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Showing 244 results for Ghasemi

Volume 21, Issue 147 (May 2024)

To increase the quality and shelf life of mango fruits (Manjifera indica cv. Langra), a factorial experiment was conducted in the form of a completely randomized design with three replications (18 fruits per replication). Mango fruits in mature green stage were harvested from a commercial mango orchard in Roodan city, Hormozgan province. The first factor was ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) with an intensity of 25 watts at three levels (0, 5 and 10 minutes), the second factor was ultrasonic radiation with a frequency of 35 kHz and a power of 280 watts at three levels (0, 3 and 6 minutes) and the third factor was storage time at five levels (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 days). After the treatment with the mentioned proportions of UV-C and ultrasonic, the fruits were stored at 10°C and a relative humidity of 80-85%, and the sampling and the measurements were carried out at different times. Based on the results, ultraviolet and ultrasound treatments prevented the increase of L¬ (lightness), a¬ and b¬  and pH and the decrease of fruit ascorbic acid over time. In ultrasound treatments, the highest amount of ascorbic acid (11.3 mg/100 grams) was found in irradiation for three minutes. In ultraviolet treatments, the decrease of ascorbic acid with time was less than the control, but there was no significant difference between five and ten minutes. Ultrasound treatment for 6 minutes prevented the significant decrease in fruit weight. On the 40th day of storage, the lowest amount of L¬ in fruit flesh (89.44) belonged to ultraviolet treatment for five minutes. Therefore, within 40 days of storage of mango fruit, ultraviolet treatment for five minutes due to maintaining the appearance of the fruit (L¬) and ultrasound treatment for three minutes due to maintaining the maximum ascorbic acid of mango fruit are recommended.

Volume 21, Issue 149 (July 2024)

This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the composite of biodegradable polymers and nanoparticles in hydrogels in the form of a review article. Biodegradable polymer composites with nanoparticles in hydrogels is an advanced research field that combines the accumulation of new technologies in the field of biodegradable polymers and nanomaterials. These composites are created by integrating biodegradable polymers, which decompose naturally and reduce the harmful effects on the environment, with nanoparticles in hydrogels. The presence of nanoparticles in the structure of these composites has improved the mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties and made these compounds as multifunctional materials with wide applications in the fields of food industry, packaging, medicine, environment, and electronics. Hydrogel, as the main matrix of these composites, guarantees the ability of absorbing water and the controlled transfer of active substances. These advances are important not only in the field of science and engineering, but also in making sustainable solutions for future technologies.

Volume 21, Issue 151 (September 2024)

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder caused by a permanent intolerance to certain cereal prolamines with a specific oligopeptide sequence and manifests as gluten intolerance. The aim of this study is therefore to formulate and produce gluten-free pasta based on rice flour and wheat alternative flours and to evaluate their qualitative properties. Different samples of gluten-free pasta were produced from a mixture of rice flour and wheat alternative flours (chia, teff, quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat) with different weight ratios. A commercial pasta was used as the control sample. The color, texture, cooking properties and sensory characteristics of the samples were then investigated. The results showed that as the proportion of alternative flours increased, the color lightness index (L*) decreased and the b* and a* values increased, resulting in a decrease in the whiteness index and an increase in the yellowness index and overall color changes. In addition, the wheat alternative flours had a positive effect on the texture firmness and reduced the baking index, and reduced the glaze index of the final product. The pasta sample with 75% wheat alternative flours and 25% rice flour was selected as the ideal gluten-free pasta sample in terms of overall sensory evaluation. The results show that the use of alternative flours can significantly improve the quality characteristics of gluten-free pasta.

