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Volume 8, Issue 16 (Fall & Winter 2022)

"Verbal similarity", which has been interpreted as "Mutashābih Al-Qurān", and sometimes as “Mutashabihāt Al-Qurān” in the ancient works of Quranic sciences, refers to verses of the Qur'an that, despite slight and very accurate differences, are repeated in a subject or subjects and contain similar words. Some of these differences include: emphasis and lack of it, definition and reflection, difference in preposition, excess and deficiency, and tense of the verb. The similarities in such similar verbal verses and the accuracy of the differences in such verses have caused translators to slip in translating these verses. These mistakes are mainly due to not paying attention to the small and invisible differences in these verses and in some cases have led to uniformity, and consequently misplaced uniformity in translation. In the present study, first, types of verbal similarity and examples of such verses are introduced and the reason for their differences is explained. The results show that the best performance is related to Mousavi Garmaroodi with 78.56% accuracy. Rezaei with 71.42%, Fooladvand with 50%, Haddad Adel and Taheri with 28.56%, Kavianpour and Makarem Shirazi with 14.28% are next.

Volume 8, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 36)- 2004)

Strategic planning is presently considered as a key managerial process. Despite the abundance of literature on strategic planning, few research projects have focused on the measuring of strategic planning. This paper offers a diagnostic toll and twenty key features for measuring strategic planning effectiveness based on Hoshin Kanri. The model was tested in a large sample of state-owned company in Iran and the results are put to the fore by the author.

Volume 8, Issue 32 (4-2020)

Propp recognizes two initial situations in the morphology of Russian fairy tales: defect and evildoing; however, he considers both as original spontaneous situations. In this article, it is assumed that these patterns are significant and also the deficiency has always its origin in evildoing, but this is not an independent condition in the Iranian thought. To discover the meaning of these patterns, the fairy tales and Iranian myths as well as the national epics have been comparatively studied. The analytical method is structuralism and diachronic. The results of the study show that the myths of creation have two models, both based on the struggle and conflict of two opposing forces; however, one is creative and the other is destructive. In the first, the creator needs an element based on which the material universe is made or dependent on. This model appears in the magical legends as a defect situation. In the second one, the creator creates the universe in an ideal situation, but it can be invaded by the devastating forces and exit from its ideal situation. This pattern appears in the magical legends as the evildoing situation.

Volume 8, Issue 33 (6-2020)

Binary opposition is one of the fundamental concepts in the critique of structuralism, and post-structuralism as well as the theories of linguistics and semiotics which are rooted in the mythological and cultural beliefs. Binary opposition shifted from linguistics to cultural studies and was challenged in the postmodern condition eventually. Claude Levi-Strauss espouses a bipolar-oppositional structure to the logic of myth, including proverbs. In his view, the structure of the human mind to understand phenomena puts each continuum in a binary reciprocal polarity. This pervasive mental action will eventually lead to the binary opposition, such as nature and culture. The purpose of the present study, however, is to represent the value binaries in the proverbs of the Ilami people. Due to the reconstructural nature of the case study, the research paradigm was qualitative and the method used was qualitative content analysis. The data is the published books about the proverbs of the Ilami people and some key informants were asked to supplement the information. These people were selected through purposeful sampling and were questioned through semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that the binary value of the Ilami proverbs includes the following general binary oppositions: rational/irrational; collective/individual; dynamism / stagnation; universalism / particularism; order/ disorder; social capital development/ social capital erosion; moderation/ extremism; and justice/ oppression. These binaries consist of more detailed subcategories that represent a society saturated with opposition. The binary oppositions derived from the findings are largely consistent with the Talcot Parsons model variables.

