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Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2017)

Feminism and feministic critique of works of literature are the new topics in literature in the last century that has been highly regarded by writers and literary scholars. In contemporary Persian and Arabic literature, especially after the second half of the twentieth century, the growth of feminist approach to literature and poetry and prosing works of women-centered has been remarkable. Nawal El Saadawi and Shahrnoush Parsipour were feminist writers that protest a patriarchal system of social customs in their novels and look at the world with women mentality. Thus, due to the influence of feminist thinking and the current situation of women in novels of Saadawi and Parsipour, with an emphasis on descriptive - analytical and comparative approach, this article attempts to analyze the novels of "Diary of a doctor" and "The Dog and the Long Winter" based on feminist criticism. The findings suggest that the authors pay particular attention to factors such as protest against a patriarchal society, expression of oppression against women and women's identity an also have been trying to figure out individuality. In the field of differences, gender apartheid and hatred love and emotions of women in society are among feminist clear differences between the novels.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Introduction: With its special geographical and topographical conditions, springs, waterfalls, variety of herbals, wildlife, and historical buildings, Khur va Biabanak has a high capacity to attract tourists. Strategic planning can be a way to exploit these opportunities. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify strategic priorities of economic development with an emphasis on ecotourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.
Instrument and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical research, the data were collected, using library and field method and two groups, including 150 tourists and 30 tourism experts were selected, using available sampling method. To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as to complete the information, the specialists were referred and a list of strategies was prepared. The SWOT model was used to select economic development strategies and the data were analyzed by GIS software.
Findings: In External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), the "diversification of ecotourism attractions" with a weight of 0.069 was the first opportunity and "environmental degradation and damage to historical monuments" with a weight of 0.053 was considered as the most important threat. In the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix, the most important strength was "the variation of ecotourism attractions in the region" with a weight of 0.069 and the most important weaknesses was "physical and environmental infrastructure shortage" with a weight of 0.063. The directional strategy of this city was a competitive strategy (ST).
Conclusion: "The development of cooperation between organizations involved in managing tourist attractions, paying attention to the participation of people, increasing the advertising for the introduction of tourist attractions, and tourist attraction during the year by presenting various types of ecotourism" are the most important strategies for the economic development of tourism in Khur va Biabanak, Isfahan.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Introduction: As one of the oldest and the most dynamic branches of political geography, Electoral geography has experienced ups and downs more than other branches of political geography. The objective ontology of the phenomenon of vote and its spatial distribution have linked this branch to spatial approach so that a large proportion of works in the area of Electoral geography have been written based on this approach. With the fall of positivism, the researches of Electoral geography also decreased. On the other hand, domination of descriptive, case, and applied studies without a robust theoretical and philosophical basis on theoretical and basic writings, is the main deficiency of Electoral geography in International and Iranian level. The aim of the present theoretical-fundamental study was to explain the dominant theoretical approaches in Electoral geography.
Conclusion: The Electoral geography can be explored in five theoretical approaches. The first approach is the traditional approach that deals with the spatial patterns of voting in the form of a regional school and human-environment relations. The second one is a spatial-behavioral approach that examines the voting behavior according to the measurement and analysis of key spatial variables based on the spatial school. The third approach is a radical approach that base on radical geography school deals with the theoretical articulation and revealing mechanisms that form Electoral processes. The fourth approach is a location-based approach that focuses on the impact of geographic-historical context on electoral behavior on the basis of the humanistic geography school and structuration theory. And, the fifth approach is a critical approach that criticizes the current approaches to the study of electoral geography and the presesentation of alternative readerships of electoral geography based on schools such as feminism, post-structuralism, and post-modernism.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

Hydrodynamic factors have been proved to effectively influence the high-performance heap leaching, hence this study evaluates them on column bioleaching of low grade uranium ore. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to predict the behavior of effective parameters particle size, irrigation rate, aeration rate and their interactions in the bioleaching process. Obtained results showed that the best model for the recovery of each metal was the quadratic model. The maximum values of uranium recovery at the optimum condition, (d80 5, mm particle size, 0.34, l/m2/min irrigation rate, and 210, l/m3/min aeration rate), were 63.85%. The results from the model and the experimental data show good agreement.


Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

Pollution caused by tailing dam is one of the most important mining industry issues which creates many environmental problems.  Among these, heavy metals play a major role in the destruction and degradation of natural habitats and have harmful effects on human health. In first part of this paper, the effective parameters which leach heavy metals from solid waste of bauxite mine have been investigated. The leaching tank test results indicated that among heavy elements vanadium has the highest concentration at pH of 2, temperature of 60°C, residence time of 8 hours, and the ratio of solid phase to liquid phase of approximately 1.  The column leaching tests showed that the increase of the input from 0.4 to 0.9 cc at pH of 7, increased vanadium dissolution. Similarly, after increasing column leaching time from 3 to 30 days, the vanadium dissolution will be 2.5 times. When the pH increases from 7 to 13 caused two times dissolution.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2025)

After the Cold War, the People's Republic of China emerged as a major economic power in the world. Today, this country has been able to spread its influence, especially economically, to all parts of the world. One of the strategic points where this country is in strategic competition with Europe and America is the African continent. This study attempts to present the causes and contexts of China's influence in Africa. Therefore, considering the fact that many studies have been conducted on China's actions and influence in Africa so far; in order to establish a theoretical consensus among the researches, this study tries to explain the strategic and important reasons for China's influence in Africa in a theoretical framework. Therefore, the philosophy of interpretive research has been chosen to achieve the appropriate model in this field with a qualitative approach and content analysis techniques. It should be noted that among the 298 articles containing China's geopolitical goals and interests, 8 articles were extracted according to the KASP rubric scoring system. The final result indicates that one of the most important geopolitical interests in Africa are economic goals pursued according to the soft principles and ideological cultural structure of China.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2025)

In recent decades, Africa is increasingly recognized as an important geopolitical player in the national and international arena. Therefore, the traditional and emerging powers pay a lot of attention to this continent. Many of them are revising their strategies in dealing with this continent. The importance of Africa in the third millennium is known to world powers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the role played by Africa in the geopolitical relations of the contemporary and future world. In order to achieve this goal, a descriptive-analytical method has been used. The findings of the research showed that Africa's relations with peripheral and core governments in the economic dimension include (agricultural institutions, digital economy, rapid economic growth, energy security, oil and gas resources, minerals) and in the political dimension including (immigration) South to North, drug trafficking, wildlife, great power competition, democracy and increasing violent extremism and Islamist terrorism. Finally, it should be stated that the growing global importance of Africa has been largely interpreted through geopolitical competition in the international arena.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (Issue 3 & 4 - 2013)

