Showing 58 results for Family
Volume 19, Issue 3 (12-2015)
This paper considers the concept of a legal person on the base of temporary legal terminology and the globally accepted notion of The Family to discuss about the acceptability of the legal personality for the family in the legal systems of Iran, Islamic countries, main west and Islamic jurisprudence. Despite the claim that the legal personality for the family has been accepted in some historical, philosophical and legal reports, this paper proves that the origin of such reports is the emotional dissolution of family members in the collective identity of the family that is far from the notion of legal personality in its definite term. Similar to other countries, this identity (not the legal personality) has formed the subject of some Family Acts in our country. According to the Roman-Germanic law, common law, rules of Islamic countries and the position of Islamic law, we have discussed and rejected the statements and various templates that may indicate or form the reason for the benefit of the "Theory of Legal Personality" of the Family”.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (10-2015)
Imam Mohammed bin Idris al- Shafe‘i has had plenty of poetical talent and an extensive literal knowledge. It seems that his literal aspect has not taken into account much compared to other aspects of his personality. Whatever exists are testimony by some of the pioneers in the fields of knowledge and literature confirming his erudition in poetry and literature. After introducing the poetical and literary aspects of Shafe‘i’s personality, this article attempts to answer as: what are the subjects and the standards of Shafe‘i’s poem? After the research on his poetical works, the acquired results show that wisdom and value were two main subjects of Shafe‘i’s verses. Self-respect, modesty, contentment, generosity, virtue, good conduct, knowledge, excellence and affection for prophetic family, are the main terms in Shafe‘i’s poetical works.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)
Different factors can develop trust in firms. Considering intra-organizational theories in this field, the research investigates the factors with a comparative approach between family and non-family firms. The research uses survey methods. Research census is family and non-family firms in Soleyman Sabahi Industrial City Town. According to poll, all active family and non-family firms were interviewed. 3 laborer questionnaires and 1 firm owner questionnaire were distributed in each firm. Totally, 163 family and 153 non-family firms were investigated. Multi group analysis was done by Mplus software. Total sample analysis provided an adequate fit to the data; there is significant difference among groups for the theoretical model. Also rate of trust explanation in family firms is 71 percent.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (1-2020)
The bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a serious pest of Poaceae plants, especially wheat and corn, in the world and in Iran. In this study, the demographic parameters of R. padi were determined at seven constant temperatures (8.5, 15, 20, 25, 27.5, 29 and 31±0.5 °C), 65±5% RH, and 14:10 (L: D) photoperiods on Zea mays L., KSC704 cultivar. The total lifespan, from birth to death, decreased with increasing the temperature from 8.5 to 29 °C, but the nymphal stage duration increased a little at 29 °C. The highest value of life expectancy (ex) was observed at 8.5 °C and at 31 °C, the nymphs died before reaching the adult phase. The percentage of survival for nymphal stages was highest at 15 and 25 °C, and the net reproductive rate (R0=23.671 female/generation) had the highest value at 15 °C. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and the finite rates of increase (λ) increased at the temperature interval of 8.5 to 25 °C. At this range, the doubling time (DT) and the mean generation time (T) decreased as the temperature increased. According to the highest value of rm (0.22 day-1) and λ (1.134day-1) and also the lower value of T (9.095 d) and DT (2.16 d), the temperature of 25 °C was determined as the optimal temperature and the data showed that the proper temperature range for growth and reproduction of this aphid was between 15-25 °C. The effect of temperature on reproduction, especially the intrinsic rate of increase (rm), of R. padi would be useful for predicting its long-term population fluctuation over several generations and establishing integrated pest management (IPM) strategies against this pest.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (9-2019)
Family Unity is one of the principles of human rights and is considered in numerous international instruments including the International Bill of Human Rights. However, when the unity right and family re:union: are considered within the framework of international human rights and especially for refugee, they are faced with several challenges in recognition and application on the basis of documents and practice.
