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Volume 16, Issue 88 (6-2019)

In this study, gelatin from common carp scales (Cyprinus carpio) was produced using alkaline, acidic and thermal methods. Then, the physical factors, barrier properties and its appearance characteristics were optimized by changing effective factors in the initial gelatin extraction process. In order to optimize the film, the response surface methodology included a central composite design for extraction process, a series of effective factors in extraction including sodium hydroxide concentration, alkaline pre-treatment, hydrochloric acid concentration and extraction temperature as independent variables were investigated. The dependent variables including tensile properties, water solubility and water vapor permeability were investigated. The results of screening based on mechanical strength and solubility resulted in the selection of 4 factors of 9 factors. In the screening stage, four variables including two factor of the pH of extraction and the duration of the alkaline treatment that had the greatest effect on the tensile strength, and two factor including concentrations of acid treatments and the extraction temperature that had the most effect on the solubility of the films were selected for the the main experiments with gelatin extraction. Other variables that did not have a significant impact on the mechanical properties and film solubility were in their most common form. The main experiments of gelatin extraction included 30 treatments. Solubility showed significant changes (p <0.05). The lowest solubility was 25.08% for treatment No. 9 with alkaline treatment for 195 minutes, acid treatment with 0.3 molar concentration and extraction at 63 ° C. The lowest permeability was for treatment No. 15 with alkaline treatment for 140 minutes, acidic treatment with a concentration of 0.18 molar and extraction at 76 ° C (p <0.05). Finally, it was determined that by changing some of the extraction factors, the properties of gelatin film obtained from common carp scales could be optimized.

Volume 16, Issue 95 (January 2019)

This research was carried out to study the antifungal effect of aqueous extract and powder of Pistacia atlantica at 0, 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5% on the growth of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) of the baneh extract and powder was certified against Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus in concentrations of 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.05 g /ml were determined by Serial Dilution technique. After preparing lactic cheese samples, a 10 mm piece was placed inside the plate and 3 μl Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger was added to its center. Plates were incubated at 26 ° C for 3 weeks and the zone diameter of mold growth was measured. The results showed that by increasing the storage period, the growth zone diameter of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger in all of treatments increased. The treatments had a greater effect on the control of Aspergillus flavus mold growth than that of Aspergillus niger in lactic cheese. In mold and yeast counting, the highest count was observed for control treatment and the lowest increase was related to treatment containing 5% extract of Pistacia atlantica. The experimental treatments also significantly affected the sensory properties of the cheese samples. The highest taste scores were for samples containing 0.5 and 1% Pistacia atlantica extract. The samples containing more levels of extract (2.5 and 5 %) were less scored in terms of flavor and taste than those containing powder of Pistacia atlantica. From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that extracts and powder of Pistacia atlantica have an appropriate antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus, Therefore, they can be used in medical pharmacology, food industries and health affairs as drugs and anti-fungal elements.

Volume 16, Issue 95 (January 2019)

Plant essential oils and extracts are the compounds that can inhibit bacterial growth at low concentrations. Also, these materials are mostly strong antioxidants and the presence of these two properties together increases the shelf-life of fish. This study was done to investigate effect of various concentrations of caraway and thyme essences on chemical and microbial quality of common carp fillet. Different concentrations of essential oils (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/l) were added to fish samples and some chemical and oxidation factors, microbial quality and sensory properties of the samples were determined. The results showed the lowest levels of total volatile basic nitrogen was related to 2000 mg/l thyme essential oil (24.6 mg/100 g fillet) and the highest amount of total volatile basic nitrogen were observed in control treatment (75.11 mg/ 100g fillet) at refrigerator temperature. TBA levels in all treatments increased with increasing storage time and at the end of the storage period, except in 500 and 1000 mg/l thyme essences treatments, there was significant difference among all experimental samples (p<0.05). The results showed that various concentrations of essences reduced the total count and Psychrotrophic bacteria compared to the control. At the end of the storage time, treatment of 2000 mg/l caraway essence, 1000 mg/l caraway essence and 2000 mg/l thyme essence had the lower Psychrotrophic bacteria than the other samples. Treatments with 1000 and 2000 mg/l caraway essences in freezing conditions received the most colors score. The highest score of texture was related to 2000 mg/l thyme essential oil at refrigerator temperature. Samples containing 1000 mg/l caraway essence in freezing temperatures had the highest odor score. In general, 1000 and 2000 mg/l concentrations of thyme essence due to acceptance of the organoleptic characteristics from the consumer view as well as reduce microbial growth and chemical factors are recommended.

