Showing 244 results for Ghasemi
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)
Controller design for non-linear multi-input, multi-output systems, such as unmanned quadrotor vehicles, has always been a challenging issue due to the strong interconnection between state variables and highly nonlinear dynamic equations. In addition, quadrotor is an under-actuated non-linear dynamic device. Due to being under-actuated for moving in the horizontal direction, the combination of changes in the speed of the existing quadruple operators should be used. So that, by creating the angle between the quadrotor hypothetical plane and the horizon surface, the device can be forced to move in the longitudinal or transverse direction. Therefore, in the quadrotor control system, two nested control loops are required. An outer loop to determine the appropriate angle of the device relative to the horizon for horizontal movements and an inner loop that is required to angle of the device panel is equal to this angle. In this paper, a fuzzy hybrid super-twisting sliding mode non-linear controller for controlling a sample quadrotor is designed. For this purpose, a fuzzy controller in the outer loop and a super twisting sliding mode controller in inner loop are used. An important advantage of this strategy is that it optimizes the horizontal speed of the device. If the distance from the target is too high, the angle of the device panel also increases, and if the distance is reduced, the angle also decreases. As a result, the device reaches the target with the desired speed. The performed simulation results confirmed this fact.
Volume 18, Issue 1 (may 2018)
Data showed that by increasing the adsorbent dose, the availability of sorption sites eased resulting in greater percentage removal of the dye. The percent adsorption increased with increased contact time. Maximum quantitative removal of MB from an aqueous solution was obtained in 10 min for GFP contact time. The pH of an aqueous solution is an important factor in dye adsorption, as it affects the surface charge of the sorbent material and the degree of ionization of the dye molecule.The effect of pH on the amount of MB adsorbed onto fruit pulp was investigated over the pH range from 2 to 12. amount of dye adsorbed per unit mass of the adsorbent increased with increase in the initial concentration up to 25 mg/L. The When the of the solution was 2-6, the sorption of methylene blue was slightly weaker than at pH 6-12 due to poor dissociation of carboxyl Groups. The qe was found to increase with increasing pH. Optimal pH was determind 9. This can be on the basis of a decrease in competition between positively charged H and MB for surface sites and also by decrease in positive surface charge on the adsorbent, which results in a lower electrostatic repulsion between the surface and MB. SEM is one of the useful tools to examine the surface morphology of the biosorbent the SEM micrograph shows that the surface of GFP was porous.FTIR analysis showed that the main functional sites taking part in the sorption of MB included carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. Adsorption data are most commonly represented by the equilib-rium isotherm value, which is a plot of the quantity of the sorbate removed per unit sorbent (qeq) as the solid phase concentration of the sorbent against the concentration of the sorbate in the liq-uid phase (Ceq). The equilibrium isotherm value is of fundamental importance for the design and optimization of the adsorption sys-tem for the removal of a dye from an aqueous solution. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the most appropriate correlation for the equilibrium curve. Several isotherm models have been used to predict validity of the experimental data. The Langmuir isotherm is based on the assumption of monolayer adsorption on a structurally homogeneous adsorbent, where all the adsorption sites are identical and energetically equivalent, wherein the adsorption occurs at specific homogeneous sites within the adsorbent, and once a dye molecule occupies a site no further adsorption can take place at that site. The results indicate that the data for adsorption of dye (R2= 0/9738) fitted well with Langmuir isotherm. Studies suggest that GFP can be effectively used as a cost-effective adsorbent for removal of MB from aqueous solution. Batch adsorption studies show that removal is dependent upon process parameters like pH, sorbate and sorbent concentrations and contact time. The experimental equilibrium sorption data obtained from batch studies at optimized conditions fit well to Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation, indicating monolayer adsorption. FTIR analysis showed that the main functional sites taking part in the sorption of CV included carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. The number of experiments decreased of 256 to 64 by Taguchi method. Based on this that many textile industrial waste waters have an alkaline pH(8-12),this adsorbent can be used instead of effective compound. The present work shows that GFP is an efficient sorbents for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution and it may be an alternative to more costly sorbents such as activated carbon. The Taguchi method was efficient manner for optimizing process.
Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)
Free convection heat transfer of a non-Newtonian thickening power law fluid in a closed asymmetrical enclosure with fixed aspect ratio was investigated in this study. Many of the previous studies, addressed the case with symmetrical heat transfer enclosure and for a given inclination. The governing equations were established by the finite volume method and solved by the SIMPLEC algorithm. In order to evaluate the code, its results were compared to those of other papers in the field of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The impact of the enclosure inclination and the Rayleigh number on the heat transfer and the flow field were investigated. It was found that for Rayleigh numbers smaller than , inclination has little impact on heat transfer, while at Rayleigh numbers larger than , the lowest heat transfer was observed at an angle of . Moreover, the results pertaining to Newtonian and non-Newtonian thickening fluids were compared. The results show that heat transfer by thickening non-Newtonian fluids, in addition to other parameters, depends on the parameter (n) and in the case of the angle of inclination , the heat transfer of Newtonian and non-Newtonian thickening fluids is equal. Considering the non-Newtonian behavior of the fluid and nondimensionalization of the problem, a new dimensionless number known as the extended Prandtl number 〖(Pr〗^*) appeared in the equations that depends on fluids characteristics, flow geometry, and the power law exponent . Its optimal value was observed at 〖(Pr〗^*=0.07) where heat transfer from the enclosure was at maximum.
Volume 18, Issue 4 (1-2016)
Objective: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a broad range of molecules and neurotrophic factors essential for neurogenesis. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into the cells with neural-like phenotype under the induction of appropriate growth factors. According to the significant role of retinoic acid (RA) in neurogenesis, this study aims to differentiate BMSCs into neuron-like cells using CSF, RA, and the combination of CSF and RA.
Methods: Rat BMSCs were isolated and characterized. The CSF was prepared from the cisterna magna of 19-day-old Wistar rat embryos. The BMSCs were induced by either 5% CSF (CSF group), 10-6 µM RA (RA group), or CSF plus RA (CSR group) for 12 days. Morphology of differentiated cells was examined by inverted microscope and axonal outgrowth measured using Image J software. In addition, the expression of neural-specific markers (Nestin and MAP-2) was examined by immunocytochemistry.
Results: We observed specific-neuronal morphology in the differentiated cells. The maximum axon length was seen in the CSR group on the 12th day of induction. Immunocytochemistry results showed that the neural progenitor marker (Nestin) was expressed in all treated groups. However, MAP-2, as a mature neural marker, was only expressed in the CSR group.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that CSF accompanied RA lead to differentiation of cells with neuronal and glial phenotypes from BMSCs in vitro.
Volume 18, Issue 4 (8-2018)
This study aims to investigate the transverse vibration of single- and double-layered graphene sheets embedded in an elastic medium based on the third-order shear deformation theory considering the axial force effect within the framework of Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory, where the governing equations of motion are obtained using Hamilton’s principle. The superiority of the studied non-local continuum model to its local counterpart is to consider the effect of size on the mechanical behavior of the structure. The results from a natural frequency analysis are obtained for different conditions such as the effect of size and aspect ratio, axial force, nonlocal coefficient, and change in the stiffness properties of the surrounding elastic medium by using the Navier-type solution for simply supported boundary conditions. Given that in a double-layered graphene sheet, the system has an in-phase vibrational mode and anti-phase vibrational mode with 180-degrees phase difference, the effect of van der Waals force on both vibrational modes is attempted to be investigated and it is shown that the van der Waals force has no effect on in-phase vibrational mode and by increasing it, the anti-phase frequency increases. It is also demonstrated that the nonlocal parameter is not a constant parameter but its value depends on the size and atomic structure, like chiral and zigzag configurations, and even on the type of boundary conditions.
Volume 18, Issue 5 (9-2018)
In this study, numerically investigated effect of magnetic heat sources (residual and hysteresis) that can be useful in hyperthermia and their effects on cancerous tissue. The governing equations of continuty, momentum, concentration, energy and Arrhenius tissue destruction equation in the form of couplings are defined, solved and investigated in the finite-element COMSOL software. For blood flow inside the cancerous capillary, non-newtonian and temperature dependent model is used. The geometric model is simulated in three dimensions, including the capillary and cancerous tissue. Thermophysical properties of blood and tissue are also temperature dependent. Results indicated that the residual heat source plays a major role in increasing the temperature of the blood and tissue and can be ignored the effect of hysteresis heat source. The residual heat source has an inverse relation to the particle size and is ineffective in the particle size above 100 nm but hysteresis heat source is directly related to the size of the nanoparticles, and for particles with a size of 150 nm, it will result in a 1 degree increase in temperature for the tissue. The increase in blood temperature for 25 nm magnetic nanoparticles with the residual heat source can lead to the most destruction in cancerous tissue. Also, the viscosity of blood has an inverse relation with the concentration of magnetic nanoparticles in the capillary wall and blood temperature.
