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Showing 16 results for Ardabil

Volume 3, Issue 5 (12-2014)

In this study, the spatial distribution of overwintered adults of Sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton, was investigated by using dispersion parameters and indices, mathematical distribution, and regression techniques in rainfed wheat fields by sample size of 1 m2 in 2009 and 2010. The dispersion parameters including: mean-variance test and clumping parameter () showed that the overwintered adults of Sunn pest population followed the negative binomial distribution pattern. Furthermore, the dispersion indices including: variance to mean ratio, Lloyd's index of mean crowding and Morisita index also confirmed the aggregated distribution pattern of overwintered adults of Sunn pest. Also, mathematical distribution and Taylor's power law () and Iwao's patchiness regression () showed the contagious distribution of overwintered adults of E. integriceps. These results can be useful in patch spraying for control of overwintered adults of E. integriceps in early season in wheat fields.  

Volume 7, Issue 27 (11-2014)

One of the texts that has played an important role in the conception of Maroufi’s Symphony of the Dead (1989) is Ardabil dar Gozargah-e Tarikh[1] by Baba Safari (1920-2003). The two texts are so much interwoven that at times it becomes impossible to distinguish Safari’s voice from Maroufi’s. Although Marouf’s novel is not a historical one, it depicts the events occurring in Ardabil between 1934 and 1976.  At first look, Ardabil seems to be whatconnects the two works. But beyond this, Maroufi not only reconstructs some of the historical events narrated in this book, but also creates some of his fictional characters borrowing from the descriptions of the historical figures that Safari has brought into life in his book. This article studies the influence of Safari’s historical work on Maroufi’s novel.  
[1]. Ardabil in the Passageway of History

Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Caddisfly sampling conducted during August 2021 from the Gurgur River in the Sabalan Mountains, Ardabil province, Iran, revealed the first record of Glossosoma unguiculatum Martynov, 1925 for Iran. Previously, this species had only been known from few localities in Turkey, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan. The morphology of male genitalia in the collected specimens generally corresponds to the described species, with the exception of a less incised ventral margin of the abdominal segment IX in ventral view, which may be attributed to geographical variability. This discovery marks the second species of the genus Glossosoma Curtis, 1834 found in Iran.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (3-2022)

Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the ecological factors affecting the distribution of the rare, endangered and medicinal species of Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. in ecotone rangelands of Namin County in 2019.
Materials & methods Sampling were performed from the presence and absence locations of V. arctostaphylos in eight habitats. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0-30 cm and physiographic variables in were recorded. Moreover, a digital elevation model, slope and aspect map was derived. Rainfall and temperature gradient maps, was derived using gradient equations, and the values for sampling points were extracted. Data analysis performed by independent t-test and discriminant analysis test.
Findings Results showed the Stream Power Index (SPI) (p<0.05), pH, EC, lime, soluble sodium, organic carbon, soil texture and species density (p<0.01) are significantly different between the presence and absence of the species. Results of discriminant analysis showed the three functions explained 86.4, 10.7, and 2.8% of the total data variance, respectively. Generally, 19 variable including elevation, slope, aspect, precipitation, Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), plan curvature index (PC), SPI, pH, EC, lime, phosphorus, soluble potassium, soluble sodium, magnesium, organic carbon, bicarbonate solution, saturation percentage (SP), sand percentage and species density were identified as the important factors affecting the distribution of V. arctostaphylos. SP was the most important factor in the presence and absence of species.
Conclusion Generally, by identifying the most effective ecological factors on the distribution of V. arctostaphylos, effective steps have been taken to improve the habitat of the rare species.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Aims:In the architecture of traditional houses, the environment used to be formed by the mutual interaction of human beings and nature. With the emergence of environmental crises in the contemporary world, the integration of natural and human processes became the most important ecological issue in the domain of sustainability. The aim of the current study is to recognize those ecological criteria of traditional houses which can be productive in the contemporary world so as to arrive at ecological solutions based on the thermal behavior of these houses in cold regions.
Methods:These factors are investigated in two traditional houses in Ardabil using descriptive methods, field observations, and quantitative analyses.
Findings:The investigation of the most critical climatic condition of the region is indicative of the thermal resistance of the rooms against temperature fluctuations. Furthermore, the analysis of the architectural features taken from physical environment (topography, climate) and structural environment (building form, spatial organization, material, landscape, infrastructure) shows that there is an optimal interaction between these components. The recognition of these architectural features can also provide ecological solutions.
Conclusion: The results of the assessment of the ecological criteria in the houses are also indicative of their conformity with the environment.In fact,these structures have overcome climatic effects via the use of natural resources in a way that rooms like shahneshin and basement which have seasonal function, have optimal performance against temperature fluctuations. For example, in a sample shahneshin room in smaller dimensions, the minimum difference between the inside and outside temperature is 13 °C

Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2025)

During the spring-summer of 2020–2022, field investigations were conducted in the diverse climate regions along the southern shore of the Caspian Sea. Examination of the sampled material resulted in the finding of Acetropis carinata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) as a new genus and species for the Iranian fauna. Additionally, four more species were found: Leptopterna inopinata Vinokurov, 1982 and Stenodema (Brachystira) pilosa (Jakovlev, 1889) in Ardabil province, Stenodema (Stenodema) virens (Linnaeus, 1767) in Ardabil and Guilan provinces, and Megaloceroea recticornis (Geoffroy, 1785) in Mazandaran province. Measurements, distributional information, dorsal and lateral habitus photographs, illustrations of male and female genitalia, as well as diagnoses and redescriptions are provided for the new country and province records. A revised key was compiled for the identification of all Stenodemini genera currently known from Iran.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (1-2016)

The aim of this study was to examine potato growers' perceptions of risk sources and risk management strategies and their risk management behavior. A Survey research method was used in this study. The data originated from a sample of potato growers (n= 128) of Ardabil Province in the cropping year of 2013. The respondents were divided into two groups of Less Risk-Averse (LRA) and More Risk-Averse (MRA). Results show that more than half of the respondents were MRA. In general, potato price, marketing and yield were important sources of risk. The MRA farmers perceived price, yield, input costs and subsidy elimination as highly important sources of risk. Change in farming practices times, sharing farm machinery and hedging were important perceived strategies. LRA farmers marked more importance to management strategies than their counterparts. Except for a few strategies, there was consistency between the growers’ perception and management behavior. The results also show that there were significant relationships between farmers’ perception of strategies and their application. The results have implications for agricultural policy makers, extension and advisory services on the brink of subsidy targeting policy in Iran.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (1-2016)

The necessity of a more sustainable approach has been widely highlighted by international resolutions and directives as a way to promote sustainable development in daily life activities Furthermore, spatial planning processes need support by specific instruments for evaluation that are able to analyze long term effects of the defined policies. This research tries to introduce a new approach to monitoring and evaluating of tourism activities in tourism rural destinations from TLCs point of views.This research is fundamental and research method is descriptive –analytic. This study is tried to analyze the tourism destination rurals in Ardabil province. In this article the Necessary data has been gathered by surveys and librarian methods.The study area consisted of four villages include boosinej, Ganzagh, Gazaj and Biledaragh. Statistical population of this study consisted of 3541 people (1388 households). The sample society (210 people) has been estimated by using of Cochran techniques. Households Samples selected by Systematic sampling and Tourists through simple random sampling. The results of this research shows the fact that the lack of a clear approach to in destinations of Ardabil led to placed our study villages in the early stages of their development. On the base of our finding in this research, we need to propose suitable strategy to the tourism destinations appropriate to the place of them in TLC.
Hassan Yousefi, Mohammad Alizadeh Sola, Mahmoud Tavousi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (1-2013)

The Khānegāh or the Shrine of Shaikh Safi al-Din in Ardabil, north-west of Iran, listed as the world heritage site ( by UNESCO) back in 2011 under the identification no. 1450. This ensemble is located at 38° 14´52/5" northern latitude, 48° 17´27/5˝ longitude, and altitude of 1365 above sea level in the center of city of Ardabil. The ensemble of Shaikh Safi al-Din is a well-developed prototype constituting social, religious, charitable, cultural, and educational functions. With range of versatile spaces, it has met the physical and spiritual needs of residents and pilgrims as such; it includes places to meet needs in fields of education and training, livelihood and healthcare. Relying on the diagram of De Morgan, it seems there are more than 67 spaces and courtyards attached to the Khānegāh, all of which have had a significant role in the training and educational philosophy of Safavid tradition. After decade of Safavid, most part of this magnificent structure damaged. F. Sarre, a German researcher, conducted one of the earliest studies on the architectural and archaeological history of Ardabil shrine in 1897. Some others such as Dibaj (1948), Ali Akbar Sar-faraz,(1974), Weaver (1974), Morton (1974) and Seyyed Mahmoud Mousawi (1995-6) have also carried out researches on this subject in recent decades. Archaeological works of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of Islamic Republic also conducted a study under the leadership of Hassan Yousefi in 2007. These studies cleared so many unsolved historical questions about the general plan of the holy shrine.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (3-2019)

