Showing 268 results for Sharif
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Surfactin is one of the most efficient biosurfactants excreted by Bacillus subtilis which displays the highest potential as induced systemic resistance elicitor among all metabolites produced by B. subtilis. Environmental factors have considerable effect on surfactin production. In this study surfactin production of two Bacillus subtilis strains were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). C14 and C15 surfactins were detected in the ethanol extract from acid-precipitated supernatant. HPLC analyses of different media including Nutrient Broth (NB) medium, NB plus 40g/l glucose, NB plus 10% soil extract and NB plus 10% plant extract medium, clearly showed that these bacteria produced different amounts of surfactins C14 and C15 in these media. Surfactin production in NB/plant medium was relatively the highest in quantity. Microelements analysis of media containing plant and soil extract with atomic absorption spectrometry showed high amounts of Fe, Mn and Zn in medium containing plant extract compared with that of soil extract. Since these elements play an important role in surfactin production, high amounts of Fe, Mn and Zn in NB/plant extract medium compared to the NB/soil extract medium could be the possible reason for relatively higher amounts of surfactins C14 and C15 produced in NB/plant medium. So adding these important elements to soil may boost biocontrol effect of B. subtilis against plant pathogens.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2018)
Aims: Hemodialysis patients experience numerous problems in the fields of self-care in adherence to dietary and fluids-intake restriction. For increasing their self-care, they require controlling these problems. This can be done with the education based on a behavior change theory, this study attempted to determine the effect of the educational intervention based on SET (Self-efficacy Theory) on adherence to diet and fluid-intake restriction in patients with hemodialysis.
Materials & Methods: The present study is a randomized clinical trial that was conducted on 70 hemodialysis patients of Qom City in 2016 (35 in the trial group, 35 in the control group). The data were collected by demographic questionnaire, self-efficacy (SUPPH) and researcher-made validated and relied questionnaire of adherence to dietary and fluids-intake restriction (8 and 6 questions, respectively) in two steps (before and three months after education). The educational program was performed for the trial group in two half-hour sessions. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16, using paired-test, Independent t-test, Chi-square and Mann-Whitney test.
Findings: Before the test, there was no significant difference in adherence to dietary (p=0.49) and fluids-intake restriction (p=1.00). After training, significant differences were observed between the two groups in adherence to dietary (p<0.001) and fluids-intake restriction (p<0.001). There was significant difference between pre-test and post-test in the control group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The educational intervention based on Self-efficacy Theory has the effect on adherence to diet and fluid-intake restriction in patients with hemodialysis.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 25), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
"Syntactic change should not arise, unless it can be shown to be caused"(Longobardi, 2001:278). Historically placed in second position of the clause, Persian Pronominal Clitics behave differently today and appear in three different structural-typological patterns: a) preposition + clitic assigned oblique case; b) nominal + clitic assigned genitive case; and c) immediate adjacency of a transitive verb assigned accusative case. Aiming to discover the causes of Persian's achievement to this trio of patterns, this study was conducted in the framework of Generative Grammar. The diachronic analysis shows that a sequence of some factors has been involved in changing Persian’s historical second position Clitic System: firstly, some morphological changes and the speaker’s attempt to remove the ambiguities have paved the ground for other structural changes to happen. Secondly, after particular morphological feedings, patterns a & b have been established as a result of analogical generalization of pre-existing linguistic structures. Pattern c has gradually come to existence by frequently reanalyzing the position of clitics in the sentence. This pattern can be a part of the grammaticalization process of Persian clitics that has been accelerated by morphological changes and Reanalysis. As a final step, linguistic contact to Arabic was recognized as an accelerating factor in applying this trio of patterns in Persian Standard Language.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)
Aims: Oral and dental problems are among the most common diseases in the world. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of an education program designed based on the health belief model on improving the behaviors preventing oral and dental problems in the 7th-grade students.
Materials & Methods: This semi-experimental study was conducted on 7th-grade female students in Qom in 2016. The samples were selected via multistage sampling method. Using the list of students, a total of 100 students were selected of each school. The participants were divided into two groups include the intervention and control groups, there were 50 people in each groups. Before the intervention, a standardized questionnaire based on the health belief model was distributed in both groups. Then the educational content which had been already prepared was presented to cases in five sessions via different methods. Data were analyzed using independent t-test, chi-square, paired t-test and SPSS 20 software.
