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Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2022)

study, 13 factors were finally extracted as key variables and drivers in the optimal performance of the cooperatives. All 13 factors were repeated in both direct and indirect methods.

The results show that the drivers of housing cooperatives' performance including "coherent measures to get the housing market out of recession; involvement of housing investment institutions, mass builders, and cooperatives in housing production; and satisfaction with housing efficiency" are marginalized. This trend shows that these indicators do not tend to improve, and with the current trend, the situation in the organization will continue to be unfavorable. As a result, the necessary condition for improving performance of cooperatives in the physical and spatial changes of Tabriz city based on decentralized planning and meeting the needs of all citizens in the future, is the promotion of the above indicators.

Volume 26, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Epilepsy is a prevalent neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, which arise from the abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. Understanding the complex pathobiology of epilepsy is crucial for developing more effective diagnostic tools and targeted therapeutic interventions. This comprehensive review examines the current understanding of the molecular, cellular, and genetic mechanisms underlying the epileptic condition. The key pathological mechanisms discussed include neuronal hyperexcitability, imbalances in excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems, structural and functional changes in the brain, altered ion channel function and ion homeostasis, neuroinflammation, and the influence of genetic factors and epigenetic modifications. Delving into the molecular and cellular underpinnings, the review explores the impact of genetic mutations on ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors, the dysregulation of gene expression and epigenetic alterations, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, as well as the role of synaptic plasticity and network reorganization in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. The clinical implications of these pathobiological insights are also discussed, highlighting the potential for novel biomarkers, diagnostic approaches, and targeted therapeutic strategies. The review underscores the importance of personalized medicine and precision treatment, as the heterogeneity of epilepsy necessitates tailored management strategies based on individual patient characteristics. Finally, the article explores ongoing research and future directions in the field, including the identification of novel therapeutic targets and the emergence of innovative technologies to better understand and manage this complex neurological disorder.

Volume 26, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Background and purpose: The covid-19 has severely affected the health care system in various countries, and a review of other similar epidemics has shown that frontline health care workers are at risk of infection as well as adverse physical and mental health outcomes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on indicators including sleep quality, fatigue, and job stress in health professionals.
Materials and methods: This research was conducted in a hospital, which was one of the centers for the care of patients with covid-19 in Tehran. 90 nurses from the special respiratory care department and 93 people from other professions participated in the study with personal consent. Multidimensional fatigue (MFI), occupational stress (HSE), sleep quality (Pittsburgh sleep quality) questionnaires were used to investigate the studied indicators, and statistical analysis was performed on the data using SPSS26 software.
Results: The results of this study show that the quality of sleep and occupational stress among nurses has significantly(p<005) changed, so that the decrease in sleep quality and the increase of occupational stress among nurses is evident, in this study, the correlation between the demographic information of the population and the studied indicators has been investigated.
Conclusion: findings show that the medical staff suffered psychological injuries during the covid-19 pandemic, including increased job stress and reduced sleep quality, which can lead to a wide range of other psychological and functional disorders.                                                

Volume 26, Issue 2 (1-2020)

Tawfiq al-Hakim is one of pioneers in Arabic literature and has produced a large volume of stories, dramas and articles. Odat al Ruoh or the Return of the Spirit is a story with critical realistic elements and portrays socio-political conditions and developments between the two world wars, especially the Egyptian revolution of 1919 led by Sa’ad Zaghloul. This story contains socialist realism elements, such as hope and optimism concerning reforms for a corrupted society.
In this story, he has attempted to show a small part of the Egyptian society and its debilitating and terrible conditions. It tries to reflect the pain and difficulties Egyptian people had undergone to form unity to resist oppression and tyranny.
This research aims to reflect on realism elements Tawfiq al-Hakim employed and more specifically how they were used in this story. In other words, this study tries to answer the questions as what realism the story has and how the personal life of the author affected it.
The important findings suggest that this story is among the first ones, which are based on the school of realism because the author has been bold enough to criticize the reality and revealed the corrupted conditions of the Egyptian society when it was once occupied by Britain. It is considered important and reliable evidence for political and social history of Egypt.

