Showing 81 results for Perception
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2023)
Aims: This paper aims to find a comprehensive conceptual model for health landscape by reviewing some important and decisive theories on the relationship between landscape and health.
Methodology: The theories in the field of health landscape are analyzed based on a descriptive-analytical method in two categories. The first category examines the existing mechanisms explaining the relationship between landscape and health and why the landscape affects people's health, while the second category tries to measure these effects by examining the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of the landscapes.
Findings: The analyses showed that the related theories in this field, which were initially formed based on a purely objective or subjective, gradually and in the course of their evolution, somehow converged with the comprehensive and holistic concept of landscape and focused on both aspects of objectivity and subjectivity in analyzing the health landscape. This has led to an approach in the field of landscape that emphasizes the role of the individual, society and the environment, considering the health of the landscape as a relative matter that will vary from person to person.
Conclusion: The presence of individual agency (adaptive skills and capacities of a person) and socio-environmental dimensions in today's definition of health in other fields indicates the existence of an interdisciplinary agreement on this convergence. This article shows that by relying on perception, these seemingly opposite aspects can be put together and a meaningful and holistic model can be achieved in relation to the health landscape.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)
Aims: The credit system is in the focal point of the attention of the design philosophy. The main purpose of the research is to identify the view point of the Allameh Tabatabai, for analyzing the functions of the credit system and perceptual device, in architectural design process. It is to improve the performance of designers and architects.
Methods: The process of perception has been explained by the philosophers in a more comprehensive way than other related sciences. Meanwhile, the problem of the existence and the way of formation of the basic assumptions of the perceptual system is the challenging problem of the research. The logical argumentation research paradigm, the descriptive-documentary methodology have been adopted with qualitative-quantitative research approaches to outline the the view point of the Allameh Tabatabai.
Findings: The findings of the research show that understanding the phenomena and the process of transforming human's peripheral and internal contents into knowledge is an extremely multifaceted and wide-ranging issue. What and how we think are among the desiners’ dellima toward architectural design process, but most of the experts in the field of design and architecture have also shown favor to the view point of the Allameh Tabatabai.
Conclusion: Allameh Tabatabai confirmed the existence of this important sub-system in the mental system and described the process of its formation in a completely argumentative philosophical statement. He named this knowledge package the “credit system” and recognizes it as one of the sub-sections of the perception system as a part of conceptual recognition system.
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2022)
Lexical richness in written language production has been examined in different contexts and in relation to different genres but research into the effects of within-genre topics on lexical richness is still limited and takes little account of learners’ perspectives. The present study therefore sought to understand the effects of topics on lexical richness (lexical density, lexical diversity and lexical sophistication) in written essays by Vietnamese EFL learners. Data were collected from sixty-four English-major university students who each wrote four essays on four different topics across two genres (persuasive and descriptive) in their normal classes as progress tests. Ten students were also interviewed after they had completed all the essays to understand their perceptions of the writing topics. Lextutor’s VocabProfile was used to obtain measures of lexical density, lexical diversity and lexical sophistication. The results showed mixed effects of writing topics on these three lexical measures. Learner perspectives provided insights into how cognitive and affective individual factors contributed to the complexity of topic influence. Pedagogical implications are discussed in regard to how to enhance productive lexical use in writing through task selection and instructional planning.
Volume 13, Issue 6 (3-2022)
Stress is a linguistic property of a word that specifies which syllable in the word is stronger than any of the others. Early studies such as Fry (1955, 1958), Lieberman (1960), Beckman (1986), Harrington, Beckman, and Palethorpe (1998) (see also Laver, 1994 for an overview) have shown that there are clear acoustic differences between stressed and unstressed syllables: stressed syllables are realized with higher pitch, higher intensity, longer duration, and more peripheral vowel quality than unstressed syllables. Studies in many stress-accent languages show that the stressed realization of a syllable differs from the unstressed realization of the same syllable by having higher pitch. Also, results have showed that speakers consistently use duration to distinguish between open and central vowels that contrasted in stress at the word level. In contrast with F0 and duration, the relation of intensity variation in the speech signal to word stress is still controversial.
