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Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The effects of pyrene on gill, liver and kidney of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were examined by exposing 30 fish (140 ±10 g to pyrene at sublethal concentrations of 10, 50 and 100 µg/l for 35 days. Samples were taken from the organs and fixed in bouin fixative; then, dehydrated, cleared, parafinated and cut by microtome according to the standard method. Afterwards, all sections were studied by light microscope. In gill tissue, lamella hyperemia, hyperplasia, S shaped, and clubbing were observed, while lamella fusion and necrosis were observed in higher concentration of pyrene. Hepatocytes vacculation, congestion of sinusoids, macrophages loaded with hemosiderin were seen in the liver, while in higher concentrations of pyrene, picnotic and kariolized nuclei, and tissue necrosis were seen. Tubule casts, hyperemia, degenerating tubules were seen in kidney exposed to lower concentrations of pyrene, while hemosiderin-laden macrophages, degenerating tubules with greater intensity as well as necrosis was observed in higher concentrations. The results indicated that pyrene may have negative effects on homeostasis, fish health and vital organs in short time exposure due to histological changes, while it could have greater impacts in long term exposure and higher concentrations.

Volume 3, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)

The Erysiphaceae are obligatory parasitic fungi that cause powdery mildew disease of green space plants. During this study, powdery mildew fungi were collected and identified from different localities of Ardabil landscape, Iran. Erysiphe rayssiae (on Spartium junceum), Erysiphe robiniae var. robiniae (on Robinia pseudoacacia) and Euoidium cf. agerati (on Ageratum houstonianum)are new records for mycobiota of Iran. Jasminum sp. is reported as Matrix nova for Erysiphe syringae-japonicae. Also this is the first record of Golovinomyces montagnei on Cirsium arvense and Golovinomyces orontii on Antirrhinum majus in Iran. The taxa including Erysiphe astragali on Astragalus sp., Erysiphe crucifearum on Brassica elongata, Erysiphe polygoni on Rumex sp., Golovinomyces cichoracearum on Cichorium intybus and Golovinomyces sordidus on Plantago sp. are newly found in Ardabil province. Furthermore, some specimens belonging to Podosphaera fusca s.l. were assessed. According to the new species concept, concerning these taxa, Podosphaera fusca s.s. was redescribed, and Podosphaera erigerontis-canadensis on Taraxacum sp. is reported for the first time, although previously reported from Iran under the Podosphaera fusca.  

Volume 3, Issue 6 (11-2015)

Folk stories have come from  the ventricle of populace, because they are comprehensive mirror of habits, manners and tempers of populace. Then we could barely observe living culture of people. One of the ways for reading texts (among them folk texts) is the discovery of hidden reciprocities in the texts. Extracting reciprocities make the texts, hidden layers accessible. According to Drida, this oppositeness is in hierarchy and step – by- step form. In other words, one part is considered superior, and is not only “natural and apparent” but also totally “cultural”. Therefore, we could attain important points about supportive ideology of text through getting the inner reciprocities of any text and distinction of  the superior part. In this essay,  the inner texts of two folk and famous stories (Shangool and Mangool and Bewildered Nightingale) are contrastively considered on the base of the most famous and detailed narrations. This consideration indicates that folk stories are truthful to the inner contrasts, and recognizing each part of  the contrasts leads to better comprehension of  the opposite part positions and traits (for example, woman’s position against that of man or mother against stepmother, etc.). In these stories,  the narrator mobilizes all story parts to provide the addressee with his desired result, and stimulate cultural and cogitative beliefs to make it evident and logical

Volume 3, Issue 6 (11-2015)

Aghayed al Nesa written by Agha Jamal Khansari is one of the precious works pertaining to the folk literature. This book  is regarded as one of the important sources to know about women in the Safavid period. Not only This book reflects women’s beliefs and behavior but also the relation among women and others in the society. Regardless of its conceptual importance, the book has a major structural feature. It has been composed in parodic form. Parody is one of the neglected satire forms and needs to be studied more. Study and analysis of this text will be done by reference to the first and second sources, and will show its value and importance

Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2013)