Keywords: Binary oppositions; proverbs; social value; social capital; conflict.
Popular literature or "oral literature is an important branch of popular knowledge or folklore that includes a large collection of songs, lullabies, riddles, stories, myths, and proverbs" (Zolfaghari, 2013, p. 9). Proverbs reflect all aspects of life, material or spritual (Zolfaghari, 2005, p. 18). Proverbs represent the life of a people who have illustrated their aspirations, wishes, values, norms, different issues of life, and their social behavior through an artistic expression. In this context, proverbs are nowadays considered as one of the most important sources for cultural and social studies, and can be used to realize individuals' cultural and social viewpoints among which "binary oppositions" is a case in point.
The term "binary oppositions" was coined in the school of structuralism, and employed as a means to examine and analyze the fundamental structure of thought and culture. This term refers to opposite pairs in an area, which usually shows the dominance of one over the other (Ghiyasi and Mahmoodi, 2015). Binary oppositions dominate one pole over the other one and leave the identity and presence of one in the absence of the identity and presence of the other. Similarly, ideology is largely based on oppositions since it depends on values, and values oppose anti-values to be defined. Some other examples include religion against infidelity, good against evil, infallibility against sin (Talebian et al., 2009).
Conceptual Framework
Binary oppositions include values based on which actors act. These values are at the two ends of a continuum that is generally privative and demanding.
Social values are the bases of social actions. According to Pasrons, values associated with actions are not imposed on individuals from the outside but in their interactions with the society. In fact, the values, in practice, form the constructive conditions of the social actions. All actions involve these choices and reflect the system of the actor's choice. There are four major alternatives in this regard (Azkia and Ghaffari, 2008, p. 184), which Parsons calls "pattern variables". They include universalism vs. particularism, specific vs. diffuseness, achievement vs. ascription, affective vs. affective neutrality, and self-interest vs. collective-interest.
Aims, questions, and procedure
This study aims to investigate the representation of binary oppositions in proverbs of the people of Ilam. Within the same line, the following question was raised:
what is the representation of the following binary oppositions in the proverbs of the Ilami people: rational / non-rational, individualism / collectivism, individualism / collectivism, social dynamism / social static, universalism / particularism, order / disorder, formation / destruction of social capital, balance / indulgence, and justice / injustice?
This study employed a qualitative content analysis method of investigation. The scope of this study was the printed books on proverbs of the Ilami people. To triangulate the data, key informants, who were selected through purposive sampling, and their competence was determined based on the saturation principle, were interviewed.
The binary oppositions in proverbs of the Ilami people were represented in eight general pairs, including:
In the binary of rational/non-rational, there were the binaries of considerate/inconsiderate, prudence/non-prudence, and rationality/ irrationality. The binary of collectivism/individualism included opportunist/altruist, responsibility/ non-responsibility, cooperation/ competition, common grief/indifference, and facilitator/ troublemaker. The binary of static/dynamism included social dynamism/ coercion, and incorrigibility/ reversibility. In the binary of universalism/ particularism, the following values were found: specialization/non-specialization, and achievement/ ascription. The binary of order/disorder included the categories of social order/social disorder, agreement/non-agreement, and taking turns/ignoring turns. In the binary of formation of social capital/destruction of social capital, the binary values of social trust/distrust, honesty/demagoguery, trusteeship/ barratry, dignity/ stinginess, forgiveness/ reproach, and humility/ arrogance were represented. The binary of balance/indulgence represents the binary values of patience/ impatience, tolerance/ intolerance, understanding/hostility, adaptability/ dominance, and observing the rights/indulgence. The binary of justice/ injustice included equity/inequity, and the value of women/ patriarchy.
Such binaries are, to a great extent, consistent with Parsons's pattern variables. The difference is that in order to distinguish the traditional societies from the non-traditional ones, Parsons believed that each of the mentioned societies has only one of the attributes in the oppositions, while the representation of oppositions in proverbs of the Ilami people is based on a kind of attitude dynamism and jelly thinking as well as reciprocal movement between the two ends of a continuum. In this sense, we face a society saturated with oppositions, which sometimes tends to the affirmative values and sometimes to the negative ones. It sometimes tends to the rational actions and sometimes to the emotional ones. It sometimes demands individualism and sometimes collectivism. It sometimes calls for dynamism and sometimes emphasized coercion; sometimes calls for order and sometimes for disorder. It sometimes emphasizes formation of the social capital and sometimes its destruction. It sometimes considers balance as its ideal and another time puts indulgence on its agenda.
  •  Ghiyasi, N. & Mahmoodi, F. (2015). Deconstruction of binary interpretations in Hafez's poems in the painting of Sultan Muhammed Naghash. Literary Criticism, 32(4), 105-131
  •  Talebiyan, Y., Sarfi, M., Sharifpour, E. & Kasi, F. (2009). Binary oppositions in Ahmadreza Ahmadi's poems. Persian Language and Literature Journal of Research (Gohar-e-Guya), 3(4), 21-34.
  •  Zolfaghari, H. (2005). The stories of proverbs (in Farsi). Tehran: Maziyar
  •  Zolfaghari, H. (2013). The dictionary of Persian proverbs (in Farsi). Tehran: Elm Publication

Volume 9, Issue 1 (No. 1 (Tome 43), (Articles in Persian) 2018)