Volume 18, Issue 5 (11-2018)
Suction caissons have been extensively used in oil and gas industry. Recently bucket foundations are considered an innovative foundation solution to offshore wind turbines. Skirted foundations are increasingly used in the design of offshore wind turbine structures and facilities to withstand combined vertical, horizontal and moment loading conditions. In this study, three-dimensional finite element models of bucket foundations in medium dense sand were analyzed under combined loading. Numerical models were validated by comparing the results of finite element analysis. Sensitivity analyses were performed at different length-to-diameter aspect ratios under combined load with different load eccentricities. The responses of combined load, from pure horizontal load to overturning moments with varying tower heights, to pure moments were compared. Results showed how combined bearing capacity of foundations would depend on aspect ratio and loading conditions. Ultimate limit states were represented as normalized capacities, and the expressions were derived from the results of analysis. Offshore applications of shallow foundations are not limited to the oil and gas industry. In fact, they are recently being used as a new solution to wind turbines. Offshore wind turbines are relatively sensitive to deformations, particularly tilting. In order to withstand against tilting due to wind and wave loads and large lateral and overturning forces, the foundations of offshore wind turbines are setup with peripheral steel skirts which transmit the seabed, trapping a soil plug. Foundations of offshore structures require carrying a very small vertical load, but large horizontal loads and overturning moments. Suction buckets are circular shallow foundations with large diameter, closed at top and open at bottom. Bucket foundations penetrate into the seabed by its self-weight to provide a seal between the skirt tip and the soil and then penetrate by applying an under-pressure inside the skirt compartment until full contact with the soil is obtained. The bearing capacity of the bucket foundations under combined loads increases due to embedment by comparison with a surface foundation (L/D = 0). The bearing capacity behavior of the bucket foundations can be expressed through failure envelopes that expand with increasing aspect ratio. In the literature, it is not clearly and quantitatively clarified how the bearing capacity depends on bucket embedment length but can be stated with increasing aspect ratio, failure mechanisms are forced deeper within the soil mass. In November 2002 the first Suction bucket foundation for using of the wind energy converter was installed at the large scale test facility in Frederikshavn. The project was at the time being the largest wind turbine in Denmark. Its total height of turbine was equal 125 m with a bucket diameter of 12 m and skirt length of 6 m (i.e. L/D =0.5) In this report, the effect of aspect ratio on combined bearing capacity of bucket foundations installed in saturated medium dense sand was evaluated. Load-deformation behavior of suction buckets under loads was investigated and compared. The analysis was carried out by loading bucket foundations with a load that allowed the bucket to move freely. When considering the design of the foundations of offshore wind turbines, it is important to understand their elastoplastic deformation behavior as well as ultimate capacities.
Volume 18, Issue 6 (10-2018)
A powerful two-phase lattice Boltzmann model with the ability of modeling high density ratio is applied to simulate a rising bubble striking a porous obstacle. This model is able to simulate immiscible two-phase flow with density ratio of 1000 and result in desirable mass conservation. In present research, a porous obstacle is posed in two-phase flow domain, bounce back and wetting boundary conditions at walls and corners is discussed and showed that after implementation of obstacle boundary conditions, mass conservation of the model is preserved. Accuracy and ability of the model firstly examined by some basic problems. Next, striking of a rising bubble with 1000 density ratio to a porous obstacle is simulated and the effect of contact angle, Eotvos number and porosity ratio in deformation and passing of the bubble from the obstacle is investigated systematically. Different porosity ratios and contact angles, result in different bubble behavior striking the porous obstacle; In low porosity ratios and low contact angles, the bubble remains below the obstacle. At high contact angles, the hydrophobicity of the obstacle surface draws the bubble into the porosities, and the bubble moves to the top of the obstacle and stays on the top surface of the obstacle. In other cases, the bubble completely passes through the obstacle and separates it. Mass conservation error of bubble passing the porous obstacle is of order of 10-11 which is completely desirable.
