their historical contexts, attempts to trace a picture of critical conditions emanated from industrialization, decline of agriculture, and infrastructural alterations. The purpose of this comparative inquiry is to reveal how modernization programme result in alteration of the conditions of social classes, and in the identity crisis, which have been reflected in two Iranian and Russian plays created in similar contexts.         

Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Iraq's geographical location is such that many seasonal and permanent rivers of the surrounding countries flow into it. Iraq itself lacks sufficient sustainable water resources to meet its development and infrastructure needs. Hence, the future of Iraq's security and development depends on the hydropolitical approach of the surrounding countries. Over the past decade and a half, Iran has controlled the outflow of water from the western borders of the country as part of a plan to organize and develop water and soil resources in the west of the country, which has reflected on the volume of water entering Iraq have been. The present article is of a practical nature, the methodology of descriptive- analytical text and data- based theory method is used and the required input is used by the library method and the use of data-based theory is based on the hypothesis that hydropolitics is policy-oriented. Iraqi foreigners will be more reflected in their interaction with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The results showed that with regard to the increasing limitation of water resources, increasing water consumption and reducing the inflow of Iranian border rivers to Iraq, which is associated with a threat to part of the country's water and food security, hydropolitics in the form of tension in the direction of Iraq's foreign policy in dealing with the Islamic Republic of Iran will be more reflected.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Although European integration was aimed at expanding regional co-operation and greater integration between member states, but the Corona Virus has threatened its main objectives. The purpose of this inquiry is to analyze the potential consequences of the spread of the Corona Virus on European co-operation and European strategic co-operation to manage this crisis. The present study was based on the hypothesis that weaknesses and failure of the EU members in the face of Corona Virus has intensified unilateralism among members of the European Union. The author using descriptive- analytic method looks consequences of Corona Virus in European countries. The research findings indicated that the Corona Virus triggered cracking of the gap between the states of the north and south and the emergence of populist movements. Also, hopelessness and mistrust, unemployment and poverty have been increased among EU members. In response to the crisis, the European Union has begun to strengthen its governance by looking at the previous experience and with investments in the health sector as a way to enhance the swing, flexibility and stability of the member countries economy.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Iran is geographically located in the dry belt of the earth and this has led to a natural shortage of water. Isfahan province in the center of the country with a long-term average annual rainfall of about 150 mm is also severely limited water resources. Regardless of this, for about half a century, due to various reasons, water consumption in this province, which is mainly due to the establishment of large national industries and their chains, as well as agricultural development and population growth and urbanization, water consumption has increased greatly and lack the appropriateness of water resources and consumption has increased over time. Out of 35 plains of the province, 27 plains are forbidden or critically forbidden. Since no effective practical action has been taken to control this situation, various consumers have tried to compensate part of this mismatch by digging deep and semi-deep wells, both legally and illegally, using underground resources. The lack of replacement of groundwater aquifers and the continuous decline of their water level have caused the phenomenon of subsidence and their permanent destruction, so that even if there are sufficient water resources, these aquifers are no longer able to hold water. This causes the destruction of the most important foundation of the life in subsidence areas, which is the water sources, to be lost forever, which has many environmental, human and political consequences. Currently, subsidence threatens many parts of the province's infrastructure, such as national communication infrastructure such as Shahreza Road near Mahyar, Meshkat Road near Kashan, Bandar Abbas-Tehran Railway near Zavareh, Isfahan-Shiraz Railway near Mahyar and Marvdasht. Isfahan airport as well as other industrial, religious and historical infrastructures such as industrial towns of the province (Jafarabad industrial town of Kashan, Aran and Bidgol); Religious and tourist places (Imamzadeh Agha Ali Abbas, Naqsh Jahan Complex, and historical stairs of the province); Public places Naghsh 11 bsidence is spreading in almost all areas of Isfahan province, which threatens the survival of the province in various dimensions and it is necessary to think of serious practical measures in this area.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2023)

Geography is one of the most important determinants of stability or instability in countries. geography is the basis of many social and political developments within countries, even the relations between them and their neighbors. One of the clear examples of this is Afghanistan. This country is known as a crisis-prone country in terms of human geography. War and insecurity, political instability, poverty, extensive internal disputes have plagued the people and this geography for years. The purpose of the current research is to explain the foundations of human geography in the crises of this country. This research is of a descriptive type, whose theoretical framework is obtained from the combination of Hoggett's theory and Cohen's theory, and based on it, the bases and contexts of the crisis in Afghanistan have been explained from a human geographical perspective. According to the findings of the research, all the crises in Afghanistan are affected by human geography and caused by human heterogeneity, the interventions of the powers, as a result of which this country has been in a fragile and unstable situation for years and has remained a crisis maker. Border disputes with neighbors, being landlocked, being a barrier, being located in a fragile region, multiple neighbors, disputes over common border rivers and changing their course are some of the most stable issues of Afghanistan's geography. Ethnicism, linguistic and religious prejudices, extreme fundamentalism, illiteracy, drug cultivation and trafficking, migration, poverty and deprivation, and nomads are among the controversial issues in strengthening humanitarian crises...

Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2016)

The movement as known as to occupy Wall Street is a protest against the crisis of capitalism in the modern age. The Wall Street movement that began in New York, has been Inspired similar movements across the world and it was widespread very quickly over to other cities of America and some big cities in Europe. This movement has been relatively diffuse slogans which reflect the goals of the movement. The purpose of this article is to review and analyze the slogans of Wall Street movement that was proposed in the Wall street of New York and respectively social networks. The main question proposed in this study is what the nature and type of movement is and what kind of dimensions are included in values and ideologies. This study is done by content Analysis Method, slogans are collected from social networks, news sites and media that covered the movement. The slogans based on protest are divided to four categories the economic, political, social and cultural. The results show that among the 100 slogans, there are 260 themes. 105 (40.38%) themes of slogans focuses on changing the economic sphere. 68 (15/26%) themes are political slogans criticism.18.46 percent of slogans contents shows protest against the social sphere and 15 percent of themes, calling for reform and change in the cultural sphere. Based on the findings of this research, it can be inferred that this movement has more reform character and it is a reaction to the recent crisis of the capitalist system.  

Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

This research tries to study the migration Persian literature novels and analyzes the challenge of identity-makers elements in the motherland and host country in inter-discourse migration spaces. The aim of this study is to answer this main question: What challenges would build the motherland identity-makers elements relocate human subject from native Semiosphere to the host Semiosphere?
The article uses the theoretical foundations of cultural studies and the theory of Semiosphere of Juri Lotman to answer this question. This article assumes that identity-makers elements lose an important part of their power and influence after withdrawal from the sphere of their Semiosphere.
 These identical signs in the host territory, since they lose the supporting powers and because of the differences and conflicts they have with identical signs of host, may be sent to margin. Or they are inflicted with change in their value. And as the result, the human subject gets many identity-makers challenges. These challenges vary from liminal identity to identity crisis and identity less.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Linkage with ancient heritage and especially mythical heritage is one of the main characteristics of contemporary Arabic poetry in general and Egyptian contemporary poetry in particular. Egyptian poets have tried to draw inspiration from myths in order to authenticate their works, as well as to speak more covered and literary and to represent their considered concepts with cryptic and symbolic expression. In this regard, the myth of Isis and Osiris with resurrection secret, again life, immortality and fertility is one of the most important myths of contemporary Egyptian poetry which has a significant and pivotal presence in the theme of their poetries and has helped them to illustrate their personal and non-personal concerns. In the active presence of these two mythical characters and their crucial role in representing concepts, the purpose of present study was to investigate how their presence and the ways of their recalling and using by three contemporary Egyptian poets, include "Amal Danghal", "Salah Abdol al-Sabour" and "Ahmad Abdol Al-Matta Hejazi" , using an analytical-descriptive method. It can be deduced that the mentioned poets have had a socio-political interpretation from the myth with their extensions and reflections and tried to provide approaches to overcome the various challenges the inclusion of these two characters in their lyrics. Therefore, the mentioned myth may testify the wishes and desires of its poets.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Aim: Like many other countries, Iran has been exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic and its different economic and environmental implications. So, the research studies the economic and environmental consequences of COVID-19 in the Makoran coast of Sistan and Baluchistan province that supplies nearly 60% of the demand for fish in Iran.
Materials and Methods: The research is an applied study in terms of goal and a descriptive study in terms of data collection method, which was conducted by the cross-sectional survey method.
Findings: A comparison of the period of January-June 2020 (COVID-19 conditions) versus the similar period in the year 2019 (normal conditions) in the economic sector showed that the fishermen’s income, catch rate, and employment have decreased and their unemployment has increased. In the environmental sector, the pandemic and the related restrictions have increased seawater pollution and waste production.
Conclusion:  These changes, which have seemingly increased by the culmination of the COVID-19 pandemic, have had irreparable consequences for the fisheries sector.
Suggestions: Governmental support from the management of demand and supply markets and its plans to support fishermen are recommended as approaches to tackling the crisis. Given the emergence of new strains of COVID-19, such as alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and omicron, it is necessary to conduct long-term studies to determine the full range of the pandemic.