Volume 26, Issue 2 (1-2020)

Textual cohesion is one of the important elements of pivotal text and is a set of form (shape cohesion) and semantic (Coherence) tools that contributes the interconnection of text and the interrelationship between its components, so shape cohesion is due to the application of elements which makes the apparent relation between the constituent elements of the text. Reference is a form of shape cohesion that contributes in realization of communication and interconnection of the components of a text, but it does not assume that role alone, but understanding the elements in the context depends on the interpretation and explanation of other elements in the same context which they refer to and this communication is realized through referencing links such as out-of-text and in-context reference, which in-text also refer to two types of pre-reference and post-reference. The present article seeks to examine the issue of its reference and application in the interconnection of Sharif Morteza`s  Al-Ghadir ode, a Muslim poet who is also committed to the issues of Islam to reveal how the elements of reference are used and their role in realizing the amount of communication and integrity of the elements of this ode. From the analysis of referential elements in the Sharif Morteza`s Al-Ghadir ode, it appears that a set of elements have joined together in shaping this religious story and its semantic structure and, so the present ode is coherent and intertwined, so the elements and means of reference in this ode are varied, as far as we can see the in-text reference has increased in the poet's ode, and at the same time the poet has used more pre-reference elements than post-reference elements and this application has played a significant role in the interconnection and relevance of the ode verses. The artistic secret of this ode is in the referential elements and poetic imagery that makes the poet's intention close to the mind and helps the reader to accept the poet's ode more and more.

Volume 26, Issue 2 (1-2020)

The subject of physical and spiritual resurrection is one of the most challenging theological issues among Islamic scholars. Meanwhile, Fakhr Razi and Allameh Tabataba'i believe in spiritual resurrection. In this study, we intend to analyze the content and approach of the two great thinkers about the most significant resurrection doubts. A closer look at the works of Razi reveals that his words are more explicit on physical resurrection. He responds to the Corrosive and Eaten of deceit and man. Since he considers restorations permissible and God Almighty, he concludes that Restoration of Non-being is not abstained. Razi, in the immateriality of the human soul Doubt, refers to the contradiction of the soul and the body, which is separated from him when he dies and ascends to the universe. Also, the verses quoted by him do not indicate that the soul that is other than the body is Immateriality or not Immateriality. In contrast, Tabatabai avoids the Corrosive and Eaten and the Restoration of Non-being Doubt. In his view, there is nothing in the body and soul, because the body changes to other elements, and the soul is a Immateriality thing that is not corrupted by the death of the body. Tabataba'i, in response to the immateriality of the human soul of self-objectification Doubt, considers the regards the object as object, not matter. He believes that our body in the resurrection is like the earthly body. He also considers being objective in the self and preserving the human personality.

Volume 26, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)

Development plans define the strategy, framework, and pattern of governance and political management of space. These plans address various dimensions and aspects of governance, one of the most important aspects of which is the environmental dimension. This study, by using grounded theory in the form of a model of core categories, causal categories, context categories, interventionist categories, strategic categories, and consequences, answers the following question: what are the environmental dimensions of development plans in the Islamic Republic of Iran? After studying all development plans, 328 statements have been extracted separately for each plan. In accordance with the statements extracted in the development plans, 404 basic concepts (open coding) were identified. Then, considering content subscriptions of the open coding, 77 sub-categories and 16 main categories were generated. Also, using theoretical foundations, ecology, experts’ opinions, and researcher’s judgment axial coding was done. The results show that the main categories include axial categories ("Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation" and "Climate Change Management"), causal categories ("decentralization" and "institutional fit in accordance with environmental issues"), context categories (“environmental research,” Environmental diplomacy, environmental security, and family planning), interventionist categories (“welfare and social development” and “good governance”), strategic categories (“ecology adaptation,” “consumption pattern improvement,” and “spatial planning”), and consequences (“Green Economy” and “Green Transport”) interconnected in a paradigmatic framework.

Volume 26, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)

A cinematic work is a type of work of art that in most national systems is subject to special rules compatible with the nature, type of this work and its thriving industry. In national law, despite the flourishing film industry in society and its numerous enthusiasts, it has not been legislated and does not have a set of rules governing it. One of the reasons for this gap is the lack of a precise definition of this work and the lack of recognition of its nature. The main question is what is the nature of the cinematic work in the existing legal gaps? With the definition of joint work in the current laws of intellectual property, according to the law of France and Iran, unlike England, India and the United States, the cinematographic work is considered a joint work, and in the review of other categories can be said that a cinematic work is a derivative, adapted, audio-visual work. In all the examined laws, the cinematic work is an adapted work, because the use of the elements of the original work and the change in the format in the second work and a relative originality in creativity and innovation to create an adapted work are mentioned in all the examined laws, so it should be considered The rights of adapted works should be implemented in the national legislation to respect the rights of the author of the original work and to protect the cinematographic work. Also, in French law, like Iranian law, a cinematic work is considered a joint work, so how to exploit this work in French law should be taken into consideration in the legislation for cinematic works in Iran

