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Volume 19, Issue 4 (7-2017)

Dry bean landraces could be cultivated under Low-Input (LI) farming conditions because of their yield stability and quality traits. The objective of this research was to evaluate and identify landraces with high yield and stable performance under LI environment and study the relationships among agronomical, physiochemical, and quality traits. Seven landraces of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were evaluated in field trials under certified organic management during three consecutive growing seasons (2008-2010) at two different areas located in northern Greece in a RCBD with four replicates. Site per year was considered as one environment. A ranking of landraces according to seed yield potential indicated a group of five high yielding landraces, while Genetic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) for seed yield (9.80%) and number of pods/plant (9.57%) indicated useful genetic variability within landraces, combined with high heritability values (H2= 0.71 and 0.95, respectively). GGE biplot analysis for yield performance and stability indicated that landrace Kastoria fell within the scope of an ideal genotype, followed by three other promising landraces. Significant positive correlation was detected between cooking time and Ash (0.94**). High GCV values for hydration increase (16.77%) and cooking time (15.65%) combined with their high heritability (H2= 0.98 and 0.89, respectively) are of great interest for further genetic advancement. These results indicate that dry bean landraces may provide the appropriate differentiation in several important traits when cultivated under LI conditions, so, effort should be directed to exploit this variability for the development of new varieties suitable for LI agriculture.

Volume 19, Issue 6 (6-2019)

This paper presents a new method to design stabilizing and tracking control laws for a class of nonlinear systems whose state space description is in the form of polynomial functions. This method employs the nonlinear model directly in the controller design process without the need for local about an operating point. The approach is based on the sum of squares (SOS) decomposition of multivariate polynomials which is transformed into a convex optimization problem. It is shown that the design problem can be formulated as a sum of squares optimization problem. This method can guarantee of the nonlinear system with less conservatism than based Also, a sum of squares technique is used to evaluate the stability of closed loop system state with respect to exogenous input. The nonlinear dynamic model of air vehicles can usually be expressed by polynomial nonlinear equations. Therefore, the proposed method can be applied to design an air vehicle autopilot. The hardware in the loop (HIL) simulation is an important test for evaluation of the aerospace control system before flight test. The HIL results using designed controller for a supersonic air vehicle are presented. The results from HIL is compared to the software simulation that the appropriate consistency of results shows the efficiency of the proposed method in the air vehicle autopilot control loop.

Volume 20, Issue 4 (10-2018)

Sustainable Intensification (SI) in agriculture is fronted as a promising approach to increase agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa countries. Technologies that can lead to realization of the SI goal are available but one of the key challenges is the low reach among smallholder farmers due to, among others, ineffective training and co-learning. In this study, a survey methodology was used to obtain data from 145 trainees in a sustainable intensification intervention in Kongwa and Mvomero districts, Tanzania, to analyze the drivers of training transfer. Hierarchical linear regression revealed that motivation of trainees, training design and delivery, and work environment (peer, extension and local institutional support) had positive effects on transfer of the training. For successful transfer of training, recommendations given were a deliberate focus on selection of suitable trainees and ensuring their motivation to learn; use of appropriate documentation, extension and training methods; strengthening farmers’ networks for peer learning; and strengthening collaborations with local institutions.

Volume 20, Issue 4 (12-2020)

Sometimes, economic restructuring can cause the significant conservation of energy. However, any restructuring has specific costs, which may eliminate the benefits of reducing energy consumption. This article aims to measure the implicit exports of energy carriers’ subsidies. To this end, the consumption of energy carriers in Iran is briefly investigated. The implicit exports of energy subsidies are calculated using the input-output table in 2011 (prepared by Statistical Center of Iran) over the period 2008-2016. To do this, the net exports of energy content of goods and services are determined by the price gap approach based on the consumption basket at 2004 prices.  The results show that the production costs in the industrial sector has been influenced by welfare effects resulting from targeted subsidies and rising energy carriers’ prices, and a large portion of energy carriers' subsidies has been implicitly exported.  Indeed, energy subsidy as an exporting good has served as a source of income for the rich. Thus, one of the roles of energy subsidy in Iran is to provide foreign exchange, which makes it possible to import all kinds of goods and services to the country.

