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Volume 19, Issue 1 (January 2019)

Nanotechnology deals with objects and materials in nanometer scale and it is being expanded in the field of materials tools and systems. Nowadays, human knowledge in nanotechnology is going through a commercializing path in order to provide more services. Living creatures are built of cells with 10 μm size.  Some nanoparticles application in biology and medicine include drug and gene delivery, tissue engineering, and tumor destruction with heat. These procedures, which are done with nanoparticles manipulation, have two specific phase in general; in phase one, the amount of critical force and time are calculated based on dimensional and peripheral parameters. Now, it is tried to calculate nanoparticles displacement and velocity during the process in the phase two of nanoparticles manipulation. Also, in this paper, nanoparticles displacement and velocity were investigated in two dimensional space, using three main friction model namely coulomb, Hk, and lugre in phase two of nanoparticles manipulation. According to the results of this project, maximum speed and displacement was obtained, using lugre friction model and the minimum amounts in coulomb model. Also, with particles radius increase, displacement and velocity were reduced; this effect is engendered even without considering friction factor. Correspondingly, considering accuracy and validity, the coulomb model was the least accurate model and lugre was the most accurate one and the HK model was placed between these two models.

Volume 19, Issue 5 (May 2019)

Metal injection molding (MIM) is a novel process classified in powder metallurgy. This process can produce complex metallic parts with high rate of production and consists of four stages, including mixing, injection, debinding, and sintering, where the properties of the final part highly depends on the parameters of each of these stages. In this study, the parameters of injection pressure, injection and mold temperature, holding pressure, holding time, injection speed, and cooling time on the density, strength, and hardness of the final MIM compact have been investigated. By the design of experiments and response surface methodology (RSM) method, 50 samples have been injected using different parameters. In order to measure the density, tensile strength, ad hardness of the samples, the debinding and sintering procedures have been done on the injected samples. The results show that the injection pressure, injection temperature, and mold temperature have the highest effect on the strength and density of the final part, respectively, and on the other hand, holding pressure, holding time, and cooling time have a negligible effect. Within the measured properties, density and strength are more affected by the injection parameters compared to hardness. Finally, the optimum injection parameters for samples made of 4605 low alloy steel include injection pressure of 133 bar, injection temperature of 158, mold temperature of 60, the holding pressure of 70 bar, holding time of 8 second, injection speed of 112 mm/min, and cooling cycle of 17 second.

Volume 19, Issue 6 (June 2019)

In this study, a constitutive equation based on the hyperbolic sine Arrhenius-type model has been developed to describe the hot deformation behavior of a Fe-17Cr-7Ni (17-7PH), semi-austenitic precipitation hardening stainless steel. The experimental data obtained from hot compression tests at 950-1100°C and strain rates of 0.001-1 s-1 establish the constitutive equation. The material constants of α, A, n, and Q were calculated, using the developed model related to the applied strain by 6 The average error (AARE) and correlation coefficient (R) were used to evaluate the accuracy of the constitutive equation. The average values obtained for AARE and R were 5.17% and 0.9904, respectively. The results indicated that the developed constitutive equation can predict the flow stress behavior of the studied alloy with good accuracy over a wide range of experimental conditions. The model can be, therefore, recommended for analysis of hot deformation mechanism and microstructure evolution.

Volume 19, Issue 7 (July 2019)

Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is one of the new methods for decomposing a signal into its constituent components. The existence of multiple error sources has led to activities to eliminate or mitigate their effects. In this research, one of the major problems of EMD for the separation of noise-polluted signals, namely, mode mixing problem has been studied. To solve this problem, bandwidth EMD has been used, which enhances the EMD method and processes speed and greatly prevents mode mixing problem. Also, among the available methods to extract the instantaneous properties, the proper pair of instantaneous properties identification and signal normalization method is presented by an example. To investigate the efficiency of the bandwidth EMD method, using the optimal method of extracting the instantaneous properties, the experimental data of a faulty bearing have been studied and the instantaneous properties of both EMD method and the bandwidth EMD method have been extracted. Using the coefficient of variation criterion, it is shown that the bandwidth EMD method has a higher resolution and better results than EMD method. Finally, using information of decomposed white noise by EMD, the noise isolation quality of the original data is examined, which indicates a better decomposition of the results of the bandwidth EMD method.