In any case, since the refugee, as a human being enjoy the fundamental human rights their enjoyment of family unity and reunification in the country of destination is inevitable, necessary and achievable under the international human rights law. This paper gives consideration to international and state practices in this issue while it investigates about the status of the right to family unity for refugees in international law and its challenges and it also legally analyzes the existing capacities in order to join family members to refugee and problems they facing with.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (5-2021)
Achillea tenuifolia Lam. belongs to the Asteraceae family that is one of the most popular aromatic plants in Iran with great variation in both morphology and essential oil components. The aim of this study was determination of essential oil content and composition of A. tenuifolia populations in field condition. Seeds of 17 populations of A. tenuifolia collected from their natural habitats were cultivated under the same environmental conditions in the research farm of Alborz Research Station, Karaj, Iran. The aerial parts of the plants were collected at full flowering stage and dried in shade (room temperature) and their essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. The oils were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Based on the results, the oil yield varied from 0.16 to 1.59% (w/w dried weight). Populations from Divandareh with 1.59% and Khoy2 with 0.16% had the highest and lowest oil yield, respectively. According to the cluster analysis, the populations were placed in two clusters. Germacrene D was the main compound in all oils, but the essential oils of populations in cluster 1 contained higher amount of germacrene D (up to 64.5% in Semnan population). α-Humulene (up to 15%) and 1,8-cineole (up to 11.7%) were the other major components in the oil of cluster 1 populations. The lower amounts of these three compounds (in addition to E-β-farnesene and piperitone) and higher amount of more volatile compounds like p-cymene, β-phellandrene, camphor, and α-thujone and presence or absence of other minor compounds placed the other populations in cluster 2. Each cluster divided in two groups because of different percentages of some component such as cubenol, viridiflorol, methyl hexadecanoate and phytol. Therefore, based on the demand for processing, the proper population can be chosen for vast cultivation.
Volume 23, Issue 10 (10-2023)
The main goal of this paper is to develop a special modular fixture system for machining and drilling parts that hold pneumatic jacks componets. This family of parts is usually made in various dimensions and sizes but with a specific geometric shape. The design requirements of the restrictions, the way of the construction process is considered as the design inputs of this system.
Positioning and clamping system have been designed, modeled and simulated for the mass production of a family of these parts with minimal changes in the manufacturing process. The results obtained from the idea of designing such restraints in machining processes show that with its help, it is possible to reduce the design and manufacturing costs of restraints for a group of parts that are similar in appearance but different in size and dimensions. It will significantly reduce and minimize the time of adjusting these equipments during the production process and will increase the productivity and circulation of products.
Volume 24, Issue 1 (8-2021)
Coronaviruses have four main types: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Beta and gamma types cause respiratory illness in humans and animals. These viruses have spread various diseases in the last 26 years, and recently in Wuhan, China, a new disease that has spread around the world. Three of these important viruses are SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2. They have a natural and moderate host in animals, especially bats. In case of SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to the gene sequence obtained from the virus, bats and penguins have been suspected as natural hosts. The virus is predicted to be transferred from bats to penguins and then mutated into humans. Due to the large number of viruses in the corona family, which affects many animals, a new type of virus is likely to spread again. And given experiences of SARS and SARS-CoV-2, the role of veterinarians in the live animals markets and livestock products markets should be reconsidered.
Volume 24, Issue 2 (8-2018)
Immigration to Europe has significantly increased over the past several years and Afghan refugees are the second largest displaced group entering European borders after Syrians. Germany has been a preferred destination for many refugees and in 2015 the country welcomed over one million asylum seekers from around the globe which made it as some called it “Kabul of Europe". Immigration, both voluntary and forced, is driven by social, political and economic factors. Urban life in Europe, especially in a developed country like Germany, is completely different from traditional life in Afghanistan. After spending times in the camp, Afghan women gradually enter the urban life of the destination country which impacts the function of a traditional Afghan family. This article tries to seek the notion of "change" amongst Afghan families while they encounter migratory experiences in urban life in German societies. The main aim of the research is to analyze the process of acculturation of immigrant Afghan women in Germany in terms of educational attainments, language proficiency and entering to the workplace which will empower and enable them to redefine their identity in their new urban setup. This research is based on a qualitative method which consists of 51 in-depth interviews with Afghan (Hazara) migrant girls and women in refugee camps, as well as the city of Hamburg and Bremen in Germany.
Ali Reza Barikloo, Zahra Al Eshaq Khueyni,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (12-2018)
Stability and instability of family, as the most important and fundamental social organ, has significant effect on the destiny of a society. The increasing rate of divorce, including legal or emotional ones, is a major social dilemma where the role of family cannot be ignored in fixing it. This is a problem that can be solved by altering the approach of lawmakers i.e. an approach based on 'Consolidation Principle' leads to the stability of family. In other words, this as a general legal principle has been in line with the Sharia law. Based on this principle, whatever causes the family stability is accepted and is in accordance with the religious decree and whatever leads to instability and shakiness of the family foundation is hateful and unaccepted. The consolidation principle is based on rationality, expediency, notoriety and necessity. Similarly, this principle, in clerical way from accessories to totalities, is based on the holy Qur’an and Islamic Traditions.