Linum album is an herbaceous and medicinal plant that has important lignan such as podophyllotoxin (PTOX). PTOX has antiviral and anticancer properties. Since the chemical synthesis of PTOX is an expensive process, production of PTOX using cell and cultures of linum species is a cost-effective alternative approach. Various strategies have been employed to increase the production of secondary metabolites in cell cultures. In this study, we have verified the effect of chitosan on cell growth, PTOX production in 1, 2, 3 and 5 days after treatment. Cells elicited with chitosan for 5 days yielded the highest amount of PTOX. To study mechanism of chitosan action, expression of phenylalanine ammonio-lyase (PAL), cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR), cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) and pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase (PLR) genes were investigated. The expression of genes were increased, reaching a peak at 3 day after treatment. Chitosan up-regulate the production of PTOX, by effecting on gene expression of PTOX biosynthesis pathway.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2016)

The effect of forest roads on the extent and type of fire damage occurred in forests and rangelands of the Neka County in Mazandaran province was investigated. For this purpose, all fire spots, stand number, percentage and type of injury and damage to tree species, and average diameter at breast height (DBH) were noted with 100% inventory; area and geographic location of access roads were determined using GPS. The results showed that distance from the main access road had a significant correlation with the area of ​​fire spots, but no significant correlation existed between the distance from the strip roads, skid ways, town of Neka and the area of ​​fire spots. The factors influencing fire severity were analyzed using the stepwise regression model. Model also showed that just the distance from the main access road affected the area of ​​fire spots. For every one meter increase in the distance from the main access roads, the area of fire spot was increased by 1.545 m2. Further, the extent of fire can be controlled by reducing the distance from the main access roads.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Internal service quality and its role and importance in developing and increasing HR efficiency has considered by most managers in recent decades. The present study sought to examine the internal service quality of Yazd Regional Electric and chooses a proper strategy improving the quality of local services in the organization as a result. This study is an applied one and is based on survey method. Data were collected from 26 components questionnaires. Research community included staff of the organization. Also, the sample size were calculated using the initial questionnaire and Cochran's formula. Performance control matrix used to identify components are needed to be improved. Also, in order to prioritize improving measures, Rough set theory is used. Data analysis show that there are 6 criteria needed to improve. So, these criteria prioritized using RST.      

Volume 4, Issue 3 (fall 2023)

Problem: A look at the history of the presence of art in public spaces shows that with the change of the paradigm of public art from artist-oriented art to the creation of society-oriented art and audience-oriented art, the choice of the type of public art and the environmental qualities affected by it appear more important. What threatens urban spaces today is the weak connection between the building components of a place, which cannot meet the needs of citizens.
Target: The current research aims to investigate the effect of visual art on environmental quality and tries to create the necessary environmental quality in the design of future urban spaces by experts.
Method: This research is developmental-applied in terms of type, and in terms of method, it has a nest-to-nest combination. To answer the research question, the qualitative research method is used in a nest-by-nest quantity. The statistical population is divided into two quantitative and qualitative parts. In the qualitative group of the statistical population, there were 14 experts who were selected by the snowball method. In the statistical population of quantitative research, the sample size is 180 people based on Cochran's formula and random sampling.
Result: The analysis of the results indicates that according to the results of multivariate regression, the component of visual richness with the value of (1.000) has the highest factor contribution, in the second order, the component of enjoying the environment with the value of (0.920) And the lowest is related to the component of improving the individual sense of belonging with the value (0.244). The special attention of urban designers regarding the structure of spaces and the use of extraction measures from the impact of visual arts components in urban spaces in different scales can increase the quality of urban environments.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 16), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

Forensic phonetics is a subfield of forensic linguistics in which acoustic information and phonetic features of phones are investigated for completing the forensic cases where one of the existing evidences is related to the guilty. One of the most important tasks of a forensic phonetician is forensic speaker recognition. For doing this, the phonetician is asked to estimate the degree of similarity between the given records of the guilty’s and the suspect’s speech, and determine whether these two sound evidences match to each other or not. The objective of this study, which was conducted on the sound data from 10 Persian native speakers of both sexes, was to investigate the possibility of using Logarithmic spectrographs of vowels as a key for forensic speaker recognition tasks. The results showed that using these logarithmic spectrographs may be a useful means with perfect reliability in the tasks related to forensic speaker recognition.  