Volume 26, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Introduction: Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) has shown promise in enhancing post-stroke patients' neural plasticity and functional abilities. However, determining the optimal protocol for this method remains an open question. Our study proposes a novel approach: synchronized stimulation that combines mechanical and electrical stimuli. We hypothesize that this approach will enhance tactile localization ability in post-stroke patients.
Methods: We recruited a total of 23 patients and conducted four different types of experiments involving periodic mechanical stimulation on their fingertips. The primary objective was to assess the participant's ability to localize the location of the mechanical stimulation accurately. In one experiment, only mechanical stimulation was administered. Electrical stimulations were combined with mechanical stimulation in the remaining three experiments. The electrical stimulations comprised of one of the following protocols: (1) (tES) pulses administered solely for the initial five seconds of the session, (2) continuous (tES) pulses throughout the entire duration of the mechanical stimulation, and (3) (tES) pulses synchronized precisely with the timing of the mechanical stimulation.
Results: A noteworthy enhancement in tactile localization ability was observed when the electrical and mechanical stimulations were synchronized.
Conclusion:  Our findings demonstrate that the integration of electrical brain stimulation with simultaneous mechanical stimulation of the fingertips resulted in enhanced neural activities. This synchronized integration holds the potential to improve perception and may serve as a vital approach in the treatment of post-stroke patients.

Volume 26, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Introduction: Gentamicin (GM) is a widely used aminoglycoside antibiotic. The nephrotoxicity of gentamicin causes reducing renal blood flow via vasoconstriction. Given PGE2's vasodilatory effects and the mechanisms of tissue damage in GM-induced nephrotoxicity, such as vasoconstriction, the aim of this study was to investigate the protective role of PGE2 in GM-induced nephrotoxicity. The diclofenac sodium was used to assess the direct effects of exogenous PGE2 by blocking endogenous production.
Materials and methods: The experiment was conducted on 56 male Wistar rats (200–250 g). Renal nephrotoxicity was induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of gentamicin (100 mg/kg). The therapeutic effects of PGE2 (0.2 µg/kg) and diclofenac (0.5 mg/kg) were assessed. The rats were placed in individual metabolic cages to collect urine. The systolic blood pressure and renal blood flow were measured. Levels of urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and osmolarity were analyzed in plasma and urine samples. The left kidney was used for histological analysis.
 Results: Administration of gentamicin for eight consecutive days resulted in a significant increase (p<0.001) in serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), absolute sodium excretion (UNaV), and fractional excretion of sodium and potassium (FENa and FEK), while creatinine clearance, urine osmolarity, and renal blood flow significantly decreased (p<0.001) compared to the control group.
Treatment with PGE2 significantly reducing serum creatinine, UNaV, FENa, FEK (p<0.001), and BUN (p<0.05), while significantly increasing creatinine clearance, urine osmolarity, and renal blood flow (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Prostaglandin E2 provided substantial protective effects against gentamicin induced acute nephrotoxicity in rats.

Volume 26, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Background: Most digital imaging systems provide a variety of image processing techniques. The aim of the present study was to compare the performance of bite wing digital radiography with and without the application of 3D emboss image processing filters in identifying recurrent proximal caries. Materials and methods: In the current study, cavities were created in both proximal surfaces of 52 healthy premolar teeth for Class II amalgam restoration. Caries lesions were artificially created by a 0.5 mm trend burr randomly in each tooth and repaired with amalgam. Standard digital radiographs were performed using the Digora® Optime system. Unfiltered and filtered images with 3D emboss filter were observed by 2 radiologists with at least 2 years of work experience and the final results were analyzed with Chi-square statistics. Results: The obtained results demonstrated that the sensitivity and specificity of caries detection changes with the change in the observer, although no significant difference was observed between the sensitivity and specificity of the third and fourth observers. In addition, the results of this research showed that the sensitivity, accuracy and specificity of detecting recurrent secondary caries in radiographs without using the 3D emboss filter for all observers participating in this project was more significant than the sensitivity, accuracy and specificity of radiographs with 3D emboss filter. Conclusion: The obtained data documents that use of the 3D emboss filter failed to improve the diagnosis of recurrent secondary caries through reduces the sensitivity, accuracy and specificity of diagnosis.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)

