Showing 72 results for Intelligence
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)
The most important tools to perform tasks effectively in environments with heterogeneous and diverse workforce are cultural intelligence and work adjustment. The cultural intelligent helps to make relationship with people that have different culture in appropriately mood. According to importance of this issue, this study is to investigate the influence of cultural psychological capital, cultural intelligence and organizational trust on work adjustment. Research method is based on practical purpose and descriptive-correlation. The Statistical population is Hajj and Ziarat Organization in Tehran. After simple random sampling, 175 valid questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire are all in Likert range and after assessed and certified by experts have been distributed, collected and analyzed by SPSS22 and LISREL8.8 software. By calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient of reliability and validity through first-order and second-order confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Research hypotheses were tested using path analysis. The results showed that psychological capital on cultural intelligence, Cultural intelligence on organizational trust have significant positive impact. Also organizational trust and work adjustment is positive and significant effect.
Mortaza Sahab Khodamoradi, Farshad Momeni, Alireza Naseri,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (7-2015)
In this study, we have tried to identify two different approaches for dealing with social problems and issues. The first one is causal explanation, which is retrospective, static and physical. The other one, functional analysis, is prospective, dynamic, and normative. Institutions are the main subject of economics. Human social-institutional reality has a common underlying structure and these structures are matters of status functions. We proposed a method which aims at efficacy of these functions using intelligence rather than assuming these functions as intrinsic and trying to grasp the realty from without by a rationality apparatus. The aim of this article is to show that, Dewey’s Logic provides us with this alternative functionalistic approach in a comprehensive way.
Farhad Ghorbandordinejad, Farhad Nourizade,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (10-2015)
This study is intended to examine the relationship between critical thinking disposition and English learning achievement among Iranian high school third-grade EFL learners mediated by emotional intelligence. A sample of 264 students (145 males and 119 females) was assessed for their level of critical thinking disposition and emotional intelligence. Participant's scores on their final English test were also used as the measurement of their English achievement. The results revealed a positive correlation between total critical thinking dispositions (r=.506, p<.01) and its subscales i.e., engagement(r=.33), maturity(r=47), and innovativeness (r=44.6) with English learning achievement. The results also suggested that emotional intelligence acts as a mediator of the relationship between critical thinking disposition and English learning achievement.
Volume 22, Issue 10 (10-2022)
Extracting the required information from the design file is one of the main steps in the computer aided process planning. In previous methods of extracting machining features, various methods such as graph-based method, volume analysis method, logic rules method and other methods have been used. In all the previous methods, whether traditional methods or methods based on artificial intelligence, the input data to the machine feature identification system is the output information of a computer-aided design system. Converting the output information of a computer-aided design system to input data of a machining feature identification system is faced with limitations such as the variety of format and type of data arrangement, deleting some data from the design file due to geometric interference of features, slow extraction of features due to extensive information in the design file and the limitation of identifying different types of machining features by a unity feature identification system. In the present study, using artificial intelligence techniques based on deep learning, machining features are extracted directly from the two-dimensional image of a workpiece. The image may be prepared by a computer-aided design file, or it can be taken by a camera.