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2000)

Rabia Skini Associate Professor of Iran Atomical Energy Organization Seyed Elhamoddin Sharifi Ale-Hashem Ph.D. Student of Private Law, Tarbiat Modares University In spite of the companies may have all rights which law recognise for humans, for their unreal nature, they can not exercise their rights and inevitably performance of rights leave to humans which act as it's directors. Now, directors' powers limits not arise from legal theories, but they result from social and economic facts. Therefore, proxy and agency theories which indicate limited powers for directors and inconsistant with commercial exigencies and it's most important principles, namely security and speed, were set aside, the "Identification Theory" which contains all powers for directors in relation with third parties, was arised. Iran and English legal systems also, accepted this director's full powers. The full power is, merely in relation of company with third parties, but in relation of directors with company, they must act in limits of accertained powers and if they act ultra vires, they shall be responsible before the company. Although their act before third parties is effective.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV, Potyvirus, Potyviridae) causes serious disease in Gladiolus spp. In this work, the possibility of obtaining BYMV free plant material from virus infected gladiolus corms was studied. Thermotherapy, meristem-tip culture and combination of both techniques on infected corms/meristem-tip explants (0.5–1 mm in length) resulted in BYMV elimination up to 15.38, 78.04 and 86.66%, respectively, as determined by double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR). Individual virus-free shoots readily rooted in vitro and were transferred to corm formation medium. The results showed that thermotherapy promotes the survival rate of explants during meristem-tip culture steps (except regeneration step) and also plantlet acclimatization. Statistical analysis showed that the BYMV elimination in gladiolus corms was significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected by thermotherapy treatment of infected corms. Thermotherapy combined with meristem culture can greatly improve BYMV elimination efficiency from infected gladiolus corms, resulting in the production of BYMV free gladiolus plants.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)

 ​Aims: The aim of this study was species identification and analysis of species of Leishmania isolated from clinical samples.
Materials & Methods: The samples were collected from patients that were infected from different parts of Iran. After microscopic examination, we used PCR method for the ITS1 (internal transcribed spacer 1) RFLP method (digestion with and for phylogenetic construction, DNA sequencing of
Findings: Two samples from Khorasan province (Mashhad) were Leishmania (L. ), while others were Leishmania major (L. ). L. more variable compared with L. . The molecular sequencing differences between L. to geographical distribution. Based on the results of PCR product in the gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing for L. L. , the DNA sizes were between 350 and 369bp. The RFLP for L. L. and one respectively. The sequences all samples from central parts are the same, but there is difference with the samples isolated from of Iran.
Conclusion: The sequences of of Leishmania major separated from Damghan and Esfarayen are different from other samples. Similarity of DNA sequences of North-East part of Iran of L. from central parts was 99%. The similarity of two isolates of L. 96%. The most similarity of Leishmania isolated was 95% with Indian isolate and the most similarity for Leishmania major was 99% with Friedlin strain.

Volume 4, Issue 11 (1-2016)

In this paper we analyze word Order in four Persian Dialects of Khuzestan, namely Behbahani, Dezfuli, Shushtari and Hendijani, from the typological perspective. The main theoretical framework in this research is Dryer’s word order research (1992). Dabir Moghaddam (1392) has studied 24 features in his research about Iranian languages, which 19 of them are selected from Dryer (1992) and others from Dryer’s Database. In the present research, we also consider the same 24 features. The founded results are compared with the world languages and those of Europe and Asia. The data collection tool and method is a questionnaire based on the features and interviewing the native speakers of these dialects, which were Totally 30. Then, these recordings were transcribed and analyzed on the basis of the mentioned features. The typological behavior of these dialects both in comparison with the world languages and languages of Europe and Asia were studied. Broadly speaking, it was observed that these four dialects have a tendency toward VO languages and in this respect are different from the intermediate type suggested by Dabir Moghaddam (1392) in the case of Persian. It should be noted that these dialects only in 9th and 11th features behave differently and in all other features they share common behavior.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)

Aim: As one of the most important factors in interpersonal interactions, attachment style develops in childhood and continues in future according to the context where one grows. The aim of this study was to explore the predictive power of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for attachment styles in housewives in Birjand, Iran.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 200 housewives referring to health centers in Birjand in 2016. The participants were selected by the cluster sampling method, and were assessed using Collins and Read’s Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (RASS) and a researcher-made questionnaire with regard to the constructs of TPB. The data were analyzed in SPSS-19 using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, stepwise regression, ANOVA, and ANCOVA tests. The significance level was set at P values less than 0.05.
Findings: A significant negative correlation between marriage duration and anxious attachment style (r=-0.145) and a significant positive correlation between marriage age and secure attachment style (r=0.180) was found. The avoidant attachment style was correlated positively with attitude and perceived behavioral control variables, and the anxious attachment style was associated negatively with attitude and perceived behavioral control variables. The attitude and subjective norms constructs predicted 6.7% of the avoidant attachment style, while attitude predicted 4.6% of the anxious attachment style.
Conclusion: TPB is a weak predictor of attachment styles. Thereby, indirect effective factors and contributors to attachment styles should be identified.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 18), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

