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Volume 5, Issue 18 (Summer 2012)

. Dream is one of the most important elements of modern novel. In Derakht-e anjir-e ma’ābed, the only modern novel by Ahmad Mahmoud, this element plays a key role. At the beginning of the novel, Alamdar-e Avval, mentions his dreams and the Alamdar of the next generation narrates those dreams and finally the Alamdar of the third generation writes down those narrations. Alamdar’s dreams are obscure and complicated and challenge the reader. Besides, later in the book two dreams by Mard-e Digar and Sarmast-e Bakhtiari are narrated. The major dreams form the first chapter of the novel have not been studied analytically yet. This research offers an analysis of these dreams by summarizing the dream in the author’s own language and with the help of Freud’s method in the Interpretation of Dreams based on genetic structuralism according to which different parts of the novel find their meaning only in a general structure.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)

The red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), is one of the most destructive pests attacking stored grain products all over the world. Serious problems assossiated with using synthetic chemical insecticides have strongly demonstrated the need for applying alternative safe compounds such as plant essential oils. The present experiment was conducted to evaluate fumigant toxicity of essential oils from the fresh fruit peel of two Citrus species namely, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck and Citrus paradisi (Macfarlane) against 1 to 7-days-old adults of T. castaneum under laboratoryconditions. Moreover, oviposition deterrence activity of sublethal concentrations of the oils were assessed on the female beetles. All experiments were carried out at 27 ± 1 °C and65 ± 5% r. h. in darkness. Findings indicated the high fumigant toxicity of both essential oils. According to probit analysis, there was no significant differences between C. sinensis (LC50 = 7.27 µl.l-1 air) and C. paradisi (LC50 = 7.70 µl.l-1 air) essentialoils. Also, oviposition deterrence activity of the essential oils was significantly increased as concentrations of the oils were increased from 500 to 2500 ppm. In general, the results of our study demonstrated the high efficacy of C. sinensis and C. paradisi oils against T. castaneum.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Growth, sex ratio and age of 188 specimens of Tench, Tinca tinca, from Anzali wetland were recorded during Nov. 2013 to June 2014. The age range of fish was 0+ to 6+ years. Male to female sex ratio was 1:1.7 that differed significantly (P<0.05). Maximum total length (TL) and weight (W) was 40.7 cm and 1000g, respectively. The b value of the length-weight relationship was 2.70 that showed negative allometric growth (p<0.05). The growth performance index (ϕ) was calculated as 2.61. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters were (L= 47.48 cm, k= 0.18 yr- and t0= -1.07 yr). Tmaxwas calculated 16.41 years. Also infinity weight (W) was estimated as 1261.43 g. The present investigation provides basic information about population structure of Tench (T. tinca) in Anzali wetland.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: In relation to global climate changes, the issue of how forest ecosystems could affect biomass and soil carbon sequestration is essential.
Materials & Methods: To do this research, ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima Mill.) and Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica Greene) plantations were selected each one with an area of 20 hectare in forest park of Malayer, Western Iran. An adjacent area with no tree was selected as control. In each of the plantations and control area, ten plots of 20 × 20 m2 deployed and biomass of trees, biodiversity indices (Shannon–Wiener, Simpson, Menhinick, and Margalef indices), and carbon sequestration of aboveground tree biomass, belowground biomass, leaf litter, grass, and soil were measured.
Findings: The results showed that the carbon sequestration in Arizona cypress plantation (32.32 t ha−1) and the soil under it (11.15 t ha−1) was higher than that in ailanthus plantation and the soil under it (17.99 and 7.6 t ha−1, respectively). However, the soil carbon sequestration under both plantations was higher than that in control area (5.28 t ha−1). According to the results, it was found that herbaceous understory of ailanthus plantation had stored carbon more than arizona cypress plantation. Furthermore, the results indicated that there is a significant difference between two plantations from the point view of the understory plant diversity (Menhinick index in ailanthus and Arizona cypress plantations was 3.17 and 2.44, respectively).
Conclusion: This research confirms that plantation with Arizona cypress tree is more efficient in soil and tree biomass carbon sequestration than plantation with ailanthus trees. Furthermore, according to the results, the understory plant richness in ailanthus plantation was higher than that in arizona cypress.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Objectives: Despite the benefits of antibiotics, their residues in foodstuffs prepared for human consumption could be cancerous and mutagenic and cause allergic reactions with toxic side effects, disorders in intestinal wall, adverse effects on microbial intestinal flora, and the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the residual antibiotics in liver and muscle tissues of poultry samples using the four-plate test (FPT) method in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province.
Materials & Methods: A total of 6406 samples were randomly collected from liver and muscle tissues of 3203 poultry samples from June 2016 to March 2017. Antibiotic residues were detected in liver and muscle samples using the four-plate test (FPT) method.
Findings: During a two-year study period, from a total of 6406 samples collected, 3203 (50%) samples were collected from liver tissues, and 3203 (50) samples were collected from muscle tissues of poultry samples, respectively. Among the liver and muscle samples, 12 (384/3203) and 6.4% (206/3203) were positive for the presence of antibiotic residues, respectively. According to the seasonal distribution of muscle samples, the highest rate of antibiotic residues was detected in the autumn with 3 % (95/3203), while the lowest rate was observed in the winter with 0.25% (8/3203) for both bacteria under study (Bacillus subtilis and Micrococcus luteus). According to the seasonal distribution of liver samples, the highest rate of antibiotic residues was detected in the autumn with 5% (159/3203), while the lowest rate was observed in the spring with 1.1% (35/3203).
Conclusion: In conclusion, a large number of liver tissues collected from poultry samples were contaminated with antibiotic residues, especially at pH=6 and in the autumn season. Therefore, it is recommended to implement appropriate strategies for managing and controlling the use of antibacterial agents in the veterinary industry. Also, it is necessary to monitor the withdrawal time of antibiotics and screen the maximum residue limits (MRLs) in poultry products including liver, egg, and meat.


Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Stem rot with the causal agent Sclerotium rolfsii is a major disease of peanut in Guilan province, Iran. The aim of this investigation was to determine the inhibitory effect of native isolates of peanut root nodulating symbiotic bacteria on this fungus based on in vitro and in vivo studies. Several bacterial strains were isolated and purified from peanut roots collected from different fields. Eight of them were detected as the main symbiotic nodulating strains. These eight isolates were identified as Bradyrhizobium based on 16S rDNA gene analysis and different biochemical tests. The inhibitory effect of these strains on the radial growth of S. rolfsii was studied in vitro using sealed plate and dual culture methods. Strains significantly inhibited radial growth of the fungus on the PDA medium. Br9, Br18 and Br16 were recognized as strong inhibitors and Br14 as weak strain in dual culture method and used in greenhouse experiments. Ability of the selected strains in controlling the stem rot disease, reducing the disease parameters and enhancing the peanut growth parameters was investigated in greenhouse conditions. The strains significantly decreased the white rot index and increased peanut dry matter (P ≤ 0.01) in greenhouse.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Literary text always reflects the idea of writers and poets. In these taxes are used common themes such as freedom, justice, fighting oppression. In addition it is formed highlighting the literary texts and messages up human dignity, a special genre of literature known as the conceptual components of conflict and resistance. Some Motif or repetitive elements, components accompanied concept. “Children” as a motif is selected that repeatedly Lyrics resistance for display. Repeat this element is trying represents the poet to convey certain thoughts related to this issue. To achieve this certainty scratch resistance poems in three languages, Persian, Arabic and French, selected and assigned components of the concept of resistance, the relationship of the “Children” as a motif and cookies is analyzed with these components. The results matched elected in three languages, show competence in the use of intellectual poets in the poetry of resistance “Children” as a motif and is very close to each other. Among the factors studied these motifs have been obvious with the emotional abuse and aspirations role.

Volume 6, Issue 24 (Winter 2013)

Writing, along with fiction, editorial, translation, and writing research papers and critical literary career jamalzade forms. Impact on language practices jamalzade fiction writing and literary issues as one of the main themes, the author of a literary privileged position makes. Major topics include literary criticism, review and introduce new fiction writers have noted that different motivations for jamalzade were sent. . Critical jamalzade impressionistic style in these letters (Tasrgra) and is a hobby which is based on his personal beliefs and preferences as often, and as a professor and veteran informal tone sometimes intimate and loving tone, as Written friends and colleagues. In recent chat critical and scholarly discussion between the two is similar. Issues of language and writing, the main topics of this review. This letter, along with critical essays jamalzade complete picture of him as a literary critic, offers and shows in jamalzade principles and Persian prose fiction, literary manifesto issued from time Until the end of his life, without The same principles remain the same, the assessment criteria for the new generation, he has been criticized for fiction.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2017)

