Showing 244 results for Ghasemi
Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2010)
Literary Genre
Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2022)
This study aimed to standardize the Responsibility Questionnaire in Asia's Elite Football and Futsal Referees. The statistical population of this study was elite soccer referees and Asian futsal in two sections of men and women, among which 292 questionnaires were collected. A researcher-made responsibility questionnaire, which consisted of 25 questions, was used to collect data. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was accepted after translation by professors and sport management specialists. Statistical methods were descriptive statistics, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, McDonald's omega Coefficient, Theta Coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Analytical results showed (α=0.90, Ω=0.921, θ-0.934) reliability for the responsibility questionnaire. All questions had a significant relationship with their agent in the reliability of Structure, the amount of relationship, and T-value, and they could be a good predictor for their agent. X2/df=2.91, RMSEA=0.093 indexes and NFI=0.98, CFI=0.98, IFI=0.90, GFI=0.94, and AGFI=0.92 also confirmed the goodness of models. Also, the results about the relations of factors with the meaning of responsibility showed that all factors could be a good predictor for the concept of responsibility. Questionnaire responsibility is a reliable and valid measure that can be used to evaluate responsibility in sports, and reliable and consistent results are achieved.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)
One of the human resource managements’ functions is choosing qualified personnel in accordance with activities of organization. Selecting qualified human resources enables organization to have proper function according to strategic objectives. This paper aims to identify a criteria for selecting employees using Delphi and fuzzy multi-criteria decision making method under uncertainty situation to maximum productivity. Research Method is of development-applied and data collection method is library studies and field data collection using questionnaires and interviews. Population is senior and junior managers of small and medium sized industries in industrial areas in Markazi Province and snowball method was used for sampling. Fuzzy TOPSIS method has been used for data analysis alongside with DLSM group decision-making using MS Excel and PASW Statistics softwares. Reliability of the questionnaire tested by Cronbach's alpha method and its validity determined using content validity. Results identified 15 criteria of “character, discipline, physical characteristics, ethics, literature, intrinsic motivation, lack of criminal record, systems thinking, skill, intelligence, training, experience, age, education, and appropriate referral” in same ranked order.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)
Aims: Many infectious diseases had traditionally been cured with herbal medicines. Antimicrobial agents are often produced synthetically to increase the food durability and quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the antimicrobial properties of the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Allium schoenoprasum.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, after preparation Allium schoenoprasum samples, aqueous and alcoholic extracts were prepared and their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae by micro broth dilution method. Erythromycin was used as the control.
Findings: The MIC of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of A. schoenoprasum was 16-256 and 32->256µg/ml, respectively and MBC of them were 32-256 and 64->256ug/ml, respectively. The A. schoenoprasum exhibited higher activity against S. aureus and B. cereus strains.
Conclusion: The extracts of A. schoenoprasum have antimicrobial effect on S. aureus, B. cereus, E. coli and V. cholerae strains in micro broth dilution method.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)
Aims: Infections by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) are increasing problems in pediatrics and are usually associated with higher hospital costs and mortality rates. The aims of this study were the statistical investigation of the worldwide prevalence and risk factors of ESBL and CPE family members among pediatric population.
Instruments and Methods: From October 1, 1995 to July 27, 2017, some keywords including “ESBLs”, “carbapenemase”, “pediatrics”, “children”, and “risk factor” were searched in the searching databases such as Google Scholar, Embase, Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science among original research articles. The univariate and multivariate analysis of the collected data was performed by Graph Pad Prism 6.1 software.
Findings: The mean percentage of ESBL production was 20.23±22.31 and the mean percentage of CPE was 1.81±2.77. E. coli (n=991) and K. pneumonia (n=627) were the predominant ESBL-producers. Nephrology (n=5005) and NICU (n=1805) were predominant hospital wards. ESBL-PE had significantly higher prevalence in the infants unit (OR=0.9832, 95% CI=12.271-19.519; p<0.001). Moreover, ICU ward was a significant and independent risk factor for CPE acquisition (OR=0.849, 95% CI=2.211-5.415; p=0.0035). ESBL-PE and CPE were significantly isolated from blood samples (OR=0.9276, 95% CI=1.508-2.433, p<0.0001) and fecal specimens (OR=0.968, 95% CI=2.829-5.133, p<0.0001), respectively.