Volume 23, Issue 6 (5-2023)
In the production of industrial parts, machining is one of the most important operations in the field of manufacturing parts. The production of an industrial part takes place in three stages: design, process planning and manufacturing, and in all these stages, the computer is used as a powerful tool. In computer-aided process planning, the stage of identifying machining features is a prerequisite and an introduction to the next steps. Extracting information and identifying features from computer-aided design information has been continuously improved due to the increasing complexity of parts, but the research to find an optimal solution is endless. Over the past few decades, several methods have been introduced and applied by researchers to extract and identify machining features from design file information. In all the previous methods, the number and type of features are extracted as independent variables in the machining features identification pattern and from the part design file data. In this research, the charectrestics required to identify the machining features are extracted from the pixel values of the machining feature image by the artificial intelligence system automatically. The artificial intelligence system produced to identify the machining features in this research is able to identify all the information required for machining, including the name, the coordinates of the location of the feature relative to the part, and the dimensions required for the machining, by viewing the image of a part, and the information of the features present in the image the input to the system in a table.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2020)
With the development of Web 2.0 technologies and social media tools in organizations, the way of the organizationchr('39')s information systems operation has improved to gain competitive intelligence. The best sources of information in organizations is user generated content about the company, product and competitors that are shared on social media and companies can take advantage of the hidden knowledge pattern in this information by using analytical technique in big data. To this end, important goals of this study are providing social market intelligence framework based on web 2.0 Using Text-Mining on Social Media and also comparing web 2.0 social market intelligence status between Emersun and Samsung brands through competitive analysis. The method of this study is qualitative and the way of data gathering is done through literature review, interview with experts and also using text mining among 3860 customer textual data. The findings of the literature review and interviews led to the presentation of 4 dimensions of the web 0.2 based social market intelligence framework. The clustering technique was used to extract the indicators and sub-indicatores in each of the dimensions, all of which were confirmed by the experts. In order to compare the web 2.0 based social market intelligence status of brands, Emotional analysis of words was used, and the results show that the Samsung brand has attracted positive reviews from customers in most of the indicators. Finally, due to the existence of hidden relationships in the main indicators, structural-interpretive method was used to determine the relationships between them.
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2019)
The present study is aimed at determining the role of teachers' emotional intelligence components (composition class) in predicting the aspects of creativity (writing) among students. A descriptive-correlation method is adopted in the course of this study. The sample includes 291 students of the 10th grade as well as 10 composition teachers from the city of Qom in the academic year of 2018-2019. They were selected through multi-stage random cluster sampling and were evaluated by Torrance Test of Creativity and BarOn Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. The results of correlation analysis and multivariate regression indicated that there is a meaningful relationship between teachers' interpersonal skills and innovation and the elaboration of creativity among students. Also, there is a meaningful relationship between teachers' stress management and flexibility, innovation and elaboration of the students. The results also indicated that teachers' interpersonal skills meaningfully predict innovation and expansion in students; their stress management meaningfully predicts flexibility and innovation in students; and their general mood meaningfully predicts the elaboration of students' creativity. The results of the present study support that the emotional intelligence components of teachers are significant to foster the aspects of students’ creativity. Therefore, holding Teacher Training Emotional Intelligence Course seems to be necessary.
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2021)
Value creation strategies from the management of tangible assets to knowledge-based strategies and intangible asset management are changing direction. In this regard, regulating an appropriate communication strategy and information amassed can affect the process of value creation. The aim of this study was to investigate the reflection of strategic communication in employee value creation with the mediating and moderating role of information capital and organizational intelligence. This study is applied based on the purpose and survey description in terms of how to collect data the statistical population of this study consists of employees of four companies affiliated the Iran Air Industries Organization, which were selected as a sample based on stratified-random sampling and using Cochranchr('39')s formula, 204 people. Strategic communication, both directly and indirectly, with the mediation of information capital, has a positive and significant effect on employee value creation. Organizational intelligence as a moderating variable also modulates the relationship between strategic communication and value creation. The results of the research in the field of value creation will be innovative and will help managers and employees in understanding the importance of strategic communication and managing intangible assets as stimuli for value creation.
Ahmadreza Eghtesadi Roudi, Hengameh Asefi,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (7-2018)
With the shift of research attention from human malfunctioning to human optimal functioning in the workplace, job engagement which is regarded the opposite of job burnout has attracted researchers’ attention in organizational psychology. This exploratory study aimed to investigate the predictive role of emotional intelligence (EI) as a personal resource in determining levels of job engagement among Iranian English language teachers within job demands-resources model (JD-R). To this end, 442 English language teachers who were teaching in both public and private contexts were selected through non-probability convenience sampling and were surveyed regarding their demographic information, the perception of their levels of job engagement and emotional intelligence through a demographic questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), and emotional intelligence scale. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that after controlling for the effect of demographic variables, there were significant positive predicting relationships between two emotional intelligence subscales of management of own emotions (MOE) and management of others’ emotions (MTE) and job engagement components of vigor, dedication, and absorption. The results imply that training teachers to improve their emotional intelligence can be a strategy to boost their job engagement.
