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Volume 23, Issue 5 (9-2021)

Peoplechr('39')s participation is an important strategy for successful watershed management. This study aimed to identify and prioritize the factors prevent people from participation based on local peoplechr('39')s and expertchr('39')s viewpoints in Vers watershed. These factors were identified and categorized using literature reviews and interviews with experts and local residents. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were checked by experts and Cronbachchr('39')s alpha test respectively. The sample size was also calculated by the Cochran formula. Finally, the indicators and sub-indicators which preventing peoplechr('39')s participation were prioritized using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Friedman test. The results indicated that the views of experts and local residents about the preventing factors are in some cases consistent and in others inconsistent. In general, managerial and economic indicators have a greater role in preventing people from participating than social and educational ones. Experts believe that the factors X13 (lack of timely and complete project budget allocation) and X2 (local disputes) have respectively the most and the least degree of importance. But local residents ranked X7 (lack of multipurpose projects) and X6 (weakness in teamwork) respectively as the most and the least important factors. These differences imply that in addition to the viewpoints of experts, policy-makers must also consider the views of stakeholders on the factors preventing their participation. These findings can be appropriate and practical for executive officials since, removing these participation barriers especially the high-priority ones will increase the stakeholders’ participation level.

Volume 23, Issue 6 (11-2021)

 Lean production system is a new management approach and a business strategy that results in the elimination of waste (costs and time) and improvement of the performance and overall value of an organization. The main objective of this study was to investigate factors influencing implementation of Lean Production Principle (LPP) and its relation with the performance of Small and Medium-sized Food Industry Enterprises (SMFIEs) in Khuzestan Province. This study was a kind of descriptive-correlation and causal-relation that was conducted through a survey technique. Statistical population of the study consisted of all managers in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Khuzestan food industry (N= 307). By using Krejcie and Morgan’s tables and stratified random sampling method, 170 person were selected as sample, of which 161 person completed the research questionnaires (return rate 94.7%). The results show that among the eight factors that influence the implementation of LPP, three variables of “customer relationship management”, "human resource management”, and “employees’ empowerment” have the most direct effects on LPP and, ultimately, the highest total effect on SMFIEs performance. The implementation of LPP could explain about 31 percent of variances in SMFIEs performance. Conducting justification and education workshops not only enhances the knowledge of SMFIEs managers, but also helps implement the LPP and, subsequently, improves the performance of SMFIEs.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (1-2022)

