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Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2015)

Anxiety in foreign language class is one of the variables which has main effect in language learning. Therefore researchers in language teaching are always interested in this factor. This study investigates the  relation  between achievement motivation, emotional  intelligence and foreign  language classroom  anxiety, in French  students  of  Ferdowsi  University of Mashhad  and relation of age and gender with these variables. For this purpose, Baron Emotional intelligence questionnaire, Hermans achievement motivation test, foreign language classroom anxiety test and Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety scale were presented to 87 French students. To analyze research data, T test and Pearson correlation test were used. The results indicate that there is a negative significant correlation between foreign language classroom anxiety and achievement motivation (p= -0/001) in parallel with foreign language classroom anxiety and emotional intelligence (p= -0/007). As a result, it can be claimed that higher emotional intelligence and achievement motivation follow language classroom anxiety decrease.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (2-2025)

Data and information play a special role in the transparency of water governance. On the other hand, witnessing contradictions in water resources data and information, inconsistent readings and narratives about water assets, outdated hardware equipment, and to some extent software enhancement in the preparation and presentation of water resources information compared to global advances, necessitates a serious review of water resources data collection and processing systems. In this regard, artificial intelligence methods, sensors, and remote sensing technologies are considered in accurate water resources accounting. This article is a systematic review of about 100 international articles that present the latest findings related to software and hardware equipment for monitoring hydrological cycle meta-indicators. These meta-indicators include precipitation, water depth/water level/flow velocity and discharge of rivers, and groundwater level. In each case, while providing a list of the most important technologies, the application level of these technologies in monitoring surface and groundwater resources in Iran was evaluated. The conducted studies prove the unfavorable application technologies in monitoring hydrological cycle in Iran. For example, out of a total of twenty-six known technologies related to surface flow measurements, only two technologies have been widely used Iran; four technologies have reached the knowledge frontier and widespread production by domestic knowledge-based companies, and eleven technologies have not yet reached the knowledge frontier Iran. In this paper, suggestions were presented to outline the path for developing new technologies for water cycle data collection and transformation in the modernization of Iran's water resources data collection and data processing infrastructure.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2018)

One of the major phenomena threatening organizations is the mental and emotional shocks that are created in organizations and lead to devastating consequences. The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of organizational mindfulness on organizational trauma with a focus on mediating role of political intelligence among managers. This study is an applied research in terms of its objectives, and a descriptive-survey study in terms of data collection. The research population consisted of 240 employees working in central department of the Social Security Organization of Fars province, of whom 147 employees were selected through simple random sampling using the Cochran formula. The data were collected using organizational mindfulness questionnaire (Pahlavan-sadegh&Abdollahi, 2016), organizational trauma scale (Vivian&Horman, 2015), and political intelligence inventory (Freis et al., 2005). Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through content validity method and its reliability was checked and confirmed through Cronbach's alpha. Structural equation modeling method in AMOS 23 was used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that organizational mindfulness and political intelligence have a negative and significant effect on organizational trauma. It was also found that organizational mindfulness can have a significant effect on reducing organizational trauma through managers’ political intelligence.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2017)

The present research initially presents a brief description of two perspectives on the nature of intelligence. Then, it explains the theoretical framework of the research by overviewing the literature on bilingualism and cognitive development.  This research  primarily aims to explore the impact of bilingualism and gender on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences in a sample of monolingual and bilingual high school students (fourth graders) of Fars and Khuzestan provinces in Iran. To fulfill this objective, 448 monolingual and bilingual students were selected from among 67031 students in the 2012-2013 academic year. They were administered Multiple Intelligences Survey questionnaire developed by Armstrong (1993) and the results were analyzed through SPSS software. The findings revealed that the bilingual students rated themselves higher on linguistic and logical-mathematical than monolingual peers. Moreover, the male students gave higher self-estimates for logical-mathematical intelligence than their female peers while female students gave higher self-estimates for linguistic intelligence than their male peers. The results of such studies, which indicate students’ differences on intelligence, may lead to the awareness of curriculum developers and teachers to diversify teaching activities based on learners’ learning styles and intellectual abilities.    

Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2004)

Seyed Doraid Mousavi Mojab Ph.D. Student of Criminal Law and Criminology, Tarbiat Modarres University  More than six decades past since the important and everlasting work of Edwin H. Sutherland, The famous professor of penal sociology in the U.S.A, entitled “white-collar crime”, has been published. Sutherland explained this topic in terms of its importance for the civil society of the U.S.A, and opened a new way which was later pursued by the celebrated criminologists. From the criminologists point of view, white- collar criminals who have no ethical conscience, enjoy high ability to commit a crime on one hand, and their conformitibility is in a high level on the other hand. This point expresses the probable harms of these good- looking criminals and their dangerous state. White- collar criminals belong to high social classes, they enjoy power and effectual influence. They commit crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, bribery, forgery, abuse of credit cards, efc. In Sutherland’s definition, “white-collar crime” is a crime committed by a person of high status in the course of occupation. They are called white - collar criminals, because of their plausible face, public reputation, intelligence and being under social acceptability. The effects of their criminal acts are in a manner, which their results predominantly remain for a long time. However , it’s necessary to study the white- collar crimes whit respect to their destructive effects on communities through a comprehensive approach, especially from criminologicaly aspects.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (8-2017)

This study aims at comparing the effectiveness of direct instruction and multimedia instruction on six type of Dysgraphia. In this study the authors answered three questions. Does direct instruction of six types reduce misspelling? Does multimedia education reduce misspelling in just six types? Does the effectiveness of direct teaching and learning effectiveness multimedia reduce misspellings together in six different categories? The Method of this study is experimental with pretest and posttest and control group. After preparing the necessary instrument for this research including instruction spelling software and spelling test Karimi and Wechsler intelligence scale children- review (WISC- R), 39 female students in the third grade of elementary school were selected based on multistage sampling method  and were divided into three groups. The first group was exposed to independent variable of direct instruction, the second group was exposed to independent variable of multimedia instruction and the third one-control group-received no instruction. After collecting the spelling scores from all three groups in the pretest and posttest, the data were analyzed by SPSS software univariate analysis of variance. The result indicated that direct instruction and multimedia instruction was significantly effective on dysgraphia improvement. Also effectiveness direct instruction was more effective than multimedia instruction on some of spelling mistakes and multimedia instruction also effectiveness was more effective than multimedia instruction on some of spelling mistakes.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Aims: Quality of life is a variable that can be related to a variety of psychological variables. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between the family communication model and spiritual intelligence and quality of life among addicts, as well as predict their quality of life based on family communication model and spiritual intelligence.
Instruments & Methods: This study is correlational. The study population consisted of all addicts of Tehran. The sample size was 150 addicts who were studying in 2019. They were selected by a purposive sampling method. Data were collected by King's Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (2008), World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHO) and family communication patterns questionnaire (Fitzpatri & Ritchi, 1994). For data analysis, correlation and regression have been used. Data were analyzed using software SPSS 22.
Findings: The findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between family variables or family patterns, spiritual intelligence, and their components with quality of life and its components. 16.8% of the variance in quality of life variables is explained by two variables of family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence.
Conclusion: It is possible to predict the quality of life of students through two variables of family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence. Many of the psychological, environmental, and family factors are related to the quality of life of students and one of the most important ones, as the results of this study suggest, is family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2005)

Understanding sources of sustained competitive advantage for organization has become a major area of research in the field of strategic management. By reviewing its literature, sources of competitive advantage fall into three categories including environmental resources and capacity models, resource-based view, and network view. The environmental model emphasises on environmental factors such as attractiveness and structure of industries and five forces in gaining competitive advantage. But resource-based view emphasises on organizational resources, competencies and capabilities in gaining competitive advantage. In contrast network view emphasises on interorganizational relations and dynamic networks for gaining competitive advantage. Having verified that the need to integrate new and old theories seems to be greater than their apparent irreconcilability, thus this research tries to provide a jeneric framework by integrating three different views and present a contributional framework congruence for global competition. By using data gathering for auto industry and appling path analysis, research assumptions and conceptual model was tested.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (7-2021)

