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Showing 9 results for Authenticity

Volume 1, Issue 2 (4-2021)

The notion of the characteristics of an ignoble human being in Gabriel Marcel's thought revolves around components such as establishing an "I - s/he" relationship with others, unpreparedness and unopenness in relations with others, and presence in the realm of "having." To that end, it will become clear that by establishing an "I-you" relationship, being present to other human beings in the realm of "being" becomes noble, but by examining Marcel's ideas it became clear that the dominance of science and technology over human beings paved the way for the formation of a mass society and further, it intensifies the functional view of human, and as a result all these factors, increases the intensity and speed of ignobility of contemporary mankind. In this study, which aimed to explain the factors of nobelity and ignobility from Gabriel Marcel's point of view, it became clear that he believes to emerge from unoriginality. a human being should be able to freely choose, to accept responsibility, to communicate with the secret and to have characteristics such as love, loyalty, faith and hope.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2021)

Today, more than ever, consumers are searching for authenticity. One of the valuable features of brand authenticity is that consumers are willing to pay primum price for products that they think are authentic. Authenticity has emerged as a consumer favorite feature that reflects a brand's sense of uniqueness, realism, or originality, helping marketers differentiate their brands from competitors. The present study examines the antecedents of brand authenticity and its impact on word of mouth (WOM). Consumers of Tavazeh nuts brand in Tehran constitute the statistical population of this research. 372 people were selected as the sample by available sampling method. Data were collected through a standard questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and its validity was assessed by first-order and second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). SPSS24 software was used for descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.8 software was used to test the hypotheses. The results of testing the hypotheses showed that brand nostalgia, brand heritage, brand legitimacy and brand clarity have a positive and significant effect on brand authenticity. Also, brand authenticity has a positive and significant effect on word of mouth (WOM).

Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2022)

Aims: Original design can be evaluated by emphasizing the recognition of the original meaning of native architecture. Therefore, the interaction of past and new meanings of architecture through the continuation of originality using new materials, has a high position in today's world. The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze modern patterns in interaction with the two concepts of past originality and future technology in the use of materials in the facades of contemporary buildings in Iran. Do they step in synchronously with the architectural facade or are they in opposition?

Methods: In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the process of analysis and evaluation is carried out by selecting the works of the architectural index and how to use the materials in the facade.

This research tries to examine the facades of index buildings in terms of materials through qualitative studies and has evaluated the interaction of materials and the originality of the building facades by using fuzzy logic as a systematic theory.

Findings: Research findings show the use of traditional materials along with modern technology; Establishes an interactive process between the original patterns of the past and the dream of the future.

Conclusion: Inspired by the original and sustainable patterns of Iranian architecture with modern expression, it is an effective approach in creating outstanding architecture.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2022)

Aims: During the Corona pandemic, many architectural design classes were held virtually, and during this time, visiting the site as one of the most important parts of preparing students for architectural design was also done virtually. The main purpose of this article is to compare and analyze the positive and negative points of virtual site visit among architecture students.
Methods: the virtual site visit is known with 360-degree model. The participants (N=14) were asked to visit the site and then invited for a post-test to examine the motivation and emotions of the participants on the one hand, and the usability of the model on the other hand.
Findings: The experience of a virtual visit to the site brought significant points, which led to conduct qualitative interviews with each participant additionally. The results show the trustworthiness of virtual site visit while show some drawbacks. The results support virtual site visit during the corona pandemic and its acceptable results.
Conclusion: The results of the research confirm the virtual visit of the site as an exploratory method of the 360 model; But it also shows many shortcomings. In examples such as the Behranz Building of the Academy on Ray Street, Tehran, in the field of tangible values, the virtual visit of the site was very successful, while the intangible values of the common industrial heritage of Iran and Germany have not been very successful, and in these cases, it can be done with an in-person visit. There is no comparison.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2023)

Objectives: The main goal of the research is to introduce tea factories and to recognize their architectural patterns, which are considered to be an exclusive example of industrial architecture in northern Iran. Therefore, the research takes into account 6 components and analyzes 4 selected examples of factories, and separates the architectural pattern of each one.
Methods: This research is based on quantitative-qualitative method, relying on descriptive-analytical strategies and studying the architectural features of tea factories built in Northern Iran, during the Pahlavi period. Historical studies have been done by referring to historical documents or referring to the archives of Iran Tea Organization and Tea Research Institute.
Findings: The analysis of the architecture of tea factories based on 6 components shows the plan, volume, roof structure and type of covering, materials, facade, openings and decorations.  In the 4 examples of tea factories, two are the first Pahlavi examples built by European architects, and in the other two examples from the second Pahlavi period, a combination of modern and traditional architecture is evident in the body of the buildings.
Conclusion: The predominant pattern of tea factories in Iran is an axial plan with a central projection, a sloping roof, row openings and a simple view. It was first performed by German architects in Iran. In the examples of the second side, with the presence of traditional architects and the use of materials such as bricks, the facade was reduced.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2023)

Aims: Modernization theory today, as one of the newest theories, suggests the application of contemporary architecture in the process of action in valuable cultural and historical contexts. The most challenging issue among these is to identify the differences and similarities of this theory with other competing opinions and analyze its strengths and weaknesses. The main goal of the research is to reread the theory of contemporization for adding quality to the old textures through the experience of creating value for the heritage of contemporary architecture.