In this paper, we analyze the grammatical category of satellite, which was introduced at first by Talmy in his semantic – typological researches. Satellite is a closed – class category that includes any constituent other than a nominal complement that is in a sister relation to the verb root. Talmy categorizes world's languages into two main typological categories: languages, which show framing concepts such as path, aspect, etc. on the verb, are verb – framing languages, and languages, which show framing concepts on the satellites, are satellite – framing languages. In this study, satellite, its formal representations and the semantic concepts expressed by it, are analyzed. It was found that the main form of satellite in Persian has been the verbal prefixes in the past periods, and now it is the verb - assistant element in Persian compound verbs. It can be said that a kind of lexicalization has taken place in this category. That is, the concepts, which were previously expressed by bound morphemes (prefixes), are now expressed by free morphemes (verb assistant in compound verbs). It was also indicated that Persian language in some cases is compatible with satellite – framing and, in some other cases, with verb – framing languages. So it is suggested that this classification works better if defined as a continuum with satellite – framing languages at one end, and verb – framing languages at the other end, and that languages can be anywhere on this continuum or even be moving toward one of the ends of the continuum.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Aim: Many patients with chronic renal failure are prone to depression and anxiety. A self-efficacy promotion-training program can be effective in these mental disorders. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of education based on self-efficacy theory on improvement of mental health in hemodialysis patients.
Methods: This interventional study that conducted in 2016 on 70 hemodialysis patients (35 in experimental group, 35 in control group). The data collection instruments consisted of demographic questionnaire, self-efficacy (SUPPH) and researcher-made validated and relied questionnaire of mental health (6 questions). The data were collected in two steps: before and three months after the training intervention. The educational program was performed for the experimental group in two half-hour sessions. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 16, Paired-test, Independent t-test, Chi-square and Mann-Whitney’s test at the significance level of α=0.05.
Findings: The groups did not differ significantly regarding the mean of mental health before the study (p=0.56). However, three months after the intervention, the mean of self-care in the field of mental health in the experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The research results showed that employing the educational program based on self-efficacy theory was positively effective as for promotion of self-care in the field of mental health in hemodialysis patients.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)

The rise of bacterial infections has become a serious problem in human societies. As a result, the development of nanocomposite materials based on biocompatible and non-hazardous materials, besides having antimicrobial and biocompatibility or non-cytotoxicity, associated with unique structural properties, possesses a great importance. Research approach: In this study, bacterial cellulose (BC)/polypyrrole (PPy) and zinc nanoparticles (ZnO), which simultaneously have antimicrobial properties and cell proliferation, were introduced as a new generation of nanocomposite scaffolds produced by freeze-drying. To begin with, ZnO with different weight percentages of 1%, 3% and 5% was added to BC and then PPy in the amount of 2 mmol was embedded in the structure by in situ polymerization. FESEM images proved that the nanofibrous and porous structure of BC was also preserved in the presence of PPy and ZnO. However, after adding PPy and ZnO, they formed a dense structure and microstructure of grape clusters. By adding 2 mmol PPy into BC and upon in situ synthesizing, the tensile strength and Young modulus of BC were significantly reduced to 71 MPa and 2.5 GPa, respectively. On the other hand, with the addition of ZnO nanoparticles, the mechanical properties significantly increased (both of Young modulus and tensile strength compared to BC/PPy samples) due to the compaction of the nanocomposite aerogel’s structure and the formation of the interface of ZnO nanoparticles with both polymers of BC and PPy. The observation of the inhibition zone in the culture medium containing two gram-positive and negative bacteria, well proved the antibacterial ability of ternary nanocomposite scaffolds. The results of MT9 related to L929 on aerogels showed that by adding 3% of ZnO nanoparticles, adhesion and cell proliferation increased significantly during different days of 1 day, 5 days and 7 days of culture.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

