Showing 163 results for Planning
Volume 23, Issue 1 (1-2021)
The side branches in tomato plants have a great impact on tomato yield and fruit quality and the pruning work is now basically done manually, which has high labor intensity and high-risk factor. The elevated cultivation of tomatoes was taken as the objective of this research and 6 degrees of freedom P-R-R-R-R-R tomato side branch pruning robotic arm was proposed. The dynamic simulation of the robotic arm in the obstacle environment was completed by ADAMS. Simulation results showed the angular velocity and angular acceleration curves of each joint. A trajectory planning method combining Cartesian space and joint space was proposed to ensure that the robotic arm can avoid obstacles while effectively reducing the impact during operation.
Volume 23, Issue 1 (12-2022)
In this study, the effect of transverse steps location on hydrodynamic components and the longitudinal stability of the vessel has been investigated. The vessel studied in this research is a planning catamaran, each demi-hull with two transverse steps. At first, vessel resistance with a weight of 5.3 kg within a range of length Froude number of 0.49 to 2.9 in calm water has been calculated. Then, craft behavior was evaluated at displacements of 5.3, 4.6, and 4 Kg using the numerical method. The numerical simulation results have been validated with similar experimental results. The craft in 4 and 5.3 kg weights, in Froude numbers greater than 2.43 and 2.9, respectively, has a Porpoising instability. In order to improve the longitudinal stability of the vessel, the Taguchi test design has been used to determine the optimal location of the transverse steps. The results showed that by placing the transverse steps in the optimum location, the Porpoising instability in the vessel has been resolved. In planing mode, vessel resistance decreased by 12%, 9.5%, and 6.6% in the optimum state of transverse steps compared to the base state for the mentioned weights. In similar conditions, the lift force on the vessel increased by 15, 10, and 7 percent for the mentioned weights, respectively.
Volume 23, Issue 2 (7-2019)
According to the information view, the main function of accounting is to provide information and thus reduce uncertainty. So, the high internal information environment quality (IIEQ) reduces the corporate declared tax disagreement by tax auditors due to facilitating tax planning coordination between different departments of the company and providing documents to tax authorities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of IIEQ on tax risk reduction in listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) by applying data collected from 136 companies during the years 2009 to 2015. For this purpose, the difference between the corporate declared and certain tax due to the uncertainty about the confirmation of the declared tax is taken as a tax risk. The results show that environmental uncertainty increases tax risk. Moreover, income quality, income forecasting accuracy, and financial reporting quality and transparency reduce tax risk. Corporate governance quality, is also effective for tax risk reduction. These findings highlight the importance of environmental conditions, measurement process, financial reporting and internal monitoring for tax risk reduction. On the other hand, based on the research findings, companies with lower tax rates have higher tax risks; but conservatism and asset returns don’t make sense for tax risk. Moreover, tax risk is higher in larger companies, and financial leverage, also, increases tax risk. The findings provide new evidence of the IIEQ impact on the corporate tax planning. These findings can be useful in assessing corporate tax risk based on its IIEQ.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Introduction: "Understanding and evaluating of spatial planning system" without recognizing of "planning and development system" of countries and without the Understanding of similar situations and lessons learned from others' experiences are not achieved to goals. In This paper isn’t "deliberately" used the experiences of advanced and developed industrial countries, and focus on "developing countries. " Because based on realistic approaches to development, the experiences of similar countries provide more appropriate territorial development strategies to the decision takers. Therefore, four countries (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Malaysia) have been selected for this assessment and analogy because based on social, economic, political and . . . characteristics, there is a greater relative and homogeneous relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and these countries, which is the main reason for this choice and comparison
Methodology: . In this analogy, two types of cognition include: basic knowledge (general and geographical status, economic and internal divisions), and special recognition (macro planning system and spatial planning system) were obtained from four countries and analogy with Iran. The method of research was descriptive-analytic and based on documentary and library studies that was completed by comparative analogy. First, the experienced international components were identified in the comparative evaluation knowledge and then based on the conditions of Iran and four Muslim countries The other seven and four components in the "content" and "procedural" dimensions for the concepts of "planning" and "spatial planning" were formulated and a comparative analogy was made for the situation in the five countries.
