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Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2022)

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The focus of this study was to extend investigations on Collembola fauna in parts of Hyrcanian forests - Hezarjirib forests, located near Neka in Mazandaran province. For this, irregular samplings from leaf litter and soil in different localities were done during 2020–2021. The springtail specimens were extracted by Berlese funnel and after permanent slide mounting identified by relevant taxonomic keys. It resulted in the identification of 25 species belonging to eight families and 19 genera. Three species including Hypogastrura papillata Gisin, 1949 (Hypogastruridae), Lepidocyrtus bicoloris Mateos, 2012 (Entomobryidae) and Folsomia trisetata Jordana & Ardanaz, 1981 (Isotomidae) were recorded for the first time from Iran. Brief information for each species including the material studied, distribution and some illustrations of the new records are given.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)

Backgrounds: Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic parasite of increasing concern to humans and animals. Considering the side effects of drugs used to treat toxoplasmosis, it is essential to find alternative drugs.
Materials & Methods: In this study, colchicine and propranolol at four concentrations (1, 5, 10, and 15 µg/mL) were added to the RPMI medium containing peritoneal macrophages and incubated for 60 min, Then tachyzoites were added to the medium, and the efficacy rates of colchicine and propranolol in inhibiting tachyzoites entry into macrophages were evaluated after 30 and 60 min. For in vivo assay, one group received no drugs, and the second group was treated with colchicine and propranolol at different concentrations for different durations.
Findings: The in vitro experiment showed that treatment with 15 mg/mL of colchicine and propranolol for 60 min following tachyzoites addition was the most efficient method to inhibit tachyzoites penetration, indicating the efficacy rates of 80.20%±1.20 and 89.97%±1.30, respectively (p< .05). Based on the in vivo test, pretreatment with 2 mg/kg of colchicine one hour before tachyzoites injection had the best inhibitory effect (70.32%±4.07). Also, pretreatment with 2 mg/kg of propranolol 90 min before tachyzoites injection (78.54%±1.99) induced the best inhibitory effect (p< .05).
Conclusion: According to the results, colchicine and propranolol could inhibit tachyzoites entrance into nucleated cells in vitro and in vivo. In this study, the most efficient concentrations and times for using these substances were determined.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (8-2019)

The Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xcc) is causal agent of bacterial citrus canker which is major disease of citrus throughout the world. The pthA bacterial effector protein is presented within the infected plants and indispensable of canker. The scFv antibodies are valuable tools for diagnosis and suppression of pathogens within plants. The present article describes developing and characterization of specific recombinant monoclonal scFv antibodies against pthA effector protein. For this aim, the gene encoding pthA protein was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and used for screening of Tomlinson phage display antibody library to pinpoint specific single chain variable fragment (scFv). In each round of panning, the affinity of phage towards pthA was checked by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The data was indicative of about 50% of the monoclonal phages to be reactive strongly against pthA protein. Among the positive clones, 5 samples (A12, B8, C1, H8 and G8) were capable of detecting Xcc-infected plant samples and recombinant pthA protein. Restriction fragment length polymorphism showed similar banding pattern for all 5 scFvs as renamed to pthA-scFG8. HB2151 E. coli cells were infected by the phage bearing pthA-scFG8, and the expression of the peptide was induced by IPTG to produce a 30 kDa recombinant molecule. I-TASSER was used for homology modeling of both scFv and pthA and docking was carried out by Hex program. The latter demonstrated binding energy of −784 kcal/mol in scFv-pthA. 

Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2022)

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To expand study of Iranian Collembola fauna, the present study was conducted to investigate springtails fauna of different ecosystems such as forests, grasslands and gardens in the vicinity of Behshahr in the east of Mazandaran province, during 2020−2021. Several samples of soil and leaf litter were collected and specimens were extracted by Berlese funnel. Collected materials were identified by relevant taxonomic keys. The results indicated 29 species from 21 genera belonging to 10 families. Two species including Sminthurides inaequalis Börner, 1903 (Sminthurididae) and Hypogastrura neglecta Börner, 1901 (Hypogastruridae) were recorded for the first time from Iran. Despite numerous studies to identify Collembola fauna in Iran, many species are still unknown.

