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Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Promotion in providing public utilities usually needs to implement reforms in governance and management structures. This reforms and changes focus on soft direction, organizational dimension and institutional aspects of of managerial systems. This paper aims to foresight and depicts the various probabilities of our country’s power management structure in four widely known models as four scenarios and tries to clarify the possibilities of the people’s participation in power distribution management. In depicting the four scenarios, this paper is strongly determined to find the proper answer to this critical question:”What is the best probable optimized level of democratization, citizen’s participation and interaction- in energy management and what is its pros and cons?” To achieve this aim, scenario writing method-based on inductive model- is used, demonstrating the four macro energy management (governmental, quasi privatized, privatized and self-governance) models. it is obvious that the findings and consequences of the research, would be an appropriate way in policy and decision making for public sector strategic management.

Volume 20, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Guarantee of the fundamental rights in a society requires democratical principles and structures. On the one hand, accepting the popular vote in multiple domains is considered to be as of fundamental rights that could protect the sovereignty of the people and promote representation system to a real and efficient structure. On the other hand, this right should not and can not be limited in the framework of formal structure or legal system. Sovereignty in the modern sense requires that, first, the capacity of reflection of the will of the people through multiple channels, and second, if a conflict happens between people and formal structures or legal system, it is necessary to resolve the conflict in favor of the people. In a democracy, the constitution should not be contrary to the will of the people in order in determining their common good and individual self-determination.
In a modern approach to governance, any form of political power should be adopted with the will of the people to be legitimate.

Volume 20, Issue 3 (2-2020)

The operation of power generation cycles and their related events are one of the main issues in the field of safety of power plants. If these events are not properly managed for any reason, the consequences will be irreparable. In the meantime, the operator action can be one of the most effective factors in the management of the accident. In this research, the operator action has been evaluated in the main steam line break connected to the turbine and total loss of steam generator feed water for the Bushehr power plant. Firstly, the data has been validated in both steady and transient states with the final safety analysis report of the power plant of Bushehr as a reliable reference. The results indicate a good agreement with the final safety analysis report. In the next step, the operator action has been evaluated to mitigate the thermohydraulic parameters, including temperature and pressure. Finally, by performing an operator sensitivity analysis in the main steam line break connected to the turbine followed by total loss of steam generator feed water, the maximum possible time for operator intervention has been estimated 76 minutes.

Volume 20, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Nowadays organizations are involved with different crises which impair their existence and survival through various directions. In such conditions, organs will gain success with enough recognition about current crises, predict and prevent them, provide proper conditions as well as reducing and controlling them. This study was conducted with the purpose of knowing effects of organizational intelligence on managementinstitute crises and the base of description correlation.
Statistical study community includes managers and personnel working in command center and operational part of Esfahan Power Choler Factory with their minimum degree have been expertise in 400 people. Model volume using Kukeran formula in the number of 178 persons has been accounted and method random classificatory sampling has been suitable to statistical community volume. Device for gathering data has proven Albrkht’s standard 49 questionnaires (2010) for testing organizational intelligence and 21 questionnaires for testing crisis management which was justifiable in two contents, structure and final methods of questions with use of Alfay krunbakh method for organizational intelligence (0/942) and crisis management (0/908) has been confirmed. Data analysis with use of Amos 21 software and in modeling method of structural equivalences has been done. The results of revision of study hypothesis showed that organizational intelligence with index of (0/945) has sever direct effect on organizational crisis control which has been created before, during and after crisis. This is when among 7-factors components organizational model “common destiny” component with (0.987) effect has had most role in control of institute crisis in comparison with other components.

Volume 20, Issue 4 (10-2018)

 The aim of this study was to determine Total Phenolic Compound (TPC) and antioxidant activity changes depending on the ripening in Rosa canina, R. dumalis, R. dumalis ssp. boissieri and R. villosa rosehip species. Rosehip fruits were harvested in 6 different times from July to September. TPC content and antioxidant activities were determined by spectrophotometric methods. TPC and antioxidant activities of the studied species increased during ripening. TPC (1510.57 mg GAE 100 g-1/H-6) and antioxidant activities (TEAC: 364.12 µmol trolox equivalent g-1/H-6 and FRAP: 286.79 µmol trolox equivalent g-1/H-6) were higher in R. dumalis (MR-15) than the other studied species. There was a high correlation between the TPC and the antioxidant activity. Also, there was a positive correlation between maturation, phenolics and antioxidant activities. This correlation was high in R. dumalis and low in R. canina. However, it was not possible to express the existence of a relationship between temperature, TPC, and antioxidant activity. It was possible to express the existence of correlations between the color of fruits and some studied characteristics. The correlations between the colors of the fruits and TPC and antioxidant activity of R. dumalis were found higher than the other species.