Aims: The world hospital systems are presently facing many unprecedented challenges from COVID‐19 disease. Prediction the deteriorating or critical cases can help triage patients and assist in effective medical resource allocation. This study aimed to develop and validate a prediction model based on Machine Learning algorithms to predict hospitalized COVID-19 patients for transfer to ICU based on clinical parameters.
Materials & Methods: This retrospective, single-center study was conducted based on cumulative data of COVID-19 patients (N=1225) who were admitted from March 9, 2020, to December 20, 2020, to Mostafa Khomeini Hospital, affiliated to Ilam University of Medical Sciences (ILUMS), focal point center for COVID-19 care and treatment in Ilam, West of Iran. 13 ML techniques from six different groups applied to predict ICU admission. To evaluate the performances of models, the metrics derived from the confusion matrix were calculated. The algorithms were implemented using WEKA 3.8 software.
Findings: This retrospective study's median age was 50.9 years, and 664 (54.2%) were male. The experimental results indicate that Meta algorithms have the best performance in ICU admission risk prediction with an accuracy of 90.37%, a sensitivity of 90.35%, precision of 88.25%, F-measure of 88.35%, and ROC of 91%.
Conclusion: Machine Learning algorithms are helpful predictive tools for real-time and accurate ICU risk prediction in patients with COVID-19 at hospital admission. This model enables and potentially facilitates more responsive health systems that are beneficial to high-risk COVID-19 patients.

Volume 9, Issue 20 (10-2005)

Study of the relationship between two important variables, emotional intelligence and leadership style, has been the main purpose of this research. The population under study consists of 266 marketing and sales managers from Mashhad food and automobile industries from which a sample of 73 peaple was drawn. Data was collected by means of two questionnaires, including Weisinger’s emotional intelligence questionnair and Barak’s leadership style questionnair. Face validity and split half method were used to determine the questionnaires validity and reliability respectively. The result of split half reliability for emotional intelligence and leadership style questionnaires was known to be .083 and .079 respectively, which the results of the research revealed that there is a positive and meaningful relation between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style, and a negative relation between emotional intelligence and transactional leadership style of the population under study.

Volume 9, Issue 20 (10-2005)

Reviewing literature of the international market attractiveness evaluation and operational practice in Iran demonstrates that two approaches for international market selection are proposed: expansion approack and systematic approach. In expansion approach, firms gradually enter low geographical and cuftural distance markets. But, in systematic approach, by considering some factors and models, firms systematically evaluate and select foreign market(s). The importance and need for systematically evaluating and selecting potential foreign markets has been stressed by many researchers and several models for selecting international markets had been propos. But, current models do not pass the test of reality, because they are not adapted with exporter decision making process and they are not considered important aspect of reality. So, in this paper, we introduce a comprehensive international market attractiveness model that include demand attractiveness, attainment attractiveness, adaptation attractiveness and competition attractiveness. At last, according to the tested model, a fuzzy decision support system is developed.

Volume 9, Issue 20 (10-2005)

Study of the relationship between two important variables, emotional intelligence and leadership style, has been the main purpose of this research. The population under study consists of 266 marketing and sales managers from Mashhad food and automobile industries from which a sample of 73 peaple was drawn. Data was collected by means of two questionnaires, including Weisinger’s emotional intelligence questionnair and Barak’s leadership style questionnair. Face validity and split half method were used to determine the questionnaires validity and reliability respectively. The result of split half reliability for emotional intelligence and leadership style questionnaires was known to be .083 and .079 respectively, which the results of the research revealed that there is a positive and meaningful relation between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style, and a negative relation between emotional intelligence and transactional leadership style of the population under study.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2021)

Various factors play a role in the successful implementation of the business intelligence system. However, often, technological and instrumental factors of business intelligence have been considered by researchers, managers and investors. Therefore, in our research, we decided to use the business intelligence management approach to identify and rank the critical factors for the success of the implementation of business intelligence related to human resource factors, using the literature and opinions of experts. Therefore, for data collection, the Creswell’s thematic literature review was used, from which 121 sources were selected as the statistical population, 33 sources were selected using the exclusion criteria, and thus clusters and human factors influencing on the success of business intelligence was extracted and became the basis for a questionnaire based on pairwise comparisons. Utilizing the opinions of ten business intelligence to analyze the data, DEMATEL technique was used, which best shows the relationships of influence and effectiveness. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by business intelligence experts and the reliability of the questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's alpha method. The results showed that among the four clusters, factors related to team members, factors related to the project manager, factors related to user acceptance and cooperation and factors related to the organization, respectively, factors related to the organization and factors related to the project manager are causal factors influencing on other factors.

