Showing 46 results for Book
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
By bringing up the category of paratextuality, Gerard Genet was able to push the boundaries of the analysis and study the image on the book cover to semiotic opinions in order to recognize the semantic layers of the design on the book cover. Mohammad Taimur wrote the first collection of short stories of the Arab society under the title "Ma Ttrah Al-Ayoun". Now the problem is that the semantic connection and coherence of the design on the cover of the book "Ma Trah Al-Ayoun" with evaluation of semiotics to what extent makes the paratextual capability of the design smooth with the content of the book. The current research aims to analyze the layers and symbolic components of the cover design of the book "M Trah Al-Ayoun" as the paratext of the book, in order to understand the semantic and communication layers of the cover design of the book with the internal text and secondary goals of the author and in this regard, used the descriptive-analytical method with the approach of visual semiotics. The results indicate that the paratext of the design on the cover the book with the use of colors, which are the most prominent functional component of the design, the use of the shape of the eye and the broken lines behind the eye and the use of letter "M" and "A" connected to "M" was able to reflect the title of the book and experiences of the author should be parallel to the internal text.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the basic sentence structures of textbooks written for Iranian students in Persian language. The theoretical principles of the research are based on Tesniere's (1959) Dependency Grammar, which describes syntactic structures in different languages by examining the dependency relationships between head and dependent elements in syntactic groups. The basic sentence structures presented by Tabibzadeh (2001, 2006, 2011) have been used in this research for comparison. The data was extracted from the review of 211 texts belonging to textbooks. In order to collect data, 633 sentences were selected from all the textbooks and their basic structure was extracted using the purposeful sampling method. The findings indicate that in addition to the 24 basic sentence structures provided for Persian language, other basic structures have been used in textbook, which are: || sub., pro. Comp., pre.||, || sub., pro. Comp., pro. Comp., pre. ||. The most used basic structures in the sentences of textbooks of all levels were bi-valency constructions. The study of the complements showed that, the nominal subject 96.4%, the prepositional complement 41.9%, the direct complement 31.4%, the predicate 17.2% and the complement 15.3% are the most used. The findings of the present research show the profile of the language development of 10-12 year old children by identifying the level of syntactic complexity of the sentences in the textbooks. The results of this research show the readability of educational texts written for Iranian students and can be useful for textbook authors.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The Historical Ashura books are historical reflections of the Ashura event and they are expressed in the form of narration. The application of new theories of literary criticism in the analysis of historical provides a better understanding of the narrative context of these works. The purpose of this study is to introduce an unknown Ashura historical book and its narratology from Todorov's point of view. This article tries to examine the syntactic level of narration in the book Sar-e-Asrar in a descriptive-analytical way. So that narratives better illustrates the narrative structure of such works. Todorov's narrative analysis is one of the most prominent structuralist approaches that deals with manifestations such as syntactic representation. According to the findings of the research, the narration with its developments, propositions, etc., which show the syntactic manifestation of the narration, has advanced the design of the narration. In terms of linguistic structure, the murder is based on the traits and actions of the characters. From a syntactic point of view; It has ten basic enhancements that include a minor enhancement. According to the findings of the research, the narration with its developments, propositions, etc., which show the syntactic manifestation of the narration, has advanced the design of the narration. In terms of linguistic structure, the book is based on the traits and actions of the characters. From a syntactic point of view; It has ten basic enhancements that include a minor enhancement. Descriptive and present propositions have emerged side by side with various narrative aspects...
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The efficient and systematic design of language education programs through deploying instructional strategies and techniques and with the knowledge of learners’ cognitive make-up and their environment helps develop increasingly effective and capable language learners. Effective instruction begins with effective educational design which involves a wide range of practices, the most important of which is informed and structured material development. In line with these, the present study was carried out to analyze exercises in Arabic textbooks for public junior high schools in Iran based on Nation and McAllister’s (2010) principles of format and presentation of learning materials and activities. The research employed a descriptive design using qualitative content analysis and to achieve more valid and reliable results, Shannon’s entropy for weighting codes and statistical tests of homogeneity of variance, univariate analysis, and Kruskal-Wallis were used. The population and the statistical sample of activities considered in the study were the same and included all the exercises in the selected Arabic textbooks for the 1401-1402 AH / 2022-2023 academic year. Content analysis was done following a researcher-made scheme based on the layers proposed in Nation and McAllister’s (2010) principles, i.e., meaning-oriented input, form-oriented input, meaning-oriented output, and form-oriented output. The validity of the scheme was verified through expert opinion and its reliability was calculated using Pearson correlation. The results of the research showed that in these textbooks, there is no four-way balance in the activities and no harmony between the expected four types of activities on form, meaning, input, and output.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
The phonetic layer is a linguistic concept that creates music in speech. Such musicality can be both external and internal and can be examined at the phonetic level of discourse. By analyzing rhythm, rhyme, and refrain, external music can be identified, while internal music can be discerned through the analysis of rhetorical devices such as assonance, punning, repetition. Furthermore, the musicality speech can be understood by investigating various processes such as metathesis, vowel shifting, syllable quantity, onomatopoeia, and archaic pronunciations, thereby taking the form of speech out of its ordinary and standard language form.