Volume 20, Issue 3 (March 2020)

In this research, the effect of adding clay Nanoparticles on increasing the lifetime of glass/epoxy composites under hydrothermal conditions has been investigated. For this purpose, samples containing 3 Vol.% of clay Nanoparticles and samples without clay Nanoparticles in resin epoxy has been manufactured for the fabrication of specimens of the tensile test using hand lay-up and vacuum bag. The specimens were placed under the hydrothermal condition of 90% humidity and 75 °C temperature for 500 hours in the incubator and were tested for tensile properties. The results show that addition of clay Nanoparticles decreases the strength of the composite by 21.39% in the newly produced samples while in a long time, these particles slow down the process of composite degradation, so that in the same environmental conditions, the strength of specimens containing clay Nanoparticles is 9% higher than the specimens without clay Nanoparticles.

Volume 20, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Pervious concrete is a concrete that, given its high porosity, allows higher rates of water infiltration through it. Although asphalt and concrete pavements have high structural and durability capabilities, they have a considerable high impact on the environment in terms of environmental as well as acoustic noise production. One of these problems are the drastic decrease in rainwater penetration to the ground and the consequent flooding disasters in the cities, which can lead to significant financial and life damage. On the other hand, surface clay pollution runoff can lead to clogging and take negative impact at effective permeability of such concrete. Thus making the most important feature of this concrete, which is high permeability, would be accompanied by some difficulties. In this study, using silica fume, it’s been tried to make a permeable concrete in order to have desirable mechanical properties, high permeability and less clogging. In addition, with the use of leca and scoria lightweight aggregates, the specific gravity of pervious concrete was significantly reduced to help noise pollution reduction by increasing internal and structural porosity. The results showed that the samples containing leca has a better performance in mechanical tests. Specimens containing scoria aggregates have higher porosity and permeability, which both have high importance in pervious concrete. Replacing 10% of cement by silica fume improved the mechanical properties of the specimens. In all cases, the samples showed acceptable permeability for slurry passage even at high concentrations, but the difference between the 10% clay suspension compared to clay-free water was significant, while the hydraulic conductivity decrease rate was much lower with increasing the concentration of clay.  

Volume 20, Issue 12 (December 2020)

In this study, the hot-working behavior of Mn-25Ni-5Cr alloy was studied using hot compression tests at the temperatures of 850 ˚C, 900 ˚C, 950 ˚C and 1000 ˚C and the strain rates of 0.001 s-1, 0.01 s-1, 0.1 s-1 and 1 s-1 to a true strain level of 0.7. The results of flow curves showed that the flow stress decreases with increasing temperature and decreasing strain rate. Regarding the shape of flow curves, peak appearance represents the dynamic recrystallization. The peak stress and strain of flow curves appeared in fewer strains at high temperatures and strain rates. The microstructural evolution is mainly controlled by dynamic recrystallization. The presence of evolving boundaries around the recrystallized grains also indicates the occurrence of continuous dynamic recrystallization during hot working. In closer scrutiny of microstructure and fasciology, using by SEM microscope equipped with EDS detector, in addition to the background phase, second phase consisting of manganese, nickel and chromium was identified. The constants of n, α and β were determined using constitutive, power and exponential equations at 0.3 strain. According to the constitutive equation of the hyperbolic sinus, the amount of activation energy in the strain of 0.3 is 394.6258 kJ/mol.

Volume 21, Issue 1 (Spring 2017)

Terrorism in severe forms, can include a variety of international crimes.
On the one hand, by the establishment of the International Criminal Court and on the other hand by the recognition of extraterritorial jurisdiction of national courts, International criminal justice system is seeking to provide criminal justice.
This article seeks to explore the possibility of exercising the jurisdiction of Iranian criminal courts and the International Criminal Court over crimes committed by ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
The main question is that, despite Syria and Iraq are not the members of ICC and the fact that crimes are committed outside of the territory of Iran, how and under which conditions can we accept the criminal jurisdiction of the national and international authorities?
With this hypothesis; In the case referred to the UN Security Council, escrow declaration by the two countries or jurisdiction exercised to nationals of States party, the ICC is able to exercise jurisdiction.
On the other hand in compliance with the requirements regarding the principles of real, personal and universal, criminal jurisdiction of Iran can be exercised.

