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Showing 103 results for Discourse Analysis

Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2022)

The present study has been carried out by applying the components and discourse strategies of Roger Fowler in order to reveal the ideology of the author and the social actors of the novel of Mirrors with Doors. In his discourse theory, Fowler pays special attention to the structure of the text in the fields of superstructure and deep structure. Therefore, the present paper has tried to gain a deep understanding of its construction through the analysis of the superstructure of the novel of mirrors, according to Fowler's views. In this regard, the main question of this research is to seek the strategies Houshang Golshiri used in the superstructure of his work in order to show the depth of the text. The method of this research is qualitative borrowing a descriptive-analytical approach to describe and evaluate the data. The results indicated that Glorification and Marginalization are the governing mechanism of novel discourse practices and behaviors. Using the following strategies, the author has been able to demonstrate the ideology of the Iranian immigrant communists: Discourse functions of pronoun reference, suspension, ambiguity, modality, activation, question sentences, changing the position of sentence elements, removing some linguistic elements, and anachronism. The most frequent discourse strategy is related to the component of pronoun reference and the least frequent is related to changing the position of sentence elements. It should be noted that the above-mentioned discourse strategies are the most important features of Golshiri's novel superstructure.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2019)

By presenting the concept of Paratopy, Dominique Maingueneau gives a new definition of the relationships between text, author, and society in the analysis of literary discourse. According to Maingueneau, the creation of a literary text cannot solely be result and locus of the author's conflict with his/her society but are the consequences of the writer's presence in his/her context called Paratopy. According to him, paratopy is an essential condition for emergence of a literary text and the literary creation is a necessary criterion for paratopy's existence. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the paratopy's effect in literary discourse of two writers whom both narrated the same individual's life. Considering the importance of Hallaj in the field of Islamic mysticism, he has been constantly subject of many works. To clarify Hallaj's teachings and claims, the writers have also created narratives, describing his life. Louis Massignon and Abdul-Hussein Zarrinkoub in two works: The Passions of Hallaj and The Flames of Tour, despite using the same sources, as well as a relative agreement on the rightfulness of this Muslim mystic, have offered a rather different discourse of Hallaj's life. Understanding the reason for the attention of these two outstanding authors despite their different ideological backgrounds and approaches to historiography, as well as the differences between narrative and discourse of the two texts are questions that the authors have tried to answer. Therefore, with emphasis on Maingueneau's theories in this study, the authors examined the paratopy of the two writers and its manifestation in the two mentioned literary discourses in order to understand the genesis conditions of the two works, and also, through understanding their differences, come to a clearer reading of them.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2019)

metaphor when linked to ideology becomes as one of the main concepts of critical discourse analysis ,so they will not be decorative elements and out of the discourse cortex anymore; instead they will provide the benefits of the people in an insider group and try to knock the people of an outsider group. This matter greatly appears in kinds of literature which are Anti-Colonial. The Novel “Moden al-Malh” written by “Abdul Rahman Monif” (1933-2004) is one of these kinds in which the Anti-Colonial American Ideology is evident. The writers of this query are trying to study the metaphorical functions considering the Ideological Square of “Van Dijk” by qualitative studies and critical methods. The research achievement shows that Abdul Rahman Monif in "Moden al-Malh"  describing the insider group (the Arabs) by applying metaphor, indicates characteristics such as patriotism, having a revolutionary spirit, alliance and liberalism in the text ; and describing the outsider group (the Americans and the Government) induces characteristics like deception, frustration, interference, cultural invasion and falsehood to the audience . He also has been able to illustrate the conflict among the Arabs on the one hand and the Americans and the Government on the other hand as well. The most important metaphorical function in this novel is the legitimacy of America in the Persian Gulf States that has been simply achieved by leaders supporting them and by giving false secular promises, which of course the writer has maximized the function of metaphor in the above mentioned novel by the use of two instruments of humor and affection.

Volume 10, Issue 44 (5-2022)

The story of Amir-Arsalan is one of the most important folk tales of the Qajar period. This story, which was written and narrated directly for Nasser al-Din, can be a good example for analyzing the discourse of the Qajar era. In the Qajar period, despite the deposition of the discourse of tradition in Iranian society, gradually with the influence of the presuppositions of modernity, the discourse of modernity emerged. In this research, we have examined the story of Amir Arsalan from the perspective of the discourse of modernity as well as the discourse struggle between tradition and modernity. The research is based on one of the recurring propositions of the discourse of modernity in the political sphere, "consultation is decisive." Using the method of discourse analysis, we have examined the parts of the text that have been formed based on this proposition. We have also referred to cases in which the discourse of tradition has been meaningful while examining the discourse of modernity in the text.

Ferdows Aghagolzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (2-2004)

This paper, largely motivated by Hoey (2001), revisits the issue of Written Discourse Analysis and, in particular, the Problem-Solution Pattern. Much discussion embarrasses the way in which texts are pro-duced and understood. The different functional approaches include Halliday and Hasan’s approach, van Dijk’s process-oriented approach, the procedural approach of de Beaugrande and Dressler, and the Problem Solution approach of Michael Hoey. These approaches attempt to answer the question: what is a text? How is it constructed and how can it be interpreted? According to Hoey, the processes of reading and writing in any discourse are based on culturally popular patterns of organisation between the writer and the reader. The text may be seen as an interaction between the writer and the reader in which the reader seeks to anticipate the questions that the writer is going to answer. In conclusion, analysing some texts indicates that the problem solution method is a comprehensive and easy method for producing narrative and non-narrative texts.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2020)

The English language textbooks for learners with special educational needs play a crucial role in classifying knowledge in the learners’ minds and framing their axiological-epistemological systems. As a result, developing English language textbooks based on discourses of needs analysis can not only empower language skill abilities among these learners but also contribute to them to become active citizens. However, if the materials developed are silent on the learners’ needs in developing their practices may marginalize the learners as at risk educational groups. Very few studies have critically analyzed prevocational English language textbooks written for learners with special needs to see to what extent the content, conversations and image of these English language textbooks could meet daily affair realizations for learners with special needs.  Embedded in Laclau and Moffe’s Critical Discourse Analysis approach, the current study thus focuses secondary school prevocational English language textbook by ministry of education in grades seven, eight and nine. Findings showed that in the dominant discourse of these textbooks, there exists no symbol of body and life style representation of these learners. They have been selected either in ideal or token manners. Contents and images of these textbooks could not go beyond dichotomizing hegemonic discourses of society (normal-abnormal) and have reproduced power relations belonging to ordinary people. Normal affair is a social construct. Discourse representation and power relations dominant on curriculum patterns frame real worlds and life styles for learners with special needs. Thus, dearth of images and challenges of people with special needs are perceived as their absence in public domains and consequently neglecting multiple life styles of these groups. Hence, this study is of significance as it has some theoretical and practical ramifications for the materials developers and raises their awareness to redesign English language textbooks for these learners based on their needs.      

Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The purpose of this paper is to identify the dominant discourse on texts related to human resource development strategies in the banking industry that represent the reality of education and learning. In fact, in addition to identifying the type of dominant discourse, we examine key concepts in discourse order. This research is based on Fairclough's critical discourse analysis (CDA) method. The theoretical framework that Fairclough introduces, involves a variety of concepts that have been used for research purposes. Fairclough analyzes these concepts in a three-dimensional model. According to this model, the selected text, which is a "comprehensive system of education and human resource development" in the banking industry, was analyzed in detail at the three levels of description, interpretation and explanation. The results of the analysis showed that the dominant discourse on human resource development strategies in the banking industry is articulated through the discourse elements of integration perspective, performance-based approach and guided learning activities and the order of discourse dominates the whole of this discourse.

Volume 11, Issue 6 (3-2020)

The relation between culture and language, features the need to examine the effectiveness of language textbooks. Considering the goal that foreign language teaching is mainly associated with the entry of cultural issues into the learner' knowledge, this need increases especially during learning a foreign language. Due to the today's growing importance of visual communication, this article offers a new perspective on images of English language textbooks in our system of education, based on the semiotic model of Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006), which emphasizes the importance of constituent elements of culture and society in analyzing linguistic signs; such as clothing, traditions or customs of cultures and subcultures. Paying attention to limitations of this case study, "ethnicity and location" are analyzed in the images of "Visions" and "Prospects". The present study explains how discourse is represented in these images, based on a scientific background and descriptive-analytical method with the aim of examining the social and cultural functions of language. The results show that the studied textbooks don't have a specific "ethnic-racial" approach and selection of "place" was without bias of the source language or the target language; In this way, the illustrator didn't pay special attention to his or her own language in choosing the images
1. Introduction
Due to the today's increasing importance of visual communication, the present study has a new perspective to this issue and examines the various forms of visual communication and discourse representation in images of "Visions" and "Prospects"related to place and ethnicity. Sometimes it is not possible to express everything that is presented through the images with a linguistic tool, and the opposite is also true. In this study, in addition to examining the semiotic pattern of Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006), we will look at the questions: how discourse is represented in images related to "ethnicity" as well as "place". A deep connection between English language and its related culture and the need to confirm that English language textbooks contain cultural issues in addition to linguistic issues, resulted the researcher into analyze multi-style texts after extracting. In this article, we try to analyze images at the levels of representational, interactive and compositional meaning using descriptive-analytical method. This study is based on the hypothesis that the mentioned English language textbooks, don't have a specific ethnic-racial approach and images related to "place" play a role in conveying concepts without biasing the source language or the target language.
2. Literature Review
It is necessary for images to meet the conditions of representation and communication, sothat they act as a complete communication system. One of the language semiotics' schools is social semiotics, which deals with a social dimension of meaning in the communication media and pictures. Social semiotics has many possibilities for semiotics and is presented with the assumption that signs and messages should considered in the field of social processes (Kress & Van leeuwen, 2006: 6). Studies like Meshkat (2002), Shin & Kubota (2008), Amouzade et al (2013), Wue (2014) and Ahangar & Shirvani (2016) have discussed the discourse representation in multimedia texts. However, the present research is a new study to newly published English textbooks "Prospect" and "Visions". Although Halliday's theory (1994) is capable of analyzing pragmatic aspects of language, it is incapable of studying multi-style texts. Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) improved and generalized his idea to images. Torres (2015) evaluated textbook's social-visual semiotics in the educational system of South Korea based on Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006). His findings indicated that some visual and verbal messages conflict with each other. He also explains that this opposition reveals the purposeful ideology within those images. Rouhani and Saeed Far (2013) worked on a comprehensive study using the grammar model of Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006). They analyzed the images of old high school textbooks. According to their research, images aren't used in the service of language learning completely. With this in mind, let's know the other part of paper. 
3. Methodology
This research applies Halliday's theory (1994) and Kress, G. & Van leeuwen (2006) to analyze discourse representation in images of English textbooks "Prospects" and "Visions" which affect the students as learners. In this article, we try to analyze images at the levels of representational, interactive and compositional meaning using descriptive-analytical method.
4. Results and Discussions
By analyzing the data, the initial hypotheses are confirmed. In this way, the studied images show that people having different ethnicity are the same. They tend to show that it doesn't matter what their particular race or skin color is; rather, human beings regardless of these features, can be successful and efficient people if they have necessary competencies. In selecting place-related images, public locations such as the street and the classroom are selected. It has a general aspect and isn't specifically related to a particular language or culture; As a result, no orientation of the source language or the target language plays a role in conveying concepts

Volume 12, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Ideology can increase the rivalry or socio-political clashes between political powers within a society. People, political parties and organizations set their policies following a dominant ideology. News agencies are among the highly influential organizations which can affect ideological and political thinking. News agencies, by means of translation, try to direct people’s way of thinking toward a special direction. Therefore, the role of translation in highlighting political rivalry among parties is undeniable. Meanwhile, translators’ word choice can reflect the differences between the Reformists and the Conservatives. The aim of the current study is to examine the representation of ideological foregrounding in journalistic translators’ word choice. The corpus includes 200 journalistic sentences collected from foreign news websites. Then collected data were analyzed based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. The results showed that the conflicts between two main parties are reflected in translators’ word choice. The phenomenon can potentially increase clashes and tensions in a society and challenge social stability.
 Human life and affairs are not just limited to a particular country or region. Today, everything that happens in a corner of the world can easily affect people’s lives in other countries. Consequently, people want to know what happened in other parts of the world. Therefore, a wide range of communication tools has been developed in recent decades. News media is one of the most important communication tools that has greatly affected human life in the contemporary era. But news media is not just for communication. It is a proper tool to advance the ideological goals of organizations, institutions, and even political parties. Therefore, one of the important elements that should be considered in the news media is ideology. News media also needs some efficient tools to advance its ideological goals. Translation is an effective tool that can be very helpful and supportive for media to put forward society in a predefined path. News agencies, using translation, can direct people’s way of thinking toward a special direction. Therefore, the role of translation in highlighting political rivalry among parties is undeniable. Meanwhile, translators’ word choice can reflect the differences between the Reformists and the Conservatives.
The current research aims to investigate the representation of ideological foregrounding in journalistic translators’ word choice through critical discourse analysis. To achieve this goal, a corpus of 200 journalistic sentences collected from foreign news agency’s websites. As the political rivalry between Iranian Conservative and Reformist parties was to be examined, the Persian translation of this news was also collected. Then collected data were analyzed based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. The main question of the present study was to what extent the ideology of the news translator had been reflected in his/her choice of words and to what extent this plays a role in increasing the political confrontation of the parties. Since only translators' word choice is considered, only those parts of Fairclough’s model have been selected that were suitable for lexical analysis. The main hypothesis of the research was that the translator’s word choice could play a key role in ideological clashes between parties.
After analyzing collected data, the results revealed that the conflicts between the two main parties are reflected in translators’ word choice. This can potentially result in clashes and tensions in society and challenge social stability. In addition, it was found that news translating is one of the most challenging translations that is associated with applying the ideologies of political parties, organizations and groups. Furthermore, it became clear that the mode of translation can affect the way of thinking of the society in different situations.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2021)

Speeches of the presidents at the United Nations General Assembly is of great importance with respect to ideology. The present study aims to compare the ideology in speeches of Iranian presidents in recent years including Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hasan Ruhani. The data of this descriptive research are gathered out of texts of the speeches in 2001, 2005, 2007, 2013, and 2018. Then, the data were analyzed within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Fairclough. This framework includes three stages namely Description, Interpretation and Explanation. At the first stage, the linguistic strategies utilized in the speeches are explored. In Interpretation stage, Situational, Intertextual and Pragmatic contexts are analyzed. In Explanation stage, the first two stages are expanded into the society level. The results of the study show that there are some similarities and discrepancies among the speeches. The similarity lies in the ideology of defending rights of Iran and oppressed nations. Mohammad Khatami attempted to integrate all countries to work in same direction in order to settle the disagreements. Meanwhile, due to Situational contexts and political, financial and regional conditions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hasan Ruhani made their effort to mobilize nations to stay against oppressing nations.

