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Showing 2 results for Geomorphic

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Topography, parent material, and climate are critical factors influencing pedogenesis and the clay mineralogy of soils. There is a paucity of data regarding the soils and sediments of the Jazmurian Watershed in south-central Iran. This study selected various landforms, including rock and mantled pediments, alluvial fans, piedmont plains, lowlands, and playa, characterized by igneous and sedimentary parent materials and situated within aquic, xeric, and aridic soil moisture regimes. The findings indicated that the most significant soil development occurred on rock and mantled pediments, as well as on older alluvial fan sediments, in contrast to the less developed soils found on younger alluvial fan deposits. The clay minerals identified through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses included smectite, illite, chlorite, palygorskite, and kaolinite. The presence of palygorskite in the sedimentary soils was attributed to inheritance from the parent material, while in soils derived from igneous parent material, palygorskite was formed through pedogenic processes. Pedogenic features associated with calcium carbonate, such as coatings, infillings, and nodules, as well as clay coatings and infillings, were observed in both aridic and xeric soil moisture regimes. The occurrence of clay pedogenic features in the arid regions of the watershed may suggest a historical paleoclimate with greater moisture availability. Conversely, lenticular shapes, interlocked plates, and gypsum infillings were exclusively noted in the arid regions and lower elevations of the watershed, reflecting the current arid climate. The study established a strong correlation between soil formation and the factors of climate, parent material, and relief within the area.

Ali Shakoor, K. Yazdjerdi, A. Kamanah, Gh. Roshan, M. Ramazanzadah,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2010)

This paper tries to systematically survey, with taking theoretical view on geomorphic basin and its changes into account. The purpose of this research is to determine the balance and stability of geomorphic basins from the past to present and then to future. Consequently, it tries to determine the balance between energy and input-output materials for example (rainfall , solar radiation, tectonics and neotectonics …) to the basin based cybernetics (including geomorphic, topographic and geological state) and also to calculate energy and material balance considering positive and negative entropy at basin level. Based on the findings, which is the outcome of cybernetic resultant between form and process in basin, we can determine stability and type of balance in the basin. In this paper, emphasis has been put only on rainfall (express of the energy exponent). However, it first discusses Kor Basin Geomorphic locations and Energy-Material Entropy on its surface and then Quantity form of energy (Isolated & Potential Energy). Considering geomorphic state of the basin, we can determine the best planning method from all systems (planning, risk management and crisis management) for basin that neither requires a great cost nor causes disturbance in stability and geomorphic balance while being the optimal process. In Kor geo planning, we are encountering and determining two dimentions: (Y dimension, for geomorphic change for example throughput topogeraphy geradient formations on Kor Basin and X dimension, for rainfall discharge range on Kor Basin rivers out let only and only on fiat paper surface), but in Kor geo management, we represent at least three – dimensional ordered, for example topogeraphy gradient for Y coordinate and rivers discharge quantity for X coordinate and absolution geography location (for space point Z coordinate). Consequently, Kor River Basin can be studied based on two scientific metod : I . Planning & II , Management .

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