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Showing 61 results for Critical Discourse Analysis

Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2016)

 This article has studied the function of analysis levels in critical approach to discourse analysis according to Furlough's view inA Separation, by studying power, Culture and cultural believes inferring to the role and place of mythical texts such as holy book in discoursal solution. This article specifically studied the role of lying in disrupting relationships and conative norms and showed that sequential lies create an unsafe space that because of its intense consequences changes into a critical space.  In the bed of the movie, subjects try to solve the existing crisis, using cultural believes, antagonism and persuasion. In such atmosphere that subject's discoursal conflicts are loaded with the lack of power balance, the only scape from the crisis is returning to meta-myth, a meta-belief that cause the asthmatic atmosphere to be adjusted and peaceful. It clarifies the relationship between culture and myth with discourse resolution. The research method in this article is analytic and analysis units are sequences and in fact sentences or dialogues have been used in A Separation.      

Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

In the present study, which aims to promote the critical knowledge of the readers we are going to reveal the ideology of rival discourse based on Faircloughʼs critical discourse analysis approach in journalistic texts by encoding them and discovering the meanings beyond the forms of the language structures. To achieve this goal, we determine to analyze one specific topic which appears in different discourse framework based on Faircloughʼs critical discourse analysis approach. So we select some texts with the subject of offering educational scholarships in the tenth government of Islamic Republic of Iran. The data of this research are collected from two rival journalistic media (Keyhan and Eatamad newspaper) at the specified interval (November 1993). The data analysis demonstrates that Keyhan authors use more ideological structures at the descriptive level such as using punctuations, metaphors, marked syntactic structures and presuppositions to castrate or deny the mentioned discourse. While, the writers of Eatemad try to uphold the said discourse by using quantity strategy and giving instances.

Volume 7, Issue 7 (3-2016)

This article attempts to analyze the English and Persian (Keyhan and Washinton Post) press applying Van Leeuwen’s (2008) approach. The author attempts to show that ideologies of the press leaders are conveyed to the writers of the newspapers’ articles and then displayed in the texts. The objective of the study is to find an answer to these question that how the political issues of Syria is represented in the Iranian and American newspapers and if there is a difference, in what way it can reveal their owners’ ideologies. The paper represents “social acts” in the form of five oppositions in ten texts extracted from 11 Jul. to 20 Aug, 2011 and investigates the effect of these oppositions in each discourse. The results showed that the press represents the political issues in accordance with its government and the writers have utilized the discoursal tools to convey their ideologies to the readers. Also, the oppositions of material-semiotic, activation-deactivation, agentialization- deagentialization, and concretization-abstraction have been differently represented in the English and Persian press discourse rooted in the difference in the owners’ perspective.

Volume 7, Issue 7 (3-2016)

The Leader's Letters have always some special features to be analyzed in the frame work of critical discourse analysis. One of the valuable letters is the 28th letter of the Imam Ali's Nahj Al-balāghe having special place among the letters of Imam Ali. In principle, this letter manifests legitimate discourse of the Imam. The main question of this article is that how is it possible to investigate the relationship among the different linguistic layers within this discourse? Furthermore, how this legitimate discourse of Imam can be shaped by these linguistic and discursive selections? And finally how it can fight with the opponent discourse (Muāwiyah)?
Our assumption is that in this letter, Imam to by perpetuating and promoting his legitimacy and combating with the opposite discourse, Imam makes specific choices of linguistic possibilities and tries to gain the attention of the audience to his policy. To explore this, this article uses the Halliday's functional grammar theoretical framework to study the Imam's letter based on three metafunctions of this approach.
These metafunctions are ideational, interpersonal and textual .The results indicated that the legitimate discourse of the Imam, in order to stabilize and promote itself against opposite discourse, spreads the concept of "Us and Them" in the letter by making appropriate and specific choices from linguistic devices particularly in the application of relational and material processes and modality. Also, the textual function enhances previous metafunctions in the way to guaranty the coherence of the discourse in terms of legitimacy.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2017)