Volume 18, Issue 8 (12-2018)
Coatings are used in various industries in order to improve the surface properties of materials. Delamination of coatings from their substrate, at the root of channel cracks, is one of the common failure modes in these structures. In this paper, discrete element method is used in order to simulate the initiation and propagation of damages, caused by the mismatch between the thermal expansion coefficients of coating and substrate. Coating and substrate are considered to be brittle elastic in which, substrate is stiffer than the coating, but the thermal expansion coefficient of coating is considered to be much greater than substrate. The interface properties are also considered to be the geometric average between the coating and substrate. Temperature reduction is applied to the whole structure as loading. The effect of elastic mismatch and coating thickness was investigated. The results showed that, by increasing the elastic mismatch and decreasing the coating thickness, the temperature reduction, need to delamination initiation at the interface, increased. Also, changing in the damage propagation pattern was happened by changing in the elastic mismatch. In coatings with high elastic mismatch, damage propagation was happened inside them but by increasing the stiffness, damage propagation happened at the interface.
Volume 18, Issue 8 (12-2018)
Impact damage is one of the most important failure types for aircraft structures, which can come from variety of reasons. Such impacts can realistically be predictable for the duration of the life of the aerospace structure and can cause internal damage that is often challenging to identify and can produce rigorous drops in the strength and stability of the structure. By combination of monolithic Aluminum alloys with composites, structures will be achieved that has weight lighter than monolithic aluminum alloys and better fire and fatigue resistance. These structures, that called fiber metal laminates, are developed as a suitable alternative to monolithic aluminum in aerospace structures. In this research, impact resistance of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) /glass aluminum reinforced laminates (GLAREs) is investigated at variety concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 wt% of MWNTs. Here, anodizing method is used for preparation of aluminum surface. The results showed that by adding MWNTs to GLAREs, energy dissipation is increased in charpy impact test. Investigation showed maximum energy dissipation at 14.36% in 0.3 wt% of CNTs. Also different fracture modes observed for different concentration of carbon nanotubes.
Volume 18, Issue 8 (12-2018)
Quadrotor is one the most popular models of unmanned aerial vehicles with four actuated propellers which has a simple, light weight, small mechanical structure and high maneuverability. However, its nonlinear under-actuated dynamics needs more advanced controllers for rejection of external disturbances, balancing and precise trajectory tracking. In particular, the under-actuated subsystem of the quadrotor's dynamics needs a fast response without overshoot and steady state error. In this paper, fuzzy fractional-order proportional-integral derivative (FOFPID) controller is designed for quadrotor control system using fuzzy and fractional order systems to improve response speed, tracking accuracy and system robustness respect to the conventional PID controller. Controller architecture of the under-actuated subsystem of the quadrotor's dynamics is designed based on the inner-outer loop control theory which is employed explicit and analytical inverse kinematic of system to connect the inner and outer loops. Also, dynamics of the motors and actuators saturation are considered in the quadrotor’s dynamics model and their effects are studied on the controllers' performance. In order to evaluate tracking performance of controllers, trajectory of an eight aerial maneuver is designed and controllers’ performance is assessed in the absence and presence of wind disturbance. Trajectory tracking accuracy of the controllers is studied according to the maximum absolute error and integral of absolute error criterions and is compared that shows the proposed FOFPID controller has successfully improved performance of the quadrotor system.
Volume 18, Issue 74 (12-2021)
This article explains how genres are formed, and defines the relationship between genre and literary creativity. The subject of this article is not a historical or diachronic study of how genres are formed, but according to creation phenomenon, this study is a synchronic study of how literary authors deal with the phenomenon of genre. The modern conception of genre is based on the fact that genres are not merely tools for classifying and describing literary texts, but according to the new genre theory, genres are speech acts in repetitive situations, so they are tools for creativity; and without genres there is no any literary creation at all. In modern genre theory it is said that all texts belong to one or more genres. Issues that are considered in this article are: first, genres are related to writers, readers, texts, and social contexts. Contrary to the claims of the Romantics and some of their modern followers, the texts all belong to one or more genres. Genres, although obliging rules, provide opportunities for selection. Another issue is the stability and flexibility of genres, which is closely related to the phenomenon of literary creativity, because generic alterations are subject to literary defamiliarizations. The concluding point of this article is that literary creators do not create genres without background, but literary genres are the result of the alterations of speech acts into literary forms. Therefore, genre is not only a tool for describing and classifying texts, but also is a tool or a device for creativity. In fact, none of the literary works can escape from the genre rules. In addition, among literary genres, some are more flexible than others, and this flexibility provides an opportunity for innovation and creativity.
Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)
The use of chemical compounds to prevent corruption and increase the shelf life of agricultural products, including grapes, has many applications. Due to the harmful effects of these compounds on human health and also the tendency of people to use organic products, today the use of low-risk and alternative methods has increased. The use of antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal compounds, such as natural essential oils, can be a good way to increase the shelf life of crops. In this study, the effect of thyme essential oil on increasing the shelf life of Fakhri cultivar grapes by two methods of immersion (direct contact) and fumigant (indirect contact) in concentrations (0, 150, 300 and 450 μl / l) In the cold storage with a temperature of 1±2° C and a relative humidity of 90% was tested for 60 days. Traits such as percentage of changes in fruit weight, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, sensory evaluation including fruit texture firmness, Smell and flavor, antioxidant capacity and browning of cluster wood were evaluated. The least percentage of changes in fruit weight and titratable acidity were observed at a concentration of 450 μl /l of thyme essential oil. The control treatment had the highest amount of total soluble solids in fruits (25.2 degrees Brix). Also, the results of sensory evaluation of fruit texture firmness showed that the fumigant method was better than the immersion method with gradual release of essential oil to maintain the firmness of fruit texture better. Sensory evaluation of grape fruit Smell and flavor and taste showed that at high concentrations of essential oil, the sensory evaluation index was lower. Antioxidant capacity was declining in the whole process and fumigant and immersion methods were not significantly different from each other.
Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)
The most important safety and quality concern of pistachio export is its contamination with aflatoxin and oxidation and hydrolysis of fats. Therfore, this study is aimed at investigating the effects of red pepper, black pepper, and bell pepper extracts on the amount of aflatoxin production and oxidation process in pistachio and its sensory properties. For this purpose, the antifungal activity of pepper extracts was first evaluated, and then, after coating pistachio samples with each type of pepper extracts by 0.1, 0.5, and 1 % (v/w) including nine treatments and one control, Aspergillus flavus was inoculated to pistachio samples. Then, aflatoxin amount, peroxide value, and sensory properties were measured and evaluated during the days of first, 30th and 60th of storage. The results showed the highest radial growth of fungal mycelium in control and the lowest radial growth of colonies was observed in red pepper extract at concentration of 105 µL/L, which had a significant difference with other concentration of this extract and with similar concentrations of black and bell pepper extracts (P<0.05). The lowest amount of aflatoxin was obtianed from treatments containing 1% of red pepper and black pepper extracts and highest in the control sample. Also, the results indicated that with increasing the extracts concentration, the peroxide value and sensory desirability decreased significantly. Treatment containing 0.5% of red pepper extract had the highest sensory desirability, and the extracts of 0.5% bell pepper and 0.5% black pepper were afterwards. The studied pepper extracts had a significant effect on reducing the amount of aflatoxin and improving the sensory properties of pistachio compared to the control during storage, and in general, pistachio sample coated with 0.5% red pepper extract is introduced as the best treatment.
Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)
Cornelean cherry is a very perishable fruit that requires proper postharvest management to reduce losses. This study was aimed to increase the postharvest life and marketability of the product using postharvest calcium chloride treatments. The present study was conducted in a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications. Factors included 3 immersion calcium chloride treatments (0, 60 and 80 mM), 4 storage times (0, 10, 20 and 30 days) and two cornelean cherry genotypes. Fruit samples were harvested at maturity (more than 90% of red skin) and immersion treatments were applied on them. During and after the experiment, different physicochemical traits of fruits were studied. The results showed that KKP2 genotype had lower mean firmness and sugar content and higher weight loss percentage than Hir genotype. The results showed that the two genotypes did not show significant differences in terms of pH and titratable acidity. Firmness, titratable acid, ascorbic acid, anthocyanin and phenol decreased over time. Among immersion treatments, the highest and lowest firmness, titratable acid and ascorbic acid belonged to 60 mM calcium and control (distilled water), respectively. The difference between 60 and 80 mM calcium chloride treatments was not significant. The lowest fruit weight loss was obtained in 80 mM calcium chloride treatment.