The importance of examining the phonetic layer lies in the fact that these linguistic components, in addition their aesthetic influence on speech sounds, enhance the prominence the text and contribute its stylistic distinctiveness.
Those Years is the title of a book written by Jafar Yahaghi, a researcher and professor of Persian language and literature, wherein he recounts his childhood, adolescence, and youth.
This research employs a descriptive layered stylistic approach to investigate the frequency of phonetic elements within the target text. By analyzing textual evidence explaining the recurrence of phonetic patterns, the study aims identify the stylistic characteristics of the work under study. components such as onomatopoeia, assonance
Due to the author’s dedication, interest, commitment to using local dialect to convey his message, he skillfully incorporates phonetic elements without sacrificing meaning for form. Statistical analysis indicates suggests that phonetic and repetition are more prevalent than other linguistic features, making them defining characteristics of the text’s style.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)
This study aims to investigate the representation of gender and intercultural competence in the images and texts of 15 Iranian secondary school English coursebooks, published over six decades. Gender representation was investigated using the framework proposed by Dahmardeh and Kim (2020), and the scale developed by Solhaug and Kristensen (2020) was used as the criteria for investigating intercultural competence. The data were coded and counted using manifest content analysis. The results showed that Iranian English coursebooks mentioned males and females unequally in their texts across different decades, with one gender being represented more in each decade. Regarding gender representation in the images, males were represented more than females in almost all decades. The representation of males and females in the books published in the 1970s was almost equal, followed by extreme and sudden changes in gender representation in the 1980s. However, the books published in and after the 2000s presented a balanced picture of males and females. The coursebooks dealt with intercultural competence in their texts and images very rarely, limiting this concept to religious issues and neglecting other aspects. In fact, the coursebooks addressed only one category out of the 11 categories. Finally, the study ends with implications for coursebook authors, materials designers, teachers, students, and teacher trainers.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2012)
With the advent of the World War ІІ, foreign language teaching entered a new period of its tempestuous history. The purpose of most foreign language schools and institutes in this period and the forthcoming years was to enable communication via a foreign language and, at the center of this skill, there was an attention to proper pronunciation of sounds and words. Since that time, there has been a great number of ideas and viewpoints proposed by researchers and authorities about the nature of pronunciation teaching, each of which contributed to the expansion of this field. In order to discover how these ups and downs have affected the teaching, of foreign language pronunciation in Iran, large-scale and comprehensive research is needed. The aim of this article is to inspect the place and the method of pronunciation teaching in high-school English textbooks in Iran in order to figure out the quality of teaching pronunciation and the way it is presented in the textbooks. The findings of this study are useful to improve the quality of teaching pronunciation in high-school English textbooks. Finally, some recommendations have been given.
Volume 6, Issue 22 (3-2009)
Mahin Panahi,PH.D.
Since after Prophet Mohammad’s death, jobs and social-political activities were intermingled with non-religious (the Islamic word is “harram”) issues, Sophists avoided any sort of social-political participation with the kings and also despised and reproached any kind of relation with them.
