Showing 81 results for Roshan
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)
Aims: In imbalanced conditions, Candida species colonization as a normal microflora of human skin and some mucosal surfaces is replaced by invasive forms (budding yeast cells, pseudohyphae, and true hyphae). This study aimed to investigate the frequency of Candida species and candidiasis with emphasis on the presence and propensity of different Candida species for pseudohyphae and true hyphae formation in clinical samples taken from various clinical forms of candidiasis.
Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study (2018 to 2019), sampling was done from 492 patients suspected to candidiasis, referred to the Medical Mycology Laboratory. Employing direct microscopy and culturing methods, the Candida species were identified using morphological and biochemical characteristics and also PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing.
Findings: From a total of 96 candidiasis patients, 44.9% were identified with superficial-cutaneous and 55.1% with visceral candidiasis. The most clinical strains were isolated from fingernail scrapings (33.2%), followed by bronchoalveolar lavage samples (17%). The mycelium was found in 55.2% of the cases, and the highest frequency was related to the nail specimens (34%, p <.05). C. albicans was the predominant species forming mycelium (69.8%), followed by C. tropicalis, but no mycelium was found in C. guilliermondii cases. Mycelium formation was observed more in patients with an underlying disease such as AIDS and organ transplantation (p <.05).
Conclusion: Non-albicans Candida species have also the propensity to induce an invasive form of mycelial in the skin and to increase internal organs temperature, exacerbating clinical symptoms. This finding is important for choosing proper antifungal treatments and should be taken into account by clinicians.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)
Public service advertises are an important issue in social marketing, increase public awareness and develop possible solutions to issues relating public and beliefs, attitudes, and affecting behaviors. This study aims to review the impact of public service advertises on intention to donate, considering the role of mediator secretion of oxytocin hormone. Considering Experimental study, this research designed having retest and posttest with an experimental group and a control group. Statistical populations were female students of Mazandaran University. Through the matched sample for the test group and control group, 10 cases were detected. In this study, people exposed to film type of public-service advertising. blood sample was taken from each individual before and after each film. Finally, participants were answered a questionnaire that aims to measure the variable of intention to donate. To analyze the data and test the hypotheses, SPSS18 was used. results show that there was no significant difference and public service advertising has no effects on intention to donate with and without mediator secretion of oxytocin hormone and research hypotheses were rejected.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s point of view, the Dialogism, novel, more than anything else, is a linguistic phenomenon, which has a fair correlation between its genuine and its feature of heteroglossia. Language expresses the different social and ideological approaches of the utterances within a translinguistics framework. So the novel compiles all of these diverse social and ideological discourses and utterances. Different Character zones and discourses of the narrator, and embedded genres create a world of different voices and ideologies. From a feminist critique perspective (Gyno criticism), the novel Cheraghha ra Man Khamush Mikonam (I turn off the lights), applies social and cultural differences in different discourses to indicate the writer’s womanly standpoint through various social languages and utterences, and therefore, makes grounds for the promotion of the womanly voice in a multi-linguistic system. Here, through a descriptive-analytical method, we are going to study the “Heteroglossia” feature in the novel Cheraghha ra Man Khamush Mikonam written by Zoya Pirzad in the light of Bakhtin’s dialogism, and also from the Gyno criticism point of view, to analyze the diversity of discourses in this womanly novel. In this novel, the womanly awareness is indicated by the writer, the double-voiced discourse consists of the writer’s double-voice discourse and that of the narrator, embedded genres and the Character’s zones display the different social and cultural levels available, which also result in the appearance of a womanly world in the novel.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 29), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
The process of language change is an inseparable feature of the inherent nature of every language. This change is so slow and delicate that it will be tangible for the native speakers only after a long time and in comparison with the past. A diachronic outlook of the language is especially beneficial here. The present research seeks to examine the transition process of (negative or positive) semantic prosody of some presently neutral Persian verb compounds into connotation. To this end, different researches on semantic prosody, connotation and their transformation in different languages and especially in English are reviewed and the same trend is traced in some verb compounds in Persian. Two corpora from two different historical periods (12th century and modern Persian) of language data were compiled and the semantic prosody of seven verb compound was established in the two. The results show that the semantic prosody of some of these compounds have changed from positive to negative over time and this negative semantic prosody in some of the compounds especially mojeb shodan (cause) is changing to negative connotation.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (No.3 (Tome 31), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