Findings: After the intervention, the constructs of Knowledge (p<0.001), perceived susceptibility (p=0.001), perceived severity (p=0.01), perceived barriers (p=0.02), and perceived self-efficacy (p<0.001) had significantly changed in the intervention group, as compared with the time before the intervention.
Conclusion: Health belief model has an impact on student's knowledge and perception of oral health and it can be used to increase students' Knowledge and understanding in order to promote their oral and dental health.
Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2018)
As the most prominent hero of the early history of Islam, Imam Ali (AS), the first Imam of the Shiites has always been considered by religious narratives and storytellers. Nowadays, there are diverse narrative fictions on his character. Some of these stories, apart from their fictive and non- historical behavior have their roots in historical facts (Fath , Kheibar, Khandagh) , but some of them belong to the esprit of writer. In this study, the author will examine the narratives and history of one of these stories entitled “Bae’r Zat-al-Elm” dated from 2th to 13th centuries. In the first section, the author will present the evidence and narratives of this story in historical order and then by comparing the elements of the story with historical texts to its historical core, we will finally examine the historical evolution of the “Bae’r Zat-al-Elm “ as a geographical name.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2017)
The field of entrepreneurship research is now approximately 30–40 years old and has become a significant field of intellectual activity involving thousands of scholars in different countries. Therefore, it is vital to systematically analyze the main strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of entrepreneurship research within the field. Hence current research undertaken with aim to analyze strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities (SWOT) of entrepreneurship researches and formulate appropriate strategies for this system. By depth literature review, 55 external factors (25 opportunities and 30 threats) and 48 internal factors (19 strengths and 29 weaknesses) are identified. Then weighting and ranking of the factors ranging from 1 (unimportant) to 4 (very important) took place by using the viewpoints of group of 31 researchers and faculty members in the field of entrepreneurship. Final score of external factors for entrepreneurship researches is 2.881. This implies that entrepreneurship researches couldn’t benefit from opportunities factors or avoids threats factors. Moreover final score of internal factors for entrepreneurship researches is 2.789. This implies that effective internal factor for entrepreneurship researches are strength. Regarding cell number five in internal and external matrix, conservative strategies are accepted in strategic planning for development of entrepreneurship researches. Finally by QSPM technique attractiveness of strategies is specified.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2018)
In recent years, biological control has become a promising and ecologically friendly alternative to chemical control in the management of soil-borne plant diseases and several biological control agents have been introduced as potential bio-fungicides. The aim of this study was to investigate different biological control agent consortia against Rhizoctonia solani root rot disease of common bean. Bacillus pumilus INR7, Trichoderma harzianum and Rhizophagus intraradices were used individually or in combination. There were two application methods: simultaneous application of biocontrol agents with the plant pathogen, and pre-inoculation of biocontrol agents one month before the pathogen. Treatments containing B.pumilus INR7 were the best treatments for suppression of the disease in the simultaneous application method, where B. pumilus INR7 + T. harzianumreduced the disease up to 54%. However, in pre-inoculation method T. harzianum alone was the only treatment that reduced disease severity up to 49% compared to the infected control; other treatments did not haveany significant effect on disease severity. In current study, combination of T. harzianum and R. intraradices was unable to decrease disease severity and improve plant growth. This phenomenon was common in both simultaneous and pre-inoculation experiments. However, results showed that B. pumilus INR7 and R. intraradices were compatible with each other. Their combination not only decreased the disease, but also improved the dry weight of common bean in both application methods. Our results revealed that B. pumilus INR7 had positive interaction with T. harzianum. This combination increased their ability to suppress root rot disease and improve plant health, significantly. Overall, combinations of biocontrol agents have good potential to be applied in modern agriculture, but such combinations need to be checkedin advance for their compatibility in greenhouse and field experiments.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of drought stress induced by using polyethylene glycol (PEG), heavy metals (Cd and Ni), and salinity (NaCl) on germination and seedling growth of Sinapis arvensis, an important medicinal plant in the Brassicaceae.
Materials & Methods: The Sinapis arvensis seeds treatments contained i), control ii), PEG (5%, 10%, 15%), iii) NaCl (50, 100, 150 mM), iv) Cd+2 (50, 100, 150μM), and v) Ni+2 (50, 100, 150μM). The experiment used a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates per treatment. The experiments were performed in a programmed incubator at 25±2oC. Seed germination was recorded every day for 16 days. The root and shoot lengths of seedlings were measured after 16 days of incubation. Then, the seedlings were dried and root and shoot dry weights were measured.