Discursive semiotic approach with considering the body-centered subject to create meaning and assert an emotional, sensitive-perceptive and aesthetic dimensions can be an appropriate method to analyze and gloss the confessional texts. According to the teachings of this theory, researchers can resist or appease with the “other” by making inter-discourse challenges and create correspondence or different flows, also try to authenticate or reconstruct their identity. The subject of study in Taj-o-Saltaneh’s Memories as a confessional text, gets converted into a gravitational discursive center in order to gain identity and be set free from meaning crisis; so it can play its significant role in interaction and confrontation with other.
Based on the nature of confessional discourse and emotion-oriented positioning of the subject in Taj-o-Saltaneh’s Memories, it is the emotional dimension of discourse which overcomes the action and cognitive dimension of discourse and influences different levels of syntax validity, intensity-extensity relationships and discursive values by supplying power to the narrator to take positions and limits against discursive competitors. According to the point of view and the position of narrator, the otherness process receives different shapes and creates different identical forms for the subject.
The current research aims to answer the question of how the orientation of the enunciator -subject determines its resistance or appeasement against the realm of rival, and how by referring to semiotic components, these attributions can be achieved. The authors suppose that the subject resist the prevailing discourse with intensity-extensity relationships, symbolization, rhythmic thinking and referring to the phenomenological form of the presence, then with a persuasive appeasement, accepts and surrenders herself. The category of space ties with the identity of subject and finds discursive function and include three features: critical, intermediate, and uncritical all being able to find in Taj-o-Saltaneh discourses which guarantees the presence of the subject.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Introduction: Growth hormone is a non-glycosylated polypeptide strand of the pituitary glands of all vertebrates that has a wide range of biological activities and considering the importance of this hormone and its importance and diverse therapeutic applications in medicine, its recombinant production can be of great importance. In recent decades, protein engineering and genetic engineering have resulted in a high level of expression and production of this protein in a variety of hosts, including Escherichia coli bacteria using new techniques and methodes, hormone purification and assay are carried out easily. Therefore, the aim of this review was to investigate the production of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) and future challenges.
Conclusion: One of the problems of the expression and purification of the human growth hormone may involve that maybe noted the production of inclusion bodies in the expression of recombinant proteins in the cell cytoplasm, the contamination caused by host proteins, low protein recovery from these inclusion bodies, low protein secretion into the Periplasmic space, high cost of production, especially in Purification stage and so on. Due to the lack of need for glycosylated hormone and high efficiency and simplicity of work, bacterial systems, especially Escherichia coli, are the most economical and effective systems for the expression of heterologous proteins. The hormone purification stage is usually the most costly process. Therefore, an optimal design for achieving the highest target protein recovery with the elimination of all contamination from the final product and reducing the purification step is required.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (10-2019)

Psychological safety is a critical base for individual, organizational and national performance, since managers who feel psychologically unsafe, do not have essential motives for productivity and excellence. It is reality of organizations that there are stage of jealousy, spitefulness, enmity, power games of peoples and groups. In these situations, it is important to bring about psychological safety for people in organization. Psychological safety means to feel safety in mind, emotion and behavior from side of other peoples and present personal opinions and do the jobs, without any anxiety and fear in organization. Many studies emphasis on effects of individual psychological safety based on personal, organizational and national variables, but there is not a quantitative and experimental research on formation of psychological safety in managers, especially among Iranian governmental industries. This research has taken Glaser's approach in GT to theorize process of forming psychological safety in Iranian governmental industries. Results of this research show that organizational factors, superior's leadership style, relationships between peers and subordinates and their competencies, eco-social climate of society, organizational atmosphere and psychological capital of everyone affect individual psychological safety. It can enforces job engagement, job satisfaction in managers and reduces stress and anxiety and willingness to expatriation in them.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)

Aims: Positive psychology is a new psychology branch that focuses on positive traits leading to freshness, greater concentration, and individuals' satisfaction. This study aimed to extract positivist psychology components and assess the effect of positivist content and theme on school education and improve teachers' and students' psychological capital.
Materials & Methods: In this hybrid (qualitative-quantitative) research, the first positivist components and themes were extracted from Seligman's point of view using open coding, axial coding, selective coding steps, and a network of positive themes were drawn. Then, to assess the effect of positive psychological components and themes on teachers' competencies and their mental health and students' personal and academic abilities, the opinions of 80 high school principals in Isfahan were evaluated using a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed by comparison of means and sample t-test using SPSS 19 software.
Findings: 104 basic and five organizing themes were extracted from the texts of the Positive Psychology book written by Seligman; positive emotion empowerment, fascination (flow), positive relationships, meaning (goal), and achievement (success). Also, from the perspective of principals, positivist components and themes had a positive and above-average effect on improving teachers' positive mental characteristics, teachers' mental health and efficiency, teachers' organizational behavior and interactions, and improving teachers' abilities and students' overall progress (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: Positive psychology has practical and useful components and themes to enhance teachers' abilities and mental health and can be taught by teachers in various curricula.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)