The present research seeks to analyze two phonological processes of Pasikhani dialect: compensatory lengthening and Vowel harmony. The theoretical framework of the study is on the basis of optimality approach, and the dialectal data gathering has been via recording five hours of speech together with the researcher's intuition as a native speaker. The data have been transcribed according to IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and the research method is descriptive- analytic one. Accordingly, the phonological processes and compensatory deletion of /h/, /?/ in mono syllabic words in CVCC and disyllabic words in CVC.CV (C) context which lead to compensatory lengthening of vowel in first syllable; raising and vowel harmony (change of /e/ as a low vowel to [i] as a high vowel; (change of /e/ as a front vowel to [u] as a back vowel) have been exemplified within the tables and analyzed in tableaus by the use of the constraint rankings in OT. The results depict deletion and insertion as the highest processed and metathesis as the lowest.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (winter 2019)
The aim of this paper is to compare the concept of freedom from the point of view of Mowlana and the school of humanism. Both Mowlana and the theorists of the humanism school have a special vision about human freedom, but with different intellectual and social origins, their definition of freedom and the path to freedom is different, and sometimes they share points. The results of this research, which have been conducted in a descriptive and analytical way, indicate that Mowlana views the issue from a religious perspective and has a mystical view of freedom, and considers the best kind of freedom to be God's bondage and freedom from the attachments of internal prisons. Of course, social dimensions have also been noted. From the point of view of the mystics, including Mowlana, to mankind, there is no external freedom, unless he achieves internal freedom. humanists ,who have a human_oriented look, believe that human freedom is achieved in nature by himself, not through super powers. Humanists believe in the unconditional freedom of humans in the intellectual, political, personal and artistic scopes, and do not accept anything as a barrier to this.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 33), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
Our conceptual system is metaphor based. Children also face this cognitive interaction from the beginning of language acquisition. Accordingly, based on their little knowledge of the environment and vocabularies, they benefit from adult`s metaphorical system.Nowadays children`s knowledge is different from that of Piaget`s time and even after this era. Mass communication, modern toys like X-boxes and tablets all have developed children`s cognitive world. In this field study, sixty 2- to 5- years-old Persian-speaking boys and girls were examined in order to understand the time of comprehension and use of embodied metaphors regarding the variable of age in them. A self-mode test was prepared on the basis of Persian metaphoric phrases and Bialka-pkul`s study (2003). Method: The research method was descriptive-survey and the population consisted of 2-5-year-old children of kindergartens in zones 1, 4, and 20 of Tehran. Sixty monolingual normal girls and boys made the sample. The research results are zeitgeist of complete understanding and relative understanding of embodiment metaphorical expressions and perception content due to the age variant in addition. The result of this study with the results of the Bialka- Pikul (2003) was in line. There is a difference that Bialka-pkul research, study on children from age of 3 years, three month but current research says children from the age of two years have a relative understanding of embodiment metaphorical expressions, this study denotes that perception content increasing due to the age variant and cognitive interest. Result: Response of children to tests questions shows children speech in three distinct cultural groups. Persian -language children's speech in no.1 urban area of Tehran city whom they interaction with nature and their metaphorical expressions derived from natural and pristine words, while (the four) children use the environment words frequently, while (the twenty) use metaphorical expressions derived from adult speech and common phrases and words of Persian language. Different use of metaphoric phrases by children indicate different confederacy of receiving physical realm and the realm of subjective perception and cognitive in three different under study cultural groups. Such knowledge is not unique and represents a significant number of children's cognitive differences in the three under study areas .Results: 2-2.5-year-olds gained the least points (0.4 out of 4) in metaphor understanding and had the most and the least difficulties in color and sound metaphors, respectively, but the other groups got higher points (1.5, 1.3, 2.2, 2.1, 3, orderly). The boys had better understanding than girls although the difference wasn't significant (P>0.05).