Volume 8, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 41), (Articles in Persian) 2017)

Traumatic Brian Injury (TBI) is one of the types of the acquired brain injury. Individuals with (TBI) are often impaired in social communication skills. Impairment in paralinguistic behaviors is one of the manifestations of failure in the social communication which adversely impacts on relationship among persons with TBI to others. Regarding the importance of paralinguistic behaviors and lack of the research in this regard in Iranian patients with TBI, the aim of this cross-sectional research was to compare these behaviors in spontaneous interaction with 4 men adults with severe TBI and 4 healthy adult men. The research questions were: How are the patients and healthy groups᾽ performances in total of paralinguistic behaviors? How are the patients and healthy groups᾽ performances in each of paralinguistic behaviors; that is, intelligibility, pitch, prosody, vocal intense, and speech fluency? The research hypotheses were: There is a significant difference between two groups in total of paralinguistic behaviors. There is a significant difference between two groups in intelligibility, pitch, prosody, vocal intense, and speech fluency. The TBI patients and healthy groups were matched on age and education years. Data analysis using non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test indicated that there was a significant difference between the patient and healthy groups in total of the paralinguistic behaviors regardless of the type of behavior (p < 0.05). Considering each of paralinguistic behaviors, there was a significant difference between two groups in voice intensity, pitch, and prosody (p < 0.05), and there was not a significant difference between two groups on intelligibility and speech fluency (p > 0.05). However, in these two paralinguistic behaviors, mean scores' patients was lower than mean scores᾽ healthy individuals. The overall conclusion was that paralinguistic behaviors were impaired in individuals with severe TBI. Therefore, it is necessary to be noticed to paralinguistic aspect of communication in TBI people alongside the other behavioral, emotional, and linguistic aspects. Accordingly, it should be pathologized these behaviors in them and then, be rehabilitated.

Volume 8, Issue 7 (No. 7 (Tome 42), Winter Special, (Articles in Persian) 2017)

This paper aims to examine and explain, from a Generative Lexicon (Pustejovsky 1995) viewpoint, the alternation and substitution of light verbs (LVs) in Persian complex predicates (also referred to as light verb constructions). To this aim, the hypothesis we are going to test is that semantic features including meaning commonality, distinct aspectual features (LVs’ aktionsarts), difference in argument structure, etc. are some of factors involved in LV alternation with a particular PV. A thorough examination of various kinds of alternation and substitution of LVs combined with the same pre-verbal element (PV) suggests that the information encoded in different lexical-semantic structures (Argument structure, Event structure and Qualia structure) of PVs and LVs, including arguments encoded in a-structure of predicative PVs, as well as aspectual features, such as initiatory vs. transitory or spontaneous vs. durative aspect, of light verbs make it (im)possible to substitute different light verbs occurring with a particular PV. Information represented in lexico semantic structure of linguistic items, especially Qualia structure which includes limited but necessary information for explaining lecical semantic relations between two LVC components serves to account for alternation ant substitution of LVs in complex predicate structures based on the concepts of Generative Lexicon theory.
The research method is descriptive-analytic and the data under study consist of Persian complex predicates (gathered and cited from Anvari 2002) consisting a nominal PV and each of the light verbs kardan (‘do, make’), zadan (‘hit’), kešidan (‘pull, drag’) and dâdan (‘give’).