According to Sheridan and Gillett (2005), one fundamental form of inequality, being on the rise since 9/11, is religious discrimination. The main source of experiencing and being exposed to such inequalities and discriminations can be television which ‘is such an important source of information and entertainment that viewers cannot escape its gradual encroachment into their everyday lives’ (Laughey, 2007, p. 20). American TV series are so major and worldly-known entertaining media that many of them have millions of viewers around the world. So, it will be of great importance to make sure if they want to keep and even worsen this picture of Islam and Islamophobia. Therefore, this paper investigates the role of American TV series in promoting Islamophobia in public view. To do so, one has to analyze two main aspects of the TV shows which are the conversations and the picture frames. For analyzing the former, we have chosen Norman Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) approach to Critical Discourse Analysis, and for the latter, Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) Grammar of Visual Design. American TV series, named Homeland (2011- still on air in 2017), broadcasted by Showtime® in the U.S has been the corpus of the present study. Its story that is mainly connected to the Middle East with lots of Muslim characters explains our choice. Consequently, the present study seeks to answer the following research questions: 1. Do the analyzed sequences of Homeland have Islamophobic elements based on Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) CDA framework? 2. Do the analyzed sequences of Homeland have Islamophobic elements based on Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) Grammar of Visual Design? 3. Are there any combinations of visual and discursive elements to promote Islamophobia in the analyzed sequences of Homeland which can be analyzed by an integration of Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) CDA framework and Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) Grammar of Visual Design?
Our work has led us to the conclusion that many cases in Homeland TV series, either discursive (based on Fairclough’s CDA framework (1992a, 1995, 2001)) or visual (based on Kress and van Leeuwen’s Grammar of Visual Design (2006)), were Islamophobic. Furthermore, there were cases in which both visual and discursive (audio) elements were used to promote Islamophobia. As a result, all of the research questions receive a positive answer. Moreover, it can be concluded that a combination of Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) CDA framework and Kress and van Leeuwen’s Grammar of Visual Design (2006) can create a powerful approach in critical media analysis to expose the real policies of the media and power owners and decode the encrypted messages behind what is shown to the public. It is worth noting that analyzing a greater number of TV series could result in a higher generalization of our results.

Volume 8, Issue 6 (3-2017)

Given the difference between doctrine-based and sharia-based discourses at the time of Hallaj, the present study seeks to adopt a descriptive-analytical approach for critical discourse analysis of Persian and Arabic writings of Hallaj based on the model of Laclau and Mouffe. The main objective of this study is to introduce the discourse of Hallaj as the representative of a discourse arisen from social stratum of mystics. The purpose is to unravel the discourses underlying the writings of Hallaj as well as the signifiers that such discourses struggle over their definition. Results suggest that unlike the Sharia-based discourse of that time, the doctrine-based discourse of Hallaj intended to attribute a different set of the signified to the non-fixed signifiers of "man" and "devil", as a way of deconstructing their domination and subsequently the entire discourse. To demonstrate the unity of man with God, Hallaj used the famous phrase, "Ana al-Haq" that deconstructed the central sharia-based discourse and its semantic system. This signified substituted the "Ana al-Abd" concept characterizing the discourse of dogmatists. Through deconstructing the laws of Islam and unraveling divine secrets, he marginalized the sharia-based discourse at the expense of glorifying and foregrounding his own discourse.

Volume 8, Issue 7 (3-2017)