Findings: The results showed that germination percentage reduced with increasing concentrations of the tested factors. The maximum germination (97%) was observed in PEG (5%) and the minimum germination rate was recorded in NaCl (150 mM) with 41%. The maximum of root and shoot lengths were recorded in PEG (5%) and Ni (100μM) with 59 and 73 mm, respectively. Results showed that the maximum root and shoot fresh and dry weights were recorded at Ni (100μM) treatment.
Conclusion: Understanding plant responses to environmental stresses can help select suitable plants in order to obtain sustainable products. Overall, we can conclude that under aforementioned treatments, the root growth of S. arvensis was more affected than the shoot growth.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Vol. 2- 2015)
In this article it is tried the political culture of Iranian society in a qualitative range of authoritarianism to democratic, to be analyzed. Theoretical perspectives on the political culture of Iran have been formed, Analyzes different and sometimes conflicting with each other are provided; A set of views, political culture of Iran has introduced with characteristics and features of undemocratic and authoritarian. And another group, democratic indexes attributed to it;including the indexes emphasis on high-amount political participation in the different election periods. In this study, using a quantitative survey based on fuzzy data, the political culture of the city of Urmia and Khorramabad, that have the lowest and highest rates electoral participation, is analyzed. Using empirical evidence, will be measured theories and views of Iranian political culture. For this purpose amount membership of citizens in the two sets political culture together were measured:self-expression values against survival values and rational values against traditional values, determines the patterns of their political culture. Research results shows that the pattern of political culture Urmia and Khorramabad somewhat similar to each other. Contrary to previous thought, in none of the two cities, there is no single homogeneous political culture. Thus political values of the masses, that is a set of democratic and authoritarian tendencies ambivalent. And more importantly, the political culture of citizens is not consistent with their electoral participation rate. Thus the argument that the high electoral participation would represent a standard for promotion of political culture and Its democratic that is not consistent with reality.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)
Iodide anion is found in some brine and wastewater. Iodide recovery from wastewater is beneficial from economic and environmental aspects. Discharge of iodide containing wastewater into surface water may lead to formation of some iodine containing species in drinking water sources. It is a treat for human health. In this study, iodide adsorption from wastewater )1000mg/l (using strongly basic anion exchange resins Amberlite IR400 Cl was investigated. Four common two-parameter models were used for description of isotherm adsorption data. Maximum static capacity of resin was obtained from Langmuir isotherm equation and it was 466.3mg/g. Iodide adsorption in various pH and presence of co-existing ions including SO42- , NO3- and Cl- was investigated too. The maximum obtained capacity was related to neutral pH. Kinetics study showed that the uptake of iodide ions was well described by the pseudo-second-order kinetics. Dynamic capacities of resin were investigated with column study. They were 434.2mg/g and 304.6mg/g for iodide adsorption from iodide solution and iodide solution in presence of co-contaminant ions (SO42- , NO3- and Cl- in concentration of 8mmol/l). The data from breakthrough curve was analyzed with common breakthrough models including Thomas, Dose-response and Yun-nelson models. Morphology of resins was investigated with SEM image and presence of iodide on resin was confirmed by EDS analysis and Raman spectra. The adsorption capacity of resin in comparison with the other adsorbents was considerable.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)
Aims: Considering the unsaturated nature of fatty acids, the use of technologies to control its oxidation rate is essential for use in the food industry. Thereafter, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biopolymer concentration and core material percentage on quality characteristics of fish oil nanocapsules containing clove essential oil prepared by complex coacervation technique.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental research, the effects of 3 independent variables including the total biopolymer percentage (gelatin-gum Arabic; 6, 8, and 10%), oil content (2 to 3%), and the concentration of clove essential oil (0, 2000, and 3000 ppm) on dependent variables such as size and zeta potential of particles, color, surface oil, encapsulation, and nanoencapsulation efficiency were evaluated. The present study was carried out as factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. One-way analysis of variance and Duncan test were used. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software.