In this paper, we investigated the role of acoustic factors involved in perceptually differentiating simple past from present perfect verbs in Persian, through manipulation of fundamental frequency (F0) and duration. Thus, tokens were resynthesized from the phonetic forms of Persian simple past and present perfect verbs in which F0 and duration were manipulated in several steps. The target tokens were presented to some native Persian participants to identify as simple past or present perfect. Results suggested that Persian listeners’ judgements of the tense of the target tokens depend, to a great extent, on the local F0 values of the verbs’ syllables as any amount of increase in the local F0 points of the respective syllables can categorically change the listeners’ judgements about the temporal reading of the verbs involved. On the other hand, results for duration showed that values of this parameter fail to produce a significant effect on listeners’ judgements.
1. Introduction
Stress is a linguistic property of words. It specifies the syllable that is stronger than any of the others. Early studies have shown that there are clear acoustic differences between stressed and unstressed syllables: stressed syllables are realized with a higher pitch, higher intensity, longer duration, and more peripheral vowel quality than unstressed syllables (Sluijter and van Heuven, 1996). Studies in many stress-accent languages show that the stressed realization of a syllable differs from the unstressed realization of the same syllable by having a higher pitch. Also, results have shown that speakers consistently used duration to distinguish between open and central vowels that contrasted in stress at the word level, while stress contrast between open vowels at the sentence level was mainly cued by the accompanying intonational prominence contrast. In contrast with F0 and duration, the relation of intensity variation in the speech signal to word stress is still controversial. On the one hand, previous work has generally emphasized that intensity manipulations prove much weaker cues than duration in stress perception. On the other hand, several different operationalizations of intensity such as intensity summed over time (Beckman, 1986) and spectral tilt; i.e., the degree to which intensity changes as frequency increases (Sluijter and van Heuven, 1996a; Sluijter, van Heuven, and Pacilly, 1997), are consistent correlates of stress. For example, Sluijter and van Heuven (1996) argue that previous research which has shown loudness variation to be virtually inconsequential for stress perception is usually based on analyses that do not distinguish between word stress, on the one hand, and prominence resulting from pitch accent on the other. They notice that the traditional account of stress as a local increase in loudness seems justified if a more accurate measure of intensity is chosen.
Simple past and present perfect verbs in Persian are segmentally similar in colloquial speech and only different in terms of the stress position. The morphological structure of present perfect in Persian incudes two verbal morphemes: (1) the perfect marker /-e/ and (2) person and number marker. In colloquial speech, the perfect marker /-e/ is deleted and the following vowel (e.g., the vowel of the person and number marker) is pronounced longer than usual.
The present study is intended to investigate how simple past and present perfect verbs in Persian colloquial speech are acoustically differentiated and to what extent the acoustic cues to verb morphological identity are used in perception. We hypothesized that both F0 and duration can be used as reliable acoustic cues to perceptually distinguish simple past and present perfect verbs in Persian. The research is innovative in that it is the first experimental study that investigates the phonetic differences between simple past and present perfect verbs in Persian.
2. Methodology
In a perception experiment, we investigated the role of acoustic factors involved in perceptually differentiating simple past from present perfect verbs in Persian, through manipulation of fundamental frequency (F0) and duration. Thus, tokens were resynthesized from the phonetic forms of Persian simple past and present perfect verbs in which F0 and duration were manipulated in several steps. The target tokens were presented to some native Persian participants to decide whether they are simple past or present perfect. Twenty speakers of Standard Persian (10 male and 10 female) participated in the perception experiment.
Fundamental frequency and duration were examined in a perception experiment as the potential parameters (based on the production experiment) to distinguish between simple past and present perfect. Two verbs were chosen from the production experiment to be manipulated in three ways through several steps.
