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Showing 58 results for Family

Volume 1, Issue 0 (1-2022)

Aims A family history of obesity, physical inactivity, and an unhealthy lifestyle was associated with an increased risk of diabetes in young individuals. Most published studies had focused on single risk factors such as BMI, Physical activity, and dietary lifestyle, while the combined effect and existence of those factors were largely neglected.
Methods This was a cross-sectional study conducted on 666 male students. Based on their family history of diabetes, their anthropometric measurements were also taken, and their BMI was calculated and categorised based on WHO standards.
Findings The results showed a significant correlation between obesity, family history, and diabetes, with a significant correlation between diabetes and obesity and also had a high positive correlation. While remaining correlations were also significant.
Conclusion The study concluded that a high proportion of students are at risk of diabetes and recommended an integrated intervention program to encourage healthy eating habits and physical activity and improve awareness.


Volume 1, Issue 2 (2-2009)

Abstract Sexual discrimination is one of the most important problems that can threat social discipline, development and even political constancy of society. Sexual discrimination appears by such factors as individuals' life situation and prevailed culture. The main aim of the present work is to study about the sexual discrimination of families in rural areas. According to the developmental process, the role of women as half of the active work force, can not be neglected. Thus the present study was mainly accomplished for the reasons that may affect sexual discrimination emotions in the villages of Gilan province in 2007. To do so, different ideas have been investigated of which both sexual discrimination theory and sexual discrimination theory of Bloom Berg were used in this work to understand the sexual discrimination in village women. The sample population consisted of all the women who lived in all villages of Guilan province. 300 of these women were chosen by means of accident – classified method, Literature review and survey. The results showed that over half of these women felt the sexual discrimination.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Aim: Considering the fundamental role of parents' function and family dynamics including the importance role of family communication pattern on preventing early-onset substance use in children, the present study aimed to determine the correlation between family communication pattern and mothers' preventive behavioral intention regarding preventing early-onset substance use in children. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 234 Iranian mothers in Tehran who were randomly selected to participate voluntarily in the study. The participants filled out a self-administered questionnaire including I- demographic information; II- family-based behavioral intention regarding preventing early- onset substance use in children; and III- family communication pattern. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software (ver. 21.0) using Pearson's correlations, independent t-test, and ANOVA at 95% significant level. Findings: The results reported a correlation between conversation (r=0.509**& P≥0.001), conformity orientation (r= -0.150*& P=0.022) and behavioral intention; as well as between conversation conformity orientation (r= -0.382*& P≥0.001), and conversation (r=0.218**& P=0.001), conformity orientation (r= -0.105& P=0.108) and age. Conclusion: The findings suggest that to develop a preventive program, it will be useful to increase family communication pattern, specially conversation orientation to prevent the onset of substance use in children.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)

The purpose of this paper is to study and evaluate the effect of Job - Family Conflict on intention of nurses to quit their jobs in public and private hospitals (A comparative Study), by job burnout as mediator. Statistical society of this research was formed by Emam Khomeini, Firouzgar, Day & Hasheminejad hospitals. 275 nurses was selected randomly among those hospitals. Data analyzing performed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson Correlation test, Conformity Factors Analysis and Structural Equestrians Modeling. The findings showed that Job-Family Conflict has a meaningful (direct and indirect) effect on nurses' intention to quit. We also found that Job-Family Conflict can increase nurses' job burnout. With 95 percent confidence, differences between Job-Family Conflict in public hospitals and private ones was meaningful and Job-Family Conflict occurrence in public hospitals was greater than private hospitals. There was no meaningful difference between public and private hospitals in job burnout level and intention to quit.  

Volume 3, Issue 6 (11-2015)

Examining proverbs can be influential to know different aspects of every culture because the culture of every nation and group is illustrated in its proverbs. The goal of this research is to study the position of family and woman in Bakhtiari proverbs with Feminism critical view. The research methodology is to analyze qualitative content. In these proverbs, women have supreme, inferior and equal position with men. When we talk about private matters, women are holy creatures and superior to men. In public and social proverbs, women are inferior to men. In general proverbs, women’s positions are equal to those of men. In most proverbs, men are dominant, and desirable ideas in the society are institutionalized for men. Marriage, criticizing polygamy, knowledge before marriage, ways to know spouse, and family related subjects are reflected in these proverbs.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2012)

The institution of family has faced important evolutions in recent decades. Transition from traditional society to modern one has caused changes in cultural and social imaginaries and structures. Recent evolutions have affected family law as well as therights of women, men and children. This article, focusing on the Bill on Family Protection, tries to study family's evolution from the sociological and legal points of views. The first section (sociological view) considers the changes as to the role and place of women, men and children in the contemporary Iranian family. In the second section (legal view), advantages and disadvantages of the Bill are reviewed with respect to the sociological evolutions. Finally, based on legal and sociological findings, we examine the conformity of the Bill on Family Protection with current family evolutions and the possibility of solving family issues and problems