Volume 20, Issue 5 (5-2020)

In this research, airfoil turbine blade airfoil Darriues vertical axis selected from three airfoils NACA0015, NACA0018 and NACA0021. The maximum ratio of the lift coefficients to the drag coefficient was determined in the Q-Blade software, and finally the airfoil NACA 0015 at speeds of 5 and 10M/s has the maximum value of the lift coefficient to the drag coefficient at an attack angle of 13 degrees equal to 2.58 and an attack angle of 6.5 degrees equal to 15.3. Then airfoil NACA 0015 was selected for numerical analysis and the turbulence method K-ω SST was used for numerical analysis and the results were verified using laboratory results. The wind turbine was designed and developed in CATIA software. Four wind fans were used to create wind power. The instruments used in measuring, testing and fabricating were calibrated. The results showed that the Self-Starting power of the porous blade in the speeds of 3, 4, 5, 7, 8m/s was %35, %33, %31, %37 and %48 less than the direct blade wind turbine, respectively.

Volume 20, Issue 6 (6-2020)

Reducing energy consumption in production is an urgent need. In manufacturing processes, especially machining, more than 90% of the environmental impacts are due to energy consumption in machine tools. The purpose of the present study is to estimate and compare the energy consumption of AISI 316 steel milling process in conventional (wet) and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) modes as well as the experimental measurement of energy consumption in each of these two modes. Studies have suggested different types of energy consumption modeling in machining but few studies have been conducted on the use of these modeling techniques and the minimum quantity lubrication method has been rarely compared with the wet state in terms of energy consumption. Empirical experiments were used to confirm the modeling performed to predict energy consumption in the milling process. The results show that the proposed method is efficient and practical for predicting energy consumption with 5% error. After confirming the modeling, using two levels for feed rate and spindle speed and applying full factorial design of experiments, energy and power consumption in MQL and wet cutting modes using the power meter connected to the input 3-phase power cable of the milling machine were experimentally measured. Energy consumption in the minimum quantity lubrication method was decreased by 16% compared to the wet state. The average power consumption in MQL milling is 33% lower than in wet milling.

Volume 20, Issue 81 (4-2023)

Relying on the theory of social constructionism and emphasizing Foucault's theory of power, this study aims to examine the relationship between the social constructions of gender and embodiment in two novels of 2000's titled "Sorkhi-Ye To Az Man (Your Redness be Mine)" by Sepideh Shamlou and "Az Sheytan Amookht Va Soozand (He Learned From the Devil and Burned)" by Farkhondeh Aghaei. The study sees the atmosphere of the novel as a possibility of living. So, it considers the practice of the novel both as a product and as a tool for discovering human existence in various representations of the construction of gender. The findings mention examples of gender construction that are categorized under titles such as feminization and suffocation with emphasis on the concept of women's inferiority and normative conflict as a sign of the evolving gender. According to the results, the female gender is inferior to the male gender in the novel "Sorkhi-Ye To Az Man based on the discourse atmosphere that governs the story. On the other hand, in contrast to the dominant discourse of the gendered society, the narrator has distanced herself from the imposed subjectivity of the inferior female gender, takes the initiative of constructing her gender, and provides a freer perception of the identity and female gender in the novel Az Sheytan Amookht Va Soozand.