The question raised in this research is; “despite reproach regarding having any relation with the kings, how was Sanayi’s relation with this social class?”Considering the fact that Sanayi dedicated “Hadiqat-ol-Haqiqat” to Bahram Shah, and admired him, in addition to his courtiers and friends, it becomes quite clear that Sanayi had a good relation with the contemporary kings of his own time; which belonged to the Qaznavi dynasty. This point raises another question; he was a wise man who taught seeking non-materialism, chastity and faith and became the follower of many mystics who appeared after him, and always advised people to rely on God and trust him. So how could he possibly admire the kings? The simple answer given by some is that these poems were created when he was a young man; but then serious contemplation of his poetry makes us realize that as Sanayi became closely attached to Bahram Shah and his son, Mas’oud, he made an attempt to reform and educate them in a proper manner. He frankly and through direct advices and thoughtful allegories, any kind of suppression and encourages the king to be fair, forgiving, patient, do good things for the pheasants, behave in a humble manner, be sensible, wise, brave and thoughtful in religious issues, matters related to the nation; in other words in general he encourages the king to behave in the best possible manners. Sanayi tells the king to utilize his position for reforming the country; although poverty and the unsuitable political situation of the time influenced his requests and had a serious role in the matters he was accused of.
Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2013)
A Bibliography of Contemporary Persian Fiction was published in 2011 in 686+18 pages and large lectern size, with three attachments by the endeavour of The Department of Contemporary Literature of The Academy of Persian Language and Literature, under the supervision of Farideh Razi and collaboration of Ozra Shoja Karimi and Azadeh Golshani. This book covers 7069 entries and the bibliographic information of 14,046 books from the time of Constitutional Movement to 2010. Regarding the reputation of the publisher in publishing reference books, this book was expected to be free of errors (especially egregious errors must have been avoided); however, against all expectations, it turned out that the book was loaded with all kinds of errors and shortcomings to the extreme that the publisher later prepared an errata in the spring of 2012 titled Mostadrak which was launched with the book. Unfortunately, despite showing a lot of errors of the book, the errata itself suffered from other shortcomings and mistakes. We show some mistakes of both sources here and thus avoid the viewers of bibliography from being
Volume 7, Issue 26 (8-2014)
Hyland’s Model was the first framework to examine interaction between writer and reader of a text under two key concepts, i.e. stance and engagement. According to this model, any writer (un)consciously employs a number of linguistic devices such as hedges, boosters, attitude markers and self-reference to present his or her stance over a topic, and likewise uses some other devices like reader pronoun, imperatives, interrogatives, shared knowledge as well as personal asides to establish readers' engagement. In this study, a number of book reviews on Persian literary books have been analyzed thanks to the model proposed by Hyland. The corpus of study includes 100 book reviews; 50 reviews are selected from academic referred journals and 50 ones are taken from general journals. Once the corpus is designed, the linguistic devices related to stance and engagement have been extracted and counted. The findings showed that for each 11.7 words of the corpus, 1 word or expression of stance or engagement has been used. The negative attitude markers and imperatives are the most and least frequent devices respectively. It is shown that book review articles appeared in academic journals tend to be more critical, and furthermore, the articles published in the decade 1380 (Iranian calendar) put much more weight on attitude markers. It is also shown that the density of interaction markers is high in the ending section of book reviews. Taking the gender variable into account, it is revealed that male critics are more explicit in presenting their stance, while female critics are more willing in using engagement devices.
Volume 7, Issue 26 (3-2010)
Ahmad Reza yalameha, Ph.D.
Asir-eddin Akhsikati was among the Persian poets of late six century who was skilled in creation of new concepts and meanings and a well-known elegist of the Persian language. He lived in Ekhsiket in a region of Transoxiana. His book of poetry, known as Divan, was only revised and published once in 1999 by professor Rokn-oldin Homayonfarokh. This publication includes a preface on the poet's life and the method used for the revision and rewriting of old manuscripts about Akhsikati's work. Although the reviser has gone through a lot of trouble for the revision and has compared a number of manuscripts, due to delay in the comparison of the manuscripts and several misreading and disability to read many parts from the original work, added to the displacement and omission of verses, a high number of the poetic verses of this poetry book remain ambiguous and unclear. There are also too many deficiencies in the poems as well. The author of this research has had access to a few old versions of the poet's book of poetry and compared it with the published copy, finally identifying some of the mistakes, the demanded corrections, the unclear parts and even the rhythmical differences, some of which are mentioned in here. As a matter of fact some of the words have been misspelled and therefore found a totally different meaning.
Volume 8, Issue 31 (3-2020)
Although proverbs possess clear, logical and semantic structures, the use of some rhetorical elements has, in addition to making the proverbs more beautiful and effective, given depth and strength to their concepts and made them more reflective. One of these elements is the "symbol". In this article, we will illustrate the symbolic role of animals in proverbs. The purpose of this study is to analyze the quality and quantity of applying animal symbols in proverbs and the number of animal symbols used in making proverbs. The main body of the paper presents the statistical charts and analysis of examples of proverbs listing the various animal names in the subgroups of domestic animals, non-domestic animals, birds and insects.