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Abstract Various researches indicates that family businesses are short-timed and faced with challenges to their survival. Succession planning is one of the main challenges have posed by these companies. This paper reviews the process of succession planning and main factors affecting it. Therefore two independent variables (leadership style and employee maturity) are considered and hypothesized that they have direct relationship with the succession process in the family businesses. The statistical sample was included 45 family businesses working in Khorasan-e-Razavi and hypothesis have been tested using structural equation modeling and all of them were confirmed. Responders to the questionnaire were selected among senior managers and high talented employees who has the chance of being senior managers.  It has been suggested that senior executives in family businesses, firstly choose their leadership style in accordance with the maturity level of their employees and more importantly do the succession planning process.          

Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2015)

  Nowadays Stress has become a universal issue. As stress starts to push on a person and the person has no defying abilities, then there would be a long period of imbalance and high pressure which can cause negative consequences such as burnout. The optimum level of functionality in a family could be vary and influenced by changes in family conditions, interactions between employment and economic situation and other sources of stress.  The main goal of this research was to indicate the relationship between coping strategies and burnout on family function duty Statistical sample of employees and their Spouses who have chosen using simple random sampling. Three questionnaires including coping strategies, Burnout and Family function duty (FAD) have been distributed. The data have been analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis methods. The results showed that there was a positive significant relation between burnout and family function duty. This factor was able to explain 61 %   variance of family function duties. There is not significant relation between coping strategies and family function duty. Therefore increasing and decreasing burnout can influence normal and abnormal family function.  

Volume 5, Issue 18 (12-2017)

Understanding the different aspects of culture and awareness of every people' thought method, is possible by studying the beliefs and rituals, proverbs and The public opinion of people in that country. The aim of this study was study the woman' place in beliefs and public culture of Jahrom city in Fars province. in this study that was performwd according to academy of cultur and characters in anthropology that explored and analyzed the common features and compositions about women. The results show that in this ancient region, women in most affairs have a dominated and worse position than men. The hesitancy in public culture and literature of this city points that laws governing on family and social relationships, is totally patriarchal and women are often marginalized and they rely men heavily. Characteristics that used for women, in most cases, are inappropriate and animal properties to justify patriarchy and violence against women. pedagogy, educational method and also common pattern of culture among people had more important role in women affairs and making the inequality between women and men.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Literature has a special position in representing society. The novel is a special literary genre and a perfect mirror which reflects and reveals the events, progress, growth and change of the society. Most especially in both countries of Iran and Senegal, this style of writing has been accompanied by the social and cultural changes. Family is the most important and fundamental element of the community. The main role of the story is been played by the family in most contemporary novels. The concept of family plays a key role in most contemporary novels, and the main role of the story is always introduced in the family. On the other hand, the roles that humans take in their families often expresses the realities of the community. Regarding the political and social conditions governing each period, the way writers pay attention to family issues. In this article, we have studied the comparison and analysis of family in Iranian and Senegalese contemporary novels (showhare Aho khanom and so long a letter), in response to these questions, which are these similarities as well as the structural differences of the family in the contemporary novels of these two nations and how they emerged narratively. In addition of studing family in novels, this research is also a kind of comparison between Iranian and Senegalese cultures, and the important works of contemporary writers in these two nations are compared, which can help the develop of comparative literature in both countries.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2014)

Selecting crown prince has always been an ambiguous enigma in the Sassanid era. Crown prince nomination had been a matter of debates and sometimes quarrels amongst the royal family, the Magi, and the powerful feudals. According to the primogeniture law, in the Sassanid dynasty, crown prince was a position dedicated to the eldest son. However, documents indicate that sometimes the King himself decided to choose a younger son as his successor. One of the most challenging examples of such exceptional cases is the long-lasting quarrel between Narseh and Bahrams (Bahram I, II, and III) for grasping throne, which lasted for three decades. Naresh (youngest son of Shapur I) clearly violated the Primogeniture law and claimed throne over his older brother (Bahram I) and his successors for more than three decades. This research is trying to answer some key questions in this matter: why did Prince Narseh violate the Primogeniture law and claim the power for about three decades? What were his justifications in pursuing the power? Why did he insist on his solicitation? Here we represent another crucial element in selecting crown prince in the Sassanid dynasty, which is called “blood purity”. This law indicates that princes with double - sided pure blood (paternal and maternal) might have been preferred to the elder ones. This research is based on comparative analysis of historical documents, ethnographic studies, and archaeological data via psyco-anthropological view. It seems that in the Sassanid era, the law of “Royal Biternality” or “Royal Bilateral Descent” was superior to the law of “Primogeniture”.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (11-2016)