Volume 20, Issue 140 (10-2023)

Guar gum is a biopolymer that is used in the food industry as a thickener, stabilizer, and edible coating. The aqueous solution of this gum has high viscosity and pseudoplastic behavior. This research aimed to analyze the impacts of sonication at different intensities (0, 75, and 150 W) and time intervals (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 min) on the viscosity and rheological behavior of guar gum solution. The results showed that the apparent viscosity of guar gum solution (untreated sample) reduced from 0.070 to 0.030 Pa.s with increasing shear-rate from 12.2 s-1 to 134.5 s-1. Also, the apparent viscosity of guar gum solution reduced from 0.046 to 0.021 Pa.s with increasing the sonication time from 0 to 20 min (shear-rate=49 s-1 and power= 150 W). Various rheological equations (Power law, Bingham, Herschel-Bulkley, Casson, and Vocadlo) were employed to fit the empirical values, and the findings of the current study confirmed that the Power law model was the best fit to explain the flow behavior of guar gum solution s. The consistency coefficient of guar gum solution significantly reduced from 0.202 to 0.063 (p<0.05) with increasing sonication time from 0 to 20 min. Furthermore, the consistency coefficient of guar gum solution decreased considerably (p<0.05) while the ultrasonic power enhanced. The flow behavior index of guar gum solution increased significantly (p<0.05) while the intensity and duration of ultrasound treatment increased.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (7-2017)

South Khorasan is a less developed region in Iran and due to long distance to the center of the country and being located at the endpoint of energy transmission networks, energy transfer to this province is unstable and expensive. Hence, South Khorasan is a suitable region for the deployment of renewable energy (RE) technologies. Solar energy has a higher priority among other RE-based resources in this province because of the climatic and geographical conditions of this region. In this research, the optimal sites for PV power plants in Birjand County are determined. First, the set of factors and criteria influencing the site selection of PV power plants was defined. Having prepared and processed spatial data and maps, unsuitable areas were eliminated using Boolean logic model. Remaining areas were rated based on technical, socio-economic, and environmental criteria by means of different fuzzy membership functions. Then, these rated areas were mapped. To identify the optimal sites for the on-grid installations of PVs, fuzzified maps were overlaid by fuzzy gamma operator. Finally, the pixels of the final map were classified into five groups based on their fuzzy values. The results show that 0.5 percent of Birjand County areas are optimal for the establishment of PV power plants.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Work engagement is a psychological state experiencing energy, absorption and dedication at work. The purpose of this study is to investigate impact of psychological empowerment and its components on work engagement. This cross sectional study was practical in terms of goal and descriptive-correlational in terms of nature. The statistical population was several public organizations in Mashhad, Iran. A simple random sampling method was applied. Krejcie and Morgan table showed that the suitable sample size is 384. Then, 420 questionnaires were distributed, led to 389 collected completed questionnaires. To measure the work engagement, Schaufeli, Bakker, and Salanova scale, and to measure psychological empowerment, Spreitzer scale were used. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the validity of measures were approved. The results of path analysis in LISREL software showed that psychological empowerment explains 73 percent of the employees' work engagement. While, competence’s effect on work engagement was not statistically significant, other components of psychological empowerment such as meaning, self-determination, and impact, had 48 percent, 33 percent and 38 percent positive and significant effect on the work engagement, respectively. Therefore, psychological empowerment is a significant predictor for work engagement. The results indicate that the organization performs interventions to increase employees' psychological empowerment. The pivot of these interventions should focused on sense of meaning for the tasks, self-determination, and impact.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Increasing expansion of competition among commercial companies and variations relate to increase or decrease in the market share, brings a scientific look at all marketing functions forward. One of the most important marketing activities is attention to why and how customers' behaviors are created. The present research's objective is to determine effects of the brand's social power base on the purchase behavior mediated by level of consumerProduct involvement. Statistical society of the research includes costumers of Iran-Khodro company agencies in khorramabad city. Due to infinite volume of statistical population, a sample of 384 subjects were chosen using Cochran formula and available sampling method. validity and reliability of the questionnaire  were confirmed using content-creditability method and cronbach-alfa respectively. To examine and test hypotheses, the structural equation modeling   approach and Amos software were used. The  research  finding  indicate that at %5  error   level , the  bases  of the  brand's social power  have a significant  positive effect on the  purchase   behavior and cognitive engagements of  the consumers  product. In addition,  it can be  stated  that at  the  error level of  %5, the  product's cognitive engagement has a mediator role  in  the  effects  of  the brand's  social  power  bases  on  the  purchase  behavior.