The first type of stimuli was created through 5 ten-Hz steps by increasing peak height of syllable A in simple past verbs (from 210 to 250 Hz and from 130 to 170 Hz for the verb /dozdidænd/ “steal-Past-3rd PL” and /dʒængidænd/ “fight- Past-3rd PL”, respectively) (Fig. 2). The second type of stimuli was made by increasing peak height of syllable B in present perfect verbs through 5 steps (from 134 to 184 Hz and from 133 to 173 Hz for the verbs “dozdidænd/ “steal-Past-3rd PL” and /dʒængidænd/ “fight- Past-3rd PL”, respectively (Fig. 2). Finally, the height of peak was kept constant for the respective verbs and the duration of syllable A in simple past verbs was increased through five 12-ms steps. The same procedure was applied for syllable B in present perfect verbs (Fig. 3).
3. Results
Results showed that the stimuli are perceived as simple past where syllable A is at least 15 Hz higher in pitch than syllable B. According to the results, the stimuli are perceived as present perfect where syllable B is at least 10 Hz higher in pitch than syllable A. Finally, the matching judgements for the stimulus pairs based on duration showed that the steps of duration yielded about 50 % identification responses irrespective of the type of stimuli (simple past or present perfect).
4. Conclusion
In general, the results of the perception experiment carried out in this research suggested that Persian listeners’ judgements of the tense of the target tokens depend, to a great extent, on the local F0 values of the verbs’ syllables as any amount of increase in the local F0 points of the respective syllables can categorically change the listeners’ judgements about the temporal reading of the verbs involved. On the other hand, results for duration showed that values of this parameter fail to produce a significant effect on listeners’ judgements.
Volume 13, Issue 52 (9-2016)
The profound understanding of sensible- perceptive data has a crucial rule in order to analyze mystic texts. This research aims at investigating mystic Shath’s based on semiotic foundations of passions. The priority of visual perception in comparison with other sensible –perceptive data and their interaction reveal the phenomenological aspects of mystic Shath’s. Fluidity, dynamicity and flexibility of these resulted and diverse propositions besides constant relationship between subject and object reinforce this bilateral aspect. Thus, in this study, by adopting the approach of semiotics of passion to analyze and adjust mystic Shath’s, the presence and effect of the sensible propositions are examined in literary texts.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2023)
Research on Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) has received much attention in language education in Vietnam. However, research on investigating perceptions of secondary school teachers towards TBLT implementation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam is still scarce. The current study investigates secondary school English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ understandings of task concept and TBLT principles. It also explores teachers’ attitudes and concerns in implementing TBLT. Ninety-eight secondary school EFL teachers participated in the study. Framed by TBLT principles adapted from Nguyen, Jaspaert and Van den Branden (2018), a survey was used to collect quantitative data. The results indicated that the teachers generally had a high level of understanding of task concept and TBLT principles. In addition, they showed positive views on implementing TBLT in their practices. The results also addressed teachers’ concerns in implementing TBLT into their teaching practices including time constraints, the mismatch between the reform goals proposed by the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) and current teaching policies at the secondary school level as well as the large class size. Accordingly, insightful implications for a better TBLT implementation in Vietnam and similar contexts elsewhere have been taken into consideration.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2023)
The present study aimed to develop our understanding of various aspects of EFL teachers’ perceptions of professional development in Iran using mixed-methods design. After a review of current literature and questionnaires, in the qualitative phase of the study, interviews were conducted with 12 EFL teachers and teaching experts. The data obtained from the interviews was subject to content analysis and the results revealed 4 major themes. In the quantitative phase, based on the findings of the qualitative phase and the supporting literature, a 74-item questionnaire was constructed and administered to 250 participants, after pilot testing and reviewing of the items. The quantitative data was analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a 4-factor structure was identified. After modifications in the questionnaire, the final version of the questionnaire was administered again to the participants and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the construct validity of the EFL TPPD questionnaire and the four components. The results revealed that professional development activities, benefits, needs and barriers are the major dimensions of Iranian EFL teachers’ perceptions of professional development. The proposed model can have theoretical and practical contributions to EFL teacher professional development.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2023)
The present study explored the effect of explicit Communication Strategies (CSs) instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ usage of these strategies in their educational tasks at different proficiency levels. To conduct the study, the researchers chose 20 Iranian EFL teachers and their 150 students at two universities in Tabriz, Iran. Accepting a mixed-methods design, the researchers used a questionnaire, an English language proficiency test, and a semi-structured interview to collect the required data. The findings indicated that after receiving communication strategy instruction, teachers and students had positive attitudes toward the usefulness of CSs in the language learning process. However, learners in different proficiency levels had different preferences toward CSs. While advanced learners showed their inclination to use compensation strategies, intermediate learners preferred to use metacognitive. Elementary learners favoured using cognitive CSs. These differences can be attributed to individual differences and contextual factors that suggest pedagogical implications for both teachers and students and provide tentative subjects for further studies.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2024)
Aims: Technological development, organization of space based on functional approaches and modern visual modeling have led to the emergence of mold products in the urban landscape of contemporary Iran, dealing more with physical requirements and visual effects. In late architecture, however, there are manifestations of human themes in relation to the space which are due to the existence of a bond between architecture and literature. In order to re-establish such a bond, this article seeks to investigate "Hafez’s Lyrical Space" to reexamine the concept of space in architecture.
