Showing 149 results for Asadi
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2013)
In this paper the behavior of framee, the process of plastic hinge formation and energy absorption of frames with two spans and one floor with three types of slab including bubble deck slab, hollow core slab and reinforced slab under three earthquake accelerations have been analyzed and compared. The results show that bubble deck slab and hollow core slab as rigid as normal reinforced slab, although bubble deck slab has higher strength and stiffness compared to other slabs. Partnering slab in analysis make period of slab reduce more over bubble deck slab and hollow core to the comparison of reinforced slab, have more effect on period reduction. Ultimate displacement of frame with reinforced slab reach to failure mechanism is more than two mentioned case, however frame with bubble deck slab reach to failure mechanism under stronger earthquake acceleration and smaller displacement than reinforced slab. Comparison base shear of three discussed case shows that maximum base shear is in bubble deck slab and minimum base shear is in normal reinforced slab. Formation of plastic hinge in frame with bubble deck slab is similar with that in frame with hollow core slab with the difference that plastic hinge in former occurs later at the top end of the middle column and two ends of middle beams. In fact, formation of plastic hinges in this frame requires higher acceleration because of the higher amount of concrete and stiffness. In all samples, plastic hinge first occur in the frame and then yielding lines occur in the tensile region of the slabs. The failure mechanism of slab and steel frame occur at the same time in frame with hollow core slab and reinforced slab; however, this is not the case in the frame with bubble deck slab and even though with occurring of yielding lines, the slab does not fail. The stress distribution due to gravity loads is symmetric across all the slabs; however, the increase rate of stress is different. This difference is particularly notable in seismic behavior of slabs in a way that the formation of plastic hinge and yielding lines in hollow core slab, because of the holes, is totally different with that of in reinforced slab. In comparison with other slabs and due to the formation of plastic hinge, reinforced slab absorb lower energy. Columns, beams and connections play different role in energy dissipation. In all frame, the contribution of connections to dissipate energy is minor and this is because yielding does not occur in connections. Contrary to the frame with reinforced slabs, because of yielding in several places of columns, columns dissipate energy more than beams in the frames with hollow core slabs. It was concluded that hollow core slab and bubble deck slab have maximum and minimum contributions to the energy dissipation, respectively.
Volume 13, Issue 5 (Number 5 - 2011)
A crossbreeding experiment involving four Iranian fat-tailed sheep breeds, namely Kurdi (K), Chaal (C), Afshari (A) and Sanjabi (S) was carried out to determine the ram breed effects on productivity of Kurdi fat-tailed ewes (K) under extensive production system. A total of 475 Kurdi ewes were mated to 24 rams from four breeds producing 454 lambs including pure Kurdi, KK, (116 lambs), Afshari × Kurdi, AK, (113 lambs), Chaal × Kurdi, CK, (115 lambs) and Sanjabi × Kurdi crossbreds, SK, (110 lambs). Ram breed had a significant influence on early growth traits of the lambs (P < 0.01). The lambs sired by C rams were significantly heavier at birth and weaning than the other lambs (P < 0.05). Weight at 180 days of age (W180) in crossbred lambs was significantly higher than that of the purebred lambs (P < 0.05) while there was no significant difference among crossbred lambs for W180. Greasy fleece weight of lambs at first shearing (GFW) was significantly affected by ram breed (P < 0.05). Ram breed significantly influenced the fat-tail measurements of the lambs (P < 0.01). Number of lambs born and number of lambs weaned per ewe lambed or per ewe joined were not significantly influenced by ram breed effect, but the effect of ram breed on litter weight at birth and weaning per ewe lambed or per ewe joined was significant (P < 0.05). In general, ewes mated to Chaal ram had higher productivity than those mated to other ram genetic groups.
Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2016)
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2012)
An 8-week feeding experiment was carried out on beluga (Huso huso) juvenile to evaluate the effects of different levels of fish oil containing n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 HUFAs) on fish growth and fatty acid composition. The requirements of beluga juvenile for n-3 HUFAs were studied by feeding fish diets containing six different levels of n-3 HUFAs ranging from 1.56 to 17.25% (% of total fatty acids). Weight gain, feed conversion ratio, condition factor, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio were not significantly different among dietary treatments, nor was the body composition (including: moisture, protein, lipid and ash) of beluga juvenile (P> 0.05). There were no significant differences among plasma protein, glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride contents of dietary treatments (P> 0.05). However, haematocrit values were significantly lower in diets 1 and 2 (P< 0.05). The fatty acid composition of fish showed a pronounced change from the initial carcass with fatty acid composition changes in experimental diets. The fatty acid composition of the beluga carcass fed on diets containing various levels of n-3 HUFAs reflected the dietary fatty acid composition. The n-3 HUFAs contents of the lipids of fish increased with an increase in dietary n-3 HUFAs levels. Results suggested that minimum levels of n-3 HUFAs in diet have no effect on growth and n-3 HUFAs are not a restrictive factor on growth in beluga.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2012)
The interest for the spatial dimensions of agricultural development has been recently increased. This paper aimed at redefining the spatial patterns of agriculture to formulate appropriate strategies based on regional potentials. A Composite Agricultural Development Indicator (CADI), which is useful for the identification of spatial structure, has been developed. The developed composite Index (CI) includes five dimensions of Agricultural Development: (1) social-cultural, (2) structural-farming, (3) technical-management, (4) economical-financial, and (5) infrastructural-services and consists of 87 indicators selected at the county level. Indicators were normalized according to a coherent framework and using the division by means technique and were combined via weightings derived from Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The evaluation of agricultural development based on desired CADI was used to map the spatial development patterns at county level. Province counties are compared and ranked in order to show the spatial gap between them. Then, spatial development patterns were divided into three zones based on CADI. Results showed that the nature of spatial agricultural development firstly depends on the service and infrastructural development and secondly on utilization of natural and physical endowments.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)
In this paper, the influence of carbon nanotubes on vibrational properties of laminated composite plates is studied theoretically and experimentally. The plates are made of glass/epoxy composite. Multi walled and single walled carbon nanotubes in different weight percentages are added to these composites. At first, carbon nanotubes are dispersed in the epoxy resin via ultrasonic procedure. Then the composite plates are made by hand layup and vacuum bagging methods in a mould manufactured for this research. Mechanical properties of the fiber composite reinforced by carbon nanotubes calculated using modified Halphin-Tsai equations. Next composite plates are modeled in ABAQUS software and frequency analysis is done. Also vibrational properties of structure are obtained by experimental modal analysis in fixed boundary condition. Experimental results showed 210% increase in damping for samples which have 0.5 weight percent of single walled carbon nanotubes (in comparison with plane glass/epoxy composite plates). Also a good agreement was observed between obtained natural frequencies from finite element analyses and experimental tests.
Hooman Asadi, Dariush Safvat, Mahmoud Tavousi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2007)
The historical background of the dastgāh concept, and the process through which it replaced the maqām system, still remains a major question in the history of Persian music. It is usually vaguely assumed that both concepts of the dastgāh and the radīf were introduced to Persian music during the Qajar era. The present paper is a first attempt to shed light on the issue through a historical musicological study as well as a number of hitherto neglected Persian musical manuscripts. This paper discusses the gradual historical evolution of the dastgāh concept from its eraliest manisfestations as an entity within the maqām system up to the formation of the idea of the radīf, as the main core and the model repertory of contemporary Persian classical music, in terms of several stages that began in the Safavid period and got its final accomplishment formulation in the Qajar epoch.