Volume 11, Issue 0 (3-2007)

In the past decades, different regions of Africa, particularly West African countries, witnessed intense regional crises and disputes. Several mechanisms including crisis management have been used in order to reduce the intensity of these crises. This article examines the impacts and the consequences of democratization in security sectors. It maintains that providing opportunities for democratic spaces and transition of failed states to governments based upon democratic elections could enhance an avenue for reform in security sectors. But the democratization procedures have not led to a democratic management of security sectors in all of the West African countries. In this research, West African countries were categorized based upon their achievements in reforming the security sectors. In fact, the efforts to integrate different regional rules and the activities of non-governmental sectors could lead to good governance even in security sectors both in national and regional levels. But the interesting point is that this would not necessarily bring fundamental changes in these countries. Therefore, it is necessary that a comprehensive program should be implemented in both national and sub-regional levels to bring democratic reform in managing the security sectors in West Africa. Despite slow progress in democratization in some Western African countries, there has been some success. In this article, the status of each country, the nature of their regimes, their capabilities and the level of reform in security sectors were discussed in details.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2021)

The purpose of the paper was to design a sustainable leadership model in crisis response from COVID-19 for resilience in food industry jobs of Guilan Province. This research in the field of interpretive paradigm is a qualitative research of an inductive approach, and it is based on Grounded Theory.The statistical population is the managers of line and staff departments in companies and food production factories of Guilan province. In this study, purposeful sampling was used to select the sample. According to the saturation rule, this was achieved by using 15 interviews, and for more confidence, the interview was continued until the 20th. Data were analyzed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding to classify concepts and categories. Core category was capacity building for sustainable leadership in the crisis response from COVID-19 and in three foundational, motivational measures and evaluation and control and causal conditions, context, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences at three levels of customers, employers and organizations were and the final model was presented. Managers' practices in crisis situations play a pivotal role in identifying opportunities, threats, and strengths and weaknesses, and managers must have a strong link between fundamental, motivational measures, and evaluation and control in order to effectively implement strategies in crisis. The results of research in the field of crisis response from COVID-19 in food industry jobs will present theoretical innovations and help employers, researchers in the field of food industry to better understand the pattern of sustainable leadership in the coping of the crisis.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and rank the most important factors that cause the failure of chain restaurants during the Covid-19 crisis with a resource-based view so that they can have a definite picture of these factors to overcome the challenges of this crisis.
Method: The research method is mixed, and the statistical population of this research is chain restaurants. In the first step, which has been done qualitatively, the previous papers were first reviewed, and several factors were identified. Experts were then interviewed to identify new factors; experts were purposefully selected from restaurant managers and consultants. The identified factors were classified into three groups: management, culture, and resources, and the average of the factors was obtained using a t-test. In the second step, which was done quantitatively, a questionnaire was designed using the best-worst pairwise comparison between the indicators, and the factors were ranked.
Finding: The results showed that the inflexibility factor as a subset of culture with a weight of 0.155 is primarily essential, then the inefficiency factor with a weight of 0.140 as a subset of management, and finally the factor of investment reduction with a weight of 0.042 as a subset of resources are located.

Najle Khandagh,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (1-2005)

This Article Examines the political turmoil, Iran foreign Policy, great powers interventions with especial reference to Firqa-yi Dimukrat Azarbayejan and oil crisis between 1941-1947. This article also deals with the international reaction, the role of the United Nations, and that of the Prime Minister, Qavam, who concluded agreements with the Firqa-yi Dimukrat lead-ers and the USSR. The successful pressure from the west and the U.S. on the central gov-ernment to crush the movements and the international agreement between America and USSR which led to the fall of Democratic movements particularly Firqa-yi Dimukrat Azar-bayezan are analysed. This field has bee hitherto unexplored for that matter need to know Azari Turkish, Persian and English, to have access to primary sources, because the materials are scorched (secon-dary sources are not reliable), and Also this Period needed the wide research and investiga-tion interviews. In this article, I have tried to present the original material using mostly the primary sources and also limited secondary sources cautiously and carefully.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2009)

In this paper, our aim was to get a definition of reputation that can be accepted in management literature. But the results of the research showed that there is not a common definition over reputation, because the meaning of reputation has been examined in diverse areas and domains. However, through collecting different definitions about reputation in various areas, the research attempted to present a new model of corporate reputation. The proposed corporate reputation model is a combination of corporate identity mix, corporate image, organizational culture, corporate social responsibility, crisis management and their relationships. The model was tested by path analysis model on seven Iranian banks. In the reminder of this paper, new suggestions offered for the bank managers. Futher, the stakeholders conceptual differences about the constructs were explored.

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