Worldwide, Iran is the first producer of pistachio, which is one of the most economically important agricultural products for this country. Idiocerus stali Fieber (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is one of the most important pests of this plant. Adults and nymphs pest feed on leaf tissues and fruit clusters, and they cause damage by sucking the sap. This pest has one generation per year. In this research, population fluctuations of the pistachio leafhopper associated to the temperature and humidity changes and its spatial distribution, using both statistical and geostatistical methods were studied in 2018-2019. The spatial distribution of all life stages in both years was cumulative according to Iwao model, whereas considering Taylor's power law model it was cumulative in 2018 and random in 2019. Considering coefficients' values, both models of Taylor's power law (R2= 0.93) and Iwao model (R2= 0.92) are appropriate for estimating the type of spatial distribution for this pest, however, Taylor model showed a better data fitting. Concerning geostatistics models, Kriging interpolation method was more accurate than Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and it was used to produce pest distribution maps. The movement process of adults, nymphs, and the sites of laying areas per week was precisely determined. Hence, contamination foci can be identified and used to apply appropriate management methods at the right time at a low cost.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Among energy carriers, electricity is a very basic factor for the global economy; To the extent that per capita electricity production and consumption indicators are used to determine the economic status of countries and their welfare level. The growth of electricity demand is affected by factors such as gross domestic product, the price of energy carriers, temperature, population growth, the development of energy-intensive industries, structural changes in the economy, and improving efficiency. Responding to the growth of demand can lead to the development of the electricity supply sector in order to meet this demand. On the one hand, governments are facing financial limitations in investing and developing electricity supply, and on the other hand, some countries are facing surplus electricity generation due to limited domestic demand in some days of the year. So, creating a power pool is necessary to meet the demand and sell the excess electricity produced (Bhattacharyya, 2019).
It should be noted that the actual progress of power pool is different among countries according to the potential of electricity production, its production cost and the price of electricity, so the examination of these observations has important consequences for the development of power pool between the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq.
Electricity supply in the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq is made from fossil fuel, electric and renewable power plants, and most of the sources of electricity production in the studied countries are fossil fuels. The production of electricity from electric power plants is affected by climate changes, so that in recent droughts it has caused blackouts during peak summer hours in these countries. Therefore, by connecting the power pool between these three countries, the blackout rate can be reduced. Also, examining the minimum cost of the power pool between the three countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq, taking into account the cost of subsidized fuel in all three countries, and comparing to the minimum cost of the electricity network of all three countries without forming power pool between them is the innovation of this paper.
Due to the lack of integrated electricity market between the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq, for the economic modeling of electricity market integration, optimization method using past information and with the help of GAMS software, it is possible to determine how the electricity market is integrated.
The regional electricity market is modeled based on short-term and long-term approaches. Cost minimization techniques are usually used. In the short-term approach, there will be no capacity increase in the planning horizon. The length of the short term can be chosen from a few hours to a year. By using short-term modeling, it is possible to evaluate the profitability of the developing electricity trade between the countries under study in current conditions without changes in their production capacity.
Results and Discussion
1- For the development of the international market in the country, new laws in the electricity sector and laws related to the export and import of electricity should be developed, and the criteria for granting licenses to the domestic private sector or foreign companies to establish commercial and export electricity companies in the country should be determined. This process was accelerated. 2- through joint investment with neighboring countries for constructing new transmission lines and border power plants and the joint exploitation of these power plants, due to the difference in peak times of electricity consumption in Iran and neighboring countries, electricity exchange is possible in the long term. Currently, Iran's electricity export and import program with neighboring countries is carried out in the form of annual agreements, but long-term joint investment projects are very effective in stabilizing international electricity trade programs. 3- An auction system should be established in the electricity market so that by creating databases, it is possible to get information on the latest information on the sale and export price of electricity between exporting and importing countries and electricity companies. Then, using the auction system, determined the minimum selling price for electricity export and the maximum price offered by the buyers and proceeded to sell electricity. 4- Establishing power pool between the countries of the region can lead to the formation of the international electricity market in the Middle East and its electricity exchange with Europe and North Africa. In the power pool, it is possible to buy and sell electricity on a daily basis and for shorter times during the day, and the price of electricity is different at any time. In power pool, each country can act as a wholesaler, and after meeting local and regional needs, it exchanges electricity with other wholesale electricity markets. 5- An optimal price based on LRMC method should be used as the base price in electricity marketing and bargaining in the market to determine the final price.
In this article, an economic energy model was presented for the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq. In this study, the short-term electricity exchange network model between the countries of Iran and its western neighbors (Türkiye and Iraq) is presented. This model is designed to minimize the power pool between Iran, Türkiye and Iraq.
1- The cost of fuel has an effect on the minimum short-term cost of the power pool. Using the international fuel cost for the power plants of the three countries of Iran, Türkiye, and Iraq causes an increase in the minimum cost of the power pool. 2- The effect of transmission line losses on the total production of thermal and electric hydroelectric power plants in Iran, Türkiye and Iraq causes the increase in production of thermal power plants in Iran and Iraq, but changes the production of thermal power plants in Türkiye. With the increase in the loss factor of the transmission lines between zero and one, the output of Türkiye's electric power plant increases, but the output of Iran's and Iraq's electric power plants does not change. The optimal production of thermal and electric power plants in the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq and the optimal electricity export and import and the amount of unmet electricity demand of these countries have been analyzed. 3- The graphs that present the electricity production of thermal and hydroelectric power plants in 2019 in the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq, compared to the optimal values of thermal and hydroelectric power plants obtained from the model show that using the power pool, the production of electricity in the thermal power plants of Iran and Iraq will decrease, and by joining this power pool, the production of Türkiye will become zero, and the amount of electricity produced by the hydroelectric power plants of all three countries in this power pool should increase. It causes cost reduction in mentioned countries because it reduces the cost of operating thermal power plants in countries, so they can supply cheaper electricity. Also, the optimal amount of electricity transmission between countries shows the export and import of electricity between countries should increase. 4- With the joining of the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq to the short-term power pool, there will be no unmet electricity demand in them. 5- the capacity values of the existing transmission lines between the three countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq, which are presented in Table 7, and the electricity export and import between Iran and Türkiye in 2019 in Table 6, compared to the optimal values of the model in Table 17 shows that exchange of electricity should be done according to this capacity, i.e. 450 megawatts between Iran and Türkiye. Also, the electricity export from Iran to Iraq should be increased and electricity import from Iraq to Iran should be done according to the capacity of the existing electricity transmission lines between Iraq and Iran, i.e. 1200 megawatts.
According to the hypotheses of this research, which state that the power pool between the countries of Iran, Türkiye and Iraq will create benefits in the short term, and the power pool will reduce the operating costs of power plants in the studied countries in the short term, it can be seen that these hypotheses are confirmed because the results of the model show that this power pool in the short term causes no unmet electricity demand in sample countries, and also increases the export and import of electricity between the countries. As a result, within the power pool, Iran, Türkiye, and Iraq will reduce the production of thermal power plants and increase the production of hydroelectric power plants, which will reduce the cost of fuel and operating costs of power plants, and also reduce environmental pollutants. This power pool also reduces the consumption of fossil fuels used by power plants, which creates benefits for the countries studied in this research.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (8-2018)