The present study is a library research and has been conducted based on a descriptive-analytical approach while implementing statistical methods by studying 6047 proverbs used in the Bahmanyari Story Book. In the end, it was found that, quantitatively, maximum animal symbols used include domestic animals with a percentage of 48.6 and the lowest frequency of animal symbols belong to the birds' group with a percentage of 8.7.
The major reasons for using animal symbols in proverbs may be pointed out as making abstract concepts objective and more tangible, making proverbs attractive, brevity of speech, and avoiding direct vulgar and sarcastic address
Volume 9, Issue 5 (12-2018)
Publishing new Iranian high school English books after two decades has led to different reactions by educational experts and Iranian English teachers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the newly-developed textbook of Iranian high schools (Vision 1) from teachers’ perspectives. The participants consisted of 66 experienced EFL teachers (30 females and 36 males) who were selected through convenience sampling from different high schools in Kermanshah, Iran. The evaluation of the textbook was conducted quantitatively through a checklist developed by Litz (2005). Moreover, some open-ended questions were asked from teachers to express their ideas about the book. After analyzing data, the results revealed that although the textbook had some shortcomings, it presented more authentic materials and included ample practices and drills for all four language skills. The results of this study can be helpful for the materials developers and curriculum designers in the Ministry of Education to revise the current textbook for new edition.
Volume 9, Issue 17 (9-2022)
Translation is responsible for transferring knowledge from the source-language text to the target-language text. This process of transfer is sometimes difficult due to the specific complexities of the structure and style of the source language. It becomes more important when the Qur’an, which has an independent linguistic culture on the one hand and is a sacred (non-human) text on the other, be the case. A problem occurring in most of the Persian translations is how to find a true equivalent for the Qur’anic phrase “’an yadin wa hum sāghirūn” (Tawbah (9): 29), resulting to issue special jurisprudential rulings. Applying the analytical-descriptive method, this paper tries to evaluate the opinions of commentators, jurists and translators for finding the meaning and translation of the verse, and then present its exact Persian equivalent. Findings show that based on this verse, many commentators and jurists as well as most of the translators emphasize the humiliation of the People of the Book in paying jizya (tribute), while it contradicts the literal meaning of sāghir and its semantic range in the Qur’an, Islamic hadith and Sunnah. In conclusion, it is proved that the meaning of the phrase, in harmony with the words, verses and traditions, will be “to pay jizya as much as possible while accepting a low status”, which is not observed in most of the translations examined here.
Volume 9, Issue 36 (12-2016)
In recent years in Iran, Aiden Chambers’ theory called “The Reader in the Book” has greatly attracted researches in the realm of children literature. The purpose of such studies has been to read various works of Iranian children literature writers based on Chamber’s theory. In order to recognize the specifics of the child reader in the text, Chambers introduces the four essential elements of style, point of view, taking sides and tell-tale gaps. The fundamental question of this study is to examine whether the theoretical elements and concepts chambers names as essential to create the child reader in the book are practically used in his literary works? The examination of “Cindy’s Day Out” from his collection, Kissing Game, represents that Chambers has created an active and critical child reader in his work through the proper application of different methods, such as the shift from narratorial-descriptive style to dramatic-objective style, Various but fluid and friendly diction, few but understandable literary figures, third person narrator focalized through the main character, taking sides through style shift, superficial and cultural gaps along with gaps in characterization and narrative structure.
Volume 9, Issue 41 (11-2021)
From the eighty’s onward, after the emergence of folklore culture and literature into academic field, a change occurred in the field. Various research works in forms of book, thesis, article, etc. are written on different subjects every day. Some of the main works among these are the books that should have distinctive features in the field of folklore literature as basic works, so that they could bear the educational and research objectives of the field. One type of folklore literature book is “Generals”. By the name “Generals”, it is meant that they deal with different subjects in the field of folklore literature, and these works are generally written and published for teaching. However, they have a crucial role in the basics and general issues related to the studies in this field. Although the publication rate of these books is growing on a daily basis, no criticism has been done about them yet in order to categorize and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these works, and consequently help researchers for an informed selection of these works. Considering the significance of this issue in this article, five important books from folklore generals’ book series are selected and criticized according to their publication time from the first one in the fifties to the books of the late decade. Since these books are generally taught at universities considering the educational department's enactments in the field of folklore culture and literature, these works were criticized and compared from the aspects of form and content, succession, generality and scope, theory application, revision and scientific validity, reader-friendliness of background and principles, etc.