Volume 14, Issue 53 (Spring 2021)
The attempt to ‘post-modernize’ Iranian writers sometimes goes so far that the critic, without adequate justification, considers outstanding Iranian works which are rooted in the culture and tradition of this land to originate in and serve the same function and purpose as their Western counterparts. In this research, the authors unravel these Eurocentric interpretations in the case of Bahram Beyzaie’s Death of Yazdgerd. Meanwhile, the goal is not to introduce Beyzaie as an exclusively Iranian playwright and overlook his cosmopolitan bent. More specifically, Beyzaie’s Death of Yazdgerd will be explored in terms of Bertolt Brecht’s epic theater. Thereby, Beyzaie’s twofold accomplishment in tailoring Brecht for the Iranian context and drawing on indigenous traditions of performative arts will be elaborated. Out of the vast body of Brecht’s method, this study focuses on his approach to history and his conviction in the contingency of the status quo and, hence, the possibility for change and reform even at the bleakest moments. The second line of this study concerns the parallel usage of certain techniques by Brecht and Beyzaie to achieve the so-called “distancing effect.” Given the multiple and occasionally incompatible readings put forth regarding Brecht's drama, the authors have adopted the holistic approach of Fredric Jameson to the subject matter.
In the concluding chapter of
Namayesh dar Iran, Bahram Beyzaie acknowledges that in the cultural and material exchange that the East (including Iran) had with the West, both were impressed by the other side in different ways. Nevertheless, he adds, this contract was not always proportionate, so that a country like Iran lost heart and felt cowed by the greater industrial and military power of Europe (Beyzaie, 2015). According to Beyzaie, whereas the West adopted a critical attitude toward whatever was eastern and adapted them to its own spirit and outlook so much that it squeezed something western out of them, Iran was content to blindly mimic the West and be a simple receiver. This, Beyzaie contends, also occurred in the area of drama. Beyzaie rightly asserts that it was quite possible to harness performative techniques and traditional values of indigenous popular drama while channeling its thematic dimensions toward the enlightening realistic thought of the modern age so that a national drama which takes account of new developments and advancements could be produced.
In this paper, it is claimed that Beyzaie was the first to fulfill the abovementioned twofold task of preserving effective aboriginal dramatic conventions of Persian drama and assimilating the liberal/critical perspective of modern European drama. To this end, we will show how Beyzaie’s
Death of Yazdgerd (2014) deploys native dramatic elements of Persian drama that correspond to some of the characteristics of Bertolt Brecht’s “epic theater.”
To better understand Brecht's epic drama, we draw on Fredric Jameson's reinterpretation of the German playwright in
Brecht and Method (1998). According to Jameson, Brecht plays the role of a historical catalyst and serves as an empowering model in the development of emergent non-Western dramas; besides, he facilitates realizing untapped potentialities of Eastern cultures and arts by people who have recently been liberated from European colonialism (p. 18). We believe Bahram Beyzaie’s
Death of Yazdgerd is a perfect example of such unexplored possibilities.
Beyzaie does not provide a definitive account of what actually happened to the Sassanid King and invites the audience to make their own inferences. This stress on uncertainty and the possibility of viewing a subject through multiple perspective enables Beyzaie to reinterpret the Iranian performing art such that it could meet the challenge of modernity, which he critically confronts “with an uncompromisingly secular gaze” (Dabashi 2001, p. 76).
In dealing with historical and mythical issues, Beyzaie—following Brecht—does not seek to merely relate how the last Sassanid King died; rather, one might hypothesize, he implies that the conventional xenophobic narrative—that a handful of backward and barbaric Arabs plundered Iran and ruled over its people—may not be necessarily true.