Volume 17, Issue 1 (1-2015)

Basal stem rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is one of the most important diseases of sunflower. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) implicated in partial resistance to two isolates of S. sclerotiorum (SSU107 and SSKH41) were investigated using F9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross between sunflower parental lines PAC2 and RHA266. Experiments were conducted in completely randomized design with 3-6 replications under controlled conditions. The reaction of genotypes to basal stem rot disease was evaluated by measuring the percentage of necrosis area three days after inoculation. Combined analysis of experiments showed significant interactions between sunflower genotypes and S. sclerotiorum isolates suggesting that partial resistance to S. sclerotiorum should be isolate-specific in sunflower. QTLs were mapped using an updated high-density SSR and SNP linkage map. The map consisted of 210 SSRs and 11 gene-derived markers placed in 17 linkage groups (LGs). The total map length was 1,653.1 cM with a mean density of 1 marker per 7.44 cM. A total of 14 QTLs were detected for partial resistance to two isolates. The phenotypic variance explained by QTLs (R2) ranged from 0.10 to 9.85. The sign of additive gene effects showed that favorable alleles for partial resistance to isolates came from both parents. Six QTLs were common between two isolates on LGs 1, 8 and 17, whereas the others were specific for each isolate. Co-localized QTLs on LG 1 were linked to the glutathione S-transferase gene (GST). The co-localized QTLs for partial resistance to basal stem rot isolates could be good candidates for marker assisted selection (MAS).

Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2017)

In this paper, fracture behavior of functionally graded material weakened by U-notches under mode I loading has been investigated. Electro slag remelting process has been used to produce functionally graded specimens in a notch arrester configuration. Hardness test has been utilized to define the position of each layer. Mechanical properties, including elastic modulus and poisson's ratio, vary along the width of U-notched specimens. The critical fracture load (Fcr) was achieved by performing three point bending examination and using force-displacement curve.
Then, the process simulation was done by finite element software. Firstly, Jcr of each specimen was calculated by using critical value of strain energy averaged over a well-defined control volume. Then the critical fracture load was evaluated by means of the J Integral criterion. In this research, the effect of the notch root radius, for a fixed notch depth, on the Jcr value as well as the critical fracture load has been studied. To compare fracture behavior of the FG specimens with the corresponding homogeneous ones, have the same properties with the notch root layer in FG specimen, Fcr and Jcr value of each have been investigated. The average difference between the predicted Fcr by J integral criteria and experimental results is 17.84%. Finally, the effect of number of graded area layers on Jcr and Fcr has been investigated. The results shows, the value of Jcr and Fcr do not be affected while the number the number of layers more than 20.

Volume 17, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Soil pollution by hydrocarbon is a significant Geo-Environmental problem that can affect the environmental quality of soil, groundwater and air. Soil can be contaminated by organic materials attributable to leakage from underground or aboveground storage tanks and accidental spills. The response of soil to the contaminants not only depends on the local environment but it is also influenced by factors such as particle size, bonding characteristics among particles, and ion exchange capacity. The transport of contaminant components from soil into groundwater can cause serious problems. The use of contaminated soil and its stabilization can be considered in earthworks such as embankments, backfills, and roads if there is no pathway for leaching of contaminants to underground water or if the contaminants pose no risk to the public and the environment. In some areas the native soil is contaminated with hydrocarbon substances. For performing projects in such areas, because of the haulage distance to suitable soil and economic considerations, often the use of local soil is dictated for construction. Thus, the treatment and stabilization of local soil must be considered. On the other hand, in some areas where the soil has been contaminated and the treatment is not economic, for the design of a project in these areas the effect of the contaminating substance on the soil behavior should be evaluated. Therefore, understanding the mechanical behavior of contaminated soils and their treatment is important. Improving the mechanical behavior of clay soils by stabilization is a means of fulfilling geotechnical design criteria.
An investigation into the behavior of a contaminated clay soil with Anthracene and its treatment was carried out through a program of experimental tests.. Anthracene is a representative of one group of hydrocarbon, which are called PAHs (Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons). PAHs create due to incomplete combustion of fossil fuels or wastes.
In order to investigate the effect of cement on the stabilization of clay contaminated soil with Anthracene, the specimens of natural clay soil, contaminated soil with Anthracene, soil-cement and Anthracene-contaminated that is stabilized with different percentage of cement (5, 10, 15 and 20%) in different curing times (3, 7, 14 and 28 days) was prepared by static compaction method at maximum dry density and optimum moisture. Atterberg limits and Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests were conducted on the specimens. The results of the experimental work showed that adding Anthracene to clay soil, change the compaction parameters, for example, the dry specific weight of soil is reduced and the optimum water content is increased. Although, adding cement to the Anthracene-contaminated soil, improves the compaction of soil, it increases the dry specific weight and reduced the optimum water content. In addition, adding the Anthracene also is changed the unconfined compressive strength of soil, it reduces strength of soil. Although, adding cement is incresed the strength of the contaminated soil. The amount of increase in the strength is depended on the percent of cement and curing. The results showed that Atterberg limits are increased by adding Anthracene to the clay soil, but are reduced by adding Anthracene or cement or adding Anthracene to soil-cement. The results indicated that adding the Anthracene to the soil, changes its structure to flocculated shape, but the decreasing of friction between soil particles due to adding Anthracene, led the soil particles to move easily together. By the way, the results of this research showed that the cement could stabilize contaminated soil with Antracene.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (7-2015)

