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Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2021)

Most experts see human resources as the most important and most valuable asset of any company. As a result, a method that would help create an accurate plan for this asset is highly valued and functional. This study aimed to improve challenges and gaps in human resource planning using a Markov chain model.  There are two fundamental problems with Markov chain model in predicting human resources, which are respectively failing to account for future uncertainties and generalization of the data from one basic period in the prediction of the future needs. These problems are embedded in the Markov chain model. In order to deal with these problems, a fuzzy Markov chain model (periodic or temporal) was proposed in this study. This study presented a fuzzy Markov model for predicting human resources. This was a descriptive, sectional study and the data were analyzed through a quantitative method. The application of the fuzzy Markov model in human resource planning was presented in five consecutive steps. The application of the traditional Markov model in human resource planning was also examined for comparison with the proposed model. The study findings suggest that the prediction of human resources using the periodic fuzzy Markov model offers a powerful tool that bridges the gaps in the traditional Markov planning. It considers three states, namely optimistic, positivist, and pessimistic, for determining human resources surplus and shortage, and does not generalize data pertaining to one period to future periods.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (Vol. 11, No. 2 (Tome 56), (Articles in Persian) 2020)

One of the central issues in second language acquisition research has been whether grammar should be learned consciously or it can be acquired in meaningful language use. On the one hand, researchers question the possibility of learning without awareness and on the other hand some raise the concern that implicit learning may not lead to spontaneous automatic retrieval of language knowledge. The present study aims to investigate the effect of implicit and explicit instruction on L2 syntactic processing of Persian natives who learn French as a novel language. Thirty-two graduate students with no previous background in French participated in the study. A Timed grammaticality judgement task consisting of 60 syntactically correct and 60 syntactically violated stimuli were presented through Pychtoolbox. The participants pressed the right or left button to judge each sentence. Independent T-test and mixed ANOVA were run to analyze the data. The results showed that the syntactic processing speed is not affected by the training condition as there was no statistically significant difference between the performance of two groups in terms of accuracy of the responses. Separate analyses on the reaction times showed that learners in both groups responded more quickly when judging the grammaticality of correct sentences and the ungrammaticality of syntactically violated sentences which implies that all learners had gained implicit knowledge.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)

Inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) are a family of proteins that block cell death through caspase activity. Survivin is smallest IAPs family member that overexpresses in different cancer types but not in normal tissue except embryonic tissue. Survivin may be used as a new marker to stratify cancer patients for more optimal treatment modalities. The aim of the current study was to investigate survivin DNA cloning into pET-28a and its expression in E.coli.
The sequence of survivin gene was amplified by PCR using specific primers and pcDNA-survivin temple. PCR product and pET-28a plasmid were digested by HindIII/NheI restriction enzymes and survivin was ligated into the digested vector. Then, the ligation product was transformed into the E.coli DH5a competent cells and screened by antibiotic selection marker (kanamycin). Positive colonies were selected by colony PCR and screened by double digestion of isolated plasmid. One positive colony was sequenced and confirmed. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into the expression strain of E.coli (BL21) by chemical method. The expression of survivin was induced in the different conditions and expression level investigated by SDS-PAGE.
The size of PCR product in agarose gel showed the correctness of amplification. The digested pET-28a plasmid also indicated the correctness of enzymatic reaction. The sequence of the cloned fragment revealed a 100% similarity to the human survivin. In expressing, adding IPTG increased the expression of survivin protein in all conditions, especially 37 ᵒC from 2 h after induction. At all conditions, most of survivin accumulated in the bacteria as inclusion body.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2022)

The fungus Ustilago maydis causes common smut disease in corn. Under favorable conditions, it can cause severe damage to corn. In this study, the genetic structure of U. maydis populations in Iran from the most corn-growing regions of seven provinces, including Ardebil, Fars, Isfahan, Kerman, Kermanshah, Khuzestan, and Qazvin, was evaluated using rep-PCR with primers; BOX, ERIC, and REP. Rep-PCR reactions with 109 isolates of U. maydis produced seven distinct clusters consistent with their geographical origin with few exceptions. The results of AMOVA revealed significant genetic differences within and between pathogen populations. The Euclidean similarity coefficient and the UPGMA algorithm indicate five distant clusters based on the disease severity index. The mean comparison of the disease severity index grouped target isolates into 18 clades using the Tukey test. Our findings showed that the pathogenicity assay-based grouping was not consistent with those of the geographical origin of the isolates nor their genetic similarity.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2012)