Volume 21, Issue 4 (10-2021)

This study presents a statistical analysis on the prediction of compressive strength of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) based on pull-off test results using linear and nonlinear regression models. For this purpose, an extensive experimental program was conducted including different cement contents and aggregate sizes along with steel fiber contents of 0, 30, 50 and 80 kg/m3. 50 mm and 70 mm diameters aluminum and steel discs with different thicknesses were supplied. Moreover, the effect of partial core depth on pull-off strength was examined. In order to assess the SFRSCC characteristics which may be affected the pull-off test on SFRSCC, two levels of cement content of 400 and 500 kg/m3 were considered. The water/cement ratio (W/C) was kept constant at 0.45 for all the mixes studied. For each level, two maximum aggregate sizes of 10 and 20 mm containing steel fiber contents of 0, 30, 50 and 80 kg/m3 (Volume fractions, Vf , of 0, 0.38, 0.64 and 1%) were taken into account. The fresh properties are in the range of 600-700 mm for slump flow diameters, 2.2-3.5 s for T50 and 550-620 mm for the J-ring test without segregation of aggregate near the edges of the spread-out (VSI of 1 and 1.5). Therefore, it can be stated that all concrete mixtures can be considered as SCC.
The effects of the SFRSCC properties and practical parameters of pull-off test are included in the proposed equations as dimensionless variables. The results showed that both linear and nonlinear regression models have high ability as a reliable tool for prediction of compressive strength of SFRSCC on the basis of pull-off testing so that about 80% of the variation in response value can be explained by the fitted models. Also, validation of the evolved models has been verified with the results obtained in the previous works. It has been demonstrated that the performance of the proposed models can be acceptable with reasonable accuracy. The linear models show the trend to overestimate the compressive strength.  By considering the results, 86% and 52% of the data are overestimated by linear models related to aluminum and steel discs, respectively. However, this behavior is less pronounced for nonlinear relationships so that the corresponding values are found to be 58% and 50%, respectively.
The validity of the derived models has been verified with the results obtained by Madandoust [8] and Long and Murray [9]. It can be derived that the performance of the introduced models may be acceptable with sensible degree of accuracy. According to the results, it is clear that there is not a considerable difference between the curves and also between the models, especially for higher values of pull-off test. However, it can be generally distinguished that the nonlinear models have slightly better performance compared to the linear models, especially for steel disc which is favorably close to the results obtained by Long and Murray [9].
 It should be stated that based on the large number of data and range of the variables used in this study, it may be possible to claim that the proposed models are robust with regard to the possibility of its use in various scenarios so that these models have no experience concerning to the unseen findings by others. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that different relationships may be expected to be reasonably developed for different types of concretes such as high-strength and lightweight.

Volume 21, Issue 6 (12-2021)

Today, concrete is used as the most widely used and common building materials in the development of civil and economic infrastructure.
 Concrete is made from ordinary Portland cement, and due to the high consumption of concrete and the growing need for cement production, research shows that in the future the demand for cement concrete will increase, and on the other hand cement production requires the consumption of natural resources such as electricity. And fossil fuels, as well as the release of about 7% of CO2 gas into the environment, and its production process consumes the most energy after steel and aluminum, so the provision of alternative products to move towards sustainable development is essential.
In the medium and long term strategies to reduce global warming due to the cement industry, the development of energy-efficient technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and their development in the market will be very key.
The capabilities of geopolymer cement in the field of energy storage and reduction of CO2 emissions are very significant compared to Portland cement, so that this technology, while providing comparable functions with commercial cementitious materials, can reduce CO2 emissions from the cement industry. Reduce by as much as 80%.

Mortaza Sahab Khodamoradi, Farshad Momeni, Alireza Naseri,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (7-2015)

In this study, we have tried to identify two different approaches for dealing with social problems and issues. The first one is causal explanation, which is retrospective, static and physical. The other one, functional analysis, is prospective, dynamic, and normative. Institutions are the main subject of economics. Human social-institutional reality has a common underlying structure and these structures are matters of status functions. We proposed a method which aims at efficacy of these functions using intelligence rather than assuming these functions as intrinsic and trying to grasp the realty from without by a rationality apparatus. The aim of this article is to show that, Dewey’s Logic provides us with this alternative functionalistic approach in a comprehensive way.