Beyzaie considers Brechtian alienation effect to have been the product of the East taken up by the West. He provides numerous techniques that traditional Persian drama has utilized to disabuse the audience of the notion that what they watch is reality, and thus it prevents them from identifying with the characters. This gesture induces a passive reaction in people and precludes any endeavor on their part to reform the society. This outlook, largely compatible with epic theater, underpins
Death of Yazdgerd. One of the most characteristic techniques conductive to the realization of the alienation effect which has been exploited here and recommended by Brecht is the extensive use of masks. In
Death of Yazdgerd masks and robes generally have been used effectively to illustrate that many deep-seated notions which have been taken for granted are indeed based on deceptive appearances and devoid of any substantial content. Transposition of the play into the past and using third-person point of view to narrate the events are two further suggestions made by Brecht for producing the alienation effect (1964, p. 138). In Beyzaie’s play, these techniques have been exploited throughout, for the entire play revolves around a historical event - i.e. the narrative of what happened to the late King after he entered the miller’s shack - which the characters as second players restage for the King’s men. In
Death of Yazdgerd, theatricality is foregrounded, among others, through the stage directions that are explicitly mentioned, itself another technique proposed by Brecht (1964, p. 138).
Death of Yazdgerd is an cogent example of Pascale Casanova’s thesis that writers gain domestic and global recognition by, first, appropriating their national artistic tradition and, second, harnessing the international venues of the art in question (2004, pp. 40-41). In the case of the former, Beyzaie utilizes the indigenous genre of
taqlid. As for the latter, we underscored the way Beyzaie appropriates Brecht’s epic theater in this play.
Brecht, B. (1964).
Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic. Trans. John Willett. New York: Hill and Wang.
Beyzāie, B. (2014).
Marg-e Yazdgerd: Majles-e Shahkoshi. 11
th ed. Tehrān: Enteshārāt-e Rowshangarān va Motāle’at-e Zanān. [In Persian]
---. (2015).
Namāyesh dar Iran. 10
th ed. Tehrān: Enteshārāt-e Rowshangarān va Motāle’at-e Zanān. [In Persian]
Casanova, P. (2004).
The World Republic of Letters. Trans. M. B. Debevoise. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Dabashi, H. (2001).
Close up; Iranian Cinema, Past, Present and Future. New York: Verso.
Jameson, F. (1998).
Brecht and Method. London: Verso.
Volume 14, Issue 63 (6-2016)
Application of combined technology can reduce the disadvantages of each other as compare to their individual process. Osmotic process along with hot air drying and freezing were applied on red beet pieces in this investigation. red beet divided to slices as well as cubes pieces before treatment with citric and ascorbic acids in two levels of 0.1 and 0.3 percent. red beet slices were semi dried in cabinet drier for period of 75 minutes and cubes for 115 minutes and then were placed into polyethylene bags for prior to freezing process in freezer with -25◦C. Different physicochemical characteristics such as acidity, water activity, image processing and texture were evaluated after 2 hour and 30 days. Statistical analysis of data with completely randomized design and SPSS software version 20 during one month preservation showed that cubes pieces of red beet in 0.3 percent of acid solution along with osmotic dehydration has the best and comparable texture, color and quality characteristics as compared to the fresh red beet.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2013)
Agricultural sustainability refers to the ability of a farm to produce food indefinitely, without causing irreversible damage to ecosystem health. The main objective of this study was to formulate a structural model to analyze the effects of ecological, social, and economic factors on sustainable agricultural development in Qazvin Province of Iran. To achieve this aim, a structural model with 4 latent variables and 14 observed indicators was used. Required data were collected by questionnaire from 220 wheat cropping farmers who were selected through a stratified sampling design from four counties located in Qazvin Province. Linear structural relationships were used to calculate the impact of various factors on sustainability of agriculture. The computer software of LISREL was used to specify, fit, and evaluate structural equation model. The result of the analysis showed that ecological, social, and economic sustainability positively affected the agricultural sustainability, but, ecological sustainability had a greater impact on agricultural sustainability (0.642) than economic (0.604) and social (0.568) sustainability. The model gives right signals on what has been happening to agricultural development in Iran. The result of this study can also assist agricultural planners and policy-makers in identifying appropriate policies and in monitoring the effectiveness of policy interventions.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2015)
Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes, commonly referred to as BTEX, are critical monoaromatic environmental contaminants around the World, of which the major aromatic contaminants in gasoline pose serious environmental health problems. Leaking tanks or ruptured pipelines pollute soil and groundwater with these compounds. Because of their polarity and very soluble characteristics, these compounds will be able to enter the soil and groundwater systems and cause serious contamination problems and threats to the public safety and environment. One of the most promising ground water remediation technologies is the use of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) packed with reactive material to intercept and decontaminate plumes in the subsurface. The concept of PRBs is rather simple. Reactive material is placed in the subsurface to intercept a plume of contaminated groundwater which must move through it as it flows, typically under its natural gradient. As the contaminant moves through the Reactive material, reactions occur that alter it to less harmful or immobile species. The PRB is not a barrier to the groundwater, but it is a barrier to the contaminant. The key advantage of a reactive barrier is the passive nature of the treatment. That is, for the most part, its operation does not depend on any external labor or energy inputs. Once installed, the barrier takes advantage of the in situ groundwater flow to bring the pollutants in contact with the reactive material. The reactive material used in the barrier may vary depending on the type of contaminants being treated. The most common reactive agent used to date has been granular iron. For contaminants of unknown treatability or media of unknown reactivity, addressing these issues will involve laboratory studies using both batch and column techniques. As for any remedial technology, it is imperative to fully understand the factors that can result in either effective implementation and successful remediation or failure to achieve the remedial design objectives. Iron nanoparticles are increasingly being applied in soil and grounwater remediation and hazardous waste treatment. Nearly two decades after iron nanoparticle was first proposed, the iron nanoparticle technology is at a critical point of its development process. Extensive laboratory studies have verified that nanoscale iron particles are effective for the treatment of a wide range of common groundwater pollutants such as chlorinated organic solvents, organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organic dyes, and various inorganic compounds. Numerous field trials have also demonstrated the favorable prospective for in situ remediation. Nonetheless, there are still substantial knowledge gaps on many fundamental scientific issues. In this Experimental study, A series of laboratory experiments in various temperatures and contaminant concentrations were conducted on Nano sized zero-valet iron (nZVI) to determine its removal efficiency as PRB reactive materials against BTEX compounds in saturated Kaolinite clays, And the initial Concentration of BTEX is reduced to 60%. Obtained results may provide required data in groundwater remediation PRB systems design.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)
Human bones experience different modes of loading including tension, compression, bending, and torsion. The modes of loading depend on the activities done by the body. Regarding the crack shape and loading modes, by the time only the first mode of fracture has been studied in order to analyze the fracture toughness. However, it is necessary to analyze different modes of fracture in order to find more reliable results. In this research, finite element analysis and calculations for geometric coefficients were done to obtain the toughness of bone. Hence, first, second, and combined modes of fracture in cortical samples having cracks were studied numerically and experimentally. To this end, bovine tibia was used to make standard tensile samples for implementation in Arkan’s device. Some optimizations were made on the Arcan’s device. These were included of bone fixation in the device and ability of performing tests in different angels. Stress intensity factor (Kc) was obtained for different fracture modes. Results showed a decrease in KIc respect to change in loading angle while KIIc acted vice versa. Performing some extra optimizations, the device can be used for tortional fracture mode in a torsional test device.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2013)
Objective: This study presents a simple method for isolation, expansion and purification of neonatal mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Methods: We used enzymatic digestion to isolate a cell suspension of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells from neonatal 2-day-old mice. The cells were cultured in DMEM/F12 that contained 10% serum for two weeks. Sertoli and spermatogonia cell characteristics were confirmed by examining for the presence of vimentin and PLZF proteins, respectively. To assess the rate of spermatogonia stem cell expansion, the area and number of colonies were measured during the two weeks of culture. At the end of the second week, we detected spermatogonia cell-specific expressions of the Stra8, Piwill2, DAZL, and Mvh genes. Results: Current results indicated that isolated Sertoli and spermatogonia cells were immunopositive for specific markers. During the culture period, a significant difference was seen in the number and area of spermatogonial stem cell colonies (PConclusion: Our study showed that co-culture of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells from same source provides a convenient and efficient environment. This co-culture, without the addition of external growth factors and chemical manipulations, can be used for proliferation of spermatogonia stem cells.