1. Introduction
Critical discourse analysis is a common field among many disciplines, including linguistics, literature, political science, etc., which examines the linguistic patterns in the text and measures the relationship between language, society, and culture. This field could be applied to analyze texts with a wide range of topics. Fairclough (1995, p. 132) considers critical discourse analysis to be the study of ambiguous relationships between a) speech methods, events, and texts, and b) broad social and cultural structures. The ideological relations in the text are one of the most important issues related to critical discourse analysis. Fairclough's emphasis on the hidden ideology of texts in Language and Power (2001) shows the importance of this issue in discourse studies. The speech of the presidents of the countries in the United Nations is a rich source of ideological information and policies of the countries due to the use of different strategies.
The issue of this research is also how ideology is represented in their speeches. The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences in the representation of ideology and language strategies used in the speeches of Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani.
1. What are the similarities and differences between the representation of ideology in the speeches of Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani?
2. What linguistic strategies have been utilized to represent ideological differences?
2. Literature Review
One of the most important and fundamental works published in the field of critical discourse analysis is the book Language and Power by Fairclough (2001). In this book, he examines the three stages of description, interpretation and explanation. These three stages are also described in Fairclough (2006). Another book published by Fairclough (1995) is Media Discourse, which examines the mass media from various linguistic and social dimensions. Morover, several scientific articles have been published in the field of critical discourse analysis of the speeches of political officials in the world. Alami et al (2017), Carreon and Svetanant (2017), Afkhami et al (2018) and Ziyaie et al (2013) are amongst the most significant ones.
3. Methodology
This research is qualitative and the method of data analysis is descriptive-analytical. The data of the present article are collected from the text of the speeches of the Presidents of Iran in the past years in the UN meetings. Out of a total of 15 speeches delivered at the United Nations, two speeches from each president were randomly selected. Then, the collected data were described and analyzed in order to examine the ideological relations and hidden power and angles in the framework of Fairclough (2006) critical discourse analysis.
Lectures are examined at three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation, according to Fairclough's (ibid) approach. Examining each of these three levels includes vocabulary and grammar. At the descriptive level, the data have been studied in terms of formal and visual characteristics, at the level of interpretation in terms of two levels, high and low, and at the level of discourse explanation according to social conditions.
4. Results
Using data analysis, it was shown that the speeches of the United Nations Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani have similarities and differences in terms of different aspects of discourse and power relations. This set of data presented in different sections of the research proves the first hypothesis of the present article. The speeches have similarities in terms of trying to defend the rights of Iran and the oppressed countries, and all three presidents have tried to defend the rights of the Iranian people and the oppressed countries, but there are differences between them in terms of representing ideology using different linguistic forms. And this proves the second hypothesis of the research. The final results of the present study show that Mohammad Khatami is trying to integrate and show solidarity with all countries in the world in terms of political behavior, while Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani are trying to mobilize countries against world oppressors such as the United States, Britain and others. It seems that this difference was due to various reasons such as the context of the situation and the political, economic and regional conditions during the presidency of each of the presidents of Iran.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2022)

This study aimed to critically analyze the promotional texts in nature schools within Ecolinguistics approach. Data collected through telegram channels of nature schools over the past three years.These texts are often taken from Vahhabzadeh(2013 and 2016). Finally,45 discourse texts were selected, comprising a total of 274 clauses. Each clause was analyzed based on Hallidays systemic functional grammar from the perspective of experiential, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions, and ultimately they were ecolinguistically examined. The relationship between human and the environment and understanding the views and attitudes of these schools are among the issues were examined. The results showed that the content of 168 clauses, i.e. 61 percent of clauses, encourages humans to conserve the environment and make proper use of nature and  In 149 cases, approximately 55%, there is a human-nature or nature-friendly relationship. As a result, these schools play a key role in changing human attitudes toward the environment, leading children to conserve nature.
Critical Discourse Analysis of Educational Texts in Nature Schools: An Ecolinguistics Perspective
Received: 13 December 2019
Received in revised form: 8 March 2020
    Accepted: 7 April 2020

Sedighesadat Meghdari1* & Masoome Yousefi2

This study aimed to critically analyze the promotional texts in nature schools within Ecolinguistics approach. Data collected through telegram channels of nature schools over the past three years.These texts are often taken from Vahhabzadeh(2013 and 2016). Finally,45 discourse texts were selected, comprising a total of 274 clauses. Each clause was analyzed based on Hallidays systemic functional grammar from the perspective of experiential, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions, and ultimately they were ecolinguistically examined. The relationship between human and the environment and understanding the views and attitudes of these schools are among the issues were examined. The results showed that the content of 168 clauses, i.e. 61 percent of clauses, encourages humans to conserve the environment and make proper use of nature and  In 149 cases, approximately 55%, there is a human-nature or nature-friendly relationship. As a result, these schools play a key role in changing human attitudes toward the environment, leading children to conserve nature.

Keywords: Ecolinguistics,Critical discourse analysis, Nature schools, Systemic Functional grammar.
1. Introduction
 Environmental linguistics, by nature , is the critique of language forms contributing to environmental degradation and helping the exploration new forms of language that encourage people to protect the environment. This research aims to do an ecolinguistically critical discourse analysis on nature schools texts.
Research Question(s)
What is the relationship between man and nature in the propaganda texts of nature schools?

2. Literature Review
"Environmental Linguistics" is a book translated by Aghagolzadeh (2016) is the most comprehensive and complet book in Persian. Shahnaseri (2009) has ecolinguistically analyzed the shortcomings of science at both lexical and grammatical levels. Maleki et al. (2016) introduced the typology of environmental discourses in of Islamic National Parlement negotiations. Mirsaeedi (2016) showed the poems contain litral devices such as metaphor, prsonafication and so on can be considered as a model for turning Persian into a green language. Ghiasian and Shirini (2016) research is a decoding of humanism institutionalized in Persian language and culture. (see also Miboudi et al. (2014), Qatreh et al. (2015),  Rakaei and Naeemi (2016), Khairabadi (2015) and Mushtaqimehr and Faizi (1397) for similar disscussion).