The effectiveness of IRAP, REMAP, SSR, and ISSR markers were investigated to assess genetic diversity among and within eight Medicago sativa L. populations. A total of 101, 119, 117 loci and 31 alleles were amplified using 10 IRAP, 14 REMAP, 16 ISSR and eight SSR primers, respectively. IRAP markers generated the maximum proportion of polymorphic loci per primer (PPLP) while the maximum value of percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) was observed for SSR markers. ISSR markers showed the highest value of marker index (MI). The maximum amount of expected heterozygosity (He), effective number of alleles (Ne), and Shannon’s information index was produced by SSR markers. UPGMA cluster using Nei’s genetic distance coefficients and combined data of four markers separated the populations into three major groups. Correlation coefficients among pairwise genetic and geographic distance matrices, made on the basis of all studied markers, were calculated using Mantel's test. Regression and correlation analysis between genetic distance and geographic distance showed no significant correlations (p>0.05).

Volume 17, Issue 4 (Winter 2018)

In this paper, the effect of government intervention in the banking sector (financial repression) on banks’ financial stability is investigated during 2001-2013. To measure the index of government intervention in the banking sector, three variables including real interest rate, credits directed by banks and government debt to banks are combined using principal component analysis. Furthermore, the z-score index is applied to measure the financial stability in the banks. Data are extracted from balance sheets and income statements of the banks. Results from a panel of 14 banks show that the intervention of government in the banking sector is of significantly negative effect on financial stability of these banks and therefore increases their financial vulnerability. Moreover, an increase in size of bank improves the financial stability, but higher debt-to-asset ratio increases the banks’ financial vulnerability.

Volume 17, Issue 5 (9-2015)

Retrotransposons (RTNs) constitute informative molecular markers for plant species because of their ability to integrate into a multitude of loci throughout the genome and thereby generate insertional polymorphisms between individuals. In the present study, RTN-based molecular markers, IRAP (inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism) and REMAP (retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism), were applied to study RTN integration events and genetic diversity in 100 melon genotypes (88 genotypes from 11 populations, three inbred lines, and 9 hybrids). A total of 94 and 262 loci were amplified using 5 IRAP and 15 REMAP primers, respectively. The percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) in populations ranged from 39% (Zivari Shahrood) to 48% (Shadegani E). The Mantel test between IRAP and REMAP cophenetic matrices evidenced no significant correlation (r= 0.29). IRAP+REMAP-based cluster analysis using UPGMA algorithm and Dice similarity coefficient depicted 6 groups among 100 melon genotypes. AMOVA revealed the higher level of genetic variation within populations (67%) compared to among populations (33%). The mean Fst values of all groups, except for group VI, were more than 0.20, demonstrating differentiation among the populations and genetic structure of the studied melon collection. 

Volume 17, Issue 5 (7-2017)

We know, cantilevers are based for the most of the MEMS components, in this paper, the fabrication process of SiO2 micro cantilever array based on bulk micromachining technology is introduced. The results of which can be used to fabricate of SiO2 micro cantilever sensors. The micro-cantilever fabrication process is implemented in the 13th stage with two glass and talcous masks and it is also suspend by wet release technique. The main advantages of the proposed method can be expressed no need for advanced deposition equipment, design with minimum mask, fast and simplicity in implementation of the micro cantilever, avoid of complexity release from sacrificial layer, release the micro cantilever at environment temperature, low cost price and finally possible to implement in microelectronics research laboratories with limited equipment. The SiO2 micro cantilevers fabricate with 1and 2µm thickness, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400μm lengths, and 20 and 40µm widths. The resonant frequency and the spring constant values are also calculated for different materials (Si3N4, Si, Au, SiO2, Al and SU8) with various sizes. The SEM images results show that the lithographic process is correctly done on the roughness of the backside substrate, the fabrication process and Si etching operations controls are performed suitable, and micro-cantilevers are suspended with negligible stress.