Volume 20, Issue 4 (12-2020)

One of the basic functions of input-output analysis is to identify the economic structure of regions and countries. This research seeks to identify the key sectors of Iran's provinces and to compare them with national key sectors. The data is extracted from the national input-output table and regional accounts of the Statistical Center of Iran in 2011. The results show that based on the "total gross backward and forward linkages" criterion, there are 17 and 20 key sectors, respectively, with and without considering the "dispersion of the linkages", at national level. With same criterion, every province has at least one and two key sectors, respectively. However, some key sectors of provinces are not listed as national key sectors, and are not included in the central planning. On the contrary, a number of national key sectors are not categorized as key sectors in the provincial level. In addition, due to the larger usage of national resources in key sectors, the provinces with more common key sectors with national economy have higher GDP per capita. Thus, it seems due to inconsistency between some regional economic structure with national one, considering the provincial key sectors in national economic planning leads to optimal use of national resources through increasing the GDP per capita and decreasing the interregional disparities.

Volume 20, Issue 7 (6-2020)

Residual vibrations suppression of suspended payload transporting has numerous applications in the field of transporting. In previous studies, many control methods have been applied to reduce vibrations. Imprecise dynamic modeling, using sensor equipment, and high-cost designing of control systems decrease the performance of these methods. In the present study, an optimal trajectory of payload transport by dynamic programming algorithm is generated to reduce the residual swing. Dynamic programming algorithm is a computational technique by which breaking the problem down into sub-problems, an optimal trajectory recursively is executed with the sequence of sub-decision. In addition, input shaping method is applied to create the optimal trajectory. In this technique, the residual vibration is reduced by convolving an impulse sequence with a transport trajectory and consequently a desired trajectory creating. The simulation of optimal trajectories has been done in EDMS software. Regarding to the uncertainty of the dynamic modeling to which result error computational in input shaping technique, the dynamic programming algorithm is suggested for rapid transport of nonlinear systems. Experimental simulation section is carried out with connecting the pendulum to a robot to measure the vibration in ending of the transport and the time needed after swing stopping. Finally, the simulation results showed that the dynamic programming implementation leads to the reduction of the residual swing in the ending of the transport more than the prior method. Besides, the time needed for stop swing is 2 seconds lower than polynomial trajectory and 1 second lower than input shaping.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)

Control of environmental impacts which remain from agricultural activities is always a concern for communities. In Iran, wheat transportation takes place on roads that are dependent on fossil fuels and results in the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide. Accordingly, applying control policies for internalization of the external effects of releasing these pollutants seems necessary. One way to control this type of pollution is the use of tax instruments. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the economic effects of pollution tax on wheat market actors. This tax is proportional to the shadow value of pollution that happens due to energy consumption in the distribution sector. For this purpose, a Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium Model has been used to model the wheat market and Input Distance Function has been used to estimate carbon dioxide emission tax. The results showed that application of the tax payment policy would reduce wheat trade in the country by about 24 percent, while only 16.2 percent of the wheat price was considered as tax. Therefore, carbon dioxide emission will be significantly reduced. On the other hand, due to increased transportation costs, economic surplus for customer declined and economic surplus for producers and government revenues increased. Hence, internalization of the external effects of carbon dioxide emission will increase the welfare of the society.

Volume 21, Issue 4 (11-2021)

To prevent gasoline smuggling to abroad and its excessive consumption in the country, the price of gasoline increased and gasoline was quoted in 2019. This policy has affected the consumption expenditures of different income groups of households. To compensate the expenditures increment, the government pays subsidies to some income groups of households. This paper investigates the effects of this policy on the consumption expenditures of different income deciles in urban and rural areas and compares them with gasoline subsidies. To this end, a developed version of implicit subsidy elimination model is employed. The input-output table of Iran for the year 2016 is used as database of the research. The results of the research indicate that the subsidy of the government will cover the consumption expenditure increment due to its gasoline price policy for all target income groups. However, this policy fails to compensate the increment of the consumption expenditure in the case in which the labour force and capital owners adjust their endowments and the exchange rate is changed with respect to domestic price inflation. 

