Showing 149 results for Asadi
Volume 24, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
Coronaviruses have four main types: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Beta and gamma types cause respiratory illness in humans and animals. These viruses have spread various diseases in the last 26 years, and recently in Wuhan, China, a new disease that has spread around the world. Three of these important viruses are SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2. They have a natural and moderate host in animals, especially bats. In case of SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to the gene sequence obtained from the virus, bats and penguins have been suspected as natural hosts. The virus is predicted to be transferred from bats to penguins and then mutated into humans. Due to the large number of viruses in the corona family, which affects many animals, a new type of virus is likely to spread again. And given experiences of SARS and SARS-CoV-2, the role of veterinarians in the live animals markets and livestock products markets should be reconsidered.
Volume 24, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)
Mucopolysaccharidosis (MSII) is described as a metabolic disorder resulting from an enzymatic failure causing from mutations in
IDS gene, MPSII is divided into two forms; mild and severe. The first form does not affect intelligence and patients show no neurologic involvements, usually survive for the fourth decade of life. In patients with severe form, death mostly occurs due to neurologic involvement during the second decade of life. We reported a case, a 31-year-old patient, clinically suspicious to MPS II which was primarily diagnosed by the presence of the increased levels of dermatan and heparan sulfate in urine and I
2S deficiency in plasma. Whole exome sequencing was utilized to detect the disease-causing variant in our patient
. A de novo mutation (c.253G>A, (p.A85T) in exon 3 of the
IDS gene was identified, which probably can describe the
mild form of MPSII and clinical manifestations observed in the patient.
Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2024)
Human civilizations have always depended on freshwater to form, develop and fulfillment of various needs. With increasing urbanization, not only has the need for freshwater not diminished, but also some new technologies and industries have increased water consumption, and the pollution of water sources has increased significantly. Since groundwater resources are far from surface pollution and have their natural remediation ability, protection and remediation have not been given sufficient and appropriate attention. This issue and the overexploitation of aquifers have resulted in the quantitative and qualitative balance of groundwater resources being unsustainable. These issues show that further research is needed on various aspects of groundwater remediation. By developing the equations for water movement in porous media and analyzing them, it is possible to simulate groundwater flow. In this study, the double-well pumping system has been investigated analytically as one of the effective methods for aquifer remediation. In this system, pumping wells provide a return to natural conditions by draining polluted water and preventing it from spreading in the aquifer. For this purpose, the equations of the groundwater potential function and the stream function were determined for two pumping wells near a permanent stream. In other words, the real part of the complex potential equation represents the potential function and its imaginary part specifies the stream function; using the image well theory, the effect of the stream was also applied in the problem relations. By determining the coordinates of the stagnation points, the capture zone of the multi-well system was delineated in various configurations and the amount of stream withdrawal was also calculated. The capture zone describes the behavior and capability of the multi-well system by indicating the capture domain of discharge wells for different distances and different pumping rates. Three configurations of the remediation system are presented for two types of critical pumping rates. Under these conditions, it is possible to control the capture zone without intercepting the stream boundary and creating gaps in the extraction region at different distances of the wells with certain pumping rates. At the first critical pumping rate, the capture zone of the double-well system is tangent to the permanent stream boundary, and at a pumping rate below this threshold, groundwater pollution does not reach the surface waters. At the second critical pumping rate, capture zones of two wells merge together. Indeed, in discharges less than this critical rate, there is a distance (gap) between capture zones of the wells and pollution can enter the surface water through this gap. Also, the distance between two wells was determined in the state that both types of critical pumping rate are equal. This case shows a state of capture zone whose boundary is tangent to the stream boundary, and the capture zones of two wells are merged together. In the mentioned state, the dimensionless distance between two pumping wells (the distance between the two wells divided by their distance from the stream boundary) and the dimensionless critical pumping rate are equal to 2×0.58 and 0.33, respectively.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (10-2024)
Due the limitations and lack of access to fresh water resources, groundwater is recognized as an important source. In this research, a novel method called Dual Discrete Finite Volume (DDFV) has been developed for modeling flow and contaminant transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media. In this method, structured and unstructured grids have been used to handle complex geometries. Flow and contaminant transport equations have been accurately modeled for each triangular element in the grid. This modeling process yields contaminant concentrations at the center and vertices of each element. First, the flow equation in an unsaturated medium has been solved. Parameters such as moisture content and hydraulic head have been calculated. Then, based on the obtained results, the water velocity in the soil was estimated. Finally, the contamination equation in an unsaturated medium was extracted, and the concentration values at the vertices of each element were calculated. This model has been validated for transient flow conditions with high accuracy. By comparing the two-dimensional case with the one-dimensional case, it was determined that there are no numerical oscillations in the two-dimensional case.
Volume 24, Issue 6 (11-2022)
Although it has some benefits, short-term farmland rental transactions have had negative consequences such as excessive use of water, overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and farmland degradation. Why are landowners more engaged in short-term land rental contracts and less involved in longer rental contracts, that are more associated with incentives to invest and sustainably use farmland? Based on a post positivist worldview, the present study has chosen a quantitative approach and used a survey strategy to explore factors affecting the participation of landholders in longer farmland rental markets. Using multi-stage sampling, 250 landholders in Razan County who had rented their land, at least once in the past five years, were selected. The study indicated that the landholders' motivations to rent out their farmlands changed by their place of residence (rural/urban). The identified barriers and drivers that require policy attention broadly focus on the security of farmland property rights, competence of tenants and kinship contracts, high risk and profitability of farming activities, and capital constraints in rural areas.