Volume 15, Issue 6 (11-2013)
The aim followed in the present paper was to evaluate the slaughter body and carcass weights as well as the characteristics of hide and leather in Dromedaries (one-hump) and in the crossbred (C. bactrianus×C. droedarius) camels. Fourteen camels from each sex (female and male) representing two genotypes at 21 months of age were utilized. Slaughter weight, hot and cold carcass weights, dressing-out percentage, wet and dry salting hide and leather properties were assessed. There were significant differences in slaughter weights between Dromedary and crossed types (339±10.7 vs. 372±11.1 kg) and as well between male vs. female camels (382±9.7 vs. 326±10.6 kg). Moreover, while the effect of sex was significant on wet hide weight (34±1.2 vs. 29.3±1.2 kg for malesandfemales, respectively), the difference observed between males and females regarding the thickness of hide was non-significant (P> 0.05). Breaking force, tensile strength and elongation of the leather samples decreased with increase in their thicknesses. It was found out that the obtained leather from the camel benefited from such valuable mechanical characteristics as tensile strength and extension with no variations being observed as due to the animal’s sex or genotype.
Volume 15, Issue 62 (3-2019)
Conceptual metaphor theory was an important issue in many areas of the humanities, such as cognitive linguistics, semantics, psychology, analytical philosophy and so on.
According to this theory the human mind is inherently understand and states abstract concepts and experiences intangible in terms of metaphors..
We often think in terms of specific metaphors and even decide,study of conceptual metaphors at different times and in different generations can effectively determine the cognitive patterns.The present study examines a variety of conceptual metaphors in four novels “Savušun ", "my bird", "corridors of Heaven" and "I wish I was Roses"With the goal to achieve the mental patterns women writers and their cognitive style.The research is based on qualitative content analysis approach, so that first metaphorical statements mentioned in novels extracted and then classified and analyzed.
In this study, all three types of metaphor direction, structural and ontological and structural metaphor has the highest frequency.
The concepts of "time", "man", "Life", "Nature", "heart". The most frequency in this novel are the concepts of "relationship", "love", "objecttion," "sad," "disease," "nostalgia", "happiness" of the key concepts and style to the authors.
In statements obtained from the novels explored areas of common origin are: man, machine, track, buildings, birds, product, mountains, sea, container, objects, knitting, food and glue.Data analysis shows that metaphors drawn from the novels studied these writers, in most cases, by the thought of their female identity.
Volume 16, Issue 1 (12-2024)
Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. this multifactorial disease characterized by complex molecular landscape and altered cell pathways that results in an abnormal cell growth. One of the recent strategies to combat cancer is application of phytochemicals. phytochemicals including phenolics, alkaloids, terpenoids, carotenoids, phytosterol, saponin and organosulfur compounds which play important roles in the prevention and treatment of cancer. The pharmacological use of phytochemicals compounds is frequently limited by their low bioavailability and solubility as they are mainly lipophilic compounds. The nanotechnological approach improves bioavailability, and inhences solubility. In the present review we aim to summarize challenges of phytochemical compounds in cancer treatment and the status of phytochemical based nanoformulations in improving the therapeutic response.