Personal data, as one of the key concepts in the field of personal data protection legislation, is defined in the General Data Protection Regulation as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Identifying a person directly or indirectly may be through data content or the purpose of data processing or the effect of data processing on the person. In EU law, to determine whether a natural person can be identified through data processing, all means that are reasonably likely to be used by the controller or processor must be taken into account, and to ensure whether there is a reasonable possibility to determine whether a natural person is present or not, all objective factors must be considered, such as the cost and time required for identification and the technology available at the time of processing. Based on the criterion of identifiability, data that may potentially lead to the identification of a person in the future is also covered by the law; such a standard can create the necessary dynamics in the laws. Iran's legislator has differentiated in the protection of private and non-private data and has limited compliance with processing rules to the first category, but the approach of the draft data protection bill has similarities with European Union and has provided broader protection, however, it needs to be amended by adding the criterion of identification to the legal definition, as well as the protection of the data of the deceased.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)

In Iranian Law, the general rule is that damages for breach of contract are compensatory. However, punitive and deterrent damages are also regulated in some cases. Regarding the damages resulted from the contract, the issue of compensating the damages caused to the other party is a definite matter, but if the party in breach receives profits due to the breach of the contract (even if it causes damages to the other party or not), the restitution and claim of these profits is an ambiguous matter in Iranian Law. Considering that one of the important reasons for the breach of contract and the filing of numerous court cases as a result is the profiteering breach of the contract, in this article, while explaining the concept and explanation of the doctrine that governs the profits resulting from the breach of contract, conditions have been considered that these profits can be returned so that by punishing the violator of the contract, the violations that are not caused by the usual commercial hardships but with the purpose of gaining profit can be prevented. Currently, in Iranian Law, there is no place for gain-based damages, but there is a capacity to accept it, and it can be applied with a combination of conditions, these conditions are: 1. the violation must be intentional, 2. there must be an important and essential relationship between breach of contract and profit and, 3. absence of penalty clause in the contract.


Volume 27, Issue 1 (Winter 2024)

Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common malignant brain tumor that arises with high morbidity, having a rather very poor prognosis with only 5.5% five-year survival. Such tumors exhibit aggressive behavior due to intrinsic heterogeneity, glioma stem cell dynamics, and resistance to conventional and emerging therapies. Epigenetic modifications are highlighted in recent studies to be of importance for DNA methylation and histone modifications in the tumorigenesis and progression of GBM. Additionally, some aberrant signaling pathways have been identified, including Hedgehog, Notch, and Wnt, which might act as both a driving force in the tumor microenvironment and a promising therapeutic target. Improved understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of GBM has led to ongoing efforts toward personalized medicine and novel therapeutic strategies in a continuous quest to improve patient outcomes in this challenging malignancy. The present manuscript reviews the current knowledge of the epigenetic landscape, signaling networks, and resulting treatment implications associated with glioblastoma, hence underlining the urgent need for innovative therapeutic approaches tailored to specific patient profiles.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (12-2025)

Polyamines (PAs) are signaling molecules that exhibit promising roles in improving stress tolerance in plants. Limited information is available concerning the effects of the exogenous PAs on medicinal plants including chamomile. This experiment was carried out to study the effects of foliar application of PAs [Putrescine (Put), Spermidine (Spd), and Spermine (Spm)] on physiological and biochemical processes to understand the possible mechanisms concerning the water deficit stress [soil Field Capacity (FC) as control, 80% of FC (FC80), and 60% of FC (FC60)] alleviation in German Chamomile. We found that PAs partially inhibited water deficit-induced stomatal closure and induced antioxidant enzymes to eliminate the increased H2O2. Spd increased stomatal conductance (gs) by 66, 65, and 35% at FC, FC80, and FC60, respectively, compared with the control. The increased gs enhanced leaf net photosynthesis (AN) by 52 and 86% at FC80 and FC60, respectively, compared with the control. The role of PAs in oxidative damage alleviation was approved by the negative correlation of leaf antioxidant activities and Malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 content. According to the results, PAs function as stress-protecting compounds to instigate the antioxidative enzymes to scavenge stress-induced H2O2, improve membrane stability, and enhance water deficit tolerance. Generally, our results suggested that PAs could be potential growth regulators to alleviate mild to severe water deficit stress.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (12-2025)

One of the most important environmental hazards that has created many challenges in recent years is the development of inorganic farming and the excessive use of chemical inputs in the agricultural sector. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the role of extension and educational programs in the development of Organic Farming (OF) in vegetable and summer crops in Lorestan Province, Iran. This research was quantitative in nature and applied research in terms of purpose. The population consisted of vegetable and summer crop farmers in Lorestan (N= 3,500). The sample size was determined based on Morgan table (n= 384). In order to determine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, a panel of experts and a Ө coefficient of 0.85 were used. According to the results, the dimensions of OF were not optimal. From the ecological, health, fairness, care, social-cultural and production-economic aspects, there was a significant difference (P< 1%) between the current and the desired conditions. Farmers who participated in the programs of extension and educational class, field day, extension exhibitions, farmer field school, scientific seminars and demonstration farms had a significant difference (P< 1%) in all aspects of OF with those who did not participate. The most important factors affecting the development of OF dimensions included: (1) Development of technical knowledge and empowerment of farmers in OF, (2) Government support for OF methods and development of its dimensions, (3) Application of legal instruments for the development of OF, and (4) Changing consumers' views towards the use of organic foods.