 Non-fragile observer design is the main problem of this paper. Using continuous frequency distribution, the stability conditions based on integer order Lyapunov theorem are derived for Lipschitz class of nonlinear fractional order systems. The proposed observer is stable beside the existence of both gain perturbation and input disturbance. For the first time, in this paper a systematic method is suggested based on linear matrix inequality to find an optimal observer gain to minimize both the effects of disturbance on the synchronization error and norm of the observer gain. A comparison has done between this observer and previous research on resilient observer design for nonlinear fractional order systems based on fractional order Lyapunov method. The comparison shows a much broader range of feasible response for the proposed method of this paper besides simpler computing. After presenting thediscussion, chaos synchronization is simulated to show the effectiveness of the proposed method in the end.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)

  Trichiurus lepturus is one of the most important and commericial species in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea.In order to come up with the responsible fishing pattern,there was a need to identify  reproduction characteristics. Data were collected randomly from April 2019 to February 2020 from six major artisanal fish-landing sites in Hormuzgan Province (Bandar Parsian, Bandar Kong, Qeshm Island, Bandar Abbas, Bandar Sirik and Bandar Jask). In the detection of sexual stages, the 5-stage key of sexual maturity was used at the macroscopic level. In determining the spawning season, the gonado-somatic index(GSI) was used and its comparison in different months. The lowest GSI of female fish was in September (1.2). The highest GSI of male fish was determined in December with a value of 3.1 and after that in May 2.6. Examination of the GSI and reproductive stages showed two main spawning periods in the middle of spring and late autumn. Different sexual stages were seen in all months of the year, which indicated the batch spawning strategy in T. lepturus. During different months, significant differences in the sex ratio were observed, but during the investigation and in total, no significant difference was observed between the female: male sex ratio in the expected ratio of 1:1.The length at first maturity obtained 78.7 cm total length. It is necessary to ban fishing during the spawning season in order to protect the stocks of this species.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (1-2023)

In this article, the interaction between lysozyme and CdTe nanoparticles was investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence, thermal stability, kinetics, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic methods at pH 7.25. It was proved that the fluorescence quenching of lysozyme by CdTe NPs was mainly a result of the formation of the CdTe–lysozyme complex. By the fluorescence quenching results, the Stern–Volmer quenching constant (KSV), binding constant (Ka), and binding sites (n) were calculated. Under pH 7.25 conditions, the level of binding constant is determined to be 2.33×103 from fluorescence data. The hydrogen bond or van der Waals force is involved in the binding process. The blue shift of the fluorescence spectral peak of protein after the addition of CdTe nanoparticles reveals that the microenvironments around tryptophan residues are disturbed by CdTe nanoparticles. The effect of CdTe NPs on the conformation of lysozyme has been analyzed by means of UV-Vis spectra and CD spectra, which provided evidence that the secondary structure of lysozyme has been changed by the interaction of CdTe NPs with lysozyme.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (July & August 2022 (Articles in English & French) 2022)

Dynamic assessment (DA), premised on Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory (SCT), constitutes a valuable venue for language teachers to promote the dialectical praxis and awareness of language assessment and teaching in the EFL context. In spite of the surge of interest in the importance of DA in assessing the dynamically emergent abilities, little has been written down regarding EFL teachers' attitudes toward DA. The current study attempted to fill that void by unearthing Iranian EFL teachers' beliefs about DA and also to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between university and language institute teachers' attitudes with regard to DA. To this end, forty Iranian EFL teachers in the two contexts (i.e., universities and language institutes) were selected through purposive and snowball sampling procedures. Adopting an exploratory design, the researchers collected the data through an Email interview. The results of the Chi-square tests indicated that there is no significant difference in the attitudes of university and language institute teachers toward DA, and both groups held a positive attitude toward it. In addition, the content analysis of the data resulted in the emergence of three major themes namely, teachers' classroom assessment practices, EFL teacher's attitudes toward DA, and impediments to applying DA principles in EFL classes. The findings of this study cater for implications for teachers to voice their concerns about the edifice of language testing and assessment in Iran.  

Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2024)

The survey of the fish assemblage in the planned place to establish artificial reefs in the western and eastern bays of Jask was carried out in the winter and spring of 2024. Sampling was done by Gillnet and Trap methods in 4 stations located in the western bay and eastern bay of Jask at a depth of 10 to 30 meters. 68 aquatic species (60 fishes, 5 crabs, 2 oysters, and 1 shrimp) were sampled and recorded. Of these, Nemipterus japonicus (32.6 %) was the most abundant, Saurida tumbil (12.6 %), Anodontostoma chacunda (12.5 %), Ilisha megaloptera (9.8 %), Scomberoides tol (6.4 %), Sphyraena putnamae (4.1 %), Lactarius lactarius (2.6 %), Muraenesox bagio (2 %), Pomadasys kaakan (1.9 %), Otolithes ruber (1.6 %) located in the next rank. The average catch per unit of effort of gillnet was 45±10.2 kg/piece×hour and for Trap 7.3±4.2 kg/trap×day. In this research, it was found that the population of species related to artificial reefs, such as Epinephelus coioides , Lutjanus johnii , and Lethrinus nebulosus were relatively low, and mainly below the maturity size, it seems that the stocks of this group of fish need to be enhanced. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the target species in the design of the structure and arrangement of the artificial reefs, on the other hand, the shelter and protective aspects of the artificial reefs for the reef-dependent juvenile also be considered.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (Summer 2010)

Conspiracy against security is deemed as one of the preventive crimes. In order to prevent the commission of some more serious offences against security, it has been criminalized. In this article, we shall review the relative regulations concerned to this offence with the parallel of religious standards and principals of criminal law. By taking into consideration the jurisprudicial sources including the Quran regarding “Zerar mosque” and the rule of “prohibition of assistance to religiously”, it is understood that the criminalization of conspiracy is quite acceptable but it can not be counted as one of the instances of “Moharabe”. Iranian criminal policy about conspiracy against security is not quite clear from different points of views. For instance, the amount of the provided punishment for conspiracy against security is more than the punishment for the commission of the original against security of state. This encourages the conspirators to commit the crime itself to enjoy a mitigated and lighter punishment. The absence of any mention of objective instance or material action in the act regarding the realization and establishment of the misdemean of conspiracy against security, would have the way for enter miss reading and understanding of this. Therefore, the reviewing of the respected legalization in Iran of the regulations of Article 610 of the criminal code for the purpose of it's compliance with the parallel of religious and international standards seem something inevitable.

Volume 14, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2015)

This work is the result of a research on the lifting forces during upward bird flight via modeling and manufacturing dynamical structures resembling bird wings of sizes between half to about 2 meters. The variables in this work included the wings sizes and their oscillation frequencies. In our formulations the lifting force and the consumed power at the beginning of a bird flight in a fixed frequency is proportional to the fourth and fifth power of the wings sizes, and for fixes sizes is proportional to the second and third power of the frequency, respectively. The lift force here is taken to be of two forms. The first is the very form relevant to the manufactured and used wing systems in the present work. In the second form the wings are assumed to stay horizontal during their vertical periodic motion. The extent of validity of these formulations when practicing for our manufactured wings, and for the real functioning of bird wings as well, has been the most important question in the present research. As far as the lifting force is concerned, the extrapolation of final results seems to be in consistence with the sizes relevant to human “bird-like” flight. However, provision of the needed power necessitates requirements to be thought of deliberately for restoring the energy in an effective way.