The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting the pattern of Islamic Iranian city to respond to human needs from the perspective of Islam. The most important instruments for collecting the required data in this research were the library research method and questionnaire. The planning approach emphasized by the proposed pattern was sustainable urban development using the participatory planning approach, and the study approach of the pattern was the epistemic approach. In this way, given the importance of humans, this study explored humanity from the Islamic perspective and considering the various existential dimensions of humans, Islamic city is formed based on the physical and spiritual needs of humans in four types of bio-based, recreation-based, culture-based, and meaning-based needs. Then, for the purpose of the optimal realization of each mentioned quadruple needs of humans, the most important content principles of Islamic cities were introduced as justice, neighbourhood-based, mosque-based, avoidance of disturbance, privacy, beauty, and communication with nature. On the other hand, in this pattern, the aims of the viable city were considered as the theoretical basis, but instead of emphasizing the lower layers (physical needs), the emphasis was placed on accurate planning and maximal growth in supplying the higher layers (spiritual needs) of the human under the title of growable city. The pattern also emphasized two potential areas of the self that to flourishing the higher layers, the first two areas should only be answered according to the necessity. Indeed, the main purpose of this pattern was to providing background and warning for accurate planning and maximum growth in layers three and four (culture-based and spiritual-based) that is the main purpose of human definition. The most important point emphasized in a growable city is the attention to the fourth dimension (meaning-based).

Volume 9, Issue 3 (5-2020)

 Tomato bacterial wilt and canker caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) is an economically important seed-borne disease in the major tomato growing regions all over the world. Also, this disease is present in northern, northwestern, and central provinces of Iran. This study aimed to isolate fluorescent pseudomonads with efficient antagonistic activity against Cmm from tomato rhizosphere and rhizoplane. In the present study, ninety six fluorescent pseudomonads were isolated from rhizosphere and rhizoplane of tomato plants using King’s medium B agar and tested for antagonistic activity against Cmm by co-inoculation culture in vitro. Seed and roots of tomato transplants were inoculated with representative antagonistic strains and planted in the soil infected by Cmm in greenhouse. The incidence and severity of the disease were assessed on tomato as well as growth parameters. Nineteen strains exhibited inhibitory activity against Cmm in vitro and two selected strains (M1R1 and H1R1) were identified as Pseudomonas putida based on their phenotypic characteristics and partial 16S rRNA gene sequences. These two strains produced siderophore and hydrogen cyanide. In greenhouse, strain M1R1 reduced the disease incidence by 30% and 40% in Superluna and Falat cultivars, respectively. Strain H1R1 reduced the disease incidence by 20% only in Falat cultivar. Strains M1R1 and H1R1 decreased the disease severity by 52.93 % and 10.60 % in Superluna and 47.90 % and 42.88 % in Falat cultivars, respectively. Strain M1R1 increased the growth parameters, including fresh and dry weight, and height of the inoculated plants significantly in comparison with control. These results indicated that rhizospheric fluorescent pseudomonads could be effective agents in the biocontrol of tomato bacterial wilt and canker disease.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (fall 2021)

This study aims to consider ghazal/sonnet from conceptual metaphor perspective (Lakoff, 1980). The corpus used in the study contains 24 poems (189 couplets) in Persian, Azerbaijani Turkish and English. The results of the paper show that the most frequent target domain in ghazal is “love”. Moreover, central conceptual metaphors in “love” are: A) in Persian: LOVE IS JOURNEY, LOVE IS WINE, LOVE IS TIE, LOVE IS FIRE, LOVE IS AWAKENING, LOVE IS DEAL. B) in Azerbaijani Turkish: LOVE IS OPPRESSION, LOVE IS WAITING, LOVE IS TURNING/TAWAF, LOVE IS SPRING, LOVE IS WINE, LOVE IS SERMON. C) in English: LOVE IS LIVE, LOVE IS UNSTABLE, LOVE IS PARADOX. This study also confirms that linguistic form has a direct influence on conceptual metaphor occurrence in ghazal. According to the findings of the current paper, the central conceptual metaphor plays a key role in versification. That is, central conceptual metaphor in ghazal seems to be the stimulus to the poet.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)