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)

Aims: Positive psychology is a new psychology branch that focuses on positive traits leading to freshness, greater concentration, and individuals' satisfaction. This study aimed to extract positivist psychology components and assess the effect of positivist content and theme on school education and improve teachers' and students' psychological capital.
Materials & Methods: In this hybrid (qualitative-quantitative) research, the first positivist components and themes were extracted from Seligman's point of view using open coding, axial coding, selective coding steps, and a network of positive themes were drawn. Then, to assess the effect of positive psychological components and themes on teachers' competencies and their mental health and students' personal and academic abilities, the opinions of 80 high school principals in Isfahan were evaluated using a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed by comparison of means and sample t-test using SPSS 19 software.
Findings: 104 basic and five organizing themes were extracted from the texts of the Positive Psychology book written by Seligman; positive emotion empowerment, fascination (flow), positive relationships, meaning (goal), and achievement (success). Also, from the perspective of principals, positivist components and themes had a positive and above-average effect on improving teachers' positive mental characteristics, teachers' mental health and efficiency, teachers' organizational behavior and interactions, and improving teachers' abilities and students' overall progress (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: Positive psychology has practical and useful components and themes to enhance teachers' abilities and mental health and can be taught by teachers in various curricula.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of patriarchal and gender systems on women's demands in different cultures. The question is whether the mechanism of these systems works in the same way in different societies and leads to the same results? What are the commonalities or differences between women's demands for civil and political equality with men in different cultures? In this regard, based on a broad reading of the feminist theory, according to Bourdieuchr's theory of male domination and within the requirements of comparative literature, the writings of two women writers from two cultures, Iranian (Alamataj Ghaem Maqami) and French (Constance de Salm), were selected. A thematic study of their works and ideas in two societies in transition (Constitutional Revolution in Iran and the French Revolution of 1789) shows that male domination, regardless of other cultural characteristics, leads to the same demands to eliminate discrimination against women in the family, education as well as politics.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aims: Computation of the field distribution and the penetration of electromagnetic fields induced in the body and biological tissues are one of the major issues discussed in the bioelectromagnetic field; with access to the geometry of the cell and its organelles, the contribution of each component to the field's reception and the field distribution as well as the computation of impedance can accurately be estimated. The aim of this study was to create 3D geometric models of cells and organelles for bioelectromagnetic simulations.
Materials and Methods:  The present study is a computational research study. In this study a complete electrical model for several cell types of the epidermis layer of human skin with its organelles was created by SAVI 1 software and innovative new algorithms. In this geometric model, organelles such as mitochondria, Golgi body, melanin pigments, ribosome, lysosome, and intracellular nucleus were considered. The microscopic 2D image was used to create organelles.
Findings: The geometric model was created for the organelles and the cellular sample was created for all layers of the epidermis in accordance with reality. The cells of basal cortex were nucleated in cubic form, the cells of spinosum cortex were polygonal and nucleated, the cells of granular cortex were flat and nucleated, and the stratum corneum had complete flat cells without nucleus.
Conclusion: Creating 3D geometric model of cells and organelles within it is possible for bioelectromagnetic simulations. This 3D model can be saved in mat, stl, and vox formats and retrieved in SAVI, CST studio, and MATLAB software.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Large natural gas reserves are a great potential economic advantage for Iran's economy. As long as the consumption and production of the natural gas increase in the country, gas industry will play a vital role in meeting oil industry's needs. This paper aims to investigate optimal usage of the Iranian natural gas reserves among different applications and also opportunity cost of allocations by developing the gas industry over a long time horizon. Using welfare function, nonlinear dynamic model is applied to solve the problem of gas allocation among alternatives such as domestic consumption, gas injection, gas exports or gas salvaging using the data over the period 2006-2031. The constraints include gas production, requirements of gas injection, domestic growth, gas consumption and other effective variables and parameters related to the natural gas reserves allocation. Findings confirm that priorities and the values of optimal allocation gas depend on the constraints of natural gas production, energy policy, target of injection for preservation or increasing the pressure of oil reservoirs and gas imports. Furthermore, low discount rate gas injection has an absolute priority to gas exports. In the baseline scenario, if domestic gas consumption continuously growth at its average rate of last 11 years performance, it won't be possible to allocate gas injection according to the preservation pressure of oil reservoirs scenario and gas exports. The results of optimal gas salvage and its shadow price shows that the lack of gas production ability has a very high opportunity cost at the beginning years.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Aims: Influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection that can induce severe complications, hospitalization, and even death among older adults. Seasonal influenza vaccination has been proposed for its prevention. This study aimed to determine the related factors of influenza vaccination among Iranian older adults based on the health belief model.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 206 participants 65 and older were selected from Yazd city, Iran, in 2019. A random cluster sampling was used. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on the Health Belief Model constructs. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software using the Chi-square test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and logistic regression.
Findings: Only 24.3% of the participants had got a seasonal influenza vaccine over the past year, and 58.3% had received at least one dose of seasonal influenza vaccine from the age of 65. Knowledge (OR=1.27; CI=1.03-1.55), perceived susceptibility (OR=1.18; CI=1.04-1.33), and cues to action (OR=1.52; CI=1.16-1.98) were statistically significant predictors of seasonal influenza vaccination.
Conclusion: The cues to action stood as the strongest predictor of seasonal influenza vaccination, which should be addressed in health promotion intervention programs in the elderly.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Background: The use of plant extracts or their compounds as antimicrobial agents for oral infections worldwide represents that herbal medicines could be used as an effective alternative method in oral health care. This study aimed to evaluate the antifungal and antibacterial effects of five traditional medicinal plant extracts on standard and clinical strains of bacteria and fungi causing dental caries.
Materials & Methods: Aqueous and methanolic extracts of Zataria multiflora, Lawsonia alba, Zizyphus spina-christi, Myrtus communis, and Citrus aurantium were prepared using maceration method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum microbicidal concentration (MMC) of the prepared extracts were evaluated against bacterial (Streptococcus sanguinis and S. mutans) and fungal (Candida albicans, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis) isolates using broth microdilution method.  
Findings: Aqueous extracts of the studied plants showed no antimicrobial effects on the studied microorganisms, except M. communis and C. aurantium. The results indicated the antimicrobial potency of the methanolic extract of M. communis (MIC range =2 to 64 µg/mL) against all the studied microorganisms, followed by Z. multiflora (MIC range = 512-2048 µg/mL), L. alba (MIC range = 1024-2048 µg/mL), C. aurantium (MIC range = 1024-4096 µg/mL), and Z. spina-christi (MIC range=2048- ˃4096 μg/mL).  Also, the lowest MMCs against the studied strains were related to the methanolic extract of M. communis (MMC range = 16-512 µg/mL).
Conclusion: The results showed remarkable antimicrobial effects of M. communis extract, which could be a suitable alternative to chemical mouthwashes to prevent and control oral infections. 