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of the Syrian type 2 diabetic females and the way they control it. Methods: A qualitative design based on the content analysis approach was used to collect data and analyze the females' experiences with type 2 diabetes. Semi-structured interviews carried out with 12 females who had visited the Diabetic Center in Lattakia from March to December 2011. Finding: Seven major themes emerged out of the study as strategies for diabetes control: responsibility taking, illness confirmation, acquiring diabetes knowledge, self-care, sociofamily support, hopefulness and religious beliefs. Conclusion: The findings of the study can be used to empower Syrian diabetic population and can provide nurses and other health professionals with more profound understanding of how the Syrian with diabetes view their lives and their sources of strength.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Background: This study is an extended follow up of the original trial study (NCT00600197) that has been published in the clinical journal of pain. This trial aimed to explore if the proposed multidisciplinary program could improve quality of life and disability of the patients suffering from chronic low back up to 36 months. Methods and Material: In this Clinical Randomized trial seventy percent (139 of 197) of the participants who had taken part in the original study including 66 patients in intervention group and 73 patients in control group were followed up to 36 months after intervention. The intervention group continued receiving monthly motivational consultation and booster classes plus oral medication but the other group received just medication. Data on measures of Short Form 36 (SF-36) Quebec Disability Scale (QDS) and Ronald Morris Disability (RDQ) were collected at 3-6-12-18-24-30- and 36-month follow ups and analyzed through RMANOVA. Results: The 2 groups were comparable regarding all baseline characteristics (P > 0.05) except for education level that was better in intervention group (P = 0.01). Two groups were improved regarding all studied variables over time up to 36 month (P < 0.001) Moreover the intervention group in comparison with the control group had consistently better outcomes regarding all variables. There were no significant differences within each group by time in terms of all variables (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The proposed multidisciplinary program could reduce low back pain and improve quality of life and disability up to 36 months in chronic low back pain patients.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Background: Today, chronic low back pain is one of the growing worldwide problems, which caused in the reduction of individuals’ physical, mental, and social functions. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of training programs on functional disability in female patients with low back pain after 6month follow-up of the training intervention strategies.
Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study was carried out in rheumatology research center of Tehran University of Medical Science. A total of 27 female patients suffering from low back pain participated in this study. All the participants were divided into groups of 6 to 8 members and provided with a 4-hour training session of physiotherapy and psychology, followed by telephone counseling after one and two months. In order to collect required data and evaluate females’ functional disability, two questionnaires were employed: Roland-Morris Disability Assessment Questionnaire (RDQ) and Quebec Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (QDS). The questionnaires were completed at the beginning of the study-as the pretest, and 6-month follow up as the posttest. Data were analyzed through paired samples t-test using SPSS software version 16. A significant level of P< .05 was considered to compare the information.
Results: The results of the current study show that during the 6 months intervention program, the physical disability was significantly improved in terms of two aforementioned scales.
Conclusion: It seems that training intervention program along with the follow-up and phone counseling have significant effects on improving physical function of patients with chronic low back pain.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Background: In addition to individual problems and conditions, low back pain reduces working capacity, resulting in the waste of time and absence from the work, and increases healthcare costs and economic losses. This study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of low back pain and its relationship to demographic factors, body mass index, and education in ergonomic principles in rural men.
Methods and Materials: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Study population was consisted of 215 men from the village of AqQala city. Data collection tool was Nordic questionnaire. Data were analysis using SPSS software version 19 and chi-square test and descriptive statistics.
Results: About 54.88% of the patients (67.82% workers and 40% farmers) during the last year have been experiencing discomfort in the lower back. χ2 statistics analysis showed a significant relationship between low back pain and occupation, BMI, age, and education in ergonomic principles (P˂.05). There was no relationship between low back pain and level of education (P = .085). Only 13% of the participants were trained in ergonomic principles.
Conclusions: Considering the high prevalence rate of low back pain as well as significant relationship between BMI and education in ergonomic principles with back pain, the need is felt for training of these people in how to lose weight, how to implement ergonomic principles in laboringand agricultural activities and carrying heavy objects, how to avoid bad work situations, how to maintain and care for the waist, how to perform simple exercises for strengthening and flexibility of lower back muscles.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

Administrative political decentralization, the move towards political development and the management of geographic space are one of the main concerns of governmental systems in developing countries in general and in Iran in particular to achieve democracy. Such a decentralization follows a special approach to the geographic (Natural human) characteristics of each country as well as the type of administrative political system that governs it. However, the most important regional geopolitical decentralization in each independent political unit is the local government. Local governments play an effective role in optimizing the management of human habitats with the knowledge of geographical areas and human rights. Therefore, the present research seeks to answer the following questions: What are the effective elements in the formation of an effective local government in Iran? The method of this research was descriptive- analytic, which has been done by studying high-handed documents and rules in Iran, as well as studying the human-natural characteristics of Iran to identify the indices and elements effective in the formation of an efficient local government. Findings of the research indicate that the decentralization and delegated powers to non-central places and the distribution of power at the geographical level are scattered in some of the laws and documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