Volume 21, Issue 5 (4-2021)

Supplementary firing system is one of the common methods of increasing the power generated of combined cycle units. Low cost of investment to the rate of increase of the generative power has encouraged the designers to use this method in the above power plants. In this article, field study of the performance changes of a real combined cycle unit with and without supplementary firing has been performed from energy and exergy viewpoints. Studies show that in all operation modes subject to research, using supplementary firing causes an increase in power generation up to 26.3MW, energy efficiency of steam cycle about 2.43% and decreases the exergy destruction of steam flow control valves. But this system has a negative impact on energy and exergy efficiencies of the whole combined cycle, which at the worth case about 1.17% decreases energy efficiency. In addition, it was specified that the power plants operation in the partial loads causes high exergy destruction in the cycle which steam cycle increased energy and exergy efficiencies due to use   supplementary firing system cannot fully compensate it. 

Volume 21, Issue 6 (10-2019)

Rural production cooperatives, as an effective tool for rural development, have an important role in increasing the capabilities of rural farmers. In order to achieve the goals, in addition to human, social, and economic support, cultural development is also needed. In this regard, this study aimed at investigating the impact of cultural capital on the empowerment of rural production cooperative members. The study was conducted in Amol, Iran. A total of 6,150 members of 11 rural production cooperatives were selected as the statistical population of the study, and 300 of whom were selected as the study sample based on Cochran's formula. Data collection was done using a researcher-made questionnaire composed of two parts of cultural capital (embodied, objectified and institutionalized) and empowerment (psychological, social, and economic). The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts' opinions. Also, based on the Average Variance Extracted (0.514> AVE< 0.663) and Composite Reliability (0.808> CR< 0.966), the questionnaire had a convergent validity and appropriate reliability. SPSS16 and Smart PLS2 software were used to analyze the data. Results of the research showed that cultural capital had a significant impact on the psychological, social, and economic empowerment level of the members of the rural production cooperatives. According to the results, it is recommended that, by careful planning, sufficient benefits be gained from the potential of cultural capital in the future development policies of rural production cooperatives, so that an effective, though small, step can be taken toward development of the aforementioned cooperatives.

Volume 21, Issue 6 (5-2021)

Human ankle-foot gait is the result of a complex interaction between nerves and muscles. A significant number of prosthetic ankle-foots (passive, semi-active, active) have been designed to restore an identical function of a real limb. Excluding passive and semi-active prosthesis who couldn’t generate any positive work, one of the biggest challenges in creating these prostheses is providing the needed power and energy during movement. Supplying this power and energy, requires a high-torque and high-power actuator having high weight, thereby causing a dramatic increase in the weight and size of that prostheses. In this paper, a combination of an active actuator (an electrical motor) and an passive stimulus (a spring) is utilized, which decrease the needed power and energy, and in addition to walking mode can also support running mode up to 2.5m/s. Accordingly, The first stage of this article includes mechanical modeling of the ankle and evaluation of efficiency and power consumption in all presented models. Then the structure of Series Elastic Actuator differed with the previous structures is selected as the best combination.  In this opted structure, power and energy consumption is dramatically declined up to 58% and 26% in walking mode and 64% and 57% in running mode. Consequently, a lighter motor and battery can supply the required power, so the prosthesis chr('39')s weight is subtracted.

Volume 21, Issue 7 (12-2019)

Implementation of Conservation Agriculture (CA) project is a process of multi-participation that involves actors from agricultural researchers and scientists, extension agents, private consulting firms, pioneer farmers, rural cooperatives, family members, peer farmers, etc. The social interactions between farmers and actors drive the CA development. Therefore, this study analyzes the social network structures and characteristics of various actors by social network analysis in seven processes of applying CA in Iran. The research sample was composed of farmers who participated in the CA project in three provinces of Fars, Golestan, and Khuzestan (n= 133). The research instrument was a questionnaire that was designed as a matrix. The findings showed that pioneer farmers, CA farmers, and family members were the main actors in the farmers' social network. It can be concluded that these actors were the main social power in applying CA principles by farmers and they constituted the main centrality of the farmers' social network. It means that farmers are more likely to interact with local actors, and they interact less with the government and the actors outside the rural community. Therefore, it can be recommended that social power should be identified and project management should be organized through them in attempts to implement CA.