Volume 9, Issue 4 (8-2020)

Cellular energy allocation (CEA) test was performed in order to investigate the effects and costs of bare carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and CNTs in combination with titanium dioxide nanoparticles (CNTs/TiO2-NPs) on Glyphodes pyloalis Walker after 24, 48 and 72 hours of exposure to 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm of the treatments. Results showed the negative correlation between total lipid amounts and concentrations of treatments (i.e. CNTs and CNTs/TiO2-NPs) as well as exposure time. Contrary to CNTs treatments, carbohydrate contents were affected by both of CNTs/TiO2-NPs concentration and time of exposure. Results showed that the effect of bare CNTs in the enhancement of glycogen content appeared significantly faster than that of CNTs/TiO2-NPs. Increasing time of exposure to all concentrations of CNTs, except for 100 ppm, prevented enhancement of protein content. The effect of bare CNTs on the reduction of protein contents was faster and greater than that of CNTs/TiO2-NPs. The results indicated that G. pyloalis cannot regulate internal CNTs and CNTs/TiO2-NPs concentrations efficiently without considerable impact on the energy reserves (Ea). The comparison of energy consumed (Ec) in treated larvae showed that CNTs/TiO2-NPs reflected the higher energy demand of the stress response than CNTs. Generally, CEA was significantly decreased as the concentration of CNTs treatments increased. More reduction in CEA amount of all treatments by CNTs/TiO2-NPs than that of the control is also probably considered as a cost to deal with detoxification when the concentration increased and at all the tested time points. Therefore, CEA test might be considered as an early biochemical biomarker for assessing immediate response of organisms after acute exposure to stressors and thus could be applied to risk assessment of nanomaterials.