Methods: The space of Hafez’s poetry is interrelated with man’s experience so in its relation with human experience and phenomenological studies. This study is informed by Phenomenological methodology. In order to recognize human experiences germane to Hafez’s lyrical space and to understand the concept of space, this article has investigated human experiences of a number of professionals in different fields.
Findings: The findings suggest that the concept of "Hafez’s Lyrical space" is constantly intertwined with human embodiment (body- mind) in his poetry, so human being becomes meaningfulness in lyrical space and vice versa. This space appears with the presence of human embodiment in a multifaceted dialectical relationship, i.e. visible and invisible layers, separate from a concentration and centralization on human or other phenomena.
Conclusion: Based on the concepts extracted from mediating, multidimensional and embodied lyrical spaces of Hafez's poetry which were considered with unique connection with human, the process of formation of lyrical spaces embodied in contemporary urban landscape and architecture emerged.
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2010)
Social undermining has been considered as one of the negative outcomes of
social life that imposes huge costs on both organizations and society.
Mangers should be aware of all dimensions and outcomes of this
phenomenon in order to reduce its negative interactions.
The purpose of this paper was recognizing of social undermining model,
and establishing social consciousness in employers and employees.
According to fairness theory, a conceptual model was developed, which
examined the relations between independent variable (social undermining)
and dependent variable (employee outcomes) as well as the relations of
these variables with mediate variables (justice perception) and the
consideration of moderate variables (cultural values and some functions of
human resource management) in two Iranian organizations by path analysis
and subgroup methods . The obtained results using the social undermining
model confirmed the function of mediate variable (justice perception ) and
moderate variable of some functions of human resource management but
denied the function of moderate variable of cultural values (power distance ).
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2010)
This paper focuses on the measurement of justice perception using fuzzy logic. The measurement of justice perception is not a simple matter, because it is a subjective, complex, vague and ambiguous construct, which is also involved with the judgmental process. Therefore, the low accuracy and reliability of the measurement are among the main concerns in using justice perception measurements. The object of this paper was to develop a new method for measuring justice perception in the frame of the Fairness Theory with three types of fairness: distributive, procedural and interactional. It was performed in a Iranian Bank (Melat Bank) with the aim of decreasing the measurement bias and increasing its reliability. The outputs of this fuzzy measurement are significantly different to those of the other conventional methods. The reliability and the construct validity of this fuzzy measurement were confirmed by statistical results. Comparison of the means of the crisp and fuzzy scores using two-paired T- test showed a significant difference between the means of crisp and fuzzy scores in the distributive, interactional and general justice, but there was no not significant difference in this regard in the procedural justice. It also could represent the latent factors of human cognitive judgment and, therefore, contribute to improve the justice perception process in organizations.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2023)
Spelling is an essential part of literacy that helps students in all grades learn English successfully. EFL students have not been taught how to write words correctly. Even those few teachers who are instructing spelling based on traditional methods have failed to provide adequate help to their students because they are unaware of the most effective spelling methods and employ outdated spelling theories. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check (LSCWC) method on the English spelling performance of Iranian students. This study included 37 students in the ninth grade, ages 15 to 16, and was conducted at a public boys' school in Tehran, Iran. The study employed a quasi-experimental design with a pre-and post-test. The experimental group was trained to spell 120 words throughout 24 sessions using the LSCWC method, while the control group received no treatment. The instruments consisted of pre- and post-spelling tests as well as an attitudinal questionnaire. The Mann-Whitney U test results showed that the participants in the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group on the spelling post-tests. Moreover, according to the results of the attitudinal questionnaire, most respondents were satisfied with the LSCWC method. The LSCWC method needed less one-to-one instruction and increased students' confidence and autonomy when learning new words. The findings of this study will help policymakers, curriculum designers, materials developers, teacher trainers, and language teachers figure out how to assist junior high school students who have trouble with spelling.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2024)
Aims: There are sometimes unclear boundaries between what an architect knows and what he does not know about a real project. The research aims to discuss the necessity of the sensory mediator between the inside and outside of a designer's mind.