Findings: The increase in total biopolymer percentage was associated with increasing particle size as it was in the range between 259.19±55.83 and 814.35±253.05 nm, respectively. In terms of color parameters, the yellowness of produced powders was increased by increasing the concentration of fish oil and cloves essential oil, while lightness was decreased by increasing the concentration of the biopolymer. Also, the superficial oil was increased by increasing oil and clove essential oil concentrations in the nanocapsules, and microencapsulation efficiency in different treatments was recorded between 65.1±2.75 in treatment 15 (10% biopolymer and 3% oil) to 98.84±0.78 in treatment 4 (8% biopolymer and 2% oil).
Conclusion: Using complex coacervation technique with gelatin-gum Arabic as a biopolymer can produce nano-sized particles.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 32), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
In this Paper we analyze the pronominal Clitics of Behbahani - a Dialect of Persian – their function and their placement in the sentence. It is shown that pronominal Clitics of Behbahani have four functions, namely subject, direct or indirect object and possessive. Here, we show that subject Clitics have 15 functions in the sentence which is fully discussed in the paper. Direct object Clitics select the following elements as their hosts: the prefix of the imperative verb, the verb prefix in prefixed verbs, the non – verbal part of the compound verb, the prefix showing continuity, the verb and the negating prefix. The hosts of indirect object Clitics are the direct object and the continuity prefix. Possessive Clitics can also choose subject, direct object and the complement as their host. In terms of the grammatical category the host can be a verb, noun, adjective, personal pronoun, Demonstrative, ambiguous pronoun, Clitics, preposition, interrogative pronoun, plural suffix, and RA Ezafe marker in Persian. The dominant position of the Clitics in this dialect is the second position; known as wackernagel position – that is after the first word or the first constituent in the clause. The main point of difference and dissociation between Behbahani and Standard Persian is the subject Clitics; Since there are not such elements as subject Clitics in Standard Persian, but as is seen in the paper, Behbahani has a rich collection of these elements.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2018)
Rapid technological changes, intense competition of enterprises, and globalization have transformed the phenomenon of financial distress and corporate bankruptcy into a major issue in financial and investment literature. Bankruptcy attracted the attention of financial sector activists, including investors, lenders, suppliers, business partners, and governments. Considering the role of intellectual capital in organizations, one can expect that companies with a richer intellectual capital are more intelligent in avoiding bankruptcy. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of intellectual capital and its components (including human capital, structural capital, and customer capital) on firms’ probability of bankruptcy in Tehran Stock Exchange. For this purpose, the data of 147 firms from Tehran Stock Exchange that are selected by systematic elimination method were studied during time period of 1387 to 1393. In order to measure the intellectual capital, the PULIC model applied and to assess the probability of bankruptcy, conversion of Zscore results (from Altman Model) to the probability used. Also, to test hypotheses, multivariate regression models with hybrid data have been used. The results of the hypothesis test show that intellectual capital and its components have reverse (negative) and significant effects on the firms’ probability of bankruptcy in Tehran Stock Exchange.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)
Research subject: Using microwave and ultrasonic waves is a novel method in the petroleum industry that has been investigated for various purposes. Due to polar elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur, oil molecules are affected by the electric field of microwave waves and create dipole moments that generate hotspots, increasing the temperature of the oil and breaking down heavy compounds such as asphaltene. Ultrasonic waves eliminate intermolecular forces by creating tiny bubbles and bursting them. It also leads to the breakdown of heavy molecules such as asphaltene.
Research approach: In this study, crude oil was exposed to microwave and ultrasonic radiation, and changes in its properties were investigated. The effects of changing parameters such as power and time on crude oil properties were also examined. Changes in the specific gravity and API can indicate the extent of the breakdown of heavy molecules such as asphaltene and improvement in crude oil quality.