Volume 25, Issue 1 (4-2019)
Family policies are considered as a set of measures by governments to support the family and strengthen the family's structure and functions. Historically, family politics has been influenced by two major policies of welfare state policy, including social and demographic policies. In other words, these policies are either focused on providing welfare benefits to the family or seeking an increase in childbearing rates and replacement rates. Family policies in the field of child-rearing include a wide range of support, such as child-raising leave, life support, and daycare. Childbirth leave is one of the most important parts of this policy, with four forms of maternity leave, parental leave, parental leave, and housekeeping. Fathers leave is the latest form of this type of leave, and is generally created to deepen the relationship between fathers and children in the early days of their birth and encourage parental involvement in parenting matters. In this article, selected world countries on parental leave, especially fathers, have been investigated using the comparative study method. The result of the survey shows that among the countries studied, European countries have focused more on the development of these types of leave, but there are still serious challenges in this area such as low leave time, lack of financial support from the father during the leave period, job norms and lack of sufficient information.
Seyed Ali Mahmoudi,
Volume 26, Issue 3 (9-2019)
Democratic family, as a new phenomenon in Iran, is based on some fundamental principles such as liberty, equality, rule of law, and tolerance. In this article, some of the important aspects of a democratic family in Iran will be explained and evaluated by applying conceptual analysis and critical evaluation. The family, which is characterized by middle class, rights, population and urbanization, marriage and divorce, violence, and nuclear family, lead to reasonable decision-making through dialogue and cooperation. The patriarchal mode of management in Iranian family has gradually changed into a collective decision-making, in which, the role of boys and girls are significant. These characteristics indicate that Iranian democratic family is a transitional process of social and political development in Iran.
Volume 26, Issue 6 (11-2024)
By studying the physical properties of oilseed rape, the obtained data have a practical application when constructing machines for sowing, harvesting, transporting, warehouse design, and seed processing. During oilseed rape harvest, seed moisture can be different, and it is imperative to understand the physical properties of the seeds to correctly adjust the equipment. Depending on the climate conditions, oilseed rape can have different seed moisture content. This investigation included three winter varieties of oilseed rape widely grown in European countries. The effect of different degrees of seed moisture (6, 11, 16, and 21%) on the physical properties of oilseed rape, seeds were investigated by using standard methods in three growing seasons (2015/17). When moisture content in the kernels increased, 1000-grain weight, seed volume and porosity, static and dynamic angles of repose also increased in the tested varieties. Increased seed moisture reduced the true density and bulk density of the three tested varieties. The highest coefficient of friction was found on plywood and the lowest on stainless steel sheet. Oil and protein contents of the tested varieties ranged between 39.38 and 43.90%, and 17.65 and 23.12%, respectively. Oleic, linoleic, α-linolenic, and palmitic acids were the most representative fatty acids. Knowing the physical and chemical properties of oilseed rape seeds, it would be possible to significantly contribute to the breeding process in order to identify high-quality genotypes.
Azam Tavakoli, Mehdi Mehrizi, Cobra Roshanfekr, Kamran Rabiee,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (7-2022)
The present tries to study and review the manner the discourse analysis method is being used in family studies. This method especially emphasizes the role of research in the social context. Considering the key role of the family and women and their place in ensuring the prosperity, this sacred institution should be researched upon in this so that we can reveal the structures and processes that are based on ideology and power. However, considering past researches in the field of women and family, a majority of researchers have paid little attention to the social context while investigating those problems. Therefore, it seems a research gap in this field and hence, this article aims to answer to this question: How can family and women's issues be investigated through the discourse analysis method? The influencing factors on this social phenomenon have been written with the aim of determining the type of linguistic strategies in representation, alienation, highlighting, etc. And in the meantime, we will also discuss the evolution of the discourse analysis method. In order to achieve this goal and to understand this matter more easily, we have used the movies Kitab Qanun (Book of Law), Abed and One Day (Forrever and One Day) as examples.
Volume 30, Issue 3 (3-2024)
The study of international entrepreneurship in one of the most important and influential businesses in the economic world today, namely small and medium-sized businesses that are run by families, has been introduced as one of the vital fields of study by researchers. The study provides an international entrepreneurship model in small and medium family businesses in Iran. The study has been taken by adopting a qualitative approach of Grounded theory, through purposive sampling and data collection among 20 managers and employees of family businesses active in the food industry. Also, the data analyzed using interview tools during three common coding steps in the Strauss-Corbin approach. Data analyzed by Atlas ti software. The reliability of the research tool assessed using the two-coder agreement method. The designed model includes market strategies, networking, Iranian culture governing business, entrepreneurial capabilities, underlying factors (internal factors, external factors, area of business activity, political conditions of sanctions and government support), resources (financial, Technological and human resources), sustainable development, sustainable Currency and global practice are among the results of the research.