Immigration to Europe has significantly increased over the past several years and Afghan refugees are the second largest displaced group entering European borders after Syrians. Germany has been a preferred destination for many refugees and in 2015 the country welcomed over one million asylum seekers from around the globe which made it as some called it “Kabul of Europe". Immigration, both voluntary and forced, is driven by social, political and economic factors. Urban life in Europe, especially in a developed country like Germany, is completely different from traditional life in Afghanistan. After spending times in the camp, Afghan women gradually enter the urban life of the destination country which impacts the function of a traditional Afghan family. This article tries to seek the notion of "change" amongst Afghan families while they encounter migratory experiences in urban life in German societies. The main aim of the research is to analyze the process of acculturation of immigrant Afghan women in Germany in terms of educational attainments, language proficiency and entering to the workplace which will empower and enable them to redefine their identity in their new urban setup. This research is based on a qualitative method which consists of 51 in-depth interviews with Afghan (Hazara) migrant girls and women in refugee camps, as well as the city of Hamburg and Bremen in Germany.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (12-2020)

Corruption arising from abuse of power and its use in the direction of personal interests is a destructive pest of political systems; hence, they have been dealt with in various ways over time. One of the most effective of these is legal solutions to combat the corruption. In this article, the differences and the resemblances of these solutions in the legal systems of Iran and Canada are examined to identify their strengths and weaknesses by comparing them. On the one hand, effective solutions, such as transparency of campaign finance and political participation, and a conflict of interest principle for political agents, specifically applied in Canada, to combat corruption stemming from the power and power relationship in Iran. To be considered by legislators. On the other hand, the strengths of these solutions in Iran, especially in the constitutional law, that proposed legal solutions in this direction, are to be applied effectively.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2020)