Methods: The adopted emancipatory research paradigm is built on the philosophical foundations of descriptive research methodology. In terms of type, it is part of qualitative research, and a questionnaire tool is used to match the qualitative study with the reality of the target society. Allameh Tabatabai's credit system has been chosen as the theoretical framework of the research.
Findings: The analysis of the knowledge available in this theoretical literature of architecture philosophy and the theoretical foundations of contemporary architecture shows that a sensory system is needed as a mediator to process the information of external phenomena. Without a deep understanding of this sensory system, the activity and continuity of the human cognitive system as a subject of analysis is not possible. In practice, the presence or absence of the mental system is dependent on this sensory system, a system that is always considered one of the subsystems of the "human perception system".
Conclusion: Based on the basic concepts proposed by Allameh Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i and the analyses carried out in the field of architectural design process, it can be concluded that receiving the information required by the perception system is possible only through sensory tools, and any perception It is impossible to surpass experience.
Volume 14, Issue 5 (12-2023)
The purpose of this study was twofold: to determine pre-university talented students’ perceptions, strategy use, and challenges of reading comprehension section of the university entrance exam and to investigate the difference between low and high-achieving talented readers in strategy use and attitudes to reading. The participants were 121 EFL students at pre-university centers for talented students in Borujen, Iran. The instruments were three questionnaires on reading strategy, reading attitude, and reading difficulty followed by five open-ended questions. The results revealed that talented students used metacognitive strategies more than affective and cognitive strategies; most talented readers had positive attitude to reading; and their most frequent challenges were insufficient vocabulary knowledge, inability to adapt their speed to allotted time, decentralization, and ineffective study. The results of backward stepwise binary logistic regression also indicated that high and low achieving talented readers were different in retrieval and anxiety-coping strategy use and reading self-efficacy. The findings have implications for teachers of talented students to consider their diversities and orient their teaching toward individual characteristics through providing instructional varieties.
Mojtaba Rafieian, S. G. Reza Islami, Haniyeh Houdsony,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2008)
In recent decades, the theory of Sustainable Development has been introduced to several strands of science. This theory and its special view to communities (Sustainable Community Development) as the cell of urban life, demonstrates the solution to urban problems by highlighting the meaning of city neighborhoods. In the local scale, it is essential to use a collaborative process of development, which is based on the active participation of local people as social capital. In this way, the perception of local residents of a collaborative process is what makes this process successful or otherwise.
This article identifies the perception of local residents towards the collaborative process and its positive and negative aspects. This is done using the “Deep Interview” and “Focus Group Discussion” techniques, deployed within the Jolfa Mahalla community, as a sample urban neighborhood in Tehran, with a rich historical background and strong social networks. This paper aims to argue that the lack of participatory culture between people and local residents can lead to the breakdown of relationship and communication between them, but more importantly, the absence of local urban spaces in neighborhoods further augments this problem. Thus, making suitable local spaces encourages people to participate in local development projects.