Volume 8, Issue 1 (No.8- 2016)
The Realistic and Historical Approach in the novel of (alzalzal) for Tahir Wattar Abstract Algerian society throughout long history has experienced different revolutions, for example Revolution in 1962 against the French colonial history, the agricultural revolution and the process of land reform in 1971. Obviously, committed scholars try to write the events of Algeria in his view. Tahir wattar (1936-2010),one of the largest Algerian novelist, attended to some of the most important historical society in the novel "Alzlzal" a with realistic look. Socialist ideas in novel social issues such as discrimination, lack of peace and security, and oppression and to find a way to solve these problems and historical events the socialist revolution. This research try to explore the approach in the novel. Due to the adaptation of the novel "Alzlzal" with a lot of features of historical-realistic novel, it looks, we can assign it, a historical - realistic novel.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
Backgrounds: Multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa is known as a major opportunistic pathogen in burn patients with hospital-acquired infections. The aim of this study was to investigate antibiotic resistance and the capability of (GTG) 5-PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assay for molecular typing of P. aeruginosa strains isolated from clinical samples of hospitalized burn patients in southern Iran.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional research was carried out on 70 P. aeruginosa isolates collected from hospitalized burn patients in southern Iran from June 2020 to January 2021. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of the isolates were determined using disk diffusion method. Additionally, repetitive extragenic palindromic-PCR (rep-PCR) method was used to examine the genetic similarities among the strains.
Findings: Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns revealed that the highest antibiotic resistance was against gentamicin (95.8%), followed by imipenem (94.3%) and piperacillin–tazobactam (92.8%), while colistin was the most effective antimicrobial agent. Rep-PCR typing revealed that 60 P. aeruginosa strains were classified into 49 GTG5 types (G1-G49), which were then grouped into 12 clusters (A-L) and 10 isolates with unique banding patterns according to the 80% cut off point.
Conclusion: The present study data indicated a substantial resistance to the studied antimicrobial agents, especially the last-resort antimicrobial agents. In addition, rep-PCR analysis revealed that most of the evaluated strains had partial genetic diversity; therefore, infection control activities should be carried out to decrease the colonization of MDR P. aeruginosa isolates in the hospital setting.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
Backgrounds: Several studies have elucidated vitamin D as an important immunomodulatory factor regulating immune responses to different viral infections and vaccines. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of 25(OH) D serum levels on immune responses to hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine.
Materials & Methods: This study was conducted on 134 healthy individuals aged 18-35 years, referring to health centers for HBV vaccination in Mane and Samalghan city in North Khorasan, Iran from June to September 2021. Demographic data were collected through a questionnaire. Serum 25(OH) D levels were analyzed using commercial sandwich ELISA kits. Anti-hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBsAb) levels were determined in blood samples 4-6 weeks post-vaccination.
Findings: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency among the participants was 46.3 was 34.3%, respectively. The level of 25(OH) D was insignificantly higher in women than in men. There was no significant association between serum 25(OH) D levels and participants' ethnicities and BMI ranges. Anti-HBsAb titer was significantly higher in participants with sufficient vitamin D levels compared to those with insufficient and deficient levels (1835 ± 252.55 vs. 1129 ± 120.7 and 1363 ± 0.125 ng/ml). Serum anti-HBsAb levels post HBV vaccination were significantly higher in women and younger individuals than in men and older individuals, respectively.
Conclusion: This study findings suggest that participants with different serum vitamin D levels produce seroprotective antibody titers post HBV vaccination, while those with sufficient vitamin D levels may produce higher titers against HBV vaccine.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)
Background: The present investigation aimed to survey the in-vitro inhibitory effects of nitroglycerin against Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, and Aspergillus flavus.