Acceptable estimation of reference Evapotranspiration (ET0) values by the Penman-Monteith FAO (PM FAO) equation requires accurate solar radiation (Rs) data. Rs values could be estimated using the Angstrom’s radiation model. The aim of this study was to determine the as and bs coefficient (as Angstrom’s parameters) for the Ardabil plain as an arid and cold region. Angstrom’s radiation model and PM FAO equation were calibrated for the study area, by optimizing the as and bs parameter using Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) method. Measured Rsdata were collected from the Ardabil Synoptic Station and measured ET0 data were determined using three lysimeters that were installed at the Hangar Research Station. Calibrated results showed that optimized as and bs values were 0.117 and 0.384, respectively. Compared to the original models, errors including RMSE, AE and RE values were decreased and fitted parameters including R2 and regression line slope (m) were improved in the calibrated models. The GMER values for the original models showed that Angstrom’s radiation model overestimated the Rs values and PM FAO equation underestimated the ET0 values. Locally calibrated models estimated Rs and ET0 values better than the original one. Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE) values proved that Rs and ET0 estimation by the original models were not satisfactory, but were acceptable in the case of the calibrated models. However, calibration of Angstrom’s radiation model and PM FAO equation is necessary for each region.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2019)

Aims: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is one of the most important endemic diseases in Meshkinshahr. The present study was aimed to molecular detect of VL and babesiosis in clot blood samples taken from dogs.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, a total number of 148 blood samples were collected from dogs with clinical signs of visceral leishmaniasis from Meshkinshahr area. All serum samples were examined by direct agglutination test (DAT). DNA was extracted from the blood clot with the DNG-plus Extraction Kit. The ITS1 and kDNA genes of L. infantum were amplified by the PCR method. To identify and confirm the existence of Babesia parasites, 2 pairs of Babesia-specific primers were used.
Results: All of 148 dogs (100%) showed titers more than 1:320 of L. infantum infection in the serological test. L. infantum kDNA was detected by PCR in all samples. No cases of infection with Babesia parasite found in the samples.
Conclusions: The dog owners in Meshkinshehr are in close contact with dogs which are positive for VL, so, the implementation of health care in this region is highly recommended.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Zoning and seismic hazard analysis is a powerful tool with useful and valuable information for decision-making. In this study, seismic zoning of Ardabil city on the seismic bedrock level was studied using deterministic hazard analysis method, and fuzzy inference system. The purpose of earthquake hazard analysis is to estimate the strong ground motion parameters in a time period and in a specific site. In all steps of seismic hazard analysis, there are uncertainties that make inevitable use of appropriate methods in seismic hazard assessment. Fuzzy logic is known as a reliable method to evaluate seismic hazards with reliable results in a short time with a simple and flexible process. Iran is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world where cities severely suffered during this natural phenomenon. The city of Ardabil with the coordinates of 38.25 North and 48.30 East, is the center of Ardabil province and is located in the northwestern part of Iran. Due to its location among several important active faults with a background of numerous historical destructive earthquakes, its seismicity and hazard analysis seems to be necessary. For this purpose, all the active faults located within a radius of 150 km from the city center along with their seismic history were studied and 20 potential seismic sources were selected for seismic hazard analysis. In the present study, seismic hazard zoning analysis of the Ardabil city is first performed by the conventional deterministic method by meshing the whole area under study with dimensions of 1000 × 1000 meters; then it is performed using the fuzzy inference system for the centers of each mesh, and the results are compared. In deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA), 5 attenuation relationships were used to determine the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and the site-specific response spectrum for the center of each mesh. According to the results obtained by DSHA method, the value of horizontal PGA varies between 0.24g and 0.43g, while using the fuzzy inference system it varies between 0.25g and 0.43g. As a result, the maximum horizontal PGA in this area can be suggested about 0.43g. According to the results obtained from both methods, source No. 3, for which the Bozqoush fault is its main active fault, can be considered the main source potentially causing destructive earthquakes in the future compared to the other sources. Moreover, this source is located at a very close distance to Ardabil city. As well, in general, it can be concluded that the western parts of the city are more prone of sever earthquakes compared to the other parts of the city, and therefore, it is better to build important buildings and infrastructures in areas with lower PGA (eastern parts of the city) and encourage the politicians to urban development to this direction in the future. This study clearly confirms that new techniques such as fuzzy methods can be used to improve and develop the seismic hazards analysis.