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Showing 3 results for Felicity

Volume 7, Issue 27 (11-2014)

At the end of the nineteenth century, a new social movement was being formed among the Muslims of the Russian Empire. Under the influence of the innovative approach of its founder, Ismail Gasprinski, this movement was called ‘Jadidism’. In order to publicize its beliefs, this movement created fine works of modern poetry and fiction. This paper analyzes The Muslims of the Abode of Felicity [Därürrähat Müsülmänlarї] (1906)—Gasprinski’s most famous utopian work. Fitrat (1886-1938) translated this novel into Persian, Musulmänän-e Därul-rähat, in 1915. In this novel, Gasprinski presents his aspirations as the framework of the ideal Muslims community, or the utopia. The novel is here reviewed with an analytical-descriptive method and a critical approach using a special model designed for the analysis of such novels.  

Volume 15, Issue 5 (6-2024)

Reviewing related literature shows deviation from Searle’s felicity conditions has not been given attention. The present paper aims to investigate pragmatic deviation from Searle’s (1969) felicity conditions of illocutionary speech acts in the previous president of the US, Donald Trump’s political language. A qualitative method is used to gather and examine the data. The instrument consists of three oral documents which are chosen purposefully: (1) Trump’s discourse to a group of his supporters in Illinois state, (2) Trump’s meeting with Broadcasters MacCallum and Baier on Fox News Channel, and (3) Trump’s interview with Broadcaster Cooper on CNN Channel. The paper uses a discourse analysis method to study these documents. Findings reveal that Searle’s conditions (propositional content, preparatory, sincerity, essential) are deviated from in Trump’s political speeches: (1) Representative acts by making false claims without providing any evidence, (2) commissive acts by committing himself to do a future action, but Trump fails to fulfill it, (3) directive acts by ordering Joe Biden’s administration to prevent immigrants from entering the US, but Trump’s order cannot be done, (4) expressive acts by jokingly apologizing to his wife because he does not do anything wrong that pushes him to make an apology to her and thus has no real intention to do this act, and (5) declarative acts by declaring they are going to end Pelosi’s career politically, but she is not done.  It is also found that deviation from these conditions happens as a means of persuading, influencing, threatening, mocking, and attacking others.
Bahram Zahedi, Abolfazl Shakoori,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (8-2019)

Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani is a great Muslim mystic of the 8th century AH (14th century AD). He has left several manuscripts focusing on mystical teachings and we can recognize his attitude toward the issue of justice in these works. Therefore, the main question of this article is: what is the relationship between mysticism and justice in the political thought of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani? Our hypothesis is that, there is a positive longitudinal relationship between mysticism and justice in the thought of Hamadani. According to the foundations of his ontology and anthropology and his definition of mysticism and human’s felicity, the issue of justice itself is one of the pillars of the voyage toward God. The data of this research are gathered by the library method. Also, we have used Abd al-Qahir Jurjani's method The Theory of Order, to obtain an integrated knowledge about various components of Hamadani's thought as well as Franklin Le Van Baumer’s The Climate of Opinion, to deepen the historical aspects of our research. Findings of this research show that by using The Theory of Order, we can clearly see the link between mysticism and justice in Hamadani's thought. Moreover, the study of the intellectual atmosphere of the time shows that majority of Muslim mystics, considered the issue of justice as one of their teachings.

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