In this study, nano drug delivery system based on graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide- polyglycerol hybrids were constructed. Functionalization of nano graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide was accomplished through noncovalent interaction between the π conjugated system of graphene materials and the aromatic segment in the focal point of polyglycerol polymer. Polyglycerol is a hydrophilic and biocompatible polymer that its conjugation with graphene materials was increased the colloidal stability and decreased the nonspecific interaction of graphene materials. Curcumin as an anticancer hydrophobic natural drug with low systemic bioavailability was simply loaded on these nanohybrids via π-π stacking force between the π conjugated systems of graphene materials and curcumin. Result showed that loading capacity of curcumin for reduced graphene oxide hybrid (49%) is higher than graphene oxide hybrid due to restored of π conjugated system in reduced graphene oxide. Anticancer efficiency of these drug hybrids was investigated by MTT assay. Results showed that these drug carriers have sufficient biocompatibility. Also these nano drug delivery systems showed a cytotoxic effect that was comparable to that of free curcumin. The reduced graphene oxide hybrid is preferred for delivery of curcumin due to its higher loading capacity that can provide efficient dose of drug in low level of carrier

Volume 7, Issue 26 (6-2019)

Among the various types of oral literature and due to their richness, tales and myths have the ability to examine the origin and effects of anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc. Some sociologists believe that their knowledge of the institution of the family in Iran's past is negligible. Therefore, history, especially folktales, can illuminate parts of social life that are far from the eyes of sociologists. The question of power is one of the subjects of interest in sociological studies in family institution. Understanding the distribution of power within the family in past periods represents a lot of social change. In this article and in order to examine the power structure within folklore tales; the structure of power, its methods of action and the type of resistance in front of power, as well as the sources of power production in family relationships, were examined in 93 kinds of folk narrative using content analysis approach. The results showed that the power structure in family is highly dominant and is represented in terms of paternity in relation to the child. In relations between men and women, in addition to domination, there is an intimate and legitimate relationship that women accept based on traditional ideologies, the power of men even in intimate relationships. The methods for exercising more power are forced, but the type of resistance, especially girls 'resistance to domination, and boys' active resistance to the father for passive reasons are evident. Gender-related beliefs, socio-economic resources and tips, such as the child's tone and hints, are among the sources of energy production in the family.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Aims: Quality of life is a variable that can be related to a variety of psychological variables. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between the family communication model and spiritual intelligence and quality of life among addicts, as well as predict their quality of life based on family communication model and spiritual intelligence.
Instruments & Methods: This study is correlational. The study population consisted of all addicts of Tehran. The sample size was 150 addicts who were studying in 2019. They were selected by a purposive sampling method. Data were collected by King's Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (2008), World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHO) and family communication patterns questionnaire (Fitzpatri & Ritchi, 1994). For data analysis, correlation and regression have been used. Data were analyzed using software SPSS 22.
Findings: The findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between family variables or family patterns, spiritual intelligence, and their components with quality of life and its components. 16.8% of the variance in quality of life variables is explained by two variables of family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence.
Conclusion: It is possible to predict the quality of life of students through two variables of family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence. Many of the psychological, environmental, and family factors are related to the quality of life of students and one of the most important ones, as the results of this study suggest, is family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Aims: Hospitalization in the cardiac care unit often imposes many physical and psychological tensions on the family. This study aimed to determine the effect of information support on depression of family caregivers of patients admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on family caregivers of patients admitted to the cardiac care unit of Sevom Shaban Hospital of Damavand city, Iran, 2020. Participants included 60 family caregivers who were assigned to intervention and control groups. Family caregivers in the intervention group received information support through a training booklet, and the control group received the same routine information. Data collections were conducted by a demographic data sheet and anxiety and depression questionnaire (HADS). The data were then analyzed using SPSS 18 software.
Findings: The two family groups (intervention and control) showed different levels of depression after the information support intervention (p=0.02). Wilcoxon's signed-rank test showed that the mean depression of family caregivers after the intervention was 4.63±2.67 compared to the mean depression of 6.50±3.01 in the control group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: During the patient's stay in the cardiac care unit, nurses can alleviate family depression by providing information support.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (10-2021)