Volume 21, Issue 153 (November 2024)

Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L) fruit is very perishable and needs proper post-harvest management to reduce waste. This study was performed as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications with the aim of increasing postharvest life and maintaining fruit quality of two Cornelian cherry genotypes KKP2 and Hir. Factors included three salicylic acid immersion treatments (0, 1 and 2 mM), four storage times (0, 10, 20 and 30 days) and two Cornelian cherry genotypes. Fruits were harvested at maturity (more than 90% redness of the skin) and healthy and uniform fruits were subjected to immersion treatments and stored for 30 days at 4 ° C. During and at the end of experiment, different physicochemical traits of fruits including soluble solids (TSS), firmness, total phenol, anthocyanin, ascorbic acid, pH and weight loss were examined at 10-day intervals. The results showed that KKP2 genotype had less firmness and TSS and more weight loss than Hir genotype. There was no significant difference between the two genotypes in terms of total acidity. The highest of pH, soluble solids and weight loss were observed in the control or distilled water treatment and salicylic acid treatment prevented the increase of these parameters. The highest levels of ascorbic acid, anthocyanin and firmness were observed in the treatment of 1 mM salicylic acid. The amount of fruit phenol in distilled water treatment was further reduced and the treatments of salicylic acid 1 and 2 mM prevented further reduction of phenol during storage. Salicylic acid treatments can be used as a promising method for increasing the firmness and extending the shelf life of cornelian cherry fruits.


Volume 21, Issue 154 (December 2024)

Medicinal plants have been used since ancient times as a source for treating diseases. Nettle (Urtica dioica) possesses anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antihistamine, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting properties.. The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial effect of nettle leaf aqueous extract using agar disc diffusion, agar well diffusion, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) methods against a number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Results from agar disc diffusion and agar well diffusion tests showed that the most sensitive and resistant fungal strains to nettle leaf aqueous extract were Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi, respectively. As the concentration of nettle leaf extract increased, the zone of inhibition for all tested fungal strains significantly increased. The results indicated that the minimum inhibitory concentration for gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 128, 256, and 256 mg/ml, respectively, and for gram-positive bacteria including Listeria innocua, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus was 128, 64, and 128 mg/ml, respectively. The minimum bactericidal concentration for all tested strains was greater than 512 mg/ml. This study suggests that nettle leaf aqueous extract can be used as a natural antimicrobial compound in the food industry or in the treatment of certain infectious diseases.

Volume 21, Issue 154 (December 2024)

Urtica dioica L., commonly known as nettle is a perennial herbaceous plant that is widely distributed throughout the world. This plant is rich in antioxidant compounds and possesses anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antiallergic properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the bioactive compound groups, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of aqueous leaf extract of nettle plant. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used for identifying the bioactive compound groups. Additionally, the total phenolic content was measured using the Folin-Ciocalteu method, the total flavonoid content was determined by the aluminum chloride colorimetric method, and the antioxidant activity was evaluated using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay and the 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assay. The results showed that the aqueous leaf extract of nettle contained 59.83 mg GAE/g of total phenols, 29.44 mg QE/g of total flavonoids, and exhibited antioxidant activity with 66.47% and 81.32% inhibition of DPPH and ABTS radicals, respectively. This study demonstrates that the aqueous leaf extract of nettle is a significant source of natural antioxidants and can be considered as a suitable alternative to synthetic antioxidants in food and pharmaceutical industries.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (9-2018)

According to scholars of higher education in Iran, a considerable part of Iran's higher education system problems is because of ineffectiveness of decisions and policies of this sector and its non-reliance on scientific and empirical evidence. Open data policy making, as a new concept which considers using public participation in public policy making, can provide scientific and rational backing for policy optimization in Iran's higher education system. Therefore, this mixed approach study attempts to identify requirements of open data policy making in Iran's higher education system with a qualitative approach. At the next step, it applies regression test to analyze role of identified requirements in policy optimization. Results of regression analysis showed that socio-cultural requirements, managerial requirements, political-legal requirements and technical-technological requirements respectively could explain 0.304, 0.273, 0.197 & 0.152 of dependent variable variance.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (April 2022)

The laser cladding of industrial parts to improve their mechanical properties by metal alloys and composites has been a challenge for scientists and experts. The quality and properties of the cladding layer are determined by many factors such as cladding geometry, microstructure, dilution ratio, defects, distortion, surface smoothness, metallurgical changes in the substrate and process efficiency. In this study, the effect of important parameters of the cladding process on the geometric shape, hardness and dilution ratio of the cladding layers of martensitic stainless steel (17-4 PH ) on the substrate of plain carbon steel by solid-state continuous laser with maximum power 2 kW and the method of direct deposition of metal powder are discussed. Variable parameters of laser cladding including powder feed rate, laser scanning speed and laser power have been studied. The parameters of surface quality, geometric shape and absence of porosity have been evaluated and compared. The minimum dilution about 9% was obtained at a 10 mm/s scanning speed, 10 g/min powder feed rate and 330 watts laser power. The results have been showed, appropriate incorporation and uniform distribution of cladding powder has created a cladding surface without any crack and porosity. By studying the hardness of the samples, it has been concluded that the hardness of the substrate surface has increased after cladding.