Materials & Methods: In the current investigation, 99 fungal isolates were gathered from patients referred to the Medical Mycology Laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The disk diffusion method was done based on Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) M44-S2 guidelines. Also, the microdilution method was performed base on CLSI guidelines for filamentous fungi (document M38-A2) and yeasts (document M27-A3).
Findings: In the disk diffusion method, all isolates of C. albicans (n=33, 100%) and A. flavus (n=33, 100%) showed sensitivity to nitroglycerin, whereas all isolates of T. rubrum (n=33, 100%) showed resistance to nitroglycerin. On the other hand, in the microdilution method, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of nitroglycerin against C. albicans and A. flavus isolates was 0.5 mg/mL, whereas the MIC of nitroglycerin against T. rubrum was 0.12 mg/mL.
The results showed that the MIC of nitroglycerin against dermatophytes was about one-quarter of its MIC against C. albicans and A. flavus, and this difference was statistically significant (p< .05).
Conclusion: Considering the potential and efficacy of nitroglycerin against yeasts and filamentous fungi (saprophytes and dermatophytes), complementary in-vivo and in-vitro studies should be done.
Volume 10, Issue 38 (Summer 2017)
According to Jung's Archetype concept. some of the affective behavioral and though patterns are inherited by human beings and these patterns do significantly affect human being's personality development. These primordial perceptions are rooted in "collective unconscious" and since mystical poetry is this poet's achievement from this smooth layer. therefore. many archetypes will appear in that. The idea of "perfect man" is one of these archetypes. The appearance of this idea within mystical poetry is illustrative of the poet's challenge in achieving self-actualization and realizing self.
The present study applies a descriptive-analytical approach and it mainly relies upon Jung's psychology school. The objective of this study is to provide the reader with a psychological criticism of "Emadodin Nasimi"'s poetry. with regard to perfect man idea. This archetype has been projected within various characters such as Prophet Muhammad. Fazlollah Na'eemi. etc. The appearance of this idea in Nasimi's poetry follows a specific target and the main purpose in so doing is for the poet himself to achieve "self". This achievement is the result of passing several stages like " Identification ". "mental inflation". "projection" and " Individuation ".
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)
Mercury is one of the most harmful pollutants in the environment, which in the event of ingestion into the human body, it is not metabolized and severe nervous, respiratory and metabolic disorders will occur due to the formation of stable complexes with biological molecules. Therefore, the development of precise, fast and inexpensive methods for mercury detection in the environment is of great importance. Carbon quantum dot is a new fluorescent substance with unique physical and chemical properties which is taken into consideration for diagnostic applications, especially for heavy metals detection at low concentrations. In this study, carbon dots with blue fluorescent emission were synthesized using the pyrolysis method and characterized. Fluorescent emission intensity of synthesized carbon dots was decreased significantly in interacting with mercury. Then for providing an easy-to-use mercury detection method, carbon dot was encapsulated in sodium alginate hydrogel. Quenching fluorescent intensity of encapsulated carbon dots in the hydrogel structure was evaluated in the presence of mercury and 1micromolar detection limit was obtained. Encapsulating carbon dots in hydrogel structure not only extend the use of carbon dot as a mercury sensor but also can be used as an adsorbent for mercury pollutant from the environment.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (3-2020)
surveying the content of Fars local periodical literatures at the late of Qajar and the beginning of Pahlavi shows that women had an effective role in the political and social activities like as the anti-authoritarian and constitutionalist movement and they had could raise their level of political and social awareness. Women in the form of communities and associations and using the magazines which were the most prevailing device at that time, tried to implement the changes in full for the society. Such efforts resulted in political and social awareness of Fars women and the whispering of the issue of women's social rights. Fars province women, through numerous articles of magazines, and for the first time acquainted with the women rights such as the right to education, the right to trade, etc. and gradually they sought to earn the aforementioned rights in the realm of action. The article is concerned on the extension of press and its influence on the process of political-social awareness and women's identity formation to assert their basic rights. The findings of the study show that the Fars press at this era was essentially self-disciplinary with the continuous pursuit of social and political rights for women and greatly assisted women to identify their rights and being socialized. The research method, since the main sources of research in the press, is based on textual analysis, which can be considered as a deeper level of descriptive-analytical method that ultimately leads to appropriate explanations.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2022)