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)
In this paper a mathematical model of pulsatile, unsteady and non-Newtonian blood flow through elastic tapered artery with overlapping stenosis is proposed. The blood flow has been assumed to be non-Linear, fully developed, laminar, axisymmetric, two-dimensional. The non-Newtonian model chosen is characterized by Sisko model for discribe the rheology of blood. The artery has been assumed to be elastic and time-dependent stenosis is considered. Due to the blood flow depends on the pumping action of the heart, the blood flow has been assumed pulsate. The stenosed artery change in to a rectangular and rigid artery, using a radial coordinate transformation on the continuity and the nonlinear momentum equations and boundary conditions. The discretization of the continuity and the non-linear momentum equations and boundary conditions are obtained by finite difference scheme. The radial and axial velocity profiles are obtained and the blood flow characteristics such a resistive impedances and volumetric flow rate and the severity of the stenosis are discussed. The volumetric flow rate is minimum in the case of converging tapered arteries and the resistive impedances is maximum in the case of converging tapered arteries by effect of tapering angle.
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)
Linear and angular displacement measuring encoders are the most important measuring tools in the industry. Linear encoders are widely used in various positioning applications, such as numerical controlled (NC) machine tools and factory automation, since they are essential for precision positioning systems. In this study, a capacitive-type linear encoder with un-tethered slider is designed. The main components are made of printed circuit films. Hence, the encoder can be set up in thin inter spaces or on curved surfaces. The encoder consists of a long receiver film and a short transmitter film, respectively containing four-phase and two-phase electrodes. The transmitter is used as a slider and the receiver as a stator. In order to designs an unconstrained slider; the encoder employs a unique approach. Electrical power is supplied to the transmitter film by electrostatic induction which removes electric wires from the slider. In this study the encoder was built using a new signal processing circuit and its performance was evaluated. The new signal processing circuit is more compact and facilitates using this encoder for trade purposes. The result of experimental evaluation shows that the encoder has ±20 micrometers error.
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)
Roughness of vanes’ outer surface and that of cooling channels’ inner surface have considerable impact on temperature distribution. Using a rougher surface leads to increased turbulence in near-surface flows and increases the rate of heat transfer. In this study, vane of a C3X turbine cooled via 10 cooling channels was simulated -three-dimensionally- by ANSYS-CFX software based on SST turbulence model, and then the effects of roughness of said surfaces were examined. The results showed that increasing the roughness of the blade’s outer surface, which absorbs the heat of the hot fluid, to values below the threshold of fully rough regime ( Reks < 70 ) makes no significant impact on vane’s surface temperature distribution; but increasing the roughness to values higher than this threshold leads to 8% increase in surface temperature. This indicates that outer surface of the blade should always exhibit a transitionally rough regime. Opposite to the outer surface, increasing the roughness of cooling channels’ inner surface, which transfers the heat to the cooling fluid, found to be the very beneficial, as even a slight increase in the roughness of this surface (within the domain of transitionally rough) decreases the blade’s surface temperature by up to 8%, and improves the hydraulic-thermal performance factor by about 250%.
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)
A practical method for improving the COP of an air-cooled chiller is pre-cooling the entering air of its condenser via a water mist system. This article studies a water mist system with hollow-cone spray nozzles and investigates the effects of water flow rate, water droplet diameter and the number of spray nozzles on system performance. Simulations were run by software FLUENT applying Eulerian-Lagrangian method. Solution grid independency was obtained and it was validated with experimental data. According to the results, in a constant air flow rate of 8.3 (kg/s), with increasing the water flow rate from 0.05 to 0.4 (kg/s), percent increase of COP increases from 3 to about 14, but the percentage of evaporated water decreases from 12.13 to 7.62 (however the value of evaporated water increases). Besides, decreasing the water droplets’ diameter from 200 to 50 micrometer, results in percent increase of COP from 4 to 24. Due to less water evaporation in higher flow rates, the number of spray nozzles was raised in a constant total flow rate that according to the results, increasing the number of nozzles improves the system performance. Also with other simulations it was observed that increasing the number of nozzles is more effective in higher flow rates and less drop diameters. Finally by the case study, it was demonstrated using sufficient number of nozzles, it is possible to achieve higher COPs in lower flow rates and therefore in addition to energy consumption decline, the water consumption could be lowered.