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Showing 7 results for Bandar Abbas

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)

It does not take much time to use the term "confession" in Iran. Less than five decades, the minds of our scholars and planners have become familiar with this concept. Adjustment is the regulation of the relationship between man and space, and essentially involves human activities in space. The purpose of regulating this relationship is to use a rational utilization of all facilities in order to improve the material and spiritual condition of society over time.  In this regard, the purpose of this study is to study the distribution of the border areas of the Oman Sea from Bandar Abbas to the Persian Gulf. Using the SWOT model, it looks at the strengths of the Bandar Abbas to the Goethe Bay, and then proposes proposals to address the problems and deficiencies that are tailored to the conditions in which these border regions are located. It is expected that the results of this study will lead policy makers and planners to the optimal development of the border areas of the Oman Sea. Unfortunately, despite the sensitivity and importance of the issue, in the history of land planning, environmental and defense considerations have been marginalized and have not been seriously addressed. Which could result in security consequences and the collapse of territorial unity and territorial integrity in various dimensions and threaten the power and national authority.
In this regard, based on the issue and the purpose of the research, the following question has been asked: 1.What are the factors that determine the distribution of the border areas of the Oman Sea from Bandar Abbas to the port of Goater? In line with the research question, the proposed hypothesis included: 1- The distribution of the border areas of the Oman Sea from Bandar Abbas to the port of Goater depends on the political and security factors of the border regions.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (11-2020)

Background: Trichomonas vaginalis is, one of due to vaginitis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted and treatable infection in the world. Co- infection of T. vaginalis along with other agents of vaginitis should always be considered in patients with chronic vulvovaginal symptoms.
Case: An Iranian woman with 32 years of age and signs of vaginitis infection referred to a midwifery clinic in Bandar Abbas. While she used antifungal and antibacterial medications many times during the past two years to treat her vaginitis infection, but since her husband did not do so, all the clinical signs of her infection reappeared again after a short time. A miscarriage, genital warts in the lower end of the uterus (cervix), yellowish-green foamy secretion, and vigorous redness of the lower end of the uterus were among the problems reported in her medical record. To diagnose the disease, sampling was done from the posterior fornix of vagina and using direct smear and Diamond culture medium, the specimen was examined for the presence of T. vaginalis by a specialist in parasitology. Based on the direct smear test results, the specimen was positive for yeast and bacteria and negative for T. vaginalis, while culture test result was positive for the presence of T. vaginalis. Therefore, the woman referred to a physician qualified in gynecology for her infection therapy, but this time with her husband. The duration of their treatment was three months, after which the culture test result (after 72 h) was negative for T. vaginalis, and the clinical signs of the infection ameliorated.
Conclusion: It is recommended that, in addition to careful examination of patients’ clinical symptoms, direct smear and culture methods be employed in midwifery centers to correctly diagnose vaginitis. In addition, the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in people involved in a sexual relationship should be done simultaneously.


Volume 7, Issue 4 (9-2018)

During a survey in 2016, Convolvulus glomeratus showing symptoms resembling those caused by phytoplasmas were observed in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan province, Iran. These plants were examined for phytoplasma presence by nested-PCR assays using universal primer pair P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. All the infected plants indicated positive results using universal primer pairs of P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. Results of phylogenetic and virtual RFLP analyses of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the phytoplasma associated with Convolvulus glomeratus witches' broom (CgWB) was a strain of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium'. The phytoplasma was successfully transmitted to healthy plants by leafhopper, Orosius albicinctus (Distant) which account as a vector of this phytoplasma. This is the first report on the presence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ (phytoplasma group 16SrIX-J) in C. glomeratus and its insect vector in Iran.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Housing and its related policies are important for every government. The rapid growth of urban population and the lack of space and environmental problems caused by large industries have implanted these industries outside city limits. Aiming at preserving their workforce and making them more comfortable with organizing institutional housing, these industries have adopted various policies for this purpose. The aim of this paper is to study the pathology of organizational housing location. To achieve this, the present study has analysed the planning of construction of residential houses for about 850 employees of Bandar Abbas Gas Condensate Refinery in the first phase and 1200 people in the second phase. Accordingly, residence satisfaction and quality of life environment were examined firstly, and then locating organizational houses with the same situation inside the city and its outside limits were investigated. Gas Condensate Refinery employees and their needs were identified and prioritized based on the priorities of the refinery management and the rate of importance coefficient using the Delphi method. Comparative studies of housing in both indoor and outdoor options have been performed qualitatively at first and then organizational accommodation options with AHP ranking model. Comparative economic studies are also presented in a separate section due to their slightly more accurate predictability. Finally, after the studies, the suggestions and classification of housing types in accordance with the housing and organizational audience and the proposed strategies for optimal accommodation of employees have been presented. The key finding of this study is that the establishment of organizational housing units near an industry will not necessarily be economically, socially or environmental successful compared to supply in central cities.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2022)