-Introduction: Cites are affected by different forces. Changing Changes in the structure of the economy has caused different reactions from different groups of government, markets and people, that can be traced by its appearance in the city. One of the aspects of the impact of the economy on the city is physical interventions and urban construction, such as urban land use Changes changes, space utilization intensity, building congestion, and urban boundaries change. This study aims to explain the effect of economy on physical changes of the city. The researchers seeks the trace of capital flow in the city. The Research questions are as follows: 1- How is Tehran's exchange rate and construction are related? 2. What is the nature and orientation of capital flow in the city? 3- How is the relationship between land price and physical interventions in 22 district of Tehran?
-Methodology: This is an applied research and is one of among the causal and relational studies. The documentary and library-based methods is are used to collect and interpret data. First, the relationship between the exchange rate and the tendency to build in the city is examined using the index of building permits. In the second step, the level of intervention in the city is examined. In the third step, the district and regional effects of land price on the number of building permits were investigated through the spatial correlation between land price and building permits.
 The study area is 22 districts of Tehran. Tehran is the largest city and capital of Iran that has experienced rapid growth over the years. The area of Tehran has increased from 370 km 2  in 1975 to 751 km 2  in 2015.
-Results and discussion: Currency exchange is associated with economic power. The increase in the exchange rate indicates the depreciation of the currency and the weakening of the economic power of the country. The turbulence in exchange rate fluctuations can be interpreted as instability in the country's economic conditions. At the first, the exchange rate changes and the number of building licenses were studied in different years. Accordingly, 2012 was identified as a breakthrough in exchange rate changes in the country. The result of Wilcoxon test shows that the number of building permits in Tehran before and after the 216% exchange rate jump in 2012, has changed significantly. A comparison of the annual average of building permits shows that the intensity of construction in the city has declined with the dollar price hike since 2012. The results of Kruskal-Wallis test indicate a significant difference among the 22 districts of Tehran municipality in terms of number of building permits and land price.
Eventually, in conditions of economic stability, changes in the city are regular and it is subject to changes in land prices and market demand. But in conditions of economic instability and weakening, the common rules in physical interventions in the city and urban builders are disturbed. The demand elasticity and focus of the builders is limited to the high quality areas of Tehran (zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) which create high value added. This exacerbates Class society.
-Conclusion: The exchange value causes the city to be used as a commodity, the property of power-holders and capital, and to create added value. The easiest way to get [r1] it, is to invest in housing and buildings
With the decline in economic power and the possibility for more power and capital intervention in the city, capital choose chooses one of the following ways.
  1. The capital flows from liquidity to real estate. Builders and physical changes in the city will be aimed not at reforming or meeting the need, but at creating a safe space for capital. Capital is directed to a place where it creates added value.
  2. The government seeks to drive capital out of real estate and direct it toward production.
The phenomenon of space production has two aspects. One is consumer value, which comes from production and use. Second, the exchange value, which is profitable, rentier, intermediary and speculative in nature. The deceptive dimension of power must then be sought in exchange value, . Where where people try to take advantage of it. By transforming the city into a commodity, development becomes a tool for exchange value. The stronger the economy, the less foreign exchange capital flows into the land and the capital flows to production and consumption rather than to the exchange and commodification of limited land resources.
Analyzes Analyses showed that the intensity of construction in Tehran has declined with the dollar jump since 2012.
Analysis of the situation of Tehran's 22 districts shows that there is a significant difference between the number of building permits and the price of land between Tehran municipality areas.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (5-2022)

The nut scale, Eulecanium tiliae (L.) is a potential pest, infesting deciduous trees in Iran, where it is common in urban horticultural areas and usually present in high population on some stone fruit trees, such as Prunus spp., including Prunus cerasus. It has higher occurrence and population in sustainable orchards. This pest has one generation per year and second nymphs overwinter on one or two-years old branches. High populations of this pest can cause death of branches, twigs and degeneration of leaves chloroplasts. In this research, the spatial distribution pattern and population fluctuation for all stages of E. tiliae were investigated in a cherry orchard of Kermanshah region during two studied seasons from 2016 to 2018. Four different methods were used to calculate distribution pattern including index of dispersion, Morisita’s index and regression methods (Taylor’s and Iwao’s). Sample size was determined for the first time, according to a primary sampling date and corrected for other sampling dates according to the data of the previous sampling date. Data analysis was performed using Minitab16 and Office Excel 2016 statistical softwares. Most used methods revealed aggregated distribution pattern of the pest in both years. The results obtained from the Morisita’s index during activity showed the random distribution of the second nymphs (in 16 April 2016, Z= -1.218, Iб= 0.440) (in 16 April 2017, Z= -0.179, Iб= 0.942) (-1.96< Z< 1.96). These changes showed that the spatial distribution could change during the season. Knowledge of the pest spatial distribution pattern can be used to arrange sampling program in pest management.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (2-2024)