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Winter sports tourism is a key economic factor in many mountainous regions worldwide. This type of tourism is considered to be one of the most important and profitable that has become more popular in recent years. Ski resorts in the present era have become one of the areas of tourism planning and management.In other words, this kind of tourism has helped create local businesses due to its many enthusiasts and has turned into a strategy for economic growth and development. Iran's Ardabil province is in a relatively good position in terms of winter sports and mineral waters attractions. The authorities need to use these potentials for developing winter sports.The aim of this study is to measure sports tourism developmentwith recreational complex and ski resort of Alvaras Sarein from the perspective of tourists.
The statistical population of this study is sports and non-sports tourists who traveled to the area at least once, as well as tourism and sportsexperts in the province of Ardebil. Due to the limited statistical population, Morgan Table was used to determine the sample size. A total of 380 questionnaires were distributed in which 318 questionnaires were approved and were collected for analysis. The data collection method was library and a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaire, the views of professors and experts in the field of tourism and sportswere taken. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used. In order to analyze the data and research objectives, structural analysis equations for measuring variables were used in the smart pls software environment. In this research, effective variables for the development of sport tourism in the Alvares ski resort included infrastructure, environmental, sports factors and management factors, each of which includes a group of indices.
Results and Discussion
The results of load factor analysis show that all of the indices are well explained by the research structure. Indices related to the use of modern technologies (0.809), the existence of clubs and provincial league (0.801), cultural programs and native festivals in sports events (0.818), variety of products and sports activities (0.838) and the presence of a guide and translator on site (0.814) have had the most explanatory power in the structure. Whereas distance indices from the airport (496/0), safety (511/0), signs and indications for guidance (561/0), locker room and storage and heating system (591/0), distance to the ski resort (527/0). Facilities and equipment intended for the disabled (0.508), wind speed in the region (0.551), natural landscapes (0.772), rivers and hot springs (0.483),the climate of the region (0.580), cleanliness from the point of view of waste accumulation (0.548), distance to centers (0.592), booths and commercial stores (0.881), vegetation and green spaces (536/0), the presence of sports shops (516/0), travel agency services (0/510), staff specialization and performance (0.566), the overall level of prices (0.7766) and security (0.445) have the least power of structural explanation. Also, the results of their path coefficient showed that there is a causal relationship between variables of the research. The intensity of this relationship between the infrastructure variable and the variable of sport tourism development (0.446) is more than other variables. T-value was used to measure the relationship between the variables. The results show that there is a significant relationship between infrastructure factors and the variable of sport tourism development at the 95% and 99% confidence level. The amount of the T-value between the two variables of sports factors and sport tourism development is (1.85), which shows that at 90% confidence level, there is a significant relationship between the two The amount of T-value between environmental factors and sport tourism development is (4.40), which shows a significant relationship between the two at 95% and 99% confidence level. Also, T-value between managerial factors and development of sport tourism is (3.74) which show a significant relationship at a confidence level of 95% and 99%, respectively.
The results obtained through the analysis of structural equations show that all indicatorsmeasuring the variables well explained the research structure and the indices related to the use of new technologies (0.809), the existence of clubs and provincial league (0.801), cultural programs and festivals, the native sporting events (0.818), the variety of products and activities (0.838), and the presence of local guidance and translator (0.814) had the most explanatory power in the structure. The path coefficients of the research variables indicate a direct causal relationship between the variables of research and the intensity of this relationship between the infrastructure variable and the variable of sport tourism development (0.446) is more than other variables. The fitting of measurement, structural and general models also confirms the conceptual model of research.