One of the most important tasks of governments in the past century had been the realization of social security; in such a way that the duties of the government in fulfilling social security have become a matter of course. Nevertheless, the limits of the government's intervention in fulfilling social security has been one of the fundamental challenges of policy making, and several theories have been proposed in this regard, and one of them is regulatory state. The purpose of the present research is to examine the limits of the government's intervention in the social security system in Iran. Although the government's intervention in social security has been examined through several theories; But this issue has not yet been examined from the perspective of the regulatory state theory. Social security is one of the most important tasks of the state in terms of the scope, size and number of people covered. Therefore, the study of issues related to social security is not only of great importance, but also necessary for the expansion, development, expansion and realization of social justice. Although government intervention in social security is taken for granted, the question arises here as to how the limits of government intervention in Iran's social security system can be explained in the light of regulatory state theory.
Using a theoretical approach and a descriptive method of analysis, this article draws on library research in an attempt to analyses the limits of state intervention in Iran's social security system from the perspective of the regulatory government.
The limits of the government's intervention in Iran in order to realize social security from the perspective of the regulatory government can be divided into sectoral and extra-sectoral areas. However, the diversity of issues and the involvement of numerous institutions in order to realize social security has caused the formation of many challenges for government regulation in this field, the most important regulatory challenges can be considered parallel activities and duties, ambiguities and objections in the legal rulings governing the macro structure of the social security system. Governments have several motives for intervening in social security, which can be related to market failure, distributive justice and the protection of citizens' rights. Regulatory measures or criteria also consist of five criteria which are legislative support for regulation, accountability, impartial procedures, sufficient expertise of the regulator and efficiency. In Iran, in general, the government's policy in the field of social security in the direction of regulation can be considered in two sectoral and non-sectoral areas. The sectoral field of social security is implemented by one or more institutions; however, the intersectoral field includes social and economic activities that have an impact on different fields. The field of social security in Iran includes many issues such as medical insurance, pension, provision of medical services, rehabilitation of the disabled and injured, support for the needy and payment of pensions to them. As mentioned above, in the sectoral and non-sectoral fields, many institutions are responsible for social security in Iran; this has led to the formation of parallel activities and duties among the institutions. The parallelism of activities and duties has led to several consequences, such as not providing proper services and wasting financial and human resources. It seems that to solve this problem, these interactions should be fully understood and parallel devices should be integrated or removed so that the facilities can be used in the desired way. For example, in the area of non-insurance assistance, there is a complete parallelism between the Red Crescent, the relief committee and the welfare organization.
One of the most important functions of governments in the last century has been to provide social security. For this reason, governments have always tried to achieve this through intervention. Although the right to social security has been assumed by governments, the level of government intervention has always been a subject of debate. Meanwhile, one of the theories that have been proposed to explain the limits of government intervention in social security is the regulatory government. In order to improve the performance of the government in the field of social security, several suggestions can be made; first, the members of the board of directors should be selected professionally; second, the rule of transparency should be implemented in the procedures; third, many parallel and overlapping structures should be dissolved and operated under one organization; finally, the possibility of developing people's participation in order to increase productivity and efficiency.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 22), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

One of the important aspects in learning foreign languages is considering differences between languages and their effects on the learning process. Number of objects is one general phenomenon, which is shown in different ways in different languages. There are many different ways to represent the number of objects in Russian and Persian languages, especially in morph-syntactic level. So learning and using numeral phrases (number + noun, number + adjective + noun) correctly in the nominative and objective cases in Russian is one of the difficult problems for Iranian students. In Russian language, this structure changes according to such criteria as grammatical case, number, animacy and inanimacy, and all of these structures are in contrast with similar structures in Persian. The purpose of this paper is to compare these structures between Russian and Persian languages. We further study and analysis the mistakes of Iranian students in learning and using numeral phrases in nominative and objective forms, and resolve them.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)

The aim of this study, investigate the relationship between organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation. Organizational commitment from the perspective of Allen and Meyer include (emotional, continuous and normative) dimension and entrepreneurial orientation include (risk taking, innovation, independence, proactiveness and aggressive competition) dimension. Research community includes all employees of the municipal welfare organization of recreational and art in Isfahan city. The statistical sample include 91 number of employees which is randomly selected and for data gathering have been using the questionnaire. The main research hypothesis is existence meaningful relationship between organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation. The results of this study suggest that there is a significant and positive relationship between the emotional and continuous dimension of organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation dimensions. However there is no significant relationship between normative commitments and entrepreneurial orientation.

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