Main results: Using microwave and ultrasonic waves can reduce the viscosity of crude oil by 12.4% and 6% and increase the API by 2.8 and 1.2 degrees, respectively. Asphaltene reduction due to microwave and ultrasonic waves is 9.3% and 4.3%, respectively, indicating the breakdown of these compounds and the conversion to smaller compounds soluble in oil, resulting in improved crude oil quality. The EDS results show an increase in the weight percentage of carbon and the reduction of elements such as oxygen and sulfur, which confirms this issue. Examining crude oil structure under microwave and ultrasonic radiation showed that microwave waves, in addition to affecting straight-chain hydrocarbons, also reduced aromatic compounds. However, ultrasonic waves had a more significant effect on straight-chain hydrocarbon structure.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 34), Fall Special, (Articles in Persian) 2016)
Carried out in the framework of Transformational Grammar and Typology, this research aims at determining the generation place of Persian Object Clitics, and examining the effects their synchronic-diachronic analyses may have on typological studies. The underlying order ‘Object Clitic + Verb’ was consequently considered to be at work in correspondence to SOV order; And, it’s the Move-α Transformation that drives the clitic out to surface elsewhere, i.e. mostly in Postverbal Position. Moreover, syntactic, morphological, and prosodic alignments were introduced to be influencing in cliticization in Persian as a trio of criterions which may change by the passage of time; Grammaticality of encliticization to the nominal part of Complex Predications in Classic New Persian and the ungrammaticality of the same process in some CPs of Standard NP was mentioned as an example; Referring to the UG Principle of ‘Minimal Link Condition’, this duality in behavior was argued to be an approval of the interaction between cliticization and incorporation processes. Finally, to explain the possible effects of the above results on the typological analyses, the hypothesis of Persian’s type change from OV to VO suggested by Dabir-Moghaddam (1997) was reformulated by keeping an eye to the diachronic change in the Clitic System; it was put forward that the historically-growing inconsistencies of this language to some of the Dryer’s (1992) criteria and specially to the Greenbergian 25th Universal are mostly applicable to the change stated. It was therefore concluded that the synchronic-diachronic behavior and placement of these elements testifies the aforementioned type-change hypothesis.
Volume 7, Issue 28 (11-2019)
The various representations of the sanctity of tree and plant have long been recorded in mythology, literature and culture. In the culture of the Kohgiluyvu-Bouir-Ahmad tribe, certain representations of the mythology of tree and plant enjoy from evident exemplifications. These include swearing, the ritual of the freshening up the houses, the alighnment of the human race with the plant, the symbol of the death and livelihood of the local poems, and the rituals of these people. The aim of this study is towards an analysis of mythological indices of plant and tree in the Kohgiluyvu-Bouir-Ahmad people with respect to the literary facets of these indices in their folk/local poem. Being fundamental in type, using content analysis, this study has been conducted based upon library-local resources and studies. Many of the indices such as hair cutting, freshening up the house using the plant smoke, believing in the healing power of plants and vegetal pedigree of human have got mythological representation, which can also be found in the culture of ancient Iran. Swearing to the tree is done mostly by farmers, intended to put an emphasis upon the greanness of the tree and proving the truthness of his words. They use mountain plants to freshen up their home environment and to treat illnesses. This is believed to remove the evils.
Volume 7, Issue 29 (12-2019)
Folklore and literature of each country is a valuable treasure which can be found in ceremonies, customs, tradition, and individual and social attitudes. Social and political culture shows the type of people's attitude toward collective life, its requirements and the network relations at the individual level and human society. Moreover, its effects can be found in the smallest and largest life affairs. The aim of current research is to study the attitudes toward collective life and its related issues in literature and folklore of Sirjan. The research questions are related to the attitudes toward social power and life and its individual and social components in literature and folklore in Sirjan. Thus, this research has tried to answer these questions using content analysis of words, terms, phrases, proverbs, tales and the existing legends in dialect and folklore of Sirjan. The findings indicate that the positive and negative elements such as participation, self-determination, duality, concealment, social responsibility, appreciation, relationships, pragmatism, realism are considered as components related to the social and political culture in folklore and literature of Sirjan.
Volume 7, Issue 29 (12-2019)
Rituals are among the ceremonies that bring people together and preserve and reproduce cultural monuments in every nation. Among the people of Kohgiloye Vobir Ahmad, there are rituals, rooted in the ancient Iran, that represent plant themes. Among these rituals, which are still practiced today with the same style, are the Pol Borun, reading Sharbah, the sacrificial, Balagarduni, and Chalegarm Konun. The Pol Borun ritual is performed in the absence of a woman's spouse who cuts her hair and then buries it under an oak tree. In the sacrificial ritual, the animal is sacrificed under the oak tree at the top of the mountain or under the bush by the river to shed its blood as a sign of fertility. In the ritual of Balagarduni, in addition to planting patches on the tree to keep the evil eyes away, mountain plants are also used. In the Chalegarm Konun, while taking green plants to the tombs before the New Year's Eve, some Ash (food) is cooked with eight oak sticks and then divided among the locals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the vegetative signs in the rituals of the people in Kohgiloye Vobir Ahmad and explain the literary aspects of these local poems. This research is based on the field library study, qualitative content analysis, and the semi-structured interviews. Many elements of herbal plants, such as polypropylene, mulch and smoking, sheding blood in the sacrificial rites, and pruning the graves have mythological representation in the Iranian culture.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (No. 8 (Tome 37), (Articles in Persian) 2017)
The process of compound predicates (CPr) formation in Persian has got little attention on behalf of linguists. This paper aims to situate the components of Persian light verb constructions in contexts that can be justifiably invoked as a motivation for CPr formation. The authors believe that CPrs can be considered as direct or indirect products of incorporation process.