The Iranian organizations high tendency for the establishment of total quality management (TQM) system has caused the researchers also do significant research in recent years in this area. But the lack of attention to basic obstacles and challenges in the successful implementation of quality management systems in Iranian organizations has made does not provide the necessary settings for the full realization of this system. Identifying barriers of TQM using in organizations can be considered the first step in implementing these systems, because as long as the managers and staff have not action is to overcome these obstacles, failure of this project seems inevitable. In this study, after identifying the key barriers to successful implementation of TQM in the gas industry through literature review and interviews with experts, 5 main obstacles detected. Then the communication and sequence of barriers were determined with Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling. Given that intensity of relationships between some obstacles was not clear in FISM method, therefor intensity of the relationship between barriers was determined by using of fuzzy Dematel. The results showed that human resources barriers and conceptual obstacles that must influential barriers be a lot of attention to them. The proposed model can provide a plan to tackle barriers to successful implementation of TQM in the gas industry.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2018)

Bacterial soft rot causes severe damage to potatoes and is responsible for considerable economic losses in potato crop during both growing season and storage period. The most common causal agent of potato soft rot worldwide is Pectobacterium carotovorum (Pc); however in Iran, two other species: P. atrosepticum and P. wasabiae have been reported. Identification and assessment of genetic variation in pathogen populations are very important to understanding taxonomy, epidemiology, and management of a pathogen. In this study, potato stems and tubers showing soft rot symptoms along with their surrounding soil were collected from fields and seed storages of Ardabil province. A total of 33 pectolytic bacterial strains were isolated on nutrient agar and eosin methylene blue culture media. The isolated strains and five standard strains belonging to P. atrosepticum, P. carotovorum and Dickeya dianthicola were studied. The strains were identified as P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum on the basis of phenotypic characteristics including: gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, soft rot production on potato slices, growth at 37 °C, and inability to produce acid from α-methyl-D-glucoside and also molecular identification using species-specific primers. Based on Y1/Y2 and ExpccF/ExpccR primers, the expected amplicons (434 and 550 bp fragments, respectively) were obtained for all strains and the standard strains belonging to P. carotovorum. According to rep-PCR and cluster analysis using UPGMA and NTSYS 2.1 software, the selected strains were categorized into two main groups and four subgroups. Rep-PCR indicated different levels of genetic heterogeneity among Pcc strains, however, no clear correlation was found between clustering and the geographical origin of the strains. 

Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)

Backgrounds: Currently, clinical details of immunosuppressed patients suffering from COVID-19 are limited. Some studies have shown no more severe diseases among them, but others have highlighted that immunosuppressed patients may have high levels of viral load and impaired immune responses. Herein, this study aimed to specifically address the symptoms, prognosis, laboratory tests, clinical course, and the outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infected immunocompromised patients at a tertiary referral center.
Materials & Methods: Clinical and laboratory information of 75 non-congenital immunosuppressed patients with COVID-19 disease was obtained at a referral center for immunodeficiency diseases and infectious disorders in Tehran, Iran. Three groups of immunocompromised patients were evaluated, including patients with a history of organ transplantation, autoimmune patients receiving medical therapy, and cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Findings: Among 75 immune-deficient patients with COVID-19, there were 32 patients with a kidney transplant, 23 patients with malignancies, and 19 patients with autoimmune disorders. One patient had both malignancy and multiple sclerosis. The mean length of hospitalization was 10.82 days. By the end of the study, 24 (32%) patients were dead, and 51 (68%) patients were discharged. Dyspnea was the most common (64%) symptom. Low levels of O2 saturation and lymphopenia at admission time significantly affected the mortality rate of patients.
Conclusion: This study showed that mortality rate among immunocompromised patients was 32%. It seems that COVID-19 has a worse outcome and a more severe clinical course in immunocompromised patients regardless of age, gender, and underlying diseases.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)

This study intends to identify the dimensions and components of the humanitarian supply chain in post-disaster of earthquake and present conceptual model to measure it. After designing the questionnaire and determine its validity and reliability, the questionnaire was distributed between managers and rescuers in partner organizations in helping in earthquakes affected areas Bam in Kerman, Varzaqan-Ahar in east Azerbaijan and Dashti in Boshehr and finally the 284 questionnaires were completed by managers and rescuers in the case studies. Confirmatory factor analysis in order to assess the content validity of the questionnaire is used first, and then to evaluate the importance and performance of these measures in relevant organizations, the one sample t-test method was conducted, and with the help of importance-performance matrix, areas for improvement of components and dimensions are identified and strategies to improve humanitarian supply chain performance in post-disaster of earthquake was presented.
Therefore, the research method is applied and in terms of gathering information tool is descriptive-correlation. The findings indicate, the components of ““supervision of custodian organizations on construction” and “Coordination between partners in rebuilding” were evaluated high importance and low performance and were located in critical area and they are in the first priority. Also, the components of “Correct assessment of damages and needed Equipment and resources for rebuilding” and “provide continuous psychological support and advice to Survivors” were evaluated in high importance and high performance and they are in the next priority.