Volume 18, Issue 118 (December 2021)
Volume 19, Issue 1 (Spring 2015)
What is today the city administration must be considered and emphasized is introduced as a paradigm in urban management advantage of a good rule model of the city administration in the horizontal and FARABOURSE of the citizens and private institutions pay to participate. A Good Urban Governance of achieving major metropolitan cities, including Tehran's management entail objective is to make citizen participation in various aspects. agents and social capital in that to solve the existing problems. Citizens, the main actors are the approaches to sustainable urban development. Under this approach, the problem of organizing cities and urban neighborhoods where local participation is based. The present study focuses on the pattern of development in the urban neighborhoods of Tehran Municipality has 19 regional metropolitan GoodUrban Governancestudied in more urban neighborhoods of the poor have no significant relationship existed between the variables and the dependent variable explained by the independent variables. The results show that the parameters of the rule of law, accountability, responsibility, participation and consensus orientation of the major concerns of the citizens to achieve a good level of development areas have been studied in neighborhoods.articipation and consensus orientation of the major concerns of the citizens to achieve a good level of development areas have been studied in neighborhoods.
Volume 19, Issue 1 (1-2017)
Canola production is an important alternative for agricultural policy-makers in Iran to reduce dependency on the imported vegetable oils. Nevertheless, the canola planted area is only increasing at a slow pace, indicating a low willingness-to-accept of farmers. The general aim of this study was to determine the factors influencing the canola adoption in the Kermanshah Province in Western Iran. Employing stratified random sampling method, 106 farmers from each adopter and non-adopter group were selected. Helping to reach a suitable extensional program, two main categories of variables were defined; i.e. “farmers’ personal characteristics” and “extension parameters”. The analysis of farmers’ personal characteristics variables revealed that the adopters had larger farms and were younger. The results also show that 80% of the adopters were “highly” to “very highly” willing to cultivate canola. Furthermore, a logistic regression model estimated the influence of extensional parameters variables on the canola adoption. According to the regression model, the most effective factors are “contact with extension agents” and “participating in extension classes”. As a conclusion, it is suggested that the focus of extension services should be to reduce the distance to agricultural service centers in combination with more contact with extension agents and classes.
Volume 19, Issue 1 (January 2019)
In this research, the analysis of the effects of circular hole and thermal cycle fatigue on the mechanical properties in multi-layer polymer composite reinforced with nanoparticles are investigated. First, multi-walled carbon nanotubes with 0.1% weight fraction of nanoparticles are added to the epoxy resin ML506. The. In order to homogenize particle in the resin, it is mixed with a magnetic stirrer for 30 minutes. The material is placed in an ultrasonic device for 40 minutes to homogenize the resin and nanoparticle completely. The resin reinforced with glass fibers constitute symmetric cross ply laminates stacking sequence [02/902]s, and nanocomposite samples are made with hand layup method. In this study, open-hole specimens with diameter of 2 and 4mm are investigated. To study the thermal cycles, nanocomposite samples of 3 levels of thermal cycles including 0, 180, and 360 cycles were investigated. The samples are exposed to a temperature range of 0 to 100oC. After that, the specimens undergo tensile testing. Using the tensile test, the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength are compared for the different thermal cycles and the diameter of the holes. By increasing the number of thermal cycles, the tensile strengths of nanocomposite samples are not significantly changed. Also, with increasing the diameter of the hole, the tensile strength is decreased. The elasticity modulus with increasing thermal cycles for all specimens have been minimal changes. Also, a linear regression model was developed, using MINITAB software for strength and elastic modulus in terms of number of thermal cycles and diameter to width ratio.
Volume 19, Issue 2 (February 2019)
Spherical joints are specifically used in many robotic systems, including various industrial and medical applications, especially in non-structured environments. Modular robotic systems are the appropriate solution for use in these environments; So that the configuration of the robots can change quick and easy by link or separate different modules. Flexibility of modules, enough degrees of freedom, capability to stabilize the position of the module and rigidity to maintain strength and stiffness of modular robot during mission are the most important features of a modular robot. Shape memory alloys are suitable actuators for use in robotic modules, which a tiny, lightweight, and without noise system is achieved by using them. In this paper, a mechanism with two degrees of freedom has been created by placing three memory shape alloys springs in the structure of a flexible joint module. Also, with the installation of an electromagnetic system in the joint, it is possible to stabilize its position when necessary. The developed module, in addition to its high flexibility, can maintain its position when needed and increase the strength of the robotic arm. In this research, the design of the module has been presented and kinematic and force analysis has been investigated.