Volume 21, Issue 6 (10-2019)

The objectives of this investigation were to determine general background of farmers, their existing rice seed production condition, their perception of rice seed production standard, and constraints on farmers’ rice seed production. The sample of 66 selected rice farmers in Thamai Sub-District, Chumsaeng District, Nakhon Sawan Province was estimated using the formula developed by Arkin (1974) through multistage sampling technique. Data was obtained by interview schedule under close observation and in-depth discussion with key persons in the research site. The results revealed that average age of respondent was 48.09 years. Average year of rice seed cultivation experience was 4.36 years. The average size of owned land for seed cultivation was 3.36 hectares. Total seed cultivation land, accounting for 74.88%, was farmers’ owned land that they inherited from their parents. These can reduce the risk in farming because it is their own land. The results of assessment of farmers’ perception indicated that most of respondents had the required knowledge in seed production standard. They could answer correctly questions regarding rice seed production technology. Most of them had positive attitude toward the proposed standard practice. Nearly 60% of the respondents followed the right production practices. Farmers’ characteristics factors affecting seed yield were number of extension contact, farm media perception, and participation in community intervention program, respectively. The constraints in rice seed production improvement were high cost of inputs, high cost of fertilizer, low rice price, and climate variability, respectively.

Volume 21, Issue 7 (12-2019)

In recent years, the high cost of raising livestock and, consequently, the sharp increase in the price of red meat in Iran have reduced its demand, and people consume chicken meat as a substitute for it. This has reduced the production incentives and, with the bankruptcy of some beef cattle farms, the welfare of producers and consumers of this product face serious danger. To overcome this problem, understanding cost structure and reducing consumer price by reducing production costs seems necessary. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate cost structure and economies of scale of beef cattle farms in Mashhad. For this purpose, the short-run Translog cost function along with input cost share equations were estimated using the iterated seemingly unrelated regression method. The data were collected in 2017 from beef cattle producers by interview using structured questionnaires. The result showed that there were increasing returns to scale for all farms. In addition, the demands for all inputs were perfectly inelastic. On the other hand, there was weak complementary and substitute relationship between inputs. According to the results of this research, the most important factor of beef production in the selected farms was feed, whose demand was inelastic and the possibility of substituting it with other inputs was very weak. Therefore, the adoption of policies by the government, including subsidies for feeding cattle and increasing the import of this input, can reduce the production cost and prevent beef prices from rising.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Green growth emphasizes the production and supply of eco-friendly products and is considered a suitable strategy for economic growth along with the preservation of natural resources and reducing pollution emission in different countries. Given that Iran as a developing country does not perform well in terms of the green growth index, it is necessary to evaluate energy consumption, pollution of various economic activities, and identifying economic opportunities for green growth in terms of production and employment indicators. This study, using the multi-factor energy input-output method and input-output table data related to 2016, investigates the impact of final demand on primary energy consumption, CO2 emission, economic growth, and energy jobs which in turn identifies green growth potentials in Iran's economic sectors with considering both growth and employment indicators. The results show that the sectors related to the production of agricultural and livestock products, services and food products have the lowest CO2 emissions for each unit of production growth and the growth of energy jobs. On the other hand, due to the low growth potential of transportation services, base metals, rubber and plastic products, encouraging higher final demand for products will not be attractive; so that, structural changes in these sectors are necessary for planning green growth.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (12-2022)

In order to evaluate the socioeconomic development, various criteria are used to evaluate the livelihood, welfare, and social changes of human life. The economic progress is one of the important dimensions of development. The social dimension of development, which leads to the creation of justice for different members of a society, is another important aspect of development, and the realization of this goal requires planning. Land planning, which seeks to pay attention to regional potentials and differences, is a step in this direction. Ignoring these capabilities will lead to resources waste, intensifying regional dualities and negative consequences. For this purpose, the aim of the current research is to identify the key sectors of the economy of Yazd province based on the multi-regional input-output table. The innovation of the current research is to investigate all the economic activities of Yazd province and national economy and to identify the key parts of the two regions.

In the current research, we seek to identify and evaluate the key economic sectors of Yazd province and national economy using traditional methods, elasticity of final demand, data envelopment analysis (DEA) and finally a multi-ranked index using multi regional input-output table. In this article, the Central Bank's 2016 input-output table was used, which was the most up-to-date official statistical data table approved and available at the time of the research. Also, the regional input-output table of 2015 Yazd province and national economy has been extracted from the updated input output table of Central Bank and regional accounts of the same year by using specific Flegg location quotient (SFLQ) method. The input-output table of the Central Bank, according to the production and economic structure of the two regions, and using the ISIC classification method, has been aggregated into 20 sectors.