Volume 23, Issue 0 (Special issue 2019)

Volume 23, Issue 2 (1-2017)

Sheikh Najmeddin Razi and most of mystics in early times of Islam have described the concept of epiphany in the field of Islamic Mysticism.From the viewpoint of Sheikh Najmeddin Razi,epiphany is the beginning of the Creator and Nurturer's Beauty shining in the wayfarer's heart and it is achieved when the wayfarer's heart is pure from darkness and what is other than the Plane of Reality and turned into His mirror image.Mohyeddin Ibn Arabi,whit special attention to Sheikh Najmeddin's description and the grades which he has given about epiphany,almost narrates them completely in the book "Tohfat Olsafar Ela HazratOl Barrah".But description's defect in theoretical grades makes the founder of theoretical mysticism to create and offer new concept and more modern grades from epiphany in his the most comprehensive works on the books"fotouhat Makieh and Fosous Al Hikam" based on theoretical mysticism.The base of the Great Sheikh's statements about epiphany's concept is that Divine Epiphany cause to manifestation of Immutable Archetypes in knowledge,the being and its orders in out of it.Ebn Arabi based on this statement begins to express various Grades of Disclosure and offer specific principle for its concept in theoretical mysticism. The main issue in this essay is to clarify Sheikh Najmeddin Razi's viewpoint and following other mystics in early times of Islam about Visible Manifestation(epiphany's concept and its visionary aspect)and express its shortcoming in theoretical mysticism; besides is to clarify Ibn Arabi's viewpoint about Existential Manifestation (being aspect of epiphany)and express its grades in both category.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (5-2023)

Core testing is the most direct method to assess the in-situ concrete compressive strength in an existing structure, generally related to suspected construction malpractice or deficiency of concrete supply, to carry out the condition assessment of buildings before taking up repair and upgrading work. Although this test is quite simple to conduct, the results obtained may sometimes contain considerable errors because of the great variety of parameters involved. The general problems of core testing are well known. The factors including core diameter, length-to-diameter ratio (L/D), concrete age, aggregate characteristics, direction of coring and the moisture condition at the time of testing are known which affect the relationship between core strength and the corresponding standard cube or cylinder strength are fully reported by researchers. Another potential factor influencing the testing of cores is the presence of reinforcing bars within the core. The effects of the presence of steel bars on the strength of cores have been investigated by only a few researchers. Reinforcement bars passing through a core will increase the uncertainty of results and should be avoided wherever possible. Regression analysis and generalized GMDH network, whose structure is investigated using genetic algorithm and single-particle number optimization method for predicting the compressive strength of concrete using the results of coring tests with and without fittings. The form and ability of the multivariate linear regression models and the importance of regression coefficients based on the experimental data obtained for samples in two different processing conditions, in order to predict the cubic compressive strength of the concrete and using the input parameters including (1) the length to diameter ratio Core, (2) core diameter, (3) diameter, (4) number and (5) axial axial axis of the rebar in the core, (6) reinforcement of the rebar, and (7) core compressive strength as independent and input variables, as well as resistance Concrete pressure is evaluated as the response variable (or output of the models). This method is used for the GMDH neural network. The objective of the GMDH neural network method is to obtain a polynomial function that can be used to retrieve the output parameter by the input of the considered variables. The GMDH neural network can, after training, estimate the relationship between inputs and outputs in a polynomial, which depends on the accuracy of this polynomial on the data and structure of the network. The single-particle decomposition (SVD) method in the GMDH structure for the case where the number of equations is greater than that of unknowns, uses the least squares error method to solve such devices. The results showed that the models used have high ability to express the problem, since more than 95% of variations of response variables with fitted models in regression models and about 99% of changes in the response variable values ​​in the GMDH model can be expressed. But in a comparative position, GMDH model with a general structure optimized with Genetic Algorithm and SVD has shown the best performance, with this superiority becoming noticeable, considering that about 75% of the data is involved in training the neural model. Subsequently, nonlinear regression models show a certain advantage over linear models.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (autumn 2023)