Aim The present study aimed to analyze the strategies based on natural resource potentials to improve the livelihood of rural households in Najafabad region of Kurdistan province using SWOT analysis.
Methods The statistical population of this study included experts and rural residents. The sample size was 337 rural residents and 51 experts based on Cochran formula and matching with Krejcie and Morgan table. The items of questionnaires designed as a rating scale based on the five options Likert. Reliability of questionnaires was determined by Cronbach's alpha that obtained 0.85 for rural residents and 0.82 for experts. SWOT model was used to determine strategies for improving the livelihood of rural households.
Findings According to the results, “natural potentials such as suitable rangelands for animal husbandry” and “the presence of local, committed and experienced manpower in the village” were determined as the most important strengths from the viewpoint of experts and rural residents, respectively. “Traditional use and exploitation of rangeland and agricultural lands” and “high unemployment rate and low income” were determined as the most important weaknesses from the viewpoint of experts and rural residents, with a relative weight of 86.27 and 86.62, respectively. “The existence of a favorable vision and serious effort for rural development in the country” and “providing credit facilities and low-interest loans” were the most important opportunities.
Conclusion A competitive strategy has been obtained for improving the livelihood of the studied region relying on teaching and planning new methods of exploiting water resources and planting drought-resistant species.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)

Aims: This research aimed at designing and psychometric properties of a questionnaire for health-worker skills evaluation to obtain a self-care program for pre-diabetic patients.
Instrument & Methods: The questionnaire's psychometric properties were evaluated utilizing face validity by 15 health workers, content validity was evaluated by ten experts (5 health education and health promotion experts, three diabetes experts, and two general practitioners), and construct validity, internal consistency, and stability were assessed by 400 health workers who were randomly selected. 
Findings: Due to the results of investigating the texts and interviews, the initial questionnaire, including 54 phrases, was presented. In the face validity section, eight expressions were removed quantitatively. Then, in identifying content validity, three other words were deleted, and the questionnaire was reduced to 43 phrases in general. This questionnaire's exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors: self-efficacy, attitude, reinforcing factors, and enabling factors. These four factors explained 57.51% of the total variance of the test. The confirmatory factor analysis results also confirmed the factors of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Cronbach's alpha and intra-cluster correlation index for questionnaire structures ranged from 0.87-0.88 and 0.87-0.88, respectively.
Conclusion: The designed questionnaire has good validity and reliability.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Numerical solution for mixed convection combined with surface radiation in an inclined channel containing three protruding heat sourcesis investigated in this article. This combinationre present printed circuit boards in electrical equipments. Air is assumed to be the working fluid which is laminar, steady, incompressible and thermally and hydrodynamicaly developing. Governing equations are discretized using the F.V. method in an staggered domain and simple algorithm is used to couple velocity and a pressure. Numerical results presented for temperature and velocity contribution and maximum temperature that occur in chips for different valuesof fan velocity as Reynolds number 150

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

In recent years, many studies have been performed on for use in various of science. The proper design and synthesis of these has a direct impact on their -chemical properties and their applications, especially in the field of biological sciences. There are several methods for magnetic synthesis. One of the simplest and most efficient methods for synthesis of magnetic is a chemical co-precipitation method, but of magnetic is one of the limitations of this method. In this study, various protocols for the synthesis of magnetic by co-precipitation method and silica coating of magnetic were performed and the effect of different factors such as the type of alkaline compound, the use of , temperature and in dispersion, aggregation of magnetic nanoparticles and their stability in aqueous solutions was investigated. Finally, a simple and reproducible protocol for magnetic synthesis with appropriate size distribution and high dispersion in aqueous solutions was optimized for use in biological applications.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spatial Issue on Persian Gulf 2021)