3. Methodology
This research is done through Halliday's systematic- functional theory (2004), namely. experiential, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions from the perspective of ecolinguistically critical discourse analysis.
4. Results
Results obtained from experimental analysis of 274 clauses as the research data indicated relational process has the highest frequency with 107 items. This verifies the claim that relationships have a special place in the texts of nature schools. Results obtained from interpersonal analysis showes non-mentioned subject has the highest frequency, indicating the authors of nature school texts pay less attention to interaction and only play an informative role. The next case is positive polarity, which has the highest frequency with 201 cases, and shows that the author has presented his views with determination in most of his texts. The statment with a frequency of 228 is in the first place and shows the authors interst to give too informations to the readers. Application of grammatical aspects suggestes that the affirmative aspect with a frequency of 215 has the highest frequency. It indicates the author has a high degree of certainty. Results obtained from textual analysis shows the experimental initiator has the highest frequency indicating the authors seek to attract the audience's attention. The promotional perspective of nature schools analysis showed approximately 61% encourages human beings to preserve the environment.Finally, the relationship between man and nature in the studied texts indicates that in approximately 55%, there is a friendly relationship between human and nature.


Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Critical discourse analysis is an approach that considers language as a social practice in relation to factors such as power and ideology. According to this approach, the present study has tried to use sociological-semantic components to demonstrate how `Jalal Al-Ahmad expressed his ideology through the representation of the characters of Fall Valley and how he portrayed the social agents of that period after Reza Shah’s fall. In this short story, linguistic constructions are analyzed through the sociological-semantic components. So Van Leeuwen’s modal is appropriate for analyzing the text and discovering the relationship between language and the author’s ideology. The main question of this paper is whether the author has been able to reveal his hidden ideology through the representation of social agents? Research findings exhibit that this has happened and Al-Ahmad has expressed his ideology and views in the story by using the methods of suppression, backgrounding, activation, passivation, personification and impersonalization. Using the general strategy of “exclusion”, he hides the identity of high-ranking officials of Pahlavi government and completely “ignores” them by “backgrounding”. The “government” and the “army” have been activated in the discourse, and the “workers” and the “elites” have been passivated to highlight the oppression that has been inflicted upon them for his audience.
  1.  Introduction
The main discussion in the present study is to examine the reflection of the discourse governing the working class of Reza Shah's era in the story of "Fall Valley". In this work, Al-Ahmad, using a general representation, shows the rulers of the Pahlavi regime as generally active in suppressing workers' protests.  He also identifies each of them with a distinct identity through a special representation. This research seeks to answer these questions in the framework of critical discourse analysis approach: 1.How does Van Leeuwen's theoretical model help to analyze the representation of social actors in the story? 2. Has the author been able to reflect his ideology in the text by representing the actors? 3. How is the relationship between the discourse-oriented components and the ideology embedded in the text explained? The main hypothesis related to the above questions is that Al-Ahmad has been able to use the depiction of social actors in the story to express his ideology.
The results of the research related to the theory under study indicate that so far no research has been done on the subject of the present article, namely the sociological-semantic analysis of Al-Ahmad political stories and novels. Therefore, the present study examines this issue in order to compensate for the existing deficit in this field. Obviously, considering this point, the necessity and importance of such research is clear.

2. Literature Review
Regarding the theoretical background of the present study, several works were generally found in the fictional literature that have been criticized according to Van Leeuwen's model. Among these works, we can mention Pooshneh and Babak (2013) who, in their study, have found different ways of representing social activists in the story "Between Yesterday and Tomorrow" by Ebrahim Golestan. The main purpose of this study is to discover the relationship between intellectual-social (ideological) perspectives with discourse-oriented structures in the story.
In their study, Saeidnia et al. (2014) have examined the novels of Suovashun and Sang-e Sabour from the perspective of critical discourse analysis and based on sociological-semantic components. The results of this study indicate that the authors of these novels have represented women as a second sex, weak and with lower social prestige than men.
Junidi and Khaghani (2015) in their article have represented social action in zane ziadi (story collection). Their research findings show that in this set, actions are more inactive and static that are pushed into the background of the audience's mind.
The subject of the research of Armi et al. (2017) is dedicated to the analysis of how gender relations are represented in the novel "Lullaby for a Dead Girl" by Hamid Reza Shahabadi. This research, in the framework of critical discourse analysis and using Van Leeuwen components, has analyzed and explained the role and identity of family members and their interpersonal relationships in the novel.
In their article, Hamidreza Akbari et al. (2019) examine the story of "Ab-e Bid" by Mohammad Bahman Beigi to determine how the author has used the representation of social actors to express his views. He also uses the component of changing time, at the same time as raising the issue of modern Iran, to reveal the faces of the people of a part of Iran who still live in a prehistoric way. The author of the article has thus challenged the policies of the Pahlavi government.
Although the present study is similar to some of these works in terms of methodology, including Junidi and Khaghani (2015), but specifically and in terms of the studied stories, a study that analyzes the political and ideological literature of Al-Ahmad with this method. Has not been found yet.

3. Methodology
The purpose of this research, with a descriptive-analytical approach, is to investigate the representation techniques of social actors using data collected from the story of Al-Ahmad. To achieve this goal, using a qualitative method, first thirty discourse-oriented sentences with political and social themes in the story were selected. These sentences were then analyzed based on Van Leeuwen's model in order to find the components of cognitive-semantic society. Although Van Leeuwon's theory lists 51 ways to represent social actors, the authors focus on only the most frequent components of the story, as not all of them appear in the selected sentences. Their findings show that the author has shown the actions of nomadic teachers to be effective through a mass display strategy.

4. Discussion
Van Leeuwen (2008, p. 52) divides the "exclusion" component in discourse into two types, "suppression" and "backgrounding". In the discourse of Al-Ahmad, we see on several occasions the "suppression" or extremist exclusion of the activists who are the main cause of the deplorable situation of the miners. These activists, who are in fact the rulers of the Pahlavi regime and the owners of the means of production; By substituting unknown faces, they are completely hidden in the author's discourse! It is obvious that the author has deliberately removed from his discourse the indications of the involvement of the Pahlavi authorities in these cases by removing those who are responsible for killing the freedom fighters. This form of "suppression" serves to marginalize the first person of the government, Reza Shah. The extreme omission of Reza Shah's name in the discourse occurs by using the method of "general naming" that is, bringing the title "state" instead of the title of king. In this way, Al-Ahmad has tried to present the image of the "state" as a general nature, hegemonic and totalitarian, in order to remove negative and extremist actions from the realm of the "king" by highlighting it.
       The most prominent example of "backgrounding" in the discourse of the story is when describing an actor who is referred to as "Colonel D". Although this officer has little presence in the discourse and his function is limited to his brief meeting with the head of the mine, his actions are recognizable in all incidents, including raids on workers' homes and their arrest and execution. The action of "Colonel D" (exploring the valleys of the mines) initiates a bloody repression, while its action in this story is diminished by the producer of the discourse and marginalized through the background.
       It is obvious that the main cause of the repression of the miners and the execution of the protagonist is the Pahlavi government and Reza Shah himself, while as mentioned before, no name of this person is mentioned in the discourse. The question here is whether the removal of Reza Shah's name from the discourse was due to political reasons and the suffocating atmosphere around the text? The definitive answer to this question seems difficult, because the author wrote this story in 1326, six years after the fall of Reza Shah, and therefore could have explicitly named him as the main person responsible for the Zirab mine accidents. But why does he remove Reza Shah's name from his discourse instead? Perhaps the concealment of Reza Shah's name was based on the assumption that the audience already knew the hidden actor.
       In the process of "expression", the presence of actors in discourse is represented in the forms of "activation", "passivation"," Personalization" and "Impersonalization". In Al-Ahmad's discourse, we see the active depiction of gendarmerie officers; For example, Haidar Babakhanlu is mentioned several times in the discourse, and his actions (including the torture of miners in the field court) are prominently represented in all behavioral and speech processes. The linguistic manifestation of this method is the role of the actor as the subject in certain clauses. It seems that Al-Ahmad wanted to portray all the members of that organization in a negative light by actively portraying Babakhanlu as a member of the army. In the discourse under study, the "boss" and the "miners" are actors who are shown to be passive. And they are represented as if they have escaped the attention of the country. It is possible that Al-Ahmad, with this kind of illustration, wanted to show the audience that the working class and the elite of Iranian society will always be ignored by politicians!