Volume 25, Issue 2 (2-2023)
The genetic evaluation of dairy bulls is based on their daughters’ production, type traits, and fertility. It is unknown how the different number of days open of the daughters of a bull influences its Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and ranking in the population. The present study aimed to examine the effect of days open on milk production of Holstein dairy cows and the ranking of the bulls according to their predicted breeding values. A total number of 706,653 test day records of the first parity of 78,517 Iranian Holstein cows in 448 herds during 1991 to 2016 were used. The daughters of the same bulls were allocated into nine groups of days open, the differences of which were 21 days. Data were analyzed using a random regression model and predicted the breeding values of bulls. The effect of herd-year-season on milk yield were significant (P≤ 0.001). The heritability of 270 days milk for the first to ninth groups were estimated to be 0.24(±0.04), 0.26(±0.02), 0.23(±0.02), 0.21(±0.03), 0.18(±0.03), 0.19(±0.04), 0.16(±0.05), 0.17(±0.05) and 0.11(±0.04), respectively. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient of predicted breeding value of the same sires in different groups were 0.60-0.75 (P≤ 0.01). The results showed a negative relation between the number of days open and the predicted breeding value of bulls. It can be concluded that the number of days open affects the prediction of breeding value and ranking of the sires and it should be corrected for, while predicting the breeding value of sires.
Volume 25, Issue 2 (2-2023)
One way to better appreciate the value of rangelands with the purpose of developing better policies and make sustainable use of these resources is to determine the monetary valuation of the ecosystem services of these rangelands. Thus, the present study aimed to estimate the economic values of provisioning and regulating services of Rig Ishaqabad Rangeland in Kerman Province, Iran. To this end, samples of the soil and vegetation cover of the region were taken. Following conduction of various experiments, the type and texture of the soil and its content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrients, the soil erosion coefficient, and the amount of carbon absorption for each vegetation type were determined. Then, the monetary values of forage production, carbon absorption, oxygen production, soil production, nutrient absorption, and erosion prevention were estimated using the Revealed Preference Approach. According to the findings, in 2019, the total economic value of the rangeland's services was USD 0.54 million; and the values of provisioning and regulating services were USD 260,102.85 and 283,841.77, respectively. In addition, the economic value of vegetation types of Artemisia sieberi-Denderostellera lessertii (Ar si-De Le), Denderostellera lessertii- Peganum harmala (De le-Pe ha), Cousinia congesta (Co co), Calligonum polygonoides- Astragalus sp (Capo- As sp), Artemisia Sieberi-Peganum harmala (Ar si-Pe ha) were USD 115,466.42, 159,045.6, 54,815.14, 85,220.66, and 129,396.78, respectively. Based on the results, the De le-Pe ha vegetation type was of the highest value with a value of 49.07 US dollars per hectare. The calculated monetary values can be a useful tool in determining the long-term rental rate of this rangeland and determine the amount of investment to preserve or restore it.
Somayyeh Asadi Tashvigh, Rahmat Abbasnejad Seresti,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (10-2020)
The Central Plateau of Iran, which has been called by various names until now, has special place in terms of Archaeological developments from the fifth millennium BC to the beginning of the third millennium BC. Archaeological evidence indicates the desolation, destruction, displacement, moving, and formation of sites during that period. Despite the dominance of this situation in the field of settlement, the analysis of pottery data in the first place, followed by architecture, metallurgy, and burial, indicates that there was an ongoing cultural continuity. The sites in the area did not have high sustainablity due to environmental factors. Therefore, the analysis of relevant data based on chaos and complexity theories as well as the general theory indicates that the communities in the region followed a particular pattern from the Transitional Cholcolithic to the Early Bronze Age 1. They would survive with a movement. While the continuity of social life was guaranteed by the abandonment of one site and the formation of a new one, technological, architectural, and economic revolution took place at the new site. It is often observed that this life continuity was accompanied by technological developments and innovations. In fact, the aforementioned societies did not collapse but leaving a site ensured their social and economic life. In the Central Plateau of Iran, we encounter with communities that have pursued the process of endogenous development while at the same time expanding inter-regional communication.
Iran Seyyed Kamal Asadi Ojaei, Iran Rahmat Abbasnejad Seresti,
Volume 30, Issue 2 (3-2023)
Neolithic and food production from domesticated species has been one of the most important topics discussed and studied about prehistoric archaeology. Since the 1920s, or even much earlier, archaeologists tried to explain this great event that changed human life after millions of years of hunting-gathering. During these years, various theories based on technological, environmental, economic and sustenance, demographic, social, and evolutionary and, in recent decades, ideological, have been proposed by researchers. Some believe that Neolithic and food production is not an absolute and sudden process, but a long-term process, from knowing and choosing of species, management, and domestication of interdependence; this process is called Neolithization. The Neolithization process is not just the adoption of a new way of life due to environmental and demographic changes, but the beginning of human mental and worldviews changes. In this period, human manifests new behaviors, including rituals, which can be seen in burials, handicrafts, and architecture. Placing animal horns (domestic/wild) in the architectural space is one of these ritual behaviors. This symbolic behavior has been found in Fertile Crescent sites, from the Levant in the westernmost to Iran’s easternmost borders. Some researchers believe that this behavior is to gain authority, while some believe that humans tried to use these ways to control the wild in their inner domestic world. In this research, the authors have tried to analyze this type of behavior from the perspective of Neolithization ideological theories.