Aims and Introduction:
No economic variable like inflation confronts the society with social, cultural, political and even national security disturbances. Inflation greatly reduces trust in the economic, social and political structure and causes a significant reduction in social control.
Therefore, it is reasonable that in the field of economic and social policies on a global scale, sensitivity is applied to the effects of economic policies on inflation. In looking at the issue of inflation from the level of development, for numerous reasons, no approach will have a high explanatory ability as the approach of political economy. The political economy approach to development is an ultimatum approach that identifies and analyzes the main root of problems by focusing on the final winners and losers of the flawed policy cycles in the economy. The main goal of this research is to explain why the economic policymaking field of Iran's economy tends to adopt inflationary policies from the perspective of political economy with emphasis on the level of development.
In this research, using the analytical approach of the political economy of development, we have looked for the reason for the adoption of inflationary policies and their continuation and strengthening in the Iranian economy during 1989-2019. In this research, using the analytical and descriptive method and official data, an attempt has been made to investigate why the will of economic policymaking in Iran tends to adopt has inflationary policies and to evaluate the effects of inflation on the radius of trust and social cooperation based on trust. This research focuses on cognitive aspect of the causes of inflation in Iran and relies on political economy of inflation.
In this research, by correcting the view of the causes of inflation in Iran's economy, it has been tried to investigate why the will of economic policy-making in Iran tends to adopt inflationary policies, And the main question of the research was explained under the three axes of dominant culture of rent, wrong incentives for policy makers and political economy of interest groups.
Disregarding science and preferring everyday considerations, a specific mindset and benefit ruling the policy-making system and the discussion of the beneficial and unproductive groups whose interests are in line with unproductive policies, the bottlenecks of political economy and the wrong incentives of politicians in the field of political and economic are main causes of inflation persistency.
Discussion and Conclusion:
Finally, it can be concluded that with a correct inflation targeting logic, it is possible to design a plan under the title of production-oriented based on the reduction of corruption and the evolution of the reward system, along with ensuring the security of property rights. In fact, with the aim of focusing on the issue of production from two angles, changing the mechanism of the reward system and controlling corruption through reorganizing the mental and thought structures governing the society, especially the policy-making and decision-making system, we may move towards an institutional structure that promotes correct thinking in the policy-making arena. This idea comes out of the heart of that development; such a program definitely needs help from a correct logic of targeting in the policy field. The most important result of such program will definitely be the reduction of the general level of prices.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (5-2022)

The aim of this study was to design an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Mechanism (ANFIS) and a Polynomial Neural-Network (PNN) to improve modeling and identification of some climate variables within a greenhouse. Furthermore, a Stable Deviation Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (SD-QPSO) algorithm was employed as a learning algorithm to train the constant parameters of ANFIS and PNN structures. To denoise measured data, a wavelet transform method was applied to ensure that no measured data exceeds a predefined interval. Moreover, to show the modeling performance, a set of differential equations were derived as a dynamical model based on the computation of energy and mass balance in a specified greenhouse. The results of modeling and simulation were evaluated with the experimental results of an experimental arch greenhouse. The results showed that the proposed models were more accurate in predicting greenhouse climate and could be used more easily. Moreover, this study showed that the PNN model with less pop-size and evaluation function was more effective than the ANFIS structure to predict the temperatures of inside air and inside roof cover. In this study, an on-line identification system is also proposed for real time identification of experimental data. The obtained simulation results show that performance of the proposed modeling structures and identification system are effective to predict and identify the soil surface, internal air, and roof cover temperatures of the greenhouse. This study shows that the identification algorithm can be used to predict and confirm the results of the model.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (8-2024)

Volume 24, Issue 3 (8-2024)