5. Conclusion
The authors of the present article sought to answer the question of how to use Van Leeuwen's strategies to analyze the representation of social actors in the story. The authors also sought to answer the question of whether the author was able to reflect his ideology in the text by representing the actors. Analysis of the research data, in addition to explaining the relationship between the discourse-oriented components and the ideology embedded in the text, showed that Al-Ahmad was able to use the representation of social actors in the story to express his ideology. His discourse shows that in representing the actors in the story, the author has used the strategy of expressing non-governmental actors in positive issues and removing them from negative issues, and vice versa, the same strategy in the case of government actors. Thus, statesmen are represented in the discourse as negative actors, and workers and miners as positive actors. In general, the author uses the method of "differentiation" to highlight the contradiction between these two groups, the "state" and the "working class". Using the method of "general naming", which uses the name "government" instead of mentioning the name of the king, the author has removed Reza Khan's name from the discourse of the story. The actors identified by their names in the author's discourse are all male and are portrayed formally, semi-formally, and informally. Al-Ahmad, by passively portraying the head of the mine, puts him in the spotlight to highlight the oppression that has been inflicted on him and the miners. In general, the representation of social actors in Al-Ahmad's discourse has been influenced by his socio-intellectual views and the power relations that govern the society of his time.


Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2022)

As the most well-known translator of Rumi in the United States, Coleman Barks is not without criticism. Due to many deviations and alterations to the original text, his translations have undergone harsh criticism by literary critics. Coleman Barks’ critics have considered different reasons for his alterations to the works of Rumi, the most important of which is his lack of knowledge over Farsi language. Other reasons include not paying attention to the culture and religion of Rumi and a biased distortion of Islamic elements. In this research we provide evidence against the above claims. Based on the Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Discourse Theory and their notion of “Nodal Point” we have shown that the most fundamental mistake of Coleman Barks is to misrecognize the Nodal Point in the source text and considering all of them to be the same in all Rumi’s works. This has led to a deconstruction of the allegories and has turned the characters in the Masnavi, Quranic stories, mystical symbols and rituals into actual things, physical deeds, and historical figures, resulting in an inevitable distortion by Coleman Barks. Based on his own discourse and the discourse of his audience, he has tried to invent justifications, new themes, and explanations for the poetry of Rumi. To prove this hypothesis, we have analyzed his translations of Rumi’s “Story of The Reed”, “The People of the Cave”, his views on Jesus in the poetry of Rumi, and his description of the whirling dance “Sama”.
  1.  Introduction
Today, Barks’ translations are the best-selling translations of Rumi's works. They have been translated into more than twenty languages worldwide, and it can be said that many in the U.S. and other English-speaking countries know Rumi through the eyes of Barks. Numerous publications by Barks and the remarkable success of his work have naturally attracted the attention of critics. Iranian and foreign critics agree on the fact that there are obvious differences between the well-known Rumi as the East knows him and Barks’ Rumi. Bark’s translations portray Rumi as a modern age guru beyond or rather free from any religion or culture. The differences are to the extent that cannot always be dismissed by merely calling them a tasteful artistic alteration or a mistake. Some critics, e.g., Lahouti believes Barks has purposely distorted the poetry of Rumi since many of Barks’ deviations are towards verses with religious content.
There are various assumptions about Barks’ acquisitions. Based on each of these hypotheses, critics have criticized one or more of Barks’ poems, but what is missing from these critiques is a comprehensive hypothesis that can be used to explain the totality of Coleman Barks' works. By examining unprecedented evidence from Bark’s translations, we will provide a more encompassing reason for his deviations to the original poetry using the idea of nodal point from Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory.
Research Questions
This study intends to answer the following questions:
  1.  What is the scope of Coleman Barks’ alterations and are the critics accusations valid?
  2.  Are Barks’ alterations intentional and biased or can they be explained by a more comprehensive theory?
  3.  Can Laclau and Mouffe’s idea of discourse and nodal point explain the reason behind Coleman Barks’ alterations to Rumi’s Poetry?
The main hypothesis of this research in answering the above questions is that although Coleman Barks' biases and lack of knowledge play a role in his changes to the poetry of Rumi, it is his misrecognition of the nodal point, ignoring Rumi’s discourse, and prioritizing his discourse over Rumi’s, that has led to the majority of alterations.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Translation Criticism: Coleman Barks
A few papers have considered Coleman Barks’ free renderings of Rumi worthy of criticism. Hassan Lahouti’s articles and interviews suggest that Coleman Barks has purposely distorted Rumi’s poetry for political and religious reasons. (Lahouti, 2015 pp. 50-53). Omid Azadibougar and Simon Patton discuss the translatability of literature and culture, challenges to world literature in translation, and the popularity of this version of Rumi in the USA. (Azadibougar and  Patton, 2015 pp. 172-189)
 Nonetheless, research in this field has mostly applied the criteria of literature criticism to translation criticism and lacks a scientific wholistic view on the matter free from political, cultural and religious biases. In this paper we first, analyzed many examples from his most important popular translation “The Essential Rumi”. Second, by taking a discourse theory approach we have examined what has been so far regarded as biased distortions in translation in a new light.

2.2. Laclau and Mouffe’s Discourse Theory: Nodal Point
Although Laclau and Mouffe’s Discourse Theory mainly deals with political applications of discourse, recent research has broadened its application to art and literature as well. For example, Ricardo Camargo in “Rethinking the Political: A Genealogy of the “Antagonism” in Carl Schmitt through the Lens of Laclau-Mouffe-Žižek” (2015) presents a nonpolitical application of Laclau and Mouffe’s theory. In this paper we have shown how the correct recognition of “Nodal Point” can determine the validity of a literary translation. A discourse is formed by the partial fixation of meaning around certain Nodal Points (Laclau and Mouffe 1985: 112). A nodal point is a privileged sign around which the other signs are ordered; the other signs acquire their meaning from their relationship to the nodal point. (Jorgenson and Phillips 2008, p 26).

3. Methodology
This is qualitative research using a descriptive-analytical method of study. The data has been cited from the verses of Molana in the Masnavi and their equivalent in Barks’ translations in “The Essential Rumi”. Data has been collected through library research.