The aim of this study was to identify different population broodstocks of Litopenaeus vannamei and effect of inbreeding and cross-inbreeding on genetic characteristics and inbreeding coefficient of offspring in the next generation. According to origin of broodstocks kept in hatcheries of Bushehr province in the first generation, different populations were identified through microsatellite method from Hybrid, High health and Molokai stocks then, in the next generations genetic characteristics of offspring from their inbreeding and cross-inbreeding were examined. The results showed that the amount of genetic diversity in Molokai and High Health stocks (0.46±0.09 and 0.50±0.07) was more than hybrid stock (0.38±0.06). The inbreeding coefficients of Molokai, High Health and hybrid stocks were 0.14, 0.31 and 0.41, respectively. Due to the low genetic distance between the hybrid and Molokai stocks, after mixing them together Molokai and High Health populations were introduced as the first generation broodstock. In the second generation, despite the high genetic diversity in the offspring of Molokai×High Health (0.47±0.12) and High Health×Molokai (0.39±0.08) than the offspring of Molokai×Molokai (0.19±0.04) and High Health× High Health (0.11±0.03), these values were reduced compared to the first generation. The lowest and highest inbreeding coefficients were related to the offspring of Molokai×High Health (0.268 ±0.18) and Molokai× Molokai (0.853±0.145), respectively. According to the results, it can be said that the lack of knowledge about the genetic characteristics of broodstocks and mating between individual relationships (full and half sib) can reduce genetic characteristics and genetic depression due to increased inbreeding coefficients in next generations.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Vol. 10, No. 3 (Tome 51), (Articles in Persian) 2019)

The media can never force their audience to think but they can use some techniques to make you think about what they want to manipulate. By highlighting the messages in line with their goals, they attract the audience's attention to the subject they are interested in. This study deals with the linguistic analysis of the American withdrawal from the  Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in the discourses of the two satellite channels called – Al-Arabiya  and Al – Manar adopting Teun van Dijk theoretical framework. In order to foreground a message in media, there are several techniques among them the linguistic ones are highly common. By analyzing the exit of America from JCPOA, the current research aims at investigating linguistic components of this event as reflected in Al-Arabiya and Al – Manar. Marginalization and foregrounding are among the techniques used by these channels in order to highlight the power of their discourse and to bold the weakness of the rival discourse. The reason to choose these channels was their different ideology vis-à-vis the JCPOA. These channels have tried to use linguistic tools such as repetition, exaggeration and contradiction to influence and persuade the audience. To do this, they carefully selected the letters and words used in the text of the act in a different way.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)

Uricase (EC was first utilized in the 1970s, to prevent the uric acid increase in the blood stream and the formation of urate crystals. Later, this enzyme was produced using recombinant DNA technology. However, immunogenic responses towards the alien protein in some patients has led to searching for new uricases with more desirable properties. Considering the interesting characteristics of enzymes of halophilic and halotolerant bacteria, the potential of 85 native Iranian halophilic bacteria isolated from Urmia salt lake for uricase production was evaluated, and the best producer was identified by means of 16S rRNA gene sequencing with more than 99% similarity to Halomonas sulfidaeris. In the following, significant physicochemical and environmental factors for optimal production of uricase by the selected strain were determined. The best combination of effective factors for the enzyme production was identified by Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The optimum enzyme production was found to be at pH=8, 34.5°C, 3% NaCl, and 7.5g/L of uric acid which resulted in the significant production of 32.5U/ml. This strain can be used in subsequent studies regarding the therapeutic application of this halotolerant enzyme.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2021)

Business environment has a significant impact on performance of all enterprises, and thus affects economic development. According to the view of the majority of economic experts, Iran's business environment is not in a good condition. Most of actions for its improvement are implemented without considering their components interactions and hence no success is achieved.Therefore,before any action, it is crucial that the components of business environement should be identified.The aim of this research is vast analysis of business environment elements and their interaction, Hence the context and business environement improvement is obtained. This research has identified 481 components of the business environment by examining 1751 international and domestic researches. Interpetive- Structural Modeling as a tool of soft operation reseach (OR), makes people and groups map the complex relationships among many elements in a complex decision making situation. In this research, by using Interpretive Structural Modeling we analysed intensity of influence, effects, direct and indirect effects and their dependency. The results of the research show that, the most influential component of business environment is legal environment. Hence, for improvement of legal environment and consequently Iran's business environement patology and procedures of law making are mostly important duty of policy makers.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (Vol.10, No.4, (Articles in Persian) 2019)

The book "The Literary Mind" by Mark Turner, first published in 1996 at the Oxford Publishers Collection, was followed by numerous publications. The book, which has been considered and received by various experts from various branches of cognitive science, linguistics, literature, neurology, and philosophy, has come to light and deep in 208 pages and eight chapters on the subject of literary thought, and in particular the story and the parabolic story on the basis of language and thought. The author has shed light on the role and necessity of literature as a vital element. Despite the general opinion that the literary mind is considered secondary and something special to of the experts of literature, in fact, the main theme of the book is that the activity of mind is essentially literary.This book argues in a revolutionary way that the central theme of cognitive science is the nature of the literary mind.

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