Results and discussion: according to the findings in the theoretical field (documentary-content), the macro-planning system of most of the studied countries is similar and in line with the more advanced industrial countries with some weaknesses, but in the field of action (process-outcome) the existing differences are very tangible. The situation in the urban planning of these countries has been weaker than their large-scale planning. In spatial planning at urban and metropolitan levels for planning and optimized spatial management, most often pursue the goal of sustainable development in varying degrees, and it is a way of responding to their challenges, but because of government features, lack of practical motivation and the lack of evaluation, monitoring and lack of cultural contexts in achieving the goals, they have a lot of obvious weaknesses.
Conclusion: The final findings showed that in the "macro planning system", all countries have a continuous planning horizon with distinct periods, a dominant economic approach, low participation, and a strong, but not executive, discursive chastiality. Iran, in terms of a theoretical approach similar to Saudi Arabia, Similar participation of Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the actors of development similar to Egypt and almost Turkey, and in other components, is the same as that of any other country. In the "Spatial Planning System", Iran has been involved in the components of the hierarchical levels of planning
Volume 23, Issue 3 (3-2023)
Multi-robot path planning problem involves some challenges. One of them is the exponential increase in the size of the search space as a result of increasing the number of robots in the operating environment. Therefore, there is a need for algorithms with high computational performance to plan optimal and collision-free paths in a limited time. In this article, a centralized path planning algorithm is presented. The algorithm is a heuristic incremental search, in which the D* Lite algorithm has been adapted for the multi-robot case. The concept of occupancy time has been embedded into the environment model to avoid path interference. A centralized function has been designed to update the environment model and robot data. To evaluate the method, two groups of simulations of static and dynamic types were carried out. The static simulations focused on studying the effect of algorithm parameters, and it was shown that the algorithm can plan paths for up to 40 robots in an environment having 55 percent free space. The dynamic simulations were carried out in Gazebo, a real-time and dynamic physical simulator. The results were compared to a baseline method based on potential fields. The number of robots was increased to 14, and it was demonstrated that for 9 robots and more, the potential field approach either fails or has a rapid increase in computation time, while the proposed method can find feasible solutions in a limited time.
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)
The emergence of ERP systems as an integrated and process-oriented information system that supporting all activities of the organization, has led to significant improvements in the performance of deploying organizations. One of the success factors in the implementation of ERP systems is the proper identification of risks and appropriate responses to them throughout the lifecycle. Therefore, this research with an innovative point of view seeks to design a risk control model for ERP implementation by the Grounded Theory (GT) approach during open, axial and selective coding steps. The present research is both fundamental and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study is ERP elites, interviews with 12 of these elites were conducted using purposeful sampling method. The results of the study showed 58 primary codes and 17 main categories that presented in the form of a paradigmatic model including; causal conditions (pre-implementation risks, implementation risks and post-implementation risks), phenomena (ERP implementation risk control), context (organizational factors, technical factors and human factors), intervening conditions (factors associated with employees, factors associated with project implementation and factors associated with the ERP system), strategies (path improvement, human resource development, organizational change, and Organizing) and consequences (organizational consequences, financial consequences and social consequences) and relationship between its different dimensions is also presented.
Volume 23, Issue 6 (5-2023)
In the production of industrial parts, machining is one of the most important operations in the field of manufacturing parts. The production of an industrial part takes place in three stages: design, process planning and manufacturing, and in all these stages, the computer is used as a powerful tool. In computer-aided process planning, the stage of identifying machining features is a prerequisite and an introduction to the next steps. Extracting information and identifying features from computer-aided design information has been continuously improved due to the increasing complexity of parts, but the research to find an optimal solution is endless. Over the past few decades, several methods have been introduced and applied by researchers to extract and identify machining features from design file information. In all the previous methods, the number and type of features are extracted as independent variables in the machining features identification pattern and from the part design file data. In this research, the charectrestics required to identify the machining features are extracted from the pixel values of the machining feature image by the artificial intelligence system automatically. The artificial intelligence system produced to identify the machining features in this research is able to identify all the information required for machining, including the name, the coordinates of the location of the feature relative to the part, and the dimensions required for the machining, by viewing the image of a part, and the information of the features present in the image the input to the system in a table.