Volume 22, Issue 11 (November 2022)

One of the main problems in the commercial use of lithium-ion batteries for high energy consumption is the heat problems associated with these batteries. Since many batteries are used together in order to generate higher power, it is important to predict their thermal performance. In this study, a heat management system of a lithium-ion battery equipped with a heat pipe is investigated. For this purpose, a part of a battery pack consisting of two batteries and a heat pipe is selected and its performance is experimentally investigated. These tests are performed at various ambient temperatures through a made test chamber with the ability to accurately control temperature. The experimental results show that although with increasing ambient temperature, the battery surface temperature increases, but due to the decrease in thermal resistance of the heat pipe, the effect of this temperature rise can be moderated and work as an active method. In addition, using forced convection in the condenser section, not only can the battery surface temperature be controlled below 40 ˚C, but it also distributes the temperature uniformly over the battery surface. The use of the heat pipe also helps to maintain more stable temperature conditions with lower temperature fluctuations in consecutive battery cycles.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (Spring 2019)

Expectation interest with the approach of the motivation support of parties from conclusion of the agreement is accepted as the most efficient criterion for assessing contractual damages in Common European Sales Law, Draft Common Frame of Reference and Principles of European Law. Expectation interest means to put the contractual injured party in the position if the contract had been performed. This theory, not only has its particular bases and principles, but also can be justified through the principles governing contractual remedies such as the principle selection freedom of the efficient remedies. Theoretically the principles such as the Transactional nature of the contract, contract as a property and consistency with the theory of efficient breach necessity of playing equal to the rate at the payment the full compensation principle can be cited. Although this criterion has faced some challenges in Iranian law according to article 515 of the civil procedure law, but assessing damages based on this criteria according to the effect that can have on the motivation of parties regarding conclusion of the agreement,optimal allocation of resources, reaching to the contractual objective has particular efficiency. So the current article studies on feasibility of acceptance in Iranian law with the efficiency analysis of this criteria and its relation with particular efficiency.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)

Introduction: The invA gene plays a critical role in the pathogenicity of Salmonella infantis. Marine organisms, including sea cucumbers due to their effective secondary metabolites, have been identified and studied with compounds with antioxidant, anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of this study is to determine effect of sea cucumber extraction (Holothuria leucospilota)  on S. infantis invA gene expression .
Material & Methods: Poultry meat was sampled. The S. infantis strains containing invA gene were isolated. The Hexane extract was extracted from sea cucumber colon tissue. Its effects on S. infantis and its effect on gene expression were investigated by MIC and Real-time PCR, respectively.
Results: Morphological and biochemical characteristics of these bacteria were confirmed. From 450 samples, 12 S.infantis isolates were isolated. The PCR technique was used to identify the invA encoding gene. All 12 isolates have invA virulence genes. MIC was determined 256 µg/ml. The effect of sea cucumber extract on invA gene expression in S.infantis was evaluated, and the rate of change for the invA gene is estimated -1.21.
Discussion & Conclusion: According to our results, hexane extract extracted from the sea cucumber (H. leucospilota) caused reduction ofinvA gene expression in salmonella infantis. So, it can be used as a therapeutic supplement against S. infantis

Volume 23, Issue 4 (Winter 2019)