Van Leeuwen's socio- semiotic network of social actors (2008), is a framework in Critical Discourse Analysis which helps discourse analysts discover how the social features ,settled in the underlying levels of discourses, are represented on the upper levels. This study tries to explore the way social actors are nominated and categorized in “Al” which is a story about the culture of nomadic people in Iran by Mohammad Bahmanbeigi, a famous Iranian novelist and the winner of the UNESCO’s literacy prize. By social actors we mean every single person that plays a role or occupies a specific position in a given society. Particularly, this study attempts to find answers to the following questions:
1. How does the writer use nomination and categorization to express his own viewpoints about the social actors of Nomadic societies of Iran?
2. Can these nominations and categorizations reflect the nomadic people's viewpoints about social actors at the time of nomadic people's illiteracy?
Adopting Van Leeuwen's model of representing social actors, a lot of researcher have tried to explore the social actors of different political and educational discourses but the innovation of this study is that it tries to change the direction of studies from political discourses to literary ones.  Another point is that most of the studies about the representation of social actors have relied mostly on the frequency of the socio- semantic features for their final discussion and results but this study has focused more on qualitative analysis than just counting the frequency of the socio- semiotic features. Although counting frequencies can reveal significant patterns, it is better not to make great claims for numbers. On the contrary, it is important to realize that frequencies often shift with the stages in the writer’s argument and may not be an overall characteristic of the text (vide. Van Leeuwen, 2008: 31).
 The results of this study show that the representation of social actors in “Al” is purposeful and serves to control the viewpoints of the society. The writer, using the advantages of nomination and categorization, expresses his viewpoints covertly and portrays the oppression of women in nomadic societies. On the one hand, the writer categorizes women generically to demonstrate them as the social actors engaged in common complications and on the other hand, he nominates women specifically and individually to picture them as distinguished and independent persons. Men's appraisements are all positive and represent the nomadic people's opinions about males but the appraisements of women, according to the social norms dominating the text, are changing. Using the advantages of deviation, the writer introduces the main character of the story as a deviant actor involved in opposite activities to challenge social norms and beliefs.

Volume 8, Issue 7 (3-2017)

Critical metaphor analysis tries to be a multidisciplinary approach that studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk through metaphors in the social and political the present research, through electing such approaches such as critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics and corpus analysis,  instances of discourse metaphors extracted from opposing wing’s newspapers such as Keyhan and Mardomsalari in Iran and Telegraph and Mirror in England analyzed based on Lakoff’s cognitive approach and Cameron’s discourse metaphor following Charteris-black’s integrative critical metaphor research. The aim was to investigate the similarities and differences between metaphors and conceptual metaphors in each discourse and subsequently in each language. To tackle this concern, considering each wing’s core principals, political parts of the intended newspapers were analyzed and to narrow down the research just five source domains including conflict, structure, journey, religion and plants were focalized. The results showed that the aforementioned languages and the political wings are different in terms of source domains and frequency due to multilingual factors including society, history and culture. The results also demonstrated the metaphorical features of the discourses in terms of source domains. In this study also each kinds of Lakoff’s structural, ontological, directional metaphors and Cameron’s systematic metaphors were identified. Furthermore, this study showed how identical facts are demonstrated differently by opposing ideologies. Finally this eclectic approach came to known as an effective approach in demonstrating hidden power relations.

Volume 8, Issue 15 (5-2021)

Nahj al-balagha is one of the most valuable religious books that has a unique position among Shiite Muslims worldwide. This precious work includes significant aspects which have persuaded many to translate. Translating religious texts in comparison with others has excellent sensitivity, confronting the translators with lots of limitations.  However, these texts were not an exception to manipulation. One of the most challenging subjects in this book is related to women. Women’s position in Imam Ali’s words is always in dispute among translators. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of translators’ gender and ideology in translating Nahj al-balagha’s sermons, letters, and sayings about women in Dashti and Aghamirzaei’s translations. To achieve this goal, those words and sentences related to women were selected, compared, and analyzed according to Farahzad critical discourse analysis model and Zuberga manipulation strategies. The result of the research revealed that in their translation, ideology has had a significant role and has made a great difference. Moreover, it was proved that there was no significant relationship between the translator’s gender and the gendered translation. Surprisingly, despite being a male translator,  Dashti has translated these parts more positively than Aghamirzaei as a female translator.