Volume 31, Issue 1 (9-2024)
The Ahl al-Bayt`s behavior towards their chihdren shows the importance of paying attention to religious training and providing for their needs in the family. Imam Sajjad (as), realizing the importance of religious training that begins from the first social base, the family, referred to this issue, and his Sahifa Sajjadieh and Risalah Al-Huquq are full of training propositions at the family level. This study designe to analyse their training discourse in family relationships and examine the mutual duties of parents and children and extract training concepts in their speech through language structure to be able to use effectivv training components, discovered effective speaking style in training teaching and used as a verbal model. Based on this, 84 uttarances of speech from his discourse, which conveys trainind propositions at the family level, were selected and analysed based on Searle`s theory of speech act and descriptive-analytical method, and finally obtained the type of speech acts used in Imam`s words. Findings show that directive speech act with a frequency of 57 cases had the most repetition and his discourse is devoid of commisive and declarative speech acts. This statistic shows that in addition to adhere to the principles of training, it is necessary to stimulate their emotiins or intellectual persuasion, to create the ground for influence in their. Also negative training methods have`nt place in the speech of the Imam (as) and He used collective prayer to achieve his training goals and didn`t place himself at a higher level than the listener.
Volume 31, Issue 2 (12-2024)
Change in the family in Iran has strengthened the discourse of disintegration. In this article examines the phenomenological study of the conceptual space of the family and its status through of actors. The research has been done with a qualitative approach and relying on the live people from different family models. The study population is a purposeful sample of 29 residents of Tehran at 2017, which includes the normative family and its alternatives. Necessary data were collected by interview technique and analyzed and interpreted by content analysis method. Research has shown that in the mental space of actors, the family model is not obsolete but is facing changes and has changed from function emotional and from rigid structure to fluid and process and jointly with the main the main themes of sexual satisfaction, support, commitment, love and Sustainability is built. Strategies show that the family and its alternatives are moving towards the nuclear family model. Also, an important feature of the family and its distinguishing feature from the Western model is maintaining family relations, navigating the kinship system, and maintaining its emotional and economic support. Thus, the dependent nuclear family is the dominant mode in the conceptual space of the family.
Volume 31, Issue 4 (6-2025)
العولمه هی سبب رئیس فی التّغییر الاجتماعی والاقتصادی والثّقافی والسّیاسی، فی أنحاء العالم، فقد أصبحت تشکّل فضاءً واسعًا یضمّ جمله من الحقائق والقیم تطال مختلف شؤون الحیاه للإنسان المعاصر. فقد نُظر إلی مسأله أسس نشوء ظاهره العولمه وتوسیعها، وتشکیل مجتمع عالمی، علی أنّه أحد المثل العلیا للإنسانیّه. فمع تطوّر أدوات الاتّصال وانتشارها، نشهد نوعًا من التّوتر العالمی فی العلاقات الوثیقه للمجتمعات الإنسانیّه فی مختلف المجالات.
لقد أدت عملیّه العولمه، من ناحیه، إلی زیاده المعرفه الإنسانیّه وتقویه العلاقات الدّولیّه، ولکنّها من ناحیه أخری طرحت تحدیّات جدلیّه تتعلّق بالقضایا الثقافیّه والسّیاسیّه والاقتصادیّه. فی غضون ذلک، یعدّ تلاقی الأدیان وتعزیز مکانه الفکر الدینی من مزایا مشروع العولمه؛ لذلک، فإنّ مراجعه النّصوص الدینیّه والثقافیّه الدینیّه تقودنا إلی حقیقه لا یمکن إنکارها وهی أنّ دین الإسلام هو دین عالمی، حاول فی تجربته التاریخیّه أن یصبح عالمیًا. لقد طرح الإسلام قضیه العولمه وتشکیل مجتمع عالمی وحکومه عالمیّه، الأمر الذی أکّده المؤسس العظیم للثوره الإسلامیّه فی إیران الإمام روح الله الموسوی الخمینی(قده).
إنّ إیدیولوجیّه الإسلام قادره علی خلق نظام جدید فی العلاقات بین الأمم، یقوم علی الإنسانیّه والروحانیّه، ویمکن القول إنّه أوّل من أوجد محاکاه بین فکره العولمه وتکوین مجتمع عالمی. فمن بین التّعالیم الإسلامیّه، هناک أسس فکریّه ونظریّه قویّه وشامله تتعلّق بحقوق الأسره من حیث تعزیز المکانه الحساسّه والمهمّه للأسره، والتی إذا کانت دینامیکیّه ومستخرجه بلغه الیوم، یمکنها أن تکون مناره مشرقه للعائلات فی العصر الراهن. فی هذا البحث، وبطریقه وصفیه تحلیلیّه واستنتاجیّه، سنقوم بتحلیل استراتیجیات الاستخدام الصحیح لمشروع العولمه، بحسب کلام القائد الأعلی للثوره الإمام الرّاحل الخمینی، ثم نشرح إمکانیّات عولمه حقوق الأسره الإسلامیّه.