Volume 10, Issue 43 (9-2022)

Lullabies, as the primary whispers of adults and children, have become a platform for research in the field of children and adolescent literature due to their thought-provoking content and diverse capacities. One of the practical fields of lullabies is to strengthen the spiritual intelligence of the audience. Spiritual intelligence and its strengthening in children is one of the issues in modern science. Based on this approach and focusing on the text of lullabies, components to enhance spiritual intelligence have been extracted from the text of lullabies and these components have been studied in a descriptive-analytical manner in the text of lullabies. The results of several components have been found in the texts of lullabies and the components of "sense of mission" and "self-awareness" have been among the most rewarding components

Volume 11, Issue 4 (10-2020)

Understanding the impact of various factors on language testing is important. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how they affect test scores in order to design and standardize language tests (Bachman, 1990). Based on the same logic and considering the need of fair reviewing for any tests claimed by ETS (2010), it is essential to identify, reduce and eliminate factors unrelated to the structure that hinder the optimal performance of test takers (Messick, 1989).
 According to Vinson (2014), words themselves are a powerful tool for expressing emotions. Does a factor such as vocabularies in a text stimulate emotional reactions? When we read a text, we use our knowledge to understand its vocabularies, but in addition, by reading the vocabularies, emotion may be stimulated, which are deliberately not examined during the test.  This research is intended to investigate if the vocabularies of TOEFL passages are likely to stimulate emotion as the construct-irrelevant factor which could affect the accuracy and legitimacy of the TOEFL test. Also, our hypothesis is that the amount of emotion evoked in the words of TOEFL texts is different from each other, and other factors intervene in this category.
By using the initial pilot sampling and with the help of PASS Software  to determine the size of the final sample, 393 people were randomly selected by Random Number Generator Software. In addition, according to  the method of detecting emotions by forming an  emotional dictionry proposed by Turney (2002), the present study labled parts of speech of each word and then the words were grouped together as meaningful expressions into a five-page list of phrases like a dictionary. Through this method, the present study could determine the intensity and valenance of the selected particpants’ emotions in relation to the phrases selected from TOEFL iBT reading passages. Also, it was significant to measure if emotional intelligence could be influential on the evoked emotions of the words and phrases; thus, Emotional Intelligence Questionare of Schutte (1998) was selected.  The research procedure was that the selected participants read three TOEFL passages without answering their reading questions; instead, they did Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and self-reported their emotions through the five-page list of  words and phrases.
The results of this study confirmed the validity of the research hypotheses, in the sense that not only the words and phrases of the three TOEFL passages in this research caused emotions but also the three passages were different in terms of emotion, and it can be argued that this can be a construct-irrelevant factor when reading and comprehending TOEFL passages.
The results of this study can increase the awareness of TOEFL test designers. In other words, TOEFL test designers must consider the effect of emotional elements in language assessment because these elements may disrupt the mental order of test takers and can affect their performances. This study casts doubt on the validity and reliability of the TOEFL as a standard test. ETS (2010) is interested in a fair review of tests to identify and reduce factors unrelated to the structure so it is useful considering the emotional interactions in the process of assessing the validity and reliability of any tests.

Volume 11, Issue 20 (12-2007)

Science has explored the power and influence of human emotions in human mental life and is going to explore and define the locus of excitement and emotions in human activities , moods and behaviors. In intelligence literature, studies has evolveed from rational intelligence - based on diagnosis – moving toward emotional intelligence in management literature, dating back to 1990's. It is considered as an organizational behavior of management skills. Researches have shown that the degree of the emotional intelligence of effective leaders is very high. The managers who are emotionally intelligent are effective managers who can achieve organizational goals, with maximum productivity together with the employees' satisfaction and commitment. Because the leadership style as an ongoing behavior has a determining role on the employees' commitment. The basic question is: how do the role of leadership styles (transformational- transactional) affect the process of components of management emotional intelligent on the employees' organizational commitment. In this research , a conceptual model was developed by using different experts, views with respect to the question. The results showed that two kinds of leadership styles are complementary and affect the relationship between emotional intelligence and employees' organizational commitment .The transformational leadership style affects the relations of intrapersonal , general mood and stress management components of the managers, emotional intelligence on employees' organizational commitment.The transactional leadership style affects the relations of the adaptability and interpersonal components of the managers, emotional intelligence on employees' organizational commitment. The effectiveness of transformational leadership style(R2=% 53) is more than transactional leadership style (R2= % 47). Keywords: Organizational commitment-Ional intelligence-Intrapersonal component- Adaptability component-Interpersonal component- General mood component- Stress management component- Transformational leadership-Transactional leadership. leadership style (R2= % 47).