The milling process is widely used in the manufacturing industry to shape complex geometric parts. Considering the flexibility of the cutting process and the various variables involved, process optimization has become a key issue in achieving higher productivity and quality. To optimize the process planning, it is important to choose a suitable machining strategy. Implementation and selection of tool path strategies and orientations are very important in the machining process, especially in the aerospace and molding industries. The right choice can lead to significant savings in machining time, improvement of work-piece surface quality, and improvement in tool life, thus leading to overall cost reduction and higher productivity. Therefore, this article aims to identify the best strategy in terms of surface roughness and milling time. In this article, Shallow's strategy has been investigated, and the milling of its finishing stage has been studied and compared with three strategies of the milling process, including raster, 3D offset, and raster flat. In this article, the comparison of the strategies in the Powermill software and with the flat-head finger mill, which can grind the floor and the wall simultaneously, has been done. Tool-cutting parameters were considered constant for all tested strategies. Machining quality was evaluated by comparing surface roughness, surface Topography, and dimension control parameters. The results indicate that the Shallow machining strategy has the lowest surface roughness and the best surface quality, and the raster strategy has the highest surface roughness and the worst surface quality in this test.

Volume 24, Issue 6 (11-2022)

The effect of gum tragacanth (0, and 0.15%) and Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) (0, 2.5, and 5%) on the chemical and rheological properties, phase separation, Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) viability, and sensory characteristics of an Iranian dairy drink "Doogh" was investigated during 20 days of storage. Results cleared the stability of Dooghs prepared with Gum Tragacanth Dispersions (GTD) was significantly higher than samples without this hydrocolloid (P< 0.05). Doogh samples’ viscosity in the presence of Fennel Extract Powder (FEP) was increased significantly (P< 0.05). Power-law and Herschel-Bulkley rheological models were appropriate models for describing the flow behavior of control and treated Doogh samples, respectively. The results showed that by increasing the amounts of FEP, LAB viability increased while the fungi population decreased significantly (P< 0.05). Therefore, this herbal powder could stimulate LAB growth and control the fungi population in treated samples. Finally, adding GTD to the Doogh sample was proper for improving stability, and enrichment with Fennel was suitable for increasing LAB viability and microbial spoilage control.

Volume 24, Issue 11 (10-2024)

In this paper, the combined carbon dioxide power and ejector compression refrigeration cogeneration cycle with the ability to change the production capacity of power and cooling ​​by changing the performance parameters of the cogeneration cycle has been analyzed. Thermodynamic simulation of the studied cogeneration cycle has performed in EES software and the energy and exergy balance equations for each component of the cycle are applied. Then, a parametric study has been carried out and the variations of the performance parameters of the cogeneration cycle, including the turbine inlet temperature and pressure, the outlet pressure of the power cycle, the evaporator temperature, etc. are investigated on the overall thermodynamic performance of the cogeneration cycle. The results indicate that the exergy efficiency of the studied cogeneration cycle reaches to the optimum value of 28.8% at the turbine inlet pressure of 21100 kPa, while the maximum value of the total produced power and cooling of the studied cycle occurs at the turbine inlet pressure of 18600 kPa. Also the contribution of different components of the studied cogeneration cycle in the total exergy destruction rate is calculated and it is revealed that the turbine and the heater have the highest exergy destruction rate values, respectively, among the components of the cogeneration system

Volume 24, Issue 12 (11-2024)

This study investigates the effects of water-methanol mixture injection on the performance and emissions of the EF7 TC engine. Using GT Power software, the engine was first simulated and validated with gasoline fuel. Subsequently, a nozzle was used to introduce the water-methanol mixture, simulated in three different ratios: 50% water-50% methanol, 25% water-75% methanol, and 75% water-25% methanol. The novelty of this research lies in the simulation of this injection process to enhance combustion quality. Results indicate significant temperature reductions at various points, alongside notable changes in knock characteristics and emissions, including nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO₂), and nitrogen monoxide (NO).

Volume 26, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Introduction: Global competitiveness is the name of the game of our time, and in today's world, competitiveness has become a fundamental force in the urban economy, just like gravity in physics. Today, the competitiveness of cities plays an essential role in the development of cities. Competitiveness arises from a combination of assets and processes. Assets are either a gift, such as natural resources or man-made resources, such as city infrastructure and processes that turn assets into economic benefits for cities and ultimately make them more competitive. With the formation of globalization and networking of the global economy, cities have always found a special place as nodes of network economy, and it is believed that this competition is on a par with national competition.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (12-2025)