Introduction: According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2012, globally, a large number of climatic events have increased in recent decades such as extreme temperatures, floods and etc. That’s the number of warm days and nights has increased, and climate models predict extreme temperature by the end of the 21st century (IPCC, 2012). Ecosystems, the global economy and public health are highly vulnerable to these extreme events, especially extreme temperatures (Kunkel et al., 1999). Generally, in Iran, the regionalization of extreme temperatures has been studied. For example, Rezaei et al. (2015) examined the extreme temperatures in two months with extreme temperature and identified different areas for Iran. Masoudian and Darand(2008) also studied extreme cold temperature in Iran and regionalized six areas for Iran. Considering the studies that indicates the occurrence of extreme temperatures for different parts of the world, it is interesting to note the role of these extreme temperatures on evapotranspiration difference between extreme cold and warm temperatures. Evapotranspiration is the water loss from the ground to the atmosphere and defined as a key process in the water cycle (Wang and Dikeson, 2012), which is related to plant growth (Alberto et al., 2014), drought (Anderson et al, 2011), greenhouse gas (Balogh et al., 2015) and climate change (Abtew and Melesse, 2012). The purpose of this study is to answer the question of what is the changes in evapotranspiration under extreme temperature conditions in Iran.
Methodology: For answer the research’s question it found clearly that January 2008 and July 2010 had recorded extreme cold and warm temperatures during the period of 30 years. For these two months, 55- air temperature stations data, soil temperature from NCEP / NCAR reanalysis database, land surface temperature (LST), vegetation cover, and evapotranspiration from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were utilized in five kilometer or 0.05 degree resolution. At first, the risk of occurrence of the extreme temperatures was determined by the distribution of the cumulative risk and the Gumbel distribution during these two months. The land surface temperature data product (LST) namely MOD11C3, which has 0.05 degrees (approximately 5 kilometers or 5600 meters) and with a monthly and global time scale was used. To investigate the changes in evapotranspiration, the MODIS evapotranspiration product namely MOD16 was utilized (Mu et al., 2012). The data is available on an annual, eight-day and monthly basis. In this process, evapotranspiration is provided globally and with a resolution of one kilometer covering 109 million square kilometers of the land’s surface. The algorithm used the Penman-Monteith equation to produce this product (Monteith, 1965). Then for the analysis Pearson’s correlation and coefficient of determination were used. 
Results and discussion: The results showed that the occurrence of extreme temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius is 0.06 in July and temperatures higher than 22 degrees Celsius is 0.008 in January. Also, the probability of temperature higher than 5 degrees Celsius is 0.50 in January. Correlations results indicated that the two factors of energy (air temperature) and soil moisture are the main controller of the relationship between these parameters (LST and evapotranspiration), so that when the air temperature was above 5 degrees Celsius, a significant negative correlation was observed (-0.24 in January and -0.64 In July) and when the air temperature is below than 5 degrees, it will be positive (0.23 in January). Generally, regardless of the threshold, a negative correlation was obtained for every two months, but a weakest negative correlation (close to zero) was observed in January, due to the recording of temperatures exceeding 5 ° C with an incidence of 50%. The humidity factor shows that every two months have suffered from a certain moisture threshold due to extreme cold and warm temperatures, and if there is a moisture limit, this relation will be negative, thus it’s a determination factor for the overall negative relationship (regardless of the temperature threshold) in January.
Conclusion: The extreme temperatures showed the highest impact on evapotranspiration so that air temperature was identified as a trigger for the relationship between LST and evapotranspiration.


Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)

In this research, processing and 3D printing of PETG-ABS- Fe 3 O 4  nanocomposites reinforced with iron oxide nanoparticles in three different weight percentages of iron oxide nanoparticles with PETG70-ABS30 polymer matrix was done. This research was carried out with the aim of strengthening the shape memory properties, thermal properties, mechanical properties and adding the ability to indirectly stimulate the background matrix through the addition of iron oxide nanoparticles. SEM images confirmed that the mixture of PETG-ABS is immiscible and adding nanoparticles does not change the compatibility and miscibility of the base polymer, and this result is consistent with the DMTA analysis was also checked and confirmed. With increasing amount of iron oxide, the tensile strength and elongation decrease, and this decrease in mechanical properties is more pronounced in the sample of 20% by weight of iron oxide compared to the sample of 10% by weight. Nevertheless, the final strength of the samples is around 25 to 32 MPa, which indicates a suitable and acceptable distribution of nanoparticles up to 15% by weight in the polymer field. By increasing the amount of iron oxide nanoparticles, the amount of shape recovery increases and the nanocomposites containing 10, 15 and 20% by weight show shape recovery of 63.77%, 88.48 and 93.33%, respectively.

Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)

Smart materials can react to environmental changes like living organisms and adapt themselves to environmental conditions and changes such as changes in temperature, electric current, magnetic field, light, humidity, etc. Using 3D printing to process smart materials is a new approach known as 4D printing. In this research, processing, manufacturing and 3D printing of PETG-ABS in three weight percentages of 70/30, 50/50 and 30/70 were done. The results of SEM also confirmed the compatibility of these two polymers. In all PETG-ABS mixtures, a combination of sea-island and drop-matrix morphology was observed, and for the 30/70 and 30/70 blends, phase droplets dispersed in the matrix were clearly observed. The results of mechanical properties also showed that as the percentage of ABS in the mixture increases, the tensile strength increases and the elongation decreases. The results obtained from the shape memory test indicate the existence of the ability to program the shape memory property in 4D printing mixtures. As expected, the increase in the weight percentage of ABS was associated with the disorder in the recovery of the mixtures, so the mixture with 70% by weight of PETG and 30% by weight of ABS showed the most favorable shape memory properties.

Volume 23, Issue 11 (November 2023)

The purpose of this study is to develop a new surgeon assistant device applicable in open spinal fusion surgery to improve the accuracy of the entry point for pedicle screw insertion position.

We developed a new device named Surgeon Assistant Pedicle Detector (SA_PeD). SA_PeD detects and shows the accurate entry point for pedicle screw insertion to the surgeon, by using preoperative planning, registration and tracking phases.

The tests were made by eight operators and each of them on five vertebrae with two holes. The results show that the average position error is 0.52±0.26mm. Repeatability and reproducibility of device is also reported which is impressive. The device is also independent of the operator and has same result for all operators.

Considering that maximizing the accuracy, increases costs exponentially, so the device is cost effective in comparison to other expensive robotic and navigation systems and greatly reduces the number of errors. The device also occupies little space in the operating room and is easy to learn for the surgeon to use it.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2020)

The marketing of the technical knowledge services and products in knowledge Intensive Business Service (KIBS) has emerged a challenge to these companies. Knowledge brokers play a key role in providing the specialized services needed by KIBSs to their technical knowledge services and products marketing. The purpose of the present research is to develop a technical knowledge in knowledge Intensive Business Service marketing model with emphasis on the role of Knowledge Brokers. In order to achieve the research model, the method of Thematic Synthesis of systematic literature review has been used. In data collecting, documents, articles, texts and reports in the framework of the research method and through targeted sampling are collected. One of the findings of this research is the three-step function of the Knowledge Broker (access, manipulation and delivery of knowledge) and its role in the quadruple communities of applicants, providers, innovators and knowledge framers in technical knowledge in KIBSs marketing. Finally, the knowledge marketing model of KIBSs with emphasis on the role of Knowledge Brokers was presented.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (April 2024)

In this research, the load-bearing capacities of epoxy-based nanocomposite specimens containing rounded-tip V-shaped notches made of epoxy resin LR 630 and nanographene oxide were studied both experimentally and theoretically under pure opening mode conditions. In order to fabricate the studied specimens, first, the tensile properties and fracture toughness of pure epoxy resin and nanocomposite materials were determined by uniaxial monotonic tension and three-point bending tests. Rectangular plates containing a central rhombic hole with four blunt V-shaped corners with a notch angle of 60° and radii of 1, 2, and 4 mm were utilized as the samples for fracture tests. Then, the samples were subjected to uniaxial tensile loading, and their load-carrying capacities (LCC) were measured. For theoretical predictions, due to the ductile behavior of the studied specimens, a combination of the equivalent material concept (EMC) with the well-known brittle fracture criterion, maximum tangential stress (MTS), was employed. Then, experimental and theoretical results were compared. The results of the experiment showed that by adding nanoparticles to the epoxy resin, its strength improved by about 8%, and it was found that the maximum discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental results was related to the groove with a radius of 4 mm, approximately 9.2%. Finally, it was observed that the new criterion (EMC-MTS) could predict the experimental results well without performing any time-consuming and complex elastic-plastic analysis.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Heavy metal pollutants containing lead have consistently been major sources of environmental contamination over the past decades. Human and industrial activities have directly or indirectly led to the introduction of substantial amounts of lead-based pollutants into soil and groundwater. The Solidification/Stabilization (S/S) technique using cement, by significantly reducing the mobility and solubility of lead in soil, serves as an effective tool for remediating lead-contaminated soils. Conversely, the heavy metal pollutant lead significantly affects the setting time of cement, and the setting time directly impacts the efficiency of cementitious compounds. Consequently, understanding the interaction between lead and cement is of paramount importance. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the influence of the heavy metal lead on the setting time and microstructural interaction of lead and cement. To achieve this, lead nitrate solution with concentrations of 0, 10,25,50, 100, 250 and 500 kg/cmol-solid, was added to cement. The effect of lead on the hydration process and setting time of cement was examined through setting time tests, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, and leachability analysis (TCLP). According to the research results, the precipitation and chemical complexation of the heavy metal lead in the form of Pb(OH)2 and Pb-C-S-H delayed the cement hydration process, extended the initial and final setting times of cement paste, and immobilized and solidified lead pollution effectively. By adding 25 kg/cmol-solid lead nitrate, the initial setting time of cement increased from 65 minutes to 155 minutes. Microstructural results demonstrated that cement effectively interacted with heavy metal lead up to a concentration of 100 cmol/kg-solid during the Solidification/Stabilization (S/S) process, keeping pollutant levels within permissible limits for soil.