Volume 7, Issue 14 (Fall & Winter 2021)

The words "ummi" and "ummiin" have been used singularly and collectively in the Qur'an a total of six times. According to commentators and Quran scholars, this Quranic term has different meanings such as "illiterate, common people and a person without a divine book". The translators of the Holy Qur'an have translated it into "the illiteracy and illiteracy of the Messenger of God (pbuh) and his people", which seems to be coordinated with the context of the related verses and the issued narrations. In this article, which was written in a descriptive-analytical method, the translation of this Quranic word was reviewed and it was found that the mentioned meanings do not seem correct and accurate, but according to the context of verses and authentic Shiite narrations, "ummiin" are the ones to whom the Divine book has not been revealed and who do not have the Book. So the majority of translators have only translated literally because they are influenced by intellectual and mental presuppositions.

Volume 7, Issue 26 (Summer 2014)

In this essay the blending of story and discourse in postmodern Persian fictions is analyzed. According to structuralist narratologists' definition, story is the sequence of actions upon to chronological order that characters or existents undergo them; Discourse or narrative discourse is the medium that is selected for narrating the story. In some postmodern fictions, we see some narratives that in their stories or deep-structures, there is not a rich story, and the author don’t want to just narrate, represent or mimic a story. In these narratives, surface-structure and deep-structure (or discourse and story) is blending and spinning so that we cannot summaries that story, or transmit that story to another medium. In the other hand, story existence is depended to narrative discourse. Such narrative technique is evident in some postmodern Persian fictions. In this essay, in addition to discussing the blending of story and discourse, Persian fictions that had this trait are analyzed.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (No.8- 2016)

A Study on the Pictures of the Gods, Deities and Greek Goddesses on Seleucid and Parthian Seals and Seal Impressions Abstract With the fall of the Achaemenid Empire and the arrival of the Greeks in Asia, vast changes occurred in all aspects of life in the countries conquered by Alexander and his successors. These changes can be seen in different shapes in all social, political, cultural, art architecture aspects and even in religious beliefs. Seleucid and Parthian seals and seal expressions clearly show such changes. The mythological and religious pictures include Hellenistic themes such as images of Deities, Gods and Greek Goddesses. The most famous of these designs are Athena, Aphrodite, Zeus, Apollo, Tikkeh (Tikheh), Hermes, Eros, Nike (god of victory) and the god of justice. The samples were taken from centers such as Seleucia on the Tigris , Tel Kedesh, Uruk, Nisa and Saleh Davoude Khuzestan. The presence of these elements on the seals is not identical due to different demographics and the influence of Greek culture. In this paper, the effect of the Greek ideology on belief evolution in conquered territories were comparatively studied by evaluation of seals and seal Impressions. The seals and seal Impressions are historical materials whose pictures can clearly reflect the levels and trends of the changes. Keywords: Seleucid and Parthian periods, Seal and seal Impressions, Greek gods and Goddesses, Hellenism.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (winter 2023)

Aim: The pain and disability caused by chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia disrupt physical, mental, and social activities and job performance. These factors, in turn, diminish mental health in such patients. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) in improving mental health and mitigating alexithymia in fibromyalgia patients.
Method and Materials: This quasi-experimental research adopted a pretest-posttest design with a control group and a three-month follow-up. The statistical population consisted of all females with fibromyalgia in the rheumatology clinic of Rasoul Akram Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Thirty-six of them were selected via convenience sampling based on inclusion criteria. The participants were randomly divided into a control group and two experimental groups, one receiving eight 120-min MBSR sessions and the other one receiving eight 120-min ISTDP sessions. The research instruments included the Mental Health Inventory (MHI) and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). The data were analyzed via repeated measures ANOVA.
Findings: It was found that MBSR and ISTDP interventions were effective in mitigating alexithymia and improving mental health in fibromyalgia patients (P<0.001). There was a significant difference between MBSR and ISTDP, which ISTDP having higher effectiveness and more extended durability in the follow-up stage (P<0.05).
Conclusions: The MBSR and ISTDP interventions effectively mitigate alexithymia and improve mental health in fibromyalgia patients. Therefore, it is suggested that clinical psychologists use such interventions to improve the Quality of Life (QoL) for patients with fibromyalgia