4. Conclusion
This study shows that Islamophobia, lack of familiarity with the Persian language, or other biases which critics have suggested as some of the main reasons for Bark’s alleged distortions, although not completely ruled out, is not the main reason for his numerous alterations to Rumi’s poetry. Using the perspectives of discourse analysis and the idea of “Nodal Point” in Laclau and Mouffe’s Theory, we find that a correct understanding of the discourse of the text in the source language and recognizing its nodal point is the main step in translation, the misdiagnosis of which turns into error, alteration, and distortion in the translation. 
Lack of a coherent theme behind the poem or the book in translation, deconstruction of allegories and adding to or reducing from the text in order to fit it into the translation’s presumptions and discourse are the main consequences of the translator's misunderstanding of the dominant discourse of the text in translation and its nodal point. This mainly leads to the ignoring of religious-Quranic discourse and mystical elements as the main discourse of the spiritual Masnavi which is based on the Quranic teachings applied to the mystical journey. Preferring his own discourse and assumption that Rumi is beyond religion and culture, the translator omits some parts of the source text and concepts and provides objective translations and interpretations of Rumi’s poetry instead.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2022)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the procedures of persuasion of judges by lawyers in the Iranian criminal and legal courts based on the critical discourse analysis approach. The methodological nature of this research is descriptive-analytic and the authors have collected the data by referring to courts, Tehran courts, and lawyers' offices, by studying hundreds of cases and observing dozens of interrogations in 1397, then analyzed 50 excerpts of conversations of participants (10 cases) based on Laclau and Mouffe's approach (1985,2001,2002). The main features of this approach are: signifier and signified, restlessness, antithesis, hegemony and fixation of meaning, power, myth and social imagination and metaphor, subject position and political subjectivity. According to the discourse of lawyers, it can be said that they use from the establishment of the semantic system of discourse including such words as client release, mitigation of punishment, proving the guilt of the accused, and seeking punishment for the accused, each of which establishes its own signifier with specific concepts, as influential cognitive and behavioral factors for persuasion. The main question of the present study is how the concept of persuasion is reflected in the conversations of lawyers in court discourse. The results showed that lawyers express their client's strengths and rival's weaknesses using backgrounding and foregrounding. So, in order to persuade judges to defend their client, lawyers use backgrounding to express rival’s weakness with the negative bias, and also they use foregrounding to provide their clients strengths with the positive bias.
  1.  Introduction
Language is not only a means of communication between human beings, but also as a social act that encompasses speech and writing. It’s worth noting that every text is produced in special situations and with different degrees of selection and in a ratio of power and ideology. Thus, no text can be found that is devoid of the author's personal views, etc., and just as there is no pure social reality, there is no neutral discourse. Since forensic linguistics is also a process of examining language in law discussions, it finds an inextricable link with discourse analysis, and in this regard, critical discourse analysis can also be mentioned. Forensic linguistics is a branch of applied linguistics that deals with the application of linguistic knowledge and methods in the context of law, legal language, crime, interrogation, trial, and judicial procedure. The present study aims to investigate the methods of using persuasion in court and law processes using the critical discourse analysis approach.
     It should be noted that the research on persuasion methods can be fully examined based on the approach of Laclau and Mouffe (1985, 2001, 2002). From this perspective, it is most used in the discourse of lawyers to persuade judges based on the component of opposition (foregrounding and backgrounding) as well as the signifier and signified component that Lacla and Mouffe (1985, 2001, 2002) have dealt with. Therefore, lawyers try to persuade the judge by using their client's discourse factors such as expressing remorse, confession, lack of proper physical condition, participation with the court in the case process.
    On the other hand, if we look closely at the environment in which we live, we can easily see persuasive efforts. In fact, persuasion has become an integral part of our lives. Advertisers who use mass media to sell their products usually use this linguistic tool. A political candidate who buys newspaper ads or the health organization that encourages people to quit smoking through a radio station. Also, in general, persuasion is the basic and ultimate goal of all types of communication behaviors. And also, individuals' thoughts, judgments, and memories are strongly formed by their current feelings, by their different behaviors and biases, by their initial perceptions of the main participants (lawyers, defendants, judges), as well as by a set of social factors.
The present study consists of six sections. In the first part, we will discuss the introduction and generalities of the research. In the second part, we will get acquainted with the background of research and related studies. In the third section, we will introduce legal linguistics and the category of persuasion. In the fourth section, we will discuss the research methodology. In the fifth section, we will examine the lawyers' discourse in criminal cases and the category of the investigator’s persuasion, and in the sixth section, we will discuss the findings and results of the research.

2. Literature Review
For decades, we have witnessed a growing methodology and an increasing number of linguists appearing in court as expert witnesses. Nevertheless, not even the name of this new science has been heard in the Iranian judicial system, which makes the need to study and introduce this science in the field of the Iranian judicial system important. Accordingly, the present study is one of those researches that can be used in this field and can be helpful. In the following, the authors intend to introduce some of the research related to the forthcoming research.
 Baghinipour (2004) in an article entitled "Persuasion and some of its measures: a discussion in critical discourse" examines the process of persuasion and considers it a phenomenon that can be used to overcome the mind and create the discussion of power. Findings have shown that different speech structures can be effective in shaping and changing mental models and social representations.
Kia and Saeedi (2004) in a study entitled “The principles of communication, propaganda and persuasion” have stated that persuasion is a mutual linguistic factor whose purpose is to respond to the needs of the persuaded person, and generally in persuasion there is a two-way communication.
Motavali (2005) in his research entitled “Public Opinion and Methods of Persuasion” has tried to make us familiar with the issues that deal with public opinion in such a way.
Nami (2009) has also stated that in foreign language teaching academies in Iran, writing English with proper cohesion, coherence and suitable persuasiveness is a major challenge for those language learners who are studying English. This is because, writing is usually considered a secondary skill and is pushed to the margins of language classes due to its time consuming nature.
Studies show that so far no research has been done on the methods of persuading judges based on the ideas of Laclau and Mouffe (1985, 2001, 2002). Therefore, in this article, we will address the question of what are the linguistic strategies and factors involved in the lawyers' discourse to persuade judges based on the approach of Laclau and Mouffe discourse analysis.

3. Research Methodology
The methodological nature of this research is descriptive-analytic and the authors have collected the data by referring to courts, Tehran courts, and lawyers' offices, by studying hundreds of cases and observing dozens of interrogations in 1397, then analyzed 50 excerpts of conversations of participants (10 cases) based on Laclau and Mouffe's approach (1985,2001,2002).