Volume 25, Issue 3 (10-2021)

Social resilience is one of the most important tools in the context of decent urban governance to reduce tensions and the negative consequences of various crises. In order to make Ardabil resilient, we need to deepen our understanding of the current situation and move towards more sustainable solutions that can provide a good starting point. Linking a decent governance approach with social resilience helps to prevent spatial, social, economic and other vulnerabilities in cities and to increase capacity to deal with slow and sudden changes. Looking to the future can be important and necessary in order to recognize the appropriate drivers and scenarios to increase the social resilience of Ardabil city.
Research Methods:
The present research is applied and descriptive-analytical in terms of method, which is in line with the basics of futuristic science with an exploratory and an analysis of the state of social resilience in Ardabil city. In this regard, the collection of data in the theoretical part by documentary method and in the practical part by survey, were based on Delphi technique. Mick Mac software and Wizard scenario have been used to analyze the data.
Analysis and Research Findings:
In the present study, considering that the goal is to identify the most important determinants and influential factors in increasing the social resilience of Ardabil city within the framework of proper urban governance, effective variables (because they are the most influential indicators), risk variables (because high capacity to become key system factors) and regulatory variables (which have the potential to become risk variables and secondary targets) are used as the most important determinants, for a total of 12 key factors. Of these 12 factors, two variables of "participation of civil society and the private sector in planning" and "participation of civil, social and cultural institutions in policy making and resource planning" are merged, due to the thematic similarity, in a variable called "participation of public institutions and the private sector in planning, resource planning, and policy making”. Finally, 11 key factors were identified that after identifying the most important factors, different situations (possible situations related to key factors) for each of the different situations were considered about improving social resilience in Ardabil within the framework of proper urban governance. The number of these situations is designed to fit the circumstances of each factor. In fact, these situations related to each of the factors can be considered as drivers and strategies to improve the social resilience of Ardabil city and are likely to occur. Finally, 31 possible situations for the future of social resilience in Ardabil were considered within the framework of proper governance, of which 17 were possible favorable conditions; 6 were possible static states and 8 were possible critical states.
Given the output of MicMac software, which shows the extent of the system's instability, it is best to take steps to resolve critical situations so that the system moves towards stability and the factors influencing the first scenario have a positive impact. Facilitating the intervention of citizens, increasing the number of urban NGOs and forming volunteer organizations are among the highest values of compatibility related to key factors in the future of social resilience in Ardabil.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (10-2022)

Thalassemia is a common disease caused by mutations in the beta globins gene. Today, this disease is high frequency due to some factors including lack of control, the increase of population growth, and lack of implementation of appropriate methods of family planning. In present study, the molecular β-thalassemia has been investigated in patients with thalassemia major in Ardabil, Iran. Blood samples of patients were collected over the province and in the process of collecting; sampling of venous blood was performed under blood expert guidance and with the consent of 50 patients with β-thalassemia major. The samples were stored at -70 ºC in the freezer and DNA after extraction was amplified by amplification refractory mutation system - polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) method. The results showed that the frequency of mutation was 16%, 14% and 4% for IVSI-110, IVSII-1 and IVSI-5 mutations, respectively. It can be concluded that the incidence of β-thalassemia major in Ardabil IVSI-110 has the highest ratio of the disease, IVSII-1 is in the second place and IVSI-5 has a bit effect on the creation of thalassemia major patients. It is recommended to create a database of mutations in β-thalassemia patients to find appropriate therapeutic solutions.

Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2024)

introduction: Several risk factors for gastric carcinoma have been suggested, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of them. This virus, with more than 100 genotypes, is in the Papillomaviridae family. The present study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in gastric carcinoma patients in the Ardabil province.
Methods: This study is a case-control study in which 50 patients with stomach cancer and 50 healthy individuals were tested for papillomavirus type 16 and 18 DNA in their blood samples after DNA extraction by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Results: In the study conducted, the frequency of healthy men and women was 46% and 54%, respectively, and in sick people, it was 66% and 34%. The present study showed that in the population of Ardabil province, the frequency of human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in gastric carcinoma patients was zero.
Conclusion: The current study on human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in patients with gastric cancer shows a very low frequency in the population of Ardabil province.

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