Volume 17, Issue 7 (9-2017)

Currently, hovering type autonomous underwater vehicles (HAUV’s) are very noteworthy, due to theirs unique capabilities and features. Appropriate maneuverability and controllability is the most important feature for a HAUV that, make it better than other AUV’s. In order to increase stability and controllability of robot, the ballast tank is applied for a HAUV. Using of ballast tank in HAUV was not common before. In this paper a new underwater vehicle is presented, including three ballast tanks and three thrusters. In this underwater vehicle, the number of thrusters is less than original robot. In this paper, dynamics modeling and tracking control of this new underwater vehicle is investigated. The results show that the heave and pitch DOF’s can be reachable by using of the ballast tanks and we don’t need to use extra thrusters for these degrees of freedoms.

Volume 17, Issue 8 (10-2017)

In this work, effect of thermal cycling on the flexural properties of fiber-metal laminate (FML) has been evaluated. FML plates were composed by two aluminium 2024-T3 and a epoxy polymer-matrix composites ply formed by four layers of basalt fibers. For FML samples the thermal cycle times were about 6 min for temperature cycles from 25 °C to 115 °C. Flexural properties were evaluated on samples after 20, 35 and 55 thermal cycles, and compared to non-exposed samples. While the thermal cycling decreased the flexural strength of chemical treated FML (etched aluminium), increasing at first, and then decreasing after a while was observed in electrochemical treated FML (anodized aluminium). The flexural modulus of FML showed irregularly changes for both of FML with anodized aluminium and FML with etched aluminium. The energy absorption of FML with etched aluminium showed a sharp decline with increasing thermal cycling while the energy absorption of FML with anodized aluminium showed a Low and irregular changes. Evaluation optical microscope showed that the mechanism of failure for the FML with etched aluminium after thermal cycling changed from failure of FML to separation between layers of FML, while for the FML with anodized aluminium before and after thermal cycling it was failure of FML and it has not changed.

Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)

The poor formability of Mg results in crack and failure in workpiece material during rolling process and limits its applications in different industries. Numerical modeling of the process can guarantee that the required product properties are met with a minimum production cost. The numerical modeling of the rolling processes requires the coupling of several models including different physical phenomena such as the deformation of the workpiece with its thermo-metallurgical evolution and the thermal evolution of the rolls with its mechanical deformation. On the other hand, in finite element modeling of the rolling process, the meshes of the workpiece are often highly distorted. The high distortion in meshes decreases the confidence in the predicted results. Many formulations based on the viscoelasticity behavior of workpiece material are encountered in the literature to model the rolling process, each with their pros and cons. This present work introduces the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) formulation, in which the workpiece is divided into three regions (unrolled, in rolling deformation, rolled) to simulate material flow during the process. The comparison of the results with the literature shows that the temperature and strain fields are well predicted by the proposed model. All of the simulations have been done in the two-dimensional mode with ABAQUS/Explicit software.

Volume 17, Issue 99 (May 2020)

In this research extraction process optimization of chamomile (Matricaria recutita) flowerhead extract by supercritical CO2 technique was carried out at different levels of process variables using response surface methodology based on central composite design. Hence, the effects of pressure (80–240 bar), temperature (35–55 C), and dynamic extraction time (30–150 min) were evaluated with respect to extraction yield and bisabololoxide A content in the obtained extract. According to the results, the pressure had the most significant effect (p < 0.05) on the extraction yield followed by dynamic extraction time and temperature. Also the linear effect of temperature and the quadratic effects of dynamic extraction time, temperature and pressure on the bisabololoxide A content were significant (p < 0.05). As a result of the optimization process, it found that the highest amount of extraction yield (1.29%) and bisabololoxide A content (47.12%) was obtained by applying pressure, temperature and dynamic extraction time at 240 bar, 49.7 C and 66.4 minute, respectively.