4. Results
The tool of the lawyer is word, sentence and discourse and s/he uses this tool in the form of speech and writing. Therefore, the lawyer must have cognitive and behavioral components that make his/her speech and writing expressive, effective, logical and effective in order to convince the judges. It is clear that these cognitive and behavioral components must be compatible with the law system in which the lawyer works, as well as with the social, moral, and cultural structure of the lawyer's workplace. Therefore, there are similarities between advocacy, teacher, sermon and some other professions, but in attorneyship, expressing or creating special concepts in the mind of the addressee is not the goal. Rather, it is important to use these characteristics, such as clauses and utterances, to prove the claimant and to prove right or wrong. This is where the presence of linguists in legal and judicial matters can be helpful. In general, the findings indicate that in the analysis of Laclau and Mouffeh's discourse, backgrounding is the expression of one's own weaknesses and strengths of the rival, and foregrounding is also the expression of one's own strengths and weaknesses of the rival. Thus, the results showed that lawyers express their client's strengths and rival's weaknesses using backgrounding and foregrounding. So, in order to persuade judges to defend their client, lawyers use backgrounding to express rival’s weakness with the negative bias, and also they use foregrounding to provide their clients strengths with the positive bias.
     Finally, among the fifty lawyers' interviews in the court discourse to convince the judges based on the components of Lacla and Mouffe (1985, 2001, 2002), the authors have stated the most common use of the available components as follows:
Percentage Components
48% Foregrounding
44% backgrounding
8% Signifier & Signified


Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2022)

This study is to investigate forensic discourse analysis of the facility contracts like Murabaha, Jaaleh, civil participation and installment sale.The aim of this research is to probe the forensic discourse analysis of the aforementioned texts in the field of forensic linguistics by considering the Van Leeuwen ’s 1996. To do that, the quantity, quality and the mystification of each contract ’s text was probed to discover the factors which ruin the clarity of those texts. The qualitative method of discourse analysis was used to explore the hypothesis of this research. The discoursal elements in the Van Leeuwen ’s (1996) were extracted and the mystification of each contract and different manipulations in each article of contracts were analyzed by using version 21 of SPSS software. The frequency and the percentage of their occurrence was found. The result shows that significant explicit, implicit elements and mystifications in all contracts were seen. The least frequency of explicit elements in the text of Jaaleh by the frequency of 20and the most number of mystification can be observed in the mentioned text by 81.3 percent. The manipulation based on threat was seen 11 times in Murrabeh, Jaaleh. It can be concluded that based on the occurrence of the implicit elements and mystification of all texts of the facility contracts, using implicit elements should be avoided.Consequently, the ambiguity and the mystification will be reduced. The result of the present study helps the banks’ legal experts to write the contracts more apprehensible with less ambiguity.

 1. Introduction
Since all the facility contracts are assumed as legal documents, lack of clarity in their texts lead to serious challenges in terms of perception for the two sides of the contract; subsequently it will be a crucial concern for the bank facilities’ applicants. The significant of the present study is rooted in the afore-mentioned concept and its necessity is the revival of the rights of the bank as the donator of the facility and the customer as its receiver. Therefore, in doing so, the researcher tried to investigate discourse analysis of these facility contracts in the area of forensic linguistics by studying the socio-semantic components and their manipulations.
This study is designed based on Van Leeuwen’s theoretical framework on socio-semantic components (1996) and also the different manipulations of the facility contract texts. The researcher tried to find the suitable answer for these research questions:
  1. Is there any difference between the frequency of explicit elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?
  2. Is there any difference between the frequency of implicit elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?
  3. Is there any difference between the frequency of mystification elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?
  4. Is there any difference between the frequency of manipulation elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?

2. Literature Review
Theoretical framework applied in this research is Van Leewen socio-semantic components and manipulation of the texts. Also, the studies of the Iranian and foreigner researchers in the areas of forensic linguistics and forensic discourse analysis were reviewed here as Shuy (2001), Shuy (2010). Olsson (2009), Coulthard(2000), Aghagolzadeh(2005), Aghagolzadeh and Farazandehpour (2016), Taghipour (2015) and Habibi (1995).
3. Methodology
In order to find the answers of the research questions, the researcher used the descriptive-analytic method of research. The related data of this study was driven from the most used facility contracts of Tejarat Bank which are: Jallleh, Murabaha, Civil Participation , and Installment Sale
The aim of this study is an investigation of the arrangement of socio-semantic components and manipulations of banking facility contracts. So, the socio-semantic components of Van Leeuven model and manipulation of the paragraphs of each facility contract was found and by using the 21st version of SPSS, their frequency and the percentage were analyzed. Also, by using the socio-semantic components, the mystification of the facility contracts was estimated. The results of the above mentioned analyses were shown in different tables. In the next step, the socio-semantic elements and the mystification of the facility contracts were compared to find which facility contract has the most density of implicit components and subsequently has the most mystification in its text. So, by revising these contracts and omitting the implicit elements, we would be able to increase their clarity.

4. Results
The first two research questions were investigating the difference between the frequency of the implicit and explicit socio-semantic components in the texts of the banking facilities contracts. The results had been proven that the frequency of the implicit components in the text of Jaaleh contract is more than the other contracts. So, the first and second research hypothesis had been had been proven. The third research question was the comparison between the mystification of the facility contracts. Also, the facility contract of Jaaleh had the most number of implicit components so its mystification was more than the other contracts. Therefore, by probing those analysis, we can conclude that we should reduce the number of implicit components to reduce the mystification of the contracts as it may cause the creation of unclarity and it may cause legal problems for the customers of the bank.
Finally, it is concluded that the threatening manipulation could be observed in all the contracts; however, encouraging manipulation could be observed only in text of Morabehe contract. It means that in banking system of Iran, we assume only threatening as the only tool. So, the fourth hypothesis was proven, too.

Volume 13, Issue 6 (3-2022)

Cognitive-critical discourse analysis approaches can lead us to figure out how financial problems can be caused verbally. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the recent economic crisis in Iran through Norman Fairclough model (1989). A text produced on february 26, 2012 by Mahoud Bahmani, the governor of the central bank of the 10th administration was analyzed by means of persuasive tools linguistically. Then, a comparison was done between the rate of the dollar before and after his speech. The result indicated that the economic actors in charge of power, by means of persuasion, can target the mind of people and make them excited to exchange their capitals into dollar, bringing inflation expectations to happen. Data in this research was chosen from five initial sentences of a text from “asre Iran” under code no. 195709. This text was analyzed from three dimentions: description, interpretation, and explanation.
1. Introduction
This article will examine the living conditions of people through investigating a text produced by an economic actor causing inflation expectation. The results of this research will help the country and people in order to make better decisions in society. The main issue of this research is the description of the current economic problems in the society, which can be caused by the weakness of management in the type of discourse in terms of the linguistic constructions of economic actors who may influence people's attitudes from the position of power with the tools of persuasion. We will investigate this issue borrowing Norman Fairclough’s approach (1989). The question is to figure out which category of economic actors can have an effect on people's cognition (mind) and how? Those economic actors who are equipped with the power mechanism can play a significant role in stimulating people's minds with the help of persuasive tools in discourse. The selection of data is based on the beginning of currency fluctuations after the issue of this text.
2. Literature Review
In recent years, many researches have been conducted on the approach of critical discourse analysis and many books and articles have been published. For example, Khadim et al. (2016) extracted the metaphors of 600 political and social articles with a cognitive-critical approach, examining the way of using the metaphors of power, anti-power and their interactions with the process of persuasion. In this article, Khadim et al. showed how people legitimize their own discourse and delegitimize the rival discourse through mental concepts. The similarity of the work in this article with the present article can be in the application of the process of persuasion through cognition. Zairi et al. (2016) have studied the strategies of language usage in court discourse to investigate the types of persuasion methods of lawyers in Iranian criminal courts in order to convince judges. The research data has been collected from twenty public sessions of Shiraz city court, which aims to answer the question of how activists use linguistic knowledge (syntax, semantics, pragmatics, etc.) and meta-linguistics to achieve the goal of persuading each other. In this research, it was discovered that by hiding and removing the active and passive from the sentence, and turning the known sentence into unknown, lawyers try to create a positive or negative attitude in the mind of the judge by downplaying and hiding some facts from the eyes of the judge regarding the crime that occurred, which can lead to the persuasion of the judge. Zairi et al.'s research is similar to the current study in the use of persuasion tools in discourse.
The method in this research is a qualitative analysis and discourse analysis type, which has been done emphasizing on the content analysis of the economic text to show the role of language along with the tool of persuasion as well as the power mechanism in creating inflation and inflation expectations in society.
4. Results
After analyzing this text from the Governor of the Central Bank, it was achieved that language is not only a tool for processing and transmitting information, but it is a constructional group of meaningful categories to help the audience process the cognitive dimensions of Bahmani's message by comparing what they have in their mind from old experiences about economy, society, expensiveness, cheapness, profit, etc. and start trying new experiences. This article could be the first research in the field of economic discourse order and economic text analysis in the framework of critical-cognitive discourse analysis, which emphasizes the effect of language on the audience's mind. The inflation expectation we see in the economy of today's society can be due to the text produced by the head of the central bank of the 10th government, by enoucraging inflation in the framework of his ideology to keep the rate of dollar fixed with persuasive tools, stimulating people's mind and making them buy dollars and sell at a higher price. 
In this research, according to the following model, adapted from Fairclough, we examined the relationship between language and inflation from the perspective of linguistics and interaction, and analyzed the economic text in three dimensions: description, interpretation, and explanation. The effect of language on exchange rate for dollar was investigated in three levels as social, institutional, and situational. In this model, the concept of economic text/language deals with linguistic concepts in the economic text. The concept of economic discourse order deals with economic issues with a discursive approach to create order in the economic text, and finally, the concept of socio-economic behavior which covers the previous two concepts, examines people's understanding of the interpretation of meaning in society in terms of behavior.