Volume 9, Issue 5 (No. 5 (Tome 47), (Articles in Persian) 2018)

In this paper, attempts have tried to study Fairclough’s theory of “inequality of power in the dialogue" by analyzing the dialogues between identical and opposing characters in the novel Fire without smoke by Nader Ebrahimi to identify powerful or passive characters, and decode the novel from the ideological perspective of the author.
To more regulate, this theoretical framework, the questions raised in the Shorter’s model (1996), were used to analyze power relations in the dialogues of characters with the aim of determining the type of relationship and the dominance of the personality poles of the story: Galan - the hero that relies on his physical strength - and Alani - the hero who relies on the power of thought and mind.
The analysis of data suggested that the way the two main characters of the novel interacted with others in their discourse was directly related to the up and downs of their lives. Galan's interaction was limited to an esoteric group of people around them, and as this circle of friends was limited down, his power diminished too, so that with his death, the coercive hegemony and compulsory domination associated with his behavior came to end.
In contrast, Alani not only struck a conversation with people from all aspects of life, especially women and the lower classes of the community, but also urged them to play a key role in the dialogue with the people around them. This contributed to the recognition of his intellectual and political authority and conduct, and even after his death, his thoughts continued to touch the speech and practice of the next generations.

Volume 9, Issue 34 (Summer 2016)


Volume 9, Issue 37 (3-2021)