Conclusion: Most of risk factors between ESBL-PE and CPE are similar including previous hospitalization and prolonged use of antibiotics, cephalosporins, and previous colonization. Other possible potential risk factors that should be considered include presence of catheters and travel history. Detection of risk factors provides useful information for formulation of infection control policy.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (spring 2023)
Aims: One of the challenges of today's world is the crisis of spirituality, which occurred mainly due to the focus of modernism on materialism and consumerism. In the last twenty years, the ideas of thinkers about spiritual architecture and urbanism have started. The purpose of this research is to understand the dimensions of the quality of spirituality and measure it in some urban spaces of Isfahan.
Method: A simple review method was used to review the literature, a Delphi method and a semi-structured interview with elites and an in-depth interview with citizens were used to identify the characteristics of spiritual urban spaces. Interviews analysis with thematic analysis.
Findings: The opinions of two groups of elites and citizens in order to rank 22 selected spaces of Isfahan city based on a Likert scale were analyzed using a questionnaire and Friedman's test to rank the perception of spirituality and variance analysis has been used to compare the perception of spirituality of different groups.
Conclusion: The results show that the spiritual urban space is formed in a context based on religious or non-religious beliefs and each of these contexts lead to the formation of social and cultural identity in the city. Such spaces have different effects on people, which include a good relationship with God, himself, others, and nature. Also, based on the scores of two groups of professors and citizens, Jame Mosque has the highest score and Hassan Abad Bazaar has the lowest score for the level of spirituality in the urban spaces of Isfahan.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Nowadays, biological substances have allocated many applications to themselves in distinct industries. In this field, biological molecules with various potentials have been identified, from which we can refer to bacteriorhodopsin (BR). Bacteriorhodopsin is found in purple membrane of halobacterium salinarum. Due to its stability and various characteristics like possession of properties of a proton pump, bacteriorhodopsin has many applications in different industries. One of the most important industrial and semi-industrial production processes for bacteriorhodopsin is the isolation and purification of the purple membrane. In this investigation, after halobacterium salinarum culture, the purification was done according to the Yucel method. So as to produce bacteriorhodopsin in semi-industrial scale, a modified method was developed by substitution of mechanical approach with enzymatically method to destruction of DNA and uses of osmotic shock instead of dialyze. This method led to decrease of time and isolation cost in comparison to Yucel method. The contamination percentage of the PM was estimated below 5% for both methods. The purification percentages were 67±1% and 68±4% for the modified method and Yucel method, respectively, which is indicating of the equal purification percentage for both methods. Bacteriorhodopsin amount was 8.2±0.4, 8.1±0.6 mg per liter for the improved method and Yucel method, respectively. The enzyme activity assay by Kuyama method indicated that the pH variation was 1 unit with the same BR amount for both methods. Hence, the modified method introduced in this investigation could reduce time and costs of the purification by maintaining the BR characteristics.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2015)
In 2011-2012 surveys for phytoplasma diseases, eggplant )Solanum melongena L.( plants with phyllody symptoms were observed in eggplant fields of Roodan (Hormozgan province of Iran). Agent of Roodan Eggplant Phyllody (REP) was transmitted from phyllody affected eggplant to eggplant and tomato by grafting and to periwinkle via dodder inoculation inducing phytoplasma-type symptoms. Phytoplasmal infection also was demonstrated by positive direct PCR reaction with phytoplasma universal primer pair P1/P7 and nested PCR using P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2 primer pairs.A P1/P7 primed PCR product from a naturally phyllody affected eggplant was cloned and sequenced and submitted to GenBank under accession number JX464669. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of P1/P7-primed PCR product indicated the presence of a pigeon pea witches'-broom (16SrIX) group related phytoplasma in naturally phyllody affected eggplants. Using 16S rRNA and SR sequences, Blast search, phylogenetic and virtual RFLP analyses and nucleotide homology percent revealed that REP associated phytoplasma is classified with members of 16SrIX-C subgroup. To our knowledge eggplant is reported for the first time as a host for a 16SrIX group related phytoplasma.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)
Research subject: The need to increase agricultural production in proportion to population growth and water crisis management requires initiatives that can increase the quantity and quality of crops by using soil moisture storage methods while preserving the environment. In this study, the effect of different wt. % of Thermoplastic starch (TPS) with maleic anhydride (MA) as compatibilizer and nanoclay (15A) on gel content and mechanical properties of Polylactic acid (PLA) and blends of Linear low-density polyethylene/ Low-density polyethylene (LLDPE / LDPE) was evaluated.