Human resources in any organization have a significant impact on how one organization excels in competition with others, which in some areas, such as face-to-face sales, this role is more important. The purpose of this study is evaluation of the effect of salesperson gender and age (demographic characteristics), salesperson height and weight on buyer trust to a salesperson, using conjoint analysis approach and Based on Homophily theory. Data were collected from clothing buyers in Tehran through 194 questionnaires using in hand sampling. Results show the main factor affecting buyer’s confidence to a salesperson is his/her weight with the average importance of 28.5%. Salesperson’s age, height, and gender are located in the next priorities with average importance of 27/7, 23/9 and 19/9% respectively. Based on results effect of different surface of salesperson characteristics on buyer’s trust shows the same gender, weight and height of salesperson and buyer led to more confidence of buyer. Also, the difference in age between salesperson and buyer, decrease buyer’s trust. The results of ranking 12 types of salespersons according to the utility average shows the first rank allocates to a salesperson with these characteristics: different gender from a buyer, older than a buyer, similar weight and taller than the buyer. Also, the last rank allocated to a salesperson includes characteristics as the similar gender with the buyer, same age as the buyer, different weight with the buyer and taller than him/her.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2024)
In the current study, fish-isolated protein (FPI) was extracted by alkaline pH method from the wastes of the head and fins of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) and Iranian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) and its composition, functional and structural characteristics were investigated. The results showed that the extraction efficiency according to the wet weight, the protein recovery of FPI, and the dry matter recovery of FPI from the Siberian sturgeon was higher than that of Iranian sturgeon. The results showed 91-94% protein in FPI of two species. The results did not show any significant differences between the proximate analysis and TVB-N (P> 0.05). The water absorption capacity, foaming capacity, and stability of FPI were shown at 30, 50, and 50%, respectively. The whiteness and transparency index of the FPI extracted was low. The results of particle size and zeta potential (P< 0.05) showed that the size of FPI particles in both samples is about a micron and they have a negative charge, so they can be easily used in colloidal systems. FTIR spectroscopy in both samples showed all the absorption peaks related to the main bonds of the protein structure. In general, considering the large amount of sturgeon waste in processing, and the amount of protein, functional properties, and nutritional value of FPI extracted from two species of sturgeon, there is the possibility of using them in human food and sports supplements.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (Winter 2025)
Aim: A healthy lifestyle is a crucial modifiable risk factor in breast cancer prevention. This study aimed to identify predictors of health-promoting behaviors based on the self-regulation model among breast cancer patients in northern Iran.
Instrument & Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 2021 with 260 breast cancer patients. The questionnaire assessed demographic characteristics, disease status, psychosocial factors related to the self-regulation model, health-promoting behaviors, and patients' attitudes toward their health. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficients and multivariate linear regression.
Findings: The average age of participants was 52.6 years (± 10.6). A direct correlation was found between perceived treatment effectiveness and all domains of health-promoting behaviors. The multivariate regression model indicated that perceived treatment effectiveness significantly predicts health-promoting behaviors, including a healthy diet (β = 0.20, p = 0.016), vitamin consumption (β = 0.21, p = 0.002), and performing mammography (β = -0.26, p = 0.001).