Volume 10, Issue 39 (12-2017)
.The title of each book is the first instrument for acquainting the reader with the content and author of the book .It is clear that there's a mutual relation between historical , social and political events of each era with literary events and it affects directly on poets' mind and language .In this study ,we present lots of contemporary poem books , and describe the important literary, historical ,social and political events of each era ,and find a relation between the poem book titles and dominant events regardless of the book content and show this mutual effect in the structure ,content and rhetoric .In general , in terms of structure , titles change from one word and noun group into several sentence and even alphabet letters .In terms of rhetoric , the literal and apathetic titles of the book change into creative ,poetic and empathetic titles .As a result , amphibology and abstraction are created .In terms of content ,the extremist patriotic and static titles change into social ,religious ,political and revolutionist idealism .Finally , lots of meaningless words are created .
Volume 10, Issue 39 (12-2017)
On the occasion of kings and commanders' victory over their opponents and congratulating the victory and success, the poets composed "victory verses". These poems which were in the form of ode can be found in divans and sometimes prose texts from the early times to the present. Although the phrase "verse of victory" has been used in various texts and some poets have mentioned it and there are several clues for distinguishing it from other types of poem, no study has been published about it and there is no trace of this kind of poems and its features and examples in dictionaries, lexicons and encyclopedias. In this paper, numerous examples of these poems, composed by the most famous Persian poets, have been collected and organized chronologically in order to answer the following questions: What are the characteristics of this kind of poem? In which form and structure has it been manifested? What is the content of it? What are its relationships with other kinds of poem like book of victory, encomium and book of war? And finally how different poets did affect and were affected by each other in these poems?
Volume 10, Issue 42 (3-2014)
The well-known book “Kellileh and Demneh” is a political text, whose literary language and ethical background prevents the reader from clearly understanding the power struggle. One of these stories is the tale of lion and cow, whose adages and ethical background has led to the cover up of power struggle between the two factions (One being the defender of concept of justice in line with the patriotic political ideology, and the other being the supporter of individualism). The logic of political dialogue under the viewpoint, dominating the text, has been misrepresented. The outcome of such an outlook is a negative portrayal of the belief and characteristics of one of the parties to the power struggle, who cannot tolerate the current order that is based on the hereditary hierarchy, and who is ultimately victimized by the overall outlook governing the text. Given that the power struggle is a type of spatial position which regulates the distance between hostile parties in different shapes and forms; in this writing the approaches for misrepresentation of power struggle embedded in the story of lion and cow have been detailed and analyzed based on spatial reasoning. The method of research is based on the quality of narration of the narrator, and characters of the tale as the participants in the dialogue
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2020)
The English language textbooks for learners with special educational needs play a crucial role in classifying knowledge in the learners’ minds and framing their axiological-epistemological systems. As a result, developing English language textbooks based on discourses of needs analysis can not only empower language skill abilities among these learners but also contribute to them to become active citizens. However, if the materials developed are silent on the learners’ needs in developing their practices may marginalize the learners as at risk educational groups. Very few studies have critically analyzed prevocational English language textbooks written for learners with special needs to see to what extent the content, conversations and image of these English language textbooks could meet daily affair realizations for learners with special needs. Embedded in Laclau and Moffe’s Critical Discourse Analysis approach, the current study thus focuses secondary school prevocational English language textbook by ministry of education in grades seven, eight and nine. Findings showed that in the dominant discourse of these textbooks, there exists no symbol of body and life style representation of these learners. They have been selected either in ideal or token manners. Contents and images of these textbooks could not go beyond dichotomizing hegemonic discourses of society (normal-abnormal) and have reproduced power relations belonging to ordinary people. Normal affair is a social construct. Discourse representation and power relations dominant on curriculum patterns frame real worlds and life styles for learners with special needs. Thus, dearth of images and challenges of people with special needs are perceived as their absence in public domains and consequently neglecting multiple life styles of these groups. Hence, this study is of significance as it has some theoretical and practical ramifications for the materials developers and raises their awareness to redesign English language textbooks for these learners based on their needs.