Results and Discussion:
The results of the present research show that in the traditional method, in total, the section "Manufacturing metal factory products except machinery and equipment" and three sections "Manufacturing paper and paper products and printing", "Manufacturing products from rubber and plastic" and "Manufacturing metals" "Basic" are respectively known as the key sectors of Yazd province and other national economies. In the final demand elasticity method of Yazd province, the sections "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment", "Manufacture of clothing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" and "Manufacture of unclassified machinery and equipment in Other" and for the rest of the national economy, the sectors "Manufacturing textiles", "Manufacturing basic metals" and "Manufacturing non-metallic mineral products" are ranked first to third. In the third method, known as data envelopment analysis method, in Yazd province, the "Manufacturing of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment" sector and in other national economies, the "Manufacturing of paper, paper products and printing" sector are known as key sectors.
In a general summary using a Multi Ranking Index (MRI), in Yazd province, "Textile manufacturing", "Clothing manufacturing, fur processing and dyeing, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products", "Wood manufacturing and wooden products", "Coke manufacturing, Products from the refining of petroleum and nuclear fuels and the manufacture of chemical materials and products", "Manufacture of basic metals", "Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified", "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transport equipment", "Manufacture of furniture and articles Not Elsewhere Classified", "Water, Electricity and Gas", "Construction", "Transportation" and at the level of other national economy sectors "Clothing manufacturing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" , "Making wood and wooden products", "Making paper, paper products and printing", "Making rubber and plastic products", "Making basic metals", "Manufacturing, repairing and installing subsidized, electronic and optical products, manufacturing, repairing and installation of electrical equipment”, “Manufacture of furniture and articles not elsewhere classified” are identified as key sectors.

The findings of the present research indicate that the use of different criteria can show a different picture of the economic performance of the sectors. Using traditional methods, key sectors are industry-oriented. In the final demand elasticity method, the priority of the sectors is determined based on the importance of each sector, and in the data envelopment analysis method, the results are estimated based on the efficiency value of each sector. These results show the importance of paying attention to choose the right method in the evaluation of key sectors. Although the key sectors determined using different methods are different, the common point of all three methods is that the key sectors of Yazd province are industry-oriented. Therefore, according to the criteria used in the three methods, it can be seen that the province is well industrialized and the role of industry in the economic structure of the province is dominant.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2023)

Aim and Introduction
In the conventional Input-Output model, all final demand components including household consumption, government expenditures, capital accumulation and exports are considered as exogenous variables. The basic limitation of the open Input-Output model is ignorance the relationship between the production sector and the household. In this way, if there is an increase in demand for the products of some industries, such an event will directly lead to an increase in the production level of these industries in the first place. On the other hand, the increase in production in turn leads to an increase in the level of production in related industries through previous connections. The increase in income resulting from higher levels of household economic activities leads to an increase in household consumption and as a result stimulates more activities in the production sector. Based on this, the production sector and the households are related to each other through the income-consumption relationship.In order to estimate the income-consumption relationship, household consumption should be included as an endogenous variable in the Input-Output model, while in the conventional (open) Input-Output model, household consumption is considered as an exogenous variable. To solve this limitation, Miyazawa (1976) presented a new Input-Output model in which he considered household consumption as an endogenous variable. Miyazawa's model is known in the relevant literature as a semi-closed Input-Output model with endogenous consumption. Despite this, Miyazawa's model, similar to Keynes' consumption theory, considers household consumption solely as a function of current income, while according to other theories of consumption behavior, household consumption depends on other factors such as past consumption levels and income. It also depends on the expectation. Accordingly, in this research, the semi-closed Input-Output model with semi-endogenous consumption, introduced by Chen et al (2016), was used because this new model adapts the Input-Output model to other consumption theories and corrects the failure of the previous model. In this framework, household consumption is divided into two endogenous and exogenous parts, so that the endogenous component is influenced by current income and the exogenous component is influenced by other factors affecting consumption. In fact, it is only endogenous consumption that enters the mediation matrix.
In this research, the results of the new semi-closed Input-Output model with semi-endogenous consumption (Chen et al (2016) model) and the semi-closed Input-Output model with completely endogenous consumption (Miyazawa (1976) model) were compared. In this regard, first, endogenous consumption coefficients for 12 product groups were estimated using the Kalman filter model, and then, the estimated endogenous consumption coefficient of each category of goods was compared to the endogenous consumption coefficient of the data sections by means of the interface matrix. The receipt was converted.
In order to compare the performance of the two models of Miyazawa (1976) and the model of Chen et al (2016), the effect of government capital formation on the value added of different sectors was evaluated using the two mentioned models.
Failure to consider other factors affecting consumption will lead to upward deviation in GDP estimation. In this way, it can be concluded that the semi-endogenous model solves the insufficiency of the completely endogenous model and its results are closer to reality.
Discussion and Conclusion