Volume 25, Issue 3 (5-2023)

Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) an important marine species of high economic value and excellent meat quality, has suffered great losses due to disease in high-density aquaculture. The macroalgae, Gracilaria pygmaea, which include various bioactive compounds, may serve as an immunostimulant in the aquaculture industry. This study aimed to assess the effect of dietary fish meal replacement with Gracilaria pygmaea meal on immunity, activity of liver antioxidant enzymes, intestinal tissue, lysozyme gene activity, and IGF-I gene activity in Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer). To this end, 120 individuals of Asian sea bass with an average weight of 28±0.5 g were divided into four treatments and three replicates and kept in 12 tanks (10 fish per 300-liter tank). Blends of soybean meal and fish meal were used as a Control diet (C). Experimental diets were prepared to substitute the fish meal with 3 (GL3), 6 (GL6), and 9% (GL9) of G. pygmaea in the basal diet. Fish were fed three times daily for six weeks. Dietary supplementation of G. pygmaea led to significantly increase in total immunoglobulin level compared to the control. The inclusion of G. pygmaea in the diet did not affect the antioxidant status of the fish. The histological analysis showed that fish of all groups exhibited normal morphology of anterior intestine and pyloric caeca. The obtained results showed that fish of GL9 and the control groups had the highest IGF-1 mRNA transcript abundance in the liver compared to the other groups. The changes of lysozyme expression noticed among the groups were statistically insignificant. Overall, the results obtained in this study indicated that dietary G. pygmaea did not cause adverse effects on immune status, antioxidant status, intestinal morphology, and lysozyme gene activity in Asian sea bass.

Volume 25, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)

The purpose of this study was comparison study on antibiotic resistance profile and multiple antibiotic resistance index (MAR Index) in the Campylobacter spp. isolates from domestic animals and water. To performing the study, 392 fecal and water samples were collected from poultry (182), cow (141), sheep and goat (41) and tap water (28). All samples were subjected for isolation of Campylobacter spp. using pre-treatment-Kapandis Baseri (prêt KB) method and the isolates were confirmed by sequencing of 16srRNA genes. Furthermore, Campylobacter isolates were assessed for antibiotic resistance profile and multiple antibiotic resistance index (MAR Index) by using disk diffusion method. The results indicated that Campylobacter spp.  isolated from 50 samples. The isolation rate was highest in poultry (37/50) and lowest in goat (2/50). 36 isolates were identified as Campylobacter jejuni and the rest (14 isolates) were identified as Campylobacter coli. All of C. jejuni and C. coli isolates found resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanic, erythromycin and chloramphenicol and all sensitive to ciprofloxacin, kanamycin, gentamicin, streptomycin, tobramycin, tetracycline and imipenem. 36% of C. jejuni  and 14% of C. coli had multiple antibiotic resistance index 0.2 and upper. Therefore, based on foregoing evidence, all of the isolates were resistant to antibiotics, therefore, human infection with Campylobacter spp. via utilization of animal origin products is possible.  

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