Conclusion: These findings indicate that perceived treatment effectiveness is closely linked to enhanced health-promoting behaviors, irrespective of treatment status. Incorporating training in self-regulation processes within palliative care may foster healthier lifestyles among patients. This study underscores the importance of culturally sensitive health interventions in breast cancer management.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (September & October 2022)
The validity supporting factors of the EPT reading comprehension test, a standard language proficiency test held monthly in Iran, were investigated in this research paper. To this end, each of the test questions was assigned to one of the known effective linguistic and non-linguistic components used by different readers in comprehending a reading text. Our ability to read in a second language, at first, depends on our familiarity with linguistic knowledge, which is the words and grammar of the target language, and under the influence of our non-linguistic knowledge; that if the assessment of reading comprehension ability is unfairly mixed with our "non-linguistic knowledge", the result will not reflect the content validity of the test. Since high-stake tests like EPT are designed for examinees with different experiences and other intrapersonal cognitive abilities, balancing the content of the test will lead us to more favorable results. 85 questions from 22 expository texts were randomly selected, and 150 female students graduated from the theoretical fields of humanities, experimental, and mathematics from Malayer city participated in the test. The data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation statistical analysis, Heterotrait-monotrait ratio, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and the Partial Least Square model. The results showed that non-linguistic knowledge has a significant and more than expected effect on the performance of the testees. Teachers, lecturers, and institutes implementing and designing second language reading comprehension standardized tests will use the results of this research.
1. Introduction
To determine the level of proficiency in a foreign language, several language tests are frequently held each year. Language proficiency tests do not consider the method used by language learners; their emphasis is generally on the past language experience of the examinees and what they have learned until the time of the test (Jafarpour, 2015). Among the valid language tests held in Iran is the EPT, which has been held almost every month by the Islamic Azad University since 2012. EPT is composed of three parts: vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. The importance of this exam is in the graduation of the students of this university at the PhD level.
In terms of test structure, EPT can be compared with TOEFL PBT. The only difference lies in the lack of listening and writing sections. This test consists of 100 questions; it does not have a negative score, and the time allotted is set on 140 minutes. The reading comprehension section has 35 questions, usually consisting of 4 separate expository texts on different fields. 15 questions are in the format of cloze test, and the rest is passage-based multiple choice questions.
The importance of evaluation, as stated by Black and William (1998), is undeniable both for teachers and learners. Therefore, a test content validity can guarantee the appropriateness of the result interpretations (Linn & Gronlund, 2000). Test validity can be interpreted as an agreement between the test score and the quality it is intended to measure (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2001). Thus, it can be concluded that any investigation and analysis on the effectiveness of the supporting content validity factors of a proficiency test can predict the adequacy of the level of linguistic knowledge as opposed to non-linguistic knowledge of the testees.
According to Bachman's language proficiency model (1990), strategic competence of language learners is based on their language competence and their knowledge structures, or their knowledge of the world (Alderson, Clapham, & Wall, 2005), and the knowledge they have acquired while learning their first language (Hedge, 2003). Here, it can be implied that theoretically, in order to be successful in reading comprehension tasks, in addition to language competence, one needs to be equipped with other reader-oriented variables such as synthesizing, infering, and evaluating information (Alderson, 2000).
As Nunan (1991) has stated, reading comprehension in a foreign language is different from that in one's first language. A word of caution hence should be mentioned in this regard. The assessment of this language ability should be run under a more controlled condition in terms of the testee's knowledge of the world. Nunan (1991) believed in the interaction of language competence and world knowledge when doing a comprehension task. Reading comprehension in a foreign language, as the result, needs separate sub-skills that are required to be taught (Alderson, 2000).
Considering the above mentioned premises, foreign language reading comprehension tests for mid-band language proficiency levels are expected to make use of these different source-based variables equally. This means that despite the inherent difficulty to assess this language ability, language-based questions should be paid the same attention as nonlanguage-based questions all over the test as possiblly as they can (Weir, 2005).
This parity is the motivation of the present study. Collecting intermediate passages employed in different EPT administrations, the study aimed at determining the load of different linguistic (text-dependent) and non-linguistic (reader-dependent) components of the test based on the componential perspective theories. The list of components is based on Farhadi and Hesami's (2005, p. 35) list of variables in their article, construct validity of L2 reading comprehension skills. The following research question is going to be answered:
Which group of components, linguistic versus non-linguistic components, has the strongest correlations with the value score obtained in the measurement of reading competence based on the gathered data?