the gross domestic product was obtained based on fully endogenous and semi-endogenous models (9601201) and (9329172), respectively. These findings show that Miyazawa model considers all household consumption as a function of current income, and also due to the lack of consideration of other factors affecting consumption such as expected income, consumption level. Also, in Chen et al.'s model, the calculated added value is smaller compared to Miyazawa's model, because by analyzing and separating exogenous consumption from total consumption, only endogenous consumption entered the table of intermediary exchanges.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2023)

Aims and Introduction:
Limited resources and facilities require prioritizing their allocation. For this reason, determining the sectors in which investment stimulates the economy and causes more economic growth has always been the focus of economic planners. Investigating the contribution of different sectors of the economy in job creation is very important for better allocation of limited resources. The priority of investment will be given to a sector that has the highest employment generation capacity and the production level of the entire economy.

In this article, on the one hand, three methods of analyzing the key sectors of the economy in terms of creating employment were compared. On the other hand, by calculating the normalized backward and forward links of different sectors of the economy and using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the results of three methods were examined.
Finally, the most suitable method to introduce the important sectors of the economy to simultaneously improve production and employment was identified.
Results and Discussion:
By comparing the results of the analyzes of two traditional methods and the hypothetical removal of Meller and Marfan, it can be seen that the other services and professional, scientific and technical activities with an increase of one unit (one billion Rials) of investment have the highest direct and indirect employment generation capacity. In addition, mining activity with an increase of one unit (one billion Rials) of investment has the lowest direct and indirect employment generation capacity.
 Also, in both primary tables, the fields of agriculture, forestry and fishing have been ranked fourth in terms of importance in creating employment.
Meanwhile, the industrial production sector (construction) has changed from the 13th rank in the traditional method to the 3rd rank in the hypothetical removal method of Meller and Marfan.
In Meller and Marfan's hypothetical elimination method, by considering production, the defect of the traditional employment generation method was largely eliminated.
In the third method, unlike the first two methods, industrial production activity is the most important sector of the economy.
In fact, this sector accounts for about 34% of the total lost indirect job opportunities. Also, according to the revised method, the agricultural sector ranked second among 19 fields of activity and is much more important than the two sectors of other services and professional activities, which were introduced as the most important sectors of the economy (from the point of view of employment creation) according to the first two methods. The calculation of normalized links showed that the industrial production sector (construction) with normalized coefficients of more than 20 had the greatest effect and influence from the production of other sectors. After the industrial production sector, transportation and storage sectors; agriculture, forestry and fishing; and the building have the most links (forward and backward) with other parts, respectively.
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, between the normalized links of production and the 3 described methods, showed that based on the results of the 2015 Input-Output table of Statistical Center of Iran, only the modified method of hypothetical elimination can correctly determine the important sectors of the economy from the two perspectives of production and employment.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2023)