Volume 24, Issue 1 (3-2020)
The efficient supply chain plays an important role in the production and distribution of oil products and petrochemicals in the country. The present study seeks to identify key drivers and future scenarios for the oil supply chain. Orientation of the study is, applied and in terms of methodology is considered multiple. To this end, firstly, using the literature review and expert interviews, key drivers of the future of the oil supply chain were determined and then, by applying the binomial test, these factors were screened. By using GBN technique and considering three indicators of specialty, intensity and consensus, among the 10 factors that were screened, six key factors were selected for scenario analysis. For final screening of the selected factors in the GBN method was applied DEMATEL. Finally, due to the degree of influence of key factors, two factors of foreign sanctions and macroeconomic policies related to anti-fragility were selected for mapping scenarios. With regard to these two drivers, research scenarios include: closed supply chain, fragile supply chain, anti-fragile supply chain, dynamic supply chain. To map the plausible scenarios of the research, CATOWE's tool of SSM was used.
Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2020)
Introduction: In the past decade, planning at different levels, especially at the regional development, has experienced different ideas of organization of product activity. Industrial cluster concept on cooperation among manufacturing firms
are proximity to one another. The trace of this concept can be found in the theories of industrial planning. It is what distinguishes the concepts, the impact of industrial clusters on various sectors of the economy, named economic planning
; and to interact on regional spatial development, named spatial planning.
Methodology: Little attention has been paid by interdisciplinary scientists
to this view of the industrial cluster; and researchers have been associated with regional development. This thesis
is aimed to determine the role of industrial clusters in regional spatial development and the role of spatial development in optimizing the production of industrial cluster
. Also
, the attempt is to interact between physical, social, economic factors and spatial development of regional industrial cluster. In general, industrial clusters within its definition set priorities
on two concepts: 1. The geographical concentration of companies and institutions
; and 2. Cooperation of product activities. So
, companies, to achieve concepts, benefit values through activities of the production process. Michael Porter named it
as value chain. These activities can generally be divided in two categories. The first category is called
a primary activities, such as operations, marketing and sales, inbound/outbound logistic and services
; and the second category
is named support activities, such as procurement, technology development, human resource management, firm infrastructure
Results and discussion: Thus, the principal foundation of industrial clusters,
resulting results in the value chain of operations in the value chain as primary activity and
interacts to procurement, technology development, human resource management, firm infrastructure as support activities. Need to emphasize supply elements in mechanisms of growth changed regional growth models
, and intra-regional flows of the resources (of capital and labor) are elements of the model. These models were developed in two main directions
: 1. Focused on endogenous growth elements
; 2. In addition to the resources of production (capital and labor),
it seeks to engage the other factors of production, such as infrastructure and accessibility
Conclusion: Thus, in the context of spatial development of the region, the five processes that are named competitive, spatial, social, interactive and endogenous processes production as space on the production of industrial clusters at region interact to in value chain. In strategic planning,
SWOT is applied in regional spatial planning that use
on industrial clusters by three stages: 1. To decide the system of spatial planning and its environment
; 2.
To develop a systematic framework for analysis
; and 3. Proposal of possible strategic options. Within results of
SWOT, strategy statement of regional spatial development of Sari County based on industrial cluster provides
a tool for guiding and restraining forces, trends and processes affecting the spatial development. This statement contains a hierarchy of goals, objectives
, and strategies
, and policies. These are as alternative paths of action and
attempt to provide the ideal model of regional spatial planning based on industrial cluster.
Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2020)
The subject of this research is the epistemological analysis of Iranian Spatial planning plans. Its The purpose is to identify, critique and present the characteristics of a desirable epistemic system for Iranian provincial planning schemes. To achieve these goals, five sampling plans of Mazandaran, North Khorasan, Khuzestan, Markazi and Hamedan were selected using designed sampling strategy. Provincial planning were identified and criticized. Finally, using the recent successful global theories and experiences, the characteristics of the desired epistemology system have been identified and tested by experts using a questionnaire. This research follows a combined (deductive - inductive) methodology. The nature of descriptive-analytical research is fundamental. The research findings show that the provincial spatial planning plans of Iran follow the academic epistemology. Recent global experiences and theories have shown that preparing plans with this mindset poses serious challenges to planners in three areas: theory, methodology and practice. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a new epistemic apparatus for Iranian provincial planning plans. Therefore, the results of the research indicate that the experts should have a special emphasis on applying the epistemic system of pluralistic-critical rationality in Iranian provincial preparation spatial plans. This approach has been able to address the weaknesses and shortcomings of previous epistemic devices in the theoretical, methodological, and practical fields and has led planners to develop an efficient integrated approach.
Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2020)
Since the sense of happiness is influenced by multiple structures of urban society on the one hand, and affects the process of urban community development and excellence on the other hand, it is one of the major issues discussed in urban planning literature, that has so far been studied more psychologically and sociologically. Therefore, in order to have a happy city, it is necessary to pay attention to the indicators affecting happiness in the city and plan planning accordingly. The role of happiness in the lives of people in the community is so much important that the social thinker, Raskin, believes: The richest country is the one with the highest percentage of happy people. It is so important that since 2000, the United Nations has accounted the variable of happiness as a key variable to classify the developments of countries; that is, if people in a society do not feel happy and satisfied, they cannot be considered a developed society. Shiraz, as the international tourism counter, the third shrine of Ahl alـBayt, and as the third Iranian tourist city, needs dynamic, happy and vital citizens. Therefore, doing this research can provide some strategies for enhancing happiness and vitality in Shiraz city, and on the other hand, helps to promote the level of hosting culture. Happy citizens have a better interaction with tourists and pilgrims, thereby increasing their satisfaction and attracting more tourists. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the realization of happy city in Shiraz metropolis. Research questions are: 1ـ How much is citizen’s happiness & their satisfaction with environmental, Socioـcultural sociocultural, economical, physical & managerial factors in Shiraz?
2ـ How much environmental, social, economical, physical and managerial variables influence on happiness?
The present study has one main hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1ـ Environmental, socioـcultural sociocultural, economical, Pphysical & Mmanagerial factors influence on the realization of happy city in Shiraz.
The present study is quantitative in nature and applied in terms of purpose. Research data are collected using library studies and field method. Using the this field’s studies in this field presented in the study research literature study’s literature, and then using the three stages of the Delphi questionnaire compiled by Iranian experts in psychology, social sciences, geography and urban planning, and architecture and urban design, the factors influencing realization of the happy city have been identified and extracted, which we have investigated them in another study and are used as research variables in this study. The variables affecting happiness in the present study, including socioـculturalsociocultural, ecologicalـenvironmental, economicـlivelihood, physicalـstructural and M managerialـadministrative, were extracted as independent variables, and happiness as dependent variable. Statistical data are collected using experts and citizen questionnaires in Shiraz metropolis. The statistical population of the study were inhabitants and experts of Shiraz city. The sample size was 22 experts and 384 people based on population of Shiraz city in 2017 using Cochran method. The study time interval was autumn and winter of 2018. Data analysis was done in two parts: descriptive and inferential. In the descriptive section, the status of the research sample was presented, and the status of the city of Shiraz was studied in terms of research variables. In the inferential section, to test the research hypotheses, the varianceـbased structural equation modeling (partial least squares) approach was used, and SPSS and Amos Graphic software were used for statistical analysis. Finally, by using the SWOT method, the strategies for realizing a happy city in Shiraz were presented.
Results & Discussion:
According to the results of the study, the current status of happiness in Shiraz is above average, which is relatively good due to Iran's very low level of happiness globally compared to global ones. In terms of factors affecting the realization of a happy city, the environmental & socioـcultural sociocultural factors were in the middle level, and other economic, physical and managerial factors were lower than the average, which indicate the inadequate status of these factors in the city of Shiraz. Moreover, of course, it shows that the people of Shiraz are, in themselves, happy people, regardless of the factors involved. However, given the impact of each of these factors, it can be seen that by prioritizing them and planning to improve each one, the happiness of the citizens will increase. Another important result of this study was the effect of independent variables on happiness, which was confirmed, and it was found that all 5 factors have a direct effect on happiness. By improving each of the affecting factors, the happiness of Shiraz will increase, and, on the contrary, by decreasing each of them, the happiness lowers down. Socioـcultural Sociocultural, economic and physical variables were the most influential variables, followed by environmental and managerial variables, respectively.