Religious beliefs are shaped by myth. Mythical heroes and innocent Imams are always considered to be among the recurring themes as the sacred and identifying elements of the Iranian culture. They are in the subconscious, beliefs, and traditions of the people. With common goals and similar destiny, they have been influential in the formation of various literary and artistic works, including Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and Taziehs. This study focuses on the semantic decoding of repetitive mythical elements, in two texts from the pre - and post- Islamic eras. Employing the Genette's hypertextual approach, the study analyzes the story of Siavash in Shahnameh (pre-Islamic) and the Tazieh of Imam Hussein) post-Islamic(. The purpose of the research is to find out how the textual narrative was adapted by the theatrical narrative. After explaining the theoretical issues, the summary of the texts, and the characteristics of the heroes, the results are given in a table. The common or unique elements and symbols of thought and actions of the Iranian hero are sometimes manifested in an earthly-mythical and sometimes religious-historical and celestial personalities. Every year, similar rituals are repeated and reproduced in the mourning. The research method is descriptive-comparative and the analysis is done through content analysis and the use of library documents. The findings showed the following symbolic similarities: the halo of light, intelligent horse, white clothes, the presence of extraterrestrials, among others. The difference between the rituals were: the symbol of the plant god, the passage of fire, the Siavashun feather, Zulfiqar, the magical armor, among others.
Research Background
There are several research projects conducted on the hero's myth, behavioral pattern, rituals left in their honor, spiritual journey and comparative relations on the texts about Siavash's mourning. Some examples are Dalir (2008) in an article entitled "The Intertextual Relations of Siavash's Story from Shahnameh and the Condolences of the Martyrdom of Imam Hussein’s Tazieh" in which it has examined the intertextual relationship through the similarities of the two stories and the structural comparison, space, and characters of the play. Alizadeh Moghadam (2010) has compared the epic and tragic world of the imitations of Imam (AS) from the perspective of the hero. In the book of mourning for Siavash, by Meskoob (1975), issues about the myth, epic, and mourning of Siavash are given. In the Iranian plays by Ashourpour (1994), and Housouri (2002), some commonalities of general mourning and the mourning of Siavash, which are mostly in the field of mythological beliefs, the genealogy of Siavash and Imam Hussein are investigated. It also has a historical connection with the ritual of Tazieh.
Goals, questions, and assumptions
The goal and the research problem are the adaptation and decipherment of symbolic elements, common intertextual relations, and the mythical and recurring role of the "hero" between the two works. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What are the most important recurring similarities in the mythical symbols of the hero between the two texts? What is the difference between the fields of fiction, narration, the concept of time, place, behavior in Tazieh and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh? What is the effect of the heroes' behavior in tragic and epic literature in Iran on the formation of two types of dramatic literature (in Tazieh) and epic literature (in Shahnameh)? As a research hypothesis, it is suggested that historians have consciously established an intertextual relationship with Shahnameh in line with their goals and motives. Also, the mourning of Siavash of Shahnameh and Majlis Tazieh of Imam Hussein (AS) within intertextual reading has had many connections during the history.
The myth of the "hero" in the historical memory (national and religious) of our nation, his role in wars, and the constant confrontation between light and darkness, is one of the most stable and influential common themes in popular culture, literature, and art of different ethnic groups. The repeated presence of the hero in the context of history is considered as one of the influential and pivotal elements in the creation of artistic texts. It is with the connection of myth and history that the heroic character can be given an eternal aspect. In every field, time, and place, his presence can be considered as a believable model. The history of Iran as a whole is, on the one hand, a mixture of ideas (myths), facts (history), popular opinions and beliefs (myths), and documents that exist in various forms, while shaping the existence and identity of the Iranian nation. Recognizing and adapting the role of mythical and historical heroes, their worldview regarding existence and creation, the superhuman and mystical content of their actions and their role modeling in later periods, can meet human needs. In this regard, the reason for the symbolic features of the "hero" as the driving and shaping element of the story of Siavash (in the epic literature of Shahnameh) and Imam Hussein (in the tragic play of Tazieh) need to be compared.
The myth of the hero speaks of the common themes of "human existence and spirituality", aiming to fight demons and oppression. It goes through similar steps to achieve their human and lofty goals, and because of their human nature, they consciously embark on a difficult journey. In the end, with their oppressed and bitter martyrdom, they leave a stable and living model in the minds and executive customs of the people, sometimes in the form of a mythical and sometimes infallible face of religion. They join in the context of history. Similarities and implications in mythological components, the variety of common or unique forms, dense semantic layers in belief, literature and popular art, common and unique symbolic aspects that have high interpretability, all in all show that the two texts are influenced by each other. The findings indicate that the repetitive elements that have become the reason for the ritual and similar repetition every year are to appreciate the sacrifices of the heroes.
Alizadeh Moghadam, A. & Vamiri, M. (2019). A comparative study of the characters   and heroes of Shahnameh and Tazieh with an approach to dramatic literature. Research in Art and Humanities, 3(17), 19-26.
Ashourpour, S. (1994). Iranian performances. Surah Mehr.
Dalir, A. (2009). Intertextual relations between Siavash's story from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and the condolence of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. Honar, 77(4), 176-187.
Ghadernejad, M., Khalandi, A., & Shafei, K. (2019). Re-reading the ritual of mourning for Siavash and mourning for Imam Hussein (Based on the analysis of paintings related to Siavash mourning in Central Asia and a work by "Hossein Zande Rudi". Persian Language and Literature Research, 49(4), 71-94.
Hosuri, A. (2001). Siavoshan. Cheshmeh.
Meskoob, Sh. (1975). The mourning of Siavash (in death and resurrection). Kharazmi.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Aim Molecular phylogenetic relationship and morphological characteristics of the reef margin blenny, Entomacrodus striatus was undertaken in order to clarify its taxonomic status in the Iranian coasts of the Gulf of Oman. Entomacrodus striatus is distributed in the Indo-Pacific realm.
Materials and Methods This study is based on four samples taken from Chabahar in the northern Gulf of Oman, during February 2019. The mt-DNA marker (COI) of one E. striatus from the present study and 15 Entomacrodus species was used for reverification over traditional morpho-taxonomy.
Findings Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) approaches result in five clades including, clade A (Entomacrodus corneliae, E. chiostictus, E. nigricans, E. sealei, E. cymatobiotus, E. caudofasciatus), clade B (E. striatus, E. niuafoouensis, E. epalzeocheilos, E. randalli), clade C (E. macrospilus, E. thalassinus), clade D (E. vermiculatus, E. decussatus), and clade E (E. stellifer). The morphological characters of the examined materials were in the range of its original description, except in having a pair of pores in one position of the preopercular series of sensory pores, which may be hypothesized a population variation associated with geographical distribution. The sexual dimorphism is distinguishable especially in color pattern of specimens which the blotches and bands on the male bodies are more bolded than the female ones. 
Conclusion The inferred ML and BI trees resulted a homological clustering of taxa that are grouped according to their morphological characteristics and were agree with molecular reconstructions based on nuclear markers.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Aims: Occupational safety, contact care, safety policy, as well as mental-environmental conditions, are supposed among the most significant factors shaping the levels of stress in nurses. Therefore, this path analysis was fulfilled to test a theoretical model to reflect on the relationship between Safety policy, occupational safety, mental-environmental conditions, and Contact Care.
Instrument & Methods: This predictive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018-19. A total number of 530 nurses were selected from 11 hospitals in 4 provinces in Iran. The Stress of Exposure to Sharps Injury Scale was used. A path analysis was also utilized by SPSS 24 software.
Findings: The mean age of the nurses was 35.72±7.78. As well, 12.5% of the nurses had associate’s degrees and 82.2% of them were holding bachelor’s and higher degrees. The path analysis also explained 57.6% of the variance in contact care. Moreover, the findings indicated a direct effect as a significant positive relationship between occupational safety and mental-environmental conditions. Likewise, safety policy could mediate the relationship between occupational safety, mental-environmental conditions, and safety policy.
Conclusion: The study findings suggested that safety policy could mediate the relationship between occupational safety, mental-environmental conditions, and contact care. therefore, designing and implementing suitable safety policy statements can play a vital role in reducing the levels of stress among nurses in terms of patient care.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2024)