Aims: Childhood chronic disease is rising dramatically throughout the world. This study aimed to determine the construct and convergent validity and internal consistency of Family Management Measure.
Instrument & Methods: This descriptive study was carried out with a methodologic research approach involving 300 mothers of children with chronic diseases in 2017. The convergent validity was assessed, and the confirmatory factor analysis was perfumed for construct validity. The internal consistency of the tool was assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Corrected Item Total Correlation of items was calculated. Lisrel 8.8 and SPSS 24 were used.
Findings: The results showed that the model of the six scales had a relatively good index. The correlation between the FaMM scales and The General Functioning Scale in the convergent validity was significant and in the predicted directions (r=-0.293, -0.379, -0.621, 0.255, 0.401, 0.358). The Cronbach's alpha values for the scales were between 0.78 and 0.94, and the corrected item-total correlation was above 0.30.
Conclusion: According to the study results, the Persian version of FaMM has acceptable validity and reliability. Therefore, this tool can evaluate the management of families with a child with a chronic disease.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (11-2018)

The family is the oldest human institution or social group that is developed due to the basic human needs, and has evolved in process of social change and transformations. The Iranian family, too, in its long history, has undergone major evolutions, that have not been studied seriously. In this paper, using the conceptual framework of functionalism, we tried to study the state of the Iranian family and its structure under one of the most important periods of the Iranian history, i.e. under the "Median" Empire, the first Empire in western Iran. The findings show that in this period the dominant form of the family was extended family, embedded in a large family network. This family performed the functions of reproduction, socialization and education of offsprings, production and provision of family consumptions needs, and maintaining the security needs of family members. Moreover, Median marriage was out-group marriage, manged by the family elders. Also, women and men both were involved in economic activities in and outside of the family.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2022)

Aims: Major traumatic events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the related lockdown can affect the family as the fundamental unit of all societies. This study aimed to explain family members’ psychological experiences of the COVID-19 lockdown.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study was conducted from October 2020 to February 2021 on Public population living in Khorramabad, Iran. The sample size that achieved data saturation was 29 by purposive sampling. Unstructured in-depth interviews were used to collect the data. The inductive content analysis approach proposed by Graneheim & Lundman was used to analyze the data.
Findings: Both positive (movement toward the expansion of the worldview and a sense of pleasure and happiness) and negative (anxiety, a sense of isolation, intensification of loneliness, mood and energy changes, hardship and fatigue from lockdown, boredom, anger, depression, disruption of the sleep-wake patterns, being fed up with limitations, feelings of helplessness, more frequent family disputes and arguments and Internet abuse) psychological aspects were recognized, each of which had some subcategories.
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown created negative and disruptive experiences and positive and constructive experiences for different individuals.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2022)

Aims: Covid-19 infected patients are necessarily treated under isolation procedures in health facilities. However, those who have clinically mild symptoms are recommended to self-isolate. This study aims to explore the experiences of Covid-19 survivors who underwent self-isolation from the beginning of infection until declared cured.
Participants & Methods: Phenomenological design study was used in this qualitative research to describe the experiences of Covid-19 survivors who were under self-isolation in Semarang, from the beginning of infection until declared cured. Data was collected using semi-structured in-depth interviews through offline and online methods.
Findings: Positive thinking and the support of family and companions motivated them to survive in self-isolation conditions. Environmental stigma was the most undesirable obstacle felt by the Covid-19 survivors during self-isolation at home. Covid-19 survivors experiencing clinically mild symptoms tended to distrust the media because the media provides frightening information about Covid-19.
Conclusion: Positive thinking and family support are the successful keys to self-isolation. Media can be used responsibly to reduce stigma and to support Covid-19 sufferers who are undergoing self-isolation.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (8-2024)

Background: Ginger research could lead to the discovery of its potential benefits for various applications, including medicinal therapy, nutrition, and pharmacology. This study aimed to analyze the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities of four ginger extracts using different polar and non-polar solvents.
Materials & Methods: The dry powder (50 g) of four gingers was macerated using acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide, ethanol, methanol, chloroform, hexane, petroleum ether, and ethyl acetate and then placed on a rotating shaker (25 rpm) at 28 ℃ for 5 days until extraction. The prepared extracts underwent biological screening assays for anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Findings: The acetone extract of Alpinia calcarata had the lowest IC50 value for DPPH scavenging. The IC50 value of A. calcarata dimethyl sulfoxide extract was 89.59 µg/mL for ABTS activity. The IC50 value of A. calcarata acetone extract for hydrogen peroxide scavenging was 85.43 µg/mL. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of ginger extracts showed that the petroleum ether extract of Zingiber zerumbet had the lowest IC50 value of 90.95 g/mL for albumin stabilization compared to the other solvents.
Conclusion: The study compared solvent extracts of different gingers, revealing diverse bioactivity depending on the extraction method. A. calcarata and Z. zerumbet extracts showed strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These extracts had lower IC50 values, demonstrating their efficacy in blocking proteinases, stabilizing cellular components, and scavenging free radicals. These results provide valuable insights into the pharmacological potential of these extracts as natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

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