Volume 27, Issue 1 (12-2023)
Nowadays, using the artificial intelligence technologies in law-based criminal sciences has gained a significant place. In the field of substantive criminal law, topics such as the determination of criminal liability due to crimes caused by the performance of robots or self-driving cars are among the most interesting and, of course, the most controversial topics in this field. In the field of procedural criminal law, the use of this technology in the five stages of criminal proceedings has faced many discussions. The main question of this study is whether the technologies related to artificial intelligence can be applied in the process of criminal detection and prosecution or not and what are the challenges facing it in the assumption of application? The results of the current research indicate that the technologies related to artificial intelligence are playing a role in many countries today according to the requirements of different stages of criminal proceedings and taking into account the requirements of each crime. In terms of crime detection and prosecution, a variety of police tools for predicting the time and place of crime and facial recognition technologies (FRT) with the aim of facilitating police actions and moving from "reactive" police to "preventive" police in many parts of Europe and the United States United States have been developed and deployed. What causes the steps to be taken more slowly towards the expansion of the use of this technology in the field of criminal law in general and in the stage of crime detection and prosecution in particular is the existence of challenges such as violation of privacy and freedom of citizens, violation of presumption of innocence and the risk of militarization of criminal justice. The authors believe that using the artificial intelligence technology in the field of detecting and prosecuting crimes is useful and necessary in order to deal with the crime phenomenon as much as possible, but we should not be fascinated in this regard. Using this technology in the important stages of detecting and prosecuting crimes should not conflict with the general principles governing criminal proceedings as well as the rights and freedoms of individuals. In this regard, regulating and establishing special laws can reduce the upcoming concerns to some extent. This is the reason why the need to regulate artificial intelligence is widely discussed, especially in the European region. In this regard, reports and strategic guidelines have been predicted and published.
Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2023)
The role of artificial intelligence-related technologies in legal knowledge is significant like most other scientific fields. Legal criminal sciences, and criminal justice system, have not unbenefited from the presence of this technology. In many developed countries, artificial intelligence-related systems are applied in various stages of criminal proceedings. The basic question is, "are the technologies related to artificial intelligence applicable in the process of issuing a criminal sentence? And if yes, what are the challenges in front of it?" The method of research is descriptive and analytical. It indicates that, the influence of personal feelings in judicial proceedings, lack of accuracy and speed in handling cases, application of prejudices and individual tastes, as well as conscious or unconscious biases, are among the most important reasons of applying artificial intelligence technologies at sentencing level. However, using the cloak of judgment in an autonomous is the main barrier of this path and will bring harmful challenges, such as partiality, lack of transparency, dehumanization in the decision-making process, and homogenization in judgment. On this basis, the presence of artificial intelligence as a decision-making tool, facilitator and assistant in the criminal sentencing phase is recommended. However, the use of this technology in a decision-taking and independent manner is contrary to the modern requirements of judgment and punishment doctrine. In fact, it will bring legal breaks and question the human contribution in the administration of justice.
Iran Shieva Ghassemi, Iran Rouhollah Rahmatian, Iran Parivash Safa, Iran Hamid Reza Shairi,
Volume 30, Issue 1 (1-2023)
In the framework of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, we have studied the possible impact of emphasis on multidimensional intelligence on developing learner autonomy and we asked ourselves if a syllabus designed based on the learners' multiple intelligences help develop learner autonomy more effectively. Autonomy is considered to be a key factor in the promotion of the process of learning a foreign language, through enhancing learner motivation and self-confidence. Nevertheless, it is not always the focus of teaching. We believed it possible to help develop learner autonomy more efficiently, by emphasizing on individual intelligence profiles. Thus, we aim to establish, if and how effectively, an Iranian learner’s autonomy is influenced, when reached out to, through his multiple intelligences. In this research, a descriptive and synthetic approach will be applied. After presenting the main theoretical guidelines on which our research is based, we will share results of a field study conducted in this respect, on 30 adult Iranian learners of French as a foreign language (FFL) of the lower intermediate level (B1 of the CEFRL) and analyze the data quantitatively and qualitatively.