The present study was conducted to investigate springtail fauna of different ecosystems in Savadkuh County, southeast of Mazandaran province, during 2021–2022. Results of the current study led to the identification of 26 species, which were determined as new records for Savadkuh Collembola fauna. Additionally, a new species of Isotomurus Börner of the family Isotomidae is described from northern Iran. The new species, Isotomurus matanicus sp. nov. belongs to a species-group characterized by 3,3,1 trichobothria on Abd. II–IV, 3+3 laterodistal setae on ventral tube, and no seta on mucro. The main differences between I. matanicus sp. nov. and the other species determined in this study are summarized. The list of collected species with the description of the new species is given and illustrated.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)

Aims: Midwives, who manage maternal and infant health during the COVID-19 pandemic, need special attention. The present study aimed to examine the knowledge, attitude, and practice of midwives.
Instrument & Methods: This study was a cross-sectional online survey via the social media platform WhatsApp that was conducted in April 2020 on 360 midwives working in educational hospitals or urban health centers in Mashhad, Iran. The data collection tool was a self-structured questionnaire consisting of two parts of demographic data and another part for measuring midwives’ knowledge, attitude, and practice, which was designed electronically and implemented online after evaluating its validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods by SPSS 25.
Findings: One hundred eighty-eight midwives answered the questionnaire, of which the mean score of knowledge, attitude, and practice was 34.35±5.59, 45±4.24, and 16.02±2.57, respectively. Only 44.7% had good practice in dealing with a pregnant mother infected by COVID-19. The mean knowledge score was not significantly different between the midwives working in different health care wards. However, the highest positive attitude was related to midwives working in urban health centers (73.1%). The highest practice score of practice was assigned to hand hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment for COVID-19.
Conclusion: Improving midwives’ awareness through encouraging them to participate in scientific programs and in-service training, using up-to-date guidelines issued by World Health Organization, as well as studying the new evidence are significant approaches to promote midwives’ knowledge and practice during the outbreak of COVID-19.

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