Volume 14, Issue 16 (Forth Special Issue 2015)

The quality of knitted fabric in circular knitting machines is highly sensitive to any undesired changes in the mechanism and components involved. For instance, a broken needle causes defects on the surface of knitted fabric. Consequently in order to increase the quality and reduce production cost, rapid detection and diagnosis of defected needles on industrial circular weft knitting machines is a crucial need. In these machines when the yarn is pulled down by the needles to knit a loop the created yarn tension, causes fluctuations in the feeding yarn flow. The aim of present research is to identify broken needle defects and their numbers, during yarn feeding in a circular knitting machine, employing neural network analysis on yarn fluctuation signals. The experiments procedures were designed so that three needle defected conditions were implemented on an industrial circular knitting machine. The yarn fluctuation signals were captured and saved, then using wavelet the contaminated signal noise was removed. Statistical and wavelet analysis are implemented to produce the required features. Finally the capability of neuro network for classification of four groups of data including healthy, one, two and four broken needles were examined. The results show that 99.43 % accurate distinction of broken needles is achieved in 50 iterations.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (winter 2016)

Realization of the knowledge-based economy model is a basic requirement for developing countries. In this model, knowledge plays important role in improving productivity.  This paper claims that in a world where the economic ties are formed in terms of the knowledge-based economy, a resource-dependent economic model, regardless of productivity, is not a proper solution for the Iranian economy. Due to the necessity of moving from oil-based to knowledge-based economy in Iran, this paper studies the impact of oil revenues on productivity and realization of knowledge-based economy. This research employs a descriptive – analytical method to define and identify characteristics of knowledge-based economy and examines the obstacles resulting from spending oil revenues in creating knowledge-based economy. This paper finds that spending rents from oil revenues, through its reward structure and knowledge direction lead the Iran economy to the unproductive knowledge and consequently low rates of productivity and prevent the creation of productive knowledge, then prevent the realization of the knowledge-based economy in Iran.  

Volume 15, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Tautomers are isomers of a molecule that exist in solution or in a cell. They are interchangeable forms because chemical bonds are rearranged many times spontaneously. This is different from chirality, where molecules are mirror images (or enantiomers) of each other. DFT method was carried out to study the tautomerization of the mechanism of carmustine as an anti-cancer drug.  In the carmustine structure, two conformational tautomers were predicted and both two tautomer structures were demonstrated for considering the role of changing atoms in the conformation of carmustine.  Relative energies obtained at the B3LYP/6-311G++ (d,p) , Aug-cc-pVDZ and 6-311++g(2d,2p) basis sets. The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO),  The lowest unoccupied orbital (LUMO), and bandgap energy of structures were calculated. Electronics parameters were obtained. electrophilicity. Electronegativity, softness, and hardness for determining the reactivity of compounds in biological media. have been studied. According to the data, the structure of carmustine and two tautomer conformations are stable but T1 is more stable than the other one.

Volume 15, Issue 12 (2-2016)

A comparison between three different time domain MIMO modal identification techniques i.e. ERA, EITD and PRCE is performed. The comparison is executed for discontinuous (mass and spring) and continuous (beam) systems in two different cases; i. e. experimental and operational modal analysis techniques. For this purpose the modal parameters of the system are measured using both direct time history data of impulse response (EMA) as well as correlation function of random response of the structure (OMA). From the results it is noted that some parameters like sampling frequency and total recording time have effect on their accuracy. Sensitivities of the results due to these parameters are measured and reported for all three considered methods. For this purpose the effecting parameters are altered between a couple of values and the sensitivity of the results is studied for all methods in both EMA and OMA cases. Finally, a comparison between the results of different methods is done and the accuracy of the methods is studied. It is concluded that ERA is the most accurate and reliable method with the least sensitivity to effecting parameters in both EMA and OMA cases.

Volume 15, Issue 76 (0-0)

Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Buried pipelines, commonly used to transport water, gas and oil, are critical elements of the infrastructure of today’s modern cities and usually pass through large geographical distances. They are classified as lifelines as they carry materials that are essential to support human life. Due to the importance of maintaining the operability of these lifelines, it is of primary importance to study the effect of different hazards on their behavior in order to be able to mitigate any possible damages. Therefore, they could be subjected to different types of natural hazards such as earthquakes in the form of permanent ground displacement and/or wave propagation. Seismic waves could pose great threats to above ground facilities and perhaps to a lesser content to buried pipelines. Permanent ground displacement is often caused by surface faulting, landslides, or liquefaction. Over the past years, many researchers have attempted to study the behavior of buried pipelines crossing active faults. Many reconnaissance reports show that significant damages are observed in buried steel pipelines crossing active faults. The corresponding ground deformations are applied in a quasi-static manner, and are not necessarily associated with high seismic intensity. During the ground deformation, the pipeline may undergo severe deformation, well beyond the elastic range of pipe material and may cause pipeline failure, i.e. high tensile stresses may result in tensile fracture of the pipe wall, specifically at welds, whereas compressive stresses may cause local buckling or wrinkling of the pipe wall. In case of moderate buckling, deformation of the pipe cross-section can lead to flow restriction and high friction losses, and eventually require line replacement; while for severe buckling high localized strains can lead to pipe rupture, loss of contents, and possible pollution of surrounding soil. The present study investigates the mechanical behavior of buried steel pipelines, crossing normal faults of right angle in loose clay. The pipe is assumed to be normal to the fault plane. The interacting soil–pipeline system is modeled through three-dimensional finite element method, which accounts for large strains and displacements, nonlinear material behavior, friction and gap forming on the soil–pipe interface. The analysis is conducted through an incremental application of fault displacement. Considering steel pipelines of various diameter-to-thickness ratios, and typical steel material for pipeline applications , the present study concentrates on identifying the fault offset at which the pipeline fails considering different performance criteria and to use them for performance-based design purposes. The results are presented in the form of diagram showing the critical fault displacement, and the corresponding critical strain versus the pipe diameter-to-thickness ratio. Results show that for pipelines buried in loose clay, the governing failure mode is local buckling of the pipe wall, which occurs at two locations along the length of the pipeline. The distance between the two locations at which local buckling occurs increases with decreasing pipe diameter-to-thickness ratio. It is shown that with increasing pipe diameter-to-wall thickness ratio, longitudinal compressive strains in the pipe wall increases and consequently the capacity of the pipeline to accommodate the ground deformation decreases significantly.

Volume 16, Issue 3 (Autumn 2016 2016)

The significant role of institutional conditions created by government and institutions involvement in the process of achieving sustainable development has attracted attention of policy makers to institutional innovation as one of the fundamental concepts in development strategies. On the other hand, achieving sustainable development requires access to technology and making appropriate policies for technology and innovation. This study seeks to denote the relationship between institutional innovation, technology development and the achievement of sustainable development using a partial least squares (PLS) model. The proposed model applying a questionnaire distributed among science and technology experts was estimated. The results show that institutional innovations as soft technologies will play great roles in achieving sustainable development and technology development. In addition, among technology innovations, strategizing and policy-making with a coefficient of 0.92 is of greatest importance in attaining sustainable development. As well, among technology development evidences, patent and copyright, technology management and technology environment with coefficients of 0.904, 0.89 and .0898 respectively have the highest significance in achieving sustainable development.

Volume 16, Issue 5 (9-2014)

 In recent decades, large investments have been made to introduce soil conservation methods, but most of these efforts have had limited success in achieving the goals. As a result, attempt to identify the factors deterring or promoting adoption of soil conservation practices is important. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate factors affecting adoption of soil conservation practices by rain-fed farmers.Data were gathered from 178 farmers of Izeh County in Khuzestan Province, Iran, during 2010 crop season. An ordered Logit regression model was applied to analyze the data. The results have revealed that farmers’ perception of soil erosion and their knowledge about soil conservation practices, farms size, and grant funding have a positive effect, while farmers’ levels of academic education and number of plots have negative effects on farmers’ adoption. To promote adoption of conservation practices, awarding grants, holding targeted training/extension classes to increase farmers’ knowledge about soil erosion, and methods of coping with it are suggested.

Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

The empirical mode decomposition method is a new technique to obtain constitutive components of a signal. Applicability to all kinds of signals including non-stationary and nonlinear is a main feature of this method. So far, many researches have been done in the literature to eliminate or reduce effects of multiple sources of errors such as stop criteria, end effects and interpolation function. This article focuses on end effects error which many of previous solutions have been proposed based on symmetry or similar methods to decline it. The proposed combined method using auto-regressive (AR) models for short sections of signal edges, forecasts tails of maximum and minimum envelops. Some of first intrinsic mode functions are initially calculated as a result of AR model application. The methods based on symmetry are then used to continue sifting algorithm for remaining signal that has no enough extremums to employ AR model. Finally, by executing some examples, more accurate results obtained from proposed method are compared with those achieved from the mirror method. Noise is also added to signal time history in the last example, to simulate a more realistic situation.

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