Research approach: Here, 0, 10, 20 and 30 wt. % TPS were added to the blends of LLDPE/LDPE (20/80) and also PLA. Independent parameters in the experimental design were wt. % of TPS, basic polymer type that was PLA or TPS and aging test. For dependent parameters were considered gel content, tensile strength, elongation at break and elastic modulus. Experiments were designed in General Full Factorial Design and performed in three replications.
Main results: Gel content in LLDPE/LDPE blends increased with the addition of TPS and decreased for PLA blends. The gel content change range for experimental samples before and after the aging test was between 10 to 21 and 2 to 5 percent, respectively. Tensile strength and elongation at break were reduced by adding TPS in both series of compounds before aging test. But this reducing rate was less in the 20 wt. % of TPS. The values of tensile strength and elongation at break were: 12 to 19 MPa and 50 to 350 percent, respectively. These values changed after the aging test between 7 and 11 MPa and from zero to 5 percent, respectively.
Keywords: biodegradability, low density polyethylene, poly lactic acid, thermoplastic starch.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Summer 2022 2022)
During the last century, the idea of material progress and domination of nature, despite its undeniable achievements on various levels of life, has posed several dangers and environmental damages to human life. According to the evidence and research conducted on the destructive environmental issues in Iran, our country is not safe from what can be called the risk of progress trap. In the present study, the research question addresses the effects of changing and destroying the natural and ancient texture of land on the health of life sphere. In response to this question, a hypothesis has been tested indicating that conscious and unconscious interventions and manipulations in the natural context of the ecosystem and climate can expose the ever- diverse and balanced nature of Iran to erosion and inevitable bad frequencies. The present article method is descriptive-analytic and critical approach is used as a theoretical framework. The theoretical foundations of “climate” in political geography and “life-world” in phenomenological philosophy are used as tools for analysis.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 17), (Articles in Persian) 2014)
Tabaghat-o-Alsufiya is one of the ancient Persian texts written in the Harat area (Fifth century AD). Khwaja Abdullah Ansari was a Sufi who was preaching many people in several meetings in Harat. His sermons were written by one of his students later, which called ''Tabaghat-o-Alsufiya''. This text's analysis can show some unspoken language tips about the current dialects at that geographic area. This article has focused on Arabic language effects on language of Tabaghat. After a while of the presense of Arabs, arabic language for various social, scientific, religious, political and cultural reasons, influenced Persian language and the works of great Iranian writers and poets. Ansari´s book's language shows it has been influenced from Arabic language in some structure (grammar), vocabulary, phonetic and lexical features. This paper attempts to explain this subject with evidences and examples from the text. The study was done after careful reading of Tabaghat-e-Ansari by using content analysis method.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)
Among fungi, species of the genus Paecilomyces are considered as promising biological control agents with high potential to reduce root-knot nematode (RKN) and other nematode populations. In this research we investigated a soil hyphomycetes, Paecilomyces marquandii and its pathogenicity on eggs of RKN in vitro. In greenhouse test, root weight, plant length, fresh weight and dry weight of plants, gall index and proportion of infected eggs were determined. P. marquandii, effectively promoted growth of plants inoculated with M. incognita by suppressing its pathogenesis as root galling and reducing egg mass production. At 25 °C, a great number of nematode eggs were parasitized by P. marquandii, inhibiting juvenile development.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are commonly used as biological agents for control of insect pests. This study was carried out to identify EPNs, determine dominant and frequent species in Kurdistan province, Iran and characterize their symbiotic bacteria. Identification of EPNs was performed based on morphological and morphometrical characters and also rRNA-ITS gene sequences. Two EPNs, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) were identified. Out of totally 150 soil samples collected mainly from mid-southern parts of the province, 60% were positive for EPNs. Heterorhabditis bacteriphora showed the highest frequency in this region, remarkably 59.3% of soil samples contained this species. Incidences of H. bacteriphora in grasslands, woodlands and alfalfa fields were 57.3, 14.6 and 28.0 percent, respectively. Steinernema feltiae was found only in alfalfa fields with 0.66% frequency. Bacterial symbionts of H. bacteriophora and S. feltiae were also identified based on biochemical characters and recA gene sequencing. In this research, two species of Photorhabdus were isolated from H. bacteriophora namely P. luminescens subsp. kayaii and P. temperata subsp. thracensis. Xenorhabdus bovienii was identified from infective juveniles of S. feltiae.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (No.3 (Tome 19), (Articles in Persian) 2014)