So far, very limited research has been done on Euryglossa orientalis parasites in our country. In the present study, helminthic infection of 50 digestive tracts of E. orientalis, were examined in Bandar Abbas in 2016. After procuring the fishes, they were transferred to the laboratory and different parts of their bodies were measured for a morphometric study. Then whole digestive tract of the fishes was removed, opened with a small scissor into a dish and the contents was searched for the presence of helminth. Then, the isolated helminth parasites were fixed in 5% formalin or 70% ethanol and stained with azocarmine. The parasites were identified with the aid of reliable sources. The results indicated that out of 50 fish tested, only 5 fish (10%) were infected with the parasite. Thus, in 10% of the fish, Plagiocirrus primus and in 2% of them, Lepocreadioides zebrini and Scolex pleuronectis were identified. This result shows that the infection of Euryglossa orientalis with helminths is mild in the coasts of Bandar Abbas in summer. P. primus is reported for the first time from Persian Gulf coasts.

Abed Taghavi, Seyyed Rasool Mousavi Haji,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (4-2015)

The Economic Schedules of Shah Abbas I (1587-1629) are considered an important step forward in bringing a major transition in regional and international commerce during the medieval age. That could possibly performed through an extensive autonomy of the central government on the southern coast specially Hormuz and Kish islands that incurred national benefits in foreign commercial and logistic relationship especially with European countries. The strategic commodity of silk has had significant role in reconstruction of commercial ties between Iran and European countries. Using historical and geographical accounts (travelogue), this article tries to recognize the importance and status of the southern Iranian ports in silk trade with a case study of Bandar Abbas.  The findings show that the process of silk commerce in Iran was organized with a precise supervision of Shah Abbas himself and his efforts to come up with production centers such as Kashan, Yazd and Isfahan in central Iran as well as export centers in southern regions such as Laar and Bandar Abbas.    

Volume 24, Issue 3 (8-2024)

The increase in the urban population and the change in the consumption pattern in recent decades has caused the per capita volume of produced waste to increase significantly. The introduction of a large number of urban waste materials along with thousands of tons of dangerous toxic substances and hospital and industrial waste materials into the environment creates many problems that have harmful effects on other existing systems. urban and including their environmental system is remarkable. Finding a suitable place for waste disposal is one of the most important study steps in parallel with landfill design, whose management plays a significant role in environmental positioning because of the lack of attention to environmental and management studies in the planning process. Urban planning, especially in terms of landfill location, leads to problems such as flooding, leachate infiltration into underground water, soil and surface water pollution, placement on unstable land, and topological problems. In the Bandar Abbas, about 500 tons of waste is produced daily, which is collected in an unsanitary manner, collected, transported and buried in front of the railway station, which causes the spread of pollution in the region. For this reason, in the present study, an attempt has been made to locate the best landfill site to achieve this approach, 4 environmental criteria (6 sub-criteria), ecological (5 sub-criteria), structural (11 sub-criteria) and Physical (7 sub-criteria) was used. These criteria were weighted by ANP. After preparing the Euclidean distance map and combining it with fuzzy operators for each sub-criterion, the resulting map was multiplied by the ANP fuzzy weight. Then, fuzzy operators AND, OR, SUM, Product and gamma of 0.9, 0.7 and 0.5 were used to overlap the layers. OLS regression was used to select the best superimposed map. Finally, the TOPSIS was used to rank the selected sites and the best site. The results showed that the ecological criterion with a fuzzy weight of 0.443 has the greatest effect on the location of landfills. After that, structural, environmental and physical criteria were placed in the next ranks with 0.278, 0.182 and 0.095, respectively. In ecological sub-criteria, the distance from the sensitive habitat of Mount Gnu with 0.438; In structural sub-criteria, the distance from settlements with 0.155; In the environmental sub-criteria, the distance from the canal with 0.283 and in the physical sub-criteria, the distance from the river with 0.310 have the greatest effect on the location of landfill. Among the fuzzy overlay operators, the SUM fuzzy subscription operator has the highest correlation with the research criteria in identifying the landfill. Five landfill sites were identified in Bandar Abbas, and with the TOPSIS ranking model, District 4, located west of Bandar Abbas and Tel Siah village and east of Bandar Abbas, a 15 km2 of land was selected for landfilling of urban and industrial waste.

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