Volume 21, Issue 151 (8-2024)

The plant Allium ampeloprasum, belonging to the Liliaceae family, is an important source of antioxidant compounds. In this study, the anti-radical and antioxidant activities, as well as the determination of phenolic and flavonoid compounds in the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of this plant, were investigated. In this laboratory study, the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Allium ampeloprasum were prepared by adding 50 grams of the plant and mixing it in a 1:5 ratio with distilled water or ethanol. The total phenolic and flavonoid content was determined by spectrophotometry, and the antioxidant activity of the plant at different concentrations was measured using the Cuprac method, DPPH free radical scavenging, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay. Data analysis was performed using SAS software and one-way analysis of variance. Based on the results, the total phenolic content in the aqueous extract was 86.9859 and 23.4 micrograms of gallic acid per milliliter in the alcoholic extract. The total flavonoid content was 42.81 in the aqueous extract and 345.54 micrograms of quercetin per milliliter in the alcoholic extract. Additionally, the total antioxidant capacity in the aqueous extract was 0.2362 and 0.3876 in the alcoholic extract, and the Cuprac method reported 0.0747 in the aqueous extract and 0.1992 in the alcoholic extract. The ferric reducing antioxidant power was 0.1041 in the aqueous extract and 0.0248 in the alcoholic extract, while the DPPH radical scavenging activity was 73.18 in the aqueous extract and 72.95 in the alcoholic extract. According to the study results, Allium ampeloprasum is a good source of antioxidant compounds, and its consumption can reduce oxidative damages in the body and improve health. Moreover, after extraction and purification, it can be used in pharmaceutical and food industries.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (1-2022)

A significant portion of world energy consumption belongs to building sector, And HVAC systems have an important share in building energy usage. In this research, a novel HVAC system has been proposed which is based on three technologies of combined heating and power, ice thermal energy storage, and solar heating. The system is named CCHP-ITESS as an abbreviation of previously mentioned technologies. This system was modeled on a case study building in Tehran, to obtain energy consumption, costs, and payback results in comparison with conventional HVAC systems. In order to realize the effect of energy prices on the economical results, the same system and building were simulated for the city of Los Angeles,California,US. The results showed that both scenarios will lead to significant reduction in net source energy consumption, which is 36.87% reduction in Tehran and 40.28% reduction in Los Angeles. However, the system is not economically reasonable in Tehran because of the low energy prices and has a 39 years of payback period, but is absolutely feasible in Los Angeles with ab payback period of less than 3.5 years. As a result, application of this system is feasible in Los Angeles and not feasible in Tehran.

Volume 22, Issue 3 (3-2022)

The design and optimization of multiple production systems, including systems that simultaneously generate heat, power and freshwater, play an important role in improving the performance of these systems. In this study, after modeling a multi-effect evaporative desalination system MED and simultaneous heat and power generation CHP, they are combined to meet the demand for heating, power and fresh water for a hotel. The purpose of this study is the thermoeconomic evaluation of the use of thermal energy storage TES tank in the combined system CHP + MED compared to the non-use of this tank. The strategy is applied every 24 hours of the two seasons. In optimizing this system, the annual cost minimization has been done as a objective function and using genetic algorithm. Optimal technical results in these systems show that the system CHP + MED + TES requires a gas turbine with a nominal capacity of 12% larger and a backup boiler with a nominal capacity of 7.14% smaller than the system CHP + MED. The optimal results of the economic comparison show that by using the thermal energy storage tank in the combined system CHP + MED, the annual cost is improved by 4.91%.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (3-2019)

With economic development and population growth, the global need for energy is increasing steadily. Fossil fuels are the most commonly used fuel in the world, but their resources are limited. Therefore, for sustainable development, the need to use renewable energy sources is felt more than ever. Solar energy recognized as the most important and most affordable one. In Iran, the availability of suitable climate and sunlight in many areas and seasons has provided a good basis for using this kind of energy. The purpose of this research is to utilize a MCDM approach for evaluating the potential of different regions in Qazvin province for the establishment of a solar power station. In this regard, several evaluation criteria were identified and their importance was determined by the AHP method and then their uncertainty is modeled using fuzzy theory. Then, a potential map was developed using OWA and TOPSIS methods. Finally, the result of utilizing AHP-OWA method is compared with AHP-TOPSIS. Comparison of the weights of indicators shows the weather factors as important ones. In addition, according to the research findings, the Takestan region was recognized as a good area for establishing a solar power plant. Based on previous studies, construction of a 100MW solar power station in this area has been confirmed. This means that the proposed method is acceptable to be used by decision-makers as an effective tool.

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