Volume 15, Issue 2 (5-2011)
Organizations will to own employees doing extra-role behaviors voluntarily in order to improve organizational performance. OB researchers are trying for more than 20 years to identify predictors of these kinds of behaviors, which are called organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). One of these predictors is organizational politics perceptions. Although-based on some research results-there is a meaningful negative relationship between organizational politics perceptions and OCBs, workplace spirituality’s potential to reduce negative outcomes of organizational politics perceptions, from one hand, and it’s capability to enhance OCBs, on the other, lead us to study the moderating role of this variable in the relationship between OPPs and OCBs. Hence, this paper is aimed to examine the mediating role of workplace spirituality in relationship between organizational politics perceptions and citizenship behaviors. The results uncovered that the workplace spirituality meaningfully moderates OPPs-OCBs negative relationship.
Volume 15, Issue 5 (6-2024)
The combination of face-to-face and online teaching, also called Blended learning (BL) has practically become one of the prevalent models of teaching and learning all over the world. Particularly, it has been applied as a new trend of using technology to concurrently combine in-class and out-of-class learning to optimize the educational impacts on students. However, BL is still quite a new learning model and has not been applied widely in teaching English in Vietnam. The current study was conducted to explore students’ perceptions of BL, the difficulties students think they have, and the percentage of face-to-face and online learning they prefer when learning in the BL environment. Sixty civil engineering students participating in the survey filled out a questionnaire after the forms of BL and the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle had been introduced to them. The findings indicated that more than half of the participants were stimulated by BL and willing to take on the challenges. Nevertheless, some concerns about the lack of IT skills to fulfill the requirements of the BL course cannot be ignored.
Volume 15, Issue 6 (3-2024)
Many studies show that the long-standing perception of listening as a passive skill in language learning has led to traditional auditory teaching methods leading learners to passive input receivers, while learners should be taught in a way that is passive. They should be able to control and strengthen their auditory function. Metacognitive intelligence strategies enable learners to plan, monitor, problem-solve, and evaluate, making them more active listeners. For this purpose, a class (26 students) of auditory secondary learners of the Shahed and Taallom Educational Collection in an educational center was selected as a sample and after removing outliers, using a quasi-experimental pre-test method - Intervention-post-test, the performance of the learners in the auditory parallel tests, before and after the educational intervention, was examined by SPSS software and paired t-test. The results indicate that the learners have increased their learning skills in the post-exam stage with the awareness of metacognitive intelligence, and self-regulation has increased their motivation and also their learning success. In the light of these findings, concepts and suggestions for further studies were presented.
1. Introduction
Metacognition has been accepted as the main factor in educational progress, especially in language learning. Considering the positive relationship between metacognitive intelligence and improving listening skills, so far no research has been done on the effect of metacognitive intelligence on the listening skills of Iranian learners of Arabic as a second language. Therefore, an independent research based on the effect of metacognitive listening strategy training on improving listening comprehension and metacognitive awareness of Arabic language learners seems necessary. The purpose of the current research is to investigate the effect of metacognitive intelligence awareness-raising on listening skills among secondary level students of the "Shahed and Taallom" educational collection.
Research Questions
By considering the problems stated above, the following questions are raised:
1. What is the relationship between intrinsic cognitive intelligence and Arabic listening skills?
2. Does metacognitive intelligence awareness have an impact on improving listening skills of Arabic language learners?
2. Literature Review
Listening is a complex skill and since it plays an important role in people's daily life, it needs attention and precision. Bervan (2001) believes that learners in the classroom should focus more on listening than speaking. Emphasizing listening skills, he admits that his listening ability is usually more than his verbal ability, and this is the reason why in recent years of language education, he has paid more attention to listening comprehension(Sotudeh & Taqipoor, 2010)
By metacognition theory, we mean the theory of metacognition, the theory of cognition. Metacognitive theories are a subset of theories of mind. Theories of mind include, but are not limited to, theories of cognition. Theories of mind deal with mental phenomena such as emotions, personality, etc. (Astington, 1993). Seif (2012) believes that metacognition is the awareness of a person in relation to how he learns; Therefore, metacognitive theories are those theories of the mind that focus on the cognitive aspects of the mind. In fact, metacognitive theories harmonize the beliefs or hypotheses that allow people to predict, control and explain their own knowledge, the knowledge of others, or knowledge in general (Montgomery, 1992). Bailer and Snowman (1993) believe that metacognition is a person's knowledge about his own cognitive processes and the quality of their useful and constructive use to achieve learning goals.