In order to make the city happy, all of the influencing factors must be taken into account at the same time. However, if we want to prioritize planning according to the status of the independent and dependent variables of the research and the extent of impact of each of them, the managerial variable should be the first priority of happy city planning and then socioeconomic variable, followed by the physical variable. Considering the relatively appropriate status of environmental indicators and of course the importance of this indicator for sustainable development, which underlies the realization of a happy city, this variable must be considered along with other variables in all planning. Based on the results of strategic planning, defensive strategies were selected for the realization of happy city; among these strategies, the strategy of "strengthening the positive role of public and private institutions as an important and main factor influencing the realization of a happy city" was given to first priority.
Keywords: Structural Equation Modeling, Strategic Planning, Happiness, Happy City, Shiraz.
Volume 24, Issue 3 (5-2022)
Among the key strategies in higher education is to prioritize the development of the entrepreneurial university. In this regard, the University of Applied Sciences and Technology (UAST) is one of the main institutions involved in vocational higher education, especially in the agricultural sector, which aims to help graduates acquire the knowledge and skills they will require. To this end, the university needs to plan for and develop entrepreneurial educations in its training system. Accordingly, the present study
aimed to strategically analyze entrepreneur UAST in the agricultural sector. The statistical sample included 19 individuals, who were presidents, deputies, and managers of a university or managers of agricultural applied science and technology centers. After interviews and reaching theoretical saturation, the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of the agricultural applied sciences and technology centers were specified. The results of the SWOT matrix show that the aggressive strategy (SO) is the most appropriate strategy for the agricultural centers of UAST. The most important strategies within this approach included ‘organizing and developing agricultural applied sciences and technology programs in a balanced manner’; ‘designing and implementing a province-wide educational need assessment model for the agricultural sector’; ‘developing agricultural modular curricula and getting involved in new labor market potentials with the aid of the executive agencies’; ‘enhancing the quality of agricultural training components’; ‘developing financial resources and the use of the existing potentials of the
agricultural sector with no financial burden on the government’; ‘basing decisions on research’; and ‘setting policies based on the modern agricultural and natural resources’ technology’.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (3-2024)
In recent years, advancements in driver assistance technology have significantly minimized the impact of human error on traffic accidents. The development of these systems is of great interest, especially for critical and accident-causing maneuvers such as critical lane change on the highway. One of the important parts of automatic lane change is the motion planning. In this research, taking into account the criteria of collision avoidance and feasibility of the path, an algorithm for the motion planning is proposed. The main innovation of the present research is that the dynamic limits and stability margins of the vehicle have been converted into quantitative criteria and considered in the motion planning. To evaluate the performance of the motion planning algorithm, the complete model of the car is used in the Carsim-Simulink software. Also, to follow the designed path, an integrated longitudinal-lateral control has been designed and implemented. The simulation results show that the proposed method provides a more accurate assessment of the trajectory dynamic feasibility in high-speed critical lane change maneuvers compared to the previous methods. This issue is especially evident for critical maneuvers where the lateral acceleration of the trajectory is more dominant than the longitudinal acceleration.
Volume 24, Issue 7 (6-2024)
The Artificial Potential Fields approach is amongst the widely used path planning methods in continuous environments. However, the implementation of it in multi-robot path planning encounters challenges such as the local-minima and an increase in traffic probability with the rise in the number of robots. The purpose of the proposed method is to improve multi-robot path planning in complex environments. A new adaptive potential function is introduced that reduces the probability of the robots entering an area at the same time and thus reducing the probability of traffic. Also, new potential functions have been proposed that lead to smoother paths with less traverse time when the robot encounters obstacles. In these functions, in addition to the position of robots and obstacles, heading of the robot and the position of the target are also considered. In order to evaluate this method, a distributed software architecture has been designed and implemented in the framework of the robot operating system. In this architecture, as robots move, new robots can join the operation or new tasks can be assigned to robots. Two series of real-time simulations are carried out in the Gazebo environment. The results show that the use of the proposed potential functions leads to a decrease in the convergence of the robots. In the simulation done for 2 robots, proposed method has resulted in a 35% reduction in the traversal time. While in case of 15 robots in the same map, a 50% reduction in the traversal time has been achieved.