Volume 17, Issue 103 (September 2020)

The pectinase enzyme has a great importance in the food industry. It is capable of decomposing Pectin significantly, which is the substantial element of turbidity of the juices. As a result, it plays an important role in clarification also ability to maintain organoleptic properties and quality of nutrients. The usage of enzymes in the industry is costly and some measures should be taken to allow the enzyme to be used several times without altering its efficiency. In this research the commercial pectinase enzyme was immobilized on calcium alginate beads. Free and immobilized enzymes activities in different temperatures and pH were determined. Then storage stability and reusability of enzyme were investigated. For optimized clarification of tomato juice by immobilized enzyme, the response surface methodology was used. Three factors including temperature (30-45°C), time (15-45 min) and enzyme concentration (2-6%) in 3 levels were used to evaluate the effect of parameters on turbidity of tomato juice as a model system, the importance of interacting the effects of factors also determined. Optimization has been conducted to achieve the lowest turbidity of tomato juice at the lowest used enzyme. Optimized conditions achieved by concentration of immobilized enzyme 2%, temperature 45C and time 45min, and with yield of clarification 27/09 times for tomato juice. Results showed that the best temperature and pH for free and immobilized enzymes were 45°C and 3, respectively.


Volume 17, Issue 104 (October 2020)

Maintaining the nutritional quality and preserving pomegranate seeds is a major challange due to the fast degradation of the texture, color and overall quality of pomegranate seeds. In order to investigate the freezing of coated pomegranate seeds with chitosan and determine its quality during freezing storage, an experiment was conducted, in a factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design with three replications. Factors were: chitosan at three levels (0, 1 and 2%), freezing temperature at two levels (-14 ° -24 ° C) and time at 5 different storage times (14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and 120 days). The highest tissue firmness was observed for 14 days of storage under both chitosan concentrations. Interaction of different levels of chitosan coating and time had an increasing effect on the color component changes, so that the most color changes in the brightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) was related to the use of chitosan coating 2%, were maintained at 60 days. The highest total soluble solids were related to 1% chitosan under 4 months of storage at -14°C. Maximum total acidity (1.36 mg / L) was also attributed to coated pomegranate seeds during 120 days of storage under both freezing temperatures of -14°C and -24°C. The results of mean compares showed that the total phenol stability under freezing temperature was higher at -14°C and after 120 days of storage, more phenol content was observed in the seeds in -24° C. The overall results indicated a positive effect of chitosan on maintaining the quality of pomegranate seeds during freezing, and the freezing temperature of -24° C with decreasing color changes during storage, played an important role in reducing metabolic activity and reducing anthocyanin degradation and was effective in maintaining fruit quality.

Zahra Abdollah, Baharudin Ahmad,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (2-2011)

The suppression of color is a common mood in the Far Eastern aesthetic experience, which is best represented by the brush-ink Chinese painting. Influenced by the Taoist and Confucian philosophical doctrines, it reflects the traditional principles of loneliness, poverty, and simplicity. Visualizing the Chinese traditional dualism, the black and white system goes beyond an artistic style and resembles a state of contemplation which invites to complete unity with nature. The final goal is self-annihilation in the light of the principle of non-expression.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2018 2018)

In this study, the allocation of resources of National Development Fund (NDF) to economic sectors in foreign currency and Rial is evaluated by making a structural macro-econometric model that expresses the reality of Iran’s economy as much as possible. This model consists of 45 behavioral equations, 28 connecting equations and 88 identities. Behavioral equations are estimated by the ARDL approach in Eviews 9 software using annual data from 1959 to 2014. According to Theil’s U statistic and root mean square error (RMSPE), the simulation of endogenous variables indicates that model gives a good explanation of Iran’s economy mechanism. Regarding different scenarios for how to allocate resources of National Development Fund to different economic sectors, simulation results over the 2011-2014 period show that if 80% of NDF’s resources is distributed in proportion to the share of sector's investment in total investment in foreign currency and remaining 20% is allocated equally to agriculture and industry sectors in Rial, the highest rate of economic growth will be realized.

Volume 18, Issue 4 (Winter 2015)

.A wide variety of barchan dunes are found in south part of Haj Ali GHoli playa, in central part of Semnan province. Barchan dunes of this area have been formed from quick sand, and with maintain of their crescent shape migrate along prevailing wind. Therefore displacement and lateral movements with annual typical trend is the most important of their characteristics.. The Purpose of this Research is Simulation of Barchan movement Using artificial neural networks.Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is a non-linear model that acts similar to a human neural system.In recent years, artificial neural networks have become one of the most promising tools in order to model complex processes such as movement of phenomenas. In many studies, ANNs have demonstrated superior results compared to alternative methods.Obtained results illustrate that ANN predicting model is an applicable tool in predicting ofmovement of phenomenas. In order to check the sensitivity of the ANN prediction model movement of 100 Barchan measured. %70 for training and %30 for validation. In order to evaluate the accuracy of ANN model, observed and predicted data were compared and analyzed. The best accuracy of the model was 0/996. It indicate that ANN prediction model is an applicable tool in predicting of movement of phenomenas

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