3. Methodology
The research method used in this article is quantitative. In the first step, the research is conducted in a quasi-experimental manner, In order to find out the correlation between subjective intelligence questionnaire and listening skills, the students were asked to answer the questionnaire and participated in a listening test which was designed from the content of the intermediate level book "Shahed and Taallom". In the self-intelligence questionnaire, we considered a score between 0-60 , which were tested in two indicators (do: 2 points and do not: 0). The results of the questionnaire and the listening test were analyzed in the paired t-test, which proved the positive correlation between subjective intelligence and listening skill.
4. Results
The present study first discovered the degree of correlation between inherent cognitive intelligence and listening skills and subjected them to educational intervention. The second step also measured the effectiveness of metacognitive intelligence educational interventions in strengthening learners' listening skills compared to before the intervention. The results showed that targeted training of metacognitive intelligence had a significant effect on increasing learning and improving learners' performance in listening tests. The results of the present research showed that the strategy of comprehensive interaction with peers as one of the strategies to raise awareness of metacognitive intelligence can greatly help improve the listening skills of learners.
The present research showed that teachers make different aspects of learning visible to learners by raising awareness of metacognitive intelligence, thus turning them from passive recipients into active listeners. The results of Hughes and Schumacher's (1991) study are also consistent with this finding, as they found that students who used the "self-test" strategy increased their scores on class tests from of 57 to 71 percent.
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2025)
Literature theoretically provides many positive contributions that could impact students’ learning performance in reading. It is because literature consists of two fundamental functions that Horace called it dulce et utile (sweet and useful). Besides, literature also contains two important elements, i.e., intrinsic and extrinsic. Integrating these literary elements into literary reading activities builds students’ comprehension skills to analyze various aspects, e.g., character, plot, setting, theme, and stylistics as the intrinsic elements and sociology, psychology, politics, and philosophy as the extrinsic elements. In studying the discourses, this research presented perceptional theory and a study of the LBI approach used in a reading course that analyzed the impacts on students’ learning performance. The methodology used in this research was Cresswell's (2016) mix-method with an explanatory case study approach. To collect the needed data, several instruments were utilized in this research, such as interviews and questionnaires. All the collected data were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. After collecting, analyzing, and discussing the data, the results demonstrated that students perceived that LBI material was enjoyable, challenging, and contains moral teaching. Furthermore, students also felt that LBI material impacted some good learning performance, i.e., LBI material improved students’ reading skills, triggered students’ critical thinking, and transformed students’ learning attitudes.
Volume 17, Issue 105 (10-2020)
Reducing sugar consumption in food product formulation is one of the strategies for achieving healthy food, but this has a detrimental effect on the texture and sensory properties of the product. The taste perception has been proven to be influenced by the structure and composition of the foods. In this study, the aroma and texture related cross-modal interactions on perceived sweetness of flavored milk and sugar reduction were investigated. Different treatments of chocolate milk included control treatments with different sugar content (4.5, 6 and 7.5%) and 14 treatments containing different amounts of stabilizer (0.10, 0.15 and 0.20%), vanilla (0, 0.002 and 0.004%) and caramel (0, 0.025 and 0.05%). pH, dry matter and viscosity of all treatments were determined and then all treatments were evaluated by a trained evaluator group and a semi-trained evaluator group. Data analysis was performed using TOPSIS and AHP methods to select the best product. Results showed that with decreasing sugar, pH decreased and with increasing stabilizer dry matter and viscosity increased (P<0.05). Samples containing the combination of vanilla and caramel flavors with reduced sugar by 20% had the best sensory properties. Treatments containing stabilizers also increased the perception of sweetness in the presence of flavors. Overall, this study showed that the sugar content in cocoa milk formulation can be successfully reduced until 20% by the simultaneous use of stabilizers and vanilla and caramel flavors.