Volume 12, Issue 3 (8-2024)

Aims: New developments in artificial intelligence offer promising prospects for transforming therapeutic approaches and enhancing outcomes for individuals with a range of abilities. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to investigate the applications of artificial intelligence in occupational therapy.
Information & Methods: In this systematic review, adhering to the PRISMA guidelines, we searched English-language studies regarding the use of artificial intelligence in occupational therapy, on February 18, 2024, using the databases PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science.
Findings: Six eligible studies were included in this review. The artificial intelligence approaches used in these studies included artificial neural networks, multi-core learning models, deep learning models, machine learning models, and classification and regression trees. All the studies reported promising results regarding the use of artificial intelligence in evaluating and predicting return to work, alleviating symptoms, recovering social function, reducing disease recurrence, improving re-employment rates, and enhancing the overall health level of patients.
Conclusion: One of the most common issues with artificial intelligence models is their low accuracy and the potential for errors.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2021)

The present research aims to enhance our understanding of the relationship among factors related to individual differences in language learning, particularly the constructs of Willingness to communicate, Social intelligence, and Motivation. Gender and language proficiency level were also investigated. In order to answer the research questions and examine their relevant hypotheses, 168 adult Persian language learners in different language levels from various universities (79 females and 89 males) completed the 44-item questionnaire. Results of statistical analyses revealed that the relationship among all three variables was completely meaningful. However, there was no significant relationship was found between WTC and females’ L2 ought-to self. The relationship among WTC and other variables, namely L2 ideal self, learning experience, overall motivation, and social intelligence, in male participants was stronger than their female peers, while the other way round was witnessed concerning the relationship between social intelligence and motivation. Data analysis based on language proficiency level showed that in beginners the relationship among WTC and learning experience, L2 ideal self, and overall motivation and that of social intelligence and motivation was stronger than other levels. In intermediate level, as WTC increased, L2 ought- to self decreased significantly. Moreover, among all levels, the strongest amount of relationship was reported between WTC and social intelligence in intermediate level. 