 The lack of statistical data at the regional level has led to the expansion of non-statistical methods for the regionalization of national input-output tables. The main idea of the current research is the regionalization of national dynamic input-output tables using the extension of the Charm method. This research using this non-statistical method provides an estimate of the sectoral capital matrix in the regional level, and finally, with the help of the numerical index of capital productivity and the Williamson’ capital index and comparing it with the relative advantage index, it measures the capacity of capital formation. Part of it is in Isfahan province. The results show that the industry sector with the largest share of output from the total output of the province has the lowest numerical index of capital productivity and the highest balanced diffusion effects of capital and the highest comparative advantage in 2015.
One of the most efficient methods for examining intra-regional economic capacities is the use of intra-regional and inter-regional capital matrix. In Iran, due to the lack of sufficient statistical data, no attempt has been made to estimate the sectoral capital matrix in the regional level. The purpose of the current research is to regionalize the national dynamic input-output table with the help of expanding the CHARM non-statistical method and estimating the intra-regional and inter-regional capital matrix; to provide an analysis of the capital capacity of different economic sectors in the region with the help of these matrices. In the current research, among all the non-statistical regionalization methods of the national input-output tables, the Charm approach has been selected in accordance with the regional data. The reason for choosing Charm method is the existence of Cross Hauling in Isfahan province. One of the problems of Charm's method is the placement of national and regional technology coefficients. This simplifying assumption causes the intermediate demand within the region to increase and therefore the added value, which is estimated as a residual; it will be very small or even negative. For this purpose, the current research will regionalize the matrix of national technology coefficients with the help of spatial coefficients; to solve the problem. By estimating the regional capital matrix, an analysis of the final productivity of the sector's capital factor and inter-sector capital distribution will be presented, and the results of these sectors will be compared with the indicators of comparative advantage of the sector. Finally, the research questions will be answered:
  • Which effect will the adjustment of the national technology coefficients have on the added value of the province?
  • What is the capital matrix of the sector in Isfahan province?
  • Which sector in Isfahan province has the highest numerical index of capital productivity?
  • Which economic sectors in Isfahan province have more distribution of capital formation?
  • What are the economic sectors with the greatest comparative advantage in Isfahan province?
At first, it is necessary to estimate the national capital matrix with the help of available data and simplifying assumptions. By estimating the national dynamic input-output table, we will have an estimate of the regional dynamic input-output table with the help of the extension of Charm method. To solve the problem of equality of national and regional technology coefficients, by multiplying the diagonal matrix of spatial coefficients in the matrix of national technology coefficients, we will obtain the spatial technology matrix of the region, and by multiplying this estimated matrix in the resulting diagonal matrix, we will obtain the regional technology matrix. Therefore, smaller regional coefficients will be estimated.
On the other hand, to estimate the intra-regional capital matrix, the difference ratio of the region's output in two periods is used to the same amount at the national level. In this case, the intra-regional capital matrix is estimated. A time interval of one year is considered. The reason for choosing this time interval is that the country's budget is one year and a huge part of the inter-sectoral investment in the region is done by the central government. To estimate the intra-regional capital matrix, the spatial ratio of the region's capital asset ownership to the entire country is used. Finally, by subtracting the national capital matrix from the intra-regional capital matrix, we will get an estimate of the correct inter-regional capital matrix. Finally, with the estimation of the capital matrix, the assessment of the capital formation capacity of the intra-regional sector of Isfahan province is carried out with the help of single-factor productivity analysis of capital and the Williamson index of capital and the estimation of the relative advantage index.
Results and Discussion
In the case that the coefficients of national technology are equal to regional technology, the added value is negatively estimated in four sectors, agriculture, mining, water and electricity, gas and construction. This is despite the fact that in the proposed method of the current research, these positive values are estimated. According to the capital matrix, the most productions were related to the industry, construction and agriculture sectors. Also, the most capital purchases were related to industry, services and real estate sectors. The highest level of sector productivity is related to the communication, mining and transportation sectors. One of the reasons for the increase in user productivity
((L↑)/K ) of the sector is compared to other economic sectors. According to Wilsamson's index, the industrial sector, as a supply sector, has distributed its produced capital goods in a more balanced way among the demand sectors. Three sectors, industry, transportation and real estate, have the greatest comparative advantage according to both indicators. But none of the sectors has a high relative advantage.
In summary, the results show that the industry sector with the largest share of output from the total output of the province had low productivity in 2015. Meanwhile, according to Williamson's index, this sector has the most balanced emission effects with other economic sectors, and the results of the previous link also confirm this. Also, based on the RCA and SRCA indices, this sector has a comparative advantage. Therefore, paying attention to new investment in this sector and improving production technology can have good effects on the sector itself and ultimately on other economic sectors in the region.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2023)