2. Methodology
2.1. Subjects
A total number of 150 12th-grade female students took part in the present study. They were from three different fields of study (58 from experimental sciences, 48 from mathematical sciences, and 44 from humanities) from 3 language institutes in Malayer. They were selected by cluster random method. The subjects were between 18 to 22 years old. (M=19.5, SD=1.51). These students were intermediate language learners and got a score range between 51 and 70 out of 120 in the Oxford English Placement Test, so they were all placed at the CEFR level of B1.2 to B2.1.
2.2. Educational tools and materials
The material used in the present study consisted of 22 randomly-selected reading comprehension passages adapted from the EPT test. The test items underwent a close specification process to assign each item to the component it was intended to measure. The linguistic components understood vocabulary, using context, identifying facts and details, summarizing concepts, sequencing events, distinguishing between facts and opinions, and discovering main idea. For non-linguistic components, understanding point of view, determining author's purpose, drawing conclusions, identifying inferences, understanding cause and effect, using prior knowledge, identifying figurative language, and visualizing ideas were utilized.
3. Results
The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was run in order to get a maximum dispersion of factor loadings within factors of linguistic and nonlinguistic components. For a smaller number of variables highly onto each factor resulting in more interpretable clusters of factors, principal axis factoring and varimax rotation methods were applied. SPSS results showed that the components of reading ability measured four constructs with an accuracy of 49.50 percent. From the results, scanning, and literal and reorganizational processing played an important role in comprehending second language intermediate texts of EPT.
The model of the standardized regression weights between each component and the overall linguistic and nonlinguistic constructs displayed in figure 1 indicates that the linguistic components of reading comprehension test had moderate and significant contributions to their construct, while nonlinguistic components of reading comprehension test had a high and significant contribusion to their construct.
Figure. 1, The relationships between components of constructs (standardized regression weights)
Amir Roshan, Seyyed Ali Reza Hosseini Beheshti,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2007)
The problem of "alienation" and the "alienated man" is one of the most attractive features of the critique of modernity. Ali Shariati, the contemporary Iranian theorist who was highly concerned with the critique of both tradition and modernity, introduced the idea of a "third way". As the main cause for decadence, defining and defying alienation was at the core of Shariati's intellectual agenda. In this paper, we will explain his view on alienation and his recommended solution which invites peoples of the third world to return to their very identity. Then, some critical arguments raised by his critics will be explored and assessed.
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2014)
در این مقاله، طراحی مسیر بازگشت به جو یک کپسول فضایی از لحظه خروج از مدار اولیه تا رسیدن به شرایط عملکرد سیستم بازیابی مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. برای این منظور دو روش حل عددی مسائل کنترل بهینه با رویکرد چند بازه ای توسعه داده شده و مورد استفاده و مقایسه قرار گرفته است. روش اول در دسته روشهای پرتاب (شوتینگ متد) قرار دارد که بهینه سازی در آن با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک صورت می پذیرد. در این روش با بهره گیری از مدل جامعی برای توصیف تاریخچه کنترلی، به طور همزمان تعداد و چینش بازه ها و نوع تاریخچه کنترلی در هر بازه بهینه می شود. روش دوم موسوم به روش شبه طیفی می باشد که در آن متغیرهای حالت و کنترل برای ارضای همزمان قیود و شرایط بهینگی در نقاطی موسوم به گره ها تعیین می شوند. این روش هم با رویکرد چند بازه ای حل شده و با روش اول مقایسه گشته است. روشهای توسعه داده شده که در انتها عملکرد آنها مورد مقایسه و تحلیل قرار گرفته، قابل استفاده برای حل کلیه مسائل کنترل بهینه و طراحی مسیر می باشند.