1. Introduction
Individual differences are of vital importance in language learning and second/foreign language classes and lots of research has been carried out to examine these individual differences and different variables involved in them. In order to apply the most appropriate teaching methodologies, language educators have to have their students’ differences in mind. This study aims to explore the relationship and possible interaction among motivation, social intelligence and WTC of adult Persian learners in different levels regarding their gender.
In order to investigate this issue in more detail the following research question is addressed:
RQ1: Is there any relationship among WTC, overall motivation (including components of L2 ideal self, L2 ought-to self, and L2 learning experience) and social intelligence in adult Persian learners in different levels? And, is there any gender differences in this regard? 
To answer this research question three research hypotheses have been proposed:
RH1: There is a significant relationship among WTC, motivational components and the overall motivation of Persian learners in different levels and this relationship is stronger in females and beginners.
RH2: There is a significant relationship between WTC and social intelligence and this relationship is stronger in females and beginners.
RH3: There is a significant relationship between motivation and social intelligence and this relationship is stronger in males and beginners.
2. Literature Review
Second language research is replete with evidences suggesting that language learning is primarily learner centered (Brown, 2007). In past two decades there has been more emphasis on the role of learners in language teaching and research and their individual differences have been an issue of serious concern among L2 researchers (Dornyei & Skehan, 2003, p. 603). There are so many variables related to learners which facilitate language learning process (Dornyei, 2005). WTC is a personal component that arrested researchers’ attention from both dynamic and static viewpoints. In fact, WTC is a key concept in L2 teaching and learning and refers to the language learner’s willingness to either remain silent or employ second language (MacIntyre & Charos, 1996; Wen & Clement, 2003). Among different variables effective in the extent of WTC, we can point out the learner’s motivation to learn an L2. Motivation is a force which can guide you towards the actions and solutions and is an inclination to perform a particular action or reach a specific aim. It is also concerned with the acts which gives the behavior force and direction. Motivation is a latent variable in language learning which is composed of the willingness to learn a language, the motivational intensity and attitude to learning (Gardner and Tremblay, 1994, cited in Sheikholeslami and Khayyer, 2006). Dornyei (2009) has proposed a new framework for L2 motivation, namely L2 motivational self system (L2MSS) in order to solve the problems inherent in previous theories and suggest a regular structure for L2 motivation. This new model consists of three components: L2 ideal self, L2 ought-to self and L2 learning experience. L2 ideal self is concerned with unique dimensions of a person’s ideal self which show his aspirations, hopes and desires.  L2 ought-to self is related to those features a person has to possess to avoid the possible negative consequences such as requirements, obligations and expectations. L2 learning experience deals with the contextual motivation which is necessary for the learning environment. Another factor involved in language learners’ individual differences is social intelligence. This construct is defined as the person's understanding to behave better in human relations. In the case the learners is able to first distinguish these features and then control and guide his emotions and excitement, he will be able to can remove the debilitative impediments to his performance. Through assessing the language learner’s social intelligence we can predict his potential success in personal and social life (Heidar Kaydan & Azari, 2007).
3. Methodology
This research was applied and field study in terms of purpose and methodology, respectively. In order to analyze the data, the findings were first examined and then the inferential statistics of the research hypotheses were tested using SPSS version 26.The data were gathered through a six-point likert scale questionnaire. This 44-item questionnaire consisted of three parts. The 18-item part examining motivational components (selves) was designed by Taguchi et al. (2009) and explored participants' motivational tendencies. The part on WTC (taken from the Compressrat Wang’s Questionnaire (2010) was composed of 13 items and the part on social intelligence was comprised of 13 items taken from a section of Bradbury-Graves’s (2005) questionnaire. The Cronbach's alpha calculated to determine the validity of 3 questionnaires of motivational components, WTC and social intelligence was .8, .87 and .87, respectively, which indicated the internal consistency of the questionnaire items. The validity of the study was also confirmed by 15 experts in the field.
A total number of 168 adult Persian learners with different proficiency levels (79 females and 89 males) from Tarbiat Moddares University, Imam Khomeini University of Ghazvin and Jameat Al-Mustaf University of Qom participated in this study. The proficiency level of these participants was first tested and then they were assigned to different groups based on their scores on the test.
4. Conclusion
Based on the findings of the present study the results extracted from the examination of the first research hypothesis can be summarized as what follows: the relationship among WTC and three variables of L2 ideal self, L2 learning experience and overall motivation was positive and significant while negative between WTC and L2 ought-to self. There was also a positive and significant relationship among WTC, L2 ideal self, L2 learning experience and overall motivation of male and female Persian learners; whereas this relationship was stronger among male participants. Moreover, while there was no significant relation between females’ WTC and L2 ought-to self, a negative and significant relation was found between these variables of male participants. WTC, L2 ideal self and overall motivation had a positive and significant relation in only beginner and intermediate levels, though no such relation was found among these variables in other levels. The results and findings concerning the second research hypothesis showed a positive and significant relation between WTC and social intelligence, while this relation was stronger among male learners. Along the same line, a positive and significant relation was reported between WTC and social intelligence in all proficiency levels, while this relation was the strongest in intermediate level. Based on the findings of this study the results drawn from the examination of the third research hypothesis can be summarized as following: A positive and significant relation was found between overall motivation and social intelligence. The same relation was reported between these variables among male and female Persian learners; however, this relation was stronger among female participants. Finally, there was a positive and significant relation between overall motivation and social intelligence in only beginner level, whereas there was not such a relation in other proficiency levels.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Aims: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing healthcare by enhancing the prediction of learning needs and enabling tailored educational interventions for patients and staff. This study explores the application of AI and ML models to predict learning needs from the patient's perspective.
Instruments & Methods: Three ML models (Linear Regression, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting) were trained on health literacy, demographic, and treatment data from 218 cancer patients at Sultan Qaboos Comprehensive Cancer Center. Evaluation metrics included Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), R2 Score, and Area Under the Curve (AUC). Classification models (Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Decision Tree, and Extra Trees) were assessed for accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC in categorizing learning needs.
Findings: Gradient Boosting had the best predictive performance (MAE:0.0534, RMSE: 0.0788, R²:0.9844, AUC:0.96), followed by Random Forest (AUC:0.93). Linear Regression was less effective (AUC: 0.85). Key predictors included literacy level in chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and treatment experiences, while demographic factors had minimal impact. For classification, Gradient Boosting and Decision Tree models achieved the highest accuracy (96.51%) and AUC (0.96). Random Forest showed 94.19% accuracy, while Extra Trees had 90.70%, indicating variability in model performance.
Conclusion: AI and ML, particularly Gradient Boosting, demonstrate strong potential in predicting and categorizing learning needs.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2022)