Conceptual model
 Text explanation through Fairclough model in 3 levels: social, institutional & situational
      Socio-economic behavior
   Economic discourse order
     Economic text

      Economic stability/economic crisis (Inflation Expectation)

5. Discussion
It is suggested that economic actors persuade people in such a way that both are equal without any of them having a superiority over the other. In this way, an interactive relationship is established between them. Economic actors can use modals in their text and speech such as: “maybe…, it is possible…., perhaps…”, when they are uncertain about an idea.

6. Conclusion
The economic actors equipped with power mechanism should take care of their speech, for they can stimulate people's minds and make them excited by means of persuasive tools, to change their capitals into dollar and sell them at a higher price later. This phenomenon brings inflation expectation to happen which can cause prices to increase.
The result showed that the economic text which could lead to the creation of economic stability or economic crisis, has resulted in inflation expectations.

Volume 13, Issue 49 (12-2020)

The concept of determinism has been studied in Hafiz poetry by many scholars. Some considered determinism, like many other concepts, as a means for literary creation, some viewed it as a justification for astute utterances, while others regarded it as the outcome of Hafiz’ own deterministic views. Though the first two accounts seem accurate, the third one seems imprecise. His literary creation style and worldview, indicative of his free will and open-mindedness, which was manifested in his poems, coupled with the inherent paradox between determinism and reformism, makes it hard to presuppose a relation between determinism and Hafiz’ worldview.
By employing an academic and methodological approach, while recognizing different interpretations, one can gain an understanding, which is closely related to Hafiz’ worldview, of deterministic propositions in his poetry. Following this approach, one should refrain from forming arguments on the basis of single verses. Therefore, the current paper has attempted to analyze deterministic propositions in Hafiz poems by applying Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe theory. Moreover, based on CDA’s presuppositions, language plays a major role in forming understandings and its means is not always clear. Hence, the paper was aimed at indicating that Hafiz’ use of deterministic propositions can be interpreted not as an indication of his worldview but as a method and medium to expand the discourse of astuteness and, at the same time, to undermine the hegemony of ascetic discourse, which had dominated the cultural atmosphere of Iran for centuries.

Volume 13, Issue 49 (12-2020)

The concept of determinism has been studied in Hafiz poetry by many scholars. Some considered determinism, like many other concepts, as a means for literary creation, some viewed it as a justification for astute utterances, while others regarded it as the outcome of Hafiz’ own deterministic views. Though the first two accounts seem accurate, the third one seems imprecise. His literary creation style and worldview, indicative of his free will and open-mindedness, which was manifested in his poems, coupled with the inherent paradox between determinism and reformism, makes it hard to presuppose a relation between determinism and Hafiz’ worldview.
By employing an academic and methodological approach, while recognizing different interpretations, one can gain an understanding, which is closely related to Hafiz’ worldview, of deterministic propositions in his poetry. Following this approach, one should refrain from forming arguments on the basis of single verses. Therefore, the current paper has attempted to analyze deterministic propositions in Hafiz poems by applying Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe theory. Moreover, based on CDA’s presuppositions, language plays a major role in forming understandings and its means is not always clear. Hence, the paper was aimed at indicating that Hafiz’ use of deterministic propositions can be interpreted not as an indication of his worldview but as a method and medium to expand the discourse of astuteness and, at the same time, to undermine the hegemony of ascetic discourse, which had dominated the cultural atmosphere of Iran for centuries.

Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2020)

The absurd works include elements of wordplay, exaggerated clichés, repetition, irrelevant and even innovated phrases, uttered by one of the characters. The current study provides a narrative analysis of six selected literary works, namely "Endgame" and "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Becket, "The room" by Harold Pinter, "The Blind Owl" by Sadegh Hedayat and "The Cold Air" by Virgilio Pinera. By adopting a descriptive-analytic approach, this paper reconsidered narrative actants presented by Greimas (1966) and focused on six new narrative actants proposed by the researchers for analyzing the narrative of the selected absurd works. Narratology is a field of study that is undergoing a re-contextualization. Apart from theories such as Vladimir Propp’s actantial typology, absurdist theories of the self may also have influenced the way structuralist narratologists drew on linguistic theory to re-describe characters in stories as actants. The researchers proposed six new narrative actants that can be found in absurd works. They include sufferer (antihero) for hero, recluse for the receiver, repetition for the helper, failure for the object, partner for opponent. The donor is absent in absurd works and instead, oppressive can be considered as an actant in these literary works. In conclusion, it could be said that a more linguistically particularized account of actants may have significant methodological benefits for present-day researcher, interested in narrative analysis of absurd works

Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2023)

Power is understood as a process exercised and negotiated in an English-as-a-foreign-language interaction. This article aims to fill the gaps of literature in researching the relationship between teachers' power and students’ learning behavior in Vietnamese classroom interaction as there was little research on how teachers’ use of power can exert educational effects on students, and which changes the way students acquire or learn in general and particularly language. The data came from an ethnographic approach, including audio-recording, classroom observation, and teacher interviews. By employing the tools of critical discourse analysis, the analyses bring together the view of the subject of the study with classroom power relations to give deep insights into the microlevel classroom discourse and the macrolevel of professional discourse (in this case, it is understood as pedagogical discourse). The findings show how power was negotiated over in different forms of classroom behavior. Besides, the discursive classroom practices reveal the relationship between classroom behavior norms that the teachers attempted to impose and the well-known student-centeredness. Implications have been worked out through a proposal of a classroom interaction structure where a constructivist learning environment or a classroom of happiness is aimed to create, which helps increase the learning potential and capacity of students.  

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