International trade is usually associated with competition. During this competition, successful producers have lower production costs. Reducing the cost of production requires the use of different ways. One of these ways is the better use of primary production factors such as labor force. Thus, this paper attempts to investigate the effect of changes in foreign trade along with other effective factors on changes in labor force usage in Iran.
There are several methods to study the quality of labor force usage. The labor force productivity is considered as a criterion that is used in many researches. To this end, this study investigates the effects of foreign trade on labor force productivity changes in different production sectors. The data required for this research are provided from the input-output tables of 2011 and 2016, the national accounts and the results of the population and housing census for the years 2011 and 2016. For this purpose, first, symmetric tables of the sample years have been made with the assumption of sector technology, using consumption and supply tables of these years. Then, in order to calculate productivity and compare them in the sample years, the dimensions of the created tables have been standardized. Finally, using the Structural Decomposition Analysis (SDA) approach, the effects of changes in trade balance, along with export and import ratio to trade balance, export and import structure, self-sufficiency, production technology and employment on changes in labor force productivity are determined.
At the sectoral level, the value of the production of the industrial sector in 2016 compared to the corresponding value in 2011 (at the price of 2016) has decreased due to the recession prevailing in this sector. The value of products at fixed prices in trade and repair and mining sectors, including crude oil and natural gas, has decreased due to reasons such as sanctions and low economic growth in these periods. In contrast, the value of production shows an increase at a fixed price in the public affairs, defense and social security /real estate and real estate services/transportation and agriculture sectors.

Results and Discussion:
The total value of production in 2016 compared to 2011 has increased nearly 2006.70 million Rials at the price of 2016. The number of employed people in the country has increased by 2,113,120 people during this period. Because of these changes, the productivity of the country's labor force has reached from 1038.12 million Rials in 2011 (at the price of 2016) to 1029.84 million Rials in 2016, which shows a decrease of 8.28 million Rials.
At the sectoral level, the value of the production of the industry sector in 2016 compared to the corresponding value in 2011 (at the price of 2016) has decreased due to the recession prevailing in this sector. The value of products at fixed prices in trade and repair/ and mining sectors, including crude oil and natural gas, has decreased in these years due to reasons such as sanctions and low economic growth. In contrast, the value of production shows an increase at a fixed price in the public affairs, defense and social security/real estate and real estate services/, transportation/ and agricultural sectors.  In view of employment, the agricultural sector has faced a decrease in employment during the study period. In contrast, the industrial/, and trade and repair/ sectors have faced an increase in employment. Because of these changes, the industry/, trade and repair/ sectors have faced a decrease in labor productivity. Whereas the agriculture sector/, transportation/, public affairs administration, defense and social security/ and the activities of real estate and real estate service companies/ have faced an increase in labor productivity.
From the point of view of foreign trade, the industry sector has seen the largest increase in exports, while the electricity sector has faced the largest decrease in exports. In terms of imports, the industry sector has experienced the largest increase, while the education sector has experienced the largest decrease. The correlation coefficient between the exports of the sectors and the productivity of their labor force has been positive. While the correlation coefficient of the different sectors with the productivity of their labor force has been negative. However, the value of these correlation coefficients shows a decrease in 2016 compared to 2011.
The results of research show that foreign trade has improved labor productivity in the country. In addition, the exports of sectors have relatively similar relationship with the productivity of their labor force, in contrast, the import of goods has an inverse relationship with the productivity of their producing sectors. However, this issue has received less attention in 2016 compared to 2011, which has led to changes in the structure of exports and imports to reduce labor force productivity.

Volume 23, Issue 6 (11-2021)

Adoption of agricultural technology is important for improving rice yield and household income in developing countries. Using fixed effects, random effects, and Instrumental Variable/Two-Stage Least-Squares (IV/2SLS) methods, this study examined the economic impacts of agricultural technology adoption by focusing on the case of hybrid rice varieties in rural Vietnam. The empirical results revealed that hybrid varieties adoption significantly increased productivity but induced higher intermediate costs. Meanwhile, there was no significant impact of adoption on value added. In addition, poor adopters had higher productivity and incur more intermediate costs than non-poor adopters. The findings suggest that the Vietnamese government should enact relevant policies to enhance the farmers’ access to better inputs and the effectiveness of rice farming activities.