A borderline intelligence student is the one with basic capability for literacy but of a lower rate and depth in learning compared to their peers. Such students have many difficulties in learning the language, reading and writing. The main purpose of this study is to provide a new solution based on linguistic and psycholinguistic theories to increase the development of language recognition in these children. The technique of total image words was used in an innovative method to manipulate all the senses of the child in his learning. The data of this research have been collected in a field and case study. The case is a 13-year-old borderline intelligence girl living in Mashhad. The suggested training program in this research consists of four stages. The first step is to work on reading by using flashcards of total image words and using the child’s visual and auditory senses. The second step is to emphasize the meaning and semantic chain of the words. In the third stage, we try to strengthen the child’s comprehension with short stories, and in the fourth stage, which is the practical stage, the child acquires the ability to make meaningful sentences and short stories. The test of language development (TOLD 3) was used for pre- and post-tests. The results show that the total image word technique has a positive effect on the language cognitive development of the borderline intelligence student and except in sentence imitation, all other subtests show an improvement of 18 to 66 per cent.

1. Introduction
The development is a continuous, multidimensional, and flexible process. One of the most important dimensions in a child’s development is the growth of intelligence and linguistic cognition. Learning is a very complex process that everyone is involved in throughout their lives. But the problem arises when not all children can adapt to traditional learning methods that are less flexible. That is why there is a big gap between their potential and their performance.
A Child of borderline intelligence (slow learner) is a student who has the ability to learn the necessary educational skills, but the amount and depth of their learning is less than the average of their peers. Slow learners have many problems learning language and reading and writing. The purpose of this study is to provide a new solution based on theories of linguistics and psycholinguistics to promote the development of language cognition in such children. For this purpose, we tried to engage all the senses of the child in their learning by using the Total Image Words Technique in an innovative way.
Research Questions:
1) Can teaching by means of the Total Image Words Technique influence the development of language concepts in slow-learning children?
2) Does teaching by means of the Total Image Words Technique affect the comprehension of slow-learning children?
3) Does teaching by means of the Total Image Words Technique have an effect on promoting the reading and writing skills of slow-learning children?

2. Literature Review
One of the important theories used in this research is Gestalt Theory, which is a kind of holistic speculation. According to this theory, in confrontation with various phenomena, the sole nature of the components does not play a role in determining the identity of the collections. In fact, the overall structure and composition of each phenomenon is more than just the sum of its components. This means that each particular part can have its own meaning, but it is the overall configuration that can give it its full meaning.
In the Total Image Words Technique, as its name suggests, this theory is well used to teach slow learners, because the child first sees and learns the whole word in the form of text and image and then goes from whole to parts. Since in the Total Image Words Technique, words are placed in the form of categories and frameworks that are related to each other and are in a semantic chain, this technique has benefitted from Fillmore's Frame Semantics and Semantic Chain.
Some researchers consider slow learners to be a group between normal and exceptional children. A slow-learning child “is one who has the ability to learn necessary academic skills but at a rate and depth below average of the same age peers" (Suranjana et al., 2015, p. 130). The performance of these students in school has been considered by various researchers. According to Ghafourian (2017, p. 57), the slow student “has the ability to progress in education in a regular school, but performs below the average of their school level.” These children score lower on IQ and academic achievement tests than their peers, but their scores are not low enough to cause them to need special education.”
It is at these times that teachers’ creativity and experience can lead to more efficient education. Such teachers can provide more learning opportunities to students with different levels of learning through a variety of teaching methods and multipurpose practices and support the learners to improve their learning capacities.
These students are only slightly different from normal students in terms of mental development, so they can study with their peers. Ready (2006) reports that these students have an IQ between 76 and 89 and make up about 18% of the total student population. The most important features of these children are the following:
1. Low accuracy and focus. The solution to this problem is to use appropriate games and exercises and get help from experts.
2. Inattention in doing homework. To solve this problem, the amount of their homework should be reduced and its quality should be given more importance.
3. Lack of sufficient self-confidence. Self-confidence can be increased by giving proper motivation and encouragement.
4. Having poor public relations.
5. Being slow in doing and solving complex and multifaceted problems.