Volume 8, Issue 32 (4-2020)

Persian folk culture and literature, largely oral literature, has been mostly forgotten due to the dominance of aristocratic literature, but what is left of it is also because of the same aristocratic literature, especially for the narrative works such as Faraj Ba’ad Az Sheddat. Through these works, we have access to unique experiences of folk culture. Such folk narrative prose texts are appropriate bases for examining the cultural reflections in various contexts, including issues related to women’s status. This study tries to employ a new approach on the ancient prose, and further show that the same narratives have been considered from the formalistic approach so far, but new points of view and perspective could be employed as well. To this aim, the critical discourse analysis approach based on the theory of Fairclough was applied on the sample text at three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation. This research seeks to demonstrate power of women and its cause. The study, focusing on the women's role, agency, and presence and engagement, shows that despite their minor significance, a woman is a symbol of courage in the aftermath of severity, while in the story, the woman, audacious and brave, rebukes against traditions and breaks taboos. As a result, it was concluded that women have an active and powerful role in this text, and their leading role as an agent in the formation of story is evident. Although there is an unequal power relation between men and women, reading between lines, it could be claimed that unlike aristocratic male-dominant discourse, women have sources of power as well. They react against the particular hegemony to achieve their specific goas. Finally, it was found that the agentive role of the women plays a key part in the formation of narrative and explanation of their sources of power.

Volume 8, Issue 33 (12-2011)

The concept of love is one of the most common themesof Persian poetry over all periods especially in the sonnets of theninth century A. H.This conceptin Abdol-Rahman Jami’s triple poetic works, that have been composed in accordance with his three stages of life (i. e. his youth, middleage and old age), has been stated in different forms and involves a special developmental process. For instance, inhis youth, he as a lover poet follows his predecessor poets, especiallySaʻdi to create his own love sonnet discourse.In his middleage love sonnets thatcoincided with the development of the ideas ofIbn-e-Arabi in the school of unity of existence, Jami created his love sonnet discourseas a poetic mystic.This concept, finally in his old age poems, in coincidence with the anarchy and collapse of the Timurid government, developed according to the principles ofVaSukhtschool (that means the School ofturning away from the beloved). This study tries to use Norman Fairclough's method in Critical Discourse Analysis, and Michael Halliday's ideas in Systematic Functional Grammar to investigate the development of love discourse in Jami’s sonnets.In this regard, among the various language metafunctions, the Ideational metafunction has been focused here because of its accordance with sonnet genre and lyrical literature as whole. The development of love discourse in Jami’s sonnets has been mainly realized through the development of material and mental processes as well as by referring to the main participants of the love discourse, the beloved and the lover respectively as YOU, andI.

Volume 9, Issue 5 (12-2018)

In this paper, attempts have tried to study Fairclough’s theory of “inequality of power in the dialogue" by analyzing the dialogues between identical and opposing characters in the novel Fire without smoke by Nader Ebrahimi to identify powerful or passive characters, and decode the novel from the ideological perspective of the author.
To more regulate, this theoretical framework, the questions raised in the Shorter’s model (1996), were used to analyze power relations in the dialogues of characters with the aim of determining the type of relationship and the dominance of the personality poles of the story: Galan - the hero that relies on his physical strength - and Alani - the hero who relies on the power of thought and mind.
The analysis of data suggested that the way the two main characters of the novel interacted with others in their discourse was directly related to the up and downs of their lives. Galan's interaction was limited to an esoteric group of people around them, and as this circle of friends was limited down, his power diminished too, so that with his death, the coercive hegemony and compulsory domination associated with his behavior came to end.
In contrast, Alani not only struck a conversation with people from all aspects of life, especially women and the lower classes of the community, but also urged them to play a key role in the dialogue with the people around them. This contributed to the recognition of his intellectual and political authority and conduct, and even after his death, his thoughts continued to touch the speech and practice of the next generations.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2021)

The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes about the civil disobedience in a public organization. The research strategy was critical discourse analysis and the participants were 20 employees of the mentioned organization who were selected through maximal variation and typical sampling methods. Data collection fulfilled with the use of the semi-structured interview tool until the theoretical saturation. Data analysis was based on Fairclough three-stage method (description, interpretation and explanation). The findings led to the discovery of three discourses of civil disobedience as taboo, natural, and necessary behavior. According to the taboo discourse, civil disobedience is informal and destructive behavior with disfunctional consequences for the organization and is therefore considered unauthorized. In natural discourse, civil disobedience is an algebraic mechanism inherent in the nature of the organization, so that when the current routine of the organization is unable to meet the members' demands for justice, a group of them will naturally engage in civil disobedience. In the essential discourse, civil disobedience is considered an acquired phenomenon by those members of the organization who have suffered psychological frustration and obstruction as a result of organizational injustice, and view it as the last resort and remedy for injustice in the organization. 

Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2022)

The present study has been carried out by applying the components and discourse strategies of Roger Fowler in order to reveal the ideology of the author and the social actors of the novel of Mirrors with Doors. In his discourse theory, Fowler pays special attention to the structure of the text in the fields of superstructure and deep structure. Therefore, the present paper has tried to gain a deep understanding of its construction through the analysis of the superstructure of the novel of mirrors, according to Fowler's views. In this regard, the main question of this research is to seek the strategies Houshang Golshiri used in the superstructure of his work in order to show the depth of the text. The method of this research is qualitative borrowing a descriptive-analytical approach to describe and evaluate the data. The results indicated that Glorification and Marginalization are the governing mechanism of novel discourse practices and behaviors. Using the following strategies, the author has been able to demonstrate the ideology of the Iranian immigrant communists: Discourse functions of pronoun reference, suspension, ambiguity, modality, activation, question sentences, changing the position of sentence elements, removing some linguistic elements, and anachronism. The most frequent discourse strategy is related to the component of pronoun reference and the least frequent is related to changing the position of sentence elements. It should be noted that the above-mentioned discourse strategies are the most important features of Golshiri's novel superstructure.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2019)

metaphor when linked to ideology becomes as one of the main concepts of critical discourse analysis ,so they will not be decorative elements and out of the discourse cortex anymore; instead they will provide the benefits of the people in an insider group and try to knock the people of an outsider group. This matter greatly appears in kinds of literature which are Anti-Colonial. The Novel “Moden al-Malh” written by “Abdul Rahman Monif” (1933-2004) is one of these kinds in which the Anti-Colonial American Ideology is evident. The writers of this query are trying to study the metaphorical functions considering the Ideological Square of “Van Dijk” by qualitative studies and critical methods. The research achievement shows that Abdul Rahman Monif in "Moden al-Malh"  describing the insider group (the Arabs) by applying metaphor, indicates characteristics such as patriotism, having a revolutionary spirit, alliance and liberalism in the text ; and describing the outsider group (the Americans and the Government) induces characteristics like deception, frustration, interference, cultural invasion and falsehood to the audience . He also has been able to illustrate the conflict among the Arabs on the one hand and the Americans and the Government on the other hand as well. The most important metaphorical function in this novel is the legitimacy of America in the Persian Gulf States that has been simply achieved by leaders supporting them and by giving false secular promises, which of course the writer has maximized the function of metaphor in the above mentioned novel by the use of two instruments of humor and affection.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2020)

The English language textbooks for learners with special educational needs play a crucial role in classifying knowledge in the learners’ minds and framing their axiological-epistemological systems. As a result, developing English language textbooks based on discourses of needs analysis can not only empower language skill abilities among these learners but also contribute to them to become active citizens. However, if the materials developed are silent on the learners’ needs in developing their practices may marginalize the learners as at risk educational groups. Very few studies have critically analyzed prevocational English language textbooks written for learners with special needs to see to what extent the content, conversations and image of these English language textbooks could meet daily affair realizations for learners with special needs.  Embedded in Laclau and Moffe’s Critical Discourse Analysis approach, the current study thus focuses secondary school prevocational English language textbook by ministry of education in grades seven, eight and nine. Findings showed that in the dominant discourse of these textbooks, there exists no symbol of body and life style representation of these learners. They have been selected either in ideal or token manners. Contents and images of these textbooks could not go beyond dichotomizing hegemonic discourses of society (normal-abnormal) and have reproduced power relations belonging to ordinary people. Normal affair is a social construct. Discourse representation and power relations dominant on curriculum patterns frame real worlds and life styles for learners with special needs. Thus, dearth of images and challenges of people with special needs are perceived as their absence in public domains and consequently neglecting multiple life styles of these groups. Hence, this study is of significance as it has some theoretical and practical ramifications for the materials developers and raises their awareness to redesign English language textbooks for these learners based on their needs.      

Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The purpose of this paper is to identify the dominant discourse on texts related to human resource development strategies in the banking industry that represent the reality of education and learning. In fact, in addition to identifying the type of dominant discourse, we examine key concepts in discourse order. This research is based on Fairclough's critical discourse analysis (CDA) method. The theoretical framework that Fairclough introduces, involves a variety of concepts that have been used for research purposes. Fairclough analyzes these concepts in a three-dimensional model. According to this model, the selected text, which is a "comprehensive system of education and human resource development" in the banking industry, was analyzed in detail at the three levels of description, interpretation and explanation. The results of the analysis showed that the dominant discourse on human resource development strategies in the banking industry is articulated through the discourse elements of integration perspective, performance-based approach and guided learning activities and the order of discourse dominates the whole of this discourse.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Ideology can increase the rivalry or socio-political clashes between political powers within a society. People, political parties and organizations set their policies following a dominant ideology. News agencies are among the highly influential organizations which can affect ideological and political thinking. News agencies, by means of translation, try to direct people’s way of thinking toward a special direction. Therefore, the role of translation in highlighting political rivalry among parties is undeniable. Meanwhile, translators’ word choice can reflect the differences between the Reformists and the Conservatives. The aim of the current study is to examine the representation of ideological foregrounding in journalistic translators’ word choice. The corpus includes 200 journalistic sentences collected from foreign news websites. Then collected data were analyzed based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. The results showed that the conflicts between two main parties are reflected in translators’ word choice. The phenomenon can potentially increase clashes and tensions in a society and challenge social stability.
 Human life and affairs are not just limited to a particular country or region. Today, everything that happens in a corner of the world can easily affect people’s lives in other countries. Consequently, people want to know what happened in other parts of the world. Therefore, a wide range of communication tools has been developed in recent decades. News media is one of the most important communication tools that has greatly affected human life in the contemporary era. But news media is not just for communication. It is a proper tool to advance the ideological goals of organizations, institutions, and even political parties. Therefore, one of the important elements that should be considered in the news media is ideology. News media also needs some efficient tools to advance its ideological goals. Translation is an effective tool that can be very helpful and supportive for media to put forward society in a predefined path. News agencies, using translation, can direct people’s way of thinking toward a special direction. Therefore, the role of translation in highlighting political rivalry among parties is undeniable. Meanwhile, translators’ word choice can reflect the differences between the Reformists and the Conservatives.
The current research aims to investigate the representation of ideological foregrounding in journalistic translators’ word choice through critical discourse analysis. To achieve this goal, a corpus of 200 journalistic sentences collected from foreign news agency’s websites. As the political rivalry between Iranian Conservative and Reformist parties was to be examined, the Persian translation of this news was also collected. Then collected data were analyzed based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. The main question of the present study was to what extent the ideology of the news translator had been reflected in his/her choice of words and to what extent this plays a role in increasing the political confrontation of the parties. Since only translators' word choice is considered, only those parts of Fairclough’s model have been selected that were suitable for lexical analysis. The main hypothesis of the research was that the translator’s word choice could play a key role in ideological clashes between parties.
After analyzing collected data, the results revealed that the conflicts between the two main parties are reflected in translators’ word choice. This can potentially result in clashes and tensions in society and challenge social stability. In addition, it was found that news translating is one of the most challenging translations that is associated with applying the ideologies of political parties, organizations and groups. Furthermore, it became clear that the mode of translation can affect the way of thinking of the society in different situations.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2021)