We hold here a broad concept of incorporation, namely X incorporation (XI), in which X indicates categories including nominals, adjectives and prepositional phrases. This process, explicated by means of some concepts from Cognitive Grammar, involves CPrs originating from complete clauses, and then passing through a compositional path where a nonverbal and a verbal element are selected out of a clause and end up in a complex predicate. In such a hypothetical path, a verb argument is occasionally omitted and the verb complement or adjunct, having a higher cognitive salience, is incorporated to it.
The investigation will continue with focusing on the LVCs constructed with LV kardan ‘do, make’, as the most frequently used light verb in Persian. The paper will also explore how different paths could be associated with different ‘heavy’ meanings of kardan.
Moreover, each CPr may further provide speakers with constructional schemasupon which other LVCs formed with a given LV can be sanctioned.
Considering different kinds of LVCs explained in this paper, we can say that the semantic contribution of LVs falls into one of the two following possibilities depending on how the LVC in question is formed:
i. Compositional path is directly conceivable. When this is the case, the semantics of LV is equivalent to, or derived from, a main or extended sense of its non-light counterpart, as in emtehân dâdan ‘to take an exam’ (lit. to exam-give), xâb raftan ‘to fall asleep’ (lit. to sleepN-go), and lâne kardan ‘to nest’ (lit. to nestN-do).
ii. Compositional path is indirectly accessible through a constructional schema. In this case, the LV‘s semantic contribution can be thought of as dissolved in the constructional meaning of the relevant schema, as in imeyl zadan ‘to email’ (lit. to emailN-hit) whose LV has nothing to do with ‘hit‘, but imports a sense of ‘communication’ immanent in the constructional schema X + zadan which is in turn inherited from telegrâf zadan ‘to telegraph’ (lit. to telegraphN-hit).
iii. The compound verb is a denominal verb in which the light verb serves to verbalize a non-verbal element. In this case the semantic contribution of the light verb is to add processual meaning to the predicate.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (No. 8 (Tome 37), (Articles in Persian) 2017)
This study investigated the stable comparison (SC) describing human appearance in the Russian and Persian languages so that it can compare and analyze the languages picture of the word of these two languages through these cultural marked linguistic units which are considered as the total- reflection of the languages picture of the word. The SC are special layers of phraseological unit neglected by the researchers, and it can be said that they reflect their speakers’ lifestyle, mentality and cultural color more than other types of phraseological units . This study was within a cultural linguistics research formwork and was the first attempt to compare and investigate the SC between the Russian and Persian languages. This was a statistical, comparative-analytical study aiming to answer the following question: Is there any difference between the Russian and Persian languages regarding the covert language’s picture of the word of the SC? It tasted the hypothesis that since Iranian and Russian are different with respect to their belief, ethnicity, and geography of their living place, a trivial culture with common ground will be found, and the effect of these factors should generally be observed in their language’s picture of the word. The results of this study were divided into the quantitative and content categories. According to the quantitative results, the distribution of SC was 0.3% showing the low level of cultural common grounds between Russian and Iranian and the significant difference in their cultural linguistic picture which confirms the hypothesis. With respect to the content analysis of the studied samples, the factors such as religious elements, beliefs, and behaviors (Russian: beautiful like God- Persian: like Usef); the characters and figures of mythological and literature (Russian: Koschei, Kolobok- Persian: Rostam, Rakhsh); historical characters (Persian: Omar, Yazid); and geographical climate and living tools (Russian: Kolomna verst- Persian: Moshk Saqa) played the major role in creating the difference in the language’s picture of the word of these ethnics.