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Simulation Modeling is Useful Tools to Analyze and Evaluate the Dynamic Behavior of the Complex Systems. In this Paper a Simulation Model Developed for Material Handling Equipment in the Sulphid Ore Process of Sarcheshmeh Open-Pit Copper Mine in Sarcheshme Kerman Province of Iran for Increase its Productivity. The Optimum Operating Setting of Sulphid ore Process of an Open-Pit Mine Is Determined Using Simulation Based Optimization Meta Modeling Approach. In the Developing Meta Model Step of this Paper, Design of Experiment (DOE) is used to Identify Critical Variable of the System by Fitting a Quadratic Polynomial Model. Absolute Relative Error (ARE) used to Verification and Validation Meta model. Validation Step Shown That Meta Model Provides Good Estimation to Simulation Results, Therefore It is Validate. Experimental Results Shown That by Using Current Situation Resources, the Optimization Simulation Model Generates Improving Monthly Throughput Rate of Production System and also Decrease Transportation Cost Up 8%.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (summer 2020)

Abstract: The reception is one of the new theories, which has opened a new way in comparative studies over the recent decades. This theory, post by Hans Robert Jauss, returns the readers' role to themselves and insists on it. In as much as in this theory the reception of an author is considered in a foreign country, the reception of Christian Bobin, contemporary French author, is going to be considered in this article. By preparing a list of his translated books in Iran and their analysis by using the concept of Horizon of expectation, we will understand that there is no contradiction between the Iranians' expectations and Bobin's books. The influence of religious texts and using the themes like nature, love and childhood agree with their literary taste and play a role in the reception of this French author.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (No. 8 (Tome 38), (Articles in Persian) 2017)

Modal verbs can shape the acts and decisions. They can either influence the states or the situations. In conjunction and disjunction’s relation between a subject and the object of value, these verbs have key factor and a crucial influence on the story. Changing the situations and going from one place and a level to another place needs sometimes the will and sometimes the power. Because of the juxtaposition of these two factors, the hero of “A man in a cage” faces some conflictual situations that he tries to resolve. Sometimes, he tends to preserve a relation and sometimes he wants to ends a relation, but in the both situations he cannot succeed. This story depicts the life of a man who is always trapped with what he has and what he loses. In such a situation his decisions and his works are so important because they show his position facing different problems and difficulties.
In our analysis, by referring to French semioticians theories like J. Courtés and J. Fontanille, we will show the underlying structure of signification emergence in novel. There are four factors being able to change an act: to want, to have to, to know and to be able to. Any change in each one of these basic elements could modify totally or partially the acts and the states. 
This article tries to show the impact of modal verbs on how feelings can be produced and modified. Because the loneliness is one of the major characteristics of Hassan, we try to discover how these factors can augment or reduce this felling.
Hassan is strongly affected by loneliness and this felling makes him isolated and unable to carry out what he desires. Hassan is very dependent on his wife and other objects; this dependence makes him more isolated and his life seems mysterious to others. This is a very delicate situation and it is the source of his loneliness.                

Volume 8, Issue 4 (fall 2022)

Backgrounds: In this research, an attempt was made to identify Candida isolates collected from women with suspected vulvovaginal candidiasis using single Multiplex PCR reaction as a swift and valid method. Beside, this method was compared with phenotypic methods.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 250 vaginal swabs were collected from patients referring to obstetrics and gynecology specialists. In addition to phenotypic methods, multiplex PCR designed by species-specific primers was performed to identify Candida isolates in a single reaction. Descriptive statistics were analyzed by t-test and Chi-square test in SPSS software (Ver. 22) (p< .05).
Findings: According to the results, 92 positive samples were diagnosed using the culture method. Four species were identified by culturing the specimens on CHROM agar. The most common Candida species isolated was C. albicans (54.3%), followed by C. parapsilosis (28.2%), C. glabrata (17.4%), and C. krusei (1.0%). The most common Candida spp. identified by Multiplex PCR method were C. albicans (50.0%), C. glabrata (33.7%), and C. parapsilosis (6.2%). Also, three mixed infections with C. albicans and C. glabrata as well as C. albicans and C. parapsilosis were identified
Conclusion: In comparison to phenotypic methods, considering the cost-effectiveness of PCR methods, the single multiplex PCR reaction was shown to be efficient in epidemiological studies on pathogenic species.

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