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2021)
Introduction Sustainable urban development is a multidimensional process and understanding this depends on a proper analysis of its often-contradictory complexities and dimensions. Therefore, this raises the need to pay attention to urban land use planning as one of the most important dimensions of sustainable development in urban space in order to be aware of the problems or development capabilities of the city spatial organization and its consequences and processes. The purpose of the present study is understanding of key driving forces based on futurology and scenario planning in land use changes and spatial developments in the 12th district of Tehran. To achieve this aim, the method of cross-impact analysis and scenario planning was used.
Methodology The present study in terms of practical purpose is a structural analysis and is based on the new method of futurology, which has been done with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Therefore, according to the nature of this research, collecting information in the descriptive part was through the study of library documents and in the analytical part was the five sessions of Delphi methods, forming cross-matrices and balanced by Micmac software, explaining the key driving forces, direct and indirect impact analysis of variables have been used along with scenario analysis approaches. Delphi method has been used to identify variables and indicators. Thus, first, using scientific and research articles, the factors affecting the spatial organization of land use in the 12th district of Tehran were collected, then a semi-structured questionnaire was prepared and distributed among experts (statistical society) in several stages in order to value those factors.
Results and Discussion the statistical society of the study includes 40 specialists in the field of urban planning and research elites who were selected through purposive non-random sampling. According to the results among 72 key factors, 8 vital drivers including consumerism in urban land use changes, land tax laws associated with land use changes, construction supervision, groups and social classes in urban land use changes, unstudied construction permits, participation and cooperation affecting urban land use developments, unproductive rentier economy, urban land commercialization are the most important key factors influencing land use planning and its developments in District 12th of Tehran. According to the findings, it can be seen that the best predictable situation in the framework of the approaches used in the present study is in the form of first and second scenarios (green situation) with a high degree of compatibility and reliability. In this situation, the indicators, while achieving the highest scores obtained from the matrices and software analysis, in the scenario diagram page, its elements have a more uniform and convergent distribution.
Conclusion By examining the cases and variables in this study, it can be concluded that the most influential factor in urban land use changes is consumerism. In recent decades, changing patterns of land consumption and commodification and the growth of capitalism has caused huge changes in land use in the 12th district of Tehran. Besides, the most desirable scenario is the proposed scenario number one, which is based on the success of urban policy in organizing land use, smart planning, spatial valuation, solving policy-legislative issues and the ideal situation, permits and sales density in the favorable situation.
Keywords Spatial developments, Urban land use planning, Scenario-based approach, Wizard Scenario, Tehran Metropolis
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2021)
Cities have become central to ensuring a sustainable future. Many Cities employ strategic spatial planning, a transformative and integrative public-sector-led activity, to create a coherent spatial development strategy in order to pursue sustainable development. Due to its encompassing, cross-sectoral qualities, urban planning science is expected to strengthen nature-related aspects of urban planning. This article is focused around a discussion of the nature of strategic spatial planning, as exemplified in the planning literature, and as an example, from Ardakan Municipality.
This paper aims to develop a strategic plan for the Ardakan city and operational plan of the Ardakan Municipality of Fars province. The method of explaining the subject is descriptive-analytic and strategic planning.
The analytical unit of Ardakan in Fars province, the statistical population of the study is urban civil engineering experts on the one hand (as a think tank workshop), and citizens of Ardakan city on the other hand. A total of 19 experts were selected by the targeted sampling method and 150 citizens were randomly selected and separate questionnaires were distributed among them. In different stages of strategic planning to operational planning (landscape development and project extraction), comparative analysis methods (analysis and comparison of the city per capita with neighboring cities
(, Oregon vision, the formation of panels for extracting strategies and goals, SWOT analysis has been used.
The city's strategic plan includes the development of a 20-years vision based on those four five-year plans. The prospect of goals and the target of the wisdom are tailored to the outlook. Extracting strategies are in six areasof social and cultural, economic, environmental, urban and institutional, physical, spatial and tourism. The operational plan for the years 1402-1398 includes 44 plans corresponding to 10 projects with the proposed amount of 168,800,000,000 Rails.