 The date palm dust mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) is one of the most important pests of the date palms Phoenix dactylifera L. around the world. This pest causes reduction in the economic value of the product, and sometimes its damage reaches up to 100% in the southern provinces of Iran. The population fluctuations and spatial distribution of this pest on two more common varieties (Sayer and Barhi) were investigated in Ramshir City, Khuzestan Province, southwestern Iran. For this purpose, two date palm plantations of 2 ha that had those two varieties of date palm trees were selected, and 10 trees of each variety in each orchard were selected randomly. Sampling was done from North, South, East, and West of each date palm every four days from mid-May to early November, during 2020 and 2021. The results showed that the spider mite appeared on the clusters of two varieties from the beginning of June, and the peak population of mites on both varieties was recorded in September, in both years. Significant difference was observed between different sampling times during those two years and the two varieties: Sayer (F1.916, 9.580= 183. 695, P< 0.0001) and (F2.344, 11.720= 58. 104, P< 0.0001) and Barhi (F1.541, 4.622= 89.010, P< 0.0001) and (F1.688, 5.065= 31. 137, P

Volume 27, Issue 2 (10-2023)

Cities as a political unit reflect the main lines of power and economic influence. With the same reason it can be argued that urban spaces are a source of power that consists of diverse physical, economic and social spatial layers. In other words, by recognizing and analyzing the existing patterns in the relationship between power and political organization in the city, urban space and planning, can provide the basis for the efficiency of spatial planning. Therefore, the present research, by studying five zone of the city of Urmia, has sought to analyze the physical-social arrangement of power in the cities by using the mentioned indicators.  The research is applied in nature and the method used is descriptive-analytical and the data are collected through library and field (refer to the departments) studies. In order to accomplish the goal, 15 indicators were selected from various factors, and standardized and analyzed through the geographic information system software. Then, in order to be able to analyze the spatial arrangement of power in the five regions of Urmia, the SECA model was implemented in Lingo software with the optimal value of 0.64 and β= 3. The obtained results show that the most power is in Panj, a residential zone of Urmia. In a way that the area consists of villas, commercial complexes, non-profit model schools, newly built buildings with resistant structures, residence of people with high social status such as doctors, capital owners, engineers, residential complexes.

Volume 28, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Today, the issue of land subsidence has emerged as a significant and critical factor jeopardizing both surface and subsurface structures within the nation, particularly in the northwest region. This situation necessitates the preservation of such infrastructures. Considering the vast expanse of the electricity distribution network in East Azerbaijan Province—encompassing an area of 45,000 square kilometers, a network length of 26,000 kilometers, and serving 930 thousand subscribers—the apprehensions regarding the existence of potential risks are justified. This extensive network is deemed one of the most sensitive and essential assets within the province in relation to the occurrence of land subsidence. Given this high level of sensitivity, it becomes imperative to identify regions susceptible to subsidence and to assess the vulnerability of the electricity distribution networks while implementing necessary measures to enhance resilience against this phenomenon. The objective of this research is to delineate the vulnerable regions. Conversely, land subsidence poses threats to power grid installations within East Azerbaijan Province. In this study, ArcGIS 10.7 and Super Decision software were employed to generate the information layers; furthermore, to ensure appropriate homogeneity among the various layers, the input data was standardized, and the Analytical Network Process (ANP) was utilized. The findings of the research indicate the existence of areas characterized by a high risk of subsidence, covering an expanse of 1,981 square kilometers, alongside regions with an exceedingly high risk of subsidence, encompassing 268 square kilometers, extending from the northwest to the southeast of the province (including the cities of Marand, Shabestar, Tabriz, Bostan Abad, Mirage, and the central area). Additionally, in the southwestern municipalities of the province (namely Banab, Malekan, and Ajabshir), there are hazardous zones where the threat of subsidence and potential damage to electrical installations necessitate serious consideration. An examination of the maps and data further reveals that a majority of groundwater extraction wells are situated in high-risk areas with considerable density. Investigations also indicate that agricultural activities predominantly characterize land use in high-risk areas, wherein the most significant drop in groundwater levels has been observed. In this investigation, by superimposing the province's power transmission network map with the final subsidence risk zoning map, it was ascertained that portions of the province's power grid facilities are located within high-risk zones concerning land subsidence.