3. Methodology
  In line with the purpose of the study, the effect of the Total Image Words Technique on a thirteen-year-old girl named Negar in Mashhad, a city in Iran, was investigated. This study was a case study and quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test that was conducted over a period of four months. The Child was initially exposed to Wechsler’s Intelligence Test (EISC) for children and Wineland’s Social Maturity Scale. The results confirmed that the child was slow-learning (having borderline intelligence). The data collection tools used in this research are educational cards that include an image of an object or a phenomenon along with the written form of a word to which an object or phenomenon refers. Language development test (TOLD 3) was also used for pre-test and post-test.

4. Results
A TOLD3 pre-test was administered initially and a post-test of the same type was given after the training period. Table 1 presents the results of the paired-sample T-test of the two sets of scores.
Table 1.
Paired-Sample T-test of standard scores & subtests of TOLD in pre-& Post-tests
two-tailed P value df t Paired differences
95% confidence interval of this difference Std. error of Difference Mean
upper lower
0.0074 5 4.3386 -1.09 -4.25 0.615 -2.67 Pretest -Posttest

Considering the obtained P-value in the table, it can be said with 95% confidence that the difference in the learner's performance before and after the application of the Total Image Words has been significantly different.
 In Figure 1, the average language skills in the pre-test and post-test are compared.

Comparison of average language skills in subtests of TOLD in pre-&post-tests

In Figure 2, the standard scores of the sub-tests in the pre-test and post-test are compared with each other and shown as a bar graph.

Figure 2.
Comparison of standard scores in subtests of TOLD in pre-&post-tests

5. Discussion
In the following, we present the results of this research according to the skills and seek to analyze the research questions and hypothesis.
 Spoken Language subtest: This score represents the sum of the standard scores of six subtests that measure semantic and syntactic aspects. For this reason, compared to the other six skills, it gives the best and most comprehensive picture of a person's overall language ability. All language-related features and systems are included in this subtest. In the case of Negar, the test results show an improvement of about 16% in this score, which means that she has been able to improve in all sub-tests during this period. The result of this subtest confirms our research hypothesis about the effect of the Total Image Words Technique on the development of language cognition in slow learners.
Semantic skill: Vocabulary is a special semantic ability that is evaluated with the semantic score. Children who are successful in this endeavour know a great deal about words. In this research, because in the second stage, the trainer worked on the characteristics of the meanings and details of the words, the child paid more attention to the different meanings of the word and her vocabulary increased. We see that Negar’s score has grown by about 15%. This means that she was able to better understand the words and their meaning, and this could be a positive answer to our research questions because the first and second research questions asked whether this technique expands the concepts of language and whether late learners’ comprehension is effective or not. The results obtained from this subtest also confirm the objectives of the research.
Syntactic skill: Negar has had a growth of about 13% in this score. Although she was not able to make more complex and long sentences due to her late learning, overall, these results are a positive answer to our third research question, which asked about the effect of the Total Image Words Technique on increasing reading and writing skills.
Listening skill: The performance of Negar in this score is also good and has reached 123 from a former score of 108, which indicates a growth of about 14%.
Organizational skill: Negar has been able to perform well in this skill and have an 11% growth in the post-test.
Speaking skill: Negar's speaking score in this test has increased from 95 to 113, which also shows a significant growth of 19%.

6. Conclusion
Finally, after comparing the obtained results and analyzing them, we come to the conclusion that if children’s different senses are used in teaching slow learners, their performance will be better. The results show that the Total Image Word Technique is effective on the development of language cognition of the slow learner and, except for sentence imitation in all other language subtests, the child shows growth between 18 and 66 per cent. This method, in particular, has increased her vocabulary and comprehension to the point where the child can make meaningful short stories.

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