The spatial arrangement of the elements of the spatial organization will lead to sustainable development, if it considers three main components of the environment, economic growth, and social development, with emphasis on human-centeredness. In order to identify imbalances and balances in spatial distribution, it is very important to use appropriate methods that have the ability to combine various indicators into the spatial organization. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategic factors affecting the political management of the Arak township spaces through library and field studies in the first stage and, secondly, the ranking of these factors based on their importance and their impact through the Analytical hierarchy process for the proper management of geographical spaces of the Arak Township.
This study is a descriptive approach based on nature and is applied developmental based on the goal. The research method is descriptive-analytic and library, internet, and interviewing materials are used for gathering information. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique have been used for weighing the factors.
Conclusion: After determining the importance of each of the factors, The existence of suitable business development Potentials with cargo and passenger terminals and the international exhibition site in Arak, Unstable exploitation and overcapacity of natural and environmental resources, existence of target markets, especially in neighboring countries, market failure and unpredictability of some agricultural production support policies were recognized as the most important internal and external factors of the township.


Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

defending territorial integrity. Therefore any external factor which wants to violate any principles for any excuse, “nationalism” is the guarantor of national independence and integrity as a political thought or governmental ideology. There is a relationship between “Territorializing of territory” and “nationalistic” action-reaction. Usually, this relationship represents itself in two situations: in the first situation countries use “nationalistic” motivational components in order to defend territorial sovereignty (against invading other countries). In second situation they (governments) use these powerful senses in order to do expansionist aims in the form of “Territorializing” and “extending territory” in their outside competition and quarrels against other competitive or enemy states over territory. Seas and generally water zones are paid attention by political actors (governments and states) because of their geographical values (military, political, security, economical, etc). As a result “creating-extending territory” which is a geopolitical principle, is because of these geographical values.
Nationalism as a powerful force is one of the ways which is used by states in order to keep, use, and gain geographical values (geographical sources of power in land and water zones) in order to “extend or create territory”. The research is based on descriptive analytics. Data gathering of the research is done by referring to valuable resources and by the documentary method.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Today, carbon dioxide emission is one of the concerns of all countries in the world, so in this paper, we examine the effect of export quality, energy efficiency, and economic complexity on CO2 emissions per capita during the period of 1990 to 2014 in emerging economies. For this purpose, first, energy efficiency is calculated using mathematical programming methods (DEA). Then, the effect of export quality, energy efficiency, and economic complexity on per capita carbon dioxide emissions in the panel of emerging economies is investigated using panel quantile regression. The energy efficiency results show that the average energy efficiency of the studied countries had been increasing from 1990 to 2014. The lowest efficiency score among the studied countries is related to China. The results of quantile regression indicate that the export quality and consumption per capita of fossil fuels have a positive and significant effect on CO2 emissions per capita in all quantiles. The results also show that the coefficient increases by moving in the level of quantiles, so that, the highest effect coefficient of export quality on CO2 emission is related to the quantile 90th and about 0.874. Energy efficiency has a negative and significant effect in all quantiles except 90th, and the highest coefficient of influence (0.133) is related to quantile 10th. The increase in economic complexity increases the co2 emissions in all quantiles except 10th, and the highest coefficient (about 0.487) is related to quantile 90th. 

Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

In spite of emphasis on role of organizational resource and human resources in particular, on entrepreneurship in literature of management, has not been presented an integrated pattern for Iranian organizations that measures influence of hr subsystems on entrepreneurship. By concentration of key role of human resources on entrepreneurship, present research is seeking to consider influence of different practices of human resource management on promoting of entrepreneurship in oil industry of Iran. Research methodology includes both descriptive and correlation analysis based on structural equation modeling. Data was collected by means of questionnaire that was distributed among top and middle manager of Contracting company in oil industry. Research result Indicates that human resource subsystems including human resource Acquisition, work design, development, labor relation and compensation, have influence on organizational entrepreneurship. And only training has not any impact on entrepreneurship. Furthermore, research indicates that the most impact of human resource management on entrepreneurship is indirectly and through creating supportive environment of innovation.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)

In this paper, the effects of reflected waves of the facets on the internal optical intensity of semiconductor DFB lasers are investigated. The uniformity of optical intensity along the cavity length is evaluated with flatness parameter. The dependence of this parameter on coupling coefficient, reflectivity and grating phase at the facets is also studied. This investigation shows that in some structures reflected waves of the facets cause optical intensity along the cavity length to have more uniformed distribution than a DFB laser with anti-reflective facets. It is also shown that flatness parameter is very sensitive to grating phase .Thus it is necessary for designing a DFB laser to consider the effects of reflected wave and grating phase at both ends of cavity in order to increase the stability of the laser against SHB (Spatial Hole Burning) effect. The effects of reflectivity and grating phase on longitudinal distribution of photon and carrier density above threshold are investigated, too.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2016)

Background: Fusobacterium necrophorum as a non-spore-forming Gram-negative anaerobic bacillus is an important human and animal pathogen. It may cause severe systemic infections (Lemierre's syndrome) and some other infections. The aim of this study was to subtype Fusobacterium necrophorum by using PCR methods. Materials and Methods: Twenty five strains of Fusobacterium necrophorum subspecies funduliformis were used. Extraction of DNA and typing of the strains using REP-PCR, ERIC-PCR and BOX-PCR were done. Results: Molecular typing of Fusobacterium necrophorum using REP1-R-I and REP-2-I primers generated 2 to 5 amplicons ranging in size from 1500bp to 2000bp. GelCompar comparison of banding patterns revealed seven distinct ribotype strains from 25 strains tested of which most were 2 and 4 with 8 and 7 strains respectively. BOX-PCR subtyping generated 2 to 7 comparable amplicons ranging in size from approximately 600bp to more than 2000bp. ERIC-PCR subtyping generated 6 to 11 amplicons ranging in size from approximately 100bp to 1500bp. Conclusions: F. necrophorum strains have genomic variations that suggest they are never truly clonal in nature, or they may have undergone localized genetic variation across worldwide. This study also showed subtypes existing in Fusobacterium necrophorum species. We have demonstrated that Fusobacterium necrophorum REP-PCR types can be divided into seven, three subtypes by BOX-PCR and six subtypes by ERIC-PCR. BOX-PCR typing proved to be the most discriminatory method, yielding two-seven major bands. The sample size was too small to interpret statistically.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2016)

A field survey of the bee fauna was conducted in the north of Iran during 2009 to 2015. Special concern was given to the tribe Ceratinini (Hymenoptera; Apidae). Ten species of the genus Ceratina were collected and identified in the present study. Three species are recorded for the first time from Iran, including Ceratina (Euceratina) chrysomalla Gerstaecker 1869, Ceratina (Euceratina) cyanea (Kirby, 1802) and Ceratina (Euceratina) gravidula Gerstaecker, 1869. An updated checklist of Iranian Ceratinini with short description and figures of newly recorded species are provided. The host plants and distribution of each species are also given.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2017)

The most common type of muscular-skeletal disorders among health care worker is low back pain (LBP). This study aimed to investigate the effects of an educational program based on the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) on low back pain severity in healthcare workers in hospitals located in Qom, Iran. In this interventional research study, 125 nursing aides were divided into two experimental and control groups. Data gathering instruments were a demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire based on the predictor constructs of SCT. For the intervention group, training was administered by health education specialist in four 2-hour sessions In each session discussion regarding self-efficacy, self-control, outcome reinforcement, and emotional coping were taken into account carefully, respectively. Data were analyzed SPSS version18.0, IBM Corp.

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