Volume 28, Issue 2 (8-2024)

The first constitution written in Iran consisted of the "Nezam Nameh Asasi" and its supplement, drafted following the Constitutional Movement's victory, called "Mashruteh" in 1906 and 1907. This document, which marked a turning point in the constitutionalism movement in Iran, was influenced by the constitutions of countries such as Belgium, France, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. In this regard, the authors in another text have examined the extent and manner of this emulation.
This article analyzes constitutional laws using a comparative approach, examining their patterns and comparing them to the "Mashruteh" constitution. The model laws are evaluated using two criteria: rights and freedoms, and public powers. Then, the "Mashruteh" constitution's position regarding these laws is analyzed through a comparative study. As a result of this research, it becomes clear that the Iranian law, in the classification of types of constitutional laws, is placed in the category of semi-authoritarian laws similar to its model laws and among them, with a greater inclination towards democratic Regulations, follows countries such as Belgium and Bulgaria. Meanwhile, the influence of the specific conditions of Iran during the Qajar era and the necessity of paying attention to religious and Islamic issues have created many unique examples in this constitution that distinguish it from all of its models.


Volume 29, Issue 4 (6-2023)

The novel, with the tools of language, represents the real world, so the word takes the place of lens, revealing different  aspects of society. The study of the narrative text in its cultural, social, political and historical format and its role in the formation of cultural identity for society helps to search about the emplicit pattern behind the apparent text and its technical esthetics. The purpose of this study with an analytical and descriptive approach and based on critical approaches for cultural criticism and its procedures by focusing on the parallel cultural pattrens behind the linguistic construction of the text in the novel "The Country Night" by Janan Jassim Hallway is presenting a perception about cultural patterns in their aesthetic and ugly dimensions. A esthetics lead to cultural awareness, but the ugliness are the systemic defects hidden under the mantle of the aesthetic as one of the cultural tricks that lead to cultural blindness. The obvious cultural habits of the war discourse in this novel are the dignity, honor, and defense of the eastern front of the Arab world, as opposed to the harsh and hidden cultural practices of the regime.The fictional character (Abdullah), like any Iraqian, feels no identity in his life in front of repressive behavior. Even the place in the story changes from a happy place (a place for children to play) to a sad place (a place of execution) to shows the dominance of cultural practices created by state violence in Iraqian society.

Volume 31, Issue 3 (3-2025)

By its multidisciplinary nature, geopolitics deals with various areas of political and spatial phenomena; these phenomena have both external and objective reality as well as abstract and subjective reality. With the increase of literature related to critical geopolitics, the fields of geopolitical studies expanded its range of studies in new fields and environments such as environment, culture and art. Meanwhile, art as a popular science and category has special political and spatial effects. Given the common themes in the two fields of geopolitics and art, the present study aimed to investigate the examples and relations between geopolitics and art, and the geopolitics of art. To answer this question with a descriptive-analytical method, the geopolitical concepts and examples of art were studied. Findings showed that geopolitical concepts such as competition, cooperation, power, politics and space reflected and represented in art on different scales. Thus, art in its general and broad sense under the title of fine arts, and art as a space for the transmission of meaning (iconographic element) is a kind of objective and abstract space in which geopolitical concepts and foundations were represented.

Volume 31, Issue 4 (6-2025)

Foucault believes that power is a set of network of relationships through which it is implemented on people and the power relationship is necessary for life so that it does not fall apart. The power of the entire society has expanded due to the necessity of its presence in social relations. Power is not always negative, and has positive aspects for the growth and prosperity of society.
The novel "Shifa; "The Small Century Manuscript" is science fiction novel that presents the novel, media, modern inventions and power tools in distorting the truth to control humanity. This article, novel "Shifa; "The Manuscript of Little Century" with the analytical descriptive method and Foucault's theory, together with the fictional elements and linguistic styles according to the belief of postmodernists in the multiplicity of meanings, related to power, to point out that the politicians in this novel through technology And the media falsifies the truth to create a hyper-reality that is more real than the original reality to deceive the people by playing with their minds in order to create viruses, diseases and wars on people through it, after taking their critical thinking and all their assets as a means of generating people's power and positioning them as passive and pure consumers, to rule, and also sell their manufactured drugs and weapons to gain capital as a means of power. Knowledge, technology, language, discourse, medicine, prison, espionage, sex, capitalism, currency, government, religion and university are the tools of power in the hands of politicians.

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