"Personal pronouns" is one of the important issues in Persian grammar that most of the linguists and grammarians have dealt in their works and more or less presented a similar definition to the subject. In general, personal pronouns in Persian language and most of the related text have been applied in the same way; but with reference to the presence of some of the linguistic features in some ancient texts that are outcome of their relationships with diverse periods and geographical domains, it is possible that personal pronouns could have been used to some extent in different forms. The current paper intends to show the manner and different applications of personal pronouns in Tabaqat-al-Sufiyya, their origin and ratio of homogeneity and non-homogeneity of the book with other ancient texts. The personal pronouns in this text have often been used jointly with other texts or in certain cases different from them. Here, we primarily focuses on the usage of personal pronouns in Tabaqat-al-Sufiyya and ancient Herat dialects and remember them as "shebhe shenase". Specific usage of personal pronouns, specially "shebhe shenase" in ancient Herat dialects and Tabaghat is influenced by moderate Persian. From the point of view of its objectives, the current research is an applied in nature which has been accomplished through descriptive-analytical method after a detailed study of Tabaqat-al-Sufiyya and some other sources.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Fall 2021)
Research subject: Biodegradable compounds with high mechanical and thermal properties are one of the intersting research topics. Polylactic acid is an aliphatic polyester with high biodegradability and flexibility. It, however, suffers from several weaknesses such as high permeability to water vapor and gases, low glass transition temperature, poor thermal stability and brittleness which can be improved by the incorporation of nano-scale fillers giving rise to bionanocomposites. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the simultaneous incorporation of cellulose nanocrystals and nanosilver on the mechanical, thermal and water vapor permeability behavior of polylactic acid-based films.
Research approach: Polylactic acid films and their bionanocomposites containing different levels of cellulose nanocrystals (0.01, 0.03 and 0.05 g) and nanosilver (0.01 g) were prepared by solution casting method. To improve compatibility and miscibility of the polymer, cellulose nanocrystals were reacted with acetic anhydride and modified. FTIR spectroscopy, tensile test, thermal properties (DSC), migration test and antibacterial properties were used to study the properties of the samples. The water vapor permeability of the samples were also measured.
Main results: The addition of cellulose nanocrystals, increased the glass transition temperature (Tg) and melting point (Tm) of the samples. The presence of cellulose nanocrystals increased the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of the bionanocomposite relative to pure polylactic acid. With the addition of cellulose nanocrystals, permeability was reduced by about 25%. As the amount of cellulose nanocrystals increased, the swelling and water absorption of the samples increased significantly. The migration rate of the samples also decreased after the addition of nanocellulose.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)
Research subject: In recent years, several studies have been performed for improving the adhesion properties of polyurethane and acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs). Generally, polyurethane PSAs are of higher shear strength, while acrylic PSAs have higher tack. This research is a feasibility study of exploiting the properties of both of these adhesives through a simple blending method, and the adhesion properties were evaluated.
Research approach: First, acrylic copolymer (Ac) consisting of 82 vol. % butyl acrylate and 18 vol. % methyl methacrylate was solution polymerized. On the other hand, a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) containing 17.5 wt. % hard segment was prepared by bulk polymerization. Blending of these two polymers was performed by solution mixing. Solutions of the pure polymers and their blends at different contents were cast on polyethylene terephthalate backing and dried at room temperature. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, and differential scanning calorimetry were used to identify TPU and Ac. Loop tack, static shear strength, dynamic mechanical behavior, contact angle of sessile drop, morphology, and haze of the PSAs were evaluated.
Main results: Tack of the acrylic PSA was higher than TPU PSA. Tack of the blend PSAs containing 20, 40, and 60 wt. % TPU was higher than the pure components and that of the blend containing 40 wt. % TPU was maximum. This blend demonstrated the lowest water contact angle compared to the other blends and the shortest relaxation time compared to the pure polymers, which resulted in better wetting and higher tack. The shear strength of the PSAs increased with increase in the content of TPU to higher than 40 wt. % in the blends compared to the acrylic PSA; so that the pure TPU showed the highest modulus at various frequencies and hence exhibited high-shear PSA characteristics in the Chang’s viscoelastic window and the highest adhesion strength. The immiscibility of the blends was confirmed by measuring the haze and calculating the Hansen solubility parameter.