Methods: The current research strategy is logical reasoning strategy. It is a descriptive-analytical research method that uses the tactic of comparative comparison to advance the research process. The theoretical framework of the research is a combination of the master architecture theory and the theory of contemporization. Hence, the research analyzes and rereads the strengths and weaknesses of the theory of contemporization by comparing competing theories.

Findings: The analysis of research findings in two fields including the field of formal system (physical-structural system) and content system (1- economic, 2- social system and 3- environmental system) shows that the theory of contemporization can be better than the theory competitors such as reconstruction, renovation, improvement and regeneration; In the category of quality, it acts as a part of historical and cultural contexts and increases the quality of life of the residents.

Conclusion: The results of the research show that the theory of contemporization by emphasizing the design approaches and values of contemporary architecture increases the quality of historical and cultural contexts; Along with simultaneous emphasis on formal system and content system.

Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)

Aims: Gustavo Giovannoni theory in architecture, urban design and urban conservation is famous for its brilliant effects on the physical quality and increasing the identity of neighborhoods, and guiding the design action to improve the "quality of historical setting". The purpose of this research is to explain the opinion of people and experts about the theory of Gustav Giovannoni. The hypotheses of the research tell about the applicability of the opinions and thoughts of Gustav Giovannoni to respond to the needs of the old and ancient context of the historical city of Tabriz.

Methods: The research at the beginning of the work in a descriptive way, the opinions and thoughts of Gustavo Giovannoni in five axes including 1- solidification, 2- re-china or anastylosis, 3- liberation, 4- completion and 5- innovation; It is analyzed and then people and experts are asked about it using a questionnaire. research in terms of type, applied; And it is a combination of descriptive and analytical methods.

Findings: The survey of 385 citizens (the number of respondents was selected with Cochran formula) and 37 experts (the number was selected based on snowball) shows significant results.

Conclusion: The results of the research emphasize that the five priorities identified from the opinions and thoughts of Gustav Giovannoni have been approved by both people and experts. It is noteworthy that experts emphasize these priorities more than people to guide the urban restoration process for the future of the old and ancient fabric of the historical city of Tabriz.

Bita Sodaei, Farhang Khademi Nadooshan, Mohammad Naebpor, Javad Neyestani,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2010)

Hundreds of stray coins are being donated every year to different Iranian museums but it is difficult to establish their authenticities due to lack of knowledge about places of their findings. Part of these stray metallic pieces is related to Parthians. Due to their lengthy rule, of about five centuries, Parthian coins form important part of numismatic collection at the museums. Authors have taken Reza Abbasi Museum at Tehran as case study to review the authenticity of those coins. A comparison between statistical data and available historical records give a vivid idea about the genuineness and forgery of these metallic pieces. As such, this article attempts to show the genuineness of some of the coins by taking into account statistical data from early Parthian kings and their comparison with the available historical documents.

Volume 20, Issue 137 (7-2023)

Accurate food labelling is of utmost importance for fair trade and empowering consumers to make knowledgeable choices. Quantitative assessment of the meats is one of the most important factors in authentication of this meat product. Therefore, the purpose of this research was the efficiency of the stereological method for detection of the percentage of meat used in raw (Hamburger) and heat-treated (Sausage) meat products. In this study, three samples of beef burger (containing 30, 60 and 90 % meat) and sausage (containing 40, 60 and 90 % meat) were prepared. Each sample was flattened, and then fractionator sampling using a perforated plate as a cutting guide was used for getting systematic uniform random blocks. Totally, 12 blocks were taken from each sample. Each block was fixed in 10 % neutral formalin and embedded in paraffin. The obtained samples, after preparation of tissue sections and staining using haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), were studied by a light microscope. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA statistical method and t-test was used to compare significance difference between groups. Stereological analysis showed that the estimated meat percentages in beef burger in different percentages (30, 60 and 90%) did not have a significant difference with the real percentages of meat. In the case of sausage, there was significant difference between the estimated meat percentages and the real percentages of meat in different samples of sausage. Stereology method can be a suitable complementary method to detect the amount of meat used in raw meat products.

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