Volume 27, Issue 2 (10-2023)
Urban planning of pilgrimage cities has always been associated with challenges due to their unique characteristics and under the influence holy places present there. The main goal of the current research is to explain the indicators influencing the texture pattern of pilgrimage cities, considering the tourism capacity there. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose and has been conducted with the descriptive-analytical method. Also, in order to collect data, the method of document-library studies has been used. The results show that in the planning related to change and development in the context of pilgrimage cities, effective indicators should be explained and taken into consideration by decision-makers and planners, and interventions should be made with comprehensive evaluations, appropriate to the genome of such cities and considering the rights of pilgrims and neighbors. In the current research, 19 indicators affecting the texture pattern of pilgrimage cities include privacy and domain, centrality, enclosure, hierarchy, desirable landscape, appropriateness of religious spaces, cultural-entertainment spaces, residential spaces, service-infrastructure, access network, the context around the holy place, environmental resilience, Islamic lifestyle, religious identity, spirituality, safety and security, education, and social interactions were identified. Then, the important rules and considerations in the planning and development of pilgrimage cities were presented based on the explained indicators.
Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2023)
Considering the complex nature of mental images of the future construction and spatial reconstruction of cities and metropolitan areas as well as existing complexities, it is particularly important to avoid a positivist and single-layer view of urban-regional studies. This study considers perspective building in urban and regional planning and the creation of alternative futures as a requirement for an intelligent and modified choice of future research methods. Causal layered analysis, introduced under a critical paradigm, is one of the most important future research methods. This method, like many others, is associated with gaps and limitations and needs to be adjusted. This research seeks to critically analyze this method and accordingly, the number of layers of this method should be reduced to 3 in accordance with criticisms and covering the critical paradigm dimensions. The approach of the first layer should be changed from scientific-experimental to an interpretive one with a critical attitude. And, the second layer's approach to post-exploration, which is aimed at identifying the obvious and hidden mechanisms, and finally deconstructing and criticizing the functional basis of the third layer. Then, according to the changes of each of the layers and the direction of applying the model in urban and regional planning, a set of qualitative methods is mentioned and an analytical device of the political economy of space is used to mount this model.
Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2023)
Nowadays, informal settlements in cities have brought about enormous problems before urban management. Mashhad as a metropolis is no exception to this phenomenon. The increasing urban living costs, migrants’ intake and high population concentration at the outskirts have encountered Mashhad with danger which could further led to complex challenges in the future. The main purpose of this study is to identify the key drivers and formulate future scenarios of informal settlements in Khorasan Razavi province and its capital city Mashhad. Identifying the future situation and compiling the settlement expansion scenarios under the futuristic framework is one of the comprehensive approaches in regional planning. Addressing the factors affecting the future of informal settlements by determining the role of other settlements in the province is an issue that has received less attention in researches. The method is descriptive-analytical where data is collected through questionnaire and analyzed by Mic Mac software. The target research population is 30 people including municipal experts and faculty members of universities. The findings indicate 5 factors: " laws, programs and policies at the national level", "Integrated management of local institutions", "drought and agricultural activities", "unemployment" and "inflation" which are important for the future of informal settlements. The results show that in different scenarios, economic and management factors have the greatest impact on the future of informal settlements in Mashhad and the development of other settlements in the province.
Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2023)
The rapid growth of the urban population in Shiraz over the past few decades has caused the physical expansion of the city and its enchroschment on sorrounding villages and settlemnts leading to numerous challenges and inadequacies in the pheripheral regions there. Some of these problems are poverty, marginalization, rising housing prices, lack of adequate facilities and welfare services, environmental pollution and overcrowding. Using different indicators, the present study tries to evaluate the inadequacy of peripheral settlements of Shiraz metropolis. Thus, in order to manage urban growth and its related difficulties, developing countries have decided to implement various policies such as family planning, rural development, controlling rural-urban migration, limiting the growth of large cities, symmetrical urbanization and new city development. Nevertheless, most developing countries have witnessed rapid population displacement to mega cities in recent decades
On the other side, despite metropolis’ role in national development, increasing process of metropolitanization in most developing countries has cussed many problems which resulted in many challenges in the end. City sprawl and relocation of activities and populations from centre to outskirts of the city as well as the population distribution is one of the most important sustainable challenges in metropolitan areas. In developing countries, growth and expansion of metropolis space has been associated with various issues and resulted in different types of environmental problems such as reduction of life quality, rapid growth and mis-management of low-income settlements on the outskirts and continuation of such problems will worsen the existing situation in the not too far future.