Volume 5, Issue 4 ( Fall 2023)
Place is the center of geography and identity; it is the manifestation of culture in place. Parliamentary elections, as a political event, play an effective role in representing the voters' spatial identities. The interests of individuals play a decisive role in directing their work. The performance and action of humans are subject to the understanding and perception they have of the surrounding geographical environment, which gives meaning to their interests. The geographical environment is a concept mixed with social, political, economic, and natural factors whose intertwining has played a fundamental role in giving direction and meaning to human character, effort and spatial identity. Elections are the highest level of representation of local identities in heterogeneous constituencies in which local identities are reflected. Due to its geographical location throughout history, Iran has had a wide variety of local identities, among which the elections of the Islamic Council played a role in revealing this diversity of identity and, accordingly, the diversity of spatial voting patterns. In North Khorasan, it is one of those culturally diverse areas from a linguistic point of view, and the identities arising from this diversity have played an effective role in pushing and pulling the votes of the candidates for the election of the Islamic Council. Identities and cultural contexts have sometimes led to the neglect of worthy candidates and competent representatives at the center of national decision-making.
Esfarayen Constituency includes the cities of Bam, Safi Abad and Markazi, which is the third constituency in the province in terms of population. In terms of language, the residents of this area speak the Kurdish dialect of Kurmanji, Tati, Farsi, and Turkish, and religiously, they follow the Shiite religion. This constituency was a part of the constituencies of Khorasan province until the sixth term of the Islamic Council elections, and from the seventh term, with the separation of Khorasan province, this constituency was assigned to North Khorasan province. Esfarayen Constituency has a representative in the Islamic Council. The current research aims to investigate and analyze the impact of spatial identities arising from linguistic diversity on the orientation of the spatial pattern of voting in the Esfarayen constituency. The methodology governing the text has a descriptive-analytical nature, and the statistics and information needed for the research were collected by the library and field method (questionnaire) and then analyzed using spss software.
The result of the research showed that the elements of place identity such as the number of co-citizens and co-speakers of the candidate, ethnicity, co-lingualism, ethnic population and co-speakers of the candidate being co-citizens with the election candidate, respectively, had the greatest impact in creating the voter base for the candidate representing the Islamic Council at the constituency level. On the contrary, the parliament candidate's belonging to a particular party, the opinion of religious elders and clan elders, the candidate's experience and education, and the correctness of the candidate were, respectively, less important in getting the votes of the candidates.
Volume 5, Issue 10 (Fall & Winter 2019)
The proper translation of sentences from one language into the other is of utmost importance and, in order to accomplish this, the translator should not merely translate the words directly to the target language. Rather it is necessary to consider the concept of conditional sentences in the source language, then the closest structure that makes the same sense in the target language has to be chosen. This is important in translation of the conditional sentences of the Holy Quran into English, due to some differences in the structure of the two languages and the capacity of the target language, and it requires more precision from the translator. In this research, it has been tried to use the descriptive-analytical method to study the various conditional sentences forms in the Holy Qur'an and their exact equivalence in English. Then the most important mistake positions in translation of the conditional sentences of the Quran into English such as the attention to the time of the verbs, the concept of unrealness and unlikeness, the concept of requirement of if clause for the accomplishment of the main clause etc, is mentioned and eventually the function of five translations Arberry, Rodwell, Pickthal, Yusuf Ali and the Saheeh International is analyzed. One of the results of this research is the expression of specific priciples in the translation of Quranic conditional sentences, which improves the translations, and criticizm of the performance of the five translators in question.
Volume 5, Issue 16 (9-2017)
One of the noticeable of the presence of women in folklore literature stories and formal literature stories, specially in love stories which almost illustrates positive and awe_ inspiring visage of elderly women is the character of DAYA (wet nurse). DAYA who her fundamental function is lactating and nurturing adopted infants in their childhood, sometimes in stories perform even more mothers for challenging situations in their adolescence. In addition to this, sometimes DAYA appearance as leaders or someone who aids the main characters of the stories by their experience of resolving problems. Some of the most important performances of DAYA in stories include: the intervention between lover and beloved, aiding the lover and beloved in their alliance, courage and helping warriors and AYYARAN, socio-political activities and saving adopted children’s life. On the other hand, sometimes we face procurer who perform noticeable roles in misogyny stories and demonstrate the negative visage of women, versus the positive character of wet nurses particularly in formal stories. In this research we will verify the roles and activities of wet nurses in some book namely: Samak-e Ayyar‚ Darab Name‚ Firuz-Shah Name, Jami ul-Hikayat; Sindbad Name‚ Tuti Name. . the main purpose of this research is illuminating one of the aspect of women’s characteristics in folklore literature and its reflection on literary letter which is culturally important.