Speeches of the presidents at the United Nations General Assembly is of great importance with respect to ideology. The present study aims to compare the ideology in speeches of Iranian presidents in recent years including Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hasan Ruhani. The data of this descriptive research are gathered out of texts of the speeches in 2001, 2005, 2007, 2013, and 2018. Then, the data were analyzed within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Fairclough. This framework includes three stages namely Description, Interpretation and Explanation. At the first stage, the linguistic strategies utilized in the speeches are explored. In Interpretation stage, Situational, Intertextual and Pragmatic contexts are analyzed. In Explanation stage, the first two stages are expanded into the society level. The results of the study show that there are some similarities and discrepancies among the speeches. The similarity lies in the ideology of defending rights of Iran and oppressed nations. Mohammad Khatami attempted to integrate all countries to work in same direction in order to settle the disagreements. Meanwhile, due to Situational contexts and political, financial and regional conditions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hasan Ruhani made their effort to mobilize nations to stay against oppressing nations.

1. Introduction
Critical discourse analysis is a common field among many disciplines, including linguistics, literature, political science, etc., which examines the linguistic patterns in the text and measures the relationship between language, society, and culture. This field could be applied to analyze texts with a wide range of topics. Fairclough (1995, p. 132) considers critical discourse analysis to be the study of ambiguous relationships between a) speech methods, events, and texts, and b) broad social and cultural structures. The ideological relations in the text are one of the most important issues related to critical discourse analysis. Fairclough's emphasis on the hidden ideology of texts in Language and Power (2001) shows the importance of this issue in discourse studies. The speech of the presidents of the countries in the United Nations is a rich source of ideological information and policies of the countries due to the use of different strategies.
The issue of this research is also how ideology is represented in their speeches. The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences in the representation of ideology and language strategies used in the speeches of Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani.
1. What are the similarities and differences between the representation of ideology in the speeches of Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani?
2. What linguistic strategies have been utilized to represent ideological differences?
2. Literature Review
One of the most important and fundamental works published in the field of critical discourse analysis is the book Language and Power by Fairclough (2001). In this book, he examines the three stages of description, interpretation and explanation. These three stages are also described in Fairclough (2006). Another book published by Fairclough (1995) is Media Discourse, which examines the mass media from various linguistic and social dimensions. Morover, several scientific articles have been published in the field of critical discourse analysis of the speeches of political officials in the world. Alami et al (2017), Carreon and Svetanant (2017), Afkhami et al (2018) and Ziyaie et al (2013) are amongst the most significant ones.
3. Methodology
This research is qualitative and the method of data analysis is descriptive-analytical. The data of the present article are collected from the text of the speeches of the Presidents of Iran in the past years in the UN meetings. Out of a total of 15 speeches delivered at the United Nations, two speeches from each president were randomly selected. Then, the collected data were described and analyzed in order to examine the ideological relations and hidden power and angles in the framework of Fairclough (2006) critical discourse analysis.
Lectures are examined at three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation, according to Fairclough's (ibid) approach. Examining each of these three levels includes vocabulary and grammar. At the descriptive level, the data have been studied in terms of formal and visual characteristics, at the level of interpretation in terms of two levels, high and low, and at the level of discourse explanation according to social conditions.
4. Results
Using data analysis, it was shown that the speeches of the United Nations Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani have similarities and differences in terms of different aspects of discourse and power relations. This set of data presented in different sections of the research proves the first hypothesis of the present article. The speeches have similarities in terms of trying to defend the rights of Iran and the oppressed countries, and all three presidents have tried to defend the rights of the Iranian people and the oppressed countries, but there are differences between them in terms of representing ideology using different linguistic forms. And this proves the second hypothesis of the research. The final results of the present study show that Mohammad Khatami is trying to integrate and show solidarity with all countries in the world in terms of political behavior, while Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani are trying to mobilize countries against world oppressors such as the United States, Britain and others. It seems that this difference was due to various reasons such as the context of the situation and the political, economic and regional conditions during the presidency of each of the presidents of Iran.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2022)