Volume 24, Issue 6 (11-2024)

In recent years, the surge in pollutants from fossil fuels has prompted a heightened emphasis on transitioning to clean and renewable energies, with a particular focus on wind power. The deployment of offshore wind turbines stands out as a prominent approach to harnessing wind energy. However, these turbines consistently endure cyclic loading induced by wind, waves, and ocean currents, necessitating foundations that exhibit robust resistance to such repeated stress. Offshore wind turbines are commonly mounted on monopiles, singular tubular structures with diameters ranging from 2 to 8 meters. While these turbines were initially deployed in Europe, their utilization has expanded to seismically active regions such as USA, China and Japan in recent years, owing to their numerous advantages. As a result, their seismic behavior has become a subject of interest. The seismic design of these turbines, similar to other structures, should be based on past earthquakes in the region and adapted to saturated conditions. Until now, a multitude of studies has delved into these turbines, predominantly through numerical research. However, the scarcity of experimental investigations into their seismic behavior has left the impacts of acceleration and frequency of input motion on their design not thoroughly explored. Furthermore, in certain instances, the design of these turbines makes reference to regulations designed for dry conditions. This research investigates the impact of acceleration and frequency of input motion on the seismic response of offshore wind turbines through 9 experiments conducted on samples using a 1g shaking table. Various input motion with different acceleration and frequencies were applied under both dry and saturated conditions, allowing for a comprehensive comparison of turbine behavior. The modeling process included creating a soil environment with specific dimensions through dry deposition and compaction, followed by the embedding of sensors for measuring acceleration and pore water pressure. After these initial steps, the monopile was vertically drove into the soil, and the superstructure was assembled. Displacement sensors were installed to capture the superstructure's displacement at different heights and to measure the settlement of the soil surface on the samples. Then the sample started to be saturated from the bottom of the box and water was placed on the soil surface up to 10 cm to model sea water. Subsequently, harmonic sinusoidal loading was applied, with 9 loadings featuring frequencies of 10 Hz, 5 Hz, and 3 Hz, along with maximum accelerations of 0.2 g, 0.3 g, and 0.4 g, respectively. As indicated by the findings of this research, turbine seismic behavior becomes significantly more critical during resonance phenomena in the most critical state, with the impact of other factors on seismic performance proving negligible in such instances. Moreover, the seismic behavior of these turbines consistently exhibits more critical behavior in saturated conditions compared to dry conditions. In saturated conditions, acceleration amplification in surface soil layers is up to 5 times, profoundly influencing seismic performance, whereas in dry conditions, amplification is limited to 1.2 times. Additionally, as excitation acceleration rises and excitation frequency decreases, the superstructure's maximum acceleration and the turbine's maximum and permanent displacement all increase, signifying a more critical behavior of this structure.

Volume 26, Issue 2 (3-2024)

This study aimed to investigate the effects of inputs such as pesticides, fertilizers, seeds, labor and machine use on wheat yield. The data used in the study were obtained from 177 wheat producers in Diyarbakir Province through a questionnaire, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were used in the analysis of the data. According to the results, the average wheat yield is 5482.03 kg ha-1, and 294.75 kg of seeds, 550.73 kg of fertilizer, 3.59 hours of machinery, 5.37 hours of labor and 2662.43 cc of pesticides were used per hectare for wheat production. According to the results of the ANN analysis, the relative importance of inputs affecting wheat yield was quantified, with the use of pesticides and fertilizer having the most significant impacts. Specifically, the sensitivity coefficients for pesticide use and fertilizer use were found to be 0.23 and 0.14, respectively. These coefficients represent the relative change in wheat yield per unit change in the input parameters.

Volume 26, Issue 4 (7-2024)

Since the 1960s and the reduction in the share of agricultural sector in GDP in different countries, based on extensive forward and backward linkages of the agricultural sector, the concept of agribusiness has been introduced to explain the valuable contribution of agriculture to the national economy. This paper estimates the share of agribusiness in gross domestic product using input-output tables for 1986, 1991, 2001, and 2016. The results showed that the contribution of agribusinesses to GDP was about 2.5 times that of agricultural production (the average share of agribusinesses in 1986-2016 was about 23%, while the corresponding figure for agricultural value added was 9.25%). In a similar trend to developing and developed countries, the share of agribusinesses in GDP had decreased from 27.2 to 17% in 1986-2016. However, the examination of the components of agribusinesses in Iran compared to other countries shows significant differences, which can be attributed to Iran's arid and semi-arid climate, low rate of capital formation, low productivity of production factors, as well as lack of participation in regional and global chains due to long-term sanctions imposed on the economy.

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