Volume 27, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

The current article seeks to review the published literature regarding the possible impacts of antioxidant therapy on the management of oral inflammatory conditions. Evidence for this review was systematically collected from reputable scientific databases, focusing on studies published between 2010 and 2024. To ensure a thorough exploration of the topic, broad keywords such as Antioxidants, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Oral Diseases were employed, utilizing both "OR" and "AND" search strategies. The findings from the reviewed literature suggest that antioxidant therapy, whether derived from natural sources or synthesized, demonstrates statistically significant improvements in alleviating oral diseases associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. In conclusion, this review underscores the promise of antioxidant agents in both the prevention and treatment of inflammatory oral diseases, indicating that dietary changes and the intake of antioxidant supplements may be beneficial in managing these conditions

Volume 28, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Based on Islamic era sources, inscribed robes were one of the valuable art works during the Ale- Buyid period that were gifted to courtiers in official ceremonies as a sign of honor for their loyalty. These robes normally contained the name of the ruler. In the Ale-Buyid period, a combination of both Shi’a and Iranian-Sasanian led to the creation of a new style of art. From the remains of that period, number of textiles with inscriptions was discovered from two enclosures of Broj-e Nagharekhane and Bibi Shahrbanu in Ray. According to archaeological reports, the scripted textiles were used as shrouds or to cover graves. The inscriptions are in both plain and ornamental Kufic styles and in most of the cases, beside its function to convey a massage, had decorative functions too. Based on 25 scripted textile pieces from Ale-Buyid period which mostly were discovered from Ray, this research attempts to reveal the meaning and also the literature sources of the inscriptions. The data has been collected through library studies. This research shows that the texts contain prayers, ethical massage and some poems from Arab poets from the first Hijri to the Ale-Buyid period. In some cases, embroidery has changed the shape of the letters to create a rhythmic pattern in the text and for this reason; the text is illegible or contains a visual or written error. This shows that writing was as important as its content. Most of the fabrics obtained based on the content were robes, and the content of the inscriptions often had an individual audience and a prayer sentence.

Volume 28, Issue 1 (Winter 2025)

Background: Oral health issues, such as dental caries, periodontal disease, and oral cancer, represent significant challenges to global health. Proper and balanced nutrition plays a vital role in this context, as it is fundamental to overall health, which includes the condition of the oral cavity and teeth. Nutrition pertains to the specific nutrients absorbed by the body, while diet encompasses all nutrients and non-nutrients consumed. The quality of nutrition directly influences the growth, development, and metabolic functions of the periodontium. A deficiency in essential nutrients can lead to changes in the primary factors associated with periodontal diseases, and dietary choices can significantly influence the progression of these ailments. This review article provides a meta-analysis of the existing literature to evaluate the effects of dietary and lifestyle factors on the prevention of oral health problems. Method: A systematic review of studies was performed from databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library from 2000 onward to investigate the connections between specific dietary components, lifestyle habits, and oral health outcomes. Results: The findings indicate notable correlations among elevated consumption of processed sugars, inadequate oral hygiene, and the use of tobacco and alcohol, all of which increase the likelihood of developing oral diseases. Conversely, a diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, and vital nutrients, along with consistent oral hygiene practices, is linked to a lower risk of these health issues. Conclusion: This meta-analysis highlights the essential role that dietary and lifestyle modifications play in strategies aimed at preventing oral diseases

Volume 28, Issue 2 (8-2024)

In concluding a contract, sometimes we need to leave some of its provisions to the future and agree on the basic elements of the contract. Many lawyers consider this contract vague and even invalid. However, due to the connection that certain conditions have with the public policy of the society, such invalidity does not come from jurisprudence, civil code and commercial practice. So, the question is what are the criteria for resolving the ambiguity of the provisions of the contract? By examining legal provisions, the ambiguity of an incomplete contract may be subject to an objective criterion or the will of the parties to the contract or one of the parties or a third party may prevail. If these criteria are not in the contract, the court can enter and resolve the ambiguity of the contract. All of this kind of Contracts is valid if one can evaluate by an objective criterion or by a personal decision or a court decision. Otherwise, the contract would be a void entity in law.

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