This study aimed to critically analyze the promotional texts in nature schools within Ecolinguistics approach. Data collected through telegram channels of nature schools over the past three years.These texts are often taken from Vahhabzadeh(2013 and 2016). Finally,45 discourse texts were selected, comprising a total of 274 clauses. Each clause was analyzed based on Hallidays systemic functional grammar from the perspective of experiential, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions, and ultimately they were ecolinguistically examined. The relationship between human and the environment and understanding the views and attitudes of these schools are among the issues were examined. The results showed that the content of 168 clauses, i.e. 61 percent of clauses, encourages humans to conserve the environment and make proper use of nature and  In 149 cases, approximately 55%, there is a human-nature or nature-friendly relationship. As a result, these schools play a key role in changing human attitudes toward the environment, leading children to conserve nature.
Critical Discourse Analysis of Educational Texts in Nature Schools: An Ecolinguistics Perspective
Received: 13 December 2019
Received in revised form: 8 March 2020
    Accepted: 7 April 2020

Sedighesadat Meghdari1* & Masoome Yousefi2

This study aimed to critically analyze the promotional texts in nature schools within Ecolinguistics approach. Data collected through telegram channels of nature schools over the past three years.These texts are often taken from Vahhabzadeh(2013 and 2016). Finally,45 discourse texts were selected, comprising a total of 274 clauses. Each clause was analyzed based on Hallidays systemic functional grammar from the perspective of experiential, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions, and ultimately they were ecolinguistically examined. The relationship between human and the environment and understanding the views and attitudes of these schools are among the issues were examined. The results showed that the content of 168 clauses, i.e. 61 percent of clauses, encourages humans to conserve the environment and make proper use of nature and  In 149 cases, approximately 55%, there is a human-nature or nature-friendly relationship. As a result, these schools play a key role in changing human attitudes toward the environment, leading children to conserve nature.

Keywords: Ecolinguistics,Critical discourse analysis, Nature schools, Systemic Functional grammar.
1. Introduction
 Environmental linguistics, by nature , is the critique of language forms contributing to environmental degradation and helping the exploration new forms of language that encourage people to protect the environment. This research aims to do an ecolinguistically critical discourse analysis on nature schools texts.
Research Question(s)
What is the relationship between man and nature in the propaganda texts of nature schools?

2. Literature Review
"Environmental Linguistics" is a book translated by Aghagolzadeh (2016) is the most comprehensive and complet book in Persian. Shahnaseri (2009) has ecolinguistically analyzed the shortcomings of science at both lexical and grammatical levels. Maleki et al. (2016) introduced the typology of environmental discourses in of Islamic National Parlement negotiations. Mirsaeedi (2016) showed the poems contain litral devices such as metaphor, prsonafication and so on can be considered as a model for turning Persian into a green language. Ghiasian and Shirini (2016) research is a decoding of humanism institutionalized in Persian language and culture. (see also Miboudi et al. (2014), Qatreh et al. (2015),  Rakaei and Naeemi (2016), Khairabadi (2015) and Mushtaqimehr and Faizi (1397) for similar disscussion).

3. Methodology
This research is done through Halliday's systematic- functional theory (2004), namely. experiential, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions from the perspective of ecolinguistically critical discourse analysis.
4. Results
Results obtained from experimental analysis of 274 clauses as the research data indicated relational process has the highest frequency with 107 items. This verifies the claim that relationships have a special place in the texts of nature schools. Results obtained from interpersonal analysis showes non-mentioned subject has the highest frequency, indicating the authors of nature school texts pay less attention to interaction and only play an informative role. The next case is positive polarity, which has the highest frequency with 201 cases, and shows that the author has presented his views with determination in most of his texts. The statment with a frequency of 228 is in the first place and shows the authors interst to give too informations to the readers. Application of grammatical aspects suggestes that the affirmative aspect with a frequency of 215 has the highest frequency. It indicates the author has a high degree of certainty. Results obtained from textual analysis shows the experimental initiator has the highest frequency indicating the authors seek to attract the audience's attention. The promotional perspective of nature schools analysis showed approximately 61% encourages human beings to preserve the environment.Finally, the relationship between man and nature in the studied texts indicates that in approximately 55%, there is a friendly relationship between human and nature.


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