In steel shear wall, to avoid nonlinearization of boundary elements, capacity-based design is performed, which results in a significant increase in the amount of steel used in boundary elements. To reduce the boundary element steel, a semi-supported steel shear wall (SSSW) has been proposed and its efficiency has been proven in previous studies. In addition, it seemed that the use of concrete coating on steel plates could improve the strength and ductility of the SSSW system. For this purpose, an 8-storey building equipped with SSSW was first designed and its most critical opening was converted to a composite model (SSCSW) and its finite element model was produced. This model was presented against near and far fault cycle loading analysis and cyclic curve, capacity, dissipation energy, von Mises stress distribution and compressive damage of concrete. The results showed that Adding concrete to the SSSW model (converting the model to SSCSW) increased the initial in-plane stiffness by 4.5 times. Of course, this increase in stiffness is not unexpected because of the concrete on both sides of the steel plate. A very important point is that with the creation of cracks in the concrete, the stiffness quickly decreases and the slope of the post yielding area of the capacity curve is first negative and then experiences a slight increase due to the strain hardening of the steel plate. By adding concrete to the steel model, the ductility increases in two states near and far from the fault. The size of the increase is about 2.5 times and this increase does not depend much on the type of loading pattern. Of course, it should be noted that in the models of this article, the effects of steel plate tearing have not been modeled, so the ductility calculated in this study is with real capacity.The ductility is different and requires more accurate supplementary models to obtain a more comprehensive result. In terms of ultimate strength (peak of the cyclic diagram), the comparison of the results shows that regardless of the type of cyclic loading pattern, the calculated value for SSCSW is 28% higher than SSSW. It should be noted that the increase obtained as a result of pushover loading was estimated at 35%. For the pattern near the fault, the transformation of the model from SSSW to SSCSW led to estimate 67% more cumulative wasted energy. This value was about 73% for the far-fault protocol. This difference can be justified by the fact that in the close protocol, there was a significant increase in the loading cycle at the beginning of the protocol, and the issue of low cycle fatigue is excluded. While for the loading corresponding to the far fault, the gradual increase of the loading protocol is associated with low cycle fatigue and the input energy is depleted in more cycles. It is suggested that the designer pays special attention to the main elements (frame columns) in the near-fault protocol. In addition, considering that a part of the beam between the sub-column and the main column can somehow evoke the behavior of the link beam, it is suggested to evaluate the nonlinear behavior of this part of the beam in the future supplementary studies.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (1-2023)

 Wheat is the main crop in the world. Tan spot caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr) is a destructive disease in wheat-producing areas. Accumulation of phenolic acids at the onset of the fungal infection induces plant’s resistance to tan spot. This study evaluated the effect of phenolic compound accumulation on the resistance to tan spot in wheat–pathogen interactions. Five different wheat cultivars including Glenlea, Salamouni, Moghan 3, Morvarid, and Bolani were studied at three different time points after inoculation with Ptr. The composition and concentration of phenolic acid including ferulic acid, p-coumaric acids, vanillic acid, chlorogenic acid, and rutin were detected using high-performance liquid chromatography and analyzed according to standard curves. Results showed considerable accumulation of ferulic acid, p-coumaric acids, vanillic acid, chlorogenic acid, and rutin in treatment with Ptr during 7 days post-inoculation in resistant and partially resistant cultivars compared with the susceptible ones. Ferulic acid was the most abundant phenolic compound in Salamouni (16.77±0.16 mg g−1 dw), Moghan 3 (17.76±0.00 mg g−1 dw), and Morvarid (23.11±0.00 mg g−1 dw) at 7 dpi. The obtained data indicated that the identified phenolic acids had enhanced and improved the wheat resistance to the fungal pathogen. Linear Pearson’s coefficient analysis showed a positive correlation between some phenolic acids concentration and also between them and flavonoid rutin in wheat cultivars during infection. These findings highlighted the capacity of phenolic compounds as potential tools for the identification of resistance in wheat–pathogen interactions.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

SARS-CoV-2 which first was observed in Wuhan region, China in December 2019 has affected many organs, such as central nervous system. We describe a case of a 57-year-old male patient, in the hospital with the loss of consciousness, in the form of lack of verbal and visual communication. He got a seizure attack for about 3 minutes in the form of generalized tonic-clonic seizure (GTS) and admitted to the neurological department and was intubated. Since, the patient was not aware, awake, did not obey, corneal reflexes test was positive and his pupils were isochoric and reactive therefore, the primary diagnosis was cerebrovascular accident (CVA). On the second day after admission, although the brain computed tomography (CT) did not show brain lesion, but the chest X-ray (CXR) revealed lung involvement. In addition, on third day the RT-PCR test for coronavirus RNA in and the cerebrospinal fluid and nasopharyngeal swap done and the result was positive for both of them. Therefore, treatment for the covid-19 was started.
Since, the treatment for the covid-19 was started with Atazanavir, Clindamycin and Ceftriaxone. Ten days after hospitalization, the lung involvement and general condition of patient got better and after two weeks he was released from the hospital.
GTS should be considered as a neurological outcome of COVID-19 and medications against the coronavirus, such as Atazanavir, Clindamycin and ceftriaxone can recover the neurological deficits in these patients.


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